Winona Ryder walked down the alley with calm confidence of a woman who was expecting to survive the evening. That isn't going to be the case. Winona was a woman who was doomed to die regardless of what she did. But that didn't stop the nubile teenage girl from feeling much more confident than usual on that particular evening.
And yes, Captain Parakeet was following the doomed voluptuous teenage girl. And he felt like strangling the nubile voluptuous Deputy Supreme Commander of the Dandelion Girls from behind her, but he lost his nerve because Winona is so cute and adorable to look at.Winona sensed that there was somebody behind her. Captain Parakeet was forced to hide when Winona turned around. Winona frowned as she walked towards the area where Captain Parakeet stood while preparing to strangling her to death from behind her. She stood in that spot for a while before walking forward without realizing how close to getting herself killed she was.
Payden Kershner entered the alley and stood in front of Winona Ryder. Winona approached Payden with stern authority.
Winona said, "It's far better that your team of girls and yourself go into hiding. It's not safe for your team of girls and yourself to be aimlessly walking around this area."
Payden said, "Us Dandelion Girls are losing safety zones with each progressive hour. Soon, there won't be any buildings safe enough for any Dandelion Girls to hide in."
Winona said, "That won't happen if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse wasn't wiping out the Dandelion Girls one by one. And I have a team of girls who will fix that problem once and for all."
Payden said, "Your team of girls will fail and get wiped out just like all the previous team of girls failed and got wiped out."Winona said, "You seriously can't assume that your team of girls will succeed where all other team of girls failed and got wiped out?"
Payden said, "It will be interesting for me to find out if such a thing were possible."
And with that, Payden Kershner walked off leaving Winona alone and unaccompanied in the alley.
Winona heard a sound behind her. She spun around to spot Captain Parakeet.
Winona said, "I knew I heard something. So you were trying to murder me."
Captain Parakeet said, "It would be fun to find out if I get to be the one who kills you once and for all. Perhaps we should find that out right now."
Winona punched Captain Parakeet and he doubled over in pain. Winona punched him twice before she kicked him.
Captain Parakeet punched Winona and she doubled over in pain. He punched her twice, kicked her before punching her five times. Winona punched him twice, he punched her three times, she kicked him and he punched her so hard that she fell to the ground face down. It took the girl longer than she expected to stand up to face her attacker.
Winona said, "Nice try asshole, but that wasn't good enough to kill me."
Captain Parakeet said, "I'm ready to keep fighting you if you're ready for me to kill you."
Captain Parakeet tried to punch Winona and she blocked the blow. Winona punched Captain Parakeet twice before kicking him then she punched him five more times. Captain Parakeet tried to kick her and she blocked the blow. She punched him. He tried to punch her and she blocked the blow before she kicked him twice.
Captain Parakeet tried to run for his life with Winona in close pursuit. Captain Parakeet hid from sight as Winona got closer to his hiding place. Captain Parakeet was prepared to murder Winona if she got too close. Winona didn't get close enough for her chance to be killed. She frowned a bit before she spun around to walk off down the alley.
Winona hesitated as if she wasn't sure if she made the right decision to walk off. She reconsidered before walking further down the alley before she vanished from sight. Captain Parakeet emerged from hiding with his chance to kill Winona Ryder delayed longer than he was expecting.
Winona Ryder followed Sloth Lad after nearly getting herself killed by Captain Parakeet. Sloth Lad didn't see Winona, but she saw him very clearly. This could've been avoided. How could this have been avoided so that Sloth Lad won't be in danger of getting himself endangered at the hands of a beautiful, but deadly girl you might ask? That's easy. If Captain Parakeet bothered to attack and kill Winona like he should've, then Winona won't be alive and able to follow and endanger Sloth Lad. The failure to kill Winona a few minutes ago put Sloth Lad in danger and now she needs to die to prevent Sloth Lad from being endangered even further.
Winona realized that she needed help in her quest to attack and kill Sloth Lad. Winona needed help from another girl in her quest to kill Sloth Lad. Her supply of girls have been dying left, right and sideways much too quickly for the past few hours. But Winona still had a few girls around who hasn't been attacked and killed yet. Because Captain Parakeet failed to attack and kill Winona like he should've, now she's able to telephone a second girl to help her attack and kill Sloth Lad.
Sharna Burgess was excited when she received a telephone call from Winona Ryder. And within seconds, Sharna walked down the alley towards the area where Winona was following Sloth Lad. And now Sloth Lad has two girls needing to be attacked and killed instead of one girl needing to be attacked and killed. But which girl gets to die first? Should Winona die before Sharna or should Sharna die before Winona? Such tough questions is difficult to answer.
Sharna stood in front of Sloth Lad. Sharna smiled. Sloth Lad smiled.
Sharna asked, "Hello kind sir, the two of us needs to have a conversation."
Sloth Lad said, "There's nothing to discuss."
Sharna replied, "Quite to the contrary, there are lots we can discuss. We can discuss which way you would like to die tonight. We can do this several different ways, but it needs to be done now."
Sloth Lad said, "But I didn't get to kill a girl yet. I need to kill a girl and earn a point in the process soon or else I'll be punished for failing to kill a Dandelion Girl when I had the chance to do so."
Sharna said, "That's not my problem because I'm going to kill you tonight."
Sharna smiled as she kicked Sloth Lad to the ground.
Sloth Lad heard a girl behind him. He stood up and his left arm struck Sharna causing her to be struck in the stomach that sent her falling face first to the ground. Sharna started to stir and slowly crawled to her feet as Winona walked closer. Sloth Lad didn't kill a girl yet. Each time a Dandelion Girl dies, a point is earned and the death is permanent. Everytime a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thug is killed, no point is earned and the death is temporary. Failure to kill a girl and earn a point will result in no point earners getting treated like a girl when all the Dandelion Girls are wiped out all the way down to zero. Hurry and kill a girl to earn a point Sloth Lad. Either kill Sharna or kill Winona, but earning a point by killing a Dandelion Girl must be done now!
Winona said, "You didn't kill Sharna yet. You didn't kill me yet either. I can't wait to see the trouble you'll be in when folks learn of your failures."
Sloth Lad said, "Sorry lady, but you won't be alive when my failures is discovered. But my failures won't be discovered because one or both of you girls must die now!"
Winona said, "Captain Parakeet failed to kill me and I'm endangering your life because of his failures. Your failure to kill me will endanger more Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs. Failure to kill Sharna as well as failure to kill me will endanger two more Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs. So excuse me if I have no confidence in your ability to murder girls."
Sloth Lad said, "Sorry lady, but your crimes ends now. I can't allow you to escape any further."
Winona attacked and Sloth Lad kicked her in the stomach causing the girl to fall face up to the ground. Winona started to stir as Sloth Lad walked over the girl.
Isabela Moner was either unaware or pretending to be unaware that Ice Cream Truck Lad was following her close behind. And so she went about her business without realizing how closely the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse have been trailing behind her.
Isabela Moner dropped a bracelet and she bent over to pick it up. It was so tempting to stab her from behind while she was bending over to pick up her bracelet. Stab her from behind while she continues to be unaware and she dies. End of story. End of the girl's threat. However, Ice Cream Truck Lad chickened out and lost the nerve. And so Isabela Moner bent over to pick up her bracelet successfully without fearing the possibility of getting herself killed.
Isabela sat back to look around the grocery store. She frowned when she didn't see anything that caught her attention. And feeling rather bored, she considered leaving the grocery store for other areas in the city. The night was still active and daylight was still hours away. Isabela was determined to stay awake for as long as possible until somebody attacked and tried to kill her.
Ice Cream Truck Lad watched as two guys approached and tried to chat her up. Ice Cream Truck Lad had no idea what was being said, however the girl kept turning them both down. And the way she turned them both down kept getting colder by the second. Still, the two guys kept trying to chat her up even though it was starting to be a lost cause.
Isabela tried to pull herself away, but the two guys who were trying to chat her up was getting angrier about the way she was turning them down. And the two guys kept bumping into each other groin to rear end and chest to spine, but Isabela kept pressing her breasts on their left arms to ruin the moment. Isabela clearly needed to die to realign their intention, but she kept turning their attention to her instead of each other so she can coldly turn them both down. And it was like a game to her. And since it was like a game to her, it was necessary to kill the girl now before it's too late.
Isabela eventually knocked them both out cold and placed them both in the same closet that she held Shit For Brains Lad hostage in. Now there are three hostages needing to be rescued by killing all the girls holding them hostage one by one all the way down to zero. Isabela saw a Little Boy and she approached him.
Isabela said, "Hello, how are you doing?"
The Little Boy said, "Can I sit on your lap?"
Isabela replied, "I guess it won't hurt."
The Little Boy sat on her lap and she felt dizzy and ready to pass out. She felt weird and she didn't like what she was feeling.
Isabela released the Little Boy and he ran off. Isabela dropped to her hands and knees before nearly collapsing. She eventually recovered barely in the nick of time. The girl nearly died, but she recovered and now she's in perfect health. That isn't good because the need to kill her is still urgent.
And so Isabela walked onward without realizing that the Ice Cream Truck Lad was following close behind her. The Little Boy was found passed out and almost near death after coming into contact with Isabela Moner. The only way to save the kid is to kill Isabela before she causes even more trouble. How will it be possible to kill the girl when she won't give her victimizers the chance to end her life once and for all.
Isabela didn't look behind her. Perhaps she should've looked behind her. If she looked behind her, then she'd be compelled to attack and die trying to attack Ice Cream Truck Lad. Don't worry. Isabela Moner will be murdered. It might take a while, but it eventually will be done.
Winona stood up slowly, but she eventually did so. Winona looked in front of her to find Sharna Burgess lying down on the ground. Winona walked towards Sharna.
Winona asked, "Are you still alive Sharna?"
Winona said, Hang in there girl. If both of us survives, it means that two Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs are endangered instead of one. Killing one or both of us ends those chances forever. We can't allow that to happen."
Sharna said, "Yeah, I'm still alive, but barely."
Sloth Lad slammed his left arm against the back of Winona's head causing her to fall to the ground face down. One of the two girls must die now so that Sloth Lad can earn a point. Kill a Dandelion Girl and earn a point. Dead Dandelion Girls produces points. Dead Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs earns no points. Failure to kill one of the two girls now will force Sloth Lad to play the role of a girl when all of the Dandelion Girls are wiped out all the way down to zero. Sloth Lad walked over Winona.
Sloth Lad slammed his fist into Sharna's stomach and she fell face first to the ground. Both Winona and Sharna started to stir.
Winona said, "This isn't right. This isn't proper. Sloth Lad dies now. I'm going to make Captain Parakeet sorry he didn't kill me by attacking and killing Sloth Lad and you're helping me Sharna."
Sharna said, "Let me get to my car and I'll run him down."
Winona smiled as she watched Sharna Burgess walk towards her car. Sharna entered her car and she turned it on. Sloth Lad entered the car and he stabbed Sharna between her breasts splattering her blood all over the car. He stabbed her ten more times when the girl started to stir.
Winona approached Sharna with the aim of performing first aid. Captain Parakeet grabbed the girl by the portion of her bra strap that rested on her spine and tossed her against a wall before kicking the girl to the ground.
Winona started to stir while Sharna was clearly starting to die violently. Sharna threw up blood as she tried to exit her car. Sharna was stabbed from behind by Sloth Lad as she tried to exit her car. Sharna was dying and Sloth Lad was about to earn a point when the girl finally dies in a murder attack being launched against her.
Sharna said, "It's too late Winona, I've been defeated by Sloth Lad."
Sharna looked at Captain Parakeet with a blank empty expression before she fell face first to the ground in a growing puddle of her blood. Sharna closed her eyes and she died. Sharna Burgess is no longer alive. Sharna is legally dead.
Winona spun around and she punched Captain Parakeet as Sloth Lad exited the car. Sloth Lad punched Winona and she kicked him. Winona punched Sloth Lad before Captain Parakeet kicked the girl to the ground. Captain Parakeet and Sloth Lad ran as Winona Ryder slowly stood up again.
Winona failed to locate Captain Parakeet and Sloth Lad. The girl frowned as she walked down the alley and she vanished from sight.
Thug #5 realized that inviting them into the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Safehouse was a bad idea, but the two women were cute and sexually seductive. And in the end, the sight of pretty women overrode his common sense to such a degree, that Thug #5 ended up having sexual intercourse with Dannii Minogue and her sister Kylie Minogue. And each time the three reached an orgasm, he felt weaker and weaker. He had to struggle his way out of bed and into the kitchen just to clear his head when the dizzy spells got too much for him.
The weakness and dizzy spells ended when he got away from Dannii Minogue and her sister Kylie Minogue. However, the two girls followed him into the kitchen. He was fully dressed again at this point. Both Kylie and her sister Dannii blocked his only path out of the kitchen.Kylie said, "Where are you going? We're not done having sex."
Thug #5 replied, "Yes we are done having sex."
Dannii replied, "That's for Kylie and I to decide."
Thug #5 punched Dannii and she fell. He kicked Kylie twice and she too collapsed. Both girls struggled to their feet as Thug #5 lept over them both and out of the door.
Dannii said, "Damn it, we nearly got him to slip into a coma while having sex with us."
Kylie replied, "Don't worry, there's still a chance to murder Thug #5 before he gets to kill us both."
The Bomb Defuser learned that Mila Kunis not only knows the location of the Hidden Magic City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, but she's planning to blow it up with a really powerful bomb. And Mila Kunis is doing so on behalf of Winona Ryder. However, what really made it necessary for the Bomb Defuser to murder Mila Kunis in an unprovoked murder one attack was the discovery that she's going on a date with Birthday Lad. And to make it worse, Birthday Lad was starting to fall in love with Mila Kunis.
Mila Kunis clearly had no idea that the Bomb Defuser was following her. Birthday Lad clearly knew that the Bomb Defuser was following Mila Kunis. Half of Birthday Lad didn't want the Bomb Defuser to rescue him because he was falling in love with Mila Kunis and was willing to slip into a catatonic coma just to be with her. Half of Birthday Lad wanted the Bomb Defuser to murder Mila Kunis and save him from her seductive sexual passion. So he was torn in that regard.
Mila Kunis saw that Birthday Lad was distracted as her voluptuous breasts brushed against his left arm with a flirty smile on her face.
Mila asked, "What's wrong lover? Have you already fallen out of love with me?"
Birthday Lad said, "I could never fall out of love with you."
Mila replied, "Then you should stop looking behind you like a lost puppy and turn your attention to me. Honestly, what's behind us both that's so important?"
Birthday Lad said, "Nothing important is behind us both."
Mila Kunis said, "There better not be a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse serial killer behind us. Because I need you to unlock the secret passage towards the Hidden Magic City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. I want you to be there when I blow it up."
Birthday Lad said, "I'm too much in love with you to stop your evil plans."
Mila Kunis lovingly kissed Birthday Lad with a huge flirty smile on her face. Mila said, "That's good because you're going to be left behind when the bomb goes off."
Birthday Lad lovingly kissed Mila as he said while under the control of her girlish sexuality that's about to lead towards catatonic coma, "I can't wait. That's the best news I heard all day."
And with that, Mila Kunis continued to lead Birthday Lad forward as a willing cooperative participant of her evil plans. The Bomb Defuser still has no idea how to punish and kill Mila Kunis.
However, while Mila Kunis had no idea that the Bomb Defuser was about to kill her to prevent her from bombing the Hidden Magic City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse and prevent her from seducing Birthday Lad (While Birthday Lad knew Bomb Defuser was behind him and kept it a secret from Mila), there was another level of danger. The Bomb Defuser had no idea that Jennifer Knapp was following him with the effort to kill him before he kills Mila Kunis.
Jennifer Knapp smiled as she walked closer towards the Bomb Defuser. Thug #4 approached Jennifer with a fake beard that was 4.5 feet.
Thug #4 said, "Excuse me pretty lady, but what do you think of my brand new beard."
