Wednesday, April 5, 2017


In the Springtime, we can put away our Winter coats, gloves and scarfs for a few months.  In the springtime, we can start dressing in Summer clothing.  Yeah, it might snow tomorrow.  Then again, the weather reports has been wrong before.  The weather reports can be wrong again.  And it's Springtime.  It's not supposed to snow in the Springtime.  Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy snow.  But snow belongs in the Winter and it's not Winer anymore.  It's Springtime and I'd rather be getting ready for the arrival of Summer.  Summer is where the magic happens.  And I'm sure that Summer will arrive a few months from now.  I can't wait to switch on the air conditioning in the Summertime.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Springtime, here are some photos of Sophia Bush.

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