You might ask how did Mouse Lass succeed in punishing and killing Kristen Stewart. I shall give you the answer a few minutes from now.
Bella Thorne was both relaxed and comfortable as she walked towards the Black Sea Docks. She walked towards the water edge and she almost fell in. She grabbed the railing and pulled herself back to the safety of the docks. Bella breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't sure what would happen if she fell into the Black Sea. She was glad that she never had to find out.Bella sat down on the Black Sea Docks. She dangled her legs into the Black Sea and soaked her toes into the water. She removed her feet from the Black Sea only to submerge her feet once again.
Bella Thorne almost fell into the Black Sea as she tried to stand up again. She held on to the railing and prevented herself from falling into the water. That was the second close call in a row and that made Bella Thorne feel very nervous all of a sudden.

Jeanine Heller was dressed up as a mouse in front of Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop in front of her place of employment. Jeanine Heller tried to put a brave face on when Katie Holmes approached her former best friend forever turned bitter mortal enemy.
Vanessa Hudgens was the first to leave Yacht Club. She looked around her and didn't see Jeanine Heller. Vanessa Hudgens visited the Yacht Club with Ashley Tisdale three times in the past with this current visit being the fourth. Vanessa was violently attacked and nearly killed by Jeanine three out of four times. Jeanine promised that the fourth violent attack will result in Vanessa's death.
Vanessa called into the Yacht Club, "It's ok. The coast is clear."
Ashley Tisdale emerged from the Yacht Club and said, "Thank Goddess that Jeanine Heller took a break from trying to murder the two of us."
Vanessa said, "Don't get too over confident. The danger isn't over until Jeanine Heller dies. That's the part that worries me. Our failed efforts to kill Jeanine Heller could result in every single girl in the group being murdered one by one all the way down to zero."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I'm going to get a cheese platter from the Famer's Market. You can come along too if you wish."
Vanessa said, "I'm planning to stick close to the Giant Yacht where it's safe."
Ashley said, "You'll be the only girl standing close to the Giant Yacht. You'll be making yourself an easy target for murder until more girls arrive."
Vanessa said, "Then you better hurry back with the cheese platter without getting killed in the process. Otherwise, I'm also doomed to die."
Vanessa Hudgens walked away from Ashley Tisdale and towards the Giant Yacht. Vanessa tripped on a plank of wood and she nearly fell into the Black Sea. She grabbed a dock railing and saved herself from being killed accidently with Jeanine Heller watching from a distance. Jeanine saw rope on the Giant Yacht and was tempted to tie Vanessa's arms together before binding her feet before pushing Vanessa alive into the Black Sea to watch doomed girl slowly die underwater. Jeanine lacked the courage to do so and walked away. Vanessa never knew how close she came to getting herself killed in a violent murder attack.
McKayla Maroney woke up in the morning and she slowly brushed her hair. She kept getting death threats for the past three days that she'll die on the fourth. And three days has past and this makes it the fourth. McKayla doesn't want to die in a senseless murder attack. However, McKayla trying to kill Jeanine Heller in hopes of surviving to fight another day in self defense makes McKayla evil and therefore needs to die. Even if McKayla doesn't attack in self defense, belonging to the same all girl group that includes a girl who tries to kill Jeanine Heller makes McKayla evil and therefore needs to die. So you see, McKayla is doomed no matter what she does.
And after getting dressed and ready to face the day, McKayla Maroney sat on a chair and looked out of the window. McKayla say Jeanine Heller standing on the street and looking directly up at McKayla with the intensity of a murderer looking for a chance to kill a future murder victim.
McKayla felt a doomed chill run down her spine as the moment of her defeat and murder got closer and closer. She only needs to slip up once and it's all over and she dies. With that in mind, McKayla knew what she needs to do.
Lindsay Lohan woke up in the morning groggy and not quite with it. She entered the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. She needed her hair done and makeup was a must for her. Yeah, it will take hours for Lindsay Lohan to make herself pretty, but she was convinced that it will be worth it in the end. She paused before getting ready to face another day.
Lindsay Lohan was dressed in bikini top, bikini bottom, shorts and a top. Now she's ready to face the day. She looked out of the window as Jeanine Heller walked past the house she shared with a few other girls while dressed in a bulky mouse costume and a bulkier looking mouse head.
Lindsay said under her breath, "Ah yes, Mouse Lass just won't stop until somebody forces her to stop. Perhaps I'm the girl to do it properly."
Lindsay Lohan looked out of the window and she swore she spotted Jeanine Heller looking up directly at her. Lindsay jumped back and drew the curtains over the window. It took a few hours to get that image out of her head before she was ready to exit the house to face the world outside.
Miranda Cosgrove looked up at Lindsay Lohan as the second girl stayed inside her bedroom inside the house. Lindsay Lohan looked outside her bedroom directly at Miranda Cosgrove and gave a nod of approval. Miranda Cosgrove carefully followed Jeanine Heller from a safe distance as Mouse Lass walked away from the Enemy Girls Sorority House and towards her own apartment to make sure that her secret bedroom was locked.
Miranda Cosgrove didn't know where Jeanine Heller's apartment was located. The bouquet of flowers with an apology note was sent to the cheese shop that Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass worked at. Now Miranda Cosgrove knew where Jeanine Heller was living. And Miranda would be in a position to tell the rest of the enemy girls living in the Enemy Girls Sorority House if she isn't murdered immediately. The problem is that Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass has no idea that Miranda was following her and doesn't have backup to murder Miranda instead of her. Miranda will be free to tell the rest of the enemy girls living in the Enemy Girls Sorority House if her secretive efforts to follow Jeanine Heller isn't discovered right now and punished with an act of unprovoked murder one.
A woman approached Miranda and asked, "Excuse me, but do you know how to get to Main Street."
Miranda replied, "Not now, I'm busy doing surveillance."

The Woman replied, "You're too busy to help me find Main Street? It will only take a few minutes."
Miranda replied, "Will you keep it down. This surveillance is supposed to be secret. I'll be attacked and killed if my surveillance is discovered."
The Woman replied, "It's not my fault if you're attacked and killed for an illegal act of surveillance against your assigned murderer. I need directions to Main Street and I need it now."
Miranda replied, "Keep your voice down. I don't want my illegal act of surveillance discovered. I'll tell you where to find Main Street when I'm finished with my surveillance."
The Woman said, "I won't wait for your illegal act of surveillance to end. I want the directions to Main Street now and you're going to tell it to me."
Miranda replied, "Ok, I don't know where Main Street is. Go ask somebody else."
The Woman replied, "I think you know where Main Street is."
Miranda said, "I don't know where Main Street is and keep your goddamn voice down."
The Woman said, "I won't keep it down. I won't be talked to in this manner."
Jeanine Heller approached Miranda and punched Miranda in the stomach. Miranda doubled over in pain and she lay on the sidewalk without moving.
Jeanine Heller told the Woman how to find Main Street and the Woman walked off to her destination. Jeanine Heller checked for a pulse and discovered that Miranda Cosgrove was still alive and well. Miranda had her arms bound in front of her, her legs bound and gagged before being dragged into Jeanine's apartment. Miranda Cosgrove was incarcerated for her crimes through the use of kidnapping.
Kylie stood on the harbor and she looked at the vast sea water spread out before her. She briefly dipped her hand into the sea water for only a few minutes. Kylie was patiently waiting. She didn't care how long she actually had to wait. She was willing to wait the entire day if necessary. Kylie knew that Kendall was going to arrive sooner or later. If she had to wait an hour or so, then she'll do so willingly. But she knew that Kendall was going to arrive sooner or later. Oh yeah, she was confident of that.
Kylie Jenner smiled with glee as her sister Kendall Jenner approached. Kendall Jenner hugged her sister Kylie Jenner with enthusiasm. Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass was carefully hidden as she watched the two girls hug each other for a few minutes. Mouse Lass stomped on two nearby dandelions plants that was going in the dirt until both dandelion plants were completely destroyed.
Kylie said, "I knew you would show up. But damn it, what took you so long?"
Kendall said, "It's a long story."
Kylie said, "I got all night to hear your long story."
Kendall said, "Perhaps I'll tell you the long story some other night."
Kylie said, "If that's your desire. So what are we doing here?"
Kendall said, "We're going to hunt down a few mice."
Kylie asked, "Are we going to murder a particular mouse?"
Kendall replied, "I certainly hope so."
Kylie said, "Oh wow, I can hardly wait."
Kendall said, "I'm going to set up a mouse trap that will murder our very favorite mouse."
Kylie said, "You need to include me in your mouse hunt."
Kendall said, "Oh you better believe that you will be included in the mouse hunt."
Kendall Jenner walked side by side with Kylie Jenner while Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass watched from a distance. Jeanine stomped on two more dandelion plants until both dandelion plants were destroyed as she saw Kylie hug Kendall as both women walked side by side down the sea side pier alongside the dock. Jeanine was tempted to murder both girls, but the time wasn't right. Jeanine was tempted to force Kendall to hug only her before killing her, but the time wasn't right. Jeanine was tempted to force Kylie to hug only her before killing her, but the time wasn't right. Kendall was hugged by Kylie instead. And that thought alone drove Jeanine to a homicidal rage that can only be satisfied by killing both girls one by one all the way down to zero.
Kylie asked, "Do you know where you'll set up your mouse trap?"
Kendall replied, "Not yet, we have to reach the area where we'll fight Mouse Lass to the death first. Then we'll set up our little mouse trap."
Kylie said, "Then we must hurry. I'm anxious to get started."
Jordana Brewster exited the skyscraper after completing a crucial business meeting feeling rather good about herself and the successfulness of the business meeting. Her enthusiasm was only mildly hindered by the sight of Jeanine Heller lying down on the grass playing with herself fully clothed while watching Jordana exiting the skyscraper as she walked towards her car.
Jordana looked at Jeanine before asking, "What the fuck are you looking at nerd?"
Jeanine replied, "I'm looking at you."
Jordana said, "You don't have any need to look at me. Please turn your gaze elsewhere. You could find yourself in serious trouble if you keep looking at me the wrong way."
Jeanine said, "I don't care what your opinion is. I'm going to look at you and that's final."
Jordana said, "Don't force me to wipe that sick diseased smirk off your face."
Jeanine said, "Go ahead and try."
Jordana kicked Jeanine and she doubled over in pain while still lying down on the grass. Jordana kicked Jeanine five more times. Jeanine didn't bother to retaliate.
Jordana said, "Yeah, that's what I thought. You're a fucking weakling and a coward."
Jeanine said, "And your life will soon end in a murder attack."
Jordana kicked Jeanine before saying, "I'll believe it when I see it."
Jordana walked towards her car and away from Jeanine . Kristen Bell and Rachel Bilson exited the skyscraper and towards Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller was still in pain, but masturbated fully clothed while lying on the grass looking at Kristen and Rachel.
Kristen looked at Rachel. Rachel looked at Kristen. Kristen and Rachel looked at Jeanine.
Kristen faced Jeanine before she said, "What the Hell is wrong with you?"
Rachel said, "Please don't argue with the nerd. You won't get an answer that actually makes sense."
Kristen said, "You would've figured that a logical answer would be the least I should expect from Jeanine Heller."
Rachel said, "Yeah, I know what you mean. However, it doesn't look like while get any answers regardless what our feeling are. Let's just move on from here."
Jeanine said, "Don't you two dare walk away when I'm this close to killing you both."
Kristen kicked Jeanine as Jeanine lay on the grass harder than Jordana's kicking attack.
Rachel said, "Hold on, that isn't the way to attack Jeanine."
Kristen asked, "What is the correct way to attack Jeanine?"
Rachel kicked Jeanine as Jeanine continued to lay on the grass.
Kristen faced Rachel before saying, "Sorry, but the way that I was kicking Jeanine was better."
Rachel said, "I still disagree, my way of kicking Jeanine was better."
Jeanine said, "Excuse me ladies, but you need to tell me the best way to kill you both."
Rachel said, "Go to Hell nerd, I'll do no such thing."
Kristen said, "This is boring. Jeanine Heller is much too easy for us two girls to attack and kill. Let's go off and do something else."
Rachel said, "I agree. This is beneath my dignity."
Jeanine said, "We still need to fight each other to the death."
Kristen said, "You're too easy to defeat. I'm going to do something else."
Jeanine cried out, "Don't you dare walk away from me. I'll kill you both if you do."
Kristen said, "Jordana already walked away from you and you never killed her for doing so. I'm in no danger of getting myself killed if you can't kill Jordana. Rachel is in no danger of getting herself killed if you can't kill me because you can't kill Jordana first."
Rachel said, "Jordana is impatiently waiting for us in her car. I think we should reach her before we do something stupid by making it easy for Jeanine to kill us both."
Jeanine stood up as Kristen Bell and Rachel Bilson walked away from their victimizer. Jeanine's left foot got stuck in a metal bucket as Kristen and Rachel walked towards Jordana's car.
Jeanine's right foot got stuck in a second metal bucket while her left foot was still stuck in the first metal bucket. Jeanine tried to chase after Kristen and Rachel with intent to kill them both. However, it was impossible for Jeanine to walk with her left foot stuck in the first metal bucket and her right foot stuck in the second metal bucket.
Jeanine tripped over a lawn sprinkler system and rolled down a set of cement stairs leading towards the parking lot. Kristen and Rachel walked over Jeanine on their way towards Jordana's car.
Kristen said, "I can't believe that I was actually worried that nerd actually had a chance to kill me."
Rachel said, "I agree. Jeanine is more comical than threatening."
Kristen Bell and Rachel Bilson entered Jordana's car. Danica McKellar exited the building.
Danica looked at Jeanine and said, "Oh, it's you. What the hell do you want?"
Jeanine said, "I'm about to kill you."
Danica said, "Fine, go ahead and kill me. I dare you."
Jeanine Heller stood up, but her left foot was still stuck in the first metal bucket and her right foot was still stuck in the second metal bucket. Unable to walk up the staircase, Jeanine Heller walked into a bee hive and started to be attacked by bumble bees instead.
Danica said, "Yeah, just what I thought. You don't have what it takes to kill me."
Jeanine said, "Give me a second to get rid of these metal buckets and all of these bumble bees."
Danica said, "I don't have a second to spare. Sorry."
Danica walked away from Jeanine and she walked towards Jordana's car. Danica leaned into Jordana's car before she said, "About our plan to go swimming in the Black Sea, it might take me longer to get changed from my street clothes into my lingerie and from my lingerie into my bikini. You three girls go on ahead without me and I'll join you three."
Danica said, "I'm sorry for inconveniencing you three girls, but I misplaced my bikini and it will take me a while to find it again."
Jordana said, "Ok, but don't take too long or else I'll be forced to send Kristen and Rachel to retrieve you and for me to swim in the Black Sea alone."
Danica entered Jordana's car. Jordana drove her car down the street and vanished from sight. Danica McKellar, Jordana Brewster, Kristen Bell and Rachel Bilson successfully escaped justice.
Jessica Szohr entered the Black Sea Diner instead of the High School cafeteria and encountered her best friend Nina Dobrev.
Jessica said, "The Giant Yacht leaves the Black Sea Dock a few hours from now. Please tell me that you're going to join me on the Giant Yacht voyage."
Nina replied, "You know that I'll never miss it for anything."
Nina pointed at Jeanine Heller playing with herself while looking at the two women intensely. Nina pointed at Jeanine with a snicker and said, "Hey, check out Mouse Lass, she's gone lesbo on us."
Jessica Szohr replied, "I always knew there wasn't something right about Jeanine Heller."
The thought of Jessica Szohr and Nina Dobrev dying in a murder attack made Jeanine Heller feel a masturbation orgasm in public on her chair in front of her table. Jessica Szohr and Nina Dobrev laugh and snicker at her.
Jessica said between giggles, "Dear Goddess, what is wrong with that nerd?"
Nina replied, "I have no idea, but somebody needs to kill her just to put that geek out of her misery."
Jessica replied, "Jeanine Heller never been to a gym in ages and we exercise at the gym everyday. So killing Jeanine Heller should be easy."
Nina replied, "Oh yeah, killing Jeanine Heller to put that nerd out of her misery should be fun and easy. I'll love to be the woman to kill off Mouse Lass---The Female Woman Killer."
Jessica stayed close to Nina as the two girls continued to laugh and snicker at Jeanine Heller from a distance. Jeanine thought about another Jessica Szohr and Nina Dobrev death scene which made her want to play with herself in public and have a masturbation orgasm a second time.
Jessica said to Jeanine, "Hey nerd, play with yourself in private."
Nina said, "Nerd girls like you makes normal girls like Jessica and myself want to puke."
Jessica and Nina walked past Jeanine. Nina side bumped Jeanine before walking towards the exit.
Emma Miller was waiting for Jessica Szohr and Nina Dobrev as both girls exited the Black Sea Diner. Emma greeted Jessica and Nina warmly.
Nina said, "You missed a great meal in there. We got to see Mouse Lass play with herself the entire time we were both trying to eat."
Jessica said, "I nearly threw up my meal."
Emma said, "That doesn't sound fun."
Jessica said, "We need to find a restaurant that Mouse Lass isn't allowed to enter."
Emma said, "Good luck trying to accomplish that."
Nina said, "Anything is possible if us girls put our mind to it."
Emma said, "A better plan would be to kill Mouse Lass before she kills all three of us."
Nina said, "Don't worry, there is a plan in place to kill Mouse Lass once and for all."
Jessica replied, "Mouse Lass is about to discover her woman killing career is about to end violently and permanently. There will be a reckoning one way or the other."
Taylor Swift was walking alongside Keri Russell as the two women walked down the sidewalk.
Taylor said, "I just think that it would be a good idea if one of us girls were standing guard at the beach in case that Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass were to show up."
Taylor continued, "There were no murder attacks the previous seven days and it's safe to assume that there will be no murder attacks today. So there shouldn't be anything to worry about."
Keri said, "You're only saying this because I look like the type of girl who's the easiest to murder."
Keri said, "I'm much too young and innocent to die. And I won't be able to save you from getting attacked and killed if I'm murdered on the beach minutes from now."
Taylor said, "I'm not sending you out there to watch you die instead of me. Having a girl standing guard at the beach is standard operating behavior at our Sorority House. It's your turn to stand guard at the beach. That's all."
Taylor said, "I'll stand guard on the beach and you can take over my responsibilities instead."
Keri said, "That's ok, I'll stand guard on the beach. If I'm doomed to die, then I might as well get it over with. It's a shame that I'll never live to see my thirteenth birthday."
Taylor said, "You need to be a bit more optimistic about this."
Keri replied, "I'll try to be optimistic, but I can't shake the haunting feeling that Mouse Lass won't be able to kill you until Mouse Lass kills me. I'm about to give Mouse Lass that opening."
Taylor said, "Good luck."
Keri said, "Thanks. I'll need it."
Mouse Lass followed Taylor Swift from behind and felt the urge to press her vagina on Taylor's rear end and her breasts on Taylor's spine. Keri Russell was walking in the opposite direction and watched Keri so intensely, that Taylor Swift vanished from sight---Ruining a perfect chance to kill her. But the chance to kill Keri was still possible.
Keri paused as she checked her cell phone for the latest text message. She fiddled with her cell phone and sent a few more text messages as Mouse Lass stood behind her.
Keri put her cell phone back into her purse as she continued to walk towards the beach.
Keri paused as she looked behind her forcing Jeanine Heller to hide from view. Keri looked intensely, but the victim failed to see her victimizing murderess
Keri continued to look intensely and nearly spotted her victimizer's hiding place.
Keri nearly pulled off her blouse, but she paused when she walked past the hiding place that her victimizing murderess was hidden in. One hand pulled up her blouse while the other hand nearly undid her belt buckle.
Keri removed her blouse and undid her belt buckle. She walked past her victimizing murderess as she walked towards the beach. She foolishly thought that her victimizing murderess was behind her. The victim is truly doomed the longer she fooled herself into believing that.
Keri Russell removed her pants, socks and shoes. She only wore her bikini and nothing else. Keri tossed aside her purse as she walked across the beach and closer towards the Black Sea.
Keri walked only inches away from the Black Sea. Jeanine Heller walked across the beach in pursuit of Keri Russell in hopes of killing her.
Keri Russell walked into the Black Sea. She walked deeper into the Black Sea.
Jeanine Heller grabbed Keri from behind. Jeanine pressed her vagina against Keri's rear end and her breasts against Keri's spine. Jeanine shoved Keri underwater in hopes of killing Keri.
Keri struggled in vain to wiggle from Jeanine's grip. Her left elbow rammed into Jeanine's stomach.
Keri broke free only to have Jeanine grab her left arm. Jeanine pulled Keri closer towards her.
Jeanine Heller shoved Keri underwater while pressing her vagina against Keri's rear end and her breasts against Keri's spine. Keri struggled in vain to escape a second time.
Keri tried and failed to break free by shoving her left elbow into Jeanine's stomach. Jeanine only tightened her grip against Keri.
Keri tried to escape, but her muscles betrayed her. Keri tried to breath, but her lungs betrayed her. Keri tried to beg for mercy as she pulled her head above the water, but her head was shoved underwater a second and final time.
Keri tried to pull her head above the water, but her body became numb. Jeanine forced air out of Keri's lungs. Jeanine forced Keri's mouth open and forced her to gulp down water. Keri was pushed deeper underwater as death slowly claimed the dying girl.
Keri Russell was no longer alive. Keri Russell was legally dead. Keri's dead body floated to the bottom of the Black Sea before floating towards deeper waters.
Jeanine Heller can't kill Taylor Swift without first killing Keri Russell. And now that Keri Russell is legally dead, it's time to make a second attempt to kill Taylor Swift. And Jeanine Heller finally got the chance to locate Taylor Swift a second time.
Taylor Swift looked at her victimizing murderess with a smirk. The victim vanished into the crowd and the chance to make a victim out of Taylor Swift was ruined a second time.
Olivia Holt walked behind Mouse Lass for a few seconds. Mouse Lass was aware that she was being followed, but didn't do anything to punish Olivia Holt by killing her. Olivia smiled with joy as she continued to follow Mouse Lass without having to worry about getting herself murdered.
Olivia spotted Dude #5 and quickly lost interest in following Mouse Lass. Olivia walked towards the swing set and started to swing back and forth in front of Dude #5 as Mouse Lass walked on without attempting to kill Olivia. Olivia smiled as she started to seduce Dude #5 by swinging back and forth on the swing set.
Olivia Holt swung forward and jumped off the swing set while it was still in the process of having been swung forward. She reached the concrete safely without getting hurt. She walked towards Dude #5 with a smile on her face.
Olivia said, "I noticed you looking at me. We should have a talk. We can get to know each other better. Would you like that?"
Dude #5 said, "I would like that."
Olivia grabbed Dude #5's hand and she lead him away from the swing set. Mouse Lass knew that she needs to kill Olivia Holt now, but Mouse Lass lacked the courage to attack and kill Olivia. Olivia escaped justice because Mouse Lass lacked the courage to kill her.
Olivia said, "I'm so glad that you called me. I didn't think you would do so."
Dude #5 said, "I almost didn't call you. I wanted to show you something special that no girl has ever seen, but I hesitated a bit too long."
Olivia said, "Well, you saw the light and called me up. So that's half of the battle. Now you need to show me something that no girl has ever seen. It's a crucial location that no girl has ever seen. You must show me it now."
Dude #5 said, "Not to worry, I shall do so right now."
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass walked towards Olivia and Dude #5.
Olivia said with a groan, "Oh shit, not now. I don't need this now."
Dude #5 said, "You shouldn't fear Mouse Lass if your claim to have reformed was genuine."
Olivia said, "Oh, my claim to have reformed is genuine."
Mouse lass approached Olivia and Dude #5 before saying, "Don't believe anything that Olivia has told you. The girl is lying."
Olivia said, "Shut up damn it. Get the fuck away from here. Don't ruin this for me."
Dude #5 said, "What are you talking about?"
Dude #5 said, "Hold on a second, you're fooling me to showing you Secret Locations for the Secret Organization Who Has Pledged to Wipe Out Evil Acting Girls Everywhere. You must die to prevent you from tricking me into revealing where to find and destroy the Secret Locations for the Secret Organization Who Has Pledged to Wipe Out Evil Acting Girls Everywhere."
Mouse Lass said, "That's why I'm here. I'm here to murder Olivia Holt before she poisons your mind. The Girl is evil and she must die now!"
Olivia said, "Damn it, why did you have to open your mouth. I was so close to victory."
Dude #5 said, "I must escape before Olivia poisons my mind."
Olivia said, "It's over damn it. Mouse Lass won't succeed in killing me. I'm about to win so you might as well tell me what I need to know."
Mouse Lass said, "It's too late. I must punish and kill Olivia Holt now before it's too late."
Dude #5 ran with Olivia chasing after him. Mouse Lass grabbed Olivia by the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine and pulled her backwards before swinging her against a wall and then she was kicked five times. Olivia punched Mouse Lass twice before Mouse Lass kicked Olivia again. Olivia punched twice before she was punched by Mouse Lass five times.
Dude #5 vanished from sight as Olivia broke away from Mouse Lass and chased after the last known location of Dude #5. Olivia must die before she reaches Dude #5's hiding place.
Girl #67 approached Olivia Holt
Olivia said, "Dude #5 is somewhere around here. Find him and force him to tell you the location of the Secret Locations for the Secret Organization Who Has Pledged to Wipe Out Evil Acting Girls Everywhere. Then kill him when he outlasted his usefulness. The only way to stop the two of us girls is to kill us off one by one."
Girl #67 said, "I won't let myself be killed by Mouse Lass."
Olivia said, "You better not. I'm counting on your successfulness."
Girl #67 said, "Oh shit, here comes Mouse Lass."
Olivia said, "I'll attack and kill Mouse Lass. You find and force information from Dude #5."
Girl #67 said, "I shall do as you request."
Mouse Lass grabbed Girl #67 and shoved her directly into Olivia. Girl #67 pressed her breasts against Olivia's breasts and her vagina against Olivia's vagina. Mouse Lass stabbed Girl #67 from behind. Girl #67 winced in pain as she slowly started to die.
Girl #67 and Olivia fell backwards to the ground in defeat.
Girl #67 died instantly. Olivia stood up. Girl #68, Girl #69, Girl #70 and Girl #71 approached Olivia. Olivia smiled with joy.
Olivia said, "Good luck trying to kill me now that I have reinforcements."
Mouse Lass said, "That only means that I have more girls to kill."
Mouse Lass kicked Girl #68, punched Girl #69, kicked Girl #70 and kicked Girl #71 before punching Olivia. All five girls lay down on the ground and legally died.
All six girls lay down on the ground. Where they once were standing, talking and breathing, now they are silent, not breathing and immobile. Mouse Lass checked all six girls for a pulse and found none. All six girls are dead.
Mouse Lass dumped the dead bodies of all six girls into the Black Sea and watched all six dead bodies sink deeper and deeper underwater.
Olivia Holt is no longer alive. Olivia is legally dead.
Kristen Stewart woke up. And the first thing she felt like doing after waking up was the urge to masturbate. So she prepared to masturbate the second she woke up.
Kristen Stewart had no idea that there was a hidden video recorder. She had no idea that the surveillance tape was rewound and replayed more than once.
Kristen Stewart's masturbation was interrupted seconds before she was about to have a masturbation rush of energy. She had to interrupt before she was to have fulfillment only to get a prank call on the other end. She hung up the phone and tried to masturbate, but she lost concentration and eventually gave up trying.
Kristen dressed herself and got ready for another day. Another day in which she gets the chance to die once and for all.
Natalie Portman was dressed only in her bra, panties and a sleeveless tee shirt when she felt the urge to masturbate. She failed to realize that Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass hid a camera in her bedroom inside the Evil Girls Sorority House. And while Jeanine Heller wasn't watching Natalie masturbate, the camera recorded everything for future use.
And it could only be speculated about the reason why Natalie was masturbating. It wasn't why she was masturbating, but rather if she'll actually get around to finishing her attempt to masturbate.
Girl #29 interrupted Natalie's attempt at masturbation seconds before she reached her masturbation orgasm and ruined her trail of thought which could've resulted in her falling out of bed shortly after her masturbation orgasm.
Natalie said, "It better be important."
Girl #29 said, "I was going to ask for your advice about which jewelry I should wear today."
Natalie said, "I won't need to wear jewelry because you ruined my concentration and now I'm not able to masturbate. I hope you're happy with myself."
Girl #29 said, "I'm sorry about that. I only wanted advice about which piece of jewelry to wear."
Natalie said, "You won't wear any jewelry today because I must kill you as punishment for ruining my concentration."
Natalie stabbed Girl #29 in the stomach and watched the girl fall to the ground legally dead. Natalie walked to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. She had no idea that Jeanine Heller was still filming her by secretly hidden camera.

If Jeanine Heller was in the Evil Girl Sorority House, then it could've been a great opportunity to attack and murder Natalie Portman from behind. However, Jeanine Heller wasn't able to reach the Evil Girl Sorority House fast enough. So the chance to kill Natalie was ruined.
Natalie Portman slowly dressed in her street clothing and exited the Evil Girl Sorority House to walk down the street towards an unknown destination. Natalie walked towards the Cheese Store where Mouse Lass was employed at. So there was still a chance for Natalie to be murdered. However, Natalie has to be lured into stripping to her lingerie or her swimming suit before she can die and she's now fully dressed. Natalie smiled with arrogance as she walked closer towards the Cheese Store.

Natalie Portman looked at Lea Michele as Lea entered the Cheese Store where Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass worked at. Lea's purse got stuck on one of the metal shelves while the purse strap was slung over her left shoulder. Lea struggled in vain to remove her purse from being stuck in the metal shelf as Jeanine Heller walked closer towards her with intent to kill.
Lea said, "You can't kill me yet. I'm not wearing my lingerie or my swimming suit."
Jeanine said, "But you might need to strip to your lingerie or you bikini in order to escape if your top and your purse got stuck in one of the metal shelves."
Lea said, "Damn it, you're right. I'm close to getting myself murdered."
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass got her foot stuck in a metal bucket and tripped over her feet to send her crashing to the ground. Her mouse outfit was so large and bulky, that she was unable to stand up while Lea Michele stripped to her lingerie. Lea looked at Jeanine with a smirk as she squirmed free of the metal shelf before rescuing both her street clothing and her purse.
Lea Michele redressed herself in her street clothing before slinging her purse over her shoulder. Lea walked out of the Cheese Shot without getting herself killed. Jeanine Heller lost the chance to kill Lea once and for all.
Lea looked at Natalie. Natalie looked at Lea. Jeanine Heller could chase after Natalie, but then would have to allow Lea to escape. Jeanine Heller could chase after Lea, but then would have to allow Natalie to escape. Jeanine Heller chose to chase after Natalie and allow Lea to escape.
Perhaps Natalie should've looked behind her. Because if she was looking behind her, then she would've realized that Jeanine Heller was walking behind her with intent to kill her.
Sophia Bush surfed the Internet and typed a few constructive criticism about Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass on Twitter before she shut down her laptop computer. She walked from her bedroom in the Evil Girls Sorority House and towards the bathroom to take a shower.
Sophia Bush removed her clothes and she walked naked into the shower stall and turned on the shower. Sophia Bush took a long hot and relaxing shower without realizing that Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass snuck into the bathroom of the Evil Girls Sorority House and was secretly watching Sophia Bush shower naked without Sophia Bush realizing it.
Mouse Lass walked backwards and her left hand brushed next to one of the sinks and accidently knocked down some makeup products onto the floor. Sophia Bush heard the sound, quickly redressed herself and exited the shower stall to attack and kill Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass tripped over her own feet and fell several times escaping from Sophia Bush.
Sophia Bush may be a fast and highly athletic girl, but Mouse Lass' ability to escape Sophia Bush was more due to luck than actual speed and ability. And so Mouse Lass slipped away from Sophia Bush and the chance to kill Sophia Bush while she was taking a shower naked was ruined.
Kendall Jenner stood guard near the front entrance of the Exercise Center. Kylie stood nearby. Both Kendall and Kylie were no longer wearing their street clothing, but rather were dressed in their swimming suits. Both girls will get to die in their swimming suits.
Kylie faced her sister Kendall before she said, "Our little mouse is approaching the mouse trap. It's time for us to get ready."
Kendall replied, "Oh yeah, you better believe that I'm ready for this."
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass entered the Exercise Center with Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner following close behind. Mouse Lass turned around and she kicked Kylie in the vagina and she fell face up to the ground. Kylie stood up as Mouse Lass punched Kendall in the stomach causing her to fall face up to the ground. Mouse Lass grabbed Kylie by her left arm and swung her against the wall and kicked her in the vagina before punching her inches below her breasts causing Kylie to slide down the wall to the floor. Mouse Lass kicked Kylie as she lay on the floor five times with anger and rage. Kendall and Kylie slowly stood up.
Kendall said, "Hello to you too Jeanine."
Kylie said, "Ouch, that hurts. I actually felt that. Don't tell me that was part of the plan."
Kendall said, "That wasn't part of the plan."
Kylie said, "I'm thankful for that."
Jeanine said, "This isn't part of the plan either."
Jeanine punched Kendall five times, kicked Kylie twice, Kendall punched Jeanine while Jeanine punched Kylie twice. Kendall punched Jeanine five times before Jeanine punched Kendall in the vagina causing her to fall to the ground face up. Kylie punched Jeanine twice before Jeanine punched Kylie inches below her breasts causing her to fall to the ground face up.
Kendall stood up and she was kicked in the vagina causing her to fall face up to the ground. Kylie stood up and she was punched five times. Kylie fell face up as Kendall stood up. Jeanine punched Kendall five times and she fell face up.
Jeanine said, "And the two of you try to die and stay dead this time damn it."
Kendall stood up and she punched Jeanine and Jeanine punched her twice before kicking her in the vagina. Kendall tried to punch Jeanine, but her blow was blocked. Jeanine punched Kendall twice before kicking her causing her to fall face first to the ground.
Kendall stood up and she was kicked to the floor face up. Kylie stood up and she was kicked in the vagina causing her to fall face up to the floor unconscious. Kendall stood up and she was kicked in the vagina causing her to fall to the floor face down.
Kendall stood up and she was punched twice before she was kicked to the floor. Kendall fell face first to the floor.
Kendall tried to stand up only to be kicked in the face and she fell face down.
Kendall tried to stand up and she was kicked in the face two more times. She fell face down and slipped into unconsciousness. Mouse Lass walked away from both unconscious girls without a scratch. The mouse trap failed to trap and kill the mouse.
Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner started to stir. It became obvious that Mouse Lass will be forced to kill both girls sooner rather than later.
Katharine McPhee approached Lea Michele. Both girls were in the empty abandoned high school.
Katharine said, "Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass has been spotted hanging around our Sorority House once again. Keri Russell is already legally dead. Mouse Lass may have killed her."
Lea Michele said, "Gwyneth Paltrow threatened to kill Jeanine Heller if she came near the Sorority House and she violated that order. Mouse Lass is done. It's time for us girls to finish her off."
Katharine said, "It will be a pleasure for me to kill Mouse Lass personally."
Lea said, "Don't risk your life trying to kill Mouse Lass. Not yet at any rate. Gwyneth would only risk losing you forever if too many Sorority House Girls are already legally dead and you will be needed to risk your life finishing off Mouse Lass. But us girls isn't at that level yet."
Katharine said, "I don't know what you're so worried about? I always overpowered Mouse Lass in the past. Why would today be any different?"
Lea said, "Look, Keri Russell is already legally dead and she easily overpowered Mouse Lass in the past too. Just be careful. Ok?"
Katharine said, "Of course I'll be careful. Why wouldn't I be careful."
Katharine McPhee walked right past Mouse Lass' hiding place. Had Katharine investigated her surroundings, then Mouse Lass would be forced to kill her. Katharine paused for a few minutes. she nearly walked towards Mouse Lass' hiding place. Katharine stood mere inches away from Mouse Lass' hiding place. Then Katharine walked away without checking further. Mouse Lass breathed a sigh of relief as she watched Katharine walk away.
Katharine McPhee had no idea how close she came to getting herself killed.
Lea Michele was still in he empty abandoned high school when she approached Lucy Hale.
Lea said, "I told Katharine McPhee not to attack and try to kill Mouse Lass, but I have a feeling that she's going to do so anyway. Katharine McPhee might need backup. The only way that Mouse Lass can defeat my evil scheme of giving Katharine McPhee backup is for Mouse Lass to kill you. However, I'm certain that you won't be dumb enough to get yourself killed."
Lucy said, "Are you sure there isn't a girl closer to Katharine? Katharine is already too far ahead of me. It would be easy for Mouse Lass to attack and kill me before I could reach Katharine to help her out and prevent her from failing and dying."
Lea said, "There isn't a girl closer than you. I have no choice but to put you into play and hope you don't get yourself murdered before you reach and assist Katharine and prevent her from failing and dying. I have no choice but to run the risk of you failing and dying before Katharine fails and dies."
Lucy said, "I won't fail and die. I guarantee it."
Lea said, "I hope you won't fail and die before you reach and assist Katharine. However, all my schemes to hinder Mouse Lass must always fail. And Mouse Lass' efforts to defeat all my schemes must always succeed. I need you to reinforce and backup Katharine McPhee without getting yourself killed before you reach Katharine. Therefore, in order for me to always fail and in order for Mouse Lass to always succeed, you must be the next girl to die."
Lucy said, "That won't happen and I won't die. I won't let Mouse Lass succeed in defeating me."
Lea said, "Good luck and be safe."
Lucy said, "Of course I'll be safe and sound. You worry too much."
Lea said, "You don't worry enough."
And so, Lucy Kate Hale walked away from Lea Michele.
Time for Lucy Kate Hale to be attacked and murdered.
Lucy lost track of Katharine McPhee. Mouse Lass has no choice but to attack and kill Lucy Kate Hale before she finds and reinforces Katharine McPhee. The door to Mouse Lass' hiding place was accidently locked from the outside by Katharine when she leaned against the wrong portion of the eastern hallway wall. Mouse Lass struggled to free herself from being locked inside her hiding place without success as the opening to kill Lucy Hale got slimmer.
Lucy lost track of Katharine McPhee. Mouse Lass has no choice but to attack and kill Lucy Kate Hale before she finds and reinforces Katharine McPhee. Mouse Lass finally broke free only to trip over her own feet and crash to the floor. Lucy got closer to reaching and reinforcing Katharine McPhee. Hurry Mouse Lass. Lucy Hale must die now!
Lucy lost track of Katharine McPhee. Mouse Lass has no choice but to attack and kill Lucy Kate Hale before she finds and reinforces Katharine McPhee.
Lucy Kate Hale approached Dude #2.
Lucy said with a smile, "Hey, what are you doing here? I didn't know you hang out in this part of town. Where are you heading towards."
Dude #2 said, "I'm heading to the ice cream shop and I could use some company."
Lucy said, "I'd love to, but I need to find one of my friends first."
Dude #2 said, "A pity. Ice cream goes great with a pretty girl like you."
Mouse Lass approached Lucy and Dude #2. Mouse Lass faced Lucy before shouting with anger and rage, "Step away from Dude #2 lady. Don't force me to kill you."
Dude #2 said, "Get away from me. What is wrong with you."
Lucy said, "Don't listen to Mouse Lass. She's crazy."
Dude #2 said, "I have to listen to Mouse Lass. She's never wrong."
Lucy lost track of Katharine McPhee. Mouse Lass has no choice but to attack and kill Lucy Kate Hale before she finds and reinforces Katharine McPhee.
Dude #2 pushed Lucy away from him before saying, "I told you to get away from me."
Dude #2 stomped off. Lucy faced Mouse Lass.
Lucy said, "I'm going to kill you for doing that to me."
Mouse Lass said, "Bring it lady."
Lucy said, "Oh I will. Trust me on that."
Lucy lost track of Katharine McPhee. Mouse Lass has no choice but to attack and kill Lucy Kate Hale before she finds and reinforces Katharine McPhee. Mouse Lass ran the opposite direction from where Katharine McPhee was walking. Lucy took the bait and chased after Mouse Lass with intent to kill. Hurry up and kill Lucy before it's too late. Mouse Lass ran with Lucy in close pursuit. Mouse Lass can't outrace Lucy. Mouse Lass has no choice but to save herself from being chased by Lucy by murdering Lucy now."
Lucy caught up with Mouse Lass. Lucy kicked Mouse Lass twice before punching her. Mouse Lass easily doubled over in pain before Lucy kicked her ten more times. Mouse Lass collapsed as she still doubled over in pain.
Dude #2 approached Lucy.
Lucy said, "I thought you were going to the ice cream shop."
Dude #2 said, "I saw you attack Mouse Lass and I figured that Mouse Lass needs some help in her quest to kill you once and for all."
Lucy smiled before she kicked Dude #2 to the ground. He doubled over in pain next to Mouse Lass who also doubled over in pain.
Lucy changed into her swimming suit as she spotted Katharine. Mouse Lass has no choice but to kill Lucy now before she reaches and reinforces Katharine. Time for Lucy to die.
Dude stood up and he was kicked to the ground by Lucy. Mouse Lass stabbed Lucy between her breasts before stabbing her between her breasts five more times.
Lucy staggered into the Black Sea trying to reach Katharine who was waking through the Black Sea. Mouse Lass stabbed Lucy from behind twice.
Mouse Lass stabbed Lucy from behind before kicking her in the stomach.
Lucy looked at Mouse Lass with a blank expression as she lost control of her dying body. Lucy fell face first into the Black Sea and stopped moving. Already having a tough time breathing, Lucy was also drowning resulting from being partially submerged into the Black Sea as her life slipped away.
Lucy closed her eyes closed her eyes and she violently died. Lucy Kate Hale is legally dead.
Julianne Hough walked side by side with Brooks Laich when Johannes "Jan" Heller aka Mouse Lad approached them both.
Jan Heller aka Mouse Lad said, "You make a cute couple. You both must be happy with each other."
Julianne said, "I'd feel better if you were nowhere near the area."
Jan Heller aka Mouse Lad faced Brooks before he said, "Surely you don't agree with that."
Brooks said, "I'll agree with anything that Julianne says is true."
Julianne pulled herself closer towards Brooks only to have Jan Heller aka Mouse Lad come between the two of them causing Brooks to kiss Jan instead of Julianne. Julianne tried to push Jan aside only to have Jan punch her in the stomach and shoved her to the ground.
Julianne said, "You're going to wish you never done that."
Jan said, "You see how evil Julianne is? You have to help me defeat her."
Brooks said, "What is wrong with you? The only person out of control is you."
Julianne said, "Thanks with agreeing with me. Can you help me up please?"
Brooks pulled up Jullianne and tried to kiss her. Jan stood in between Brooks and Julianne causing Brooks to kiss Jan instead of Julianne.
Julianne said, "This is getting exasperating. We need to get rid of Jan before it's too late."
Julianne started to strangle Jan.
Jan cried out, "You can't let her get away with it. Defeat her before it's too late and I die."