Jennifer Knapp said, "Buzz off. You're going to ruin my murder attempt against the Bomb Defuser and kill me off if you don't go away. Your failed attempt at humor isn't amusing."
Thug #4 said, "I need you to give your opinion of my brand new beard."
Jennifer Knapp said, "I'm seriously going to hurt you if you don't go away."
The Thug #4's 4.5 foot beard got stuck to a parking meter. Jennifer Knapp tripped over Thug #4's 4.5 foot beard and she fell to the cement sidewalk with a thud.
Jennifer Knapp was accidently murdered by Thug #4 when her neck was broken after she accidently tripped over Thug #4's fake 4.5 foot beard that was stuck to the parking meter. Jennifer Knapp is legally dead. Thug #4 was forced to remove his fake beard.
Thug #4 said, "This is an odd time for the pretty girl to fall asleep. I hope she wakes up soon."
The Bomb Defuser was so carried away watching Thug #4 accidently murder Jennifer Knapp, that Mila Kunis escaped justice with Birthday Lad as her lovesick hostage.
Sarah McLachlan is doomed to be the last Dandilion Girl to die in a serial killing attack since she's the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls. And while she's safe and sound in her Secret Lair, it only means that it will be impossible for her to escape when it's her turn to be attacked by an army of invincible serial killers. Yet, Sarah McLachlan was calm as the Dandilion Girls were being pushed closer towards extinction.Sarah McLachlan sat down and tried to communicate with a Dandilion Girl only to find that the female in question is legally dead. Frustrated, she sat down and checked the computer again.
Sarah McLachlan was still confident that she'll wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse before it's her turn to die as the last Dandilion Girl left standing. However, such optimism is misplaced. It isn't a matter of if Sarah McLachlan will die, but it's a matter of when she'll die.
And she turned off her computer as she sat back on her chair. She looked at the control panel of the escape hatch. She bent over the control panel of the escape hatch. However, she didn't die from electrocution on top of it setting off an incendiary device because there isn't a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse invasion of her Secret Lair yet. And so she walked away from the control panel to sit down inside the escape pod for a few minutes before checking garden plants inside the nearby greenhouse of her Secret Lair. Sarah isn't dead yet, but her doom will soon arrive.
Alanis Morissette and Tori Amos walked side by side alongside each other. Tori looked behind herself with concern as Alanis was calm.
Alanis said, "Will you please relax, what could possibly go wrong."
Tori said, "Everything could go wrong. Are you sure you got every possibility taken into account."
Alanis said, "Of course I got everything into account. Nothing could go wrong. I'm serious about this. Relax. It won't do you any good to be this nervous."
Tori said, "It won't do you any good to be this calm either."
Alanis said, "I took every possibility into account. Sarah got more than enough girls to cover every possibility. The only way this could be ruined if too much girls died before the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse gets around to attacking the two of us."Tori replied, "Yeah, that's what I'm worried about."
Tori looked at Alanis before looking behind her.
Alanis said, "It's time to get things activated. You know what to do."
Tori said, "I know what to do. I only hope that I don't get killed before I get to do it."
Tori Amos walked away from Alanis Morissette without realizing that The Railroad Guy was walking behind her. She continued to walk forward without realizing that she's in danger of getting herself killed earlier than expected. Hurry The Railroad Guy. Hurry. You must kill Tori before she activates her part of the plan. Tori's survival isn't allowed.
Tori spun around to face The Railroad Guy before she smiled.
Tori said, "Oh there you are. I was wondering when you'll get around to showing up."
Tori punched The Railroad Guy and he fell down without much resistance.
Tori considered walking away. She instead bent over The Railroad Guy in such a manner that it was possible to look down the neckline of her blouse to see her voluptuous breasts. Tori smirked as she checked The Railroad Guy's pulse.
The Railroad Guy punched Tori and caused her to fall backwards to the ground. He was about to kill her when he spotted Alanis. He chased after Alanis without making sure that Tori was defeated once and for all. Tori waited a few minutes before she stood up again.
Rabbi Ralph ran into Tori and accidently knocked her to the ground face up again. The Railroad Guy approached Alanis.
Alanis said, "You're so screwed. I'm going to enjoy watching you die."
The Railroad Guy said, "You'll have to attack me without getting killed in the process first."
The Railroad Guy kicked Alanis and caused the girl to fall to the ground face up. The Railroad Guy ran into Rabbi Ralph causing Rabbi Ralph to fall face up while The Railroad Guy fell on Rabbi Ralph face down. The two men wiggled on each other until they felt an extreme rush of excitement.
It was supposed to be her day off. And she felt to urge to masturbate. So Molly Ringwald stripped to her bra and panties in hopes of doing so.
The bra and panty clad Molly walked closer to her bed when the telephone ran. Molly groaned with frustration. She walked away from the bed and towards her cell phone.It was Sarah McLachlan on the other end of the line.
Sarah said on her side of the telephone line, "I need you to kidnap Thug #4 and force him to tell you how to blow up the Secret City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. Grab a group of girls to help you out with your task."
Molly said on her side of the telephone line, "I shall do as you request."
And with that, Molly hung up her cell phone.
Molly started to walk near her street clothes.
Masturbation can wait because she's needed to help prevent the Dandilion Girls (Herself included) from getting wiped out all the way down to zero one by one. It was a futile goal that will result in her death because only girl deaths are permanent.
Melissa Joan Hart spent most of the evening watching television while dressed only in her bra and panties. And she reached a certain point of her television watching when she started to feel like spending the rest of the night masturbating non-stop.
Her trail of thought was interrupted by the telephone ringing. It was Molly Ringwald on the other side of the telephone line.Molly said, "Sorry to interrupt you on your day off, but all the Dandilion Girls who were supposed to be on duty tonight has been wiped out one by one in a serial killing attack. I need your help in stopping the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse before it's too late."
Melissa said, "Fine, I'll get dressed and help you out. But it's bad timing."
Molly said, "It was bad timing for me too."
Melissa hung up the telephone before turning off the television.
Melissa has avoided getting murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse and now it's her turn to die in a serial killing attack. Melissa wasn't aware of it yet, but her doom is assured. It isn't a matter of if she will die, but it's a matter of when she will die.
And so Melissa reached for her clothes and she started to throw together an outfit to wear on the final minutes of her life before she is killed in a serial killing attack.
Lame Lad was in his apartment cutting carrots as Rachel McAdams watched him cook dinner. She stood only in her bra and her panties where only minutes ago she was fully dressed. It was then that Lame Lad realized that Rachel wanted something other than the chance to eat dinner.
Rachel said, "Put your cooking aside and make love with me?"
Lame Lad said, "I shouldn't be doing this. I should be killing you in a knife attack." He paused before cutting more carrots with his kitchen knife.
Rachel's voluptuous breasts were inches away from the kitchen knife when her right hand rested on both of his hands and pulled the knife from his hands. With the chance to stab her to death taken away, Rachel lovingly kissed him.
Lame Lad first felt love for the girl, then he felt confusion and then dizziness. He had trouble standing up. He realized that sexual love for a woman was poison and he was dying. The only way to avoid dying was to kill Rachel before she kissed him again.
Rachel kissed Lame Lad again and he fell to the ground and stopped moving. The only way to bring him back to life is to kill Rachel. Only then would all the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Serial Killers she defeated would be brought back to life. Rachel smiled as she exited the apartment to live and fight another day without a scratch.
Sara Evan and Chloe Sevigny knew their doomed tragic fate. Both women escape with Winona Ryder and the last surviving Dandilion Girl Teenage Girl Guards for the Secret Lair of the Secret Commander of the Dandilion Girls aka Sarah McLachlan. Only Sara Evans and Chloe Sevigny survives the journey only to be killed while Sarah McLachlan tries to make her escape. And then Sarah dies on the opening mechanism and sets off a bomb that destroys the secret lair as the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse escapes alive in Sarah'a escape pod. And with that in mind, Sara Evans can't die yet without a different girl taking her over her doomed role.
Sara looked at Chloe. Chloe looked at Sara. Both women are still alive. They can still destroy the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
Chloe was starting to get so smug and arrogant that she kept forgetting that she's not allowed to survive her destined serial killing murder attack. And until she finally dies, her continued existence will continue to plague the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse until she's punished and defeated.
Chloe Sevigny has yet to reach the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls. And the moment she tries to make the effort is the day she must die in a serial killing attack. But she gets to live for a few moments longer. And the chance to defy a murder attack has made Chloe Sevigny a bit more arrogant than usual. She was a proud woman and she wasn't afraid to show it off.
And so Chloe kept watch as an armed band of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers walked past. And Chloe smiled as she slipped away into the night.
Winona Ryder wasn't aware that she was being followed by Casino Killer. And Casino Killer was tempted to strangle her to death. Yet, everytime Casino Killer was about to place both of his hands around her neck, she turned around to ruin the attack. So he was forced to hide and lose the window of opportunity. And without knowing how close she came to getting herself murdered, Winona Ryder approached Gemma Arterton---A close girlfriend of hers.
Winona Ryder said, "The Dandilion Girls have lost too much women and too much safety zones. And the Dandilion Girls have never gained any ground against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. I need to know that I can rely on you to prevent me from getting shredded the next time I try to reach the Secret Lair of Sarah McLachlan---The Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls. When I try to escape justice towards the Secret Lair of Sarah McLachlan, only Sarah McLachlan, Chloe Sevigny, Sara Evans, the last two Dandilion Girl Guards and myself will be left alive. Three Dandilion Girls or three Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs need to be shredded in order to reach the Secret Lair of the Dandilion Girls. Three Killing, Women Hating Posse will attempt to shred me and both last surviving Dandilion Girl Guards in order to reach the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander to kill Sarah McLachlan, Chloe Sevigny and Sara Evans. However, if I get one extra girl to make it a quartet, the Dandilion Girls will outnumber the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs thus forcing the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs to get shredded. However, if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs outnumber two Dandilion Girl Guards and myself, then both Dandilion Girl Guards and myself will die being shredded while being transported. So it's necessary that you don't get murdered."
Gemma Arterton replied, "You can rely on me when it's time for you to escape justice and fight three Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs in a four men, three girls enter, only four men leave battle to the death. I'm not planning on getting killed anytime soon."
Gemma Arterton walked away from Winona Ryder as Casino Killer tried to find three more Girl Killing, Woman Hating Serial Killers to murder Winona Ryder with. Casino Killer followed Gemma with intent to murder her so that she won't be able to save Winona Ryder from being killed in a four men, three girls enter, only four men leave battle to the death. Gemma thought she heard somebody behind her and she turned around. Her long black hair swung in her face as she looked. Nothing. She turned around and kept walking forward.
Gemma pulled out her cell phone and attempted to telephone a Dandilion Girl. However, the girl she was trying to telephone was already legally dead in a serial killing murder attack.Gemma was frustrated that all of her girlfriends were being successfully murdered one by one and she prayed to Goddess that she isn't the next Dandilion Girl to die. However, she failed to get the point that Sarah McLachlan can't die until she dies and she's about to die very soon.
Gemma placed her cell phone back into her purse as she continued to walk forward without realizing that she's being followed by her assigned murderer---Casino Killer.
Gemma turned around and she faced him. She smiled. Casino Killer smiled. Casino Killer fell in love with Gemma and he felt the urge to have sexual intercourse with her.
Gemma sensed that Casino Killer was in love with her and she said, "I love you. You love me. Let's go to your place and have sex."
Casino Killer said, "I shouldn't have sex with you because we're both mortal enemies."
Gemma said, "We don't have to fight each other to the death."
Thankfully, Gemma was close to Casino Killer's hotel room at the Gambling Casino. So they entered the Gambling Casino and towards Casino Killer's hotel room.
Gemma killed Casino Killer as she slowly stripped to her bra and panties. Casino Killer felt the urge to do the same, but he kept holding back. Gemma smiled as she kissed him again. He felt the urge to slip into a coma as her voluptuous breasts brushed against his left arm.
Gemma said, "Don't fight against it. You love me. You want to see me happy. Don't back out now that I'm close to an orgasm."And Casino Killer's left arm was inches away from the kitchen knife as they kissed inside the kitchen of his Gambling Casino hotel room. Her voluptuous breasts brushed against the same left arm that tried to reach for the kitchen knife to kill her with.
Casino Killer slipped closer to a coma as he lovingly kissed Gemma. Only stabbing her between her breasts with a kitchen knife can save him from slipping into a coma. She knew that as she lovingly kissed him five more times.
Casino Killer stabbed Gemma between her breasts. Gemma winced in pain as she slowly started to become a serial killing attack statistic.
Gemma failed to die so Casino Killer attacked the girl while she was dressed only in her underwear. He stabbed her between her breasts five more times.
Gemma realized that she won't be able to save Winona Ryder from being killed in a four men and three girl enter, only four men leave teleportation to the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls. Gemma won't get the chance to be among the last three Dandilion Girls left alive. The sexually adorable girl was dying.
Gemma Arterton winced in pain as she was stabbed between her breasts two more times. And with seventy percent of her blood spashed across the room, Gemma had no choice but to fall to the ground legally dead. Gemma Arterton is legally dead forever.
The Bomb Defuser and Thug #4 followed Mila Kunis into Thug #5's house with intent to murder her before she finds the hidden location for Thug #5. And while Mila Kunis' search proved futile, she was close enough to make a murder attack against her necessary.
Mila checked the dresser of Thug #5's bedroom in search for the necessary information. She heard the door open and close followed by male sounding footsteps. Mila paused and she held her breath as the male footsteps walked closer. She heard the door open and close followed by more male sounding footsteps. The first male footsteps walked towards the second male footsteps.
Mila walked away from the dresser and towards the source of the sounds of the two male footsteps. She stood behind the Bomb Defuser and Thug #4. Both the Bomb Defuser and Thug #4 never got to see Mila standing behind them both.Thug #4 replied, "Perhaps the Dandelion Girls never got here yet. Perhaps we beat them to it."
The Bomb Defuser said, "That would be impossible. One of the Dandelion Girls was spotted entering Thug #5's house before we did. She has to be here somewhere. We need to keep looking through this house until we locate and kill her."
Mila walked backwards around the same time that Thug #4 started to walk backwards.
Thug #4 said, "I don't see any Dandelion Girls yet."
The Bomb Defuser said, "That's because we didn't get to search Thug #5's house yet."
Thug #4 said, "Yeah, I guess that would be the reason why."
Mila walked backwards until her spine was pressed against a wall. Thug #4 walked backwards until he felt female breasts pressed against his spine.
Thug #4 said, "I found the Dandelion Girl."
Mila said, "Will you please walk forward a little bit please."
The Bomb Defuser said, "Will you please just kill her already?"
Thug #4 rammed his left elbow into Mila's stomach. He spun around to face the doomed girl and he lovingly kissed her. Mila slapped him and he replied by punching her in the face. Mila fell to the floor face down as Thug #4 walked around the immobile teenage girl.
Mila tried to stand up only to have Thug #4 kick her to the floor again.
Mila Kunis released a groan before she lay down and stopped moving.
Kay Hanley was late. She knew that she was supposed to help out Mila Kunis, but she kept getting delayed by unexpected frustrations. And finally she get to Thug #5's apartment. She felt nervous as if part of her knew that she was about to die in a murder attack and she was sexually turned on by it. Part of her was horrified by it. Part of her wanted to masturbate because of it. She chose to enter the room anyway.
Kay Hanley entered Thug #5's room and though she didn't see Mila Kunis, she did see a dresser that Mila Kunis never got to search through. And so Kay Hanley walked towards it. The Bomb Defuser nodded at Thug #4 and he approached Kay Hanley.
Thug #4 said, "Yohoo, look at me sit down.Thug #4 was sitting on the couch in an awkward position.
Thug #4 said, "I bet you can't sit on the couch in the same manner. If you can, than I'll let you kill me. If you can't, then nothing lethal will happen against you."
