And because were in significant demand for it, we got more photos of Michelle Rodriguez. When watching Michelle Rodriguez in THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS and FAST AND FURIOUS, it's a good idea not to duplicate her fictional character's driving habits. Taking part in illegal car races in busy city streets at night is dangerous enough on it's own. Robbing eight wheeled trucks while the eight wheeled trucks are speeding between fifty-five miles to seventy miles per hour isn't exactly the proper behavior to engage in. It doesn't matter if Michelle Rodriguez's fictional character was working for a bald headed criminal with a Robin Hood philosophy---it's not a good idea to rob from the rich and give to the poor. It's better to set up a charity organization instead. Even when you're frustrated with life, road rage is never the answer. It's tempting to say that Michelle Rodriguez's fictional character learned her lesson, but there could always be a sixth chapter of the FAST AND THE FURIOUS series for Michelle Rodriguez to play the supporting role in. Anyway, it's only just a movie---At least we hope so.
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