Saturday, February 23, 2019


ME:  I had trouble sleeping last night.
SER BRONN OF THE BLACKWATER:  Sleep is abuse and a heartless attack against innocent bystanders.  You shouldn't be sleeping at all for the good of humanity.  I shall crush everything in sight and replace it all with an army of zombies.  It will be an eternal darkness.  It will be an eternal Winter.  It's all hopeless.  You can never sleep when there's homicidal zombies potentially at every corner.  You are finished.  You here me?  All of you are finished.
ME:  But a person can't function without sleep longer than a week.
SER BRONN OF THE BLACKWATER:  That's none of my concern.  My concern is causing chaos and destruction.  My concern is killing every living thing at the hands of a zombie.  No need for food.  No need for beverages.  No need for sleep.  No need for anything.  It's all finished.  It's finished.  It's all finished.  Brahahahahahahahaha.
SER BRONN OF THE BLACKWATER:  Mr. Night King, you took the words right out of my mouth.  The Night King is the strong silent type.
SER BRONN OF THE BLACKWATER:  All life on the planet will die and the Night King shall lead the charge.  Death and zombies shall only prevail.   Brahahahahahaha.
ME:  Excuse me as I run for my life.
SER BRONN OF THE BLACKWATER:  Go ahead and try, but it's all finished  It's all finished.  All of you are finished.  Brahahahaha.  Brahahahahahahaha.  Brahahahahahahahaha. 
And as I'm lost in thought in the Winter, here are some photos of the following individuals...
JoJo Wright and Ally Brooke
 Adut Akech and Anok Yai
 Adut Akech and Kaia Gerber
 Adut Akech
 Anok Yai and Adut Akech
 Anok Yai and Kaia Gerber
 Anok Yai

 Kaia Gerber and Adut Akech
 Kaia Gerber and Anok Yai
 Kaia Gerber, Adut Akech and Anok Yai
 Kaia Gerber, Anok Yai and Adut Akech
 Kaia Gerber

Sara Sampaio and Ben Bowers

 Sara Sampaio

 Zendaya Coleman or simply Zendaya

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