Thursday, November 16, 2017


There was light outside a few minutes ago.  But I guess I missed the sunset while I was surfing the Internet.  So now it's dark and nigh has fallen.  The afternoon has clearly gone away.  So what will I do now that it's night.  There are so many possibilities to choose from.  I guess I have time to decide.  Perhaps I'll watch television as I slowly come to a decision.   Or perhaps I'll stay indoors for the evening.  It's almost time for me to enjoy dinner.  Perhaps I'll have a better idea on what to do after I enjoy some dinner.  It's always best to make a decision after enjoying dinner.  Until then, it's time for me to turn the lights on because it's dark inside my home.  Illumination is needed to provide light within my home.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Autumn while it's raining, here are some photos of Jenna Fishcer.

 Billie Joe Armstrong and Jenna Fischer

 Jenna Fischer and Director Lee Kirk

 Jenna Fischer

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