Kay said, "I'd rather kill you, but I'll take the bet."
Kay Hanley sat on the couch the same way that Thug #4 sat on it after he jumped off it.
Thug #4 felt the urge to feel up Kay Hanley's breasts as she won the competition battle. The way Thug #4 felt up Kay Hanley's voluptuous breasts caused her to fall off the couch in a manner that killed her. Kay Hanley is legally dead.
It was while being hidden that Mila Kunis found the location of Thug #5. And with the Bomb Defuser and Thug #4 distracted by the death of Kay Hanley, Mila Kunis walked behind both men with the aim of escaping justice with her knowledge. And if Thug #4 doesn't murder Mila Kunis by accident in the next few seconds, Mila Kunis will succeed in both finding and killing Thug #5.
Mila Kunis smiled with pride as she nearly succeeded in walking behind the Bomb Defuser and Thug #4 without being spotted. She will escape Thug #5's apartment and kill Thug #5 if Thug #4 does't kill her by accident. The Bomb Defuser forward and rolled to lie down face up. The only way that Thug #4 can fall down on top of him face down was to accidently kill her while first falling sideways into and killing Mila Kunis and then forward on top the Bomb Defuser. Mila Kunis knew it, but she walked closer to the front door and running Thug #4's moment with the Bomb Defuser in the process. Thug #4 nearly fell sideways to kill Mila, but he corrected himself in time. Mila Kunis smirked as she walked closer to the exit and freedom with her knowledge that no girl is allowed to have without being murdered by serial killers.
Thug #4 fell down against Mila Kunis and they both fell down. Mila Kunis fell face down first. Thug #4 fell down on top of her groin on rear end and chest on spine. Thug #4 tried to stand up only to fall down on top of Mila Kunis groin on her rear end and chest on spine.
Meanwhile, Lindsay Armaou, Keavy Lynch, Sinead O'Carroll and Edele Lynch walked towards Thug #5's apartment under orders from Winona Ryder. The Bomb Defuser pushed Thug #4 aside and hid as the four women entered Thug #5's apartment with intention of helping Mila Kunis finding the address of Thug #5 so they can kill him.
Lindsay Armaou, Keavy Lynch, Sinead O'Carroll and Edele Lynch sat down on the kitchen table as the Bomb Defuser dragged Mila Kunis to a nearby closet to be hidden. Edele looked at her identical twin sister Keavy and asked, "If I were an address written down on paper, where would I be?"
Keavy replied, "How would I know. I never was an address written down on paper before."
Sinead said, "There's a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse right in front of us. Let's get him to tell us the location of Thug #5 so that we can track him down and kill him."
Lindsay said with a confident smile, "That task shall be mine to do."
Lindsay Armaou walked closer towards Thug #4. He now is forced to find a way to kill her by accident. But how can he murder Lindsay if she refuses to provide an opening needed to kill her.
Lindsay looked at her murderer with a flirty smile and asked, "Let's talk about your missing friends. My girlfriends and I believe that you can give me a certain address. If you cooperate, you can live and become my lover. If you don't cooperate, you will die."
The Bomb Defuser tried to exit the closet, but the way Mila was lying down kept the closet door locked. Lindsay moved closer towards Thug #4 as he slowly started to give in to her girlish charms. She knew she was winning and moved closer.
Thug #4 asked, "Where's Birthday Lad. Mila Kunis took him hostage and I don't know where he's hidden. He's not in this apartment."
Lindsay said, "I need Birthday Lad and you to blow up the Secret Tunnel leading to the Hidden Magic City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse." Lindsay lovingly kissed Thug #4 before she added, "I have a feeling that you will help me out because you can't help falling in love with me. Is it wrong for me to believe that?"
Thug #4 realized that one of the four ladies might have the address of the building where Mila Kunis hid the kidnapped Birthday Lad. If Mila Kunis doesn't produce the address in either her pockets or her purse, then the four ladies must be killed one by one until the address of the kidnapped Birthday Lad is produced. The only way Thug #4 can search Lindsay's pockets or her purse is to kill her. However, she isn't providing an opening to kill her by accident. Lindsay knew that she was dangerously close to being killed as she lovingly kissed her murderer.Lindsay said, "We don't need to fight each other. We can be lovers instead. Allow me to teach you how to become my lover."
Thug #4 said, "I must kill you, but you're too beautiful to attack."
Lindsay lovingly kissed him as her voluptuous breasts brushed against his chest. She lovingly smiled as they kissed again. He held up a wire hanger and said, "If we're going to have sex, you can hang up your blouse on this wire hanger."
Lindsay said, "Be careful with that thing. You could kill me with it."
Thug #4 said, "I must hang your blouse on a wire hanger if we're going to have sex."
Thug #4 accidently rammed the wire hanger into her trachea and Lindsay fell to the ground as blood started flowing through the hole in her neck. She tried to breathe, but the hole in her trachea was beyond surgical repair. The voluptuous sexually seductive girl was dying and she can't do anything to save herself from becoming a corpse. Thug #4 searched Lindsay's pockets and her purse for the address of the kidnapped Birthday Lad without success.
Lindsay gave up trying to stay alive and she died in a submissive pose. Lindsay Armaou is legally dead.
Lindsay Armaou is the first of the four girls to seduce and get killed by the Thug #4. He has three more girls to kill in the quest for the address of the kidnapped Birthday Lad.
Keavy Lynch typed into her laptop computer as her identical twin sister and Sinead searched elsewhere in the apartment of Thug #5. Keavy looked up from her computer typing to notice that Thug #4 was approaching her alone and she knew that Lindsay is legally dead.
Thug #4 realized that one of the four ladies might have the address of the building where Mila Kunis hid the kidnapped Birthday Lad. If Mila Kunis doesn't produce the address in either her pockets or her purse, then the four ladies must be killed one by one until the address of the kidnapped Birthday Lad is produced. Lindsay is already dead and now it's Keavy's turn to tempt Thug #4 to murder her. The only way Thug #4 can search Keavy's pockets or her purse is to kill her. However, she isn't providing an opening to kill her by accident. Keavy knew that she was dangerously close to being killed as she lovingly kissed her murderer.
Keavy asked, "What was wrong with Lindsay? She wasn't sweet enough for you?"Thug #4 said, "There's nothing wrong with Lindsay."
Keavy asked, "Then why did you murder her?"
Thug #4 said, "I always need to murder a girl when I start to feel a masturbation orgasm."
Keavy lovingly kissed her murderer and said, "You will never fall in love if you treat women like that. You can't keep killing women everytime you feel a masturbation orgasm about them."
Thug #4 lovingly kissed Keavy and said, "I can't help myself. I always end up killing girls by accident. I had no idea that a wire hanger could be so lethal against a girl's throat."
Keavy said, "I think it's better if we stay away from the closet. You don't need to have anything to do with the closet."
Thug #4 said, "My buddy the Bomb Defuser is stuck in the closet with Mila Kunis. I don't know if she's dead, but he needs to be rescued from the closet."
Dandilion Girl #1 attacked Thug #4 from behind as Keavy lovingly kissed Thug #4. Thug #4 bent his left leg at the knee and Dandilion #1 accidently tripped over Thug #4's left leg. She crashed to the wall and Thug #4 accidently slammed into her. Dandilion Girl #1 died instantly and she fell legally dead. Keavy lovingly kissed her murderer Thug #4.
Dandilion Girl #2 snuck behind Thug #4 as Keavy lovingly kissed him.
He said, "I better get rid of the wire hanger before the police uses it as evidence against me."
Thug #4 accidently got the wire hanger attached to the belt attached to Dandilion Girl #2's skin tight blue jeans. In his effort to pull the wire hanger into the closet, he accidently dragged Dandilion Girl #2 backwards into the closet and she slammed backwards into the closet. Thug #4 accidently stepped on her trachea until she was legally dead. Keavy walked closer towards Thug #4.
Dandelion Girl #4 attacked and Thug #4 accidently pushed her into the closet. Dandelion Girl #3 attacked and Thug #4 fell against her and into the closet. Dandilion Girl #3 fell on top of Dandilion Girl #4 breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Dandilion Girl #3 found herself kissing the neck of Dandilion Girl #4. Dandilion Girl #3 legally died from shock of kissing the neck of Dandelion Girl #4. Dandilion Girl #4 legally died from shock of having Dandelion Girl #3 kiss the back of her neck. Keavy walked closer to Thug #4.
Keavy said, "I told you to stay away from the closet."
Thug #4 said, "Why are those girls sleeping in the closet? I was trying to put away the wire hanger into the closet and here they were fast asleep."
Keavy said, "Those girls are legally dead. Please step away from the closet before you kill me the same way as you did against those two girls."Thug #4 said, "I must put away the wire hanger."
Thug #4 tripped over his own feet and slammed into Keavy. Keavy fell backwards into the closet next to two legally dead Dandilion Girls. Thug #4 fell on top of her.
Thug #4 started to masturbate on top of Keavy while still fully dressed.
Keavy tried to stand up, but she can't do so without lying down on top of the two dead Dandilion Girls. Thug #4 continued to masturbate on top of her while fully dressed.
Keavy knew that she was going to die if she stayed where she was so she tried to squirm free. Thug #4 was close to creaming into his underwear while masturbating on top of her fully dressed.
He was close to an orgasm as Keavy continued to squirm away from him and lay down on top of Dandilion Girl #3 breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina while Dandilion Girl #3 lay down on top of Dandilion Girl #4 breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.
Keavy started to die from shock as Thug #4 reached a masturbation orgasm while creaming into his underwear fully dressed. Her lips touched the back of Dandelion Girl #3's neck which caused her to die from shock even faster than before. Keavy Lynch is no longer alive. Keavy Lynch is legally dead.
Thug #4 searched the pockets and purse of Keavy Lynch for the address of the kidnapped Thug #5 and he didn't find any. So now it's time to attack and kill Edele Lynch for information.
Keavy Lynch is no longer alive. Keavy Lynch is legally dead. Edele Lynch isn't aware that her identical twin sister is legally dead. And now that one of the identical twin sisters is legally dead, the other identical twin sister must also die. Edele was applying makeup on Thug #5's bed as Thug #4 entered the bedroom. Edele smiled lovingly as he approached the doomed girl.
Thug #4 realized that one of the four ladies might have the address of the building where Mila Kunis hid the kidnapped Birthday Lad. If Mila Kunis doesn't produce the address in either her pockets or her purse, then the four ladies must be killed one by one until the address of the kidnapped Birthday Lad is produced. Lindsay and Keavy are already dead and now it's Edele's turn to tempt Thug #4 to murder her. The only way Thug #4 can search Edele's pockets or her purse is to kill her. However, she isn't providing an opening to kill her by accident. Edele knew that she was dangerously close to being killed as she lovingly kissed her murderer.
Edele said, "We're not having sex so get that thought out of your head. I'm not afraid to kiss you though. Lie down on bed with me."Thug #4 said, "I think I broke the closet door. Can you help me close the closet door by removing some obstacles to the door closing?"
Edele asked, "Are you seriously going to say that when you got me lying down on bed ready to kiss you? Are you having mental problems or something?"
Thug #4 said, "I'll kiss you in bed after you helped me remove the obstacles that make it difficult to close the door."
Edele asked, "What makes you think I'm an expert in fixing closet doors?"
Thug #4 said, "I need to ask somebody for help and you're the closest person."
Edele lovingly kissed him and he felt tempted by her beauty. She asked, "Forget the closet and make out with me in bed instead."
Thug #4 tried to pull Edele from the bed and only got her to sit up on the bed instead.
Thug #4 tried to pull Edele out of bed and he succeeded. He dragged her to the closet to see Lindsay's dead body, Keavy's dead body and three dead Dandilion Girls.
Thug #4 said, "Help me move the obstacles that prevent me from closing the closet door."
Edele said, "Are you crazy? I should have you arrested for doing this. Killing women is illegal."
Thug #4 said, "But you promised to make out with me on the bed when you help me clear away the obstacles that prevent me from closing the closet door."
Edele said, "I thought you were talking about bowling balls or hockey sticks. I didn't realize you were talking about legally dead women corpses."
Thug #4 tripped over his feet and landed against Edele breasts on chest and groin on vagina. Edele fell backwards on top of Lindsay's dead body vagina on rear end and breasts on spine. Thug #4 tried to stand up as Lindsay's dead body started to kiss Edele on the back of her neck.
Thug #4 fell against Edele as she continued to lie down on top of Lindsay's dead body vagina on rear end and breasts on spine. He lay on Edele groin on vagina and breasts on chest. He started to wiggle on the dying women as Lindsay's dead body kissed the back of her neck. Edele started to die from shock of Lindsay's dead body kissing the back of her neck while lying on top of the dead girl breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.
Edele Lynch died nearby the closet as Thug #4 had a masturbation orgasm while fully clothed and creaming into his underwear. Edele Lynch is no longer alive. Edele Lynch is legally dead. He searched her pockets and purse for the address of the kidnapped birthday Lad. He didn't find anything. Time for Sinead O'Carroll to legally die.
Sinead O'Carroll was in the kitchen as Thug #4 entered. They lovingly kissed. They lovingly kissed yet again. Her left hand was on the kitchen knife as they kissed again.Sinead said, "It's just the two of us now. What will you do? Will you choose me or will you choose your career as a girl killing serial killer?"
Thug #4 said, "I can't decide. The closet door needs to be fixed."
Sinead O'Carroll left hand rested on her kitchen knife as she lovingly kissed Thug #4. He picked up the kitchen knife from her hand.
Sinead said, "Be careful with the knife. You could kill a girl with that knife if you're not careful."
Thug #4 asked, "Were you going to cook something today."
Sinead said, "You better put that knife down before you murder me with it. You don't want to be responsible for ending my life."Sinead moved to take the knife from Thug #4 and he ended up stabbing her between her breasts by accident. Sinead started to drool blood as Thug #4 accidently stabbed her between her breasts five more times. The sexually seductive girl was dying from severe knife wound and blood loss.
Thug #4 asked, "Oh no, are you about to fall asleep too. Girls always ends up falling asleep when I'm standing next to them."
Sinead O'Carroll tried to stumble towards the exit. Thug #4 followed her and he tripped. He fell on top of Sinead groin on rear end and chest on spine. Sinead fell to the floor face down. Thug #4 started to masturbate on Sinead as she slowly started to die from severe knife wound and severe blood loss. A large puddle of blood started to emerge from the dying woman.
Sinead O'Carroll spun around to face her attacker. Thug #4 accidently rested his left arm on her throat and accidently choked her with his left arm. Sinead struggled to breath without success. He continued to masturbate has his left arm accidently choked her by resting on her throat.
Sinead O'Carroll closed her eyes and she died. Sinead O'Carroll is legally dead.
Edele Lynch, Lindsay Armaou, Keavy Lynch and Sinead O'Carroll are legally dead and lay scattered inside or nearby the closet. The address to find the kidnapped Birthday Lad has been found in Sinead O'Carroll's pockets. Now it's time to rescue Bomb Defuser from the closet, kill Mila Kunis inside the closet, kill all the girls kidnapping Birthday Lad and rescue Birthday Lad.
Mila Kunis lay on top of the Bomb Defuser breasts on chest and vagina on groin. Thug #4 needs to open the closet door and kill Mila Kunis before she completes her tempting with her sexual beauty. This time, Mila Kunis isn't allowed to escape justice to fight another day. She isn't allowed to be alive when Thug #4 and the Bomb Defuser rescues the Birthday Lad and kills all the girls who are keeping Birthday Lad hostage.
The Bomb Defuser asked, "Tell me the best way to kill you off?"
Mila asked, "Why would I do a thing like that?"
The Bomb Defuser replied, "You can't be using the device that repairs mortal life ending murder attempts because that's connected to the force field generator. A girl attempting to use it will be electrocuted and a guy attempting to use it will get an increase in murdering ability. However, you survived previous fatal murder attacks. Tell me the best way to murder you."
