Tuesday, May 1, 2018


April 2018 is gone.  The month of May 2018 has begun.  And soon the year 2018 will be halfway done.  It's amazing how quickly time has a tendency to fly.  Time moves much quicker than expected in some cases.  And the question becomes if I'm ready for the year 2019?  Well, lets try to make it through the year 2018 in one piece before we start to worry about the year 2019.  One thing at a time.  Right now, it's the month of May 2018.  The first day of the year 2018.  In some countries, today is May Day.  May Day isn't celebrated in the United States, but May Day is celebrated in other countries.  Perhaps someday May Day will be celebrated in the United States.  Perhaps 2019 will be the year that the United States starts to celebrate May Day.  We'll see what happens in the months to come.  Until then, Happy May Day y'all.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Springtime, here are some photos of Emily VanCamp.

 Matt Czuchry and Emily VanCamp

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