Wednesday, July 12, 2017


And it was a good day to do some yardwork.  It's a good day to vacuum the rug.  It's a good time to enjoy the sunshine.  It's a good time to enjoy the Summertime.  I'm sure that tomorrow will be just as nice.  I'm sure tomorrow will be just as good.  But it's tonight.  And it's a quiet night here in the suburbs.  Quiet daytimes leading to quiet nights.  And I'm watching television as I'm surfing the Internet.  And I'm thinking of the future.  I'm always thinking of the future.  I'm always seconds away from seeing what the future will bring.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence

 Jennifer Lawrence

 Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt

 Jennifer Lawrence

 Jennifer Lawrence on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon

 John Oliver, Jimmy Fallon and Jennifer Lawrence on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
 Jennifer Lawrence

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