Saturday, December 2, 2017


It's the second day of December and the year is almost nearly done.  Just one more month to go and then it's off to the year 2018.  There are two ways of approaching December 2017.  You could spend the entirety of December 2017 finding ways of being angry and vengeful.  Or you could spend the entirety of December 2017 building connections, improving your life and improving the lives of the world around you.  And spending the entirety of December 2017 building connections, improving your life and improving the lives of the world around you is the best way to go.  Anger, hostility and rage is produced by fear.  You're afraid of something so you express that fear with anger, hostility, rage and fear.  Anger, hostility, rage and fear isn't a natural emotion.  It's far better to approach December 2017 fearlessly and approach new situations that you're not familiar with both enthusiasm and gusto.  Who knows?  Perhaps the new situation might be the best type of situation to be in.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Autumn, here are some photos of Emma Roberts.

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