Wednesday, March 29, 2017


I just mowed the lawn and soon I'll be vacuuming the rug.  And so continues a calm and relaxing Springtime day in Columbus, Ohio.  I'll be imagining that tomorrow will be just as calm and relaxing.  And with Springtime arriving, it's possible to eat dinner outside on the porch.  Ah yes, Springtime is such a fun season.  And it all leads up to Summer.  And yes, I enjoy Summer even more than I enjoy Springtime.  Yes, it's true that Winter is also necessary.  However, the arrival of Springtime is very much welcome.  And perhaps Springtime and Summer is much more rewarding when it follows Wintertime.  And now it's Springtime.  Springtime is when the fun really begins.
And as I'm lost in thought during the opening days of Springtime, here are some photos of Olivia Holt.

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