Brooks said, "Enough with the violence. Jan has suffered enough."
Julianne said, "Jan is going to keep getting in the way of our romance until he's defeated."
Brooks said, "I can see now that it was a mistake to ask you out."
Brooks punched Julianne in the stomach and shoved her to the ground.
Brooks said, "Jan was right, it was a mistake for me to ask you out. I've had enough and I can't take it anymore. Please lose my number because it's over. I'm hanging out with Jan instead."
Brooks Laich stomped off and vanished from sight.
Jan said, "It's over Julianne, your crime has been defeated and now you must die as punishment."
Julianne said, "You'll never get to murder me. I shall kill you instead."
Jan punched Julianne. Julianne punched Jan twice before kicking him. Jan kicked Julianne once, Julianne punched him five times, Jan kicked her twice, Jan punched her three times before Julianne punched him twice.
Julianne said, "Just fucking die already."
Jan said, "If I can't kill you, then Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass will succeed in killing you instead."
Julianne said, "Screw you asshole, I'm going to kill you once and for all instead."
Julianne punched Jan twice before kicking him. Jan tried to punch Julianne and she blocked his blow. Julianne smiled as she kicked Jan to the ground before kicking him as he lay on the floor writhing in pain from her attack.
Julianne said, "Try to kill me if you have the ability to do so."
Jan said while writing in pain while lying down, "I'm trying to kill you, but you're not making it easy for me to kill you."
Julianne said, "That's too bad because I'm not going to stop attacking until either you kill me or you die forever. This isn't over between us."
Julianne Hough kicked Jan Heller aka Mouse Lad while he lay down while writing in pain. Julianne smiled as she walked away without a scratch. Jan wasn't able to stand up fast enough to attack and kill the girl. Julianne Hough vanished from sight with her defeat and death delayed even further.
Kristen Bell was dressed only in her bikini as she was busy making out with Dax Shepherd when she heard Jeanine Heller from a distance. Kristen tried to ignore Jeanine, but her efforts was in futility.
Jeanine said, "Pardon me Kristen, but I need to speak to you immediately."
Kristen cried out, "Can it wait? I'm in the middle of something important."
Jeanine said, "This can't wait. I must talk to you now."
Kristen said, "I don't want to talk to you."
Dax said, "Perhaps you should talk to Jeanine."
Kristen said, "I don't really need to talk to her."
Dax said, "We're done here. You need to talk to her."
Kristen said, "We'll talk later."
Dax said, "We don't need to talk later ever again. You need to talk to Jeanine instead."
Dax walked away and Kristen had no choice but to walk towards Jeanine Heller in frustration.
Kristen said, "Well I hope you're happy with what you've done. Now you must pay for what you done with your life. Nobody does this to me and lives to tell about it."
Jeanine said, "Go ahead and try. You won't get very far. Now it's time for your punishment."
Kristen said, "You're going to make me die laughing when you get both of your feet stuck in two metal buckets all over again."
Jeanine said, "I'm not going to be so clumsy a second time."
Kristen said, "You'll never get to drown me to death before I succeed in reaching shore so you might as well forget about trying to make a murder victim out of me."
Jeanine said, "Drowning you to death is exactly what I need to do."
Kristen ignored Jeanine as she walked closer towards shore. Kristen wasn't even looking behind her to see if Jeanine was following her.
Kristen reached shore. She paused before looking behind her. Kristen didn't see anybody behind her. Kristen walked towards the Black Sea with a smile on her face.

Kristen kept walking into the Black Sea until she was knee deep in the water.
Jeanine said, "You should've stayed on shore while you were ahead."
Kristen said, "What are you talking about? Where are you?"
Jeanine fired an arrow from behind Kristen. The arrow pierced Kristen in the back, went through her vital organs and emerged close to her breasts.
Kristen stumbled as she saw her blood drip from the mortal wounds that the arrow had made and into the Black Sea. Kristen tried to breathe, but the effort was getting harder and harder as her life slowly came to a drastic end.
Kristen said, "Goddamn it, I've been defeated."
Kristen's legs buckled from under her and she found herself crashing face first into the Black Sea as the wounds made by Jeanine's arrow attack made it harder for the doomed girl to continue living. She tried to crawl to the surface of the Black Sea, but it was impossible for her arms and legs to respond to her wishes. Kristen wasn't sure if she was dying from drowning or dying from the arrow wounds as she crashed face first into the Black Sea a second time.
Jeanine walked towards Kristen to check for a pulse. Jeanine held Kristen underwater when she felt a vague pulse from the victim. Soon it was over when it became obvious that Kristen was dead.
Kristen Bell was no longer alive. Kristen is legally dead.
Alexandra Daddario stood in the way as Jeanine Heller tried to walk towards the ladies locker room.
Alexandra said, "Just where do you think you're going?"
Jeanine said, "I'm going to be using the ladies locker room."
Alexandra said, "You're going to do nothing of the sort."
Jeanine said, "Just step aside and let me use the women's locker room. Don't force me to kill you."
Alexandra said, "One of us is feeling overconfident and it's not me. Don't screw around with me. Idiots who screw around with me always ends up dead in the end."
Jeanine said, "This isn't over. I won't rest until you're punished and legally dead."
Alexandra said, "You're still not using the ladies locker room so you might as well go somewhere else. I'm serious. This is your last warning."
Alexandra looked at Jeanine with a snarl as she walked towards the ladies locker room. Alexandra looked behind her at Jeanine with a cross eyed expression.
Alexandra smiled with delight as Jeanine Heller walked away from her.
Jeanine Heller walked towards the beach to encounter Rachel Bilson. Rachel Bilson was dressed only in her bikini. It took a while for Rachel to realize that Jeanine was standing in front of her.
Rachel said with a groan, "What the Hell do you want?"
Jeanine said, "I want to fight you to the death."
Rachel said, "Threatening to kill me and then doing something pathetic instead of killing me is getting tiresome. Just kill me if that's what you want."
Jeanine said, "Fine. I'll murder you right now if that's what you want."
Rachel said, "I'll even let you throw the first punch."
Jeanine Heller tried to punch Rachel and Rachel blocked the blow.
Rachel said, "Now it's my turn."
Rachel punched Jeanine causing Jeanine to fall face first into the Black Sea. Jeanine lay underwater without moving after Rachel punched her victimizer really hard. Rachel tried to search for Jeanine underwater, but she wasn't able to find her victimizer.
Rachel said, "I can't believe it was that easy for me to kill Jeanine Heller. I can't believe it. I actually succeeded in killing Jeanine Heller. I have succeeded in killing my victimizer."
Rachel smiled as she walked towards the safety of the shore. She didn't look back as she started to feel sand between her toes as she walked across the sandy beach.
Rachel walked towards her blanket in hopes of getting a suntan while lying down on the beach. Rachel paused and looked behind her. She couldn't find Jeanine anywhere. She started to wonder if Jeanine was truly dead. The victim put the thought out of her mind as she walked towards her beach blanket with grim determination not to let her victimizer ruin her day by killing her.
Rachel nearly reached her blanket. Jeanine was still underwater and will remain underwater until Rachel bends over her to check for a pulse allowing Jeanine to return to life and kill her. But that would only work if Rachel returns to the Black Sea which she refuses to do.
Rachel raced a Little Girl to her beach blanket.
The Little Girl tripped over a rock and fell on top of Rachel's beach blanket. The Little Girl stopped breathing and she died. Rachel can't lie down on her beach blanket and get a suntan because there is a dead body resting on her beach blanket.
Rachel looked at the Black Sea. Rachel took a deep breath as she walked towards the Black Sea to check Jeanine's pulse to see if her victimizer was truly dead forever. Jeanine can't return to life until Rachel is bending over her for the chance to be stabbed to death and now Rachel's death is almost here. Almost time for Rachel to legally die.
Rachel walked towards the Black Sea. She kept walking until the water was up to her ankles.
Rachel kept walking until the water was up to her belly button. She searched for Jeanine's dead body to check to see if her victimizer was legally dead. Almost time for Jeanine to return to life and kill Rachel once and for all.
Rachel Bilson bent over the dead body of Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller returned to life and she stabbed Rachel between her breasts with a knife. Jeanine stabbed Rachel between her breasts five more times to make sure the victim was going to die and stay dead.
Rachel said, "Oh damn it, you finally did it. You have succeeded in killing me. I guess you are better than me after all."
Jeanine said, "I knew you would realize the truth. Better late than never."
Rachel tried to walk away from Jeanine, but she didn't make it far. Her legs gave up and she crashed face first underwater. Rachel started to drown before the knife wound could kill her as her death got closer and closer. Jeanine walked closer towards Rachel as she gave up and allowed death to claim her. Rachel gulped large quantities of water as she drowned to death before the knife wounds could have the chance to kill her off instead.
Rachel Bilson is no longer alive. Rachel Bilson is legally dead.
Alexandra Daddario emerged from the ladies locker room to encounter Jeanine Heller. No longer wearing a long flowing dress, Alexandra only wore sorts and a short sleeved shirt.
Jeanine said, "I would feel better if you only wore your underwear or your swimming suit."
Alexandra said, "It's never going to happen."
Alexandra said, "Says who and which army?"
Jeanine said, "Says me and I don't need an army to kill you."
Alexandra said, "You're feeling overconfident today."
Jeanine said, "You're the lady who refuses to realize the truth that you're about to die in a violent murder attack once and for all."
Alexandra said, "Just give up while you're ahead. You're embarrassing yourself."
Jeanine said, "We can have a fist fight to the death now or we can have a fist fight to the death later. Which do you prefer?"
Alexandra said, "You want me to punch the crap out of you?"
Jeanine said, "It won't do you any good to punch me because I'll kill you in the end."
Alexandra said, "So you want me to punch the crap out of you."
Jeanine said, "Go ahead and punch the crap out of me. I dare you to do so."
Alexandra said, "Fine, if that's what you want."
Jeanine said, "It's what I want goddamn it."
Alexandra punched Jeanine. Jeanine doubled over in pain before she crashed onto the beach after getting the wind knocked out of her. Alexandra smiled before she kicked her victimizer two more times with enthusiastic pleasure.
Alexandra said, "Hey, you wanted me to punch the crap out of you."
Jeanine said, "That much is true."
Alexandra said, "Then you got what you wanted and I got what I wanted. We both wanted to see you get the crap punched out of you."
Jeanine said, "Granted that my true desire was to murder you."
Alexandra said, "I'm sorry, but you can't kill me if I succeed in punching the crap out of you."
Jeanine said, "But getting the crap punched out of me was only half of what I wanted. The other half of what I wanted was to kill you."
Alexandra said, "Then only getting half of what you wanted is going to be enough for both of us."
Alexandra kicked Jeanine and she doubled over in pain even more so than before. Alexandra smiled again as she walked away from Jeanine.
Jeanine said, "Wait, you're not even going to kill me."
Alexandra said, "I want to see you humiliated first before I get around to killing you."
Jeanine said, "You don't need to humiliate me first before killing me."
Alexandra said, "I need to humiliate you first before I get to kill you. That's how it works."
Jeanine tried to stand up only to be kicked back to the ground. Alexandra kicked Jeanine five more times before Jeanine gave up much to Alexandra's delight.
Alexandra Daddario walked away from Jeanine Heller as the victim successfully escaped justice. It took far too long for Jeanine Heller to recover from Alexandra's violent attack.
Alexandra Daddario was already long gone when Jeanine Heller finally recovered. Alexandra has succeeded in escaping justice. Jeanine stood up and she walked across the beach looking for more girls to murder in a violent attack.
Jeanine returned to the Black Sea where she encountered Jordana Brewster who was now dressed only in her bikini. Jeanine's left hand brushed against Jordana's breasts causing Jordana to step backwards with a harsh glare.
Jordana asked, "Just what the hell is your problem?"
Jeanine said, "My problem is that you're still alive. The solution is to murder you."
Jeanine's left hand was about to touch Jordana's breasts, but Jordana took a few more steps back.
Jordana said, "Stop doing that goddamn it."
Jeanine said, "You'll have to murder me first."
Jordana replied, "That's the best news I've heard all day."
Jordana punched Jeanine and causing the victimizer to sink underwater. Jordana circled the area where Jeanine fell underwater, but wasn't able to seek her victimizer. Jordana swam underwater but still wasn't able to seek her victimizer. Jordana frowned as she waded deeper into the Black Sea without spotting her victimizer anywhere. Jordana started to feel a false sense of security without knowing that she's soon to be doomed to die.
Jordana looked at the distant horizon for a few minutes. Jordana felt calm and confident. The doomed girl actually thought she succeeded in killing her victimizer.
A huge wave of water crashed against Jordana as she continued to look at the horizon as she walked deeper into the Black Sea.
The massive wave crashed against Jordana and almost knocked her backwards. Jordana balanced herself and saved herself from getting knocked backwards by the massive tidal wave. Jordana smiled as she considered walking towards the shore again.
Jordana satisfied with her foolish belief that Jeanine was both defeated and dead walked towards the shore. She smiled as the hot sun shined upon the voluptuous bikini clad girl.
Jordana tripped over a rock and fell into the water and lay like a dead body for a few minutes. Jordana stood back up and she walked towards the shore once again.
Jordana never considered the possibility of looking behind her. She didn't see the point for doing so. She kept walking forwards towards the safety of the shore.
The shore was only a few feet away. Jordana smiled as she got closer towards what she felt was safety. And this time, her victimizer won't lure her back to the Black Sea to die like the other two girls was fooled into doing. This time, Jordana was going to challenge Jeanine Heller without getting murdered in the process.
At last, it was done! Jordana reached the shore. She smiled as she swore not to let herself get lured to die in the Black Sea after reaching the safety of the shore. She considered escaping justice, but chose to rest on a beach blanket instead.
Jordana looked behind her at the Black Sea. She considered walking back into the Black Sea to check Jeanine Heller's pulse, but chose not to do so.
Jordana started to lie down on her beach blanket.
Jordana Brewster lay down next to the bikini clad Girl #29, Girl #30 and Girl #31. All three girls lay down on three beach blankets next to each other.
Girl #30 asked, "I saw you talking to Jeanine Heller? What happened to her?"
Jordana said, "Jeanine is legally dead and she'll continue to be dead until I return to the Black Sea to bend over and check her pulse. Except, I'm not going to do that."
Girl #29 said, "That's a clever plan. All three of us will escape justice with a plan like that."
Girl #31 said, "I only hope Mouse Lass doesn't defeat us before we can activate our plan."
Jordana said, "Mouse Lass won't survive a minute in battle against me."
Jeanine Heller stabbed Girl #30 from behind and she died. Jeanine Heller stabbed Girl #29 from behind and she died. Jeanine stabbed Girl #31 between her breasts and she died. Jeanine held Jordana down as she stabbed Jordana from behind with her knife until her beach blanket was soaked by a puddle of the dying girl's blood. Jordana tried to speak, but her throat was filled with blood to the point of almost choking her. Jeanine continued stabbing Jordana when she still felt a pulse on the dying girl.
Jordana Brewster closed her eyes and she died. Jordana Brewster is no longer alive. Jordana is legally dead.
Jeanine said, "I feel better now that you're dressed in a bikini instead of your street clothing. You said that it will never happened, but thankfully it did happen."
Alexandra said, "Get the fuck away from me."
Jeanine said, "You'll have to punch me first."
Alexandra said, "Then I'll punch you if that's what you want."
Alexandra punched Jeanine. Jeanine wasn't affected. Alexandra punched Jeanine twice before trying to kick her victimizer. Once again, Jeanine wasn't affected.
Alexandra said, "Dear Goddess, please don't hurt me. I didn't mean to insult you. You have to understand that it was all in good fun."
Jeanine said, "It's still my turn to attack and try to murder you."
Jeanine Heller punched Alexandra in the stomach. Alexandra doubled over in pain. Alexandra tried to punch Jeanine, but the blow was successfully blocked. Jeanine punched Alexandra and the victim doubled over in pain as it got harder for the doomed girl to breath properly.
Alexandra ran the opposite direction away from Jeanine.
Jeanine said, "Oh no you don't. You're coming right back here."
Alexandra tried to run away, but she was grabbed from behind by Jeanine.
Alexandra said, "Please let me escape justice. I'm sorry I insulted you. It won't happen again."
Jeanine said, "I know it won't happen again because you're about to die."
Jeanine punched Alexandra twice before kicking her. Alexandra staggered before Jeanine punched the victim five more times.
Alexandra sank to her knees as she tried to escape, but Jeanine grabbed the victim much too easily. Alexandra tried to resist as Jeanine pressed her breasts on Alexandra's spine as Jeanine's right arm wrapped around Alexandra's neck.
Alexandra struggled to breathe as Jeanine's right arm was wrapped around Alexandra's neck and tightened it's grip even more.
Alexandra tried to speak, but it was hard. She tried to speak, but it was impossible. Alexandra tried to pry Jeanine's right arm from pressing on the victim's throat, but failed to succeed. Alexandra's body felt numb the longer the strangulation grip was placed on her neck.
Tears ran down Alexandra's face as she gave up and closed her eyes. Alexandra stopped breathing as the doomed girl was finally defeated and killed. Jeanine released her strangulation grip to allow Alexandra's dead body to fall to the ground lifelessly.
Alexandra Daddario is no longer alive. Alexandra is legally dead.
Danica McKellar was dressed only in her shorts and her sports bra when she spotted Jeanine Heller once again. Danica groaned with discomfort.
Danica said, "What the hell do you want goddamn it."
Jeanine said, "You owe me a death scene."
Danica said, "You won't get a death scene out of me."
Jeanine said, "You refuse to fight me because you know that I will succeed in killing you."
Danica said, "Don't get too over confident. You won't get close to killing me."
Jeanine said, "Then attack me and try to survive against me. Give me the chance to kill you."
Danica said, "I don't want to give you the chance to kill me. Excuse me, but I have other things to do. Sorry you came all this way to watch me die and you never got it."
Jeanine said, "I'm not stepping aside until you provoke me into needing to kill you."
Danica said, "I'm not going to provoke me into killing me so get the fuck out of my face."
Danica considered walking upstairs.
Danica decided to walk upstairs.
Danica heard footsteps as she walked upstairs inside the Evil Girl's Sorority House. She approached Girl #31 and Girl #32 once reaching the second floor.
Danica faced Girl #32 and said, "Check the first floor to make sure that Jeanine isn't here to kill me."
Girl #32 said, "I shall do so right now."
Girl #32 walked downstairs and into a knife that Jeanine was holding. Girl #32 lay down legally dead. Jeanine walked upstairs inside the Evil Girl's Sorority House.
Girl #31 said, "I might need to check the first floor too."
Danica said, "I have a much more crucial task instead."
Danica said, "I don't think this outfit works. Will you help me pick a better outfit?"
Girl #31 said, "Of course I'll help you pick a better outfit."
Danica McKellar stripped to her bra and her panties.
Danica said, "I have all these clothes, but none for the occasion that I need the outfits for."
Girl #31 said, "What do you need the outfit for?"
Danica said, "I have a crucial event that I need to show up for. The crucial event will fall apart if I fail to show up. I need an outfit that will make a statement."
Girl #31 said, "I have just the perfect outfit for you to wear. You can borrow it from me."
Girl #31 exited Danica's room and she walked into a knife held by Jeanine Heller. Girl #31 lay down on the ground and she legally died.
Jeanine Heller entered Danica's bedroom as she waited in futility for Girl #31 to return. Jeanine walked closer to Danica. Danica had no idea that Jeanine was in the room because her back was turned to her victimizer.
Danica thought she found the perfect blouse that was resting on a chair. She walked towards that perfect blouse that was resting on a chair.
Jeanine stabbed Danica from behind and she fell face first on top of the blouse that was resting on a chair. Danica was bent over the sofa chair as Jeanine stabbed her from behind ten more times.
Danica tried to stand up from the sofa chair that she was bent over, but her muscles went numb. Danica drooled blood as Jeanine stabbed her from behind ten more times. Danica felt shame and humiliation as she gave up and slowly started to die. Jeanine responded by stabbing Danica from behind five more times.
Danica McKellar closed her eyes and she died. Danica is no longer alive. Danica is legally dead
Natalie Portman reentered the Evil Girl's Sorority House just as Jeanine Heller was sneaking out of the Evil Girl's Sorority House. Natalie Portman's back was turned to her victimizer, but it wasn't yet time for Jeanine to attack and kill Natalie. Natalie got to survive a few minutes longer.
Natalie reluctantly groaned as she stood up from the couch and walk towards the direction of the footsteps. The footsteps were female sounding, but that didn't matter since Mouse Lass was the one who was killing members of the Evil Girls Sorority House.
Natalie exited the living room and she walked towards the hallway that connected the living room with the kitchen. A female hand brushed Natalie's back before turning off the ceiling fan in the living room. Natalie spun around to face Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass punched Natalie in the stomach before kicking her to the floor. Natalie stood up only to have Mouse Lass vanish.
Natalie spun around as she looked around the living room in detail. She returned to the hallway connecting the living room with the kitchen only to have Mouse Lass punch her between her breasts before pushing he forward to the floor and then kicking her. Natalie tried to stand up only to be kicked to the floor a second time.
Natalie said, "That's it Jeanine, I'm going to murder you right now."
Mouse Lass replied, "You have to catch me first before you can kill me."
Mouse Lass raced out of the Evil Girls Sorority House with Natalie Portman in close pursuit.
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass kicked Girl #29 and she lay down legally dead. Natalie punched Mouse Lass and Mouse Lass punched Natalie and kicked her to the ground. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #30, punched Girl #31 and punched Girl #32 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up to face Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass punched Girl #33 causing her to lie down legally dead.
Mouse Lass punched Girl #34 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #35 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie before kicking her. Mouse Lass punched Girl #36 and punched Girl #37 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie twice before kicking her. Mouse Lass punched Girl #38 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie causing her to lie down.
Natalie stood up as Mouse Lass punched Girl #39 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie to the ground. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #40 and punched Girl #41 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to have Mouse Lass punch her to the ground. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #42 causing her to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be punched to the ground by Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass punched Girl #43 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass watched Natalie stood up and punched Natalie to the ground in defeat.
Mouse Lass cried out, "What will it take to murder you Natalie."
Natalie stood up as she replied, "I'm an impossible girl to kill so you might as well give up."
Mouse Lass punched Natalie causing her to lie down in defeat.
Mouse Lass said, "I'll never give up trying to kill you."
Mouse Lass punched Girl #44, kicked Girl #45, punched Girl #46, kicked Girl #47, kicked Girl #48 before punching Girl #49 and punching Girl #50 causing all seven girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be punched to the ground in defeat.
Natalie stood up only to be punched to the ground. Mouse Lass punched Girl #51 causing her to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be kicked to the ground in defeat. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #52 causing her to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be punched to the ground in defeat. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #53, punched Girl #54 and kicked Girl #55 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be punched to the ground in defeat.
Natalie stood up as Mouse Lass punched Girl #56 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie causing her to lie down in defeat. Mouse Lass punched Girl #57 and punched Girl #58 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up and Mouse Lass punched her to the ground in defeat. Mouse Lass grabbed Girl #59 and shoved her backwards against Girl #60 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be kicked to the ground in defeat.
Natalie stood up as Mouse Lass ran for her life. Natalie chased after Mouse Lass with intent to kill. The only way to defeat Natalie's determination to kill Mouse Lass is to defeat and murder Natalie. This could be it. This could be the moment that Natalie is defeated and killed.
Mouse Lass hid as Natalie walked past Mouse Lass's hiding place. Mouse Lass cringed as Natalie unknowingly walked closer to Mouse Lass's hiding place. Mouse Lass prepared to kill Natalie if it's necessary for survival. Mouse Lass found an angle to escape instead.
Natalie emerged from lying motionless underwater to search for Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass escaped from Natalie. Not willing to give up, Natalie continued to search the shallow end of the Black Sea in hopes of finding and killing Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass has no choice but to murder Natalie in self defense before it's too late. But how will she defeat and kill Natalie to ensure Mouse Lass' survival?
Natalie motioned Girl #61, Girl #62 and Girl #63 towards Mouse Lass' hiding place. Mouse Lass punched Girl #63 and punched Girl #61 before kicking Girl #62 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie walked towards Mouse Lass with intent to kill.
Mouse Lass ran away from Natalie and towards Girl #64. Mouse Lass punched Girl #64 causing her to lie down legally dead. Natalie walked closer towards Mouse Lass with intent to kill. It may be necessary for Mouse Lass to murder Natalie in self defense. But how will Mouse Lass succeed in killing Natalie once and for all?
Mouse Lass spun around to face Natalie. Mouse Lass punched Natalie before kicking her backwards to the beach sand. Natalie lay unmoving face up before stirring. Mouse Lass tried to walk away from Natalie as she started to stir.
Mouse Lass kicked Natalie as she started to crawl on her hands and knees. Natalie lay unmoving face down as Girl #65 approached Natalie.
Girl #65 asked, "Are you ok?"
Natalie said, "I'll be fine, but I need you to help me up."
Girl #65 helped up Natalie and both girls searched for Mouse Lass as Mouse Lass tried to escape from the two girls. Natalie Portman and Girl #65 is forcing Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass to kill them both once and for all. Allowing either girl to survival will result in both girls killing Mouse Lass. But how will Mouse Lass succeed in killing Natalie Portman and Girl #65 to ensure the survival of Mouse Lass?
Natalie approached Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass kicked Natalie in the stomach causing her to fall face first to the sandy ground. Natalie lay unmoving before she started to stir. Mouse Lass had the chance to kill Natalie, but ran away instead. Mouse Lass quickly regretting allowing Natalie to live when Natalie chased after Mouse Lass with intent to kill. Mouse Lass should've killed Natalie once and for all instead while she had the chance.
Girl #65 approached Natalie.
Natalie said, "I think I know where Mouse Lass has gone off to. There is a chance for Mouse Lass to die forever. I'll need your help with my plan."
Girl #65 said, "I'll be happy to assist in your plan to kill Mouse Lass."
Mouse Lass punched and kicked Girl #65 to the ground before punching and kicking Natalie to the ground. Both girls lay unmoving before stirring. Mouse Lass had the chance to kill both girls, but her cowardice caused both girls to survive.
Natalie Portman and Girl #65 chose to chase after and try to kill Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass' refusal to kill Natalie Portman and Girl #65 will be her biggest mistake because Natalie and Girl #65 won't stop trying to kill Mouse Lass until both girls are defeated and killed.
Natalie lost track of Girl #65 as she chased after Mouse Lass into the Black Sea. Mouse Lass may be forced to kill Natalie in self defense if Natalie continued to chase after her.
Natalie ran closer towards Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass tried to run faster, but Natalie was catching up.
Mouse Lass ran towards Natalie and punched her twice before kicking her. Natalie tried to punched Mouse Lass, but her blow was blocked. Mouse Lass punched Natalie. Natalie tried to punch Mouse Lass only to have her blow blocked. Mouse Lass punched Natalie twice and kicked her once.
Natalie tried to kick Mouse Lass, but her blow was blocked. Mouse Lass kicked Natalie into the Black Sea. Natalie lay unmoving underwater before she started to stir.
Natalie stood up and tried to punch Mouse Lass, but her blow was blocked. Mouse Lass punched Natalie and she fell face first underwater. Natalie lay unmoving underwater before she started to stir. It may be necessary for Mouse Lass to kill Natalie if Natalie insists on attacking Mouse Lass.
Natalie tried to punch Mouse Lass only to have her blows blocked. Mouse Lass kicked Natalie and she fell face first underwater. Natalie lay underwater unmoving and prone. Natalie started to stir.
Natalie tried to punch Mouse Lass, but her blow was blocked. Mouse Lass punched Natalie. Natalie tried to kick Mouse Lass, but her attack was blocked. Mouse Lass punched Natalie twice before kicking her once. Natalie fell with a splash underwater. Natalie lay unmoving and prone underwater before she started to stir. Mouse Lass has to kill Natalie to ensure survival right now. Natalie can't be allowed to escape without a scratch. Natalie must die now!
Mouse Lass punched Natalie and she fell underwater. Natalie lay underwater unmoving and prone before she started to stir. Mouse Lass punched Natalie and shoved her underwater and tried to kill her by drowning the girl once and for all.
Natalie squirmed free from Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass blocked another attempt from Natalie to punch her victimizer. Mouse Lass punched Natalie and she slipped underwater with a dramatic splash. Natalie lay underwater unmoving and prone before she started to stir.
Natalie tried to punch Mouse Lass only to have her blow blocked. Mouse Lass kicked Natalie and she fell backward underwater. Natalie lay underwater face up and unmoving. Natalie started to stir forcing Mouse Lass to stand over Natalie breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina trying to drown the Jewish Caucasian Israeli girl. Natalie punched Mouse Lass forcing Mouse Lass to attempt to have Natalie drowned to death once and for all.
Natalie punched Mouse Lass and broke free. Natalie lost Mouse Lass to the Black Sea as she crawled back to shore. Natalie sat down on the sandy shore as she searched in futility for Mouse Lass for another attempt to kill and attack. Natalie failed to find Mouse Lass.
Mouse Lass approached Natalie and kicked her. Natalie lay face up on the sandy shore as water from the Black Sea crashed over the girl. Natalie lay unmoving face up as the Black Sea water kept crashing over her. Natalie started to stir instead of drowning to death. Mouse Lass has failed to kill Natalie. Natalie will keep attacking until Mouse Lass kills Natalie once and for all.
Mouse Lass ran from Natalie. Natalie approached Girl #65.
Natalie said, "We got Mouse Lass on the run. This is our chance to kill her."
Girl #65 said, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's kill Mouse Lass right now!"
Mouse Lass punched Natalie from behind before punching Girl #65 in the face from upfront. Natalie slipped underwater with a dramatic splash backwards and lay unmoving face up underwater. Girl #65 slipped underwater with a dramatic splash face first and lay prone and unmoving next to Natalie left arm pressed next to right arm prone and unmoving underwater. Natalie and Girl #65 started to stir because Mouse Lass failed to kill either of them. Try harder Mouse Lass. Natalie and Girl #65 must die now!
Natalie and Girl #65 swam after Mouse Lass as Mouse Lass swam deeper into the Black Sea.
Natalie reached the Giant Yacht and climbed aboard. Girl #65 reached the Giant Yacht and she climbed aboard. Mouse Lass reached the Giant Yacht and she climbed aboard. Only one out of three is allowed to survive on the Giant Yacht. Two out of three must die now! Natalie and Girl #65 must be murdered before they succeed in escaping justice to make another attempt on Mouse Lass' life on a later date. Which of the two girls gets to die first?
Natalie faced Girl #65. Girl #65 faced Natalie.
Natalie said, "Mouse Lass is aboard the Giant Yacht. We must find her and kill her before she defeats our attempt to escape by killing us."
Girl #65 said, "I shall attack and try to kill Mouse Lass first."
Natalie faced Girl #65 and she said, "I shall murder you forever if you fail to defeat Mouse Lass and she refuses to kill you in self defense this exact second."
Girl #65 said, "I have found an Escape Pod. It can only be operated by both of us girls lying down. The only way that Mouse Lass can defeat our attempt to escape in the Escape Pod is to kill us both as we lie down face side by side."
Natalie said, "You lie down first and I lie down second. I shall kill you forever if Mouse Lass attacks you and refuses to kill you."
Girl #65 said, "But the Escape Pod can only be operated by two people. If I die, then you can't escape and Mouse Lass will have the chance to kill you forever."
Natalie said, "The need to punish you for failure is more important than my survival."
Girl #65 lay down inside the Escape Pod first. Natalie lay down in the escape Pod second.
Mouse Lass entered the escape Pod as it emerged from the Giant Yacht. Natalie Portman lay side by side next to Girl #65 with Mouse Lass lying down on top of Girl #65---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.
Girl #65 said, "Mouse Lass is in the Escape Pod. It will fail because only two people can operate it and there is three people inside."
Natalie said, "Then murder Mouse Lass now. I shall kill you if you fail to kill Mouse Lass."
Mouse Lass said, "Time for both of you girls to die now!"
Girl #65 squirmed around until she lay under Mouse Lass---Vagina on vagina and breasts on breasts. Girl #65 tried to strangle Mouse Lass, but Mouse Lass knocked Girl #65's hands away.
Natalie said, "I told you not to fail me or else I shall kill you to punish you for your failure."
Natalie stabbed Girl #65's left side causing the girl to die under Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass climbed on top of Natalie---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.
Mouse Lass stabbed Natalie in the back five times. Natalie tried to breathe, but the dying girl was finding it harder to do so. Natalie's body became numb as Mouse Lass finally defeated and killed her. The Escape Pod was failing. Mouse Lass dove into the Black Sea as the Escape Pod sank underwater taking two dead girls with it.
Ashley Tisdale said, "You should've killed Mouse Lass with poison mushroom stew when you had the chance. Now you have to find another way to kill Mouse Lass."
Julianne said, "The poison mushroom stew was accidently served to twenty of our girls and they died. It was a preventable mistake that won't be made a second time."
Ashley said, "Your mistake is that you assumed that Mouse Lass was a coward and that wasn't the case whatsoever."
Julianne said, "It was a freak one time only victory. Mouse Lass won't be so lucky a second time."
Ashley said, "I should certainly hope so. I nearly killed you for incompetence when you failed to kill Mouse Lass with poison mushroom stew. This is your last chance."
Julianne said, "I only need one more chance to prove myself."
Julianne said, "Mouse Lass is heading for the Black Sea. We need to catch up with her if we have any chance of killing her."
Ashley said, "Then we need to hurry up. We can't allow Mouse Lass the chance to slip away from us a second time. Mouse Lass kept saying that the two of us will regret the time we kept chasing after her with intent to kill her. I don't see that happening though."
Julianne said, "How can it happen if our chances for victory is much higher."
Ashley said, "We'll need to chase after Mouse Lass on jet ski. Let's go and kill her now."
Julianne said, "First girl to reach the jet skis get the chance to attack Mouse Lass first."
Ashley said, "You can try to race me to the Black Sea Dock, but I'll get there first."
Julianne Hough raced towards the Black Sea Docks and she got there first. Julianne looked around her and failed to see anybody. She frowned and was about to walk away before catching a brief glimpse of Mouse Lass out of the corner of her eye. Julianne walked closer to the jet skis. Mouse Lass reached her jet ski and boarded it. The jet ski departed from the docks.
Ashley Tisdale reached and board the first jet ski. Julianne Hough reached and boarded the second jet ski.
Julianne Hough raced her jet ski closer to Mouse Lass. Mouse Lad swam towards Julianne Hough's jet sky and held on to it. It may be necessary for Mouse Lad to kill Julianne in order to use her jet ski to prevent him from drowning to death. It's ok for Mouse Lad to kill Julianne Hough before Mouse Lass gets to kill Julianne Hough because the death of women has no negative consequences.
Mouse Lad boarded Julianne Hough's jet sky and stabbed her from behind. Mouse Lass floated her jet sky closer towards Julianne Hough. Mouse Lass stabbed Julianne between her breasts while Mouse Lad stabbed her from behind.
Julianne Hough said, "I must escape before it's too late."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I'll kill you if you escape. Kill them both now."
Julianne said, "But I'll die if I don't escape."
Ashley said, "That's not my problem. Keep attacking until they both kill you."
Mouse Lass stabbed Julianne Hough between her breasts while Mouse Lad stabbed her from behind. Ashley Tisdale escaped without a scratch while Mouse Lad stabbed Julianne from behind.
Julianne said, "It's not fair. It's not right. I'm not supposed to be defeated and killed."
Mouse Lad said, "You had it coming the whole entire time."
Mouse Lass said, "It feels good to finally see you die."
Julianne Hough looked at Mouse Lass with a wounded empty expression while Mouse Lad stabbed her from behind. Julianne tried to speak, but blood filled her throat. Mouse Lass stabbed Julianne between her breasts and it was over. Julianne Hough will soon be dead.
Jeanine returned to the Black Sea where she encountered Jordana Brewster who was now dressed only in her bikini. Jeanine's left hand brushed against Jordana's breasts causing Jordana to step backwards with a harsh glare.
Jordana asked, "Just what the hell is your problem?"
Jeanine said, "My problem is that you're still alive. The solution is to murder you."
Jeanine's left hand was about to touch Jordana's breasts, but Jordana took a few more steps back.
Jordana said, "Stop doing that goddamn it."
Jeanine said, "You'll have to murder me first."
Jordana replied, "That's the best news I've heard all day."
Jordana punched Jeanine and causing the victimizer to sink underwater. Jordana circled the area where Jeanine fell underwater, but wasn't able to seek her victimizer. Jordana swam underwater but still wasn't able to seek her victimizer. Jordana frowned as she waded deeper into the Black Sea without spotting her victimizer anywhere. Jordana started to feel a false sense of security without knowing that she's soon to be doomed to die.
Jordana looked at the distant horizon for a few minutes. Jordana felt calm and confident. The doomed girl actually thought she succeeded in killing her victimizer.
A huge wave of water crashed against Jordana as she continued to look at the horizon as she walked deeper into the Black Sea.
The massive wave crashed against Jordana and almost knocked her backwards. Jordana balanced herself and saved herself from getting knocked backwards by the massive tidal wave. Jordana smiled as she considered walking towards the shore again.
Jordana satisfied with her foolish belief that Jeanine was both defeated and dead walked towards the shore. She smiled as the hot sun shined upon the voluptuous bikini clad girl.
Jordana tripped over a rock and fell into the water and lay like a dead body for a few minutes. Jordana stood back up and she walked towards the shore once again.
Jordana never considered the possibility of looking behind her. She didn't see the point for doing so. She kept walking forwards towards the safety of the shore.
The shore was only a few feet away. Jordana smiled as she got closer towards what she felt was safety. And this time, her victimizer won't lure her back to the Black Sea to die like the other two girls was fooled into doing. This time, Jordana was going to challenge Jeanine Heller without getting murdered in the process.
At last, it was done! Jordana reached the shore. She smiled as she swore not to let herself get lured to die in the Black Sea after reaching the safety of the shore. She considered escaping justice, but chose to rest on a beach blanket instead.
Jordana looked behind her at the Black Sea. She considered walking back into the Black Sea to check Jeanine Heller's pulse, but chose not to do so.
Jordana started to lie down on her beach blanket.
Jordana Brewster lay down next to the bikini clad Girl #29, Girl #30 and Girl #31. All three girls lay down on three beach blankets next to each other.
Girl #30 asked, "I saw you talking to Jeanine Heller? What happened to her?"
Jordana said, "Jeanine is legally dead and she'll continue to be dead until I return to the Black Sea to bend over and check her pulse. Except, I'm not going to do that."
Girl #29 said, "That's a clever plan. All three of us will escape justice with a plan like that."
Girl #31 said, "I only hope Mouse Lass doesn't defeat us before we can activate our plan."
Jordana said, "Mouse Lass won't survive a minute in battle against me."
Jeanine Heller stabbed Girl #30 from behind and she died. Jeanine Heller stabbed Girl #29 from behind and she died. Jeanine stabbed Girl #31 between her breasts and she died. Jeanine held Jordana down as she stabbed Jordana from behind with her knife until her beach blanket was soaked by a puddle of the dying girl's blood. Jordana tried to speak, but her throat was filled with blood to the point of almost choking her. Jeanine continued stabbing Jordana when she still felt a pulse on the dying girl.
Jordana Brewster closed her eyes and she died. Jordana Brewster is no longer alive. Jordana is legally dead.
Alexandra Daddario removed her clothes and she was dressed only in her bikini. Jeanine Heller approached Alexandra with a smile on her face.Jeanine said, "I feel better now that you're dressed in a bikini instead of your street clothing. You said that it will never happened, but thankfully it did happen."
Alexandra said, "Get the fuck away from me."
Jeanine said, "You'll have to punch me first."
Alexandra said, "Then I'll punch you if that's what you want."
Alexandra punched Jeanine. Jeanine wasn't affected. Alexandra punched Jeanine twice before trying to kick her victimizer. Once again, Jeanine wasn't affected.
Alexandra said, "Dear Goddess, please don't hurt me. I didn't mean to insult you. You have to understand that it was all in good fun."
Jeanine said, "It's still my turn to attack and try to murder you."
Jeanine Heller punched Alexandra in the stomach. Alexandra doubled over in pain. Alexandra tried to punch Jeanine, but the blow was successfully blocked. Jeanine punched Alexandra and the victim doubled over in pain as it got harder for the doomed girl to breath properly.
Alexandra ran the opposite direction away from Jeanine.
Jeanine said, "Oh no you don't. You're coming right back here."
Alexandra tried to run away, but she was grabbed from behind by Jeanine.
Alexandra said, "Please let me escape justice. I'm sorry I insulted you. It won't happen again."
Jeanine said, "I know it won't happen again because you're about to die."
Jeanine punched Alexandra twice before kicking her. Alexandra staggered before Jeanine punched the victim five more times.
Alexandra sank to her knees as she tried to escape, but Jeanine grabbed the victim much too easily. Alexandra tried to resist as Jeanine pressed her breasts on Alexandra's spine as Jeanine's right arm wrapped around Alexandra's neck.
Alexandra struggled to breathe as Jeanine's right arm was wrapped around Alexandra's neck and tightened it's grip even more.
Alexandra tried to speak, but it was hard. She tried to speak, but it was impossible. Alexandra tried to pry Jeanine's right arm from pressing on the victim's throat, but failed to succeed. Alexandra's body felt numb the longer the strangulation grip was placed on her neck.
Tears ran down Alexandra's face as she gave up and closed her eyes. Alexandra stopped breathing as the doomed girl was finally defeated and killed. Jeanine released her strangulation grip to allow Alexandra's dead body to fall to the ground lifelessly.
Alexandra Daddario is no longer alive. Alexandra is legally dead.
Danica McKellar was dressed only in her shorts and her sports bra when she spotted Jeanine Heller once again. Danica groaned with discomfort.
Danica said, "What the hell do you want goddamn it."
Jeanine said, "You owe me a death scene."
Danica said, "You won't get a death scene out of me."
Jeanine said, "You refuse to fight me because you know that I will succeed in killing you."
Danica said, "Don't get too over confident. You won't get close to killing me."
Jeanine said, "Then attack me and try to survive against me. Give me the chance to kill you."
Danica said, "I don't want to give you the chance to kill me. Excuse me, but I have other things to do. Sorry you came all this way to watch me die and you never got it."
Jeanine said, "I'm not stepping aside until you provoke me into needing to kill you."
Danica said, "I'm not going to provoke me into killing me so get the fuck out of my face."
Danica turned around and walked the opposite direction that Jeanine wasn't blocking. Danica returned to the Evil Girl's Sorority House and put her clothes back on. She walked through the living room and was relieved to find that Jeanine didn't follow the doomed victim. Danica breathed a sigh of relief as she was fooled into believing that she wasn't doomed to die.
Jeanine Heller might still be outside. Danica considered stepping outside of the Evil Girls Sorority House, but she chose against it. There was no way that Jeanine would be bold enough as to kill Danica inside the safety of the Evil Girl's Sorority House.Danica considered walking upstairs.
