Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Roughly less than two days left for the August 2017.  And the question is where did the Summer go?  Summer was here a few minutes ago and now it's about to be replaced by Autumn.  Time moves quickly for those who were fortunate to be prepared for it.  Time moves quickly for those who was unfortunately unprepared for it.  And the question becomes which way would I end up?  With luck, I'll be prepared for anything.  If the chance to win the lottery would happen a few minutes from now, I'd like to think of myself as somebody who would enthusiastically embrace such a thing.  As of right now, I'm still waiting for the chance to win the lottery.  Until then, I shall continue to move forward in hopes each day will be just as delightful as the previous day.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of Holly Marie Combs.

 Holly Marie Combs and Forestry Projects Senior Manager Danny Carmichael

Holly Marie Combs

 Holly Marie Combs and Shannen Doherty

 Shannen Doherty and Holly Marie Combs

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