Thursday, March 14, 2019


And so I manage to get a decent enough Internet connection to get tis Internet blog entry posted.  And late at night, I surf the Internet before going to bed.  Tomorrow is another day.  It will be interesting to see what tomorrow will bring.  Perhaps tomorrow will be interesting.  Perhaps tomorrow will be just another ordinary calm and relaxing day.  I won't know until tomorrow gets here.  And tomorrow is only a few hours away.  Whatever happens tomorrow, it will be interesting to see what tomorrow has in store for us all.  The future doesn't have to be scary.  Tomorrow has the potential to become the best day of my life.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Winter, here are some photos of the following individuals...
Chiara Dorward

Chiara Scelsci

 Fernanda Ly and Yuka Mannami

 Fernanda Ly

 Zoe Barnard

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