Danica decided to walk upstairs.
Danica heard footsteps as she walked upstairs inside the Evil Girl's Sorority House. She approached Girl #31 and Girl #32 once reaching the second floor.
Danica faced Girl #32 and said, "Check the first floor to make sure that Jeanine isn't here to kill me."
Girl #32 said, "I shall do so right now."
Girl #32 walked downstairs and into a knife that Jeanine was holding. Girl #32 lay down legally dead. Jeanine walked upstairs inside the Evil Girl's Sorority House.
Girl #31 said, "I might need to check the first floor too."
Danica said, "I have a much more crucial task instead."
Danica said, "I don't think this outfit works. Will you help me pick a better outfit?"
Girl #31 said, "Of course I'll help you pick a better outfit."
Danica McKellar stripped to her bra and her panties.
Danica said, "I have all these clothes, but none for the occasion that I need the outfits for."
Girl #31 said, "What do you need the outfit for?"
Danica said, "I have a crucial event that I need to show up for. The crucial event will fall apart if I fail to show up. I need an outfit that will make a statement."
Girl #31 said, "I have just the perfect outfit for you to wear. You can borrow it from me."
Girl #31 exited Danica's room and she walked into a knife held by Jeanine Heller. Girl #31 lay down on the ground and she legally died.
Jeanine Heller entered Danica's bedroom as she waited in futility for Girl #31 to return. Jeanine walked closer to Danica. Danica had no idea that Jeanine was in the room because her back was turned to her victimizer.
Danica thought she found the perfect blouse that was resting on a chair. She walked towards that perfect blouse that was resting on a chair.
Jeanine stabbed Danica from behind and she fell face first on top of the blouse that was resting on a chair. Danica was bent over the sofa chair as Jeanine stabbed her from behind ten more times.
Danica tried to stand up from the sofa chair that she was bent over, but her muscles went numb. Danica drooled blood as Jeanine stabbed her from behind ten more times. Danica felt shame and humiliation as she gave up and slowly started to die. Jeanine responded by stabbing Danica from behind five more times.
Danica McKellar closed her eyes and she died. Danica is no longer alive. Danica is legally dead
Natalie Portman reentered the Evil Girl's Sorority House just as Jeanine Heller was sneaking out of the Evil Girl's Sorority House. Natalie Portman's back was turned to her victimizer, but it wasn't yet time for Jeanine to attack and kill Natalie. Natalie got to survive a few minutes longer.
Natalie lay down on the first floor couch as Jeanine slipped out of the Evil Girl's Sorority House. Natalie Portman had no idea how close she came to getting herself murdered. Natalie didn't have a care in the world as she lay down and relaxed on the couch. She felt no urge to get up from the couch for anything.
Natalie lay on her back and she looked upwards at the ceiling. She studied the ceiling in detail as she saw the ceiling fan spin above her. She heard a footstep walk towards the living room which caused the girl to turn her head to the left.Natalie reluctantly groaned as she stood up from the couch and walk towards the direction of the footsteps. The footsteps were female sounding, but that didn't matter since Mouse Lass was the one who was killing members of the Evil Girls Sorority House.
Natalie exited the living room and she walked towards the hallway that connected the living room with the kitchen. A female hand brushed Natalie's back before turning off the ceiling fan in the living room. Natalie spun around to face Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass punched Natalie in the stomach before kicking her to the floor. Natalie stood up only to have Mouse Lass vanish.
Natalie spun around as she looked around the living room in detail. She returned to the hallway connecting the living room with the kitchen only to have Mouse Lass punch her between her breasts before pushing he forward to the floor and then kicking her. Natalie tried to stand up only to be kicked to the floor a second time.
Natalie said, "That's it Jeanine, I'm going to murder you right now."
Mouse Lass replied, "You have to catch me first before you can kill me."
Mouse Lass raced out of the Evil Girls Sorority House with Natalie Portman in close pursuit.
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass kicked Girl #29 and she lay down legally dead. Natalie punched Mouse Lass and Mouse Lass punched Natalie and kicked her to the ground. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #30, punched Girl #31 and punched Girl #32 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up to face Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass punched Girl #33 causing her to lie down legally dead.
Mouse Lass punched Girl #34 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #35 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie before kicking her. Mouse Lass punched Girl #36 and punched Girl #37 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie twice before kicking her. Mouse Lass punched Girl #38 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie causing her to lie down.
Natalie stood up as Mouse Lass punched Girl #39 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie to the ground. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #40 and punched Girl #41 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to have Mouse Lass punch her to the ground. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #42 causing her to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be punched to the ground by Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass punched Girl #43 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass watched Natalie stood up and punched Natalie to the ground in defeat.
Mouse Lass cried out, "What will it take to murder you Natalie."
Natalie stood up as she replied, "I'm an impossible girl to kill so you might as well give up."
Mouse Lass punched Natalie causing her to lie down in defeat.
Mouse Lass said, "I'll never give up trying to kill you."
Mouse Lass punched Girl #44, kicked Girl #45, punched Girl #46, kicked Girl #47, kicked Girl #48 before punching Girl #49 and punching Girl #50 causing all seven girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be punched to the ground in defeat.
Natalie stood up only to be punched to the ground. Mouse Lass punched Girl #51 causing her to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be kicked to the ground in defeat. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #52 causing her to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be punched to the ground in defeat. Mouse Lass kicked Girl #53, punched Girl #54 and kicked Girl #55 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be punched to the ground in defeat.
Natalie stood up as Mouse Lass punched Girl #56 causing her to lie down legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Natalie causing her to lie down in defeat. Mouse Lass punched Girl #57 and punched Girl #58 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up and Mouse Lass punched her to the ground in defeat. Mouse Lass grabbed Girl #59 and shoved her backwards against Girl #60 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie stood up only to be kicked to the ground in defeat.
Natalie stood up as Mouse Lass ran for her life. Natalie chased after Mouse Lass with intent to kill. The only way to defeat Natalie's determination to kill Mouse Lass is to defeat and murder Natalie. This could be it. This could be the moment that Natalie is defeated and killed.
Mouse Lass hid as Natalie walked past Mouse Lass's hiding place. Mouse Lass cringed as Natalie unknowingly walked closer to Mouse Lass's hiding place. Mouse Lass prepared to kill Natalie if it's necessary for survival. Mouse Lass found an angle to escape instead.
Jeanine Heller escaped her soon to be discovered hiding place with Natalie Portman in close pursuit. Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass may need to kill Natalie to prevent her from trying to kill Mouse Lass. How does Mouse Lass succeed in defeating and killing Natalie Portman. Read to find out how Natalie Portman is brought to justice, defeated and killed.
Natalie Portman followed Mouse Lass to the beach only to have Mouse Lass slip away from sight. Natalie stripped to be bikini before sitting down to rest for a while. She carefully searched in futility without success of any kind.
Natalie spotted Mouse Lass. Natalie followed Mouse Lass to the Black Sea where Mouse Lass punched Natalie twice before kicking her face first underwater.Natalie emerged from lying motionless underwater to search for Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass escaped from Natalie. Not willing to give up, Natalie continued to search the shallow end of the Black Sea in hopes of finding and killing Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass has no choice but to murder Natalie in self defense before it's too late. But how will she defeat and kill Natalie to ensure Mouse Lass' survival?
Natalie motioned Girl #61, Girl #62 and Girl #63 towards Mouse Lass' hiding place. Mouse Lass punched Girl #63 and punched Girl #61 before kicking Girl #62 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Natalie walked towards Mouse Lass with intent to kill.
Mouse Lass ran away from Natalie and towards Girl #64. Mouse Lass punched Girl #64 causing her to lie down legally dead. Natalie walked closer towards Mouse Lass with intent to kill. It may be necessary for Mouse Lass to murder Natalie in self defense. But how will Mouse Lass succeed in killing Natalie once and for all?
Mouse Lass spun around to face Natalie. Mouse Lass punched Natalie before kicking her backwards to the beach sand. Natalie lay unmoving face up before stirring. Mouse Lass tried to walk away from Natalie as she started to stir.
Mouse Lass kicked Natalie as she started to crawl on her hands and knees. Natalie lay unmoving face down as Girl #65 approached Natalie.
Girl #65 asked, "Are you ok?"
Natalie said, "I'll be fine, but I need you to help me up."
Girl #65 helped up Natalie and both girls searched for Mouse Lass as Mouse Lass tried to escape from the two girls. Natalie Portman and Girl #65 is forcing Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass to kill them both once and for all. Allowing either girl to survival will result in both girls killing Mouse Lass. But how will Mouse Lass succeed in killing Natalie Portman and Girl #65 to ensure the survival of Mouse Lass?
Natalie approached Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass kicked Natalie in the stomach causing her to fall face first to the sandy ground. Natalie lay unmoving before she started to stir. Mouse Lass had the chance to kill Natalie, but ran away instead. Mouse Lass quickly regretting allowing Natalie to live when Natalie chased after Mouse Lass with intent to kill. Mouse Lass should've killed Natalie once and for all instead while she had the chance.
Girl #65 approached Natalie.
Natalie said, "I think I know where Mouse Lass has gone off to. There is a chance for Mouse Lass to die forever. I'll need your help with my plan."
Girl #65 said, "I'll be happy to assist in your plan to kill Mouse Lass."
Mouse Lass punched and kicked Girl #65 to the ground before punching and kicking Natalie to the ground. Both girls lay unmoving before stirring. Mouse Lass had the chance to kill both girls, but her cowardice caused both girls to survive.
Natalie Portman and Girl #65 chose to chase after and try to kill Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass' refusal to kill Natalie Portman and Girl #65 will be her biggest mistake because Natalie and Girl #65 won't stop trying to kill Mouse Lass until both girls are defeated and killed.
Natalie lost track of Girl #65 as she chased after Mouse Lass into the Black Sea. Mouse Lass may be forced to kill Natalie in self defense if Natalie continued to chase after her.
Natalie ran closer towards Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass tried to run faster, but Natalie was catching up.
Mouse Lass ran towards Natalie and punched her twice before kicking her. Natalie tried to punched Mouse Lass, but her blow was blocked. Mouse Lass punched Natalie. Natalie tried to punch Mouse Lass only to have her blow blocked. Mouse Lass punched Natalie twice and kicked her once.
Natalie tried to kick Mouse Lass, but her blow was blocked. Mouse Lass kicked Natalie into the Black Sea. Natalie lay unmoving underwater before she started to stir.
Natalie stood up and tried to punch Mouse Lass, but her blow was blocked. Mouse Lass punched Natalie and she fell face first underwater. Natalie lay unmoving underwater before she started to stir. It may be necessary for Mouse Lass to kill Natalie if Natalie insists on attacking Mouse Lass.
Natalie tried to punch Mouse Lass only to have her blows blocked. Mouse Lass kicked Natalie and she fell face first underwater. Natalie lay underwater unmoving and prone. Natalie started to stir.
Natalie tried to punch Mouse Lass, but her blow was blocked. Mouse Lass punched Natalie. Natalie tried to kick Mouse Lass, but her attack was blocked. Mouse Lass punched Natalie twice before kicking her once. Natalie fell with a splash underwater. Natalie lay unmoving and prone underwater before she started to stir. Mouse Lass has to kill Natalie to ensure survival right now. Natalie can't be allowed to escape without a scratch. Natalie must die now!
Mouse Lass punched Natalie and she fell underwater. Natalie lay underwater unmoving and prone before she started to stir. Mouse Lass punched Natalie and shoved her underwater and tried to kill her by drowning the girl once and for all.
Natalie squirmed free from Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass blocked another attempt from Natalie to punch her victimizer. Mouse Lass punched Natalie and she slipped underwater with a dramatic splash. Natalie lay underwater unmoving and prone before she started to stir.
Natalie tried to punch Mouse Lass only to have her blow blocked. Mouse Lass kicked Natalie and she fell backward underwater. Natalie lay underwater face up and unmoving. Natalie started to stir forcing Mouse Lass to stand over Natalie breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina trying to drown the Jewish Caucasian Israeli girl. Natalie punched Mouse Lass forcing Mouse Lass to attempt to have Natalie drowned to death once and for all.
Natalie punched Mouse Lass and broke free. Natalie lost Mouse Lass to the Black Sea as she crawled back to shore. Natalie sat down on the sandy shore as she searched in futility for Mouse Lass for another attempt to kill and attack. Natalie failed to find Mouse Lass.
Mouse Lass approached Natalie and kicked her. Natalie lay face up on the sandy shore as water from the Black Sea crashed over the girl. Natalie lay unmoving face up as the Black Sea water kept crashing over her. Natalie started to stir instead of drowning to death. Mouse Lass has failed to kill Natalie. Natalie will keep attacking until Mouse Lass kills Natalie once and for all.
Mouse Lass ran from Natalie. Natalie approached Girl #65.
Natalie said, "We got Mouse Lass on the run. This is our chance to kill her."
Girl #65 said, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's kill Mouse Lass right now!"
Mouse Lass punched Natalie from behind before punching Girl #65 in the face from upfront. Natalie slipped underwater with a dramatic splash backwards and lay unmoving face up underwater. Girl #65 slipped underwater with a dramatic splash face first and lay prone and unmoving next to Natalie left arm pressed next to right arm prone and unmoving underwater. Natalie and Girl #65 started to stir because Mouse Lass failed to kill either of them. Try harder Mouse Lass. Natalie and Girl #65 must die now!
Natalie and Girl #65 swam after Mouse Lass as Mouse Lass swam deeper into the Black Sea.
Natalie reached the Giant Yacht and climbed aboard. Girl #65 reached the Giant Yacht and she climbed aboard. Mouse Lass reached the Giant Yacht and she climbed aboard. Only one out of three is allowed to survive on the Giant Yacht. Two out of three must die now! Natalie and Girl #65 must be murdered before they succeed in escaping justice to make another attempt on Mouse Lass' life on a later date. Which of the two girls gets to die first?
Natalie faced Girl #65. Girl #65 faced Natalie.
Natalie said, "Mouse Lass is aboard the Giant Yacht. We must find her and kill her before she defeats our attempt to escape by killing us."
Girl #65 said, "I shall attack and try to kill Mouse Lass first."
Natalie faced Girl #65 and she said, "I shall murder you forever if you fail to defeat Mouse Lass and she refuses to kill you in self defense this exact second."
Girl #65 said, "I have found an Escape Pod. It can only be operated by both of us girls lying down. The only way that Mouse Lass can defeat our attempt to escape in the Escape Pod is to kill us both as we lie down face side by side."
Natalie said, "You lie down first and I lie down second. I shall kill you forever if Mouse Lass attacks you and refuses to kill you."
Girl #65 said, "But the Escape Pod can only be operated by two people. If I die, then you can't escape and Mouse Lass will have the chance to kill you forever."
Natalie said, "The need to punish you for failure is more important than my survival."
Girl #65 lay down inside the Escape Pod first. Natalie lay down in the escape Pod second.
Mouse Lass entered the escape Pod as it emerged from the Giant Yacht. Natalie Portman lay side by side next to Girl #65 with Mouse Lass lying down on top of Girl #65---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.
Girl #65 said, "Mouse Lass is in the Escape Pod. It will fail because only two people can operate it and there is three people inside."
Natalie said, "Then murder Mouse Lass now. I shall kill you if you fail to kill Mouse Lass."
Mouse Lass said, "Time for both of you girls to die now!"
Girl #65 squirmed around until she lay under Mouse Lass---Vagina on vagina and breasts on breasts. Girl #65 tried to strangle Mouse Lass, but Mouse Lass knocked Girl #65's hands away.
Natalie said, "I told you not to fail me or else I shall kill you to punish you for your failure."
Natalie stabbed Girl #65's left side causing the girl to die under Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass climbed on top of Natalie---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.
Mouse Lass stabbed Natalie in the back five times. Natalie tried to breathe, but the dying girl was finding it harder to do so. Natalie's body became numb as Mouse Lass finally defeated and killed her. The Escape Pod was failing. Mouse Lass dove into the Black Sea as the Escape Pod sank underwater taking two dead girls with it.
Natalie Portman is no longer alive. Natalie Portman is legally dead.
Mouse Lass swam towards the Giant Yacht and operated the boat back to shore after killing Natalie Portman forever once and for all.
Julianne Hough walked alongside Ashley Tisdale as the two girls walked closer towards the Black Sea Docks. Julianne Hough lost track of Johannes "Jan" Heller aka Mouse Lad only to locate Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass.
Julianne said, "Oh look, today is my lucky day. I had my doubts earlier, but such doubts were unfounded. I get to kill Mouse Lass first before I get to kill Mouse Lad."
Ashley said, "You didn't succeed in killing Mouse Lad earlier, so your claim to being able to kill Mouse Lass is highly questionable."
Julianne said, "Oh how little faith you have. I'll show you how easy it is for me to kill Mouse Lass."
Julianne Hough removed her blouse and her denim shorts as she walked behind Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass with intent to die or die making the failed effort. Mouse Lass has no choice but to kill Julianne Hough before it's too late.
Julianne Hough reached the Giant Yacht when she lost track of Jeanine Heller. Julianne Hough exercised for a few minutes while she patiently waited for Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass to make a reappearance. Julianne ended up waiting longer than she expected.
Julianne Hough was almost about ready to give up when Jeanine Heller finally showed up. Julianne smiled as spotted Jeanine walking closer towards the Giant Yacht.
Julianne Hough walked away from the exercise gym aboard the Giant Yacht as she approached Ashley Tisdale once again.
Ashley said, "Here we go, the chance to kill Jeanine has been provided to us both. Don't screw it up or else I'll be forced to kill you for your incompetence."
Julianne said, "You have no need to kill me as punishment for my incompetence because I'm going to kill Mouse Lass this exact second."
Julianne continued, "It will feel good to see Jeanine suffer and die at long last."Ashley Tisdale said, "You should've killed Mouse Lass with poison mushroom stew when you had the chance. Now you have to find another way to kill Mouse Lass."
Julianne said, "The poison mushroom stew was accidently served to twenty of our girls and they died. It was a preventable mistake that won't be made a second time."
Ashley said, "Your mistake is that you assumed that Mouse Lass was a coward and that wasn't the case whatsoever."
Julianne said, "It was a freak one time only victory. Mouse Lass won't be so lucky a second time."
Ashley said, "I should certainly hope so. I nearly killed you for incompetence when you failed to kill Mouse Lass with poison mushroom stew. This is your last chance."
Julianne said, "I only need one more chance to prove myself."
Julianne said, "Mouse Lass is heading for the Black Sea. We need to catch up with her if we have any chance of killing her."
Ashley said, "Then we need to hurry up. We can't allow Mouse Lass the chance to slip away from us a second time. Mouse Lass kept saying that the two of us will regret the time we kept chasing after her with intent to kill her. I don't see that happening though."
Julianne said, "How can it happen if our chances for victory is much higher."
Ashley said, "We'll need to chase after Mouse Lass on jet ski. Let's go and kill her now."
Julianne said, "First girl to reach the jet skis get the chance to attack Mouse Lass first."
Ashley said, "You can try to race me to the Black Sea Dock, but I'll get there first."
Julianne Hough raced towards the Black Sea Docks and she got there first. Julianne looked around her and failed to see anybody. She frowned and was about to walk away before catching a brief glimpse of Mouse Lass out of the corner of her eye. Julianne walked closer to the jet skis. Mouse Lass reached her jet ski and boarded it. The jet ski departed from the docks.
Ashley Tisdale reached and board the first jet ski. Julianne Hough reached and boarded the second jet ski.
Both jet skis raced away from the Black Sea Docks in pursuit of Mouse Lass. It may be necessary for Mouse Lass to kill both girls before it's too late.
Both jet skis raced away from the Black Sea Docks in pursuit of Mouse Lass. It may be necessary for Mouse Lass to kill both girls before it's too late.
Julianne Hough raced her jet ski closer to Mouse Lass. Mouse Lad swam towards Julianne Hough's jet sky and held on to it. It may be necessary for Mouse Lad to kill Julianne in order to use her jet ski to prevent him from drowning to death. It's ok for Mouse Lad to kill Julianne Hough before Mouse Lass gets to kill Julianne Hough because the death of women has no negative consequences.
Mouse Lad boarded Julianne Hough's jet sky and stabbed her from behind. Mouse Lass floated her jet sky closer towards Julianne Hough. Mouse Lass stabbed Julianne between her breasts while Mouse Lad stabbed her from behind.
Julianne Hough said, "I must escape before it's too late."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I'll kill you if you escape. Kill them both now."
Julianne said, "But I'll die if I don't escape."
Ashley said, "That's not my problem. Keep attacking until they both kill you."
Mouse Lass stabbed Julianne Hough between her breasts while Mouse Lad stabbed her from behind. Ashley Tisdale escaped without a scratch while Mouse Lad stabbed Julianne from behind.
Julianne said, "It's not fair. It's not right. I'm not supposed to be defeated and killed."
Mouse Lad said, "You had it coming the whole entire time."
Mouse Lass said, "It feels good to finally see you die."
Julianne Hough looked at Mouse Lass with a wounded empty expression while Mouse Lad stabbed her from behind. Julianne tried to speak, but blood filled her throat. Mouse Lass stabbed Julianne between her breasts and it was over. Julianne Hough will soon be dead.
Julianne Hough fell off her jet ski before dying once and for all. Julianne Hough is no longer alive. Julianne Hough is legally dead. Mouse Lad got to use Julianne Hough's jet ski. Mouse Lass and Mouse Lad raced their jet skis back to the Black Sea Docks.
Ashley Tisdale asked Emily Osment, "Are you sure you don't want to join me on the Giant Yacht? It won't be the same without you."
Emily Osment replied, "I would love to join you, but I already promised Anna Kendrick, Alison Brie, Ashley Greene, Brittany Snow and Camilla Belle that I would join them in the High School Cafeteria. I wish I could come along though."
Ashley Tisdale replied, "Well, give me a cell phone call if you should ever change your mind."
Emily Osment replied, "I'll do so if there's a change of plan and I could persuade Anna Kendrick, Alison Brie, Ashley Greene, Brittany Snow and Camilla Bella to join myself and you on the Giant Yacht. We'll see how good my ability of persuasion can be."
Ashley Tisdale and Emily Osment gave each other a gentle hug before walking off in opposite directions. Ashley Tisdale walked towards the Giant Yacht and Emily Osment walked towards the High School. Emily Osment looked at Jeanine Heller dressed as a mouse in front of Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop with a smirk before walking off alive and well.
Emily Osment tripped and she fell forward, but she grabbed a tree branch and corrected herself. She stood straight up again and brushed herself off in an effort to maintain some form of dignity. Jeanine Heller saw Emily trip and Emily responded by flipping Jeanine the bird.
Jeanine tried to brush the dust from Emily Osment's chest while still dressed like a mouse. Emily walked backwards and slapped Jeanine's hand away.
Emily replied, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Jeanine said, "You hugged Ashley Tisdale didn't you?"
Emily replied, "Ashley Tisdale is a friend of mine and you're not."
Jeanine Heller said, "Oh so you can hug your buddy Ashley, but not me. Maybe I can force Ashley Tisdale to educate you better."
Emily said, "I don't like where this conversation is going and it's time that I'm off. Go to Hell."
Jeanine Heller said, "Don't you walk away from me. Just because I said that I can force Ashley Tisdale to educate you better doesn't mean you can just walk off like this."
Emily replied, "What are you going to do? Tie me up and gag me. Please. You need to be fucking locked up because you're creeping me out."
Jeanine Heller walked closer to Emily, removed her oversized house head so that her face was inches away from Emily. Emily walked backwards.
Emily grabbed Emily's left hand and tried punching her as punishment for walking backwards. Emily kicked Jeanine and she doubled over in pain. Jeanine moved even closer so that Jeanine's breasts slightly touched Emily's breasts with her face a bit closer. Emily walked backwards yet again. Jeanine tried to punch Emily as punishment and she dodged the blow.
Emily cried out, "Have you fucking lost it? What is wrong with you?"
Jeanine said, "I never lose. I always win. Ashley Tisdale will be made to educate you. Or I may need to defeat her before I could get to you. In that case, I'll find another one of your buddies to educate you. But I will win against you. Don't worry about that."
Emily said, "I'll fucking bury you if you keep talking like that."
Jeanine said, "You're the one who sent me a bouquet of flowers with an apology note. I reject the bouquet of flowers and I reject the apology note. You no longer have any reason to remain alive and breathing if that's the case."
Emily said, "Like you have a chance in Hell of killing somebody who works out at the gym every single day such as myself. You're out of your league nerd."
Jeanine said, "I never said that it would be easy for me to defeat you."
Jeanine tried to punch Emily and she blocked the blow. When Jeanine's hand reached for Emily's breasts, Emily slapped it away. Jeanine tried to punch Emily as punishment and she kicked before punching Jeanine. Jeanine doubled over in pain once again.
Emily said with arrogant pride, "It serves you right to think you can stop and defeat me."
Emily continued, "Our paths won't cross again. Trust me on that."
Emily Osment walked away from Jeanine Heller with a wide smile on her face.
Ashley Tisdale walked towards the Giant Yacht and she was nowhere near Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop. She walked closer to the Black Sea Docks before stopping. She spun around.
Emily Osment vanished down the street and now there's nothing behind her except the bright green grass and the Summer wind blowing against the flowers. Ashley Tisdale looked at the view from behind her for a few minutes as if she was planning to walk towards Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop, but she stopped herself before making up her mind.
Ashley Tisdale realized that she needed a cheese platter for the party on the Giant Yacht, but not badly enough to visit Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop. And the party on the Giant Yacht can be done without a cheese platter without any problems. But Ashley Tisdale promised to bring the cheese.
The party on the Giant Yacht was already agreed to be alcohol free. But there was supposed to be cheese involved. There was an outdoor farmers market where the cheese could be purchased, but it required walking past Eugene Melven's Cheese Shop which Ashley Tisdale wasn't excited about.
And while walking towards Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop, Ashley Tisdale encountered Sophia Bush. Ashley Tisdale and Sophia Bush shared a warm hug and warm greetings.
Sophia looked at Jeanine Heller dressed in an oversized and bulky house costume with an oversized mouse head with a frown.
Sophia asked, "What are you doing in nerd land?"
Ashley Tisdale said, "I forgot to purchase cheese."
Sophia asked, "You're not going to purchase cheese at nerd land?"
Ashley Tisdale replied, "I was going to purchase cheese at the Farmers Market next to nerd land."
Sophia replied, "Oh thank Goddess."
Sophia Bush was close enough to Jeanine Heller that she could be tossed against Ashley Tisdale as punishment for her attitude. However, Jeanine Heller was dressed in an oversized house outfit with an oversized mouse head in front of Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop. So Jeanine Heller was forced to watch Sophia Bush and Ashley Tisdale, but not allowed to kill either of them.
Ashley Tisdale looked at Jeanine Heller and said, "What's up Mouse Lass."
Jeanine Heller tried to embrace Ashley Tisdale and touch her chest and Ashley Tisdale walked backwards. Jeanine Heller tried to embrace Sophia Bush and touch her chest, but Sophia Bush walked backwards. Jeanine Heller tried to punish Sophia Bush and Ashley Tisdale by punching them both, but both women dodged the blow. Ashley Tisdale twisted Jeanine Heller's left arm behind her back. The tips of Ashley Tisdale's chest brushed against Jeanine Heller's spine and she tried to walk backwards forcing Ashley Tisdale to shove Jeanine Heller forward after releasing the grip.
Jeanine Heller said, "It's a shame that I'm dressed like this. Otherwise, I'd be using either Emily Osment or Sophia Bush to educate you. Since you're only willing to hug either Emily Osment or Sophia Bush, but not me, then Emily Osment or Sophia Bush will be forced to educate you."
Sophia twisted Jeanine's right arm behind her back. Jeanine Heller walked backwards until Sophia's vagina was pressed on Jeanine's rear end and Sophia's breasts was pressed on her spine. Jeanine walked backwards into a brick wall and caused Sophia to slide to the ground.
Ashley Tisdale grabbed Jeanine's left hand and said, "You will apologize for doing that Mouse Lass or I'll kill you right here and now."
Jeanine Heller walked forward until Jeanine's chest was pressed against Ashley Tisdale's chest and them shoved Ashley backwards against a brick wall. Ashley Tisdale fell down as Sophia stood up.
Sophia said, "You think you're hot stuff. I have news for you. Death will be in your future if you continue to provoke a fight against me."
Jeanine Heller replied, "That's what you think, but I believe that you're the one who will suffer."
Ashley Tisdale stood up again.
Sophia faced Ashley Tisdale and asked, "Are you alright?"
Ashley Tisdale replied, "I'm fine. Let's get out of here. This nerd isn't worth the bother."
Sophia replied, "I agree. Let's leave Mouse Lass to her disgusting pile of cheese."
Ashley Tisdale and Sophia Bush walked away from Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller grabbed Sophia Bush from behind with Jeanine Heller pressing her chest on Sophia's spine and Jeanine pressing her vagina on Sophia's rear end and pushed Sophia against the brick wall. Sophia fell to the ground.
Ashley said, "Will you stop doing that."
Jeanine Heller grabbed Ashley Tisdale in an embrace with Jeanine pressing her chest against Ashley Tisdale's chest and Jeanine pressing her vagina against Ashley Tisdale's vagina. Jeanine walked forward into a brick wall until Ashley Tisdale was struck from behind by that same exact brick wall. Sophia Bush stood up as Ashley Tisdale lay down.
Sophia Bush had Jeanine Heller gripped in a strangulation grip despite the oversized mouse outfit and the oversized mouse head Jeanine Heller wore.
Sophia said, "You're cruising for a bruising. I will not be overpowered by a nerd dressed like a goddamn mouse."
Jeanine Heller twisted around to break Sophia's strangulation grip, tripped and fell against Sophia. Sophia's chest was pressed against Jeanine's spine and Sophia's vagina was pressed against Jeanine's rear end as both women fell backwards against the brick wall. Ashley Tisdale stood up as Sophia Bush lay down.
Ashley Tisdale kicked Jeanine Heller and she fell down mouse outfit and all. Sophia Bush stood up as Jeanine Heller's attempt to stand up caused her to fall against Ashley Tisdale chest on chest and vagina on vagina. Ashley Tisdale crashed backwards against the wall and she lay down.
Jeanine Heller looked at Sophia and said, "I won't stop attacking until you lie down and stay down. I won't stop until you die."
Sophia Bush said, "I'm not planning to die anytime soon Mouse Lass."
Jeanine Heller grabbed Sophia Bush from behind. Jeanine Heller pressed her chest on Sophia's spine and her vagina on Sophia's rear end. Jeanine ran into the brick wall to cause Sophia to crash into it face first instead of slamming her back into it. Sophia Bush still lay down as Ashley Tisdale stood up to face Jeanine Heller.
Ashley Tisdale kicked Jeanine Heller and caused Jeanine to double over in pain.
Sophia Bush stood up to kick Jeanine Heller and caused Jeanine to double over in pain.
Jeanine said, "You will regret the day you thought you could do that against me."
Sophia replied, "Today won't be that day."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I agree. Jeanine Heller is the only one who is doomed to die. Nobody will be hiding my dead body in an impossible to find place."
Jeanine Heller said, "You two girls keep thinking that and someday you two girls will believe it."
Ashley Tisdale and Sophia Bush walked away from Jeanine Heller.
Sophia asked, "Can you imagine the nerve of that nerd."
Ashley Tisdale, "Somebody should teach Mouse Lass a lesson in manners."
Sophia Bush said, "No cheese platter is worth this much trouble."
Ashley Tisdale replied, "I agree. Something has to be done about the service in that place."
Sophia Bush said, "So much better to use the Farmers Market instead."
Ashley Tisdale replied, "Oh yeah, I agree with you on that one."
Sophia Bush and Ashley Tisdale walked away from Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop and towards the Famer's Market. Jeanine Heller was unable to follow the two girls.
Sophia said, "Next time we're using the other side of the road."
Ashley Tisdale replied, "Oh yeah, that's a much better strategy."
Jeanine Heller grabbed Sophia from behind with Jeanine's breasts pressed against Sophia's spine and Jeanine's vagina pressed against Sophia's rear end. She ran towards a wall and caused Sophia to crash to the ground.
Jeanine said, "None of you will be going to the farmers market today."
Ashley Tisdale kicked Jeanine Heller and she fell to the ground. Ashley Tisdale stood over Jeanine Heller before walking towards Sophia.
Ashley Tisdale helped up Sophia Bush and the two women continued walking again.
Sophia said, "I don't know what her problem is."
Ashley Tisdale replied, "Oh yeah, Mouse Lass certainly has problems."
Sophia Bush and Ashley Tisdale finally reached the Farmers Market.
Sophia said, "You do realize that we'll have to walk past Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop just to return back again."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I thought we were going to walk on the other side of the road."
Sophia asked, "Will that be enough anymore?"
Ashley Tisdale replied, "It would have to be."
Sophia said, "I might have a plan. Hold on, here is somebody who can help us."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I don't know what you have in mind, but it better be good."
Sophia Bush embraced Girl #11. Ashley Tisdale embraced Girl #11. There were warm greetings.
Sophia faced Girl #11 before saying, "I have a plan to murder Jeanine Heller, but I can't do it without your assistance."
Girl #11 said, "What do you have in mind."
Sophia said, "I'm going to use myself as bait and while Jeanine Heller is busy attacking me, Girl #11 will sneak up and kill Jeanine Heller from behind in a surprise attack."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I don't know. Too much could go wrong."
Sophia said, "Both of us could end up legally dead if we walk past Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop and it's the only way back to the Black Sea Docks."
Girl #11 said, "I'm willing to do it."
Ashley Tisdale said, "What can I do to help?"
Sophia said, "Purchase the cheese and sneak back while I'm tempting Jeanine Heller to kill me. One of us has to make it past Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop without getting murdered."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I can't leave you behind to die."
Sophia replied, "I might actually survive if my plan works."
Girl #11 said, "It's worth a shot. I'm willing to cooperate."
Ashley Tisdale said, "It might be easier if I snuck up from behind to kill Jeanine Heller while she's busy attacking you."
Sophia said, "One of us needs to reach the Black Sea Docks alive just in case my plan fails and I end up dead. We need to cover all possibilities."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I don't like leaving you behind to die, but good luck."
Sophia said, "Good luck to you too. It's almost time for Jeanine Heller's hour long break. I have one hour to tempt Jeanine Heller to murder me as part of an ambush while you sneak past Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop alive."
Girl #11 said, "I'm ready for the ambush."
Ashley Tisdale embraced Sophia Bush and Girl #11 before walking off.
Jeanine Heller took a one hour break and looked directly at Sophia.
Sophia said, "Come and kill me you goddamn nerd."
Jeanine Heller removed her oversized mouse costume and her oversized mouse head. Sophia Bush entered the women's bathroom and stripped to her sleeveless tee shirt, bra and panties. Jeanine Heller entered the women's bathroom and locked the door so that nobody could enter.
Sophia said, "What are you waiting for nerd? Attack and try to kill me."
Jeanine Heller grabbed Sophia Bush from behind so that Jeanine's breasts were pressed against Sophia's spine and Jeanine's vagina was pressed against Sophia's rear end. Girl #11 exited one of the bathroom stalls and pulled out a knife. Jeanine Heller stabbed Girl #11 in the chest and she lay down legally dead.
Jeanine Heller still held Sophia Bush from behind while she wore only her bra, panties and a sleeveless tee shirt with Jeanine Heller's breasts pressed against Sophia's spine and Jeanine's vagina pressed against Sophia's rear end. Sophia tried to escape only to be slammed against the wall as punishment until Sophia stopped fighting against her victimizer. Tears streamed down Sophia's face as another attempt to escape resulted in being stabbed in the chest. Jeanine Heller stabbed Sophia in her voluptuous chest five more times and Sophia started to bleed all over the floor.
Sophia Bush said, "I'm begging you to spare my life."
Jeanine Heller said, "It's too late. You're dying."
Sophia Bush was dropped to the floor and she died. Sophia Bush is legally dead. Hour long break isn't done yet. There's a chance to kill Ashley Tisdale too.
Ashley Tisdale saw Jeanine Heller exit the women's bathroom alone. Ashley Tisdale raced across Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop with her Farmer's Market purchased cheese platter.
Ashley Tisdale was grabbed with Jeanine Heller's breasts pressed against Ashley Tisdale's breasts and Jeanine Heller's vagina pressed against Ashley Tisdale's vagina. Jeanine Heller's face was inches away from Ashley Tisdale's face.
Jeanine Heller said, "I can kill you right now."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I'm fully clothed and your lunch break is nearly done. Back into the mouse outfit you go. Sorry."
Jeanine said, "I shall attack you and you will die from it."
Ashley Tisdale said, "Too bad it won't happen right now."
Jeanine Heller released Ashley Tisdale. Jeanine Heller put her oversized mouse outfit and her oversized mouse head on. Jeanine Heller stood in front of Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop while Ashley Tisdale stripped all the way down to her bikini.
Ashley Tisdale said, "A couple of seconds longer and you could've killed me. Too bad."
Ashley Tisdale escaped and vanished down the street with a smirk on her face.
******Emily Osment tripped and she fell forward, but she grabbed a tree branch and corrected herself. She stood straight up again and brushed herself off in an effort to maintain some form of dignity. Jeanine Heller saw Emily trip and Emily responded by flipping Jeanine the bird.
Jeanine tried to brush the dust from Emily Osment's chest while still dressed like a mouse. Emily walked backwards and slapped Jeanine's hand away.
Emily replied, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Jeanine said, "You hugged Ashley Tisdale didn't you?"
Emily replied, "Ashley Tisdale is a friend of mine and you're not."
Jeanine Heller said, "Oh so you can hug your buddy Ashley, but not me. Maybe I can force Ashley Tisdale to educate you better."
Emily said, "I don't like where this conversation is going and it's time that I'm off. Go to Hell."
Jeanine Heller said, "Don't you walk away from me. Just because I said that I can force Ashley Tisdale to educate you better doesn't mean you can just walk off like this."
Emily replied, "What are you going to do? Tie me up and gag me. Please. You need to be fucking locked up because you're creeping me out."
Jeanine Heller walked closer to Emily, removed her oversized house head so that her face was inches away from Emily. Emily walked backwards.
Emily grabbed Emily's left hand and tried punching her as punishment for walking backwards. Emily kicked Jeanine and she doubled over in pain. Jeanine moved even closer so that Jeanine's breasts slightly touched Emily's breasts with her face a bit closer. Emily walked backwards yet again. Jeanine tried to punch Emily as punishment and she dodged the blow.
Emily cried out, "Have you fucking lost it? What is wrong with you?"
Jeanine said, "I never lose. I always win. Ashley Tisdale will be made to educate you. Or I may need to defeat her before I could get to you. In that case, I'll find another one of your buddies to educate you. But I will win against you. Don't worry about that."
Emily said, "I'll fucking bury you if you keep talking like that."
Jeanine said, "You're the one who sent me a bouquet of flowers with an apology note. I reject the bouquet of flowers and I reject the apology note. You no longer have any reason to remain alive and breathing if that's the case."
Emily said, "Like you have a chance in Hell of killing somebody who works out at the gym every single day such as myself. You're out of your league nerd."
Jeanine said, "I never said that it would be easy for me to defeat you."
Jeanine tried to punch Emily and she blocked the blow. When Jeanine's hand reached for Emily's breasts, Emily slapped it away. Jeanine tried to punch Emily as punishment and she kicked before punching Jeanine. Jeanine doubled over in pain once again.
Emily said with arrogant pride, "It serves you right to think you can stop and defeat me."
Emily continued, "Our paths won't cross again. Trust me on that."
Emily Osment walked away from Jeanine Heller with a wide smile on her face.
Ashley Tisdale walked towards the Giant Yacht and she was nowhere near Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop. She walked closer to the Black Sea Docks before stopping. She spun around.
Emily Osment vanished down the street and now there's nothing behind her except the bright green grass and the Summer wind blowing against the flowers. Ashley Tisdale looked at the view from behind her for a few minutes as if she was planning to walk towards Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop, but she stopped herself before making up her mind.
Ashley Tisdale realized that she needed a cheese platter for the party on the Giant Yacht, but not badly enough to visit Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop. And the party on the Giant Yacht can be done without a cheese platter without any problems. But Ashley Tisdale promised to bring the cheese.
The party on the Giant Yacht was already agreed to be alcohol free. But there was supposed to be cheese involved. There was an outdoor farmers market where the cheese could be purchased, but it required walking past Eugene Melven's Cheese Shop which Ashley Tisdale wasn't excited about.
And while walking towards Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop, Ashley Tisdale encountered Sophia Bush. Ashley Tisdale and Sophia Bush shared a warm hug and warm greetings.
Sophia looked at Jeanine Heller dressed in an oversized and bulky house costume with an oversized mouse head with a frown.
Sophia asked, "What are you doing in nerd land?"
Ashley Tisdale said, "I forgot to purchase cheese."
Sophia asked, "You're not going to purchase cheese at nerd land?"
Ashley Tisdale replied, "I was going to purchase cheese at the Farmers Market next to nerd land."
Sophia replied, "Oh thank Goddess."
Sophia Bush was close enough to Jeanine Heller that she could be tossed against Ashley Tisdale as punishment for her attitude. However, Jeanine Heller was dressed in an oversized house outfit with an oversized mouse head in front of Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop. So Jeanine Heller was forced to watch Sophia Bush and Ashley Tisdale, but not allowed to kill either of them.
Ashley Tisdale looked at Jeanine Heller and said, "What's up Mouse Lass."
Jeanine Heller tried to embrace Ashley Tisdale and touch her chest and Ashley Tisdale walked backwards. Jeanine Heller tried to embrace Sophia Bush and touch her chest, but Sophia Bush walked backwards. Jeanine Heller tried to punish Sophia Bush and Ashley Tisdale by punching them both, but both women dodged the blow. Ashley Tisdale twisted Jeanine Heller's left arm behind her back. The tips of Ashley Tisdale's chest brushed against Jeanine Heller's spine and she tried to walk backwards forcing Ashley Tisdale to shove Jeanine Heller forward after releasing the grip.
Jeanine Heller said, "It's a shame that I'm dressed like this. Otherwise, I'd be using either Emily Osment or Sophia Bush to educate you. Since you're only willing to hug either Emily Osment or Sophia Bush, but not me, then Emily Osment or Sophia Bush will be forced to educate you."
Sophia twisted Jeanine's right arm behind her back. Jeanine Heller walked backwards until Sophia's vagina was pressed on Jeanine's rear end and Sophia's breasts was pressed on her spine. Jeanine walked backwards into a brick wall and caused Sophia to slide to the ground.
Ashley Tisdale grabbed Jeanine's left hand and said, "You will apologize for doing that Mouse Lass or I'll kill you right here and now."
Jeanine Heller walked forward until Jeanine's chest was pressed against Ashley Tisdale's chest and them shoved Ashley backwards against a brick wall. Ashley Tisdale fell down as Sophia stood up.
