It's been raining a lot in Cleveland, Ohio. According to the Cleveland Plains Dealer, it rained more often in Cleveland, Ohio than it did in Seattle, Washington. It's bad news for my frequently delayed efforts to mow the lawn. Currently, the grass and the clay like soil under the grass is too wet for the lawnmower to be effective. Yes, I could mow the lawn despite wet grass and soil, but it would produce more time and effort. Going job hunting when it's raining and with bike riding as my only mode of transportation is also a challenge. However, I do own rain proof coats that I could where in cash rain does fall while I'm bike riding.
Still, bike riding when it's raining is better than bike riding when it's snowing. Yes, I've done both plenty of times. It's easier for the bike tires to grip the road when there's rain water involved in comparison to the non-existant traction regarding snow. Yes, I know it's hard to build snow people with rain water. Building snow people with snow is much easier. Sorry, I'm in a weird mood today. I'm sure I'll be more coherent tomorow. And as I work towards eventual employment, here are some photos of Demi Moore and Kate Bosworth. Looking at photos of pretty girls won't get me employed faster, but it makes the days go by much easier.
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