Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Do you know how the story should end?  Do you know how the story actually will end.  And is there a difference between how the story should end and how the story actually will end?  And if there is a difference between how the story should end and how the story actually will end, then what should be done about it. 
1.  Do nothing.  The difference between how the story should end and how the story will end will resolve itself in the end.  Who cares if you'll find yourself waiting between twenty to forty years.  Who cares if the twenty to forty years of waiting for the difference between how the story should end and how the story will end could've been spent staying within the world instead of being spent outside of the world.  The process of waiting in itself will be rewarded soon enough.
2.  Do something.  If there is a difference between how the story should end and how the story will end, then a strong effort should be made to bridge the gap.  Spending twenty to forty years waiting in futility is a waste of time when the situation could easily be resolved within the span of one hour.  One hour of productive bridging the gap between how the story should end and how the story will end is far better than between twenty to forty years of waiting in futility for nothing to happen.
Sobbing and wailing about how it's all falling apart is useless if you're not going to roll up the sleeves and start showing the world what your vision actually involves.  Being all talk and no action gets you nowhere.  Being all talk and all action is far better.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of the following individuals.
Amilna Estevão
 Grace Bol
 Grace Bol and Amilna Estevão

Isabella Emmack

Julia Nobis

Varya Shutova

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