Sophia said, "You think you're hot stuff. I have news for you. Death will be in your future if you continue to provoke a fight against me."
Jeanine Heller replied, "That's what you think, but I believe that you're the one who will suffer."
Ashley Tisdale stood up again.
Sophia faced Ashley Tisdale and asked, "Are you alright?"
Ashley Tisdale replied, "I'm fine. Let's get out of here. This nerd isn't worth the bother."
Sophia replied, "I agree. Let's leave Mouse Lass to her disgusting pile of cheese."
Ashley Tisdale and Sophia Bush walked away from Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller grabbed Sophia Bush from behind with Jeanine Heller pressing her chest on Sophia's spine and Jeanine pressing her vagina on Sophia's rear end and pushed Sophia against the brick wall. Sophia fell to the ground.
Ashley said, "Will you stop doing that."
Jeanine Heller grabbed Ashley Tisdale in an embrace with Jeanine pressing her chest against Ashley Tisdale's chest and Jeanine pressing her vagina against Ashley Tisdale's vagina. Jeanine walked forward into a brick wall until Ashley Tisdale was struck from behind by that same exact brick wall. Sophia Bush stood up as Ashley Tisdale lay down.
Sophia Bush had Jeanine Heller gripped in a strangulation grip despite the oversized mouse outfit and the oversized mouse head Jeanine Heller wore.
Sophia said, "You're cruising for a bruising. I will not be overpowered by a nerd dressed like a goddamn mouse."
Jeanine Heller twisted around to break Sophia's strangulation grip, tripped and fell against Sophia. Sophia's chest was pressed against Jeanine's spine and Sophia's vagina was pressed against Jeanine's rear end as both women fell backwards against the brick wall. Ashley Tisdale stood up as Sophia Bush lay down.
Ashley Tisdale kicked Jeanine Heller and she fell down mouse outfit and all. Sophia Bush stood up as Jeanine Heller's attempt to stand up caused her to fall against Ashley Tisdale chest on chest and vagina on vagina. Ashley Tisdale crashed backwards against the wall and she lay down.
Jeanine Heller looked at Sophia and said, "I won't stop attacking until you lie down and stay down. I won't stop until you die."
Sophia Bush said, "I'm not planning to die anytime soon Mouse Lass."
Jeanine Heller grabbed Sophia Bush from behind. Jeanine Heller pressed her chest on Sophia's spine and her vagina on Sophia's rear end. Jeanine ran into the brick wall to cause Sophia to crash into it face first instead of slamming her back into it. Sophia Bush still lay down as Ashley Tisdale stood up to face Jeanine Heller.
Ashley Tisdale kicked Jeanine Heller and caused Jeanine to double over in pain.
Sophia Bush stood up to kick Jeanine Heller and caused Jeanine to double over in pain.
Jeanine said, "You will regret the day you thought you could do that against me."
Sophia replied, "Today won't be that day."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I agree. Jeanine Heller is the only one who is doomed to die. Nobody will be hiding my dead body in an impossible to find place."
Jeanine Heller said, "You two girls keep thinking that and someday you two girls will believe it."
Ashley Tisdale and Sophia Bush walked away from Jeanine Heller.
Sophia asked, "Can you imagine the nerve of that nerd."
Ashley Tisdale, "Somebody should teach Mouse Lass a lesson in manners."
Sophia Bush said, "No cheese platter is worth this much trouble."
Ashley Tisdale replied, "I agree. Something has to be done about the service in that place."
Sophia Bush said, "So much better to use the Farmers Market instead."
Ashley Tisdale replied, "Oh yeah, I agree with you on that one."
Sophia Bush and Ashley Tisdale walked away from Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop and towards the Famer's Market. Jeanine Heller was unable to follow the two girls.
Sophia said, "Next time we're using the other side of the road."
Ashley Tisdale replied, "Oh yeah, that's a much better strategy."
Jeanine Heller grabbed Sophia from behind with Jeanine's breasts pressed against Sophia's spine and Jeanine's vagina pressed against Sophia's rear end. She ran towards a wall and caused Sophia to crash to the ground.
Jeanine said, "None of you will be going to the farmers market today."
Ashley Tisdale kicked Jeanine Heller and she fell to the ground. Ashley Tisdale stood over Jeanine Heller before walking towards Sophia.
Ashley Tisdale helped up Sophia Bush and the two women continued walking again.
Sophia said, "I don't know what her problem is."
Ashley Tisdale replied, "Oh yeah, Mouse Lass certainly has problems."
Sophia Bush and Ashley Tisdale finally reached the Farmers Market.
Sophia said, "You do realize that we'll have to walk past Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop just to return back again."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I thought we were going to walk on the other side of the road."
Sophia asked, "Will that be enough anymore?"
Ashley Tisdale replied, "It would have to be."
Sophia said, "I might have a plan. Hold on, here is somebody who can help us."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I don't know what you have in mind, but it better be good."
Sophia Bush embraced Girl #11. Ashley Tisdale embraced Girl #11. There were warm greetings.
Sophia faced Girl #11 before saying, "I have a plan to murder Jeanine Heller, but I can't do it without your assistance."
Girl #11 said, "What do you have in mind."
Sophia said, "I'm going to use myself as bait and while Jeanine Heller is busy attacking me, Girl #11 will sneak up and kill Jeanine Heller from behind in a surprise attack."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I don't know. Too much could go wrong."
Sophia said, "Both of us could end up legally dead if we walk past Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop and it's the only way back to the Black Sea Docks."
Girl #11 said, "I'm willing to do it."
Ashley Tisdale said, "What can I do to help?"
Sophia said, "Purchase the cheese and sneak back while I'm tempting Jeanine Heller to kill me. One of us has to make it past Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop without getting murdered."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I can't leave you behind to die."
Sophia replied, "I might actually survive if my plan works."
Girl #11 said, "It's worth a shot. I'm willing to cooperate."
Ashley Tisdale said, "It might be easier if I snuck up from behind to kill Jeanine Heller while she's busy attacking you."
Sophia said, "One of us needs to reach the Black Sea Docks alive just in case my plan fails and I end up dead. We need to cover all possibilities."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I don't like leaving you behind to die, but good luck."
Sophia said, "Good luck to you too. It's almost time for Jeanine Heller's hour long break. I have one hour to tempt Jeanine Heller to murder me as part of an ambush while you sneak past Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop alive."
Girl #11 said, "I'm ready for the ambush."
Ashley Tisdale embraced Sophia Bush and Girl #11 before walking off.
Jeanine Heller took a one hour break and looked directly at Sophia.
Sophia said, "Come and kill me you goddamn nerd."
Jeanine Heller removed her oversized mouse costume and her oversized mouse head. Sophia Bush entered the women's bathroom and stripped to her sleeveless tee shirt, bra and panties. Jeanine Heller entered the women's bathroom and locked the door so that nobody could enter.
Sophia said, "What are you waiting for nerd? Attack and try to kill me."
Jeanine Heller grabbed Sophia Bush from behind so that Jeanine's breasts were pressed against Sophia's spine and Jeanine's vagina was pressed against Sophia's rear end. Girl #11 exited one of the bathroom stalls and pulled out a knife. Jeanine Heller stabbed Girl #11 in the chest and she lay down legally dead.
Jeanine Heller still held Sophia Bush from behind while she wore only her bra, panties and a sleeveless tee shirt with Jeanine Heller's breasts pressed against Sophia's spine and Jeanine's vagina pressed against Sophia's rear end. Sophia tried to escape only to be slammed against the wall as punishment until Sophia stopped fighting against her victimizer. Tears streamed down Sophia's face as another attempt to escape resulted in being stabbed in the chest. Jeanine Heller stabbed Sophia in her voluptuous chest five more times and Sophia started to bleed all over the floor.
Sophia Bush said, "I'm begging you to spare my life."
Jeanine Heller said, "It's too late. You're dying."
Sophia Bush was dropped to the floor and she died. Sophia Bush is legally dead. Hour long break isn't done yet. There's a chance to kill Ashley Tisdale too.
Ashley Tisdale saw Jeanine Heller exit the women's bathroom alone. Ashley Tisdale raced across Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop with her Farmer's Market purchased cheese platter.
Ashley Tisdale was grabbed with Jeanine Heller's breasts pressed against Ashley Tisdale's breasts and Jeanine Heller's vagina pressed against Ashley Tisdale's vagina. Jeanine Heller's face was inches away from Ashley Tisdale's face.
Jeanine Heller said, "I can kill you right now."
Ashley Tisdale said, "I'm fully clothed and your lunch break is nearly done. Back into the mouse outfit you go. Sorry."
Jeanine said, "I shall attack you and you will die from it."
Ashley Tisdale said, "Too bad it won't happen right now."
Jeanine Heller released Ashley Tisdale. Jeanine Heller put her oversized mouse outfit and her oversized mouse head on. Jeanine Heller stood in front of Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop while Ashley Tisdale stripped all the way down to her bikini.
Ashley Tisdale said, "A couple of seconds longer and you could've killed me. Too bad."
Ashley Tisdale escaped and vanished down the street with a smirk on her face.
Doutzen Kroes looked at Constance Jablonski as both girls walked past Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop. Doutzen frowned with disapproval.
Doutzen said, "Mouse Lass is so busy hounding after poor Sophia Bush and Ashley Tisdale, that she never noticed that both of us were also walking past Eugene Melvin's Cheese Shop too. And when Mouse Lass realizes that we're in the area too, it will be too late for Mouse Lass to kill either of us two girls."
Constance said, "Then we should quickly walk away from the area while we still can."
Doutzen said, "I'd rather stick around to gloat for a bit."
Constance said, "That might be a bit dangerous for us girls to do."
Doutzen said with a sigh as her left hand rested on her breasts, "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Constance replied, "Of course I'm right."
Doutzen said, "Then lead on towards our salvation."
Constance replied, "You got it buddy."
Doutzen Kroes and Constance Jablonski escaped justice to live and fight another day.
******Katie said, "If you accepted my bouquet of flowers with the apology note attached, you wouldn't be dressed up like a dork in front of a cheese shop. You'd be cool and styling like me. But I guess some girls are born to be leaders and some girls are born to be nerds. It won't be any good to be the coolest girl in school if there isn't any girls around to follow behind."
Jeanine Heller said, "You will regret the day you ever talked like that to me."
Katie said, "Is that a threat? Is this revenge of the nerds when you stage a fake kidnapping just to see me tied up in chains? It won't work. I'll beat your ass and shove this nerd outfit down your goddamn throat before you have the chance to deliver the first killing blow. Rejecting my apology note and bouquet of flowers will be the last mistake you ever make. I just made up a slam page of all the humiliating photos you never want anybody to see on the Internet."
Jeanine Heller said, "Take down the slam page from the Internet and I'll let you live."
Katie replied, "Sorry, that won't be possible. I'm winning and you're losing. You just have to learn to live with that."
Katie smiled in a smug arrogant manner as she walked away from Jeanine Heller (Who was still dressed up as a mouse in front of Eugene Melvin Cheese Shop.
Jeanine Heller said, "Wait, we're not finished with our conversation."
Katie said, "What? Are you still planning to kill me? You can't murder me while you're on the time clock. It's against company rules to kill potential customers. Sorry, I get to escape and you must live with the consequences."
Katie Holmes walked away from Jeanine Heller while she was still dressed up like a mouse in front of Eugene Melvin Cheese Shop. Katie Holmes walked towards the Black Sea Docks where she slowly pealed off her clothes to reveal a skimpy bikini under her clothes.
Hayden Pannetiere approached Katie while dressed in a skimpy bikini.
Hayden said, "I saw you had a conversation with that dork. What's her name. Oh yeah, it's Jeannine Heller. You realize that she's off the time clock within fifteen minutes. Then she could murder us both anytime she wants to."
Katie said, "I'm exercising at the gym while that nerd eats blocks of cheese all day in that stupid mouse outfit. I'm not afraid of anything. She can't lay one finger on me."
Hayden said, "It would be better if you join the rest of the girls on the Gigantic Yacht. We'll be miles from shore and it would be impossible for Jeanine Heller to wipe us girls out one by one if we're surrounded by water."
Katie replied, "Or it will be harder to escape if we're surrounded by water and miles from shore."
Hayden said, "That's a risk that I'm willing to take."
Katie said, "It's a risk that I'm not willing to take."
Hayden said, "Fine, stay behind on the Black Sea Docks. I'm just saying that you'll be missing one of the best boating rips ever."
Katie said, "I'm willing to live with the consequences."
Hayden said, "All you need to do is make a cell phone call if you change your mind."
Katie said, "It would be better if us girls had a party on the Black Sea Docks. But I'll telephone you if I change my mind."
Hayden Panettiere walked away from Katie Holmes and towards the Gigantic Yacht. Hayden encountered a bikini clad Belle Thorne.
Bella said, "Please tell me that you convinced Katie Holmes to join us on the Gigantic Yacht."
Hayden said, "Katie refused to budge on the issue. We'll need to disembark without her."
Bella said, "What a damn shame. It won't be nearly as cool a time without Katie."
Hayden said, "Katie will change her mind when we succeed in killing Jeanine Heller and Katie realizes that she missed out on the fun."
Bella said, "We can hope and pray that will be the case."
Hayden Panettiere and Bella Thorne entered the Gigantic Yacht.
The Gigantic Yacht pulled away from the Black Sea Docks a few minutes later and started drifting across the Black Sea with the hot Summer breeze drifting across the water. Jeanine Heller clocked off work and removed her mouse uniform. Now she's ready for revenge.

Jeanine Heller watched and studied the television series the Big Bang Theory with the intensity of somebody going shopping for produce at the grocery store.
Lily Donaldson looked at Joan Smalls. Joan Smalls looked at Lily Donaldson. Lily frowned.
Lily asked, "How long will it take before the two of us girls are forced to strip down to our bikinis."
Joan said, "We don't have to play that game if we don't want to play it."
Lily said, "Mouse Lass might have other plans for the two of us girls."
Joan said, "Mouse Lass is in for a surprise if that's the case."
Lily said, "The two of us needs to attend the Giant Yacht party that Ashley Tisdale is throwing. I heard that it's the party of the decade."
Joan said, "Any party that Ashley is throwing is the party of the decade."
Lily said, "This party is even more so."
Joan said, "Yeah, I've heard that story before."
Lily said, "Don't forget to bring your bikini to wear."
Joan said, "Damn it, I forgot about that."
Joan was suddenly overwhelmed with doom as the two girls walked down the sidewalk.
Kristen Stewart said, "Your borrowed my blouse and my jeans without permission. I don't like it when you borrow my blouse and my jeans without permission. Take it off damn it."
Girl #66 said, "I didn't bring anything else to wear."
Kristen Stewart said, "Then walk around in your bra and panties. I don't care."
Girl #66 said, "I'm going to tattle on you if you force me to walk around only in my bra and panties because you won't let me borrow your clothes."
Kristen said, "The last person you tattled on died in a car wreck and we were both sued beyond bankruptcy. I doubt you will be dumb enough to do that again."

Girl #66 said, "A lawsuit only works if the lawyer is effective. Besides, it's not illegal for you to be your usual bratty self."
Girl #66 drove the car to the gas station and she stopped the vehicle.
Kristen said, "I want you in your bra and panties before I return with my jeans and blouse nicely folded on the back seat or else I'm going to punch you around before I pull your hair."
Girl #66 said, "You're so goddamn rude."
Kristen said, "Who care? Deal with it."
Kristen Stewart exited the car and she walked into the gas station. Girl #66 stripped to her bra and panties. The jeans and blouse was nicely folded on the back seat before Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass stabbed her between her breasts. Girl #66 drooled blood before she fell face first to the gas station parking lot asphalt legally dead. Kristen Stewart paid for the gasoline for the car in advance and purchased two bottles of Coke.
Kristen emerged from the gas station to find Girl #66 only dressed in her bra and panties lying face down legally dead on the gas station parking lot asphalt.
Kristen said with a frown, "Ok then, I get to drink both bottles of Coke then. See if I care."
Kristen looked behind her. Jeanine Heller was able to hide barely in the nick of time before Kristen was able to look behind her. Kristen failed to see the person who's going to end her life. Kristen's inability to see Mouse Lass will be her first and biggest mistake that will lead to her death.
Not able to use the car anymore because it's a crime scene, Kristen picked up her blouse and jeans and shoved both into her purse before walking down the sidewalk holding two bottles of Coke. Mouse Lass followed Kristen with intent to kill.
Kristen continued to walk forward without realizing that she's being followed. She turned a corner while Mouse Lass got her foot stuck in a metal pail. By the time Mouse Lass got her right foot unstock on the metal pail, Kristen was gone. Mouse Lass got her left foot stuck in a metal pail and took more time to get that foot unstuck too.
Kristen Stewart smirked as she vanished into the crowd. She got to escape justice yet again. The need to kill the girl continues to be unfulfilled.
She dedicated one of the walls in her apartment to the television series the Big Bang Theory almost as if it were a religious shrine. Jeanine almost nearly came close to bowing down to it on more than one occasion, but she didn't want anybody to think that she was murderously nutty acting.
Jennette McCurdy was incarcerated through kidnapping and watched as her fellow inmate Miranda Cosgrove worked through the ropes that bound her arms and legs before removing the gag from her mouth. Miranda worked quickly to free Jennette.
Jennette said, "It's no good. The door is locked from the outside. We can't unlock the door from our side. We have to wait for somebody to open the door for us."
Miranda replied, "We may not have enough time for waiting. We must escape now."
Jennette replied, "Easy for you to say. How do we go about it?"Miranda replied, "Hold on, I think I got an idea."
Miranda found Jeanine's laptop computer and switched it on. After searching the laptop computer files, Miranda looked up with a smile on her face.
Miranda replied, "Jeanine got a teleportation unit. And since Jeanine is a girl, then both of us can use the teleportation unit without dying in the process. The special microchip needed to operate the teleportation unit is hidden and we must find it without getting ourselves killed in the process."
Jennette replied, "Sounds like a good plan. Let's do it."
Jennette looked through the kitchen sink pipes with a fallen kitchen knife resting inches from her rear end. Nobody used the kitchen knife against Jennette as she found the first of three necessary microchips to operate the teleportation unit.
Miranda found a mini catwalk hidden away and she climbed upwards while Jennette stood guard below her. Jennette's left foot stood inches away from a rope that could be used to strangle her with. Miranda came close to falling off the mini catwalk in a risky quest to find the second microchip to operate the teleportation unit without being murdered in the process.
Miranda crawled on her hands and knees as beads of sweat rolled down her breasts. She nearly fell off the catwalk and towards her death. Miranda corrected herself in time.
Jennette's left foot moved closer towards the rope that could be used to strangle her from behind with. Jennette yelled upwards, "Do you find anything?"
Miranda almost fell off the catwalk and to her death a second time before she corrected herself in time. Miranda yelled down towards Jennette, "Not yet, but there might be something a tiny bit further ahead of me."
Jennette yelled upwards, "Hurry up and find it. Jeanine Heller could return at anytime and kill us both if we don't hurry up and find the two missing microchips."
Miranda yelled downwards before she almost fell off the mini catwalk, "Hold on, I almost got it. Just a few inches more."
Jennette's left foot moved even closer towards a rope to strangle her from behind with before saying, "I'll climb up there to help out if you want."
Miranda replied, "That's ok, I almost got it. It's almost within reach."
Miranda almost fell off to her death, before she corrected herself in time.
Jennette's left foot moved even closer towards a rope to strangle her with before saying, "Are you sure you almost got it because you almost fell to your death several times.
Miranda said, "You still need to stand guard. You need to prevent Jeanine Heller from climbing up and try to murder me."
Miranda almost fell off the mini catwalk to her death. Her ability to correct herself in time got harder for her to accomplish.
Jennette's left foot stepped on the rope to strangle her from behind with before saying, "And suppose Jeanine prevents me from stopping her from killing you by murdering me first in a sneak attack from behind. Then we're both screwed."
Miranda almost fell off the mini catwalk before saying, "That's a risk both of us will be needing to take. Staying here without making an escape attempt will lead to our deaths anyway."
Jennette's left foot stepped of a rope to strangle her from behind with for a few seconds before saying, "You better be right about that assumption."
Miranda almost fell off the catwalk before she said, "I got the second microchip and both of us isn't legally dead yet. There's hope for us both after all."
Jennette walked several inches in front of the rope to strangle her from behind with before saying, "Great. Then climb back down before you get yourself killed."
Miranda climbed down from the mini catwalk and stood alongside Jennette. Both girls walked forward before they both thought they saw something. Jennette and Miranda thought they saw something behind them out of the corner of their eyes.
Jennette tried to remove the piece of glass to remove the third and final microchip to operate the teleportation unit.
The piece of glass was removed and the microchip fell out and rolled across the floor. Jennette jumped to the floor and lay face first. Jennette grabbed the third and final microchip needed to operate the teleportation unit.
Miranda jumped to the floor alongside Jennette and tried to grab the third and final microchip needed to operate the teleportation unit.
Miranda said, "That microchip is mine."
Jennette said, "That microchip is mine and I'll fight you for it if needed."
Jennette paused for a few seconds before deciding, "Ok, fine, you can have it."
Miranda said, "You're fine with the possibility of being left behind if all this goes wrong?"
Jennette replied, "I never said that."
Miranda concluded, "That's the assumption that I'm getting."
Jennette jumped to the floor and lay face down alongside Miranda and tried to grab the third and final microchip needed to operate the teleportation unit. Miranda was faster and grabbed all three microchips first. A knife was nearby the two girls on the kitchen floor, but nobody used the kitchen knife against the two girls. Both got to survive a little bit longer.
Miranda Cosgrove and Jennette McCurdy walked towards the teleportation unit. All three microchips was placed into the teleportation unit and nothing happened.Miranda asked, "What the hell is going on?"
Jennette replied, "We need to wear either our underwear or our bathing suits in order for the teleportation unit to work properly."
So Miranda Cosgrove and Jennette McCurdy slowly removed their clothes and stood in their bathing suits as Miranda attempted to turn the teleportation unit on for a second time.
There was sound beyond the locked door. Jeanine was close and about to enter. The teleportation unit was starting to work properly, but it was taking too long to get started.
Miranda said, "One of us girls will need to stay behind to fight off Jeanine Heller so the other one of us girls could make a clean getaway. The one of us girls who stays behind will end up dead and nothing can save her from being killed."
Jennette cried out, "Why are you looking at me for?"
Miranda said, "I'm the girl who grabbed the third and final microchip needed to operate this teleportation unit. Sorry to say this, but you need to sacrifice your life trying to delay Jeanine Heller so I could make a clean getaway with the teleportation unit."
Jennette said, "I don't want to become Jeanine Heller's next murder victim."
Miranda said, "I don't want to see you get murdered either, but what choice do we have."
Jennette said, "Perhaps the teleportation unit make it possible for both of us to make a clean getaway so none of us girls will need to die."
The locked door was starting to unlock. The teleportation unit was just about to get started. Jeanine only has seconds to kill both girls from the Evil Girls Sorority House before they make a clean getaway and rob Jeanine the chance to kill them both.
Jennette was the first to teleport to safety.
Miranda was the second to teleport to safety. Both girls teleported to the Black Sea Beach.
Jennette said, "It happened. We escaped. We both get to survive."
Miranda said, "The teleportation field isn't shutting down. One of us will need to teleport back into Jeanine Heller's apartment and sacrifice herself distracting Jeanine with her death until the teleportation field shuts down.
Jennette said, "Don't look at me to be the necessary doomed girl."
Miranda said, "I don't want to die either."
Jennette said, "So it's better if I die instead of you."
Miranda said, "I grabbed the third and final microchip needed to operate the teleportation unit."
The teleportation field got stronger.
Miranda said, "You need to teleport into Jeanine Heller's apartment and shut down the teleportation field and die in the process so I can make a clean getaway."
Jennette said, "It's not fair. I don't want to die."
Miranda said, "I don't want to die and I don't want to see you die either. But the teleportation field needs to be shut down so Jeanine Heller won't teleport here and kill us both."
Jennette said, "Fine, I'll jump back into Jeanine Heller's apartment and die trying to distract Jeanine while shutting down the teleportation field so you won't end up dead either."
Jennette teleported back into Jeanine's apartment and she tried to shut down the teleportation field. Jeanine Heller tried to strangle Jennette with a piece of rope from behind. Jennette punched Jeanine several times before Jeanine fell without moving. Jennette crawled towards Jeanine in order to check for a pulse. Jeanine must murder Jennette before she shuts down the teleportation field and prevent Jeanine from chasing after and kill Miranda too. Jennette McCurdy can't be allowed to survive.
Jeanine stabbed Jennette in the chest and the dying girl fell backwards face up on the floor in a puddle of her blood. Jennette cried as she tried to crawl in vain towards the teleportation unit to shut down the teleportation field before dying.
Jeanine stabbed Jennette in the chest to prevent her from shutting down the teleportation field and prevent Jeanine from killing Miranda too. Jeanine stabbed Jennette in the chest ten more times.
Jennette grabbed Jeanine and dragged her to the hot tub in an attempt to drown her attacker.
Jeanine shoved Jennette underwater and held the dying girl underwater until she stopped moving. Jennette tried to escape for a few minutes before she found her body going limp and the world going dark. Jennette is dying and is unable to stay alive any longer.
Jennette McCurdy closed her eyes and she died. Jennette McCurdy is no longer alive. Jennette McCurdy is legally dead.
Jeanine Heller jumped through the teleportation field to chase after Miranda Cosgrove in an effort to kill her as punishment for belonging to the Evil Girls Sorority House.
Miranda looked behind her as she saw Jeanine Heller teleporting to the beach before the teleportation field closed down behind her.
Jeanine cried out, "It's too late. Jennette failed and now she's dead. You're next to die."
Miranda replied, "Then you better hurry up and kill me before I escape to fight another day."
Miranda ran towards one of the motorboats with Jeanine close behind.
Mirands placed a sweat shirt and sweat pants over her swimming suit as the motorboat pulled away. Jeanine held on to the motorboat and started to wreck the engine until the motorboat was useless.
Miranda said, "I could still swim towards the Giant Yacht."
Jeanine said, "Then I better kill you before you make the effort."
Miranda stripped to her bathing suit and she dove underwater as Jeanine boarded the motorboat. Jeanine dove underwater in close pursuit of Miranda.
Jeanine grabbed Miranda and pulled the doomed girl deeper underwater.
Miranda tried to wiggle free from Jeanine. Jeanine's iron grip was much too strong. Jeanine pushed the air out of Miranda's lungs before prying her mouth open causing her to gulp water.
Miranda's body went limp and she found herself unable to swim any longer. Jeanine dragged Miranda even deeper underwater with intent to murder.
Miranda's eyes started to close as she found it impossible to stay alive any longer. She tried to gasp for air, but there was no breath in her lungs and she was too deep underwater for gasping for air to be made possible. Miranda found herself dying in anguish and pain instead.
Miranda Cosgrove is no longer alive. Miranda Cosgrove is legally dead. Jeanine Heller swam towards the surface as Miranda Cosgrove's dead body sank deeper underwater. Jeanine Heller fixed the motorboat and returned to the beach.
Jeanine Heller returned the motorboat to the beach. The motorboat fell apart and stopped working forever with smoke emerging from the engine block. Kylie Jenner was dressed in her bikini as she approached Jeanine with a smirk.
Kylie said, "Kendall didn't believe me when I told her that I would find you first."
Jeanine said, "Walk away and you get to live."
Kylie said, "One of us girls is about to die and it isn't going to be me."
Jeanine said, "Then I guess now is the time for me to kill you once and for all."
Kylie said, "Bring it damn it, I dare you."
Kylie punched Jeanine and kicked her twice. Jeanine punched Kylie once and sent her felling to the ground in a crumpled heap. Kylie tried to stand up only to be kicked to the ground. Kylie's second effort to stand up resulted in her being kicked to the ground in a crumpled defeated heap.
Jeanine hugged Kylie before wrapping her left hand around Kylie's throat. Jeanine pressed her left arm on Kylie's throat while her right hand restrained and prevented Kylie from escaping. Kylie tried to breath, but Jeanine wasn't allowing that to happen.
Kylie's body was starting to go numb as she tried in futility to escape Jeanine's strangulation attack. She tried to apologize, but no words was getting through the strangulation attack as Jeanine pressed her left arm on Kylie's throat while her right hand restrained and prevented Kylie from escaping. Tears fell from Kylie's eyes as her efforts to escape death was failing.
Kylie rammed her left elbow into Jeanine's stomach as Jeanine lay on Kylie---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Jeanine sputtered for air as Kylie squirmed free of the death grip to sit down on the beach sand looking directly at Jeanine. Jeanine needs to murder Kylie now. Escape for Kylie is now forever impossible.
Kylie stood up. Jeanine stood up. Kylie punched twice, Jeanine kicked once, Kylie punched five times before Jeanine punched Kylie to the ground.
Kylie stood up only to be kicked to the ground. Kylie stood up and she punched Jeanine only to be kicked to the ground. Jeanine kicked Kylie as she lay on the ground trying to get her breathe back.
Kylie stood up and she punched Jeanine. Kylie kicked Jeanine twice before she punched Jeanine ten times, before punching Jeanine. Jeanine punched Kylie once and she fell to the ground in a crumpled heap. Jeanine punched Kylie as she lay on the ground in a crumpled heap.
Jeanine said, "Just fucking die already."
Kylie stood up and she faced Jeanine. Kylie punched Jeanine. Kylie punched Jeanine again. This is it. Either Kylie dies or Jeanine dies. A death is about to happen seconds from now.
Kylie punched Jeanine. Jeanine punched Kylie and that's what did it. Kylie looked at her murderess with a blank expression as all feeling left her body. Kylie was still standing up, but for all intent and purposes, she's dying and death was unavoidable.
Kylie fell face up to the ground and she stopped breathing as death claimed the sexually seductive girl. Kylie tried to speak. She couldn't. Kylie tried to breathe. She couldn't. Kylie tried to keep herself alive. She couldn't. Jeanine was trying to kill Kylie. She succeeded. Kylie lay before Jeanine's feet in a crumpled submissive pose. Jeanine dragged Kylie to the ocean and watched as Kylie slipped away underwater defeated and dying forever.
Kylie Jenner is no longer alive. Kylie Jenner is legally dead.
Alicia asked, "What are you going to do when you finally encounter Jeanine Heller?"
Kristen replied, "Oh, I don't know. Perhaps a girls night out. We'll gossip until the late hours of the evening. Perhaps watch television while painting our toe nails. Oh come on, what do you think will happen when I encounter Mouse Lass? I'm going to kill her. That's what's going to happen."
Alicia said, "I figured you were going to kill Jeanine Heller. I was wondering how you were planning to kill Mouse Lass."
Kristen said, "I don't have the vaguest idea."
Alicia said, "You better start having an idea because Jeanine Heller could attack at any second."
Kristen replied, "You don't think I'm not already aware of that?"
Alicia replied, "Sometimes I wonder."
Kristen said, "I know I better have an idea, but I don't really have an idea."
Alicia said, "And suddenly it's become dangerous to hang around with you."
Kristen said, "Don't worry, I'll know what to do when Jeanine does attack."
Alicia said, "Lots of girls said that and they all ended up dead."
Kristen said, "I'll be the girl who's the exception to the rule."
Alicia said, "All the girls who said that always ended up dead."
Kristen said, "Wow, you're a bundle of optimism today."
Alicia said, "One of us girls needs to be realistic about what's going on."
Kristen said, "Oh don't worry, I'm a girl who's realistic about what's going on."
Alicia said, "Then you better have an idea how to kill Jeanine when she attacks."
Kristen said, "Oh don't worry, Jeanine will die. Not to worry about that. I'm not about to let Jeanine walk away alive and well. I'll kill Jeanine. Oh yeah, one way or another, Mouse Lass will die."
Alicia said, "Mouse Lass could be walking behind us right now."
Kristen asked, "Is Mouse Lass walking behind us?"
Alicia looked behind her before she said, "I don't see Mouse Lass."
Kristen said, "Then don't worry. Worry when the attack from Mouse Lass occurs."
Alicia said, "I get worried when you talk like that."
Alicia said, "Do you know why Mouse Lass wants to kill us so much?"
Kristen said, "I don't worry about things such as motivation. This is the way that I see it. Anybody who threatens me is an enemy. Mouse Lass is threatening me. Therefore, she's my enemy. Mouse Lass will die regardless of her motivation. I'll save motivation for the tombstones---Assuming there will be a corpse to toss under a tombstone.
Alicia said, "That's cold. That's harsh."
Kristen said, "I don't care. I'm going to win. And the only way to win is to kill Mouse Lass."
Alicia said, "Great. Wonderful. How are you going to do it?"
Kristen said, "I still have no idea."
Mouse Lass grabbed Alicia from behind and toss her to the ground. Kristen kicked Mouse Lass as Alicia slowly scrambled to her feet. Mouse Lass kicked Kristen to the ground as Alicia stood up and punched Mouse Lass. Kristen stood up and punched Mouse Lass. Alicia kicked Mouse Lass before getting kicked to the ground. Kristen was punched to the ground.
Alicia stood up and she punched Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass kicked Alicia to the ground as Kristen stood up. Kristen punched Mouse Lass before kicking her five times. Mouse Lass punched Kristen to the ground and kicked her while she lay on the ground.
Kristen stood up and she was punched to the ground. Alicia stood up and she was punched to the ground. Kristen stood up and she was kicked to the ground. Alicia stood up and she was punched to the ground. Kristen stood up and she was punched twice before getting kicked to the ground.
Alicia stood up and she was kicked to the ground. Kristen stood up and she was punched to the ground. Mouse Lass punched Bikini Clad Girl #15, kicked Bikini Clad Girl #16, punched Bikini Clad Girl #17 and kicked Bikini Clad Girl #18 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. Kristen stood up and she was kicked to the ground.
Mouse Lass kicked Bikini Clad Girl #19, punched Bikini Clad Girl #20 before kicking Bikini Clad Girl #21 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Alicia stood up and she was kicked to the ground. Kristen stood up and she was kicked to the ground. Alicia stood up and she was punched twice causing her to fall to the ground.
Alicia stood up and she was punched three times before she fell to the ground. Kristen stood up and she was kicked to the ground.
Alicia stood up. Kristen stood up. Mouse Lass vanished.
Alicia cried out, "Where did she go?"
Kristen said, "I don't know, but I'm going to find Mouse Lass and then I'm going to kill her."
Mouse Lass grabbed Kristen from behind and pushed her against Alicia breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Both girls fell on top of each other---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.
Kristen stood up. Alicia stood up. Mouse Lass has vanished.
Kristen said, "I'm getting sick and tired of this."
Alicia said, "Jeanine Heller didn't run very far. We'll kill find her and then we'll kill her."
Kristen said, "Come on, I have an idea."
Alicia said, "Show me the way and I'll follow."
Alicia Cargile walked side by side with Kristen Stewart. Both girls were unaware that Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass was following close behind.Alicia asked, "What are you going to do when you finally encounter Jeanine Heller?"
Kristen replied, "Oh, I don't know. Perhaps a girls night out. We'll gossip until the late hours of the evening. Perhaps watch television while painting our toe nails. Oh come on, what do you think will happen when I encounter Mouse Lass? I'm going to kill her. That's what's going to happen."
Alicia said, "I figured you were going to kill Jeanine Heller. I was wondering how you were planning to kill Mouse Lass."
Kristen said, "I don't have the vaguest idea."
Alicia said, "You better start having an idea because Jeanine Heller could attack at any second."
Kristen replied, "You don't think I'm not already aware of that?"
Alicia replied, "Sometimes I wonder."
Kristen said, "I know I better have an idea, but I don't really have an idea."
Alicia said, "And suddenly it's become dangerous to hang around with you."
Kristen said, "Don't worry, I'll know what to do when Jeanine does attack."
Alicia said, "Lots of girls said that and they all ended up dead."
Kristen said, "I'll be the girl who's the exception to the rule."
Alicia said, "All the girls who said that always ended up dead."
Kristen said, "Wow, you're a bundle of optimism today."
Alicia said, "One of us girls needs to be realistic about what's going on."
Kristen said, "Oh don't worry, I'm a girl who's realistic about what's going on."
Alicia said, "Then you better have an idea how to kill Jeanine when she attacks."
Kristen said, "Oh don't worry, Jeanine will die. Not to worry about that. I'm not about to let Jeanine walk away alive and well. I'll kill Jeanine. Oh yeah, one way or another, Mouse Lass will die."
Alicia said, "Mouse Lass could be walking behind us right now."
Kristen asked, "Is Mouse Lass walking behind us?"
Alicia looked behind her before she said, "I don't see Mouse Lass."
Kristen said, "Then don't worry. Worry when the attack from Mouse Lass occurs."
Alicia said, "I get worried when you talk like that."
Alicia said, "Do you know why Mouse Lass wants to kill us so much?"
Kristen said, "I don't worry about things such as motivation. This is the way that I see it. Anybody who threatens me is an enemy. Mouse Lass is threatening me. Therefore, she's my enemy. Mouse Lass will die regardless of her motivation. I'll save motivation for the tombstones---Assuming there will be a corpse to toss under a tombstone.
Alicia said, "That's cold. That's harsh."
Kristen said, "I don't care. I'm going to win. And the only way to win is to kill Mouse Lass."
Alicia said, "Great. Wonderful. How are you going to do it?"
Kristen said, "I still have no idea."
Mouse Lass grabbed Alicia from behind and toss her to the ground. Kristen kicked Mouse Lass as Alicia slowly scrambled to her feet. Mouse Lass kicked Kristen to the ground as Alicia stood up and punched Mouse Lass. Kristen stood up and punched Mouse Lass. Alicia kicked Mouse Lass before getting kicked to the ground. Kristen was punched to the ground.
Alicia stood up and she punched Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass kicked Alicia to the ground as Kristen stood up. Kristen punched Mouse Lass before kicking her five times. Mouse Lass punched Kristen to the ground and kicked her while she lay on the ground.
Kristen stood up and she was punched to the ground. Alicia stood up and she was punched to the ground. Kristen stood up and she was kicked to the ground. Alicia stood up and she was punched to the ground. Kristen stood up and she was punched twice before getting kicked to the ground.
Alicia stood up and she was kicked to the ground. Kristen stood up and she was punched to the ground. Mouse Lass punched Bikini Clad Girl #15, kicked Bikini Clad Girl #16, punched Bikini Clad Girl #17 and kicked Bikini Clad Girl #18 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. Kristen stood up and she was kicked to the ground.
Mouse Lass kicked Bikini Clad Girl #19, punched Bikini Clad Girl #20 before kicking Bikini Clad Girl #21 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Alicia stood up and she was kicked to the ground. Kristen stood up and she was kicked to the ground. Alicia stood up and she was punched twice causing her to fall to the ground.
Alicia stood up and she was punched three times before she fell to the ground. Kristen stood up and she was kicked to the ground.
Alicia stood up. Kristen stood up. Mouse Lass vanished.
Alicia cried out, "Where did she go?"
Kristen said, "I don't know, but I'm going to find Mouse Lass and then I'm going to kill her."
Mouse Lass grabbed Kristen from behind and pushed her against Alicia breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Both girls fell on top of each other---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.
Kristen stood up. Alicia stood up. Mouse Lass has vanished.
Kristen said, "I'm getting sick and tired of this."
Alicia said, "Jeanine Heller didn't run very far. We'll kill find her and then we'll kill her."
Kristen said, "Come on, I have an idea."
Alicia said, "Show me the way and I'll follow."
Kristen Stewart and Alicia Cargile in the general direction where they think Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass has vanished towards. It may be necessary for Mouse Lass to kill both girls before they succeed in killing Mouse Lass.
Emma Roberts faced the Dude she was with and asked, "So what's been going on with you recently?"
His response was, "It's been uneventful. I doubt anything eventful will ever happen anytime soon."
Emma replied, "I wish I could share your good fortune. My life has been filled with chaos."His response was, "What's been going on since the last time we talked?"
Jeanine Heller approached Emma Roberts and the Dude she was with.
Jeanine said, "I really need to talk to Emma Roberts in private."
Emma replied, "You don't need to talk to me in private."
His response was, "What's going on?"
Jeanine Heller said, "Emma Roberts would love to hang out with you, but she's already committed to spending time in the public library with me instead."
His response was, "Is this true? You agreed to hang out with me, but then was planning to stand me up in preference to hanging in the public library?"
Emma said, "Jeanine is lying. I never agreed to anything of the sort."
Jeanine said, "Emma has agreed to spending the entire evening in the library with me. So she'll need to reschedule."
His response was, "It was rude for you to stand up such a nice lady as Jeanine."
Emma cried out, "You're seriously going to take Jeanine's side in the argument?"
His response was, "Jeanine is more believable than you are?"
Emma said, "Jeanine has no right to ruin this date we're having?"
Jeanine said, "I think it's necessary for Emma to break her date with you right now. She's busy with other tasks instead."
His response said, "I guess I better get going?"
Emma said, "Please don't go. You must stay."
His response was, "Do me a favor and lose my number. That's a good girl."
The Dude she was with vanished. Emma Roberts was left alone with Jeanine Heller.
Emma cried out, "What the fuck was that?"
Jeanine said, "The only thing you need to worry about was being murdered by me."
Emma said, "Oh yeah, you have no reason to make a death threat against me."
Katie said, "Jeanine Heller needs to apologize for what she's done."
Jeanine punched Emma in the stomach and she fell.
Jeanine said, "I have nothing to apologize for."
Katie said, "Then I'll make you apologize if you won't do so willingly."
Jeanine Heller punched Katie and she fell to the ground the same time that Emma stood up and faced her attacker.
Emma said, "What the fuck is wrong with you? What happened to you? Why are you acting this way? Why are you forcing me to kill you?"
Jeanine said, "Some girls need to be murdered more than other girls."
Emma said, "That's hardly a worthy explanation."
Jeanine punched Emma and she fell to the ground.Jeanine said, "You'll accept my explanation regardless of your feelings."
Emma Roberts stood up as Jeanine Heller punched Katie Holmes. Katie fell and she slowly stood up. She faced Jeanine with a frown.
Katie said, "I don't need to accept your explanation."
Jeanine said, "I'll make you accept my explanation regardless of your feelings or enthusiasm."
Jeanine kicked Katie to the ground. Jeanine punched Emma in the chest and she fell to the ground. Shailene Woodley approached Jeanine Heller with a stern expression on her face.
Shailene said, "Are you finished with your fun yet? Because some of us isn't impressed by such bizarre psychotic behavior."
Jeanine Heller said, "There is one way I'll stop having fun with this."
Shailene said with a stern expression, "And what would that be?"
Jeanine Heller punched Shailene Woodley in the chest and she fell to the ground at the same time that Emma Roberts stood up.
Emma said, "I'm going to walk away from this. Katie and Shailene is going to join me."
Jeanine Heller punched Emma in the chest and she lay down in a submissive crumpled heap.
Jeanine Heller said, "You're not going anywhere until I'm finished with you."
