Thursday, November 16, 2017


Any notion of daylight streaming across the sky has been long since forgotten.  It's dark outside.  Night has fallen.  Perhaps daylight will return.  But that's a few hours from now.  Right now it's night.  And what a wonderful evening it is.  It's an evening full of magic and wonder.  It's an evening that's full of optimistic possibility.  And it will be fun to see where this evening will lie.  And if nothing happens this evening, then that's fine too.  There's magic in the quiet uneventful hours too.  I'll have a wonderful time regardless what happens tonight.  Perhaps some conversation during the evening hours?  Some conversation would be fine.  Whatever happens tonight is fine with me.  Sit down and pour a steaming mug of coffee.  Let the evening hours conversation begin.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Autumn, here are some photos of Cara Delevingne.

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