I shall start this internet blog entry with photographs of Ecuadorian pop musician Christina Aguilera. Second, the possiblity of getting a flat tire is always a concern. There is no flat tires going on, but there's always the possiblity for future setbacks. I have thought about going job hunting on rollar skates. However, first, I don't know how to go down or up hills on rollar skates. Land is never flat here in Ohio. Second, I'm not sure going job hunting on rollar skates is going to make a professional image. Making sure that my image is as professional as possible gets to be more and more important the longer I'm out of work. Anything that might be holding back my job search efforts must be altered and improved upon. I don't want to be unemployed longer than is necessary. I'm thankful that welfare is available to help keep my head above water. Though I would prefer to be employed, finding employment is getting harder in a recession based economy. A lot of people are searching for work and hit hard. I'm not the only person in dire need for employment. Yes, the recession will end someday. I keep hoping that the recession will end in my lifetime. It's painful to see rigid unwilling to compromise going on in Capitol Hill while so many people are unemployed. Strict party allegence isn't going to save the recession. Hot headed politicians who are willing to wreck the economy just to prove a point isn't going to end the recession. It's time to end the madness and put the common folk back to work.
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