Katie Holmes slowly stood up. Katie said, "And where are you planning to let Emma travel towards? I'm curious because you seem to be only interested in killing off the three of us girls."
Jeanine Heller punched Katie in the chest. And when she didn't fall, Jeanine Heller punched Katie in the chest a second time.
Jeanine said, "I'm planning to see the three of you go swimming in the Black Sea."
Katie said, "I'm not planning on going swimming in the Black Sea."
Jeanine Heller punched Katie in the chest and she fell in a crumpled heap while Shailene stood up.
Jeanine said, "I don't care."
Shailene said, "You know what I was going to do today? Anything except fighting against you. You really made me angry enough to attempt to murder you."
Jeanine said, "But even you were going to toss the dead bodies of your girlfriends into the Black Sea after I succeed in killing them."
Jeanine punched Shailene in the chest and she lay down on the ground. Emma stood up.
Emma said, "I'm getting sick and tired of you always assaulting me. This has to stop."
Jeanine said, "Oh it will stop when I succeed in killing you."
Jeanine Heller punched Emma and she lay down in a submissive crumpled heap. Katie slowly stood up on her hands and knees. Jeanine Heller kicked Katie in the stomach as she continued to crawl on her hands and knees.
Katie said, "Will you please let me stand up goddamn it."
Jeanine said, "I don't want you to stand up. I want you to lie down and stay that way."
Katie said, "The only way that will happen is if I end up legally dead."
Jeanine said, "That's the whole idea Katie."
Jeanine kicked Katie in the stomach as she crawled on her hands and knees sending Katie crashing back down in a helpless lying down on the ground pose.
Shailene stood up.
Shailene said, "You might think that this is a good day to murder us girls. You will soon learn that you're the one who is about to be punished."
Jeanine punched Shailene in the chest.
Jeanine said as Shailene fell to the ground, "I'm not the girl lying helplessly on the ground."
Emma Roberts stood up and punched Jeanine in the stomach.
Emma said, "How does it feel being the one at the receiving end of a violent attack."
Emma punched Jeanine five more times.
Jeanine punched Emma once and Emma was sent helplessly crashing to the ground while Katie stood up. Katie punched Jeanine and Jeanine doubled over in pain.
Jeanine said, "I'll tell you what. I'll allow only one of you three girls to escape justice, but two of you must die now."
Katie punched Jeanine in the stomach before saying, "What difference does it make. You won't stop until all three of us girls are legally dead."
Jeanine punched Katie in the stomach once and she fell helplessly to the ground.
Jeanine said, "One of you get a few more minutes of life plus the chance to be chased around by a serial killer a tiny bit longer. Think about it."
Shailene said, "Katie doesn't need to think about it. You're the only one who is about to be punished. The three of us girls will be fine."
Shailene punched Jeanine five times and Jeanine was slightly rattled.
Jeanine said, "Strong words from a girl who is always getting punched to the ground."
Jeanine punched Shailene once and she fell helplessly to the ground while Emma stood up.
Emma said, "So how will you decide which of the three of us will survive and which of the three of us will die? That's one hell of a decision to make."
Emma tried to punch Jeanine with her right hand, but Jeanine blocked the blow.
Jeanine still held onto Emma's right hand in her left hand while punching Emma in her chest with the right hand. Emma fell to the ground while Katie stood up.
Jeanine said, "Katie might want to be chased around a tiny bit longer while watching the two of you die. Isn't that right Katie."
Katie replied, "That is wrong Jeanine."
Jeanine punched Katie and she fell helplessly to the ground while Shailene stood up.
Shailene said, "You seriously want to kill me?"
Jeanine said, "That's the supposed to be the idea of constantly punching you out. One of these punches will end your life forever."
Shailene tried to punch Jeanine with her left hand and Jeanine blocked the blow with her right hand. Still holding on to Shailene's left hand Jeanine punched Shailene with her right hand. When Shailene tried to move her left hand away from Jeanine's grasp resulted in Jeanine punching Shailene as punishment until Shailene lay down in submission. Emma stood up.
Emma said, "Your arrogance is going to get you murdered."
Jeanine said, "Your refusal to face the truth will result in your death a Hell of a lot sooner."
Jeanine punched Emma and she lay down in a submissive pose. Katie stood up.
Katie said, "Time is up Jeanine. Either murder Emma and Shailene while letting me go or let the three of us girls murder you. No more dancing around Mouse Lass."
Shailene stood up and Jeanine punched her in the chest. Jeanine tied Shailene's arms behind her body with rope while shoving Shailene to the ground.
Katie said, "That's just one of the three before letting me escape. Emma is still a threat."
Jeanine said, "Not for long."
Emma Roberts stood up only to be attacked from behind. Emma left arm was grasp with an inescapable grip against her.
Jeanine proceeded to unzipper Emma's Jeans. Emma's jeans was removed forcing her to lay only in her top, bra and panties. Nothing else was allowed by Jeanine. Emma's arms was tied behind her back.
Katie said, "Now it's time for me to escape justice to live and fight another day."
Jeanine said, "This isn't over Katie. I will murder you."
Katie Holmes escaped down the street and vanished from sight.
Emma said, "I'm still alive Mouse Lass. I could still harm you as long as I'm alive."
Jeanine said, "Then I need to solve that problem right now."
Jeanine stabbed Emma Roberts in her voluptuous chest causing the doomed girl to crash to the ground face up. Emma tried to stand up, but she was losing too much blood. The doomed girl started to cry as death overtook her. Emma's eyes closed and the world became dark. Emma Roberts is no longer alive. Emma Roberts is legally dead.
Shailene managed to wiggle out of the ropes that bound her arms behind her back. And as Jeanine Heller checked for a pulse on Emma Roberts' dead body and was satisfied to find none, Shailene quietly slipped away unnoticed---At first. Jeanine Heller chased after Shailene when noticing that her prisoner isn't a prisoner anymore.
Shailene said, "I guess you won't get to murder me after all. Too bad."
Shailene kicked Jeanine and tried to escape only to be grabbed by the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine and pulled to the ground. Shailene kicked and punched Jeanine and she fell backwards to the ground. Shailene tried to stand up once more.
Jeanine grabbed Shailene's bra strap that rested on her spine and pulled Shailene to the ground yet again. Shailene kicked Jeanine Heller before attempting to stand up.
Jeanine grabbed Shailene's left leg and pulled her back down. Shailene tried to kick Jeanine and she got punched in the chest as punishment. Shailene lay down in a crumpled heap.
Jeanine tried to unzipper Shailene's pants and she kicked Jeanine before punching her.
Shailene cried out, "What the fuck is your problem you goddamn weirdo."
Jeanine said, "Don't you dare try to escape! I must punish you now!"
Jeanine tried to unzipper Shailene's pants as she tried to stand up. Shailene punched Jeanine and she fell backwards. Jeanine kicked Shailene in the stomach and she fell backwards.
Shailene said, "Get the fuck away from me goddamn it."
Jeanine cried out, "Don't you dare talk to me like that."
Jeanine punched Shailene before kicking her as punishment.
Jeanine unzippered Shailene's pants and pulled her pants off. Jeanine tossed Shailene's pants aside. Jeanine punched Shailene as she tried to regain her pants so harshly that Shailene resisting with tears running down her face.
Shailene cried out, "Get the fuck away from me."
Jeanine said, "I can't do that. I'm not finished yet."
Jeanine pulled off Shailene's top off. Shailene tried to fight against the action only to be punished with a punch in the stomach as punishment. Shailene continued sobbing as her top was pulled off. Shailene tried to grab her jeans and her top only to be kicked twice and punch one. Shailene lay there in her bikini top and bottom and nothing else.
Shailene punched Jeanine before scrambling to her feet and trying to make a run for it while only dressed in her bikini top and bottom.
Shailene kept running until she reached a nearby swimming pool. She started to relax when she failed to see Jeanine Heller anywhere.
Shailene Woodley reached a nearby swimming pool. She reached into her purse to pull out her cell phone. She tried to dial 911 without success. Her cell phone wasn't recharged properly and it was difficult to get through as a result. Shailene checked her cell phone one more time before dialing 911.
Shailene dropped her cell phone into the swimming pool just when she started making progress with the device. The only way to retrieve the water proof cell phone was to dive into the swimming pool.
Shailene Woodley couldn't see what was underwater. She could see her cell phone, but she couldn't see much else beyond the cell phone.
Shailene dove into the swimming pool to retrieve her waterproof cell phone.
Shailene took a deep breath of oxygen before diving underwater inside the swimming pool.
Shailene was underwater when Jeanine grabbed both of her feet. Shailene was starting to drown as Jeanine continued to hold her underwater.
Shailene kicked Jeanine only to be punched in the stomach so hard that the oxygen she held in her lungs was pushed out while still underwater as punishment.
Shailene tried to swim to the surface only to have Jeanine embrace her breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina while swimming deeper underwater.
Shailene's spine finally hit the bottom of the swimming pool and on top of her cell phone too. Shailene had no oxygen in her lungs and she was drowning in the swimming pool. Shailene tried to wiggle from Jeanine grasp while Jeanine embraced and lay on top of her breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Jeanine punched Shailene as punishment for her effort.
Shailene was dying from drowning and she frantically tried to break free from Jeanine's grasp. Jeanine punched Shailene as punishment while lying down and hugging her at the bottom of the swimming pool breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Shailene started to cry as her efforts to save herself from drowning was defeated violently.
Jeanine pried open Shailene's mouth and she gulped in water while still underwater. Shailene tried to wiggle free only to be punched in the stomach as punishment.
Shailene started to make progress in escaping Jeanine only to be punched in the stomach and the grip restored once again. Jeanine was back to holding Shailene on the bottom of the swimming pool in a death like embrace breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.
Shailene continued to cry as the world got darker. It got harder for her to move her arms as death slowly took over. Shailene no longer had the strength to fight against Jeanine as she ran out of oxygen Jeanine pried open Shailene's mouth forced her to gulp more water into her lungs.
Shailene closed her eyes and she died. Shailene is no longer alive. Shailene Woodley is legally dead. The dead body of Shailene Woodley was left in the swimming pool. A special tube pulled Shailene Woodley's dead body out of the swimming pool and into the Black Sea to vanish even deeper underwater than before.

Vanessa Hudgens used to be friends with Jeanine Heller. Then one day, the close friendship between the two best friends forever ended. Vanessa never knew why. Jeanine Heller was nice to her one day and coldly ignoring her the next day.
Alicia Cargile lost track of Kristen Stewart. She didn't lose track of Mouse Lass. Alicia Cargile was dressed in her bikini top and shorts. The rest of her clothes was in Kristen Stewart's car. Alicia looked at Mouse Lass with a frown as she proceeded to walk away.
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass cried out, "Don't you dare walk away from me."
Alicia said, "Go screw yourself goddamn it."
Alicia tried to punch Mouse Lass, but Mouse Lass blocked the blow.
Alicia said, "I wasn't expecting that to happen."
Jeanine said, "It's my turn to attack with the intent to kill."
Alicia replied, "Oh fuck, I'm about to be defeated."
Jeanine punched Alicia. Alicia looked at Jeanine with a blank expression on her face. The girl was still standing as she abruptly stopped breathing and died. The doomed teenage girl was dead before her corpse hit the ground. Jeanine checked for a pulse and she didn't find it. Alicia Cargile is no longer alive. Alicia Cargile is legally dead. Mouse Lass walked over Alicia's dead body in her search for Kristen Stewart. The cute sexually seductive girl is about to die once and for all.
Kristen Stewart looked behind her as Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass chased after her with intent to kill once and for all. Kristen was dressed only in her bikini. The rest of her clothes was in her car that she'll never get to use because the cute sexually seductive girl is about to die. Kristen looked behind her at Mouse Lass with a smirk on her face. Kristen was about to get on board a motorboat.
Mouse Lass got her left foot stuck in a metal pail and her right foot stuck in a metal pail. Mouse Lass tripped over her own feet and fell off the pier and into the Black Sea.
Kristen said, "That's not encouraging if Mouse Lass was planning to have me murdered once and for all. I guess I get to escape once and for all. The only way to stop me from escaping is to kill me and Mouse Lass is too worthless acting to kill me."
Kristen Stewart got onto the boat as Mouse Lass tried to go swimming with two metal pails stuck to both of her feet.
Kristen got onto the boat as it roared away from the pier. Mouse Lass struggled to swim after the motorboat with two metal pails stuck to both of her feet. Hurry up and kill Kristen before she escapes. The chance to kill Kristen will be ruined forever if she isn't killed this exact second.
Kristen looked back at Mouse Lass as she struggled to swim with two metal pails stuck to her feet.
Kristen faced Bikini Clad Girl #22 before she said, "Why didn't you tell me that Mouse Lass could swim like that."
Bikini Clad Girl #22 said, "I didn't think that was important."
Kristen said, "I'll show you what's important goddessdamn it."
Kristen stabbed Bikini Clad Girl #22 between her breasts. Bikini Clad Girl fell off the boat legally dead and into the Black Sea. Kristen looked at Mouse Lass swimming after her with alarm. Hurry up and kill Kristen before she escapes. There is still a chance to kill the teenage girl.
Mouse Lass swam closer to the motorboat with two metal pails stuck to her feet. Kristen faced Bikini Clad Girl #23 before she said, "Swim after Mouse Lass and kill her."
Bikini Clad Girl #23 said, "I don't want to be murdered by Mouse Lass."
Kristen said, "Then die as punishment for insubordination."
Kristen stabbed Bikini Clad Girl #23 between her breasts. Bikini Clad Girl #23 looked at Kristen blankly before she fell off of the motorboat legally dead. Kristen is running out of bikini clad girls to die instead of her. Hurry up and kill Kristen before it's too late."
Kristen figured out what to do.
Kristen walked closer to the edge of the motorboat .
Kristen Stewart jumped off of the motorboat and into the Black Sea .
Kristen swam closer to Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass grabbed Kristen and pulled her underwater. Mouse Lass pressed her breasts on Kristen's breasts and her vagina on Kristen's vagina. Kristen kicked Mouse Lass and pulled herself free. Kristen's left foot accidently pulled both metal pails from Mouse Lass' feet. Both metal pails sank to the bottom of the Black Sea. The motorboat turned around to pick up Kristen. The chance to escape was ruined by doing so. Kristen got on board the motorboat. Hurry up and kill Kristen before it's too late. Kristen must die now!
Mouse Lass got on board the motorboat. Mouse Lass kicked Bikini Clad Girl #24 in the vagina and she fell off the motorboat legally dead. Mouse Lass punched Bikini Clad Girl #25 inches below her voluptuous breasts and she fell off the motorboat legally dead. Kristen removed her bikini top as she was about to put her blouse on.
Kristen said, "At least let me put my blouse on goddessdamn it!"
Mouse Lass said, "Sorry Kristen, but you're out of time."
Mouse Lass stabbed Kristen between her breasts. Kristen winced in pain as the sexually seductive girl slowly started to die.

Kristen fell backwards as Mouse Lass stood over the dying girl. Kristen gargled blood as she tried in vain to breathe.
Mouse Lass said, "Why won't you just die damn it!"
Kristen tried to say something, but she was gargling blood instead.
Kristen tried to stand up but she was stabbed between her breasts five more times. Kristen fell backwards once again.
The motorboat fell apart. The motorboat started to sink underwater. Kristen was left on the motorboat to die as it sank underwater. Only Mouse Lass was able to escape the sinking motorboat alive and well. Kristen Stewart and four of her girls are legally dead once and for all.
Mouse Lass swam to shore to kill more teenage girls. Kristen Stewart is no longer alive. Kristen Stewart is legally dead.
Gwyneth Paltrow was closely followed by Jeanine Heller as she walked closer towards Taylor Swift. Jeanine Heller felt violent jealousy as Gwyneth Paltrow and Taylor Swift pressed their breasts together as they tightly hugged each other.
Gwyneth said, "Us girls isn't having much luck killing Jeanine. I'll be forced to kill Jeanine myself if we keep losing Evil Sorority House member girls to Jeanine's serial killing binge."
Taylor said, "We only need one of us girls to get lucky and kill Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass once and for all. You having the honor of killing Jeanine before I get the chance to fight Jeanine to the death would be a huge honor."
Gwyneth said, "It won't be a huge honor if you end up getting killed by Mouse Lass before I get killed by Mouse Lass."
Taylor said, "Then I better make sure that my murder attack against Mouse Lass is successful because I'll be damned if I'm going to make it easy for Mouse Lass to murder me."
Gwyneth secretly knew that Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass was standing behind her and she secretly wanted Mouse Lass to kill her in a violent serial killing attack. However, that can't happen if Taylor Swift is standing next to her to ensure that Mouse Lass' violent murder attack against Gwyneth fails. Thus, Gwyneth secretly wished that Taylor would wander off and either get herself killed or delay her death a bit longer so that she could get the chance to be the first to be murdered. However, the other half of Gwyneth was horrified by such a thought and continued her conversation with Taylor.
Gwyneth said, "I purchased a new bikini and I would rather not die while wearing it. How many minutes will it take for Mouse Lass to kill you while wearing your brand new bikini? I figured that it would take ten minutes for Mouse Lass to kill me in my brand new bikini. Do you suppose that it would take you less than ten minutes for Mouse Lass to kill you in your brand new bikini."
Taylor said, "Perhaps I should take off my close and stand only in my bikini to find out."
Gwyneth said, "It would be safer if both of us girls were to stick together. It would be easier for us girls if we were to attack Jeanine Heller together as a two girl unit."
Taylor said, "But you claimed that you could survive against Jeanine Heller for ten minutes while dressed in your bikini. I should strip to my bikini to fight Jeanine Heller alone to see if I could last longer than ten minutes or less than ten minutes in a serial killing attack."
Emma Watson said, "What are you two girls talking about?"
Gwyneth said, "The two of us should join forces to prevent Taylor from stripping to her bikini and fight against Jeanine Heller alone. Jeanine can only stop the two of us girls from doing so by knocking us both out one by one starting with you."
Emma said, "There is no way Jeanine will succeed in knocking me out before knocking you out."
Jeanine punched Emma in the stomach before kicking her to the ground. Jeanine faced Gwyneth as Emma rolled on her stomach and fell unconscious.
Gwyneth said, "That didn't take too much effort."
Jeanine asked, "Were you expecting my violent assault against Emma Watson to take much effort."
Gwyneth said, "I wouldn't feel good about myself if I turned out to be easy to knock out before becoming easy to kill."
Jeanine replied, "But that's exactly what you're going to do for me."
Gwyneth said, "If you want to try something brave and bold, how about a reality check. What makes you think that you'll last against me."
Jeanine said, "You were bragging that it would take me only ten minutes to kill you."
Gwyneth said, "I was being rude and flippant you damn nerd."
Jeanine punched Gwyneth once before kicking her to the ground. Gwyneth rolled on her stomach before she fell unconscious.
Jeanine said, "It took me only one minute to knock you unconscious, not ten minutes."
Taylor said, "What have you done? Here I was trying to be nice to you and you respond with death threats. How can I trust you when you abuse my good faith and trust like that?"
Jeanine said, "I'll tell you what. I'll give you a head start before I murder you."
Taylor said in a sarcastic tone of voice, "Oh, I'm so honored that you could grant me such a luxury. I'll honor the advantage that you gave to me."
Taylor Swift took off her blouse and her blue jeans until she only wore her bikini and nothing else. Taylor looked at Jeanine with a smirk before she walked quickly towards the Black Sea. Jeanine waited a bit as promised before chasing after Taylor with intent to kill.
Taylor had no idea that she was being followed. Jeanine looked at Taylor's rear end as Taylor paused to contemplate her options. Any hope for survival is getting bleaker for the doomed girl.
Jeanine continued to look at Taylor's rear end as the doomed girl continued to contemplate her options. Not realizing how doomed she is, Taylor finally made a decision.
Taylor looked at Jeanine and cried out, "Go ahead and try to kill me you damn nerd. I promise you that you won't get very far. You have only ten minutes to kill me before you lose credibility as a murderer of evil girls."
Jeanine said, "Then I better hurry up and kill you now."
Taylor grabbed a paddleboard and she paddled away from the beach. Jeanine grabbed a paddleboard and she pursued Taylor with intent to kill.
Taylor paddled faster and faster until she no longer saw Jeanine Heller behind her.
Confident that Jeanine gave up her pursuit, Taylor paused to look around her before paddling further, but this time much slower.
Taylor paddled directly towards Jeanine without knowing it. Taylor smiled. Jeanine smiled. One of them is about to die and it isn't Jeanine.
Taylor slammed her paddle against Jeanine and she fell of her paddleboard and into the Black Sea. Taylor paused while she looked in vain for her victimizer.
Still perched on her paddleboard, Taylor bent over closer towards the Black Sea looking for her victimizer Jeanine Heller.
Jeanine climbed back on her paddleboard before slamming her paddle into Taylor's stomach. The life went out of Taylor as the blow killed her instantly. Taylor bent over and she lifelessly fell forward off her paddleboard and face first into the Black Sea.
Taylor Swift is no longer alive. Taylor Swift is legally dead.
******Vanessa sent flowers with notes of apology attached. She telephoned more times than necessary. Nothing worked. Jeanine Heller couldn't be moved.
Vanessa Hudgens have considered violently attacking and possibly killing Jeanine Heller if she doesn't accept attempts at making an apology. She was going to give Jeanine Heller a couple more days to make up her mind and say yes to friendship before going as far as that.
Vanessa Hudgens was an her private yacht. And she was going to enjoy her boating trip down the Black Sea alongside the city. Vanessa Hudgens badly needs some rest and she's determined to get some rest no matter what.
Forcing Jeanine Heller to say yes to friendship can wait. After all, Vanessa Hudgens is a very patient girl. And she always gets what she wants in the end no matter the consequences.
Vanessa checked her e-mail on her smart phone before taking a sip of water. Vanessa felt calm and relaxed. Nothing was going to ruin her relaxation and comfort.
Girl #1 approached Vanessa.
Girl #1 asked, "Have you heard anything from Jeanine Heller?"
Vanessa Hudgens replied, "Jeanine Heller continues to play hard to get. That really irritates me. Things that irritate me must be dealt with."
Girl #1 said, "I would've knee capped her myself if I ever got close enough to her to do so."
Vanessa said, "Don't worry, we have plenty of time to punish Jeanine Heller for withdrawing her friendship away from me."
Girl #1 asked, "So you got some ideas?"
Vanessa replied, "Oh yeah, I got some ideas."
Girl #2 and Girl #3 joined the gathering as Vanessa started to lie down face down.
Girl #3 asked, "We're still talking about Jeanine Heller."
Vanessa replied, "We're still talking about Jeanine Heller and her evil friendship rejecting wickedness. Something will be done about that Jeanine Heller. Trust me on that."
Girl #1 said, "Vanessa doesn't want me to kneecap Jeanine Heller."
Girl #3 replied, "That's because punishing Jeanine Heller for rejecting Vanessa's friendship is supposed to be my responsibility."
Ashley Tisdale watched Vanessa Hudgens, Girl #1, Girl #2 and Girl #3 from a distance. Ashley Tisdale too was once best friends forever with Jeanine Heller. And Jeanine Heller also committed the crime of ending her friendship with Ashley for no reason. And when that happened, Ashley became determined to destroy Jeanine Heller's life beyond repair as punishment for rejecting Ashley's offer of friendship. Because no girl walks away from best friend forever status with Ashley Tisdale without suffering for that crime horribly.
Girl #1 approached and stood behind Ashley Tisdale as she stood there and brooded about all the pain she'll cause Jeanine Heller as punishment for abruptly ending their best friend forever appreciation for each other. And the revenge she thought about was as wicked as she could possibly have made it.
Girl #1 approached Ashley Tisdale and said, "We should attack and kill Jeanine Heller after we ruin her life beyond repair if she refuses to be best friends forever with us all."
Ashley Tisdale replied, "Oh yes, that will be done the second this boat reaches dock once again."
Ashley Tisdale said, "If Jeanine Heller continues to reject our offer of friendship, we shall ruin her family. We shall ruin her employability. We shall chase her into unemployment. We shall make a death row inmate fugitive out of her. Then we shall kill her as she tries to escape death row inmate incarceration imprisonment. We shall make Jeanine Heller cry like she never cried before."
Girl #1 replied, "Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about."
Ashley Tisdale and Girl #1 gave each other a high five.
Ashley Tisdale thought she saw Jeanine Heller. And she descended from the gigantic yacht downwards to a small paddle boat.
Ashley Tisdale paddled the small paddle boat away from the Gigantic Yacht and towards who she thought was Jeanine Heller. Who Ashley thought was Jeanine Heller was going swimming away from the yacht and miles from any rescue that Ashley could call upon if her revenge attack failed to work properly as planned.
Ashley Tisdale was still too close to the Gigantic Yacht. She paddled her small paddle boat further away from the safety of the gigantic yacht.
Ashley Tisdale almost fell off her paddle board, but restored her balance to prevent herself from accidently dying. She paddled her paddle board closer towards Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass---The Female Woman Killer.
Jessica Szohr saw Jeanine Heller and then she saw Ashley Tisdale traveling by paddle boat away from the Giant Yacht and towards Jeanine Heller's paddle boat. Jessica smiled as an idea that would murder Jeanine Heller once and for all crept into her head.
Jessica Szohr walked from the upper deck to the lower deck of the Giant Yacht and towards a small cluster of girls. Jessica was both arrogant and confident as she made her way from the upper deck to the lower deck of the Giant Yacht. Jessica tripped and she almost fell off the Giant Yacht before she saved herself by holding on to one of the railing. Jessica Szohr was dressed in her bikini and nothing else as she walked closer from the upper deck to the lower deck of the Giant Yacht. Emma Miller watched as Jessica Szohr walked towards her. Then she turned her head to see Ashley Tisdale move across the black sea by paddle boat towards Jeanine Heller's paddle boat. Then Emma knew what was about to happen. Emma Miller walked towards Jessica Szohr with a wide arrogant and confident smile on her face.
Emma Miller was only dressed in her bikini and nothing else as she walked towards Jessica Szohr. Emma tripped and she almost bumped her head on the wall and fell off of the Giant Yacht. Emma saved herself by holding on to the railing just in time. Emma continued to walk towards Jessica Szohr with confidence and arrogance.
Jessica Szohr faced Emma before she said, "Do you see that? Jeanine Heller actually thinks she has a chance to board the Giant Yacht and wipe us girls out one by one. I think we should correct that mistaken assumption."
Emma Miller replied, "I agree Jessica, let's go and murder Jeanine Heller before she kills us both one by one. Jeanine Heller needs to die."
Girl #4 said, "You two girls be careful. Jeanine Heller always murders every single girl who ever challenges her to a battle to the death. Mouse Lass will kill you both if you two girls isn't careful."
Jessica replied, "Don't worry, I'll be ok. Jeanine Heller is about to realize what it means to be attacked and killed in a serial killing attack."
Emma said, "Jessica and I will be the girls who will return alive and triumphant."
And with that Jessica Szohr boarded a yellow raft and floated the raft away from the Giant Yacht.
The yellow raft with Jessiza Szohr in front and Emma Miller in back moved towards Jeanine Heller faster than Ashley Tisdale on her paddle boat. Jeanine Heller fired a harpoon into Emma Miller from behind, through her vital organs and between her breasts.
Emma Miller's dead body fell forward and deflated the yellow inflatable raft. Emma Miller's legally dead body and the yellow raft sank underwater forcing Jessica Szohr to swim towards Jeanine Heller. The Harbor Police Officer floated his jet ski towards Jessica Szohr.
Jessica said, "Can you help a maiden in distress escape justice back to her Giant Yacht before she is murdered by Mouse Lass the Female Woman Killer?"
The Harbor Police Officer replied, "It will be my pleasure."
And so Jessica Szohr boarded the Harbor Police Officer's jet ski and pressed her voluptuous breasts on his spine. And just before Jessica Szohr succeeded in converting the Harbor Police Officer towards woman loving heterosexuality, Jeanine Heller fired a harpoon from behind into Jessica Szohr's spine and through most of her vital organs. Jessica Szohr started to drool blood as the sexually seductive girl started dying.
The Harbor Police Officer was forced to push Jessica Szohr overboard just as the harpoon emerged between her breasts. Jessica Szohr's legally dead body fell backwards into the Black Sea and never emerged to the surface. The Harbor Police Officer's first and best opportunity towards woman loving heterosexuality was ruined the second that Jessica Szohr legally died.
Jeanine Heller saw Ashley Tisdale paddle her small paddle boat towards her.Jeanine Heller replied, "I told you that I don't want to be best friends forever anymore. Stop telephoning me and stop sending flowers with notes of apology attached. It's never going to work."
Ashley Tisdale replied, "I don't take rejection easily. Now I must ruin your life before you are killed off forever as punishment for your rejection of my friendship."
Ashley tried to attack Jeanine Heller with the paddle of her paddle boat. Jeanine Heller dove off her paddle boat and into the Black Sea instead. Ashley Tisdale moved her paddle boat across the Black Sea in search for Jeanine Heller.
Ashley Tisdale never found Jeanine Heller. Ashley Tisdale was frustrated.
Jeanine Heller must be running out of air by now. She'll need to swim back to the surface. Ashley was ready to murder Jeanine Heller the second she swims to the surface.
Jeanine Heller never swam to the surface, but her lungs were bursting and she was close to drowning. She was prepared to drown and kill Ashley Tisdale if she swam down after her. Jeanine Heller didn't want to kill Ashley Tisdale in self defense, but self protection may become necessary.
Ashley Tisdale never swam after Jeanine Heller. She paddled her paddle boat back to the yacht. With her paddle boat broken, Jeanine Heller will need a boat to reach the Black Sea Docks. The only way to do so is to use the Gigantic Yacht. The only way to use the Gigantic Yacht is to follow Ashley Tisdale to the Gigantic Yacht and kill her in self defense.
Ashley Tisdale reached the Gigantic Yacht. Jeanine Heller swam towards the Gigantic Yacht. Girl #4 spotted Jeanine Heller.
Girl #4 said, "Hey, you're not supposed to be here."
Jeanine Heller replied, "Then I must kill you to keep the element of surprise."
Jeanine Heller punched Girl #4 in the stomach and caused her to double over in pain. Jeanine Heller pulled Girl #4 off the Gigantic Yacht and drowned her to death in the Black Sea. Girl #4 is legally dead as she floated to the bottom of the Black Sea.
Ashley Tisdale didn't see Girl #4 legally die as Jeanine Heller snuck aboard the Gigantic Yacht. Ashley Tisdale was close enough to be killed, but the timing may not be yet perfect.

Kendall Jenner found out that Kylie Jenner has died. Kendall was overflowing with grief over her dead sister. And as she tried to recover from her grief, Jeanine Heller followed the doomed woman. Jeanine Heller started to follow Kendall Jenner with intent to kill.
Kendall Jenner wore only her bikini bottom, her bikini top and a blouse. She walked towards the Harbor Police Officer. Kendall asked, "What's the problem? I thought you were offered a bribe to look the other way?"
The Harbor Police Officer said, "Girls keep dying just when I'm about to leave. I'll need another bribe in case I'm continuing to accidently kill girls."
Kendall started to play around with her cell phone as she said, "Let' be get something from my purse. It will only take a few seconds."
The Harbor Police Officer said, "Take all the time you need."
Bikini Clad Girl #1 attacked the Harbor Police Officer. He fiddled with his cell phone as he accidently knocked her overboard causing the girl to die.
Kendall Jenner walked towards her room aboard the giant yacht as the Harbor Police Officer followed her. Bikini Clad Girl #2 attacked from behind. The Harbor Police Officer walked backwards and caused the girl to fall overboard and die.
Kendall bent over her purse which lay on her bed as Bikini Clad Girl #3 and Bikini Clad Girl #4 attacked the Harbor Police Officer. He accidently pushed Bikini Clad Girl #4 against Bikini Clad Girl #3---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Both girls fell overboard and died.
Kendall bent over her purse which lay on her bed looking for enough money to bribe the Harbor Police Officer with. The Harbor Police Officer pulled a knife from Kendall's purse.
The Harbor Police Officer said, "What a cute knife. Where did you get it?"
Kendall said, "Don't point that blade towards me you dummy."
It was too late. The Harbor Police Officer accidently stabbed Kendall between her breasts. Kendall fell on top of her purse as she slowly started to die.
Bikini Clad Girl #5 attacked and the Harbor Police Officer accidently shoved her against the left wall of Kendall's room causing her to die. Kendall was barely breathing as most of her blood started to soak her bed. Kendall was dying and nothing can save her from death.
Bikini Clad Girl #6 attacked and the Harbor Police Officer kicked her causing the girl to die. Kendall closed her eyes as death finally claimed the girl.
Kendall Jenner is no longer alive. Kendall Jenner is legally dead.
Constance Jablonski, Lily Donaldson, Doutzen Kroes, Joan Smalls and Alesandra Ambrosio failed to notice that Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass was walking behind them. Two out of the five girls is about to be murdered. Which of the five girls gets the chance to be murdered. Stick around to find out as the serial killing spree against the Evil Girls Sorority House continues.
Constance said, "Why should I go down the slide?"
Alesandra said, "Because you got the words you're next written all over you."
Constance said, "I've been a lucky girl. I want to continue being a lucky girl. I can't be a lucky girl if I'm the next one to be attacked."
Joan said, "Us girls wants to make sure that the slide is safe. You're the guinea pig to find out of the slide is safe. If you slide down and get yourself killed, then it's not safe. If you slide down and you don't get yourself killed, then it's safe."
Doutzen said, "Come on ladies, we shouldn't squander Constance so freely."
Lily said, "Constance will be forced to fight against Mouse Lass eventually. We might as well make it happen now."
Constance said, "You can't force me to go down the slide."
Alessandra said, "Joan, Lily and I will kill Doutzen and yourself if you both don't go down the slide together as a two girl unit."
Doutzen said, "Oh no, don't drag me into this."
Joan said, "You're already dragged into it."
Lily said, "Two guinea pigs is better than one guinea pig."
Joan looked at Lily, Doutzen, Constance and Alessandra. Joan had her doubts about what she was helping force Constance and Doutzen into, but she never expressed such views. Her inability to express such views could lead to her eventual doom when it becomes her turn to be attacked.
Joan said, "Come on Constance, don't make it harder than it needs to be."
Constance said, "But I want to make it harder than it needs to be."
Doutzen said, "Constance and I get to survive a bit longer if we drag this out a bit."
Alessandra said, "I'll kill Constance first and Doutzen second if this doesn't happen now."
Lily said, "Come on ladies, don't be difficult. We don't need to fight about this. Just fucking cooperate already goddamn it."
Jeanine Heller attacked and punched out Doutzen. Jeanine Heller attacked and punched out Lily. Jeanine Heller attacked and punched out Joan before kicking Alessandra to the floor. Jeanine Heller kicked Constance causing the fifth bikini clad girl to fall unconscious. Jeanine Heller tripped over her own feet before she fell overboard and swam nearby the inflatable slide. All five girls woke up again. Alesandra looked at Constance,
Doutzen, Joan and Lily. Alessandra rested her left hand on her breasts as she looked at the Black Sea before her.
Alesandra said, "Which of you two girls wants to be killed first for disobedience?"
Doutzen said with a groan, "Ok, I'll go first and Constance will go second."
Constance said, "You don't need to do this."
Doutzen said, "I want to spare Alesandra a difficult murder attack against her own ally by allowing myself to be attacked by Mouse Lass instead."
Lily said, "Mouse Lass probably isn't aboard this yacht."
Joan said, "We're about to find out for certain."
Doutzen looked at Lily, Joan and Constance. Doutzen took a deep breath as she walked towards the inflatable slide.
Doutzen Kroes looked at the area where Jeanine Heller fell overboard and failed to see anybody. Doutzen frowned as she foolishly believed that perhaps it was safe for her to use the inflatable slide. The doomed girl walked closer towards the inflatable slide as the end of her life got closer and closer. Doutzen is about to be murdered.

Normally, Doutzen wouldn't be so terrified to use the slide. However, death was certain to any girl who was unfortunate to be standing nearby Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass. Without anything certain or definite, Doutzen was indecisive. She was about to bail out and get herself killed for disobedience. But then again, she'd be screwed anyway no matter what she did. So she might as well use the slide since she's screwed no matter what she did. Doutzen is about to be murdered.
Jeanine Heller looked at Doutzen as she turned away from the Black Sea allowing Jeanine to look at Doutzen's rear end. Doutzen checked her reflection in the mirror as she prepared to use the slide. Doutzen is about to be murdered.
Doutzen thought she was ready to use the slide and she walked towards it. Doutzen is about to be murdered.
Doutzen turned away from the slide to allow Jeanine Heller the chance to look at her rear end once again. Doutzen was about to force Lily, Alessandra and Joan to kill her for disobedience and get herself screwed regardless. Doutzen is about to be murdered.
Doutzen walked closer towards the slide. She's hesitated once again. She started to have second thoughts as she walked backwards to the starting point. Doutzen is about to be murdered.
Doutzen turned away from the Black Sea to allow Jeanine Heller the chance to look at her rear end. Doutzen finally made up her mind. She's ready to use the inflatable slide. Doutzen is ready to give Jeanine Heller the chance to kill her. This time, Sophia Bush isn't alive and able to delay her demise. Doutzen is about to be murdered.
Doutzen Kroes took a deep breath as she slid down the inflatable slide. Doutzen was calm and stoic as she slid closer towards the Black Sea.
Doutzen Kroes dove into the Black Sea. Jeanine Heller hugged Doutzen and pulled her deeper underwater. Doutzen tried to wiggle free, but Jeanine's hug got tighter. Jeanine pressed her breasts on Doutzen's spine and her vagina on Doutzen's rear end as she pried open Doutzen's mouth to force her to gulp down water while forcing out air from her lungs. Doutzen ability to struggle free got weaker as she got closer to drowning to death. Doutzen is about to be murdered.
Doutzen Kroes closed her eyes and she died. Doutzen Kroes is no longer alive. Doutzen is legally dead. Her dead body sank deeper and deeper underwater before vanishing from sight.
Alessandra Ambrosio approached Dude #4 and lovingly kissed him. Dude #4 knew that he should kill Alessandra, but he lacked the courage to follow through with it. But Jeanine can't kill Allesandra because she needs to first murder Constance. Alessandra smiled with arrogant pride as she kissed Dude #4 a few more times with calm assurance of victory which needs to be violently defeated.
And as Alessandra Ambrosio kissed Dude #4, Lily Donaldson found her own reason to split off from the group. Lily prayed that she didn't make a foolish mistake that will doom her. Even if Lily was making a mistake that could only lead to her murder, Jeanine Heller can't defeat and kill her without first killing Constance. Lily smiled as she got to survive a bit longer.
Lily bent over the Giant Yacht railing as she looked at the Black Sea. She nearly fell overboard and died, but corrected herself in time. Lily sighed with relief as yet another near fatal incident nearly defeated and killed her.
Lily turned her head towards Constance Jablonski and Joan Smalls. Constance needs to die so that Joan will be alone and therefore easier to kill. But how will Jeanine succeed in killing Constance? Read this story to find out the answer. Time for Constance to be murdered.
Constance smiled as she walked closer towards the slide. She wasn't as uncertain as Doutzen. She had the driving desire to go down the slide regardless of the outcome. This is it. Soon it will be done. Time for Constance to be murdered.
Constance Jablonski walked towards the inflatable side without giving Jeanine the chance to look at her rear end. It won't be necessary because Constance is about to die sooner than she expected. Constance took a deep breath as she finally reached the inflatable slide. Time for Constance to die.
Constance slid down the inflatable slide towards the Black Sea. She dove into the Black Sea with a big splash. Time for Constance to be murdered.
Jeanine Heller hugged Constance from behind and pulled her deeper underwater. Constance tried to wiggle free but Jeanine punched her every time she tried to wiggle free. Constance gave up trying to escape just to end the violent punching episodes. However, that meant that Constance needs to die right now. Constance closed her eyes as she allowed death to claim her as the drowning attack against the girl succeeded. Constance Jablonski is no longer alive. Constance is legally dead.
Nina Dobrev walked towards both Harbor Police Officers who boarded the Giant Yacht after the death of Jessica Szohr. Nina pressed her breasts and vagina on the spine of one of the two Harbor Police Officers before she said, "I need to escape this Giant Yacht before Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass the Female Woman Killer murders me too. I need one of you as my hostage to help in my escape. Who wants the job."
Harbor Police Officer #1 said, "I do."
Harbor Police Officer #2 said, "Me too."
Nina said, "I only need one of you."
Harbor Police Officer #1 said, "Take both of us."Harbor Police Officer #2 said, "Yeah, that sounds like fun."
Nina replied, "Yeah, I guess that I'll need to take you both hostage."
Nina said, "Help me into my life jacket so I won't drown to death."
Harbor Police Officer #2 said, "Let me do it."
Harbor Police Officer #1 said, "No, that's my job. I need to do it."
Nina said with a sweet girlish smile, "You both can help me into my life vest to prevent me from drowning to death."
Harbor Police Officer #1 and Harbor Police Officer #2 helped Nina Dobrev into her life jacket before Jeanine Heller caused Harbor Police Officer #2 to trip over her feet and fall on top of Harbor Police Officer #1 groin on rear end and chest on spine---Losing interest in women and ruining Nina's plan to escape justice with hostages in tow. Jeanine Heller followed Nina Dobrev as she walked towards the last remaining paddle boat which would leave Ashley Tisdale behind to die in a serial killing attack. Only one of the assembled girls is allowed to survive and Nina Dobrev isn't allowed to be among the survivors.
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass---The Female Woman Killer vanished when Nina Dobrev turned around to look behind her. Nothing. Nina was confident as she walked closer towards the last remaining paddle boat to escape and leave Ashley Tisdale behind to die in her place.
Nina Dobrev asked, "Now where is the paddle boat."
Jeanine replied, "It's too late Nina, I have defeated you."
Nina pressed her vagina on the boat railing as Jeanine Heller fired a harpoon into Nina from behind. The harpoon entered near her spine, went through most of Nina's vital organs and out between her breasts. Nina looked at the Black Sea with a blank expression on her face before she fell overboard into the black sea. The life vest can undone which caused Nina Dobrev's legally dead body to sink underwater and vanish forever. Nina Dobrev is legally dead.
Bella Thorne unintentionally walked into the way. Clad only in her bikini and losing her tight tee shirt, Bella stood with the sun shining behind her. Bella looked at Ashley and asked, "Did you find anything out there?"
Ashley replied, "I found Jeanine Heller and she swam underwater before I could kill her. Jeannine Heller is still out there I'm afraid."
Bella said, "Damn it, that's not the answer I was looking for."
Ashley Benson faced Bella and replied, "We'll just beat up and kill Jeanine if she ever makes it on board. That's all. We'll just try a bit harder to make sure that woman will be forced to call it a day."
Bella replied, "I sure hope so. I don't want that Jeanine Heller nerd ruining a wonderful Yacht cruise. That's the last thing I need right now."
