Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Perhaps I'll go on an out of town vacation someday.  The opportunity to go on an out of town vacation never truly worked to my advantage.  But perhaps someday, the chance to do so will present itself.  Right now, I'll enjoy the sights and sounds of the delightful city of Columbus, Ohio for as long as it's possible.  And whatever happens tomorrow, I can still enjoy today without ever going on an out of town vacation.  There are still plenty for me to do in the city of Columbus, Ohio for those with enough imagination and incentive.  And what a day this is going to be.  Ah yes, today has the chance to be a really good day for the Gentle Reader as well as for myself.
And as I'm lost in thought about Czechoslovakia and it's replacement Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, here are some photos of Paulina Porizkova (Who was born and raised in that region).

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