First, photo of Kaley Cuoco. Second, the computer mouse attached to this library computer is sluggish. Third, wouldn't it be cool if it's possible to travel back in time to the ancient Biblical era Middle East. Wouldn't it be cool to stand there and witness the parting of the Red Sea. Being able to witness the rein of King David over the Ancient Kingdom of Israel. Heck, being able to see the Lost Ark of the Convenent before it vanishes forever would be worth the effort of time travel. Yes, finding era relevant clothing would be important. A time traveler can't just walk into ancient Biblical era Middle East wearing blue jeans and a tee shirt. You don't want to end up starting a time and space continuum paradox. It would get messy if you end up erasing yourself from existence if you end up hurting your own ancestor without knowing it. However since time travel would open up half a dozen scientific difficulties and even more moral difficulties, it's better to use your imagination when reading the Holy Bible.
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