Before we have a conversation, allow me to show you photos of Ashlee Simpson. Two of the photos feature both Jessica Simpson and Ashlee Simpson. Originally, she was known by her maiden name. Then she was known by her married name of Ashlee Simpson-Wentz. After her divorce from Pete Wentz, she was known as Ashlee Simpson again. Yes, Ashlee Simpson is the biologic sister of Jessica Simpson. Yes, she got in trouble for lip synching on Saturday Night Live. However, that brief scandal is far behind her as she rebuilds her career back to normal again. Yes, even the strongest of us makes mistakes and falls short from time to time. It's how you recover from mistakes to become a better person again that matters most.
Yes, I'm not perfect. I've done stuff that I'm not proud of. I'm trying to improve so that such imperfections won't happen again. It's a rough and rocky road, but I know I'll be better and much more appropriate for it. For those mistakes that I've made, all I can say is that I'm sorry and it won't happen again. I shall learn from my mistakes and aspire not to screw up like that ever again. I don't want anybody to be afraid of me. The best part of humanity is the ability to know the difference between right and wrong. The best part of humanity is the drive to become better than our current status. With each mistake, blunder and screw up is a life lesson to learn so that such disasters won't happen again. With luck, I'll be better tomorow because of the life lessons I've learned today.
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