Mila said, "I reprogrammed a second device which convinces you that pretty women are more worthy to survive than serial killing guys. You have to prove that Thug #4 is more worthy to live than I do."The Bomb Defuser asked, "How am I supposed to do that with both of us locked in the closet and Thug #4 on the other side of the door?"
Mila replied with a flirty smile, "That's your problem to figure out." Mila lovingly kissed him. The Bomb Defuser felt her voluptuous breasts as they kissed again.
The Bomb Defuser said, "You're so pretty. I'm not sure if I should kill you."
Mila said, "That's it. Go with the feeling. Cave in to your sexual desires for pretty women and abandon your desire to see Thug #4 survive."
The Bomb Defuser said, "You're right. The Bomb Defuser must die because you are pretty and sexy. I can't kill a pretty girl like you."
Mila Kunis removed her blouse. She faced him only wearing her slacks, panties and her bra. She lovingly kissed him. You have only seconds to prove that Thug #4 is more worthy than me or else he will die and you will be to blame."
The Bomb Defuser lovingly kissed Mila as he fondled her breasts.
The Bomb Defuser said, "Mila is a pretty girl. I shall defend her with my life."
Mila lay down on her back. She gestured The Bomb Defuser to lie down on top of her.
Mila said in her sexiest voice, "Make love to me. We can be very happy together."
The Bomb Defuser lovingly kissed Mila. He lovingly kissed her again.
Mila said, "That's it. Cave in to your desires. I'm more worthy to live than Thug #4. Thug #4 only has seconds to kill me and prove that he's more worthy to live than I am. Otherwise, Thug #4 will die and you will die soon afterwards."
The Bomb Defuser said, "I would rather die than allow a pretty girl like you to fall victim to a murder attack. Seeing you die isn't right."
Mila Kunis lovingly kissed him as she moved to remove her slacks.
Mila Kunis slowly removed her slacks.
Mila Kunis only wore her bra and panties as she lovingly kissed the Bomb Defuser. He slowly started to die as he came closer to masturbating while fully clothed on top of Mila.
Thug #4 was only dressed in his boxer shorts as he stabbed Mila Kunis from behind. He stabbed her from behind before he started to strangle her from behind. Mila Kunis looked at the Bomb Defuser with a blank expression before she rolled off him legally dead. Mila Kunis is legally dead forever.
Thug #4 said, "I'm cured. My intelligence has been restored. I no longer need to kill girls by accident. I'm now able to kill girls on purpose."
Thug #4 accidently fell on top of the Bomb Defuser as he experienced a rush of powerful emotion. Seeing this caused Mila Kunis second resurrection device to hook itself up to the force field and ended any attempt for her to rise from the dead by causing such efforts to be electrocuted by the force field generator. Mila Kunis is legally dead forever.
The Driftwood Assassin watched with intent to kill as Charlize Theron went swimming in the ocean. He felt the urge to drown the sexually seductive girl to death, but lost his nerve because she was so cute and pretty looking.
And the hesitation gave Charlize Theron the chance to walk out of the ocean after swimming for several minutes alive and breathing. The chance to kill the girl was lost and she knew it. And she was both proud and arrogant because she got to survive.
Charlize Theron stood in her bikini as she paused for a second as she considered the possibility of returning to the ocean. She chose against it as she walked towards her street clothes piled on the beach. She chose to dress in her street clothes instead.After dressing in her street clothes, Charlize walked closer towards Thug #5's apartment. Mila Kunis and her team of Dandilion Girls vanished and she felt the urge to check up on them.
And instead of reading the story about how the Driftwood Assassin killed the sexually seductive girl, you will get to read the story about how the Bomb Defuser and Thug #4 killed the sexually seductive girl. Her hand was on the door knob. She was about to enter Thug #5's apartment to either attack and kill or be killed. She won't be able to leave without killing both the Bomb Defuser and Thug #4 or die trying to make the attempt.
Charlize paused before opening the door to Thug #5's apartment. One last chance to die by drowning at the hands of the Driftwood Assassin instead. It appears that Charlize would rather die inside Thug #5's apartment instead.
And with a deep breath, Charlize Theron entered Thug #5's apartment to see Thug #5 dressed only in his boxer shorts lying on top of the Bomb Defuser in the closet. Both Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse serial killers hid as Charlize Theron entered Thug #5's apartment and closed the door.
The Bomb Defuser and Thug #4 was starting to feel another powerful rush of emotion, but they can't do anything about it because Charlize Theron is still alive and breathing. She must die before the powerful rush of emotion is reached.Charlize asked, "Hello, is anybody there? Edele? Mila? Lindsay? Sinead? Keavy?" She walked nearby the closet and she'll need to die when she reaches the closet. Charlize frowned as she entered the bedroom instead. Her left hand rested on her breasts as she looked around her.
Thug #4 put his clothes back on as he encountered Nora Jones in the living room. Nora Jones looked at her murderer and she asked, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"
Thug #4 said, "This is a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse owned house. You're the one who is trespassing."
Nora said, "Oh shit, you're talking normally again. That doesn't happen unless more than half of the Dandilion Girls has been wiped out."
Nora Jones tried to escape the apartment. Thug #4 stabbed the sexually seductive Middle Eastern girl until she was bleeding a puddle of blood all over the living room carpet. She looked at her murderer blankly as she started to die.
Nora said, "Don't do this to me. I don't want to die."
Thug #4 said, "No Dandilion Girl ever wants to die. However, my intelligence and my mind improves every time I kill a girl. So you must die so I can have normal intelligence again so I won't have to kill anymore girls by accident."
Thug #4 stabbed Nora Jones between her breasts until she started to drool blood from her mouth. The voluptuous girl started to feel dizzy before she fell to the ground legally dead. Nora Jones is legally dead. Thug #4 walked over Nora's dead body as he walked towards the bedroom. He looked up at Charlize Theron as she looked through the bedroom looking for evidence concerning Thug #5.
Thug #4 said, "You realize that what you're doing can only be punished with the death penalty."Charlize said, "I'm not worried. I'm confident that I can kill you before you can murder me."
Charlize placed a knife to Thug #4's throat before saying, "I'm glad your intelligence has been restored. It's disappointing that more than seventy percent of the Dandilion Girls needed to be murdered for your intelligence to be restored. Here's a way to pay restitution. Tell me where Thug#5 is so I can kidnap him. Then you can die knowing that you did the world a good service."
The Bomb Defuser stood behind Charlize and he stabbed the sexually seductive teenage girl from behind. Charlize dropped her knife into Thug #4's hand.
Thug #4 stabbed Charlize between her breasts while the Bomb Defuser stabbed Charlize from behind. The doomed teenage girl was unable to speak when her lungs filled up with blood.
Charlize Theron fell to the ground in a puddle of her blood. She tried to stand up only to be kicked back to the floor by the Bomb Defuser who checked Thug #4's neck and later reassured with a hug.
Charlize Theron is no longer alive. Charlize Theron is legally dead.
Emily Osment snuck into Thug #5's apartment to see dead Dandilion Girls scattered across the blood stained carpet. She took a deep breath as she walked towards the kitchen. She looked around the kitchen in search of her murderers. Nothing. Her chest heaved as she looked around herself before placing her purse on the kitchen counter.
Emily Osment took a stolen mask from her purse and she put it on. She figured that it would be easier for her to survive if she looked like a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
Emily left her purse behind on the kitchen counter as she left the kitchen behind. She walked over dead girls scattered inside and next to the closet. Still no murderers. Emily gets to avoid her death scene for a few more minutes. Still, it isn't a matter of if Emily will die, but rather it's a matter of when Emily will die. And her death is closer than she thinks.
The Bomb Defuser took Emily's mask off while Thug #4 roughly grabbed her from behind.
Thug #4 roughly tossed Emily to the bed with a violent intent to kill.Emily helplessly towards the bed.
She landed towards the bed. The Bomb Defuser watched as Thug #4 approached the bed.
Lying down on the bed, Emily rolled on her back as she tried to sit up.
Emily said, "Please don't kill me. We can talk about this."
Thug #4 said, "There's nothing to talk about."
Emily said, "There's nothing wrong with refusing to kill me."
Thug #4 said, "There's everything wrong with refusing to kill you."
Emily's hand reached for a knife resting on the night stand before she said, "I promise never to make an effort to kill you. You must promise never to make an effort to kill me in return."
Thug #4 strangled Emily Osment before she could attack Thug #4 with the knife. Emily tried to squirm free, but Thug #4's strangulation grip was much too strong.
Emily Osment closed her eyes and she died. Emily is no longer alive. Emily is legally dead.
LeAnn Rimes arrived much too late to save Emily Osment from getting herself murdered. She's right on time for herself to get murdered instead. LeAnn carefully walked over blood stains and dead girl corpses before she reached the kitchen (Without realizing that she too will become a blood stain soaked corpse so she might as well get used to all of the blood). She placed her purse on the kitchen counter before pouring herself a glass of milk.
She took a sip before she saw a movement move down the hallway nearby the kitchen. She left the partially consumed milk on the counter. LeAnn took a deep breath before she exited the kitchen to explore the rest of Thug #5's apartment. She was careful to walk around blood stains and dead girl corpses so that she wouldn't get any blood on her shoes. She failed to realize that soon her clothes and herself will be covered with blood in an inescapable murder attack. The sexually seductive girl failed to realize that she's doomed to die.
LeAnn Rimes raced into the bathroom and she closed the door. The doomed sexually seductive bleach blonde teenage girl locked the bathroom door from the inside.The Bomb Defuser cried out, "Oh no, I'm being robbed by armed robbers. I can make sure the bathroom door is bolted shut, telephone the police and end this without any loss of life. But I need to fire bullets through a locked door." He turned to an empty bed and yelled out, "Quick LeAnn, you must return to bed and hide there. I'll take care of this."
LeAnn cried out, "I'm not in bed you dumbfuck. I'm hiding from you in the bathroom because you're a crazy ass psychopath jackass."
The Bomb Defuser fired a bullet through the bathroom door.
The Bomb Defuser held a gun in his left hand and a gun in his right hand. He fired two more bullets into the bathroom door.
Two more bullets were fired into the bathroom door. Yeah, he could've made sure the door was bolted shut and telephone the police without a loss of life, but this was more exciting.
The Bomb Defuser fired two more bullets into the bathroom door.
The Bomb Defuser kicked the door down. He stabbed LeAnn between her breasts.
LeAnn was dying from bullets and knife wounds. The Bomb Defuser started to scream in the most effeminate manner before he unleashed the cowardly sob that simply won't end. He stabbed her between her breasts with a crazy expression in his face as he did that.
LeAnn tried to stand up and was rewarded by being stabbed between her breasts five more times as a reward for her efforts. The Bomb Defuser kept screaming like a girl as he relentlessly sobbed like the hopeless coward that he always knew that he was.
The Bomb Defuser stabbed LeAnn ten more times with an even crazier expression on his face. LeAnn was dying and nothing can save her from dying.
LeAnn gave up trying to stay alive. She closed her eyes in defeat. Seeing that made the Bomb Defuser scream like a girl in a more extreme manner as he kept sobbing nonstop.
LeAnn Rimes lay on the bathroom floor face up as she died. LeAnn Rimes is legally dead. The Bomb Defuser and Thug #4 entered the kitchen after the death of LeAnn Rimes and saw the glass of milk the dead girl never got to finish. Thug #4 started to gag as the Bomb Defuser poured the unfinished glass of milk down the drain and threw away the glass the dead girl drank from.
There were several different ways for Liz Phair to die in a murder attack. However, the way she walked across the public park made it impossible for any attempt to kill her work properly. And knowing that made Liz Phair proud of the fact that she's the only Dandilion Girl the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will never be able to kill in a serial killing attack. Liz Phair saw Michelle Branch and walked towards her. Safety in numbers made an effort to murder either woman impossible. Michelle knew that as she offered a smug arrogant smirk.
Liz said, "I don't get it. A bunch of Dandilion Girls entered Thug #5's apartment and none of them ever left. I can't believe that all of those Dandilion Girls are legally dead."
Michelle Branch said, "I refuse to be both hindered and defeated by a sexist girl hating creep who's intelligence never exceeded that of an illiterate who can only read pop up books."Liz replied "That much I agree with you. Both of us will enter Thug #5's apartment and finish the job ourselves."
Michelle replied, "I'm with you every step of the way. Those sexist girl hating creeps will pay for all their murder attacks if that's the last thing I'll ever do."
Liz Phair tripped over a rock and she nearly fell and lay down on the park grass like a dead body. Michelle helped her up and the two women walked towards Thug #5's apartment. Liz entered the bathroom and walked over the dead body of LeAnn Rimes to check both her makeup and her hair. Liz frowned as she walked over the dead body of LeAnn Rimes again to exit the bathroom. Liz Phair saw Thug #4 and she punched him in the stomach. It took five more blows to the stomach with her foot for her attacker and would-be-murderer to lie down in defeat.
Liz said, "Take notes dead girl because that's how a sexist girl hating creep is defeated."
The Bomb Defuser stood behind Liz and he nearly stabbed her from behind with a kitchen knife to punish her for making such a statement. Instead, she walked towards the living room where Michelle Branch was seated. Liz stood nearby as Michelle looked at her would-be-murderer the Bomb Defuser for a one to one chat before she too has to die in a serial killing murder attack.
Michelle said, "Hello there, what a pity that your horrible woman killing career has to end today. And you were making such good progress."
The Bomb Defuser replied, "Allow me to punish you for your crimes with incarceration through kidnapping for life and you won't need to die."
Michelle replied, "That isn't going to happen. It won't happen when I'm this close to killing you and free all women of living in fear of being attacked and killed by creeps like you."
Liz replied, "I made a promise that all the women you killed won't die in vain. All of those dead girls will be avenged in some manner."
The Bomb Defuser looked behind him to see Lily Allen seated on a second couch waiting to die in a serial killing attack.
Lily Allen said, "Oh yes, I'm also helping out Michelle. Liz and I are here to make sure that Michelle won't lose her life in a serial killing murder attack."
The Bomb Defuser replied, "Oh darn it. I slipped up. You need a special code to make sure that you three girls reservation to be bound and gagged after being punished by incarceration by kidnapping isn't going to happen. I left that code lying on the kitchen counter."
Liz said, "I'll get that code."
The Bomb Defuser replied, "Please don't enter the kitchen alone to get the code. I don't want to see girls like you succeed in defeating me."
Liz replied, "Then I need to get that code more than ever."
Liz Phair exited the living room and walked over Thug #4 on her way to the kitchen. She entered the kitchen and her hand rested on a slip of paper.
Liz said, "Now I have the special code to make sure that you three girls reservation to be bound and gagged after being punished by incarceration by kidnapping isn't going to happen. Now I'm able to escape justice to live and fight another day."
Thug #4 replied, "I can't allow that to happen. I must punish and murder you."
Thug #4 attacked Liz Phair from behind with a kitchen knife. She turned around to face her murderer with a shocked expression on her face. Blood soaked her clothes as Thug #4 stabbed her between her breasts. Liz looked at her murderer with a blank expression as she slowly started to die.
Liz tried to speak, but blood filled her throat with too much blood. She gargled blood before she started to drool blood in defeat. Liz fell to the floor in a blood splattered mess. Liz Phair is legally dead. Now it's time to murder Lily Allen.
Michelle Branch looked at Lily Allen. Michelle said, "You might need to go into the kitchen to check on Liz. It's taking her too long to complete her task."
The Bomb Defuser looked at Michelle with a smile. She ignored him with a frown.
Lily Allen said, "I can't do that. It will be much easier for the Bomb Defuser to murder you if I'm not around to help you guard him."
Michelle replied, "That's a risk that I'll need to take."
Lily replied, "Ok, but I'll try to be quick before the Bomb Defuser overpowers and murders you."
