Thursday, August 22, 2019


It's August.  It's almost the end of August.  It's almost the start of September.  Time is flying way too quickly.  Can't Summer last just a tiny bit longer?  Can't Summer last for a few extra months.  Yeah, that would be impossible, but it's worth asking.  Well, I'll just enjoy the Summer for however long that it lasts.  And when Autumn arrives, then I'll be ready for it.  But Autumn isn't here yet.  It's still Summer.  So let's enjoy Summer while it's still here and not think about the next day.  We'll let tomorrow worry about itself.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summer, here are some photos of the following individuals...
Abbey Lee Kershaw

 Charli Howard

 Gwendoline Christie

 He Cong

 Michelle Keegan

 Mona Matsuoka

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