Ashley Benson said, "You and me both."
Ashley Benson walked away from Bella Thorne and away from Ashley Tisdale. She walked towards the hiding place that Jeanine Heller was hiding in.
Ashley Benson discovered Jeanine Heller's hiding place. Now it's necessary for Ashley Benson to die before she tells the rest of the girls and ruin Jeanine Heller's plan to wipe out the group one by one all the way down to zero.
Ashley Benson faced Jeanine Heller and asked, "Pardon me, but what are you doing here?"
Jeanine Heller replied, "I'm looking for a chance to murder you."
Ashley Benson asked, "Why would you even murder me? We used to be best friends. I delivered you a bouquet of flowers with an apology."
Jeanine Heller said, "But you're so needy and I got tired of you. If the only way to shut down your chronic neediness is to murder you, then that's what I need to do."
Ashley Benson strangled Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller tried to break free of the strangulation grip without success. Ashley Benson tightened her strangulation grip.
Ashley Benson said, "You should never have made an enemy of me."
Jeanine Heller collapsed and Ashley Benson released her strangulation grip. Ashley turned her back to Jeanine as she walked towards the railing to look at the Black Sea.
Jeanine Heller stood up and she stabbed Ashley Benson from behind. Ashley Benson started to drool blood as she was stabbed from behind five more times.
Ashley Benson tried to speak, but too much blood filled her throat and prevented her from speaking. Nobody else on the boat was able to witness Ashley Benson as she slowly started dying.
Jeanine Heller said, "You should never have sent the flowers with the apology note. Now I must kill you once and for all."
Jeanine Heller stabbed Ashley Benson from behind five more times.
Ashley Benson gave up fighting and she legally died. Ashley Benson is legally dead. Jeanine Heller pushed Ashley Benson's legally dead corpse off the boat and into the Black Sea.
Avril Lavigne didn't see Jeanine Heller, but she was close enough to be in danger of being killed. Since she's born female and she's on the Giant Yacht, her death is still necessary. Avril crawled on her hands and knees towards the edge of the boat.
Avril Lavigne pushed herself off the boat and into the Black Sea. Jeanine Heller moved closer towards Avril with the aim of drowning her as Avril continued to swim for a few minutes.
Avril Lavigne's cell phone rang and she crawled back onto the Giant Yacht to answer it.
Avril listened for a few minutes before hanging up her cell phone on whoever was making the telephone call to her.
Girl #8 asked, "Who was it?"
Avril Lavigne replied, "Some stupid telemarketer. Nothing to worry about."
Avril tripped over Jeanine's foot which was quickly withdrawn and hidden from sight. Avril fell face first on top of Girl #8 breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Avril Lavigne survived, but Girl #8 died instantly. Avril tried to revive the dead girl without success.
Avril Lavigne tossed the dead body of Girl #8 overboard into the Black Sea. Avril almost fell into the black Sea too, but she held on to the railing.
Avril slipped and almost fell backwards against the wall, banged her head and slid into the Black Sea. She held onto the railing yet again. Avril had no idea why death against girl was so frequent and so easy to commit against a girl without consequences. She frowned as she looked at the Black Sea. The cell phone rang again.
Avril said, "Look, I don't want to purchase your goddamn product. Sorry, but I got better things to spend with my money with."
Avril Lavigne hung up her cell phone before she dropped her cell phone. Avril groaned with frustration as her cell phone dropped in a crack between the floor and one of the walls that was hard for the girl to reach.
The only way for Avril Lavigne to reach her cell phone was to bend over a railing and reach one of her hands into a small crack between the floor and the wall on the outside deck of the Giant Yacht.
Avril bent over the railing and her right hand reached for her cell phone stuck in a small crack between the floor and the wall on the outside deck of the Giant Yacht. Jeanine Heller stabbed Avril Lavigne in the back from behind. Avril tried to stand up, but Jeanine held her down with Jeanine's left hand resting on Avril's spine. Jeanine stabbed Avril in the back ten more times.
Avril said as her life slowly started to slip away, "Why did you do this? Why did you murder me?"
Jeanine replied, "You stood between Ashley Tisdale and myself. That alone made it necessary for me to murder you."
Avril Lavigne died while still bent over the railing. Avril is no longer alive. Avril is legally dead. Jeanine Heller pushed Avril's dead body off the boat and into the Black Sea.
Lindsay Lohan briefly spotted Jeanine Heller before Mouse Lass vanished quickly from sight. Lindsay was still dressed in her bikini top, bikini bottom, shorts and a blouse top at the time she briefly spotted Jeanine. Lindsay chose to investigate the exact spot she thought she saw Jeanine.
Jeanine Heller was baked into a corner. It might be necessary for Mouse Lass to murder Lindsay Lohan if Lindsay continues to insist on locating Jeanine. Even if Lindsay wasn't looking for Mouse Lass, Lindsay still needs to die because the boat can't be stolen with her alive and breathing.
So the fact that Lindsay is forcing Jeanine to murder her makes the need to murder her much easier to accomplish. Lindsay paused inches away from Jeanine's hiding place. Lindsay spun around with her back turned towards Jeanine.
Lindsay started to walk the opposite direction away from Jeanine. It may not be necessary for Jeanine to murder Lindsay Lohan right away if that's the case.
Lindsay returned to the spot where she was seated. She sat down and looked at the Black Sea around her as she slowly started to relax a bit more.Lindsay Lohan slowly removed her blouse before slowly removing her shorts. Now dressed only in her bikini top and bikini bottom, Lindsay thought she spotted Jeanine a second time.
Lindsay thought she spotted Jeanine Heller entering the boat itself so she followed Mouse Lass into the boat. Lindsay was pushed forward and she crashed face first into the couch before Jeanine raced back onto the deck. Lindsay lay on the couch for a minute before she slowly stood up again.
Lindsay returned to the deck and tried to put her shorts on. Jeanine punched Lindsay and grabbed for the zipper. Jeanine undid the zipper to Lindsay's shorts and belted her as she tried to stop Jeanine. Lindsay's struggle was in vain as Jeanine removed her shorts and tossed them aside.
Lindsay cried out, "Oh my God, you really are a fucked up waste of time."
Jeanine said, "Your opinion doesn't matter since you're going to die anyway."
Lindsay grabbed or her shorts before a police boat pulled over. Jeanine vanished with Lindsay's shorts and Lindsay wasn't able to pursue Mouse Lass. Lindsay's sister Ali Lohan approached with concern. Lindsay was confident though.
The Police Officer boarded the boat.
The Police Officer said, "I've heard some criminal complaints filed by Jeanine Heller against you ladies. It might be necessary to bring you all in for questioning."
Ali asked, "Oh great, what are we going to do?"
Lindsay replied, "Relax, I got a plan."
Lindsay Lohan reached into her purse to pull out $200.00.
Lindsay said with a sweet girlish smile, "I assume that you accept bribes. Am I correct to assume that would be true?"
The Police Officer said, "I don't normally accept bribes, but I'll change my mind for a pretty girl such as yourself."
Lindsay said with a sweet girlish smile, "Then we got ourselves a bargain."
Lindsay Lohan gave the Police Officer a $200.00 bribe and he boarded his police boat to float away. Lindsay Lohan resumed her search for Jeanine Heller in vain.
Jeanine Heller walked behind Lindsay and towards a new hiding place when Lindsay was in danger of finding her old hiding place. It may be necessary for Jeanine Heller to kill Lindsay if Lindsay won't give up her search anytime soon.
Lindsay spun around and spotted Jeanine trying to sneak behind her.
Jeanine said, "Hello, it's such a wonderful day."
Lindsay replied, "It's going to be a wonderful day for me, but a bad day for you."
Lindsay punched Jeanine and Jeanine stumbled backwards. Jeanine punched Lindsay once and kicked her twice. Lindsay was sent crashing to the ground. Jeanine tried to hide as Lindsay scrambled to her feet.
Lindsay Lohan searched for her sister Ali Lohan to help her find and kill Jeanine Heller. Jeanine realized that she might need to kill Lindsay before she reaches her sister Ali. Jeanine grabbed Lindsay and tried to wrestle her to the ground. Lindsay felt Jeanine's breasts brush against her spine and Lindsay responded by ramming her right elbow into Jeanine's stomach. Jeanine released her grip on Lindsay. Lindsay spun around and punched Jeanine five times causing Mouse Lass to lie down.
Lindsay kicked Jeanine as she lay down in defeat. Lindsay kicked Jeanine five more times.
Lindsay watched as Jeanine struggled to stand up. Lindsay punched Jeanine causing Mouse Lass to fall back down to the deck of the boat.
Lindsay kicked Jeanine seven more times and prevented Mouse Lass from standing up.
Ali Lohan approached her sister Lindsay Lohan.
Ali said, "What is Jeanine doing on the boat?"
Lindsay replied, "Jeanine is learning how to die and stay dead. That's what she's doing on the boat."
Jeanine stood up and she punched Lindsay causing the girl to fall in a crumpled heap. Jeanine punched Ali causing the girl to fall in a crumpled heap. Jeanine raced towards a hiding place.
Lindsay Lohan and her sister Ali Lohan stood up once again. The two women searched for Jeanine Heller in vain. Mouse Lass continued to hide in yet another hiding place as Lindsay and her sister Ali came closer to finding her once again.
Ali climbed the ladder towards the Black Sea in hopes of swimming in it when Jeanine dove off the boat. Ali chose to attack and try to murder Jeanine first which would result in Lindsay making the second attempt to murder Jeanine.
Lindsay said, "Hold on a second, we can move the boat far away from Jeanine. Then she will drown without a boat or a paddleboat."
Ali said, "I'd feel better if one of us made an effort to murder Jeanine face to face."
Lindsay said, "It will make it easier for Jeanine to wipe us both out one by one if we attack only one at a time. It's harder for Jeanine to kill us both if we attack as a single unit."
Ali said, "I think I see her swimming in the Black Sea. I need to dive down to murder her."
Lindsay said, "Hold on a second, we need a better strategy."
Ali said, "We don't need a better strategy. I dive underwater and kill Jeanine. End of story."
Lindsay said, "We move the boat away and Jeanine will drown. That's all we need to do. Anything else will give Mouse Lass the chance to kill us both."
Ali said, "Both of us isn't dead yet so perhaps Jeanine isn't good at murdering us as we thought she was. Perhaps we'll both prevail against Jeanine Heller."
Ali Lohan walked down towards the Black Sea.
Ali walked deeper into the Black Sea.
Lindsay said, "Hold on, I'll dive into the Black Sea first."
Ali replied, "Ok, if that's what you prefer."
Jeanine Heller grabbed Ali Lohan's left foot and dragged her underwater. Ali Lohan tried to swim to the surface of the Black Sea. Jeanine Heller dragged Ali even deeper underwater. Ali started crying as her lungs burst from a lack of oxygen. Jeanine pressed Ali's chest and caused the rest of her air to be forced out of her lungs. Ali struggled to breath only to suffer in defeat from drowning. Ali tried to punch Jeanine, but Jeanine retaliation punch against Ali was much more successful. Ali struggled for a bit before she felt her arms and legs go numb. Ali slipped deeper underwater beneath the surface of the Black Sea. Ali Lohan is no longer alive. Ali Lohan is legally dead.
Lindsay Lohan climbed down the ladder in hopes of killing Jeanine Heller.
Lindsay climbed even deeper towards the Black Sea.
Lindsay Lohan dove into the Black Sea only to be punched in the stomach with all the air forced out of her lungs. Jeanine grabbed both of Lindsay's arms and pulled her deeper underwater. Lindsay tried to break free, but Jeanine had a much tighter grip on her arms. Lindsay found the world covered in darkness as she slowly started to die from drowning. She tried to break her arms free from Jeanine's grip, but her arms no longer was able to move and started to fall limp. Lindsay closed her eyes and she died with tears flowing from her eyes in helpless defeat. Lindsay Lohan is no longer alive. Lindsay Lohan is legally dead as she sank deeper under the surface of the Black Sea. Jeanine Heller swam towards the ladder to reboard the Giant yacht.
Jeanine Heller spun around and spotted Ashley Tisdale. The opportunity to murder Ashley Tisdale has arrived now that Ashley Benson is legally dead and no longer able to get in the way of the murder attack plan.
Ashley Tisdale rested on the railing as she looked out at the black sea. She enjoyed the view of the Black Sea so much, that she didn't see Jeanine Heller standing behind her.
It was so simple for Jeanine Heller to attack Ashley Tisdale from behind and kill her.
Jeanine Heller walked closer to Ashley Tisdale. Just a few steps more and the chance to murder Ashley Tisdale will be hers to enjoy.
Jeanine Heller was so close to Ashley Tisdale, that she could touch her murder target. One step more and Ashley will die.
Sitting next to Ashley, Girl #2 said, "Tina has disappeared. She might be legally dead."
Ashley Tisdale said, "There will be hell to pay if that were true."
Jeanine Heller was forced to hide when Ashley Tisdale spun around. The chance to murder Ashley was ruined. Ashley Tisdale got to survive a bit longer.
Girl #2 said, "I could go search for Tina."
Ashley said, "Be careful. Don't take any unnecessary risks."
Ashley Tisdale bent over a lounge chair with the aim to get a suntan. It was the perfect chance for Jeanine Heller to attack and kill Ashley from behind, but Girl #2 was standing right there.
Vanessa Hudgens approached Ashley Tisdale and Girl #2.
Vanessa asked, "Why the sour faces? This is supposed to be a vacation."
Vanessa already knew the answer to that question the second she asked it. Still, she awaited the answer in hopes that she was wrong.
Ashley Tisdale said, "Jeanine Heller might be on board the Gigantic Yacht."
Vanessa said, "Damn it, that's not the sort of thing we need to have."
Girl #2 said, "I was going to take care of the problem."
Vanessa said, "Yeah, that would be a very good idea. Jeanine Heller needs to die before any of us girls ends up getting murdered."
Girl #2 said, "One of us girls may already have been murdered."
Ashley replied, "We can't allow anymore fatalities if that's the case. Jeanine Heller dies today."
Girl #1 and Girl #3 approached Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale.
Girl #1 said, "I found some great tunes to play on the stereo system."
Vanessa said, "We have more important concerns right now. Jeanine Heller is on board the Gigantic Yacht. Jeanine Heller must die now before any of us girls ends up getting murdered."
Girl #2 said, "I'll search the ship right now."
Ashley said, "Don't try to take on Jeanine Heller alone. Bring along another girl to help out."
Girl #3 said, "It should take only one of us to take down and kill Jeanine Heller."
Girl #2 said, "We won't be in this mess if that were the case."
Girl #1 said, "We shouldn't worry too much about this. Jeanine Heller has never been any good at swatting a fly let alone killing one of us girls."
Girl #3 said, "That type of underestimation will get us girls wiped out one by one."
Ashley said, "It doesn't matter what type of skill level Jeanine Heller has. She must die now."
Vanessa said, "I'll kill Jeanine Heller personally myself if necessary."
Girl #2 walked away from Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale. She walked into a knife behind held by Jeanine Heller. Girl #2 gasped in pain before she fell overboard and legally died. Girl #1 said, "Nobody will get to listen to the party tunes I selected if somebody manages to kill me."
Girl #3 said, "What is Jeanine Heller doing in the Black Sea anyway?"
Ashley Tisdale replied, "I never got the chance to ask her that when she tried to kill me."
Vanessa said, "It's not important what Jeanine Heller is doing in the black Sea. What's important is that her dead body drowns in the Black Sea."
Girl #3 walked away from the group and she bumped into Jeanine Heller breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Jeanine strangled Girl #3 until she legally died. Jeanine Heller pushed the legally dead body of Girl #3 overboard and into the Black Sea.
Girl #1 said, "I guess the party tunes can wait. I need to seek out and kill Jeanine Heller first."
Vanessa said, "Be careful in case Jeanine Heller has become invincible. We need you alive."
Girl #1 said, "I'm impossible for anybody to murder."
Ashley replied, "Let's hope that continues to be the case."
Girl #1 said, "We should totally celebrate when we do succeed in killing Jeanine Heller."
Vanessa replied, "Let's first focus on killing Jeanine Heller and we'll celebrate later."
Girl #1 walked away from Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale. Jeanine Heller stabbed Girl #1 from behind with a knife. Girl #1 gasped in pain before she fell overboard legally dead.
Vanessa Hudgens approached Girl #5.
Vanessa said, "Jeanine Heller is on board the boat and she needs to die. Make sure Jeanine Heller has an accident that takes her life away."
Girl #5 said, "I shall do so with pleasure."
Girl #5 was stabbed from behind by a knife held by Jeanine Heller and fell legally dead on a lounge chair. Jeanine Heller picked up Girl #5's legally dead corpse and tossed the dead body overboard.
Bella Thorne attacked Jeanine Heller from behind. The part Caucasian and part Cuban Hispanic girl punched Jeanine Heller from behind five more times.
Bella said, "What was wrong with the flowers and the apology note that I sent you?"
Jeanine Heller replied, "Nothing a murder attack against you can't fix."
Jeanine Heller tried to kick Bella and she dodged the blow. Bella kicked Jeanine Heller and she doubled over in pain.
Bella said, "I thought you were supposed to murder me? This doesn't look like murdering me? This looks like me murdering you."
Jeanine Heller said, "Give me a chance to correct the imbalance."
Jeanine Heller stabbed Bella Thorne in the chest. She stabbed Bella in the chest five more times.
Bella said, "This can't be happening. I wasn't supposed to die."
Jeanine Heller replied, "Then it's a good day for me and a bad day for you."
Bella sputtered, "I'm sorry I hurt you."
Jeanine Heller said, "I don't care because I still need to murder you."
Jeanine Heller stabbed Bella Thorne in the chest ten more times. Bella felt shame and humiliation as death overwhelmed her body and it got harder for her to breathe. The world got darker as Jeanine Heller stabbed her in the chest five more times.
Bella looked at Jeanine with a blank expression on her face before she legally died. Bella Thorne is legally dead. The legally dead body of Bella Thorne fell off the boat and into the Black Sea.
Hayden Pannetiere attacked Jeanine Heller from behind. Jeanine was thrown forward by the blow. Not giving Jeanine Heller the chance to recover, Hayden kicked Jeanine in the stomach several times. Still lying down, Jeanine rolled and groaned with pain.
Hayden said, "Serves you right for rejecting both the bouquet and the apology note attached to it. I even sang a cover tune of a song by Olusegun Olumide Adeola Samuel."
Jeanine asked, "Who?"
Hayden said, "He goes by the name of Seal."
Jeanine said, "Oh yeah, you sang for me that song entitled Crazy. There was that weird thing going on with the elevator shaft."
Hayden kicked Jeanine as Jeanine lay writhing in pain.
Hayden said, "It would feel so good to see you suffer in pain for rejecting my bouquet of flowers. Anybody who rejects me is physically hurt. And that's what will happen to you."
Jeanine Heller said, "Bend over and I'll whisper you a secret."
Hayden said, "I'm this close to killing you and you want to whisper me a secret? Do I look like a brainless fool to you?"
Girl #6 approached Hayden as she kicked Jeanine as Jeanine lay writhing in horrific pain.
Hayden said, "Jeanine has a secret that she wants to share with me. Bend over and find out what that secret happens to be."
Girl #6 said, "I don't get it. We should kill Jeanine Heller now while we have the chance."
Jeanine said, "This is a secret that I'll only tell Hayden."
Hayden said, "I'm too busy trying to murder you."
Girl #6 said, "I'll bend over and find out what the secret is."
Girl #6 bent over Jeanine Heller and lay on her breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Jeanine stabbed Girl #6 in the chest and she lay down on the ground. Hayden tried to kick Jeanine, but Jeanine grabbed Hayden's left foot.
Girl #6 died on top of Jeanine Heller breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Hayden fell backwards. Hayden struggled back to her feet.
Girl #7 said, "Hold on, I'll save you."
Hayden said, "Thank Goddess for your timely arrival."
Girl #7 tried to help up Hayden only to be pulled down by Jeanine Heller on top of Hayden breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Jeanine stabbed Girl #7 in the back while Girl #6 still lay legally dead on top of her breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Girl #7 legally died on top of Hayden breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.The shock of having another woman lie on top of her breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina caused Hayden to slowly die from the shock of it all. Jeanine crawled on top of the legally dead body of Girl #7 breasts on spine and vagina on rear end as the dead girl lay on top of Hayden breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. The dead body of Girl #6 continued to lie on top of Jeanine Heller breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.
Jeanine Heller whispered into Hayden's ear, "You secretly enjoy this."
Hayden said, "Please don't do this."
Jeanine Heller said, "It's already being done."
Hayden legally died under Girl #7 breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Jeanine Heller lay on the dead body of Girl #7 breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. The dead body of Girl #6 lay on top of Jeanine Heller breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. And after a rush of excitement, Jeanine Heller tossed the legally dead bodies of Hayden Panettiere, Girl #6 and Girl #7 overboard and into the Black Sea. Hayden Panettiere is legally dead.
Vanessa Hudgens spotted Jeanine Heller.
Vanessa said, "I sent you flowers with an apology note. You should've accepted the token of my friendship to you. To reject my token of my friendship to you can only result in your death."
Jeanine Heller replied, "Then I must kill you in self defense."
Vanessa said, "It doesn't need to end this way. We don't need to fight each other to the death. We used to be best friends forever."
Jeanine Heller replied, "We used to be best friends and now we're mortal enemies fighting to the death. I still need to murder you."
Vanessa Hudgens punched Jeanine Heller. Vanessa smiled as she punched Jeanine Heller five more times. Jeanine Heller doubled over in pain as Vanessa kicked her.
Vanessa said, "It's a mistake to attempt to murder a girl like me who exercises at the gym almost everyday. You don't have the skills to overpower and kill me."
Jeanine Heller said, "I'll still succeed in killing you and we both know it."
Jeanine Heller punched Vanessa Hudgens in the stomach. Vanessa tried to punch Jeanine Heller, but her blows was blocked. Jeanine Heller kicked Vanessa twice before punching her five times.
Vanessa Hudgens fell and Jeanine Heller roughly picked her up. Jeanine Heller punched Vanessa twice and dropped the Hispanic born girl. Jeanine Heller kicked Vanessa as she lay crumpled on the ground. Jeanine watched as Vanessa tried to scramble to her feet.
Jeanine Heller shoved Vanessa against the railing before pressing her body upon Vanessa's body vagina on rear end and breasts on spine. Vanessa tried to squirm free only to have her head slammed on the railing as punishment until Vanessa stopped trying to squirm free.
Vanessa Hudgens continued to punch and kick Jeanine Heller as the two women were engaged in a fight to the death. Jeanine Heller punched Vanessa and she doubled over in pain.
Jeanine said, "You should've stopped sending me flowers when I told you to do so."
Jeanine Heller tied Vanessa's wrists together behind her back. Jeanine Heller tied Vanessa's feet together. Jeanine Heller tossed Vanessa Hudgens overboard off the Gigantic Yacht just as Ashley boarded her small paddle boat to escape justice. Vanessa Hudgens is legally dead. Now Jeanine Heller could float the Gigantic Yacht back to the Black Sea Dock. But she'll still need to kill Ashley Tisdale when she threatened to send more flowers with an apology note attached. That plan will be the last mistake Ashley Tisdale will ever make before the need to kill her in self defense is engaged in. Jeanine Heller now owns the Gigantic Yacht, but Ashley Tisdale still must be defeated.
Emily Osment walked down the hallways of the empty high school building. Emily Osment and Jeanine Heller attend the same high school. Both girls used to be best friends. Both girls used to do everything together. Then Jeanine Heller stopped hanging out with Emily Osment and the two former best friends forever drifted apart. Emily Osment sent flowers to Jeanine Heller with an apology note attached, but that wasn't enough. Now it's necessary for Jeanine Heller to murder Emily Osment as punishment for failing to recognize when close friendship ends and the need to kill in self defense against somebody who refuses to take a hint begins.
Mouse Lass cried out, "Oh no, the Giant Yacht is starting to sink. We must abandon ship."
The Harbor Police Officer said, "Ladies first."
Bikini Clad Girl #7 and Bikini Clad Girl #8 attacked. Jeanine Heller kicked Bikini Clad Girl #8 while the Harbor Police Officer kicked Bikini Clad Girl #7. Both girls lay dead while Jeanine punched Bikini Clad Girl #8 dead before she could attack. Jeanine Heller punched Bikini Clad Girl #9 and kicked Bikini Clad Girl #10 causing both girls to die. The Harbor Police Officer punched Bikini Clad Girl #11 and he punched Bikini Clad Girl #12 causing both girls to die.
Jeanine Heller jumped overboard and she lived. The Harbor Police Officer jumped overboard and he lived. Bikini Clad Girl #13 and Bikini Clad Girl #14 jumped overboard and they were both eaten and killed by a shark. Jeanine Heller and the Harbor Police Officer both swam to shore as the Giant Yacht started to sink underwater.
The Harbor Police Officer said, "At least now you'll start getting some exercise."
Jeanine Heller replied, "Oh shut up and keep swimming."
Katie Holmes watched as the Gigantic Yacht sank underwater to wreckage and ruin. Katie knew that something was wrong. All the girls on board the Gigantic Yacht must be legally dead except for their murderer Jeanine Heller. Katie Holmes was still dressed in a skimpy bikini as she approached the boat with the aim to kill Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller doesn't want to murder her former best friend forever Katie Holmes, but she may have no choice in the matter. Katie Holmes doesn't look ready to back down.
Jeanine Heller said, "I'm not on the time clock anymore nor am I wearing a bulky mouse outfit. Now you and I can have a proper fight to the death. I must warn you that today is the day that I murder you. Today is the day that you must die."
Katie said, "I keep saying that I'm the only one of the two of us who actually exercises at the gym. What gives a useless dork like you the belief that you could actually succeed in killing me?"
Jeanine Heller can't begin her pursuit with the aim to murder Ashley Tisdale until she first kills Katie Holmes. Yet, Katie Holmes isn't providing an opening to murder her. Jeanine Heller knows that she must kill Katie Holmes now, but she doesn't have a clue how to do it.
Katie Holmes punched Jeanine and she doubled over in pain. Katie kicked Jeanine and she crumpled even more.
Katie said, "I told those girls that they should've stayed here. There was a much stronger advantage to killing you if we battled you here."
Jeanine said, "You will soon learn that I could murder a girl anywhere."
Katie punched Jeanine Heller and she fell backwards. Katie kicked Jeanine ten more times. Jeanine's efforts to stand up were hindered by more punches delivered by Katie.
Katie replied, "Your weird fixation on killing me will be your undoing."
Jeanine lay down and closed her eyes. Katie was smug and proud as she turned her back on Jeanine to look at the Black Sea. Katie quietly celebrated as Jeanine slowly stood up. Jeanine stabbed Katie from behind her in a sneak attack that Katie didn't see coming.
Katie said, "Holy shit, I thought you were dead."
Jeanine said, "I'm a difficult girl for anybody to murder."
Katie stumbled backwards as Jeanine stabbed her in the stomach five more times.
Katie said, "We used to be friends. There used to be a time when sending you flowers with an apology note meant something."
Jeanine replied, "Then you became needy and much too demanding. It became necessary for me to kill you when sending me flowers with an apology note attached went too further."
Katie said, "I was willing to adapt if it was necessary."
Jeanine Heller stabbed Katie in the stomach and said, "I would rather see you die in front of me to make sure you are permanently legally dead."
Katie said, "There's still a chance for me to get some medical attention."
Jeanine Heller said, "Watching girls die is the biggest thrill of my life."
Katie said, "Then you are about to be one of the luckiest girls in town."
Katie Holmes lay down in a puddle of her blood and legally died. Katie Holmes is legally dead. Jeanine Heller walked over the dead body of Katie Holmes in pursuit of Ashley Tisdale. Katie Holmes evil plan of saving Ashley Tisdale from getting herself murdered by standing in the way failed and ended with the death of Katie Holmes. Jeanine Heller spotted Ashley Tisdale and started her pursuit with renewed vigor.
******Katie Holmes punched Jeanine and she doubled over in pain. Katie kicked Jeanine and she crumpled even more.
Katie said, "I told those girls that they should've stayed here. There was a much stronger advantage to killing you if we battled you here."
Jeanine said, "You will soon learn that I could murder a girl anywhere."
Katie punched Jeanine Heller and she fell backwards. Katie kicked Jeanine ten more times. Jeanine's efforts to stand up were hindered by more punches delivered by Katie.
Katie replied, "Your weird fixation on killing me will be your undoing."
Jeanine lay down and closed her eyes. Katie was smug and proud as she turned her back on Jeanine to look at the Black Sea. Katie quietly celebrated as Jeanine slowly stood up. Jeanine stabbed Katie from behind her in a sneak attack that Katie didn't see coming.
Katie said, "Holy shit, I thought you were dead."
Jeanine said, "I'm a difficult girl for anybody to murder."
Katie stumbled backwards as Jeanine stabbed her in the stomach five more times.
Katie said, "We used to be friends. There used to be a time when sending you flowers with an apology note meant something."
Jeanine replied, "Then you became needy and much too demanding. It became necessary for me to kill you when sending me flowers with an apology note attached went too further."
Katie said, "I was willing to adapt if it was necessary."
Jeanine Heller stabbed Katie in the stomach and said, "I would rather see you die in front of me to make sure you are permanently legally dead."
Katie said, "There's still a chance for me to get some medical attention."
Jeanine Heller said, "Watching girls die is the biggest thrill of my life."
Katie said, "Then you are about to be one of the luckiest girls in town."
Katie Holmes lay down in a puddle of her blood and legally died. Katie Holmes is legally dead. Jeanine Heller walked over the dead body of Katie Holmes in pursuit of Ashley Tisdale. Katie Holmes evil plan of saving Ashley Tisdale from getting herself murdered by standing in the way failed and ended with the death of Katie Holmes. Jeanine Heller spotted Ashley Tisdale and started her pursuit with renewed vigor.
Emily Osment thought she heard somebody behind her. Emily spun around and didn't see anybody. Emily continued to walk the empty hallways of the high school.
Emily walked into the women's locker room and slowly changed into her swimming suit slowly and in a relaxed manner. Emily was hoping to use the high school swimming pool. Jeanine Heller was hoping to kill Emily Osment before she gets to use the high school swimming pool.
Girl #9 was already dressed in her swimming suit. Both girls walked towards the high school swimming pool.
Girl #9 said, "Six girls including Vanessa Hudgens are legally dead. Jeanine Heller killed them."
Emily said, "That's very unfortunate. I once considered Jeanine Heller my best friend. Now I must treat Jeanine Heller as my mortal enemy."
Girl #9 said, "Jeanine Heller wouldn't dare attack and kill us in the high school."
Emily replied, "Jeanine Heller is crazy enough to attack and kill us both in the high school."
Girl #9 said, "And you have a plan to deal with the threat that Jeanine Heller is posing to us both."
Emily replied, "Oh Goddess, I wish I had a plan to deal with Jeanine Heller."
Girl #9 said, "Hold on, I think I see something. I'll be right back."
Girl #9 spotted and chased after Jeanine Heller across the women's locker room. Jeanine Heller spun around and strangled Girl #9 until she lay down legally dead.
Emily reached the swimming pool before hearing an unnatural noise. Emily exited the swmming pool and stood outside for a few minutes. The warm Summer breeze blew against Emily as she looked at the grassy field behind the high school.
Emily Osment spotted Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller ran with Emily Osment in close pursuit.
Jeanine Heller reentered the high school through the cafeteria. Emily followed close behind.
Jeanine Heller ran into Ashley Tisdale. Ashley Tisdale smiled as she faced Jeanine Heller. Emily Osment stood behind Jeanine Heller.
Ashley said, "So we get to face against each other yet again."
Jeanine Heller said, "You should've escaped justice while you had the chance. Insisting on fighting me will be your last mistake."
Emily replied, "It's still two of us verses one of you."
Jeanine Heller grabbed Emily Osment and tossed her against Ashley Tisdale.
Emily Osment collided into Ashley Tisdale in a manner that forced the two girls to kiss each other.
Jeanine Heller said, "Ashley Tisdale and Emily Osment are better friends than I was expecting."
The shock of kissing another woman overrode Ashley Tisdale's body and caused her to slowly start dying. The shock of kissing another woman overrode Emily Osment's body and caused her to slowly start dying. Ashley Tisdale suddenly felt the urge to lie down after kissing Emily Osment. Emily Osment suddenly felt the urge to lie down and close her eyes after kissing Ashley Tisdale. Jeanine Heller smiled with joy as both Ashley Tisdale and Emily Osment lay down on the floor and stopped moving. Both girls stopped breathing and legally died. Ashley Tisdale and Emily Osment is legally dead. Jeanine Heller was finally safe from harm when Ashley Tisdale is finally brought to justice. Jeanine Heller poured herself a cup of coffee in her travel mug and exited the cafeteria.
Amy Smart was walking outside the high school and walking towards a house the doomed girls were sharing among each other. Jeanine Heller followed Amy Smart and it didn't take long for Amy Smart to realize that she's being followed.Amy Smart asked Jeanine Heller, "Do you have a problem?"
Jeanine Heller said, "Stop sending me bouquets of flowers with apology notes or there will be hell to pay. I'm not above the use of violence if that's necessary."
Amy replied, "What if the apology is genuine?"
Jeanine replied, "It doesn't matter because you still need to be brought to justice."
Amy replied, "That's a cold way of looking at it."
Jeanine replied, "Sometimes violence is the only solution."
Amy replied, "Violence is never the answer to anything. I took a nerd like you and I made you cool. You can easily be destroyed if friendship is no longer an option."
Jeanine took a sip of coffee, tripped and spilled some of the coffee all over Amy's top and slacks. Jeanine tried to brush off the coffee stains from the top, but Amy brushed Jeanine off.
Amy replied, "Get your hands off me you goddamn nerd. What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Jeanine replied, "I'm sorry, I'm trying to clean off your top."
Amy replied, "I don't need your help to do that you goddamn freak. Get the fuck away from me."
Amy got into her car and she drove off.
Jeanine Heller didn't know where Amy Smart drove off to, so Jeanine returned to the High School cafeteria. The dead bodies of Ashley Tisdale and Emily Osment were still lying dead on top of each other breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Anna Kendrick, Alison Brie, Ashley Greene and Camilla Belle were also in the room.
Ashley said, "What you did is illegal Jeanine. Tell me one reason why I shouldn't telephone the police against you?"
Jeanine replied, "Because nobody who sent a bouquet of flowers with an apology note would ever telephone the police against me."
Ashley replied, "Screw you goddamn freak."
Jeanine Heller reached for the coffee pot and her left hand brushed against Anna Kendrick's breasts. Anna moved backwards and into Ashley Greene spine against spine. Ashley moved forward a bit.
Anna said, "I'll break that arm off if you try to do that again you goddamn freak of a nerd."
Camilla said, "Ashley should break off that arm right now."
Alison replied, "I'll be more than happy to help out Anna."
Jeanine Heller poured more coffee into her travel mug only to spill half of it on Ashley Greene and the other half on Camilla. Jeanine tried to mop up the coffee stains from Ashley's top and from Camilla's top. Both women slapped away Jeanine's right hand as both women moved backwards. Ashley moved backwards against Anna spine against spine forcing Anna to move forward. Camilla moved backwards into Alison spine against spine forcing Alison to move forward.
Camilla cried out, "Look at what you did. My top is ruined."
Ashley replied, "You're not the only girl with a ruined top."
Alison said, "Jeanine is even more of a freak than I thought. I knew that nerd was sick acting."
Anna said, "I'm sorry I sent that bouquet of flowers with an apology note. You really are a sick freak and you need to get away from me."
Camilla said, "Excuse me ladies, but I need to change my top."
Camilla Belle exited the High School Cafeteria and she walked across the street to the house the doomed girls own as a group. The Brazilian born girl entered the house, walked across the living room, walked up stairs and into her bedroom.
Jeanine Heller entered the house, walked across the living room, walked up the stairs and towards Camilla's bedroom as the doomed Brazilian girl was preparing to remove her coffee stained top.
Jeanine Heller snuck into Camilla's bedroom as the sexually seductive Brazilian born girl slowly removed her top and started to remove her slacks too.Camilla switched into her nightgown when she realized that all of her clothes were dirty. Camille looked up and saw Jeanine.
Jeanine said, "You can't return to High School dressed up in a nightgown."
Camilla said, "I was going to do my laundry while dressed in my nightgown and then I'll dress in my street clothes. What are you doing here?"
Jeanine Heller stabbed Camilla Belle in the chest five times.
Jeanine Heller replied, "I'm here to murder you."
The doomed Brazilian girl saw her blood drip onto the floor as she looked at her murderer try to mop the blood from her voluptuous chest. Camilla tried to resist only to be stabbed in the chest each and every time until the dying girl was forced to let Jeanine brush her rag back and force across her voluptuous chest while blood was soaking the nightgown fabric.
Camilla Belle said, "There were three other girls. Why did you feel it was necessary to defeat me first? What made you hate me enough to murder me?"
Jeanine said, "You were the first of the four girls to make it easy for me to murder you."
Camilla Belle lay down on the floor and she died in a submissive pose at Jeanine Heller's feet. Camilla Belle is no longer alive. Camilla Belle is legally dead.
Jeanine Heller exited Camilla's bedroom and entered the bedroom to the left of Camilla's bedroom. Taryn Manning was seated and she spun around to face Jeanine Heller. Taryn Manning only wore her bra, panties and a slip.
Said Taryn, "I sent a bouquet of flowers and an apology note. Shouldn't that be enough to make us friends again. Because I'm not in the mood to murder a former friend."
Jeanine replied, "That's why I'm here. If I can't have you as a friend, then nobody shall enjoy the pleasure of you being alive."
Jeanine attacked Taryn Manning's chest with a knife attack and stabbed Taryn twice.
Taryn kicked Jeanine and was stabbed in the chest five more times.
Taryn tried in vain to pull the knife away from Jeanine's hands and was stabbed five times in the chest as punishment. Tears ran from Taryn's eyes as she tried in vain to crawl away backwards. Taryn was stabbed by Jeanine in the chest seven more times as punishment.
Taryn tripped and fell backwards face up while Jeanine jumped on top of Taryn face down---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Jeanine tried to strangle Taryn.
Jeanine pulled Taryn's slip away causing Taryn to only wear her bra and panties. Taryn was stabbed five times when as punishment for reaching for her slip. Taryn punched Jeanine in the gut as hard as possible. Jeanine doubled over in pain as Taryn tried to crawl away backwards.
Taryn sat up as Jeanine continued to double over in pain without moving.
Jeanine Heller lay face down without moving while Taryn moved closer and sat next to Jeanine. Taryn bent over Jeanine with breasts inches above spine and vagina inches away from rear end.
Jeanine spun around on her back and stabbed Taryn in the chest ten times. Taryn fell on top of Jeanine breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.
Taryn said, "Please stop doing this."
Jeanine replied, "I'm sorry, but you still need to die."
Jeanine stabbed Taryn in the chest as she tried to crawl away.
Taryn said, "I'll give you anything you want if you agree to let me go."
Jeanine replied, "The only thing I need from you is the chance to see you die."
Jeanine grabbed Taryn's left shoulder bra strap and ended up pulling Taryn's bra away. Taryn only wore her panties as she scrambled to her feet. Jeanine stood up and stabbed Taryn from behind.
Taryn only wore her panties as she was stabbed by Jeanine from behind five more times. Taryn started to drool blood as her body went numb from being stabbed by a knife too many times.
Taryn fell face first to the ground in a puddle of blood and was stabbed from behind by Jeanine Heller ten more times. Taryn tried to speak, but there was too much blood in her throat. Taryn started crying in pain as she slowly died. Taryn Manning is no longer alive. Taryn Manning is legally dead. Jeanine Heller felt a surge of positive emotion and took advantage of it before standing up to exit the bedroom.
With Ashley Greene departed to the house the doomed girls shared to change her top, Brittany Snow joined the shrinking group of girls gathered in the High School Cafeteria. Jeanine Heller walked across the street and snuck into the High School Cafeteria to spy on Alison Brie, Brittany Snow and Anna Kendrick. Anna said, "One of us girls should escort Ashley Greene back to the house to make sure nothing bad happens to her."
Alison replied, "Camille is still in the house. She'll make sure Ashley doesn't end up hurt or murdered. I have confidence that Camille will be perfect for the job."
Brittany said, "I tried to telephone Camille, but she's not answering. One of us might need to check up on Camille and escort Ashley if Camille is dead. That somebody better not get murdered if she finds Camille dead and can't reach Ashley quick enough."
Anna said, "Perhaps Camille didn't answer her phone because it needs to be recharged."
Alison replied, "Yeah, that's probably it."
Brittany said, "I sure hope you two girls are correct about this."
Anna said, "I'm a genius and I'm right about everything."
Alison replied, "You should have more confidence in Anna's wisdom. She's never wrong about anything. I know from experience."
Jeanine snuck out of the High School Cafeteria and spotted Ashley Greene walking towards the house the doomed girls share. Ashley Greene will need to be killed if she spots the dead body of Camille Belle. Ashley Greene walked towards the front door.
Girl #10 approached Ashley Greene.
Girl #10 asked, "What's wrong? Why are you hesitating?"
Ashley replied, "Something is wrong. Camille is normally playing music when she's changing clothes and no music is heard. Camille Belle might be legally dead."
Girl #10 said, "I'll tell Alison Brie, Brittany Snow and Anna Kendrick the bad news."
Ashley replied, "Yeah, that might be a good idea."
Girl #10 walked away from Ashley Greene and she walked into Jeanine Heller's knife. Girl #10 looked at Jeanine Heller with a wounded expression on her face before she lay down on the ground legally dead. Jeanine Heller followed Ashley Greene as she removed her pants and top and tossed both into the washing machine inside the house. Ashley walked upstairs and saw the dead body of Camille Belle. Now it's necessary for Ashley Greene to be murdered.
Ashley Greene stepped outside the house and walked towards the beach next to the back lawn of the house she shared with the other doomed girls. Jeanine Heller followed Ashley Greene close behind with the goal of killing Ashley at the first opportunity.
Mandy Moore approached Ashley Greene and asked, "What are you doing here? I thought you were going to the high school cafeteria?"
Ashley Greene replied, "Jeanine Heller murdered Camilla Belle and I thought she was going to be here. I was going to check out the beach while my coffee stained clothes are being washed in the washing machine for a little bit."
Mandy Moore replied, "I'd be more than willing to help out if you need assistance killing Jeanine Heller and sending Jeanine back to Hell where she belongs."
Ashley replied, "That's ok, I got this. I should be more than able to kill Jeanine Heller without any assistance, but thanks for the offer."
Mandy said, "Well, be careful."
Ashley replied, "I'll try to be careful."
Ashley Greene walked away and Mandy looked behind her when she thought she heard a noise. Nothing. Mandy breathed a sigh of relief as she nearly walked backwards into a knife that Jeanine Heller was holding.