Lily Allen exited the living room and she walked towards the kitchen. She became worried when she failed to see Thug #4 lying down and overpowered anymore.
The moment that Lily entered the kitchen was the moment that she saw a knife plunge into her stomach and several more times between her breasts. Lily found herself sputtering blood as Thug #4 stabbed her four more times.
Lily replied, "Please don't kill me. Surely we can find an agreement that will satisfy both of us."
Thug #4 replied, "The only agreement that I'm seeking is your promise to die when I attack to murder you for the crime of being a Dandilion Girl."
Lily Allen slipped on a puddle of her own blood and she crashed to the kitchen floor with a loud thud. She tried to stand up only to be stabbed from behind as she lay on the kitchen floor bleeding to death face down. The world became dark as Lily closed her eyes. Lily Allen is legally dead.
Michelle Branch looked at the Bomb Defuser. She slowly realized that both Liz Phair and Lily Allen are legally dead. She slowly realized that she is doomed to be the next girl to die.
Michele said, "Let me guess, there wasn't any special code to make sure that you three girls reservation to be bound and gagged after being punished by incarceration by kidnapping isn't going to happen. You only said that to make it easier to separate and kill us three girls one by one until only I'm left alive. You won't lure me to the kitchen to die like the other two girls."
The Bomb Defuser replied, "Then I'll need to find another way to murder you instead."
The Bomb Defuser said, "I'll tell you what. If you manage to enter the kitchen before I enter the kitchen without being murdered by Thug #4, then I promise you that you'll never be in any danger of being murdered in a serial killing attack."
Michelle replied, "Are you crazy? What type of agreement is that. Of course such an agreement is rigged against me. Why would I be dumb enough to agree to it?"
The Bomb Defuser replied, "Because this way you'll have a vague chance for survival."
Michelle replied, "It's still a one way ticket to the graveyard if Thug #4 stabs me to death before I enter the kitchen. Liz and Lily already failed to accomplish the task."
The Bomb Defuser replied, "Then you'll be the first of the three girls to succeed."
Doom overwhelmed the girl as she thought about the proposal made to her. She knew she wasn't going to survive, but she found herself tempted by the proposal anyway.
Michelle Branch replied, "Ok, I agree to the plan. I know that I'll regret it, but I'll do so anyway."Michelle tied up the Bomb Defuser and he cried out, "Help me, I'm being held hostage by Michelle Branch. I need to be rescued."
Michelle replied, "I'll kill you once I defeat and kill Thug #4."
Michelle walked towards the kitchen. She's holding the Bomb Defuser hostage and the only way for Thug #4 to rescue him is to murder Michelle Branch. Michelle Branch smiled as she reached the kitchen without getting murdered by a serial killer.
Michelle looked around the kitchen. She didn't see Thug #4. She saw a one hundred dollar bill sticking out of Keavy's purse. Michelle exited the kitchen and bent over the purse.
Thug #4 untied the Bomb Defuser and he walked towards the kitchen. Thug #4 stabbed Michelle between her voluptuous breasts and she was slowly starting to die.
Thug #4 said, "I'm sorry, but the Bomb Defuser has reached the kitchen. You lose."
Michelle Branch crashed to the floor in defeat as she struggled to remain alive. Thug #4 stabbed her between her breasts five more times.
Michelle Branch lay down on the ground and she died. Michelle Branch is no longer alive. Michelle Branch is legally dead.
Winona Ryder walked down the streets. She was the Deputy Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls. Killing her would bring the Dandilion Girls to extinction to such a degree, that the all girl army will never be resurrected ever again. Winona Ryder subconsciously knew that she's doomed to die and was excited about the prospect of being murdered. Winona Ryder consciously was horrified by the prospect of being sexually excited about the prospect of being murdered. And so as she walked alone down a deserted sidewalk where a girl could be killed and her corpse never discovered (Except by those who killed her), she pulled a cell phone from her purse. Winona made a cell phone call to one of the few Dandilion Girls who hasn't been murdered yet.
Winona said into the cell phone, "Thug #5 hasn't been kidnapped yet. All the Dandilion Girls who entered his apartment to look for clues about his location has been killed. I need you to complete the task without getting killed yourself."Delores O'Riordan replied into the cell phone, "I shall do as you request."
Delores hung up her cell phone as she entered Thug #5's apartment in hopes of either kidnapping him or finding clues about his location. The only way to stop Delores from completing her goal is to kill her in a serial killing attack.
The Bomb Defuser punched Delores and she dropped her cell phone. Thug #4 kicked Delores and she fell unconscious.
Thug #4 said, "Delores isn't dead yet."
The Bomb Defuser replied, "Then we must kill her before she wakes up again."
Nicola Bryant kicked The Bomb Defuser and he fell unconscious. She tied up both his arms with one rope and his feet with another rope before gagging him. Nicola kicked Thug #4 and he fell unconscious. She tied up both if his arms with one rope and she tied up his feet with another rope before gagging him. Nicola Bryant smiled with pride as she stood in her bikini and cowgirl hat with a smug expression on her face.
Nicola said, "Now I need to wake up Delores and the two of us will incarcerate Thug #4 and the Bomb Defuser by kidnapping them sadomasochism style. Nobody in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has the courage to punish and kill me sadomasochism style as punishment for my crimes. I can't wait to see them suffer for a change of pace."
The Englishwoman failed the see the Party Animal standing behind her. If she did, the voluptuous sexually adorable girl would've saved herself from being killed. But that won't be the case as her doom got closer and closer.
The Party Animal stabbed Nicola from behind. Her cowgirl hat fell off as she was stabbed from behind seven more times. Tears ran down her face as her blood flowed from her multiple knife wounds to make a puddle on the floor. She crashed to the floor in a sobbing defeated pose before her arms were tied with one rope and her legs tied with another rope. Nicola's mouth gagged before she was stabbed between her breasts five more times. Her vision got blurry as her life slowly came to an end in a violent punishing attack she could never hope to survive.
If the Party Animal had sadomasochism sex with Nicola, then he'd be forced to save her life while both the Bomb Defuser and Thug #4 died. Instead, the Party Animal watched as Nicola slowly started to die in a serial killing attack instead.
Nicola Bryant is no longer alive. Nicola is legally dead.
Delores O'Riordan woke up and she punched the Party Animal causing him to fall. Delores placed Thug #4 on top of the Bomb Defuser while still having their arms and legs tied groin on rear end and chest on spine. Delores looked at what she did with pride.
Delores said, "And now it's time for me to tie up the Party Animal and I'll have three victimizers to kidnap sadomasochism style instead of two of them. The Party Animal can never hope to tie me up and kill me sadomasochism style. I'm the first Dandilion Girl to succeed without dying."
The Party Animal stood up and he punched Delores. She fell on top of a couch face down. The girl found her cell phone and reached for it without leaving the couch. She dialed the cell phone number. Winona answered before Delores was stabbed from behind. Winona heard Delores sob in pain as she was stabbed from behind with a knife from behind until the Party Animal hung up the phone. He tied up Delores's arms with one rope, tied up her legs with another rope before gagging her. Deloris was turned face up while the dead body of Nicola Bryant was placed on top of her face down---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.
The knife wounds plus the shock of having another woman on top of her in a sexual manner caused Delores to slowly die of injuries she can never hope to survive. If the Party Animal had sadomasochism sex with Delores as Nicola lay on top of her, then he'd be forced to save their lives while both the Bomb Defuser and Thug #4 died. Instead, the Party Animal watched as Delores slowly started to die in a serial killing attack instead. Nicola Bryant (Who is bound and gagged) lay legally dead on top of the legally dead body of Delores O'Riordan (Who is bound and gagged) breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Nobody born male ever lay on top of their legally dead bodies.
Delores O'Riordan is no longer alive. Delores is legally dead.
The Party Animal tripped and he fell on top of Thug #4 face down groin on top of rear end and chest on spine as Thug #4 (who is bound and gagged) lay on top of the Bomb Defuser (Who is bound and gagged) groin on rear end and chest on spine.
Winona Ryder realized that two more Dandilion Girls are legally dead. Each time a Dandilion Girl legally dies in a sadomasochism serial killing attack brings Deputy Supreme Commander Winona Ryder closer to her own sadomasochism serial killing death scene. Yet nobody in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse managed to murder Winona Ryder sadomasochism style yet. And each second that Winona Ryder manages to avoid being killed brings her closer to fulfilling her criminal agenda (Which can only be punished by killing her once and for all).
And having succeeded in escaping justice to live and fight another day, Winona Ryder continued to walk down a dark empty street where girls could die and never be found by anybody except by those who succeeded in killing them. And she smiled as she turned a corner to vanish from sight.
Carrie Brownstein thought she spotted the Liason nearby. She walked closer for a better look and found nothing. The Liason was pressed against a wall and stood against the wall wiggling fully clothed on the wall as Carrie walked closer. The Liason might need to kill her if she got too close, but she never did so.
Carrie walked towards Jillian Rose Banks as he continued to wiggle fully clothed while standing and pressing his body against a wall. A girl must die before his wiggling fully clothed while sanding and pressing his body against a wall produces a masturbation orgasm. Carrie and Jillian are girls. Either Carrie or Jillian must die now!Carrie said, "A member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is nearby. I can feel it. You need to stand guard to prevent a victimizing member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse from entering the Dandelion Studio. Kill the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thug if you need to. The only way to prevent you from doing so is to kill you."
Jillian Rose Banks said, "I won't fail you Carrie. I'll guard the building and prevent the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thug from entering no matter what."
Jillian said, "The jerk has made his last mistake ever. I guarantee it. I shall kill him no matter what."
Carrie said with a smile, "I was hoping you would say that."
He continued to stand fully clothed and pressed against a wall while wigging against the wall. He's close to a masturbation orgasm as Carrie walked away and Jillian stood guard. Either Carrie or Jillian must die before he reaches a masturbation orgasm and Carrie is walking away. Jillian must die now! Jillian noticed him and she started to walk towards him. Damn it. Now he's forced to kill her.
Jillian pressed her voluptuous breasts against his spine as she tried to strangle him from behind as he stood pressed against a wall fully clothed and wiggled against the wall until he experienced a masturbation orgasm while thinking about killing girls one by one. Jillian smiled as her right arm was wrapped around his neck even tighter.
He reached a masturbation orgasm as Jillian lost her grip against him, tripped backwards over a log and fell backwards face up. Jillian closed her eyes as he felt another masturbation orgasm while pressing himself against a wall fully clothed and wiggling against it. Jillian closed her eyes and she found it difficult to breathe as her life slowly came to an end.
Jillian Rose Banks is no longer alive. Jillian Rose Banks is legally dead.
Inside the Dandelion Studio, Janet Weiss walked towards Carrie Brownstein and Corin Tucker. All three girls are doomed to die. Which of the three girls get to be punished and killed first.
Janet Weiss looked at Carrie and Corin.
Janet said, "Jillian isn't standing guard outside the Dandelion Studio anymore. She might be dead."
Carrie said, "It might be necessary for both Corin and yourself to step outside and deal with it."
Corin said, "Please don't send me out there. I don't want to die against him."
Carrie said, "I'm not about to let the Liason escape justice either. Something must be done."
Janet said, "We could escape justice while it's still possible to do so."
Carrie said, "We all know that's impossible so get that out of your head."
Corin said, "Come on Janet, we might as well kill the jerk now instead of trying to kill him later."
Janet said, "Suppose he kills us now. Suppose we'll survive to see the morning if we escape now."
Corin said, "He's going to attack and kill us both anyway."
Carrie said, "We don't know that will actually happen. All three of us girls might actually survive."
Janet said, "You better be right about this."
Corin said, "Of course Carrie isn't right about this."
Carrie said, "I'm always right about this so stop worrying. You should be glad that he's about to be killed by both of you girls."
Janet said, "I'll be glad that he dies at my hands if he actually dies at my hands."
Corin said, "Come on Janet, we might as well try to attack and kill him."
Carrie said, "That a girl. I knew you would learn to look at this from my perspective."
Corin said, "It shouldn't have been that easy for the Liason to kill Jillian Rose Banks."
Janet said, "Perhaps the two of us girls will be more successful."
Carrie said, "I hope that the two of you girls will be more successful. Too many of us girls has been wiped out already. We can't afford anymore girl casualties."
Corin said, "Hold on a second ladies, I need to get something from my purse."
Carrie said, "I'll walk Janet to the door."
Janet said, "Hopefully you'll join Corin and me outside the building."
Carrie said, "Hold on, I need to check my e-mails."
Janet said, "That's ok, Corin is coming."
Carrie walked away as Corin walked closer.
Janet said, "Are you ready to attack and kill him?"
Corin replied, "I'm ready to attack and kill him."
Janet said, "Then let's show him that the Dandelion Girls are invincible and we can't be stopped."
Corin said, "I can't wait to kill him and escape justice to live and fight another day."
Janet lost track of Corin as she ran forward with enthusiasm. She ran right into a knife held by the Liason. Janet looked at the Liason as he stabbed her between her breasts five more times.
Janet said, "No more girls will die. I won't die. It's time for you to face your punishment."
He said, "I agree that somebody needs to be punished. Ladies should go first."
He stabbed Janet between her breasts five more times. Janet dropped to her knees before she lay down on the ground as he stood and he wiggled against the wall fully clothed until he felt another masturbation orgasm. Janet slowly died as he felt another masturbation orgasm fully clothed as he stood and wiggled against a wall.
Janet Weiss is no longer alive. Janet is legally dead.
Corin Tucker ran towards him. He punched Corin and she kicked him twice. He kicked her twice, she punched him, he kicked her, she punched him, she kicked him, she punched him, he kicked her and she punched him.
Corin said, "This is your last chance to apologize for all the girls you needlessly killed."
The Liason said, "I don't need to apologize for something that needed to be done."
He punched her, she punched him, he kicked her before punching her twice. She kicked him twice before he kicked her. She punched him five times before he kicked her.
He punched Corin and she found it difficult to breathe. She found herself falling face first to the ground. She tried to stand up, but it's hard to stand when it's difficult to breathe. Corin is dying and nothing can prevent her death. Time for Corin to die.
Corin tried to say something, but she found herself closing her eyes. She stopped breathing the second her eyes closed. Corin slowly died as he wiggled fully clothed against the wall until he felt another masturbation orgasm.
Corin Tucker is no longer alive. Corin is legally dead.
There is no longer any girls left alive to prevent him from entering the Dandelion Studio. It was no longer possible for Carrie to remain in the Dandelion Studio. She must escape to prevent him from killing her too. Carrie ran towards the exit as he walked closer to the girl in hopes of killing her.
Carrie punched him, he kicked her, she punched him and she punched him again. He tried to punch her and she blocked the blow before she kicked him.
Carrie said, "You're going to wish you never killed Jillian, Janet and Corin."
The Liason said, "That's what you think young lady."
He tried to punch Carrie and she blocked the blow. She kicked him twice before punching him. He pushed her against the wall and he kicked her twice causing her to fall face up to the ground.
He was about to kick her, but she dodged the blow. She stood up and she ran towards the exit. Last chance to kill the girl before she escapes. Hurry up and kill Carrie. She's getting away.
Too late. Carrie slipped out the door and she vanished into the night. Carrie Rachel Brownstein needs to die and she escaped justice before the Liason can murder the girl.
Brazilian Giraffe Man spotted Michelle Ryan. Michelle Ryan failed to spot Brazilian Giraffe Man. And so Brazilian Giraffe Man followed Michelle Ryan from a safe distance. Brazilian Giraffe Man wasn't sure how he was going to kill Michelle Ryan. He simply knew that the girl needed to die.
