Friday, May 6, 2016


Well I mowed the lawn.  I ate my dinner.  I watched some television.  Now night has fallen.  Are there Creatures of the Night?  If so, where have the Creatures of the Night have gone to?  And if the Creatures of the Night have gone, will the Creatures of the Night return.  Perhaps the Creatures of the Night never existed?  Perhaps it was all in my mind.  And if the Creatures of the Night was all in my mind, then what happens now?  If it's all in my mind, then I have the potential to create the outcome the whole entire time.  I could write for myself a happier ending if I desire.  And I shall write for myself a happier ending.  Because its nighttime.  And nighttime is a time for happy endings.
And as I'm lost in thought while it's late at night, here are some photos of Tanya Mityushina.

 Tanya Mityushina and Samantha Hoopes
 Samantha Hoopes

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