Mandy Moore paused for a second before walking backwards this time with her spine even inches closer to the knife Jeanine was holding than before. Mandy paused for a few minutes before she walked forward yet again. Mandy didn't walk backwards a third time and there was no other way for Jeanine to kill her except to walk forward towards Mandy.
Mandy Moore saw a tear in her top and considered taking off both her top and her pants to wear only her bikini. Maybe then Mandy Moore will walk backwards closer into Jeanine Heller's knife if she wore only her bikini and nothing else. It was taking too long for Mandy Moore to decide. Jeanine Heller was forced to let Mandy Moore escape justice when Ashley Greene was walking further and further away from Jeanine.
Jeanine Heller quickened her pace as she walked behind Ashley Greene with the aim of killing the girl. Ashley Greene's refusal to look behind her to spot Jeanine Heller could be the last mistake she'll ever make that will make it possible for Jeanine to murder Ashley. Ashley paused to look at the ocean before she continued her doomed ill-fated search for Jeanine Heller. Ashley Greene didn't like standing only in her bikini, but the coffee stained clothing in the washing machine was her last clean outfit. So wear the bikini Ashley Greene was forced to do. She looked at the ocean for a few more minutes before she walked onwards across the beach.
Ashley Greene spun around and looked directly at Jeanine Heller.
Ashley Greene said, "You just can't take a hint. Well, I guess there is one way to resolve the problem that we have against each other."
Ashley Greene punched Jeanine Heller to cause Jeanine Heller to double over in pain.
Jeanine said, "I was hoping you would do that. Now I can kill you in self defense."
Jeanine Heller tried to punch Ashley Greene, but she dodged the blow. Ashley Greene punched Jeanine twice and kicked her once.
Ashley Greene grabbed Jeanine Heller's left shoulder blade with her left hand while punching Jeanine Heller with her right hand. Ashley Greene punched Jeanine ten times.
Jeanine Heller responded by punching Ashley Greene and caused her to double over in pain. Ashley Greene tried to punch Jeanine, but the blow was blocked. Jeanine punched Ashley five more times.
Jeanine punched Ashley Greene five more times and kicked her six times. Ashley Greene tried to punch Jeanine, but she blocked the blow. Jeanine punched Ashley Greene and she doubled over in pain as her life started to slip away.
Jeanine Heller punched Ashley Greene as she dropped to her knees.
Ashley Greene sputtered, "Please, don't attack me anymore times. I can't survive this."
Jeanine Heller replied, "Watching you die from this is the whole idea."
Ashley Greene staggered to her feet. Jeanine Heller slammed her left elbow from behind Ashley Greene and sent her crashing face first into the beach sand. Jeanine Heller picked up Ashley Greene, punched Ashley Greene when the girl tried to squirm from a hug like grip she had against her.
Ashley Greene successfully squirmed from a hug like grip Jeanine Heller had against her only to be grabbed by her right arm and dragged backwards across the sand before being kicked in the stomach. Jeanine Heller kicked Ashley Greene in the stomach five more times.
Jeanine Heller held Ashley Greene in a hug like grip as Ashley Greene tried to squirm free. Jeanine Heller punched Ashley Greene before she could complete her escape.
Ashley Greene dropped to her knees as she was punched five more times. It got harder for Ashley Greene to breathe after she was punched five more times.
Jeanine Heller grabbed Ashley Greene in a hug like grip. Ashley Greene slowly died while in a hug like grip being enforced against her by Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller roughly dropped Ashley Greene back on the sand after a huge rush of positive emotion.
Ashley Greene is no longer alive. Ashley Greene is legally dead.
Jeanine Heller's efforts to reach the High School so she could enter the High School Cafeteria was hindered because Mandy Moore was directly in the way. The now bikini clad Mandy Moore must die immediately so that Jeanine Heller can continue her path towards the High School and enter the High School Cafeteria. Mandy Moore walked backwards until she felt a sharp pain enter her body from behind. Mandy Moore started to drool blood when she realized that she walked backwards into a knife held by her attacker Jeanine Heller. Mandy Moore tried to walk forward only to be punished for doing so by being stabbed from behind by her attacker Jeanine Heller.
Mandy Moore said, "I'm sorry you felt hurt by my behavior. I didn't realize you would be taking my insults this personally."
Jeanine Heller replied, "I promised that I'll punish you and now it's time for promises to be fulfilled."
Mandy Moore dropped to her knees when she was stabbed from behind as punishment for trying to walk forward. Jeanine Heller grabbed Mandy's left arm. Mandy felt Jeanine's left breast brush against her spine. Jeanine Heller stabbed Mandy from behind as Mandy tried to walk forward.
Mandy tried to speak, but her throat was filled with so much blood, that it was hard for her to breathe. Mandy tried to stand up, but she found herself lying down in a puddle of blood instead. Mandy tried one last time to stand up, only to lie down yet again.
Mandy tried to keep her eyes open, but one more knife attack to her chest ended that. Jeanine Heller watched as the doomed voluptuous girl slowly started dying in front of her. Mandy tried to speak one last time, but she drooled blood instead.
Mandy Moore stopped breathing and she died. Mandy Moore is no longer alive. Mandy Moore is legally dead. Jeanine Heller stood up and walked over Mandy Moore's dead body and walked towards the High School without Mandy Moore standing in her way anymore.
Alison Brie, Brittany Snow and Anna Kendrick waited in vain for Ashley Greene to return. The three girls started to get worried when Jeanine Heller snuck inside the High School Cafeteria once again. Jeanine wanted so much to toss Brittany Snow against Anna Kendrick so the two women would be forced to kiss each other causing them both to die of shock. However, Alison Brie kept distracting Anna Kendrick's attention so much so that it's necessary for Alison Brie to die first.Anna said, "I tried to telephone Camilla, but she isn't answering her cell phone. I'm trying to telephone Ashley Greene, but she isn't answering her cell phone either. Something horrible is wrong. Alison needs to enter the house to check on Camilla and Ashley Greene."
Alison Brie faced Anna before saying, "You need to relax. I keep saying that the cell phones probably needed recharging. I wouldn't worry about it."
Brittany said, "I'll do it instead if Alison won't check on the house."
Anna said, "This High School Cafeteria is a dud. Too many girls are refusing to show up. We should change outfits and exercise at the gym instead."
Alison said, "A good exercise workout might calm you down Anna."
Anna replied, "Then it's decided. All three of us will return to the house to change clothing for an afternoon workout at the gym."
Brittany replied, "Are you sure Jeanine Heller won't follow us back to the house?"
Anna said, "I'm not worried about Jeanine since she never returned to the High School Cafeteria. Let's get moving ladies."
Brittany said, "I need a good shower anyway."
Anna said, "I need a good shower too."
Alison said, "I thought we were just changing clothing?"
Anna said, "Yeah, I guess you are right."
Alison Brie, Brittany Snow and Anna Kendrick exited the High School in general and the High School Cafeteria in particular. All three girls walked across the street and into the House the doomed girls were sharing and living in. Alison entered her bedroom and stripped to only her sleeveless tee shirt and her panties. Jeanine Heller entered the bedroom. Alison looked at Jeanine.
Alison said, "You're not going to let me get changed for an afternoon exercising at the gym."
Jeanine replied, "I'm here to punish you instead."
Jeanine Heller stabbed Alison in the chest. The voluptuous doomed girl fell against the mirrored glass behind her. She slid to the floor. Alison tried to stand up only to be stabbed five more times in the chest. Jeanine Heller tried to mop up the huge blood stain soaking Alison's sleeveless tee shirt. When Alison tried to pull away, Jeanine Heller stabbed Alison in the chest,
Alison tried to speak, but the dying girl was loosing too much blood to make it possible to form the words. Alison closed her eyes and she stopped breathing. Alison Brie is no longer alive. Alison Brie is legally dead.
Anna Kendrick stripped to her bra and panties. She walked to the bathroom, took off her underwear and started to take a shower. Brittany Snow entered the shower and forced Anna to cover herself up with a towel and quickly turned the shower off.
Anna said, "Didn't you hear the shower water turned on?"
Brittany said, "You're the one who wanted the shower to be soundproof."
Anna said, "You need to knock next time."Brittany said, "I'll try to remember that. So I guess you'll be the first to shower."
There was a sound in the hallway. Brittany faced Anna. Anna faced Brittany.
Brittany said, "Did you hear that?"
Anna said, "The shower can wait. I need to check out the noise."
Brittany said, "I didn't mean to chase you out of the shower like that."
Anna said, "Somebody needs to check out the noise in the hallway and I'm the perfect girl for the job. Feel free to enjoy your shower."
Anna stepped out of the shower and she placed her bra and panties back on. Anna walked only in her bra and panties down the hallway and back into her bedroom. When she heard movement closing in towards her bedroom, she tossed a trench coat over her bra and pantie attire. Jeanine Heller entered Anna's bedroom and faced the doomed girl face to face.
Anna said, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Jeanine said, "I forgot to do something."
Anna said with a groan, "What did you forget to do."
Jeanine replied, "I forgot to do this."
Jeanine Heller stabbed Anna in the chest. Jeanine watched as Anna fell to the ground in a massive puddle of blood. Jeanine tried to mop the blood off of Anna. Jeanine stabbed Anna ten more times when Anna tried to pull away. Anna was forced to lie there and let Jeanine mop the blood off of her chest as she slowly died face up.
Anna Kendrick closed her eyes and she died. Anna Kendrick is legally dead.
Brittany Snow skipped the shower and redressed herself into her bra and panties. And she walked only in her bra and panties to her bedroom. Brittany thought she heard a noise and she spun around to find nothing. Brittany frowned as she heard Anna's cell phone ring from inside Anna's bedroom. Brittany placed a trenchcoat over her bra and panties as she considered entering Anna's bedroom to answer her cell phone when nobody took the time to answer it.
Jeanine continued to telephone Anna's cell phone as she watched Brittany enter Anna's bedroom. Anna was lying dead face up with her cell phone under her dead body.
Brittany said, "I don't need to answer that cell phone that badly."
Brittany Snow reentered her bedroom and while still dressed in her bra, panties and trench coat, checked her e-mail. There was an e-mail message from Jeanine Heller. An attached document had all the evidence needed to have Jeanine Heller arrested for several counts of murder one. All Brittany needed to do was type in a secret code that could only be gained by answering a cell phone call from Jeanine Heller. The only phone allowed to answer Jeanine Heller's cell phone call was Anna Kendrick's cell phone resting directly under her legally dead body.
Brittany Snow groaned with frustration before saying, "You have got to be kidding me."Brittany thought for a minute before she came to a decision with great reluctance.
Brittany Snow returned to Anna's bedroom. She bent over Anna Kendrick so that her breasts was inches above Anna's breasts and her vagina was inches above Anna's vagina. Brittany's right hand moved under Anna's spine and grabbed the ringing telephone. Jeanine Heller stabbed Brittany from behind. Brittany fell on top of Anna's dead body breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.
Jeanine Heller rested her left hand on Brittany's back as she whispered into Brittany's ear, "The secret code is Dead Blonde."
Brittany muttered, "You promised me an attached document proving you're guilty of murder."
Jeanine stabbed Brittany from behind before saying, "You're getting proof that I'm guilty of murder right now."
Brittany tried to move off of Anna's dead body and shrug Jeanine's left hand from her back. Jeanine stabbed Brittany five times as punishment. Brittany fell on top of Anna's dead body breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Tears fell from Brittany's eyes as she felt shame and humiliation as another attempt to shrug Jeanine's left hand from her spine was punished with another knife attack from behind her. Jeanine's left breast brushed across Brittany's spine and Brittany was stabbed from behind seven more times when she tried to move from Jeanine. Brittany was forced to lie there as Jeanine brushed her left breast across Brittany's back before Jeanine's left hand rested on Brittany's back. Brittany found it hard to breathe as death overwhelmed the doomed girl.
Brittany tried to speak, but her throat was filled with too much blood. Brittany closed her eyes and she died. Brittany Snow is legally dead. Jeanine felt a rush of emotion as Brittany Snow died.
Amy Smart entered the house seconds after Jeanine Heller exited the house. She lay down on her bed to take a nap. Her nap was short lived when she realized that there were dead bodies inside the Evil Girls Sorority House and the only nap she's allowed to have is being killed in a murder attack. With a groan, she stood up to look outside the second floor window.
Amy Smart saw Jeanine Heller and realized that Jeanine Heller wouldn't be able to kill her as long as she's fully dressed. And since the only nap she's allowed to have is being killed in a murder attack, she thought about stripping to her lingerie to make it easier for Jeanine to murder Amy Smart. Amy snapped out of it when she remembered that she has no desire to be killed in a murder attack.Amy Smart walked out of her bedroom to investigate each of the bedrooms in the second floor of the Evil Girls Sorority House.
Amy Smart saw all the dead bodies inside the house and now she has become a witness to the murders who now must die to keep her from talking. Amy Smart walked to the kitchen and she watched a few kitchen knives with the blades pointing at her breasts before tossing them on the drying rack. Amy Smart tripped and fell to the floor while the drying rack fell to the floor with some kitchen knives clattering on the floor. Amy rewashed the knives and placed them on the drying rack again.
Amy Smart took off her top and pants and stood only in her bra and panties when Leighton Meester entered the house and into the kitchen.Leighton said, "We got some dead bodies scattered around the place."
Leighton said, "I'll need your help tossing the corpses into the Black Sea if you're not doing anything right now."
Amy said, "I was going to meet Emmy Rossum at the Black Sea Docks in a few minutes. However, I ran out of clean clothes to wear."
Amy continued, "I could wear a bikini to the Black Sea Docks. There's nothing wrong with a bikini when I'm this close to the beach."
Leighton replied, "A bikini would be great. I was going to change into a bikini myself."
Leighton said, "We'll go swimming in the Black Sea in our bikinis and then we'll toss the dead bodies into the Black Sea later."
Amy replied, "That sounds like a great idea."
Amy Smart exited the kitchen and she walked upstairs into her bedroom. She looked out at the beach from her bedroom window and thought she spotted a glimpse of Jeanine Heller finally learning where to locate and kill Amy Smart and looking up directly at the doomed girl.
Mena Suvari found Jeanine Heller's apartment and she quietly slipped inside. She looked at the bouquet of flowers she sent to Jeanine Heller in the trash can and frowned with disappointment. She took a deep breath and hid when she heard a noise from the second bedroom. Nothing. Mena slowly moved from her hiding place and walked towards the source of the noise. She could die at anytime and the uncertainty of her possible demise made her nervous.
Mena Suvari's left hand gripped the door knob and she slowly slipped into the second bedroom. She expected to either be attacked from upfront or from behind. Death didn't strike down Mena though. Mena looked down and found Kaley Cuoco locked up in a pet animal crate with the pet animal with her legs tied up, her arms tied up and her mouth gagged. Mena opened the pet animal crate and freed Kaley's arms and legs before pulling her from the pet animal crate.
Kaley said, "We need to get out of here before Jeanine Heller returns. She'll murder you if she realizes that you're here setting me free."
Mena said, "I'm not leaving without you."
Kaley said, "Jeanine will murder me if I escape captivity."
Mena said, "Then both of us girls will need to murder Jeanine Heller first."
Jeanine Heller attacked Mena from behind and kicked her to the ground. Mena fell face down while Jeanine pulled off Kaley's top and then her shorts. Kaley pulled on some exercise pants. Kaley was punched in the stomach as she tried to put her top back on. Mena grabbed Kaley's hand and the two girls escaped from Jeanine Heller's apartment, down the hallway and out of the apartment building.
Mena said, "What the fuck was that? What did Jeanine do to you."
Kaley replied, "I was never on vacation to Florida. I was punished by incarceration by kidnapping."
Mena replied, "Well take it easy. It's going to be ok. I rescued you."
Kaley said, "You have no idea what you set into motion. Jeanine threatened to kill me if I ever tried to escape punishment by incarceration by kidnapping. That's exactly what I did."
Mena said, "I'm not going to leave you there and I'm not going to let myself get punished for my crimes by incarceration by kidnapping either. We're escaping now."
Jeanine punched Mena and she fell to the ground unconscious. Jeanine stabbed Kaley in the stomach and she staggered to her car.
Kaley said, "Let's go back into your apartment and I'll return to incarceration by kidnapping."
Jeanine said, "It's too late for that. Now I must kill you."
Jeanine stabbed Kaley from behind as she opened her car door. Jeanine stabbed Kaley five more times and she staggered with tears rolling down her face.
Jeanine stabbed Kaley as the dying girl was pulled backwards away from her car.
Kaley scrambled to her feet and raced towards her car. Jeanine stabbed her from behind ten more times and the dying girls found herself falling backwards to the ground.
Jeanine Heller pulled off Kaley Cuoco's exercise pants. Kaley Cuoco punched Jeanine. Jeanine stabbed Kaley in the chest. Kaley found it hard to breath as she saw her blood slowly drip across the asphalt in a growing puddle of blood. Kaley tried to speak, but her dying body was unable to make the effort. Kaley Cuoco died dressed only in her bra and panties. Jeanine Heller found Kaley's left arm move and stabbed her in the stomach five more times. Jeanine checked for a pulse and didn't find any. Kaley Cuoco is no longer alive. Kaley Cuoco is legally dead.
Mena Suvari stood up and she kicked Jeanine Heller five times. Jeanine Heller tried to stand up only to be kicked back down by Mena Suvari.
Mena replied, "You will die for the crime of killing Kaley Cuoco. Mark my words, your failure to kill me will result in your doom."
Mena Suvari raced down the street and vanished from sight. Jeanine Heller picked up Kaley Cuoco's legally dead body, drove to the Black Sea Harbor and dumped the corpse into the Black Sea. Jeanine Heller tried to seek out Mena Suvari and came close to finding her hiding place. Mena breathed a sigh of relief when Jeanine Heller walked right past her hiding spot. Mena Suvari emerged from her hiding spot and continued walking down the street alive and well. Jeanine Heller still hasn't been able to punish and kill Mena Suvari.
Jeanine Heller almost walked backwards into both Lea Michele and Selena Gomez. Both Lea and Selena stepped backwards to prevent Jeanine from pressing her spine against the voluptuous breasts for both of the women.
Lea said, "Excuse me, but I don't enjoy being felt up by a loser nerd such as yourself."
Jeanine asked, "So you would rather be felt up by a girl who is much cooler."
Lea said, "You kind of missed the whole point for this conversation. I don't want another girl to touch me or violently defeat me in this manner."
Selena noticed Jeanine attempt to punish Lea for her statement. Selena stood in the way. The Hispanic born girl felt doom overwhelm her as she stood firm Lea's defense.
Selena said, "Tonight is the night that Lea and I escapes justice. You'll need to defeat me sadomasochism style before you can defeat Lea sadomasochism style."
Lea said, "Sorry that it has to be that way, but some girls are too cool and stylish looking to be defeated sadomasochism style by another girl. I have my dignity."Selena replied, "Better luck next time."
Jeanine replied, "Don't you walk away from me."
It was too late. Lea Michele and Selena Gomez vanished from sight. Jeanine spotted Mena Suvari and followed the lady from a safe distance. Mena Suvari had no idea that she was being followed by Jeanine Heller. Mena looked behind her and saw nothing. Mena returned her attention to in front of her and continued walking. Jeanine emerged from hiding to follow Mena.
Jeanine grabbed Mena from behind and proceeded to have the girl gagged. Mena tried to punch her attacker, but Jeanine blocked the blow. Jeanine punched Mena and she doubled over in pain.
Mena removed the gag and said, "Please don't kidnap me. We can reach a compromise."
Jeanine said, "We will compromise. You will be punished with incarceration through kidnapping or you will be punished by being murdered."
Mena punched Jeanine and made a run for it down the street and into a building. Jeanine chased after Mena close behind.
Jeanine tried to grab Mena's arms to be tied together and Mena responded by kicking her attacker. Jeanine doubled over in pain as Mena ran for safety.
Mena looked behind her and she didn't see anything. Mena didn't see anything in front of her either. Mena breathed a sigh of relief as she stayed in her hiding place a bit longer.
Mena poked her head out of her hiding place and she didn't see anybody. Mena walked forward with smug and calm confidence that she won't suffer sadomasochism punishment in the hands of Jeanine Heller. And with that in mind, Mena vanished from sight once again.
Selena lost track of Lea Michele, but she didn't let that discourage her. Still foolishly convinced that she actually has a chance for survival, Selena continued to walk towards the Evil Girls Sorority House in a failed attempt to prevent Mouse Lass from wiping out all the Evil Sorority House Girls living in the building. Selena smiled as she continued to walk towards her destination.
Selena tried to make a cell phone call, but the reception wasn't working. Selena frowned as she placed her cell phone back into her pocket.Selena heard footsteps behind her and she spun around to face Mouse Lass.
Selena asked, "Why the Hell are you following me?"
Mouse Lass replied, "I wanted to see what you were up to."
Selena replied, "It's not your business what I'm up to."
Mouse Lass said, "Yeah, you keep saying that and eventually you will start believing it."
Selena said, "So you're not backing off your intention to murder me."
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass replied, "That's a safe assumption."
Selena punched Jeanine five times and it took only one kick for Selena to knock Jeanine to the ground. Selena kicked Jeanine as she lay on the ground.
Selena said, "You're not even a worthy enemy for me to fight against."
Jeanine said, "Yet I'm still confident that I will succeed in killing you."
Selena replied, "How are you going to do that if I keep defeating you at every turn? You expect me to actually let you defeat me."
Jeanine said, "It would make my life easier if you tried doing that."
Selena kicked Jeanine five times as Jeanine lay on the ground.
Selena said, "Just because you're telling me bullshit without proof doesn't make the bullshit genuine."
Jeanine said, "You can't blame a girl for trying."
Jeanine got on her hands and knees as Selena used her left foot to kick Jeanine. Jeanine grabbed Selena's left foot to cause Selena to lose balance. Selena fell backwards to the ground in a crumpled heap. Selena got on her knees before Jeanine punched her.
Selena said, "You're going to pay for that."Jeanine replied, "Go ahead and try."
Selena punched Jeanine as she got to her feet. Selena kicked Jeanine five times. Selena walked over Jeanine as Mouse Lass lay down on the ground. Selena smiled as she casually walked away from her victimizer. The doomed girl foolishly thought she was going to escape punishment.
Selena looked behind her and realized that Jeanine was still lying on the ground. Selena had the option to escape justice or walk towards her victimizer to gloat. Selena walked towards her victimizer to gloat. It was a foolish decision that will lead to Selena's death.
Selena bent over Jeanine and said, "What's the matter? You're too wounded to chase after me and kill me before I could enter a taxi cab to escape. You poor thing. I guess I get to win."
Jeanine said, "I'll tell you everything you need to know if you strip to either your bra and panties or your bikini. You must promise not to escape as you strip to your bra and panties or bikini."
Selena grabbed Jeanine's neck in a stranglehold before she said, "I'll strip to my bikini and promise not to escape justice until either I die or you die. In return, you must tell me everything you know about everything."
Jeanine said, "You can't strip to your bikini and strangle me to death at the same time."
Cara Delevingne, Poppy Delevingne and Sienna Miller watched Selena Gomez release Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass from her strangulation grip. The three girls watched as Selena Gomez strip to her shorts and bikini top. Cara and Sienna were dressed in their street clothing. Poppy was already dressed in her bikini.
Poppy looked at her sister Cara before saying, "One of us has to help out Selena or die trying."
Cara said, "Don't look at me. You're the one who's already dressed in her bikini."
Sienna looked at the Delevingne sisters said, "I can't attack Jeanine Heller in my bikini until both of you girls along with Selena Gomez are legally dead."
Cara Delevingne stripped to her bikini before saying, "Ok, fine, I'll be the first of us three girls to strip to my bikini and attack Jeanine Heller alongside Selena. But you two girls owe me if I manage to survive this without getting myself killed."
Poppy said, "Thanks sis, you're a darling."
Sienna said, "Jeanine Heller better hurry up and kill Selena Gomez and both of the Delevingne sisters before I escape the beach to live and fight another day."
Cara Delevingne finished stripping to her bikini and approached Selena Gomez. Sienna Miller stripped to her bikini too.
Cara asked, "Do you need some help."
Selena said, "I'll need some help. Both of us girls should attack as a two girl unit. The only way Jeanine Heller can stop us girls from doing so is to murder me first before killing you."
Jeanine Heller said, "No, I must kill Selena. I can't allow her to either survive or defeat me."
Selena said, "Cara and I are about to attack you simultaneously. You can only stop me by killing me now or else the chance to kill me is lost forever."
Jeanine Heller stabbed Selena Gomez between her breasts. Selena looked at her victimizer with a hurt wounded expression as she watched her blood drip out of her dying body. Selena fell sideways into the shallow end of the Black Sea. A strong wave current swept Selena towards the deep end of the Black Sea. Selena's dead body vanished from sight.
Selena Gomez is no longer alive. Selena Gomez is legally dead.
Time for Cara Delevingne to die in a serial killing attack.
Cara placed a sleeveless halter top on top of her bikini top.
Jeanine Heller said, "You promised me to stay in your bikini and not try to escape while I tell you the truth about everything."
Cara said, "Selena made that promise to you and now she's legally dead. I never made that promise."
Jeanine Heller tried to punch Cara and she blocked her blow.Jeanine said, "Since you're capable of surviving a violent attack in your street clothing, you are only allowed to attack me either in your bra and panties or in your bikini. That way the fight will be much more equal instead of being lopsided in favor of you."
Cara said, "I'll only do so if you promise to tell me the truth about everything."
Jeanine said, "We got ourselves a deal."
Cara Delevingne remoed her sleeveless tee shirt.
Jeanine said, "I'm going to attempt a violent knife attack against you. If you survive, then I'll tell you the truth about everything. If you don't survive, then I don't get to tell you the truth about everything because I killed you before you can force me to tell me the truth about everything."
Jeanine Heller punched Cara and she doubled over in pain. Cara tried to block Jeanine's attempt to punch her five more times and she failed. Cara doubled over in pain.
Cara said, "You're not going to tell me anything. It's just an excuse to get me into a situation where it's impossible for me to survive a serial killing attack."
Jeanine Heller walked behind Cara to look at her rear end and her spine.
Jeanine said, "We both know that I want to see you legally dead. You secretly want me to kill you otherwise you wouldn't want to be here."
Cara said, "I'm going to escape on a motorboat if you don't tell me the truth about everything in six minutes or less."
Jeanine said, "I must kill Cara before she escapes. She can't be allowed to escape."
Cara asked, "How will you prevent me from escaping?"
Jeanine said, "I don't know, but you must die before you force me to tell the truth about everything."
Cara said, "I'd love to broadcast the truth about everything on the Internet."
Jeanine said, "We both agreed that you must survive a knife attack first."
Cara punched Jeanine. Cara walked over Jeanine as she walked towards the motorboat. Jeanine slowly rose to her feet as Cara got closer and closer to the motorboat.Cara Delevingne crawled on her hands and knees onto a motorboat. Jeanine Heller stabbed Cara from behind as she attempted to crawl on her hands and knees onto a motorboat.
Jeanine Heller continued to stab Cara Delevingne from behind in a knife attack twenty more times. Cara looked at the directional controls of the motorboat before she lay down face first into a growing puddle of her blood. Cara closed her eyes as Jeanine stabbed her from behind ten more times.
Cara Delevingne fell out of the motorboat and into the Black Sea. Cara Deleivngne is no longer alive. Cara is legally dead.
Time for Poppy Delevingne to be murdered.
The bikini clad Poppy Delevingne was horrified when she way her sister Cara legally die in a violent serial killing attack. Now it's time for Poppy to die so that it will be easier to kill Sienna Miller.
Poppy said, "So I guess it's my turn to die."
Mouse Lass replied, "Well I have to murder you sooner or later. I might as well do it now."
Poppy said, "Well, I guess soon it's going to be just Sienna and nobody else."
Sienna said, "I guess I'm off with my purse because I'm going to need my purse for other purposes."
Mouse Lass said, "Don't you dare touch your purse. Your purse will be needed to teach guys to true purpose of emoting in the right way."
Sienna said, "Sorry, but you can't have my purse. You'll have to kill me to gain control of my purse."
Sienna Miller walked off with her purse in hand. Mouse Lass grabbed Sienna from behind and attempted to strangle the girl from behind. Mouse Lass pressed her breasts on Sienna's spine as Mouse Lass attempted to strangle Sienna to death from behind.
Sienna slammed her left elbow into Mouse Lass's stomach causing Mouse Lass to release her strangulation grip against Sienna. Sienna said, "Now it's time for me to escape while Mouse Lass is down."
Mouse Lass said, "I can't let that happen. Sienna must die now!"
Sienna ran towards the Black Sea with Mouse Lass in pursuit. Dude #4 grabbed Sienna's purse and ran off with it. Mouse Lass punched Sienna once. Sienna punched Mouse Lass and Mouse Lass responded by kicking Sienna once and punching her three times.
Sienna tried to punch Mouse Lass and Mouse Lass blocked the blow. Mouse Lass kicked Sienna causing her to stagger in pain.
Mouse Lass tried to strangle Sienna from behind. Mouse Lass pressed her breasts on Sienna's spine and pressed her vagina on Sienna's rear end while strangling Sienna from behind.
Sienna tried to slam her left elbow into Mouse Lass without success. Mouse Lass' strangulation grip against Sienna got tougher to survive nor escape from.
Sienna slammed her left elbow into Mouse Lass causing Mouse Lass' strangulation grip to weaken. Sienna punched Mouse Lass twice before kicking Mouse Lass underwater.
Sienna said, "I don't need to check Mouse Lass' pulse. Time for me to rejoin Poppy Delevingne. The only way Mouse Lass can defeat me is to force me to check her pulse and kill me before it's too late. Last chance to prevent my escape by killing me."
Sienna walked further away from Mouse Lass as Mouse Lass lay underwater. Mouse Lass discovered that Sienna dropped her bracelet and reached for it. Sienna walked towards her bracelet too. Mouse Lass grabbed the bracelet and Sienna kicked Mouse Lass. Mouse Lass stopped moving with Sienna's bracelet under Mouse Lass. The only way Sienna can get her bracelet back is to check for Mouse Lass' pulse without getting stabbed to death by Mouse Lass in the process.
Sienna walked towards Mouse Lass.
Sienna paused before reaching a different strategy.
Sienna Miller walked towards the shore. She walked towards the metal staircase towards Poppy Delevingne. Sienna must be killed before she succeeds in doing so.
Sienna walked further up the metal staircase. Her escape is succeeding. She must die now!
Sienna looked back at the Black Sea as she climbed the metal staircase towards Poppy Delevingne.
Only a few more steps until Sienna Miller walked up he metal staircase towards Poppy Delevingne and her safety. Sienna Miller must die before she succeeds in doing so.
Sienna Miller walked down the metal staircase and towards the Black Sea. Sienna checked for Mouse Lass' pulse while grabbing for her bracelet. The only way Sienna can get her bracelet back was to press her left hand under Mouse Lass' breasts while her right hand checks Mouse Lass' neck pulse. Mouse Lass stabbed Sienna Miller between her breasts. Sienna staggered as the dying girl was about to fall underwater and die forever.
Sienna Miller tried to walk towards shore despite dying from a knife wound between her breasts. Mouse Lass walked after Sienna while holding on to Sienna's bracelet.
Mouse Lass stabbed Sienna from behind five times.
Mouse Lass stabbed Sienna from behind three more times. Sienna Miller drooled blood as she fell into the Black Sea face first with a huge splash.
Sienna tried to sit up only to be kicked back down by Mouse Lass. Sienna slipped underwater and she lay unmoving face up underwater. Sienna never stirred. The girl finally have been defeated.
Sienna Miller is no longer alive. Sienna Miller is legally dead.
Poppy Delevingne walked towards a nearby Yacht. Mouse Lass only has mere seconds to kill Poppy before she escapes justice to live and fight another day. Hurry up and kill Poppy while there is still a chance. Poppy smiled as she got closer towards escape.
Poppy reached the Yacht and the promise for escape. Dude #4 still has Sienna's purse. Poppy kissed Dude #4 before reaching for Sienna's purse while still holding on to her own. In order for Dude #4 to keep the stolen purse and claim Poppy's purse, Poppy must die now!
Poppy said, "Soo long Mouse Lass. Dude #4 and I are about to escape. You can't stop me by killing me. Tough luck lady."
Dude #4 said, "I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm starting to fall for Poppy. Save me by killing her before her seduction is complete."
Mouse Lass said, "Time is running out! I must kill Poppy now!"
Poppy untied the yacht and it pulled away. Poppy walked towards Dude #4 and he nearly knocked her overboard. Mouse Lass reached the yacht and was able to climb on board.Poppy placed her right hand on Dude #4 before she said, "You want to have sex with me. I know it. You know it. Why fight against it."
Dude #4 said, "I shouldn't have sex with you, but I can't resist. I shouldn't resist."
Poppy said, "Then don't resist."
Dude #4 said, "We should have sex before Mouse Lass succeeds in killing you."
Poppy said, "Forget about Mouse Lass saving you by killing me. She'll never get to this yacht fast enough to kill me before my seduction is complete."
Dude #4 kissed Poppy. Poppy smiled as she kissed him in return. Mouse Lass climbed aboard the yacht. Time to punish and kill Poppy before her seduction is complete.
Dude #4 lay down on Poppy and kissed her. She smiled as he tried to undo her bathing suit. Mouse Lass reached the two.
Mouse Lass cried out, "Don't do it. You'll slip into a coma if you kiss her one more time."
Poppy said, "Ignore Mouse Lass and kiss me one more time. You know you want to."
Dude #5 said, "Don't do it. Poppy is evil. She must be killed."
Dude #4 said, "Is that true? Are you trying to seduce me into a coma?"
Poppy said, "Damn it, I nearly succeeded. Now I have to tie you both up so I can escape before Mouse Lass punishes and kills me forever."
Poppy Delevingne tied up Dude #4 and Dude #5 before she prepared to escape. Dude #5 undid the ropes that bound him causing him to fall backwards against Dude #4 groin on rear end and chest on spine. The only way that Dude #5 can untie Dude #4 was to allow Dude #4 to wiggle on Dude #5 until he has an extreme outburst of positive emotion. Poppy must die before the extreme outburst of positive emotion or else it will fail and Dude #4 will die from Poppy's seduction.
Poppy reached the edge of the yacht while Dude #4 wiggled on Dude #5 as Dude #5 lay on top of Dude #4 trying to untie the ropes that bound him---Groin on rear end and chest on spine. Poppy must die before the outburst of extreme positive emotion causing Dude #4 to die from her seduction. Mouse Lass strangled Poppy from behind. Mouse Lass pressed her breasts on Poppy's spine and pressed her vagina on Poppy's rear end. Poppy went limp as the strangulation succeeded.
Poppy fell over board and never returned as Dude #4 wiggled on Dude #5 as Dude #5 lay on top of Dude #4 trying to untie the ropes that bound him---Groin on rear end and chest on spine. Dude #4 felt an outburst of extreme positive emotion seconds after Poppy died forever.
Poppy Delevingne is no longer alive. Poppy Deleivingne is legally dead.
Britney Spears watched Jeanine Heller from behind. Jeanine Heller didn't see Britney Spears, but Britney Spears saw Jeanine Heller. Because if Jeanine Heller noticed Britney Spears standing behind her, then Jeanine Heller would've easily killed Britney Spears by now. And knowing that Jeanine Heller's inability to notice Britney Spears standing behind her has given Britney a sense of over confidence that she might actually survive long enough to see the next day.
Britney Spears continued to follow Jeanine Heller from a safe distance. And for once it was the victim following the victimizer without being noticed instead of the other way around. And Britney hid when Jeanine Heller looked behind her. And Britney continued to follow her victimizer when Jeanine continued to walk ahead without any knowledge that Britney Spears is still alive and walking behind her with intent to murder or die in the process of trying to murder.Britney hid a second time when Jeanine Heller looked behind her. Britney's chest heaved as Jeanine came closer to spotting the doomed victim much closer than previously. Britney breathed a sigh of relief when Jeanine Heller continued to walk forward without any knowledge that Britney is standing behind her alive and well.
Britney Spears gave a non verbal signal to Camren Bicondova. Camren advance towards Jeanine and proceeded to strangle her victimizer from behind with her right arm around her victimizer's throat. Jeanine felt Camren's breasts pressed against her spine and felt Camren's vagina pressed against her rear end. Camren smiled as Jeanine Heller found it hard to breath as the victim's murder attack against her victimizer started to work. Britney Spears vanished into the shadows as Camren continued her strangulation attack.
Jeanine ran backwards into a brick wall and ran backwards into a brick wall ten more times. It got harder for Camren to hold her victimizer in a strangulation grip. Jeanine Heller broke free and punched Camren in the stomach. Camren doubled over in pain.
Camren said, "It won't do any good. More girls will continue to attack until one of us girls succeed in killing you. You can't possibly murder all of us girls all in the same evening."
Jeanine replied, "I may not be able to murder all of you girls all in the same evening, but I can make the effort to murder all of you girls. Somebody has to defeat and murder a girl like you."
Jeanine punched Camren in the stomach and she doubled over in pain. Jeanine kicked Camren and she fell face first in defeat. Jeanine advanced as Camren tried to play dead. Jeanine checked Camren's pulse before pulling the victim upwards by her left arm and punched her in the stomach five more times.
Camren said, "Playing dead always worked for you when trying to murder us girls. Using it against you didn't work, but it was worth the effort."
Jeanine said, "You will soon learn that the only acceptable fate that you can only play is that of a dead body. The sooner you are reduced to a dead body the better."
Jeanine punched Camren and tried to pull her pants off. Camren kicked her victimizer and squirmed away to put her pants back on with tears rolling down her face.
Jeanine Heller lunged forward and pulled Camren's shirt off. Camren stood only wearing her pants, panties and her bra. Camren tried to put her shirt back on only to be punched in the stomach as punishment. Camren tried to grab her shirt only to be punched in the stomach five more times.
Camren tried to punch her victimizer and her blow was blocked. Jeanine punched her victim five times before kicking her three times. Camren fell to the ground groggy and dying.
Camren tried to stand only to be punched in the stomach ten times by Jeanine Heller.
Jeanine Heller punched Camren in the stomach five times before kicking her twice.
Camren tried to punch her victimizer and her blow was blocked. Jeanine kicked Camren and the victim fell in a crumpled heap.
Jeanine Heller pulled off Camren Bicondova's pants. Camren only stood in her bra and panties. Camren cried as she tried to scramble free. Jeanine kicked Camren and punched her ten more times before delivering one last kick in the stomach.
Camren winced in pain before she lay down on the ground legally dead. Camren Bicondova is no longer alive. Camren is legally dead.
Jeanine said, "Now it's time for me to murder Britney Spears."
Jeanine Heller raced into a warehouse only to find Britney Spears surrounded by fifteen girls. All fifteen girls were already dressed in their bras and panties. Only Britney Spears was fully dressed.
Jeanine Heller said, "One down, fifteen girls left to kill before I'm able to murder you."
Britney said, "Go ahead and try to end my life in a murder attack. I refuse to make it easy for you to deliver the final killing blow against me."
Britney asked, "So how will you separate and kill the remaining fifteen girls opposing you? You can't possibly kill all fifteen all at once. Not when I have safety in numbers at my disposal."
Jeanine said, "Don't be too overconfident. You will be dead sooner than you think."
Britney said, "If you refuse to separate and kill the remaining fifteen girls one by one, then you will need to kill all fifteen all at once. Don't say that I didn't warn you."
Jeanine said, "Never fear, I have a plan to murder all the girls who oppose me."
Britney said, "Whatever that plan is turns out to be a dud."
Jeanine said, "I refuse to accept your perception."
Britney said, "So are we just going to talk or are you going to murder some girls."
Jeanine said, "The only way to murder me is to have seven of your surviving fifteen girls take me outside the warehouse to have me beaten up and killed."
Britney said, "Thanks for telling me how to kill you. I shall take your advice right now."
Girl #12, Girl #13, Girl #14, Girl #15, Girl #16, Girl #17 and Girl #18 led Jeanine outside the warehouse. Jeanine kicked Girl #15 and she lay down on the ground legally dead. Jeanine punched Girl #18 to the left of her and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine punched Girl #12 to the right of her and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine punched Girl #17 to the left of her and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine kicked Girl #13 to the right of her and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine punched Girl #16 to the left of her and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine kicked Girl #14 to the right of her and she lay down legally dead.
Jeanine Heller walked into a warehouse only to find Britney Spears surrounded by eight girls. All eight girls were already dressed in their bras and panties. Only Britney Spears was fully dressed.
Jeanine Heller said, "Eight down, eight girls left to kill before I'm able to murder you."
Britney said, "You told me that it only took seven girls to murder you."
Jeanine said, "I was wrong. One more girl will need to murder me outside the warehouse."
Britney said, "You better be right or there will be Hell to pay."
Girl #19 led Jeanine Heller out of the warehouse. Jeanine punched Girl #19 in the stomach and she lay down on the ground legally dead.
Jeanine Heller walked into a warehouse only to find Britney Spears surrounded by six girls. All six girls were already dressed in their bras and panties. Only Britney Spears was fully dressed.
Jeanine Heller said, "Nine down, seven girls left to kill before I'm able to murder you."
Britney said, "What am I going to do with you. You keep giving me incorrect methods to kill you."
Jeanine said, "You need to send two girls outside the warehouse to kill me. Then I'll die forever."
Britney said, "You better be right or else I'll shatter you myself."
Jeanine said, "You can only do so in your bra and panties."
Girl #20 and Girl #21 led Jeanine Heller outside the warehouse. Jeanine tossed Girl #21 into Girl #20 and kicked them both. Girl #20 and Girl #21 lay down on the ground legally dead.
Jeanine Heller walked into a warehouse only to find Britney Spears surrounded by five girls. All five girls were already dressed in their bras and panties. Only Britney Spears was fully dressed.
Jeanine Heller said, "eleven down, five girls left to kill before I'm able to murder you."
Britney said, "You keep giving me ways to have my buddies killed one by one until only I'm left while you're still alive. This isn't the way to permanently kill you."
Jeanine said, "I know that I promised to tell you the best way to murder me and nothing is working."
Britney said, "You need to tell me the best way to kill you because I'm quickly running out of girls. Don't force me to attack you personally myself while dressed only in my bra and panties."
Jeanine said, "You need to send one of your girls out of the warehouse to kill me. Then I'll die."
Britney said, "You better be right because my patience is running thin."
Girl #22 led Jeanine Heller outside the warehouse and Jeanine punched her in the stomach. Girl #22 lay down on the ground and she legally died.
Jeanine Heller walked into a warehouse only to find Britney Spears surrounded by four girls. All four girls were already dressed in their bras and panties. Only Britney Spears was fully dressed.
Jeanine Heller said, "twelve down, four girls left to kill before I'm able to murder you."
Britney said, "I suppose that four girls are needed to beat you up outside the warehouse."