Michelle Ryan looked behind her. Brazilian Giraffe Man hid from sight when the girl did so. She failed to spot her victimizer. She walked towards the spot where he once stood and stood alongside his hiding spot. And if she looked to her right, then he'd be forced to kill the girl. Michelle Ryan didn't look to her right. Instead, she continued walking forward. Brazilian Giraffe Man emerged from hiding and satisfied that she didn't discover his hiding place. Now he can follow her without being spotted by the girl.Michelle Ryan walked towards a group of girls and she nodded her head. The group of girls walked towards Brazilian Giraffe Man. Brazilian Giraffe Man punched Dandelion Girl #1 causing her to lie down legally dead. Brazilian Giraffe Man punched Dandelion Girl #2 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #3 to the right of him, punched Dandelion Girl #4 to the left of him and kicked Dandelion Girl #5 to the right of him. All four girls lay down legally dead. Michelle continued to walk forward while acting like he wasn't following her when she clearly acted as if she did know.
Brazilian Giraffe Man punched Dandelion Girl #6 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #7 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #8 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #9 in front of him before punching Dandelion Girl #10 to the left of him. All five girls lay down legally dead. Brazilian Giraffe Man was so busy fighting Dandelion Girls that Michelle Ryan was getting away. Michelle Ryan smiled as she was about to escape justice to live and fight another day.
Brazilian Giraffe Man punched Dandelion Girl #11 and Dandelion Girl #12 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #13 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #14 in front of him, punched Dandelion Girl #15 behind him, kicked Dandelion Girl #16 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #17 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #18 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #19 and Dandelion Girl #20 to the right of him. All ten girls lay down legally dead. Michelle walked towards a building which would allow her to vanish from sight completely. Brazilian Giraffe Man needed to hurry up and kill Michelle before she did so.
Brazilian Giraffe Man punched Dandelion Girl #21 to the left of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #22 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #23 to the left of him, punched Dandelion Girl #24 to the right of him, kicked Dandelion Girl #25, Dandelion Girl #26 and Dandelion Girl #27 behind him, punched Dandelion Girl #28 in front of him before kicking Dandelion Girl #29 and Dandelion Girl #30 in front of him. All ten girls lay down legally dead. Michelle had her hand on the door knob as she prepared to enter the building. With all the Dandelion Girl opposing him legally dead, Brazilian Giraffe Man walked quickly towards the building before Michelle was lost from sight forever.
Michelle Ryan entered the Office Building. Brazilian Giraffe Man punched Dandelion Girl #31, kicked Dandelion Girl #32, Dandelion Girl #33 and Dandelion Girl #34 before punching Dandelion Girl #35 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. Michelle punched him and he fell to the ground. Dandelion Girl #36 tripped over Brazilian Giraffe Man's left leg as he lay down causing her to lie down legally dead.
Brazilian Giraffe Man stood up and punched Dandelion Girl #37 causing her to lie down legally dead. He punched Michelle. He kicked Dandelion Girl #38 causing her to lie down legally dead. He punched Michelle. He kicked Dandelion Girl #39 and punched Dandelion Girl #40 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Michelle once, kicked her twice before slamming her against the wall five times.
Brazilian Giraffe Man punched Dandelion Girl #41 causing her to lie down legally dead. He punched Michelle before kicking her twice. He kicked Dandelion Girl #42 and kicked Dandelion Girl #43 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Michelle. He kicked Dandelion Girl #44, kicked Dandelion Girl #45 and punched Dandelion Girl #46 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Michelle, kicked her three times before punching her.
Michelle said, "What is wrong with you? Why do you hate women so violently."
Brazilian Giraffe Man punched Dandelion Girl #47, kicked Dandelion Girl #48 and punched Dandelion Girl #49 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead.
Brazilian Giraffe Man said, "It's all perfectly logical. All girls belonging to the Dandelion Girls are evil. You belong to the Dandelion Girls. Therefore you are evil. Girls who are evil needs to die. You are a girl. You are evil. Therefore, you need to die."
Michelle punched Brazilian Giraffe Man, Brazilian Giraffe Man kicked Michelle twice before punching her. Michelle kicked Brazilian Giraffe Man before punching him.
Michelle said, "Sorry, but I can't accept your reasoning."
Giraffe Man stabbed Michelle from behind as Brazilian Giraffe Man kicked Dandelion Girl #50 to the floor and causing her to legally die.
Michelle said, "I never knew you brought a friend along to our fight to the death."
Giraffe Man said, "You never asked."
Brazilian Giraffe Man said, "I have one more Dandelion Girl left to kill and then I'm free."
Michelle Ryan stood between Giraffe Man and Brazilian Giraffe Man. Giraffe Man and Brazilian Giraffe Man can't hug each other while Michelle Ryan is still alive. Therefore, she needs to die.
Michelle said, "You could've allowed me to escape justice again."
Giraffe Man said, "Letting you escape justice twice was two times too many. You must die now."
Brazilian Giraffe Man said, "Sorry lady, but you need to die now rather than later."
Brazilian Giraffe Man stabbed Michelle from behind five more times. Michelle started to drool blood as she looked at Brazilian Giraffe Man with a blank empty gaze. She stumbled forward before Giraffe Man stabbed her from behind two more times.
Michelle sputtered, "I guess I'll never see what the sunrise looks like when morning returns."
Michelle Ryan fell forward into a puddle of her own blood as death started to overtake the doomed girl. Brazilian Giraffe Man was free to hug Giraffe Man now that Michelle Ryan no longer stood between the two of them.
Michelle Ryan is no longer alive. Michelle Ryan is legally dead.
Meanwhile, unaware of the tragic fate that befell the dead murdered women left behind in Thug #5's apartment, Shailene Woodley rode a sports car. She found Thug #5 by chance and she was closing in to have him kidnapped.Shailene Woodley stepped out of the car. Dandilion Girl #1 continued to sit in the car seat while Dandilion Girl #2 and Dandilion Girl #3 followed Shailene out of the car. The three sexually seductive girls walked closer towards kidnapping Thug #5 or die making the attempt. The only way to avoid getting kidnapped by Shailene Woodley and all three Dandilion Girls is to kill all four of them one by one. Shailene wasn't worried that she could end up legally dead any second as she moved closer towards her kidnapping attempt against Thug #5.
Thug #5 tried to avoid being forced to murder Shailene Woodley. He turned the corner and encountered Madonna Ciccone instead. Now he was faced a choice. He kills Shailene behind him or he could kill Madonna in front of him. Dandilion Girl #2 and Dandilion Girl #3 stood to the left of him. They too must die.
Madonna said, "It's a huge problem that you have. Shailene will murder you while you succeed in killing me. I will murder you while you succeed in killing Shailene. You can't allow both of us to remain alive and you can't kill either of us either. So which of us will you murder first and which of us will you murder second?"
Thug #5 stabbed Dandilion Girl #2 between her breasts and she fell against Dandilion Girl #3 breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. The shock of accidently kissed the back of Dandilion Girl #2's neck with her lips caused Dandilion Girl #3 to die of shock.
Thug #5 said, "I'll start with the girl murder that's easy to accomplish."
Thug #5 ran past the dead bodies of Dandilion Girl #2 and Dandilion Girl #3 until he reached one of two Dandilion Girl owned cars. Dandilion Girl #1 was sitting inside one of the two cars. He rammed a knife through Dandilion Girl #1's breasts while she was seated inside the car and she legally died instantly. He ran past the two cars with Madonna and Shailene Woodley in close pursuit.
Shailene Woodley wasn't sure if Madonna was following close behind. And she knew that it would be easier for Thug #5 to kill her since Madonna isn't around to bail her out of a murder attack. She chased after Thug #5 anyway despite the knowledge that she's about to die in a murder attack.
Shailene spotted Thug #5 and she chased after him from a street to an alley where it would be hard to find her dead body. She briefly grabbed him, but he wiggled from her grasp and punched her in the stomach. Shailene doubled over in pain.
Shailene said, "You're going to wish you never done that."
Thug #5 said, "You'll have to catch me first."
Thug #5 ran with Shailene Woodley in close pursuit.
Shailene lost track of her murderer. The doomed sexually seductive girl spun around. Nothing. She returned her gaze to the alley in front of her and continued to walk forward. Not running. She walked. She wasn't sure where he was and she could die in a murder attack at any second.
He attacked from nowhere and she kicked him in the stomach. He fell in pain.
Shailene said, "You thought I would be an easy girl to kill. Hah. I'll teach you a lesson in manners. No more Dandilion Girls will die tonight."
Dandilion Girl #4 attacked and he stabbed her between her breasts. Dandilion Girl #4 lay down on the ground legally dead. Shailene kicked him to the ground.
Shailene said, "Oh come on, you can try better than that. I'll never die in a murder attack at the pathetic pace you're trying to kill me in."
Shailene tried to strangle him. He tried to wiggle from her strangulation grip without success.
Shailene said, "You should've attempted to murder Madonna first instead. I'm a tougher girl to kill by comparison to that lady."
Shailene continued to strangle him. He tried to kick her and she slammed him against the wall instead. She smiled as the best chance to kill her was ruined.
Shailene said, "I'll be the first Dandilion Girl to murder a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. My buddies in the Dandilion Girls will be so proud of me."
He punched her and she doubled over in pain.
Dandilion Girl #5 attacked and he kicked her in the stomach. He tossed her against the wall and stabbed her in the stomach. Dandilion Girl #5 lay down on the ground legally dead. Shailene tried to strangle him and he kicked her in the stomach again.
Shailene tried to escape and he grabbed her by the bra shoulder strap. He tossed her against a brick wall and he kicked her in the stomach.
Shailene said, "Stop doing that."
He said, "Or else what? Stop doing it or else you'll die in a murder attack. I'm so scared."
He kicked her in the stomach. He punched her and she doubled over in pain.
He kicked her in the stomach a five more times.
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) stabbed Shailene Woodley from behind. She started to drool blood as she looked at Thug #5 blankly.
Shailene didn't lie down so Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) stabbed Shailene from behind again.
Shailene knew she was dying, but she tried to strangle Thug #5 as she looked at him blankly while drooling blood. Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) stabbed her from behind five more times.
Shailene gave up trying to strangle Thug #5. She tried to speak, but her lungs was too full of blood as she was stabbed from behind seven more times in a murder attack launched against her by Captain Kite (He's Higher than a...).
Shailene Woodley fell to the ground and she died. Shailene Woodley is legally dead.
Thug #5 said, "Thanks for rescuing me. That horrible woman nearly killed me."
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "We still need to murder Madonna in an unprovoked murder attack before she succeeds in killing us both."
Unaware that Shailene Woodley is legally dead, Madonna continued to walk down the streets as the darkness of night covered the land. The darkness would make it easier for Madonna to be attacked without any witnesses to observe her death in a murder attack.
Thug #5 and Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) needs to end Madonna's life, but they don't know how to do it. They both encountered Madonna as she stood nearby Shailene's dead body.
Thug #5 asked, "Tell me how to murder you."
Madonna said, "Screw you. I'll do nothing of the sort."
Thug #5 said, "It's the rule that if it's getting difficult to kill a girl, she must give assistance on the best way to kill her. Guys have no need to do anything of the sort of it's getting difficult to kill them. I'm sorry if that doesn't sound fair, but those are the rules."
Madonna said, "I'm not going to tell you the best way to kill me. Are you crazy? It's bad enough I challenged you to kill Shailene and I within inches of each other and now she's legally dead. I'm not going to help you kill me off."
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "That's it. She needs to die inches away or on top of Shailene's dead body in order for Madonna to die and stay dead. Thanks for helping us find a way to kill you and keep you murdered."
Madonna said, "I'm still alive and breathing."
Thug #5 said, "Not for much longer."
Madonna kicked Thug #5 and she punched Captain Kite (He's Higher than a...) in the stomach. Both Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse thugs fell to the ground. She kicked them both.
Madonna said, "I told you that I'll kill you while you're busy trying to kill Shailene, but you'll never kill us both. You'll never see my dead body lying inches away from Shailene's dead body. I'm going to survive and I'll tell every girl in town how weak and flimsy the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse truly are. I can't believe that I'm actually getting away with this."
Archery Guy fired five arrows from behind Madonna. Madonna registered shock and sadness before expressing a blank lifeless expression. All five arrows entered nearby her spine and punctured most of her vital organs causing massive internal bleeding. Madonna vomited blood as she crashed to the ground. The dead woman lay in a growing puddle of blood caused by the arrow puncture wounds. Madonna Ciccone's legally dead body lay nearby the legally dead body of Shailene Woodley.
Thug #5 said, "Thank you for killing that woman. It saved me the trouble of killing her myself."
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) said, "The important thing is that we killed that horrible woman before she can escape justice to fight another day."
Archery Guy said, "I'm glad I was here to save you when I did. That evil woman nearly killed you both. Thankfully, I was here to save the day.
Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) looked behind him to realize that Katherine McNamara, Laura Marano, Bailee Madison and Arden Cho was following him.
Another look behind him realized that Debby Ryan, Bailee Madison, and Katherine McNamara were now in pursuit. It became obvious that Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) must kill Katherine McNamara, Lara Marano, Bailee Madison and Arden Cho before Debby Ryan gets the chance to attack him. But which of the four girls gets the chance to die first.
Debby Ryan stood behind Archery Guy as he killed Madonna. She frowned and spun around. She walked around the corner and down a nearby alley and then a nearby street. Debby encountered two women also belonging to the Dandilion Girls.
Drew Barrymore and Kate Beckinsale greeted Debby Ryan warmly. The three doomed voluptuous sexually seductive women were joined by...Keira Knightley who completed the quartet of doomed Dandilion Girls. Kate Beckinsale stood next to Keira Knightley as they stood only a few feet away from Thug #5, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy. All three Girl Killing, Woman Hating Serial Killers won't be able to walk down the street without fighting against and needing to kill all four seductive Dandilion Girls. Which of the four doomed Dandilion Girls gets to die first?
Keira asked, "What's the situation like? Is it free and clear of Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers?"
Kate said, "Of course there are Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers nearby. Which ones are we in danger of being murdered by?"
Debby said, "I only spotted Thug #5, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy. Of the three, Archery Guy will be the toughest for us to murder."Drew said, "We can try to attack and kill as a four girl unit. That might be our best way to kill those jerks once and for all."
Kate said, "We only have three Girl Killing, Woman Hating Serial Killers in front of us. We don't have any Girl Killing, Woman Hating Serial Killers behind us."
Debby said, "I can search behind us to make sure there isn't any Girl Killing, Woman Hating Serial Killers in front of us."
Kate said, "That would be a great idea. Do it now and be safe."
Keira said, "What about the Dandilion Girls who were supposed to murder Thug #5? Are all of them legally dead?"
Debby said, "All of the Dandilion Girls sent to kill Thug #5 are legally dead. Only one of the two Dandilion Girls owned cars are still operational. We can either kill Thug #5, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy and escape into the car. Or I could check out the road and alley behind us for a better escape path."
Kate said, "You better check the alleys and the roads behind us for a better escape path. Drew, Keira and I will wait for you here."Drew said, "Be quick. The longer you take, the easier it will be for Thug #5, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy to have us separated and murdered one by one until only Debby is left alive to be killed."
And so Debby Ryan ran off to explore the alley and the streets behind the four women. The only way to kill Debby Ryan is to first kill Keira, Drew and Kate exactly in that order. First to die is Keira.
Keira said, "Don't give the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse hints on the best way to kill us."
Kate spotted Thug #5 standing behind her.
Kate said, "I think I see Thug #5 standing nearby. One of us girls will need to attack and kill him while Drew and I wait for Debby to return."
Keira said, "Why should I risk my life against Thug #5?"
Kate said, "Because I told you to do so."
Keira said, "That's hardly a proper explanation."
Kate said, "Look, I owe you money. If you attack and kill Thug #5 and survive, I'll pay you all the money that I owe you. If Thug #5 murders both Debby Ryan and yourself, then only Drew and myself needs to die in order for Thug #5 to claim all the money in my purse, Drew's purse, Debby's purse and your purse."Keira said, "I still don't like it. You're giving Thug #5 an even bigger motivation to kill me off."
