Tuesday, August 27, 2019


It's tempting to go outdoor camping.  However, I don't have the supplies to go outdoor camping.  Nor do I have method to travel to an outdoor camping ground.  And since September is less then a week away, it's far too late in the year for outdoor camping.  If it were closer to the start of Summer, then I might give outdoor camping a try.  But outdoor camping this close to Autumn and Winter wouldn't be a good idea.  Oh well, it's just a thought in my head.  Anyway, it's late at night.  It's time to get some rest in my very soft and comfortable bed.  Night all.  I hope y'all have some nice and pleasant nighttime dreams out there.
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summertime, here are some photos of the following individuals...
Lorena Rae

 Lucan Gillespie, Manuela Sanchez, Maria Miguel and Crystal Zhang

Meg Ryan

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