But first, we have some photos of Amy Jo Johnson. She started her career as the original first ever Pink Ranger in the United States of America version of the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGER (Not to be confused with the severely different Asian edition). She was also on THIRD WATCH, FELICITY and FLASHPOINT.
Regarding Roger Ebert's crticism of Ryan Dunn's death by drunk driving, I thought Roger Ebert was correct in what he said. There is no heroism in drunk driving. I would think that a person telling me that drunk driving was jackass behavior is a better friend than somebody who shamelessly poured alcohol down my throat and just stood there to watch me drive off to die. Famous people has no excuse to drink and drive in the first place. If the famous person has no limousine at hand, then the famous person should have enough money for a taxi cab. Plus, famous people are role models. Now, more people will start drinking and driving because they saw Ryan Dunn do it and then get rewarded after his death for such behavior.
What would happen if Ryan Dunn ran somebody over while drinking and driving. What would happen if that person who was run over then dies. What would happen if Ryan Dunn slammed into another car while driving drunk? What if the driver of the other car died in the car wreck? Suppose a young child or worse an infant were killed by Ryan Dunn while he drunk and drove? Will Roger Ebert continue to get attacked? Use your brains people. It doesn't matter how rich and famous you are. Drunk driving is still drunk driving. The laws apply to rich and famous people just like it applies to the common folk.
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