Drew said, "Look, I don't want Kate to die on top of me breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. That will be harder to accomplish if Debby and Keira are still alive and breathing."
Keira said, "Then don't send me off to die against Thug #5."
Kate said, "There's always a chance that you will prevail against Thug #5."
Keira released a groan of frustration before she said, "Ok, I'll do as you request. But I'll do so under protest because I'm much too young to die."
Drew said, "All four of us girls are teenage and much too young to die. However, the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is determined to wipe us out one by one. We need to fight back while there's still a chance for us girls to do so."
Kate said, "Drew is correct. Us girls needs to fight back. We can't allow those creeps to get away with it. Sooner or later we'll need to kill or be killed."
Keira said, "Well, I'm off to attack and kill Thug #5. Wish me luck."
And so Keira Knightley walked away from Drew Barrymore and Kate Beckinsale and towards Thug #5. The doomed sexually seductive girl wasn't aware yet, but she's about to die in an unprovoked murder attack that she'll never be able to escape from.
And as Keira Knightley followed Thug #5 with intent to murder him, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy followed Keira Knightley with intent to murder her. Natalie Imbruglia followed Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy with intent to murder them. And if Natalie succeeds in killing Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy before they can punish and kill Keira Knightley, then Keira Knightley will be free to murder Thug #5. And then the Dandilion Girls will have the first three successful kills of the night. However, Girl Killing, Woman Hating Serial Killer deaths are temporary. When a Dandilion Girl dies, she must lie down and she must stay dead forever. Therefore, Natalie Imbruglia must die before she can kill Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy. However, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy isn't aware that Natalie Imbruglia is walking behind them and needs to be murdered.Keira Knightley wasn't aware that she was being assisted by Natalie Imbruglia. And Keira Knightley must be murdered before she discovers that she's being assisted by Natalie Imbruglia. Natalie Imbruglia knows that she's assisting Keira Knightley and she must die before she can get the chance to assist Keira Knightley. Keira rested her left hand on her voluptuous breasts as she walked closer and closer towards Thug #5 with murder on her mind.
Natalie Imbruglia wasn't sure if she should attack Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) first or if she should attack Archery Guy first. She checked her knife in her purse one more time as she walked closer towards Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) with intent to kill.
Keira Knightley hid when Thug #5 looked behind him. Her voluptuous chest started to heave when it looked as if Thug #5 was about to kill her in a violent murder attack.
Natalie Imbruglia was overflowing with delight when both Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy both failed to look behind them. Captain Creep spotted Natalie Imbruglia. Now she must kill both Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy from behind them before Captain Creep succeeds in killing her.
Thug #5 walked forward towards the area where Keira Knightley was hiding in the darkness. He didn't see the girl, but if he walked sideways, his left shoulder blade will be resting between her voluptuous breasts without even realizing it. Keira took a deep breath when her life was in danger of being violently ended in a murder attack.
Natalie Imbruglia pressed her voluptuous breasts against Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) spine as she strangled him from behind. Her breasts was pressed against his spine. Her vagina was pressed against his rear end. She smiled with delight.
Archery Guy said, "Release the hostage and I'll let you have a running head start in escaping justice."
Natalie said, "I reject your offer. I need to murder you both right now."
Thug #5 walked towards the direction of Natalie Imbruglia. Keira was still forced to hide in the shadows because she was no longer standing behind Thug #5 unseen. Keira's advantage was now gone and ruined by Natalie Imbruglia.
Natalie Imbruglia continued her strangulation attack. Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) was only seconds away from dying. The only way to save him is to kill Natalie Imbruglia. However, Archery Guy can't fire an arrow into Natalie and kill her without hurting Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) too. And knowing that made Natalie smile.
Natalie said, "You're not so smug now that the chance to kill me has been taken away."
Thug #5 walked backwards. Then he walked sideways until his right shoulder blade was placed between Keira's voluptuous breasts.
Keira said, "Excuse me pervert, but I'm standing here."
Thug #5 said, "Help me, I have a have a girl who needs to die trapped, but I can't kill her without giving her the chance to escape justice."
Keira said, "The chance to kill you will soon be mine to enjoy. You'll never get the chance to kill me before I succeed in ending your life."
Captain Creep chose to attack and kill Natalie Imbruglia first. He stabbed the doomed sexually seductive girl from behind. He stabbed her from behind five more times.
Natalie Imbruglia started to drool blood as she released her strangulation grip against Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...). Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) fell against Captain Creep groin on rear end and chest on spine as Natalie Imbruglia fell to the ground in a puddle of blood.
Natalie Imbruglia closed her eyes and she died. Natalie Imbruglia is legally dead. And after a powerful rush of emotion after some wiggling while stabilizing Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) then it was time for Keira to die. After releasing Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...), Captain Creep attacked Keira Knightley from behind. He stabbed the sexually seductive girl's left side as Thug #5's right shoulder was placed between her voluptuous breasts and pinning her to the brick wall.
Keira said, "You have defeated me. Curses, I've been defeated and murdered."
Thug #5 fell against Captain Creep chest to spine and groin to rear end as Keira fell to the ground in a puddle of blood. Captain Creep felt a powerful rush of emotion as he wiggled on Thug #5 as Keira started to stand up.
Archery Guy fired an arrow from behind nearby her spine. Keira started to drool blood before she lay down on the ground legally dead. Keira Knightley is legally dead.
Captain Creep released Thug #5 after his powerful rush of emotion.
Captain Creep said, "Thank GOD that woman is dead."
Archery Guy said, "Debby Ryan needs to be the next Dandilion Girl to die."
Meanwhile, Debby Ryan found the perfect way for Drew Barrymore, Kate Beckinsale and herself to escape justice to live and fight another day. The doomed sexually seductive girl must die before she can tell Drew Barrymore and Kate Beckinsale about her discovery.
Captain Creep grabbed the voluptuous beauty and he stabbed her between her breasts. Thug #5 stabbed Debby between her breasts. Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) stabbed Debby between her breasts. The voluptuous sexually seductive girl was dying in a murder attack.Debby said, "I can still survive with medical treatment. Only one of you can truly kill me."
Archery Guy fired an arrow between her breasts. Debby looked at her murderers with a stunned expression on her face before she registered a blank lifeless expression.
Debby Ryan released a submissive moan as she lay down on the ground and closed her eyes. Debby Ryan is no longer alive. Debby Ryan is legally dead forever.
Drew Barrymore and Kate Beckinsale still needs to die in a violent murder attack. Drew looked at Kate. Kate looked at Drew.
Drew said, "It's taking Debby a long time to arrive."
Kate replied, "Keira hasn't shown up either."
Drew said, "I'll check on Keira and you check on Debby. If both women are legally dead, then we'll both regroup and reconsider our options."
Kate said, "That sounds like a reasonable plan to me."
Drew Barrymore walked forward until she bumped into Captain Creep. Her breasts was pressed against his chest and her vagina was pressed against his groin. Captain Creep said, "Kill her before I fall into a catatonic trance."
Thug #5 stabbed Drew from behind and kept stabbing her until she lay down in large puddle of blood. Captain Creep was held by Thug #5 and wiggled on each other until they felt a powerful rush of emotion next to the dying Drew Barrymore.
Drew Barrymore started to sob before she died. Drew Barrymore is legally dead. Time to kill Kate Beckinsale before she escapes justice.
Aware that Keira, Natalie, Debby and Drew are legally dead, Kate rushed to escape justice. Thug #5, Captain Creep, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy only have a few seconds left to kill the sexually seductive girl before she escapes to fight another day.
Kate said, "Maybe it was easy for you to kill Keira, Natalie Debby and Drew, but you'll never get the chance to murder me in a violent homicide attack. Now it's time for me to escape."
Thug #5 said, "Kate is getting away. We must kill her now."
Katie and all six of the Dandilion Girls who followed her have avoided getting killed. However, Katie wasn't sure how long her good luck was going to last. There are only two Dandilion Girl Assault Squads left alive and both Dandilion Girl Assaulr Squads needs to be wiped out in a serial killing murder attack with no survivors allowed. That means that Katie's run of good luck is about to run out. But her luck hasn't run out yet. So Katie Cassidy and all six of the Dandilion Girls who followed her continued to hide in the shadows in hopes of becoming the last Dandilion Girls left alive. Katie's chest heaved as she took a deep breath. She carefully walked forward.
Katie thought she saw something move behind her. She spun around and didn't see anything. Her chest heaved as she took another deep breath. Each second could be her final seconds of life as her required death got closer. Katie foolishly thought she will survive when she's truly doomed to die.
Alanis stood near the car and watched the action from a safe distance. However, with only two Dandilion Girl Assault Squad left to wipe out and no Dandilion Girl Assault Squad is allowed to survive long enough to reach the next level, the time has come for Alanis to be murdered.
Alanis Morissette watched Thug #5, Captain Creep, Captain Kite (He's Higher Than a...) and Archery Guy from a distance. She realized that it was her responsibility to kidnap Thug #5 and force him to destroy the Secret City of the Gilr Killing, Woman Hating Posse or die trying.
Thug #5 lingered behind. He started to feel bad about all the cute sexually seductive teenage Dandilion Girls that were murdered. He started to think of ways he can atone for the deaths of cute and attractive teenage Dandilion Girls who are legally dead and can never be interacted with anymore. And as he started to brood about the permanent loss of sexy and likeable teenage Dandilion Girls, Alanis Morissette grabbed him from behind.
Alanis said with a smirk, "Consider this a kidnapping. One wrong move and you're dead."
Thug #5 realized that the only way he can escape Alanis' kidnapping attack is to kill her.
Alanis released her grip on Thug #5 and handed him off to Natalie Merchant.
Alanis sais, "I need to make a telephone call and then it's done."
Thug #5 realized that even though Alanis Morissette and Natalie Merchant are a pair of cute, sexually seductive, likeable teenage girls, both of them must die with the telephone call never made. Natalie Merchant must be the next Dandilion Girl to die in a serial killing attack.
Natalie Merchant's voluptuous breasts pressed against his spine as she held him from behind in a kidnapping attack. Natalie smiled with pride.Natalie said with pride, "I finally got the be the Dandilion Girl who defeated you."
Thug #5 wiggled from Natalie Merchant's grip and he stabbed her between her voluptuous breasts. Natalie looked at her murderer with shock and humiliation.
Natalie said, "This wasn't supposed to happen. I never failed this badly,"
Thug #5 said, "Evil will never triumph against the innocent."
Natalie Merchant started to cry with grief as she fell to the ground and died in a submissive pose. Natalie Merchant is no longer alive. Natalie Merchant is legally dead.
With her telephone call disrupted, Alanis Morissette grabbed Thug #5 from behind in a kidnapping attack a second time. Alanis's voluptuous breasts pressed against Thug #5's spine as she held on to him in a kidnapping attack. She guided him towards her stolen car.
Alanis said, "Such a shame that Natalie Merchant is legally dead. Now I'll have to wait until later to make the telephone call. You might try to kill me before we reach the car, but I doubt it. You will never get to kill me as easily as you killed Natalie Merchant."
And Alanis was right because she didn't leave an opening for Thug #5 to kill her.
Doomed sexually seductive teenage Dandilion Girl Anna Faris was waiting for Alanis Morissette and Thug #5 inside the stolen car. Now he has both Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris to murder.
Anna Faris said, "Don't be shy. Come inside the car and enjoy the show."
Tori Amos casually and fearlessly walked alongside...
...Sienna Miller and her sister Savannah Miller...
as all three teenage Dandilion Girls sought to reinforce Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris' kidnapping attack against Thug #5. And if Tori Amos, Sienna Miler and Savannah Miller were to succeed in their scheme, then Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris will never get the chance to die in a serial killing attack. The only way to stop Tori Amos, Sienna Miller and Savannah Miller is to kill all three doomed sexually seductive teenage Dandilion Girls one by one in a serial killing attack. Football Guy, Clock Clerk, Untied Shoelace Lad and Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad followed Tori Amos, Sienna Miller and Savannah Miller with intent to kill all three doomed Dandilion Girls.
Savannah looked at Sienna.
Savannah said, "We're being followed. One of us three girls must attack and kill Football Guy, Clock Clerk, Untied Shoelace Lad and Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad. Two of us girls must help Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris kidnap Thug #5 before he succeeds in killing both of them in a serial killing attack. The quick attack and murder against me means that Sienna must attack and kill Football Guy, Clock Clerk, Untied Shoelace Lad and Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad while Tori must help Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris kidnap Thug #5. The quick attack and murder of Sienna means that Tori must attack and kill Football Guy, Clock Clerk, Untied Shoelace Lad and Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad while Thug #5 easily kills Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris. Clearly us girls don't want to fail and die."
Sienna said, "Tori and I needs to help you out."
Tori said, "Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris will both die one by one in a serial killing attack if two of us girls doesn't help them out. Even if one of us girls survive long enough to help out Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris will doom Thug #5 to be kidnapped and killed."
Savanah said, "Wish me luck ladies."
And so Savannah separated from her sister Sienna and from Tori Amos.
Savannah quickly spotted Football Guy, Clock Clerk, Untied Shoelace Lad and Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad. She smiled with joy as she removed a hidden knife from her purse. The Railroad Guy walked behind Savannah with intent to kill Savannah to save Football Guy, Clock Clerk, Untied Shoelace Lad and Arm Fall Off Plaid Lad from being killed by a Dandilion Girl.The Railroad Guy stood behind Savanah and she failed to spot her attacker quickly enough to prevent herself from dying in a serial killing attack.
Sienna Miller raced down the street in a failed attempt to save her sister Savannah from dying in a serial killing attack. The Railroad Guy stabbed Savannah Miller from behind and she dropped her knife onto the street as she started to bleed to death.
Savannah said, "You must avenge my death Sienna because I've been defeated."
Sienna said, "You can't die. It's impossible."
Savannah wept in misery before she lay down on the floor dead. Savannah Miller is legally dead.
Sienna looked at The Railroad Guy. The Railroad Guy looked at Sienna Miller.
Sienna said, "You're going to pay for what you did."
The Railroad Guy didn't want to murder Sienna Miller because she's so cute, sexy and innocent looking. However, The Railroad Guy already killed her sister Savannah so that forces The Railroad Guy to also murder Sienna too.
Sienna said, "You can't kill Tori Amos without first killing me. And I'll be the first Dandilion Girl to succeed in killing you."
The Railroad Guy said, "Then I must stop you from your schemes by killing you."
Sienna strangled The Railroad Guy. He tried to stab the sexually seductive voluptuous girl between her breasts, but her strangulation grip took away his strength. He found himself dropping his knife as the world got dark. He lay down without moving.Sienna said, "Oh my Goddess, I actually killed a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. There's hope for survival after all."
Sienna bent over the Railroad Guy as he lay face up. Her face was over his face as she nearly came close to lying down on top of him face down. Railroad Guy came back to life and he stabbed her between her breasts when her defenses were down.
Sienna said, "This can't be happening. I killed you."
The Railroad Guy said, "Guy deaths are temporary and girl deaths are permanent."
Sienna started to cry in humiliated pain as she lay down on top of her murderer face down breasts on chest and vagina on groin. Sienna is no longer alive. Sienna Miller is legally dead. He pushed the legally dead girl aside as he started to stand up.
Tori Amos was still alive as she walked closer towards Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris. Tori knew that she still needs to die senselessly in a serial killing attack in order for Alanis and Anna to die in a failed kidnapping attack against Thug #5. She knew that Alanis and Anna needs to become the next serial killing attack targets of Thug #4. Which means that Railroad Guy only has a few minutes and possibly even seconds left to kill Tori before it's too late. It isn't a matter of if Tori will die, but how she will die. Time for Tori to die in a serial killing murder attack.
Tori Amos looked behind her as she paused for a few seconds (Which might be the tragic mistake needed to kill her in a serial killing attack). She lost track of Sienna and her sister Savannah ans feared the worst. Now there's only her left to murder.
