And on this internet blog, we have photos of Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about for this internet blog. I could talk about how cheap it is to use the computer lab at the public library. Staying on budget is especially important since I'm unemployed. I know that I'll be employed again. I simply need to figure out what's causing me to be unemployed for five months and strive to improve myself. I don't want to hit my head agaisnst the wall when it's more practical to seek self improvement instead. I could talk about the motion picture industry. Since I don't know anybody who's famous, what little I do know is found on the gossip pages and celebrity biographies. I would like to know people who are famous, but I'm still living life as a minimum wage employment worker instead. Still, minimum wage employment is fun. I'm getting great exercise from riding my bike from place to place. Even if it rains, bike riding is still fun and exciting.
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