Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Another holiday has come and gone.  And once again, there is the post holiday cleanup to engage in.  Ok, so it's true that May Day really isn't celebrated in the United States---Not yet at any rate.  However, there could always be a day when May Day is made an official holiday in the United States the same way that May Day is an official holiday in other countries.  So I guess there really isn't that much of a post holiday clean up.  But perhaps the Gentle Reader and I were busy celebrating May Day in a foreign country.  In that case, there probably is a massive post May Day holiday cleanup to engage in.  I guess it all depends on which country the May Day celebration was engaged in yesterday.  Well, today is the day beyond May Day.  Let's see what the aftermath of May Day 2018 is going to lead us towards.
And as I'm lost in thought while enjoying the warm Springtime weather, here are some photos of Emily Wickersham.

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