And this internet blog entry shall begin with photos of Elle Fanning. Elle Fanning is the biologic sister of Dakota Fanning (Seen with Elle in one of the above photos). The computers in the library computer lab has a tendency to move along at medium speed one minute and move painfully slow on other minutes. It's tempting to get mad at the machine, but it has no feelings. Thus, anger at the machine is pointless because the computer will do what it wants to do regardless. In that case, I would log off and then log back on. Sometimes, I might need to do that three times within the span of an hour. Whatever the case may be, patience is sometimes needed when surfing the internet.
Still, I'm glad there are internet available to the general public. I'm saying that, because the internet was started as a tool for the United States Armed Forces in the 1950's. First there were packet switching networks of 1960's and 1970's such as ARPANET, Mark I at NPL at UK, CYCADES, Merit Networking, Tymnet, and Telenet. The Internal Protocol Suite was required for all internet traffic in 1982. The use of ARPANET was expanded with the creation of the National Science Foundation and the Computer Science Network. When the United States Government ended both ARPNET and the National Science Foundation, the internet was made available to the general public in 1995. Yes, the use of the internet to the general public was started in 1995. It's hard to believe that using computers to surf the internet is still a brand new concept. There wasn't any Facebooks or Myspaces when I was in High School. It's amazing what advances in science is made possible with the progression of time.
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