Jeanine said, "You'll need to attack and try to kill me while dressed in your bra and panties if your latest plan to kill me fails."
Girl #23, Girl #24, Girl #25 and Girl #26 led Jeanine Heller outside the warehouse. Jeanine kicked Girl #26 to the right of her and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine punched Girl #23 to the left of her and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine punched Girl #25 to the right of her and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine punched Girl #24 to the left of her and she lay down legally dead.
Jeanine Heller raced into a warehouse only to find Britney Spears all by herself. Britney Spears was fully dressed.
Jeanine Heller said, "sixteen down, zero girls left to kill. It's time for me to murder you."
Britney said, "Then I'll be more than happy to murder you myself."
Britney said, "It's a shame that we must fight each other to the death. We could've been best friends. But we became mortal enemies instead."
Jeanine said, "I didn't want to murder you, but you're forcing me to kill you in self defense. Soon only I shall be left alive."
Britney said, "Then you better hurry up and attack me before I escape justice to live and fight another day. I'm this close to escaping."
Britney Spears took off her pants and shirt. Britney was dressed only in her bra and panties. Britney punched Jeanine. Jeanine responded by punching Britney twice and kicking her once. Jeanine kicked Britney before punching her five more times.
Jeanine kicked Britney in the stomach and the dying victim looked at her victimizer with a lifeless expression on her face. Britney Spears tried to say something, but she was no longer able to verbalize anything. Two more punches in the stomach was needed to end her life.
Britney Spears looked at Jeanine with a lifeless empty expression on her face before she lay down on the ground face down and died. Britney Spears is no longer alive. Britney Spears is legally dead.
Mena Suvari approached Dude #2 with a warm flirty smile.
Mena said, "Please don't tell Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass where to find me. Jeanine will succeed in killing me once and for all if she ever succeeds in locating me."
Dude #2 replied, "Don't worry, the secret of your location will never be given to Mouse Lass."
Mena lovingly kissed Dude #2 before she replied, "Thanks, I knew I could rely on you."
Dude #2 walked away from Mena Suvari. Mouse Lass quickly spotted Mena kissing Dude #2, but quickly lost track of Mena. And so Mouse Lass chased after Dude #2 in hopes of getting from him the secret of Mena Suvari's location so that Mena could be murdered. Emma Watson however caught up with Dude #2 before Jeanine Heller could catch up with him.
Emma lovingly kissed Dude #2.
Emma said, "You promised that we were going to do something exciting."
Dude #2 replied, "And we will do something exciting right now."
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass followed Emma Watson and Dude #2. Mouse Lass needed to ask Dude #2 what is the secret location of Mena Suvari so that Mena could be murdered. However, Emma Watson is standing in the way of the asking of the question. Therefore, Emma Watson must die first before Dude #2 could be asked the question as the second task. And thus unfolds the final moments of life of Emma Watson.
Emma said, "Alright, I knew you would never let me down."
Dude #2 said, "I could never let you down."
Emma Watson and Dude #2 lovingly held hands as they walked towards his apartment.
Emma Watson and Dude #2 entered the apartment. Jeanine Heller snuck into the apartment.
Emma asked, "So what's the first on our agenda?"
Dude #2 said, "I'll find some tunes for us to listen to."
Emma asked, "Would you like to dance to the tunes?"
Dude #2 said, "Dancing to the tunes might be good, but I'm not so good at it."
Emma said, "You don't need to be god at it."
Dude #2 said, "That's a relief."
Emma pressed her breasts close to Dude #2's chest and her vagina pressed close to his groin as they slow danced to the tune.
Dude #2 said, "I'm feeling sick to the stomach. I need to use the bathroom."
Emma said, "Don't be a coward."
Dude #2 said, "I'm not a coward. I'll be back."
Dude #2 walked into the bathroom. Emma removed her blouse to reveal her skirt, her bra and a see through slip. She patiently waited for Dude #2 to emerge. Mouse Lass snuck behind Emma Watson. And thus unfolds the final moments of Emma Watson's life.
Emma Watson walked towards the bathroom and hear Dude #2 throw up from the other side of the locked bathroom door.
Emma asked, "What the fuck is going on?"
Dude #2 said, "I'm feeling sick to the stomach, but I'll recover."
Emma Watson needs to die before Dude #2 emerges from the bathroom. And thus unfolds the final moments of Emma Watson's life.
Emma Watson walked away from the bathroom and towards one of the living room windows. She still failed to see Mouse Lass standing behind her. And her failure to see Mouse Lass is her first and final fatal mistake. And thus unfolds the final moments of Emma Watson's life.
Mouse Lass walked behind Emma Watson. The tips of Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass's breasts touched Emma Watson's spine. And thus unfolds the final moments of Emma Watson's life.
Emma Watson tried to move forward and so did Jeanine Heller. The tips of Jeanine Heller's breasts continued to rest on Emma Watson's spine. Doom overwhelmed Emma as her doom got closer and closer. And thus unfolds the final moments of Emma Watson's life.
Jeanine Heller stabbed Emma Watson from behind. Emma Watson fell backwards into Jeanine Heller spine on breasts and rear end on vagina. Emma Watson was embraced by her murderess. When Emma Watson tried to break free, Emma was tossed against the wall and she slid to the floor in a puddle of blood. And thus unfolds the final moments of Emma Watson's life.
Emma Watson tried to stand up only to be stabbed from behind by Mouse Lass. And thus unfolds the final moments of Emma Watson's life.
Emma Watson tried to punch Jeanine Heller and her blow was blocked. Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass punched Emma Watson and she fell backwards to the floor. And thus unfolds the final moments of Emma Watson's life.
Emma Watson tried to stand up only to be stabbed from behind by Mouse Lass. And thus unfolds the final moments of Emma Watson's life.
Emma Watson's slip and skirt was forcefully removed before Jeanine Heller embraced Emma Watson from behind breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Emma was shoved against the wall everytime she tried to escape until she lost the will to escape.
Emma Watson closed her eyes and she died. Emma Watson is no longer alive. Emma Watson is legally dead.
Dude #2 had no idea that Emma Watson is legally dead. He snuck out of the bathroom window and climbed ten stories down the fire escape until he reached an abandoned alley. There he located Mena Suvari. Jeanine Heller climbed down the fire escape and spotted Mena who still needs to die in a violent and senseless murder attack.
Mena asked, "Where is Emma Watson? I thought you were going out with her?"
Dude #2 said, "I lost my nerve."
Mena said, "You can't keep losing your nerve everytime a pretty girl says yes when you ask her out."
Dude #2 said, "I'm sorry, but I'm the most weak willed man ever to lose his nerve in front of a pretty girl and I don't know what to do with myself."
Mena said, "You and I will need to talk further about this. Hey Miley, why don't you hang out with my buddy for a while."
Miley said, "I can do that."
Mena Suvari vanished from sight. Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass followed Miley Cyrus and Dude #2. Mouse Lass needed to ask Dude #2 what is the secret location of Mena Suvari so that Mena could be murdered. However, Miley Cyrus is standing in the way of the asking of the question. Therefore, Miley Cyrus must die first before Dude #2 could be asked the question as the second task. And thus unfolds the final moments of life of Miley Cyrus.
Miley said, "I only need to refill the gasoline to my car and then we can get going."
Dude #2 said, "That sounds cool to me."
Miley saw a dollar bill on the asphalt as she walked across the parking lot.
Miley bent over to pick up the dollar bill. Jeanine walked behind Miley with intention of stabbing her from behind. However, Miley stood straight up again and ruined the chance to die in a violent and senseless murder attack.
Miley refilled the gasoline in her car. Miley drove Dude #2 and herself to his apartment before parking the car and getting out.
Miley Cyrus and Dude #2 climbed up the fire escape and climbed over the balcony railing connected to his apartment. Miley stripped down to her panties and blouse.
Miley said, "Let me guess, I'm the second girl to attempt this. What happened to the first girl?"
Dude #2 said, "I lost my nerve and now she's legally dead."
Miley said, "So now my life is in danger because I'm attempting to do what the first girl tried to do and died as punishment."
Dude #2 said, "I don't want to see you die. You're much too pretty."
Miley started to remove her blouse as she said, "Mouse Lass only has eight seconds left to kill me before we have sex."
Dude #2 said, "I can't wait to have sex with you."
Miley removed her blouse as she said, "You and I will get to have sex if Mouse Lass doesn't succeed in killing me within less than seven seconds."
Dude #2 said, "It will be the best sex ever. I hope I don't throw up again."
Miley removed her blouse as she said, "You really know how to put a girl in the mood for sexual intercourse. Are you really right in the head?"
Dude #2 said, "I won't be right in the head if Mouse Lass kills you less than six seconds from now."
Miley slowly removed her blouse as she said, "Don't worry, I'll teach you the right way to have sex with me. I know how to educate awkward people on the best way to have sex with a lady. The only way my plan could be defeated is if I'm murdered less than five seconds from now."
Dude #2 said, "It will be the happiest day of my life and I won't lose my nerve this time."
Miley slowly removed her blouse as she said, "I'm not accustomed to people losing their nerve before they have sex with me."
Dude #2 said, "We'll find out as long as you don't die less than four seconds from now."
Miley slowly removed her blouse as she said, "I will succeed where other girls belonging to the Enemy Girls Sorority House failed and died trying to accomplish. The only way I could be stopped and killed is if I'm murdered less than three seconds from now."
Dude #2 said, "I'm about to get lucky because I won't lose my nerve. That much is a promise."
Miley tossed her blouse aside. She was dressed only in her panties. She lay down next to Dude #2.
Miley said, "This is where you hold and caress me as we lovingly kiss each other."
Dude #2 said, "I want to hold, caress and kiss you. What happens if Mouse Lass succeeds in killing you less than two seconds from now?"
Jeanine Heller climbed up the fire escape and she climbed over the balcony railing. Jeanine picked up Miley Cyrus from the ground. Jeanine's right hand grabbed Miley's left arm and Jeanine's left arm was pressed against Miley's breasts. Miley has less than one minute of life left before she dies.
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass tossed Miley Cyrus over the balcony railing and ten floors into the Black Sea. Miley Cyrus fell into the Black Sea with a loud splash before she died. Miley Cyrus is legally dead.
Dude #2 said, "Oh darn, I lost my nerve again."
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass said, "Tell me where to find Mena Suvari so that I could kill her too."
Mena Suvari hid behind Kaley Cuoco and now she's dead. Mena Suvari hid behind Emma Watson and now she's dead. Mena Suvari hid behind Miley Cyrus and now she's dead. Mena Suvari ran out of people to hide behind. Jeanine Heller still needs to find a way to murder Mena before she escapes justice to live and fight another day.
Mena spotted Dude #2 directing Jeanine Heller towards her hiding place. Mena slipped away from her hotel room and she raced towards the Black Sea Beach.
Dude #2 said, "Mena Suvari is getting away. You must find a way to kill her Mouse Lass."Mouse Lass said, "I might need to use you as bait in order to kill Mena Suvari."
Mena said, "You can't kill me. I shall escape justice and you'll never get another chance to punish me. This is your last chance to kill me off."
Mena raced closer to the beach. She stopped and turned around. Nothing. Mouse Lass and Dude #2 has vanished from sight. Mena breathed a sigh of relief. She's safe---For right now at least.
McKayla Maroney faced eighteen Female Gymnastics Students who were twelve year old and ten Female Gymnastics Students who were eight year old. She said, "Put some effort into it. We have a gymnastics exhibition a few weeks from now."
Jeanine Heller was spotted by two Female Gymnastics Students. Jeanine stabbed one of them in the stomach and punched the other in the stomach. Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #1 and Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #2 lay down legally dead.
McKayla Maroney thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye. The sexually seductive leotard clad girl said, "Anybody else other than the girls who are supposed to be here? Show yourself now or I'll force you out."Two Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Students spotted Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller kicked Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #3 and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine Heller punched Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #4 and she lay down legally dead.
McKayla Maroney straight at Jeanine Heller as she stood outside the open door to the first floor of the Gymnastics Gym. However, Jeanine Heller was hidden from sight.
McKayla said, "I don't know what's going on out there, but we can't let ourselves get distracted."
Two Twelve Year Old Gymnastics Students spotted Jeanine Heller and approached their murderer. Jeanine Heller kicked Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #5 and she fell backwards against Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #6---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Both girls lay down legally dead.
Two more Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Students attacked Jeanine Heller. Jeanine kicked Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #7 and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine punched Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #8 and she lay down legally dead.
Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #16 said, "We can't practice for the Gymnastics exhibition because half of the Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Students are legally dead."
McKayla Maroney said, "I don't know what's going on, but I won't allow Jeanine Heller the chance to defeat and murder me."
Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #9 attacked Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller punched Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student and she lay down legally dead.
Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #15 said, "It appears as if Jeanine Heller is already defeating you without resistance."
McKayla said, "Then we need to work harder to defeat and kill Jeanine Heller once and for all."
Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #10 attacked Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller punched Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #10 and she lay down legally dead.
Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #11 attacked Jeanine Heller. Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #16 finally spotted her murderess. Jeanine Heller strangled Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #11 and she lay down legally dead against both Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #12 and Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #16. All three leotard clad girls lay down legally dead.
Twelve Year Female Gymnastics Student #15 said, "We need to escape justice while it's still possible for us to do so."
McKayla replied, "We're staying put and we're going to fight against Jeanine Heller until she wipes us all out one by one all the way down to zero."
Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #15 spotted Jeanine Heller and attacked with Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #13 and Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #14. Jeanine Heller grabbed Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #15 from behind and shoved her against Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #13 and Twelve Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #14. All three leotard clad girls lay down legally dead.
McKayla Maroney still doesn't know where Jeanine Heller is hiding. McKayla turned her back towards Jeanine as she directed all ten Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Students. Jeanine can't murder all ten of them without first killing McKayla.
McKayla looked to the left side of the room as Jeanine Heller walked closer behind the sexually seductive leotard clad girl. McKayla Maroney is about to be murdered.
McKayla looked straight at the Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Students as Jeanine Heller attacked her from behind. Jeanine Heller's left breast brushed against McKayla's spine as Mouse Lass tossed McKayla backwards out of the open door towards the grass behind her.
McKayla fell backwards out of the open door and towards the lawn behind her. Jeanine kicked McKayla as she tried to stand up. McKayla winced in pain as her arms and legs collapsed under her. McKayla's world was slowly covered in darkness as death claimed her. McKayla Maroney is no longer alive. McKayla is legally dead.
Jeanine Heller punched Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #1 to the left of her and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine Heller punched Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #2 to the right of her and she lay down legally dead. Jeanine Heller punched Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #3 before kicking Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #4. Both girls lay down legally dead. Jeanine Heller punched Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #5, kicked Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #6, punched Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #7, kicked Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #8 and all four girls lay down legally dead. Jeanine Heller only needed to punch out both Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #9 and Eight Year Old Female Gymnastics Student #10 before all the assembled leotard clad girls are finally legally dead and defeated. McKayla Maroney's Gymnastics Exhibition is ruined with all the participating girls lying down on the ground legally dead.
Emmy Rossum received a cell phone call from Amy Smart that she's heading towards the Black Sea Docks. Emmy Rossum looked at the dead body of Katie Holmes as she walked across the Black Sea Docks. The hot Summer winds blew against Emmy Rossum as she looked behind her when she thought she heard somebody standing behind her. Nothing. Emmy frowned as she returned her gaze to the Black Sea while standing on the Black Sea Docks. Jeanine Heller pulled out a knife and was prepared to have Emmy Rossum stabbed to death from behind. Emmy Rossum spun around to face Jeanine Heller. The tips of Emmy's breasts briefly touched the tips of Jeanine's breasts before Emmy took a step backwards.
Emmy said, "So you think you can kill me with that knife."
Jeanine said, "I know I can kill you with that knife."
Jeanine attacked Emmy with the knife and Emmy successfully blocked the knife attack. Jeanine tried to punch Emmy in the stomach and Emmy blocked the attack.
Emmy said, "Your effort to kill me isn't working."
Jeanine said, "Then we need to have a wager. Telephone Britney Spears on your cell phone. If Britney Spears answers, then we'll postpone the wager until I succeed in killing Britney Spears. If Britney Spears doesn't answer because she's legally dead in a murder attack, then you must remove your top and never wear a top over your bra for the rest of your life."
Emmy said, "Why would I agree to this agreement if you don't need to remove any clothes if I succeed. It's so unfair."
Jeanine said, "Because you have no choice but to be the victim in our game of sadomasochism. You are never allowed to be the victimizer in our game of sadomasochism because I said so."
Emmy released a frustrated groan before she dialed the telephone number of Britney Spears. There was a ring tone emerging from Jeanine Heller's purse. Emmy felt overwhelming misery and the need to be punished for her crimes as she lost the wager. Emmy was forced to remove her turtle neck top and now she only wore her bra, skirt, shorts and panties. Emmy said, "Please allow me to escape justice and I won't tease you anymore."
Jeanine said, "Just one more wager. Telephone Miley Cyrus on your cell phone. If Miley Cyrus answers, then we'll postpone the wager until I succeed in killing Miley Cyrus. If Miley Cyrus doesn't answer because she's legally dead in a murder attack, then you must remove your skirt and never wear a skirt over your panties for the rest of your life."
Emmy said between tears, "Please don't make me do this."
Jeanine said, "You must do this because you must always play the role of the victim in our game of sadomasochism. That's the way it must always be."
Emmy continued to cry like a sadomasochism afflicted victim who needs to be punished for her crimes. Emmy dialed the telephone number of Miley Cyrus. There was a ring tone emerging from Jeanine Heller's purse. Emmy felt overwhelming misery and the need to be punished for her crimes as she lost the wager. Emmy was forced to remove her skirt and now she only wore her bra, shorts and panties.
The tips of Emmy Rossum's breasts brushed against the tips of Jeanine Heller's breasts. Jeanine punched Emmy when Emmy tried to walk backwards. Emmy doubled over in pain as she felt extreme grief and humiliation as the experience made her feel less than adequate much to Jeanine's happiness and pleasure.
Emmy Rossum barely squirmed free when Jeanine tried to embrace her vagina on vagina and breasts on breasts in a failed attempt to stab Emmy in the back while hugging her tightly. Emmy ran as fast as her legs can carry her as she kept crying non-stop about the hopelessness of trying to survive Jeanine's sadomasochistic efforts to kill her off in an act of unprovoked murder one.
Tears streamed down Emmy Rossum's face as she felt shame and humiliation as she barely survived a murder attack from Jeanine Heller. Emmy leaned against a tree as she struggled to regain her breath. Emmy Rossum is doomed and she's slowly starting to realize that. It isn't a matter of if Emmy will die, but it's a matter of when she will die.
Mena Suvari glowed as she ran towards Dude #3 with enthusiasm. Dude #3 gave a subtle hand gesture towards Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller nodded in return. Mena had no idea that she just walked into a lethal trap that she can never hope to escape from. Mena stripped all the way down to her bra and panties. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Mena Suvari lovingly kissed Dude #3. Falling deeply in love with Mena, Dude #3 lovingly kissed Mena five times before she lovingly kissed him twice. Mena said, "See how easy it is to fall in love with a cute girl."
Dude #3 said, "It's easier than I thought."
Jeanine Heller stabbed Mena from behind in a knife attack. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Dude #3 picked up Mena and carried her a few feet across the beach. Mena tried to kiss him and he tried to resist, but she kissed him anyway. Jeanine walked closer towards Mena with intent to kill Mena. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Dude #3 tossed Mena across the beach and she landed on the sand as the waves crashed over her. Mena tried to stand up despite bleeding from behind in a lethal knife attack. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Mena stood up and she lovingly kissed Dude #3 and he no longer felt the urge to kill her. Jeanine Heller stabbed Mena from behind and Mena started to stagger forward. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Mena punched Jeanine and she fell down. Mena lovingly kissed Dude #3. Jeanine scrambled to her feet. It's no longer possible for Mena Suvari to escape justice to live and fight another day. Mena must die now. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Jeanine stabbed Mena between her breasts. Mena punched Jeanine Heller and she fell down. Mena lovingly held Dude #3's hand.
Dude #3 said, "I'm starting to fall in love with Mena Suvari. I can't help you kill her since I'm falling in love with her. You must kill Mena now before she succeeds in seducing me."
Mena said, "It's too late. I shall succeed and survive to see the next day."
Jeanine said, "I can't allow that to happen. I must kill you now."
This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived."
Dude #3 continued to hold Mena Suvari's hand lovingly as he fell in love with her.
Jeanine lay down on the beach as the surf roared over her and said, "Resist and fight against it. You know that Mena must die now."
Mena said, "Why won't you admit that it's over. I won. You lost. End of story."
This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Dude #3 picked up Mena and he carried her over the crashing waves of the Black Sea. He tossed the doomed sexually seductive girl into the Black Sea with intent to murder her. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Dude #3 walked backwards as Mena stood up and walked towards him. Mena lovingly kissed Dude #3 three times and he lovingly kissed her twice. Jeanine stabbed Mena from behind and she nearly fell to the ground in defeat. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Girl #27 and Girl #28 ran across the beach to assist Mena Suvari. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Mena punched Jeanine and before kissing Dude #3. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Dude #3 said, "Let's have sex."
Dude #3 spun around so that Mena's vagina was resting on his rear end and her breasts was pressed on his spine. Jeanine Heller knew that Dude #3 and Dude #2 was ready for some action with each other, but they can't do so with Mena Suvari taking over Dude #2's place. Mena Suvari must die now. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Jeanine Heller stood up and she stabbed Girl #28 between her breasts. Mena forced Dude #3 to face her as they lovingly kissed.
Dude #3 said, "But I need to have sex with you."
Mena said, "I don't have sex like that."
This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Girl #28 fell against Girl #27 breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Mena lovingly kissed Dude #3 as Dude #2 walked across the beach. Dude #3 forced Mena to press her vagina on his rear end and her breasts on his spine before Dude #2 could reach him. Mena and her sexual temptation must die now. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Dude #3 picked up Mena Suvari. Dude #3 tossed Mena onto the beach. This is it. The end of Mena's life has finally arrived.
Mena Suvari, Girl #27 and Girl #28 up. Mena Suvari lovingly kissed Dude #3. Jeanine tried to stab Mena with her knife, but Girl #27 and Girl #28 stood in the way. This is it. The end of Mena's life has finally arrived.
Jeanine kicked Girl #27 and she fell into the Black Sea. Jeanine kicked Mena and she fell into the Black Sea. Mena Suvari and Girl #27 stood up. Mena smiled before she punched Jeanine Heller. This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Jeanine kicked Mena and she fell into the Black Sea once again. It got harder for Mena to stand up.
Mena said, "Make no mistake that one of us must die now."
Jeanine said, "And that dead girl won't be me."
This is it. The end of Mena Suvari's life has finally arrived.
Dude #3 watched as Mena kicked Jeanine into the Black Sea.
Dude #3 said, "I must have sex with you. I can't do it with Dude #2 anymore. It must be you."
Dude #3 rested his groin on Mena's rear end and his chest on her spine. Dude #2 is walking closer.
Girl #27 tripped over Jeanine as she lay down in the shallow end of the Black Sea and she fell face up and legally died. Girl #28 tripped over Jeanine as she lay in the shallow end of the Black Sea and she lay face down on top of the dead body of Girl #27---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina before she legally died.
Dude #2 picked up Mena Suvari.
Dude #2 tossed Mena Suvari into the Black Sea.
Mena Suvari is no longer alive. Mena Suvari is legally dead. Dude #2 and Dude #3 embraced each other and thanked Jeanine Heller for getting rid of Mena Suvari.
Jeanine Heller spotted Emmy Rossum and saw another chance to murder the girl. Emmy looked directly at Jeanine with a smirk as she prepared to escape justice yet again. Jeanine Heller has no choice but to murder Emmy before she succeeds in escaping.
Emmy looked at Jeanine and said, "You can never truly kill me. You and I will be fighting against each other for decades. Oh yes, I promise you that."
Emmy punched Jeanine in the stomach. Jeanine fell to the ground. Emmy tied Jeanine's legs together before tying her arms behind her back and then gagging Mouse Lass. Emmy dragged her into a trailer that Dude #3 lives in. Emmy broke off a pipe so that carbon monoxide would fill the room. Emmy smirked as she exited the trailer in hopes of escaping justice to live and fight another day. Jeanine only has minutes to escape her ropes and defuse the carbon monoxide trap.
Jeanine broke her arms free from the ropes and hoped to the broken carbon monoxide pipe and repaired it just in time. Jeanine broke her feet free before removing her gag. Now it's time to kill Emmy who has no idea that her victimizer is still alive.Jeanine Heller chased after Emmy Rossum in hopes of killing the sexually seductive victim. Not knowing that she's being chased by her victimizer---Jeanine Heller, Emmy Rossum continued to casually walk down the street.
Emmy Rossum walked into a store, took a look around before exiting the store. Jeanine Heller hid from sight as Emmy walked past her victimizer without even knowing it.
Emmy thought she spotted Jeanine, but told herself that Jeanine is dead. And satisfied with the delusion that she told herself, Emmy continued to walk down the street while being followed by her victimizer. The victim---Emmy Rossum failed to realize that she's about to die.
Emmy Rossum reached a store and she tried to open the doors. She pushed with all her might as Jeanine stood behind the victim. Mouse Lass was about to victimize the victim by stabbing Emmy from behind as she struggled to open the doors.
Emmy struggled to open the doors in futility as Jeanine Heller got closer towards her goal to stab Emmy from behind in a victimizing murder attack.
Emmy Rossum gave up trying to enter the store and she spun around. Jeanine was forced to hide with her nearly successful murder attack interrupted. Emmy failed to spot Jeanine's hiding spot, but Jeanine was prepared to kill Emmy the second her hiding spot was realized.
Emmy's attempt to find Jeanine Heller's hiding spot wasn't successful.
Emmy Rossum continued to walk down the street while being followed by her victimizer---Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass.
Emmy looked downwards to realize that she shoe was untied.
Emmy Rossum bent over to tie her shoe while Jeanine Heller got closer in an attempt to stab Emmy from behind.
Emmy bent over to tie her shoe without success as Jeanine got closer to her goal to stab her from behind while attempting to tie her shoe.
Emmy was forced to retie her shoe while bending over while Jeanine got closer to her goal to stab Emmy from behind while she was bent over.
Jeanine pulled out her knife while Emmy bent over to tie her shoe.
Jeanine's knife was sharp and shiny as she walked closer to Emmy as she was bent over to tie her shoe. Emmy had no idea that Jeanine was standing behind her with a knife.
The shoe laces were broken. Emmy removed her shoes. She stood up to face Jeanine Heller. Emmy removed her clothes and stripped to her bra and panties.
Emmy said, "Sorry you failed to kill me once again. I guess you'll never get to kill me."
Jeanine said, "I'm still hopeful that you'll someday end up legally dead."
Emmy said, "Don't get me wrong. I enjoy your failure to kill me. I enjoy the chance to escape justice. I enjoy being the only girl you will never get to kill."
Jeanine said, "Keep it up and I'll kill you now instead of killing you later."
Emmy said, "You'll have to kill me later because I'm about to make my escape."
Emmy tried to punch Jeanine and she dodged the blow. Jeanine punched Emmy and she doubled over in pain. Jeanine punched Emmy twice before kicking her once.
Emmy tried to run away only to be grabbed from behind and punched to the ground in a sobbing crumpled mess of a sexually adorable doomed girl.
Dressed in her bra and panties, Amy Smart walked towards Emmy Rossum. Amy Smart helped Emmy Rossum to her feet.
Amy Smart asked, "Is there anything wrong?"
Emmy said, "Jeanine Heller is wrong. Jeanine Heller needs to die."
Amy Smart said, "I'm the perfect girl that you need to attack and kill Jeanine Heller."
Emmy Rossum said, "I knew that you would never let me down."
Jeanine Heller said, "Think about what you're doing Amy. Don't force me to kill you."
Amy said, "You're the most delusional fool I ever met. You're the one who's going to die Mouse Lass. I can't wait for the chance to end your life."
Amy Smart punched Jeanine Heller. Jeanine Heller stabbed Amy Smart between her breasts. Amy yelped in pain as Jeanine stabbed her between her breasts five more times.
Amy Smart lunged forward in a failed attempt to strangle Jeanine Heller. Jeanine responded by stabbing Amy between her voluptuous breasts ten more times.
Amy Smart looked at Jeanine with a blank expression on her face before she lay down on the ground and died. Amy Smart is no longer alive. Amy Smart is legally dead. Amy's dead body fell into the Black Sea and sank underwater.
Jeanine faced Emmy and said, "Amy tried to kill me and she failed. It's your turn to make an attempt to murder me."
Emmy said, "You're going to wish that you never succeeded in killing Amy Smart. Her death will be avenged. You can trust me on that."
Emmy Rossum ran forward and Jeanine stabbed the nubile sexually seductive voluptuous girl between her breasts with a sharp shiny knife. Emmy gasped in pain as Jeanine stabbed Emmy between her breasts five more times.Emmy drooled blood as she fell forward towards the metal railing on the Black Sea docks.
Jeanine stabbed Emmy from behind two times causing the dying girl to drool blood as she slowly started to helplessly die in a successful murder attack against her.
Emmy Rossum fell over the metal railing of the Black Sea Docks and fell head first into the Black Sea. Emmy tried to swim towards the surface, but she was bleeding too intensely for her arm and hand muscles to grip the railing sufficiently.
Emmy gave up fighting for survival. She slowly sank deeper into the Black Sea.
Emmy gave up fighting for survival. She lay down face up on the bottom of the Black Sea as she drowned to death before she could bleed to death.
Emmy Rossum gave up fighting for survival. She closed her eyes and she died. Emmy Rossum is no longer alive. Emmy Rossum is legally dead.
Gwyneth Paltrow sat in her room inside the second floor of the Evil Girls Sorority House. Too many girl members of the Evil Girls Sorority House has ended up legally dead and Gwyneth is in danger of being the next to die. She brushed aside such thoughts of being doomed when female sounding footsteps headed towards her bedroom.
Jeanine Heller was forced to delay her murder attack against Gwyneth Paltrow when Leighton Meester entered Gwyneth Paltrow's bedroom instead of Jeanine Heller.Gwyneth said, "What's up Leighton? I thought you were going to hang out with Amy Smart and Emmy Rossum. Don't tell me those two girls ditched you."
Leighton replied, "Amy Smart and Emmy Rossum vanished without a trace. Neither girl is answering my cell phone calls. It's possible that Jeanine Heller murdered both girls."
Gwyneth replied, "Shit, that's not fair. We need to do something about it."
Leighton said, "You need to hold down the Sorority House building while I attempt to kill Jeanine Heller alone and unaided by anybody."
Gwyneth replied, "That may not be a wise thing to do if a large majority of our Sorority has already been wiped out one by one."
Leighton said, "I'll be fine. I won't let Mouse Lass victimize and murder me."
Gwyneth said, "That's probably what Amy and Emmy said before both of them were killed."
Leighton said, "Don't worry, I'm a strong and resourceful girl. I know what I'm doing."
Gwyneth replied, "I sure hope so."
Leighton Meester exited Gwyneth Paltrow's bedroom, walked down stairs and exited the Evil Girl's Sorority House. She walked down the sidewalk towards the general direction that Amy took towards the Black Sea Docks. Jeanine Heller isn't allowed to murder Gwyneth Paltrow without first killing Leighton Meester. Leighton Meester is about to be murdered.
Leighton paused when she felt as if she was being followed. She spun around and failed to see her victimizer---Jeanine Heller. Leighton frowned as she spun around and continued walking towards the Black Sea Docks. Jeanine Heller isn't allowed to murder Gwyneth Paltrow without first killing Leighton Meester. Leighton Meester is about to be murdered.
Leighton first became aware that Jeanine Heller was standing behind her before spinning around to face her victimizer.
Leighton said, "So it's my turn to be attacked and killed."
Jeanine replied, "That's the way it has to be if I'm to succeed."
Leighton said, "So do I attack first or should you be the first to attack."Jeanine replied, "It doesn't make any difference. Your death will still be the end result."
Leighton punched Jeanine causing Jeanine to double over in pain. Leighton struck Jeanine with five more punches to the stomach.
Leighton said, "I guess I'm going to attack you first."
Jeanine replied, "Don't worry Leighton, you'll still get your chance to die."
Leighton replied, "I'm not expecting to die anytime soon. You're the one who will soon be murdered. I'm winning the fight to the death after all."
Jeanine punched Leighton causing the victim to crash backwards against the wall. Leighton looked at her victimizer with a stunned dazed expression as the doomed girl lost the will to keep fighting against her victimizer.
Leighton found herself falling face first to the ground. She tried in futility to stand up, but she found herself falling unconscious instead. Jeanine walked towards Leighton with the goal of finishing the job and killing the nubile sexually seductive victim as she lay unconscious.
Aubrey Plaza stood between Jeanine Heller and the unconscious form of Leighton Meester.
Jeanine Heller said, "Please stand aside so I can finish what I set out to do and murder Leighton Meester. Don't force me to murder you too."
Aubrey said, "That's too bad because you can't kill Gwyneth Paltrow without first killing Leighton Meester and you can't kill Leighton Meester without first killing me."
Jeanine said, "Then I guess you lost the chance to escape justice to live and fight another day."
Aubrey punched Jeanine and kicked her five times. Aubrey grabbed Jeanine and tossed her against the wall before kicking her ten times before punching her. Jeanine tried to punch Aubrey, but Aubrey blocked the blow without problems. Aubrey punched Jeanine before kicking her twice.
Gwyneth Paltrow and Leighton Meester isn't in any danger of getting themselves killed if this is the best you can do."
Jeanine said, "Go ahead and keep believing that if that's the illusion you continue to hold on to."
Aubrey kicked Jeanine five times, kicked Jeanine twice before kicking her victimizer twice.
Aubrey said, "It's not an illusion if you're nearly close to dying."
Jeanine said, "Then I'll skip fighting you and enter the Evil Girl's Sorority House and kill Gwyneth directly and fight you on a later time."
Aubrey said, "Oh no you don't."
Jeanine said, "It's too late. I'm entering the Evil Girl's Sorority House to kill Gwyneth Paltrow without first killing you and Leighton second because you refuse to die when I want you to die."
Jeanine Heller ran into the Evil Girl's Sorority House with Aubrey Plaza following close behind. Aubrey lost track of Jeanine Heller as she entered the kitchen. Aubrey looked around her as she walked across the kitchen knowing that she could be easily killed once and for all without warning any second from now. Aubrey's chest heaved as she slowly walked forward across the kitchen.
Aubrey walked towards the fridge. She opened the fridge to pour herself a glass of fruit juice for her to drink and enjoy.
Aubrey was about to drink her glass of fruit juice.
Jeanine Heller grabbed the glass of fruit juice and tossed the contents of the glass against Aubrey Plaza. Aubrey looked down at the fruit juice stain on her blouse. Aubrey looked at Jeanine.
Aubrey said, "Look at what you did. Now I'll be forced to wash this blouse."
Jeanine said, "Then you better remove your blouse right now."
Aubrey Plaza removed her blouse and her skirt and she stood only in her bikini. Jeanine Heller stabbed Aubrey between her breasts. Aubrey dropped her glass and it broke apart into pieces on the floor as Aubrey staggered forward from the lethal knife wound afflicted against her.
Aubrey said, "This isn't fair. I'm dying. Now you have only Leighton left to kill before you can murder Gwyneth Paltrow."
Jeanine said, "I didn't want to murder you, but you left me no choice."
Aubrey said, "You have defeated me."
Aubrey fell face first to the floor on top of the broken pieces of glass as the doomed girl slowly started to die in a submissive pose before Jeanine's feet.
Aubrey Plaza is no longer alive. Aubrey Plaza is legally dead.
Jeanine said, "And now it's time for me to kill Gwyneth Paltrow."
Leighton entered the kitchen and she said, "You can't kill me without first killing Aubrey Plaza and you can't kill Gwyneth Paltrow without first killing me."
Jeanine said, "I'm sorry, but I'm going to kill Gwyneth Paltrow now because you're not making it easy for me to murder you."
Leighton Meester stood between Jeanine Heller and the room where Gwyneth Paltrow was occupying. Leighton won't budge until she is killed and she won't accept being knocked unconscious a second time. This time, she must die and stay dead.
Leighton said, "I guess it's round two of our little fight."
Jeanine said, "I'm sorry I knocked you unconscious instead of killing you."
Leighton said, "You won't see me complaining. Your clumsy inability to kill me is my gain."Jeanine said, "Then I better kill you to make sure you don't prevail against me any longer."
Leighton punched Jeanine and she fell to the ground in a crumpled heap. Leighton kicked Jeanine five times as Jeanine struggled to stand up again.
Leighton said, "Oh look, here comes Dude #4. It's time for me to strip to my bikini and seduce him to death. You will only be able to stop me from doing so by killing me."
Jeanine said, "You can't get away with it. I must kill you now."
Leighton turned her back and walked away from Jeanine. She looked behind her in a manner that would've made it easy for Jeanine to kill her. Leighton smirked as she exited the kitchen.
Jeanine struggled to her feet as Leighton stripped to her bikini. Leighton approached Dude #4.
Leighton said, "I know we just met, but you look like somebody who I would love to go swimming with. Am I correct in assuming that."
Dude #4 said, "You are correct in assuming that."
Jeanine Heller ran closer towards Leighton with intent to kill her before it's too late and Leighton seduces Dude #4 to death.
Leighton said, "Oh what a relief. And I thought today was going to be a bad day for me."
Dude #4 said, "You're much too cute for me to walk away from."
Leighton said with a cheerful smile, "That's the whole idea."
Jeanine stumbled and fell as she got closer to her goal by killing Leighton before she seduces Dude #4 to death.
Dude #4 said, "Do you want to lie down on the sand with me before we go swimming?"
Leighton said, "You and I should go swimming first. I insist on it."
Leighton bent over and kissed Dude #4. Jeanine was about to stab Leighton to death from behind, but Jeanine's left foot was attacked by a crab.
Leighton looked at Jeanine with a smile as she lead Dude #4 towards the Black Sea. Jeanine continued to struggle with the crab biting her left foot and was unable to kill Leighton because of the pesky crab.
Dude #4 walked ahead of Leighton towards the Black Sea as Leighton walked towards Jeanine as she struggled with the crab biting her left foot.
Leighton said, "Oh no, I lost track of Dude #4. I sure hope I don't get myself murdered before I could find him. I don't want my scheme to be ruined by getting myself murdered."
Jeanine continued to struggle with the crab as it kept biting her left foot.
Leighton said, "Oh look, there's Dude #4. I better rejoin him before I end up getting murdered."
Leighton reached Dude #4 as Jeanine continued to struggle with the crab as it kept biting her left foot. Leighton hugged and kissed Dude #4.
Leighton said, "I thought I lost track of you."
Dude #4 said, "Thankfully fate and destiny reunited the two of us."
Leighton said, "I agree, let's go swimming."
Dude #4 held Leighton's hand as he pulled her towards the Black Sea. Leighton smiled as her plan to seduce Dude #4 to death was succeeding. Jeanine finally kicked away the crab and walked towards Leighton with intent to kill the girl.
Jeanine stabbed Leighton from behind. Leighton's grip on Dude #4 was weakened as Jeanine stabbed her from behind five more times. Dude #1, Dude #2 and Dude #3 grabbed Dude #4 and restored him back to normal before Leighton could seduce him to death. The tips of Jeanine's breasts brushed against Leighton's spine as Jeanine stabbed Leighton from behind five more times.
Leighton raced after Dude #4 as Dude #1, Dude #2 and Dude #3 lead him towards the beach and jumped on top of him. Jeanine stabbed Leighton from behind and dragged the dying girl towards the deep end of the Black Sea.
Jeanine Heller shoved Leighton underwater and attempted the drown the dying girl. Leighton tried to escape without success. Leighton had no chance to get a deep breath of air before being shoved underwater a second and much longer time.
Leighton punched Jeanine as she attempted to run towards the beach. Jeanine chased after Leighton with intent to kill the girl. Leighton is getting away and she must die before that happens.
Jeanine stabbed Leighton from behind. Leighton looked behind her as the dying girl started to drool blood. Leighton looked at Jeanine with a blank expression as she fell face first underwater.
Leighton tried to stand up only to be stabbed from behind ten more times. Leighton gave up and allowed death to claim her. It's over. Leighton has been defeated.
Leighton Meester is no longer alive. Leighton Meester is legally dead.
Jeanine Heller entered the Evil Girl's Sorority House and entered the room that Gwyneth was occupying. Gwyneth can't die until Aubrey Plaza and Leighton Meester dies. Aubrey Plaza and Leighton Meester is legally dead. Now it's time to kill Gwyneth Paltrow.
Gwyneth was topless and only wore her panties and nylons.
Gwyneth said, "I was going to change into my bikini and join Leighton at the beach."
Jeanine said, "You're not going to the beach. You're going to die right now."
Gwyneth said, "At least let me cover my breasts before you try to kill me."
Jeanine stabbed Gwyneth between her breasts. Gwyneth looked at Jeanine with shock as the dying girl sank to her knees with a blank empty expression on her face. Gwyneth's muscles gave up as she found herself crashing face first to the floor in a growing puddle of her blood.
Gwyneth Paltrow is no longer alive. Gwyneth Paltrow is legally dead.
Lea Michele is the last surviving girl member of the Evil Girls Sorority House. Lea Michele was dressed in her bikini when Jeanine Heller approached her on the beach.
Jeanine said, "It's good that you're wearing your bikini because it's just you verses me. Everybody else in the Evil Girl's Sorority House is legally dead."
Lea said, "Then I better escape before you succeed in killing me too."
Lea Michele kicked Jeanine Heller as she tossed a dress over her bikini. Lea smiled with arrogance as she ran towards a nearby motorboat. Jeanine struggled to chase after the doomed girl.Lea Michele ran towards a nearby motorboat and turned on the engine. Jeanine Heller grabbed a hold of the motorboat by a flimsy grip as the motorboat pulled away from the harbor. Jeanine struggled to enter the motorboat and kill Lea before she succeeds in escaping.
Jeanine Heller climbed aboard the motorboat and stood behind Lea as she watched the Black Sea Harbor get more and more distant. Lea foolishly thought she succeeded in escaping, instead she got the chance to be murdered instead.
Lea said, "Now that I escaped justice, now I'm free to rebuild the Evil Girl's Sorority House somewhere else and get started all over again."
Lea Michele removed her dress seconds before Jeanine Heller stabbed her from behind. Lea looked behind her at her murderer.
Lea said, "This can't be happening. I was the last remaining survivor of the Evil Girls Sorority House and now I'm legally dead. I've been defeated."
Jeanine Heller said, "Evil girls like you will never triumph against me."
Lea Michele fell out of the motorboat and she fell into the Black Sea and sank underwater. Lea is no longer alive. Lea is legally dead.
Every single girl in the Evil Girls Sorority House is now legally dead. Jeanine Heller returned the stolen motorboat back to the harbor.
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