Thursday, July 20, 2017


Perhaps I'll go on a road trip someday.  Perhaps I'll stay at a Red Roof Motel along the way.  Perhaps watch some television.  Perhaps explore the town.  Get lost in the environment.  Return to the Red Roof Motel for a few hours.  Eat dinner.  Relax.  Spend the night at my room at the Red Roof Motel.  Wake up the next morning.  Eat breakfast.  Explore and get lost in the town.  Return to the Red Roof Motel for a few hours.  Repeat for a week or so.  Then hop on the Greyhound Bus for a new town to see what the next town has in store.  Oh what fun it will be.  Perhaps someday.  Perhaps.
And as I'm lost in thought about being lost in thought, here are some photos of Jane Moseley.

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