Thursday, September 5, 2019


Ah yes, the pleasures of living in the state of Maine.  And it's nearing the end of Summer and nearing the start of Autumn.  And so I stood in the Cemetery looking at Blue Hill Bay.  And beyond it all would be the Atlantic Ocean.  It's still warm outside, but there's a slight chill to the air.  I won't need a coat though.  Or if I needed a coat, a hooded zipper up sweatshirt will do just fine.  And I look out at the Blue Hill Bay while surrounded by Tomb Stones.  And I wonder what tales of the deceased the Tomb Stones will tell.  And I return my gaze to the Ocean water.  And it's peaceful.  Ah yes, it's very peaceful here in the cemetery in the town of Blue Hill, Maine. 
And as I'm lost in thought in the Summer, here are some photos of the following individuals...
Christelle Yambayisa

Nirvana Naves


Sanne de Roo

Sara Van der Hoek

Tes Linnenkoper

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