Tori Amos approached a car to see Molly Ringwald at the drivers side.
Tori asked, "Have you seen Savannah and Sienna?"
Molly replied, "Sorry, I didn't see them. Those girls might be legally dead. What's up?"
Tori said, "I'm supposed to help Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris kidnap Thug #5 and force him to help us Dandilion Girls blow up the Secret City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Molly said, "It sounds like a good cause, but you'll die in a serial killing attack if you try to reach Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris alone."Tori said, "Thankfully, you agreed to help me out."
Tori continued, "Sorry about putting you in this predicament, but I'm out of options."
Molly Ringwald said, "I never agreed to help you out."
Tori said, "Then I'm forcing you to help me out."
Doom overwhelmed Molly Ringwald as she allowed Tori into the passenger side of her car. Molly briefly spotted Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum gesturing the girl to exit the car and chase after him alone in a two people enter, but only the male serial killer gets to leave battle to the death. But that would leave Tori Amos vulnerable to be murdered by Railroad Guy, so Molly refused to take the bait. Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum tried to chase after Molly's car and was glad when she was stopped by a red light. If he can reach into her convertible with the roof down car, steal her purse, then he can lure Molly to die in a serial killing attack which makes it possible for Tori to die in a serial killing attack. He ran faster because the chance to kill Molly was slipping away. There might be a chance that Molly might be lured out of the car and killed before Tori's death scene.
The Railroad Guy also chased after the car in an effort to murder Tori Amos while the car was stopped by a red light. There is a chance that Tori might be lured out of the car and killed before Molly's death scene. One girl has to die first and the other girl has to die second until both girls are dead forever. Which girl gets to die first.
Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum reached the car and grabbed Molly Ringwald's purse. He ran off the opposite direction of Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris' car.
Molly said, "Hang in there, I'll get my purse back."
Tori said, "Railroad Guy is about to enter this car and murder me. Allowing Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum to steal your purse without punishment is the only way to prevent my serial killing attack death scene."
Molly said, "I'm sorry, but I don't want my purse to be stolen."
And so Molly Ringwald exited her car to chase after Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum with intention to kill or be killed in a soon-to-be-failed attempt to get her stolen purse back. The doomed sexually seductive teenage girl is about to die.
The Railroad Guy reached the convertible car and climbed on top of Tori Amos. He started to stab her to death and kept attacking the voluptuous sexually seductive teenage girl in a knife attack until she died from excessive blood loss. Tori Amos is no longer alive. Tori Amos is legally dead.
Time for Molly Ringwald to die.
Meanwhile, not aware that Tori Amos is legally dead and she lost control of her convertible car because it has become a murder attack crime scene, Molly Ringwald continued to chase after Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum in a doomed effort to recover her stolen purse. With Molly getting closer to attacking him, Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum realized that he has no choice but to murder the doomed sexually adorable teenage girl in a serial killing murder attack.
Molly was now inches away from grabbing Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum. Her long painted finger nails barely touched his right arm. She grabbed his right arm and pressed it against her breasts as she struggled to pull her purse away from her victimizer.
Molly was seconds away from recovering her purse.
Molly said, "You ought to be ashamed of yourself. What did those poor innocent murdered girls do to deserve getting themselves killed."
Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum dropped his knife as Molly tried to strangle him to death. He tried to reach for his knife to kill her with, but his fingertips barely touched the knife. Molly smiled as she was convinced that victory was hers to grab. Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum needs to kill her now!
Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum finally reached his knife and he stabbed Molly Ringwald between her breasts. Molly started to drool blood before she lay down face down on the ground dead. Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum celebrated Molly's death by masturbating. Molly Ringwald is no longer alive. Molly Ringwald is legally dead.
Time for Alanis Morissette and Anna Faris to be attacked and killed.
Meanwhile, , Alans Morissette and Anna Faris was holding Thug #5 hostage inside Alanis's car. Both women were waiting for reinforcement that will never come and a murder attack that will come sooner than they thought.
Thug #5 said, "You're not going to get away with this kidnapping. Both of you girls will die before you succeed in your evil schemes."
Alanis said, "Then I'll need to work much faster before you succeed in killing me. Blowing up the Secret City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse would be a step in the right direction."
Alanis said, "I'll need a girl to stand guard outside the automobile. Warm me if a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killer attempts to rescue the hostage."Anna said, "What happens if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse kills me first as part of their successful rescue of Thug #5."
Alanis said, "I'm so cute and voluptuous that Thug #4 will fall in love with me and cave in before the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse succeeds in killing you first and then me."
Anna said, "You better be right."
Anna rested her left hand on her breasts as she exited the car to stand guard. She thought she spotted Railroad Guy and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum and was tempted to risk getting murdered in a failed and doomed attempt to chase after them. Rachel McAdams approached Alanis' car in hope of helping out Alanis and Anna in hopes that she too won't end up getting murdered. Rachel entered the car and sat next to Thug #4.
Rachel said, "Tori Amos and Molly Ringwald was supposed to help out too, but both of them has been murdered. So you'll have to rely on me instead."
Alanis said, "I would prefer three girl reinforcements instead of one girl reinforcement. However, I'm convinced that will succeed without anymore Dandilion Girl fatalities."
Alanis faced Thug #5 and asked, "Now tell me where is the Secret City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. Tell me now so we can make love together. Rachel would like to make love to you too. Don't disappoint us both because we both know that you're in love with both of us."
Alanis Morissette sat in the drivers side of the car. Rachel McAdams sat next to Thug #4 in the passenger side of the car. His left shoulder and arm brushed across Rachel's right breast. He felt a powerful urge to kill Rachel as she sat next to him and was vulnerable to a serial killing attack.
Rachel said, "Thug #5 is strangely silent. Perhaps we're not seducing him into helping us both out successfully enough. How can we both make him feel more sexual satisfaction."
Thug #5 spotted Rachel's hidden knife in her purse and was tempted to attack her with the knife. He found himself lovingly kissing Rachel instead. Rachel smiled as she got closer to her goal without getting murdered by her own secret knife hidden inside her purse.
Rachel said as she lovingly kissed Thug #5, "What are you waiting for. Give up and allow me to win. You know you can never succeed against a sexy women such as Alanis and myself."
His hand almost reached a rope to strangle Alanis with while sitting in the drivers side of the front seat, but he must kill Rachel with her knife hidden inside her purse first. However, his muscles betrayed him as another kiss from Rachel made him fall deeper in love with the girl he must kill.
He lovingly kissed Rachel as he pulled her hidden knife from her purse. He found himself stabbing Rachel McAdams between her breasts. Tears streamed down Rachel's face as blood dripped from the knife wounds that were ending her life.Rachel asked, "You love me. I know you love me. Yet you killed me instead of making love to me. How was that possible?"
He replied, "I have better will power than you thought."
He lovingly kissed Rachel and watched as she started to fall limp against her murderer.
Rachel McAdams is no longer alive. Rachel McAdams is legally dead.
Time for Thug #5 to first murder Alanis Morissette and then Anna Faris (Unless somebody gets the chance to lure away and then kill Ana Faris).
Thug #5 pushed the dead body of Rachel McAdams aside and grabbed the rope from the back seat floor. He held on the right side of the rope, swung it around Alanis' neck and held on to the left side of the rope after it swung around the doomed teenage girl's neck. He pulled on both ends of the rope.
Alanis Morissette struggled to breath, but her efforts was clearly an act of futility. Alanis closed her eyes and she died sitting down on the drivers side of the front seat. Alanis Morissette is no longer alive. Alanis Morissette is legally dead. Time for Anna Faris to die in a murder attack.
Not wanting to wait for the chance to be murdered by Thug #5, Anna Faris chased after Railroad Guy and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum with intent to kill or be killed. With Anna gaining, both Railroad Guy and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum realized that they have no choice but to kill her in self defense.
Anna smiled with joy as her efforts to chase after Railroad Guy and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum was starting to produce positive results. She had no idea that she was about to die in an unprovoked serial killing murder attack.
Railroad Guy and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum randomly entered a building in hopes of escaping Anna. Anna smiled as she chased after them into the building.
Katie Cassidy and six Dandilion Girls stood outside the vacant one floor building carefully concealed by the night. Katie wasn't sure how to murder both the Railroad Guy and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum. However, she knew that somebody needed to make the kill. And that person would need to be Katie and all six of the Dandilion Girls who followed her if Anna Faris and all five of the Dandilion Girls who followed her failed and got killed in the process.
Katie secretly wished to be murdered while openly hated the idea of dying in a serial killing attack. However, the girl was doomed to die and she has no way of preventing her demise.
Dandilion Girl #1 asked, "Should we enter the building to help out Anna Faris?"
Katie said, "Let's wait and see if Anna truly needs us to reinforce her. Railroad Guy and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum's inability to see us might help us all to escape justice if such a possibility were possible."
Anna didn't see anybody inside the one floor building. She checked the hallway before finding two doors leading to vacant office space. She took a deep breath before opening the first door to the first of two vacant office space.Nothing. Anna checked every inch of the vacant office space. Five Dandilion Girls followed Anna. Dandilion Girl #1 entered the bathroom of vacant office space #1, slipped on a puddle of water, hit her head on the left wall and lay down legally dead.
Anna exited vacent office space #1. Four surviving Dandilion Girls followed her. Anna placed her left hand on the door knob.
Anna opened the door and entered vacant office space #2. Railroad Guy attacked Dandilion Girl #2 with a knife and she lay down legally dead. Railroad Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #3 between her breasts and she lay down dead. Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum felt two female breasts pressed against his spine as a knife was placed over his throat. Railroad Guy stabbed Dandilion Girl #4 between her breasts and she died. Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum stabbed Dandilion Girl #5 and she slid off of him and lay down legally dead on the ground. Anna raced out of vacant office #2.
Anna nearly reached the exit to the vacant one floor building. Now she's the one being chased by Railroad Guy and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum.
Anna reached the exit and ran down the sidewalk to the nearby alley. She didn't see Railroad Guy and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum chasing after her. The doomed sexually seductive girl started to relax. She felt a false sense of security.
Anna saw a car to escape justice in. She ran towards the car.
Anna nearly reached the car to escape justice in.
Anna Faris was stabbed from behind by both Railroad Guy and Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum as she finally reached the car.
Anna said, "This can't be happening. I'm dying. I'm about to be defeated."
Anna Faris lay down on the ground dead. Anna Faris is legally dead.
Katie Cassidy saw Anna Faris die. She motioned six Dandilion Girls to follow her as she tried to slip away into the night. Railroad Guy strangled Dandilion Girl #1 and she lay down legally dead.
Katie left the alley and back to the street. Dandilion Girl #2 was strangled by Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum and she lay down legally dead. Katie and four surviving Dandilion Girls ran down the sidewalk with their murders running close behind.
Dandilion Girl #3 didn't run fast enough and she was strangled to death by Railroad Guy. Dandilion Girl #4 tried to rescue Dandilion Girl #3 only to be strangled by Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum. Dandilion Girl #3 and Dandilion Girl #4 lay down legally dead. Katie and both surviving Dandilion Girls turned a corner and ran own the sidewalk without knowing where they were running to.
Railroad Guy strangled Dandilion Girl #5 and she lay down legally dead. Katie Cassidy and Dandilion Girl #6 ran down the sidewalk trying to escape justice.
Dandilion Girl #6 was strangled by Railroad Guy and she lay down legally dead.
Katie faced Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum. She said, "So now it's just the two of us. What are you going to do? Will you kill me or will Railroad Guy get the chance. Or maybe I will kill you both and escape justice to live and fight another day."
Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum said, "It's my turn to kill a Dandilion Girl."
Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum proceeded to strangle Katie Cassidy.
Katie Cassidy tried to wiggle free of the strangulation grip without success. The doomed sexually seductive teenage girl was dying.
The world got dark as Katie Cassidy lay down on the ground and she died. Katie Cassidy is legally dead. Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum walked over Katie Cassidy's dead body only to have Angie Hart attack him from behind with her knife. Angie's breasts were pressed against Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum spine as she tried to stab him to death.
Angie said, "Katie was a wonderful girl and she didn't deserve to die."
Railroad Guy stabbed Angie from behind and she released her grip on Myrmecophaga Tridactyla Chum. Angie looked at her victimizers with a blank expression as she became their latest murder attack victim. Angie was dying and she can't save herself.
Angie Hart lay down on the ground dead. Angie Hart is legally dead.
Thug #5 figured out that Anna Faris was legally dead because she never attempted another kidnapping effort. And just when Thug #5 thought he was free from additional kidnapping efforts, he encountered Aimee Mann. Aimee Mann looked at him with a confident expression on her face.
Aimee asked, "Where do you think you're going?"
Thug #5 asked, "Where would you like me to go?"
Aimee said, "I was under the impression that I kidnapped you. I was under the impression that you will tell me how to invade and blow up the Secret City of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Thug #5 said, "Please don't force me to kill you in a serial killing attack. You have the chance to escape justice without getting murdered."Aimee said, "You will find that I'm a difficult girl to murder."
Thug #5 said, "It doesn't matter what you think. You still need to tell me the best way to kill you if my efforts to murder you keep getting hindered."
Aimee said, "Why would I tell you the best way to murder me when I successfully kidnapped you."
Thug #5 said, "I'm sorry if you foolishly think that your kidnapping effort has succeeded, but you still need to tell me the best way to kill you. That way my efforts to kill you will always succeed."
Aimee said, "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. Keep in mind that you have no ability to dictate terms. I'm too close to success to allow you any sort of victory."
Thug #5 said, "Are we supposed to be this close to the Dandilion Ice Skating Rink and the Dandilion Gymnastics Gymnasium?"
Aimee said, "It doesn't matter. Mary Lou Retton's Dandilion Girl Assault Squad will get wiped out one by one to zero while Kate Beckinsale's Dandilion Girl Assault Squad will survive to the next level with very few fatalities." She saw three dead teenage girls murdered by a hatchet to the stomach. Aimee said, "Oh Goddess, what happened?"
Thug #5 said, "A Dandilion Girl death trap was rewired to kill only Dandilion Girls."Aimee said, "I don't believe that. It can be easily fixed." She pulled out a remote control unit and punched a few buttons. She continued, "Now you walk towards all three of those dead girls."
Thug #5 walked over all three dead teenage Dandilion Girls and nothing happened.
Aimee said, "I might need to rewire that machine much closer."
Aimee Mann walked towards all three dead Dandilion Girls. A hatchet swung from nowhere and directly into her stomach. Aimee Mann winced in pain as tears fell down her face. She felt pain and humiliation as the girl was dying.
Aimee said, "You have defeated me."
Aimee Mann lay down on the ground and she died. Aimee Mann is legally dead.
Molly Ringwald was supposed to take charge of the doomed Dandilion Girl Assault Squad. However, Molly Ringwald is legally dead. And when a Dandilion Girl dies, she has to lie down dead and stay dead forever. Her part of the story is ended and never picked up again. However, Girl Killing, Woman Hating Serial Killer deaths are temporary and reversible when the Dandilion Girl who killed them is murdered. And now that Molly Ringwald is defeated and legally dead, Kate Beckinsale is forced to take over the doomed Dandilion Girl Assault Squad. And when Kate Beckinsale's Dandilion Girl Assault Squad is wiped out one by one to zero, the last surviving Dandilion Girl Assault Squad to wipe out belongs to Mary Lou Retton. And after that comes to invade the Secret Lair of the Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls to wipe out all six of the last surviving Dandilion Girls ending with Sarah McLachlan's murder.
But first, Kate Beckinsale and her teenage Dandilion Girl Assault Squad needs to be wiped out one by one to absolute zero. ANd so far, Kate has avoided every attempt to murder her.
Kate Beckinsale approached Gretchen Wilson. Kate said, "Do you have any ideas on how to kidnap Thug #5 without getting anymore Dandilion Girls murdered. I can't afford anymore fatalities."
Gretchen said, "I'm afraid that I don't have any ideas. Anything we both do is going to end in failure. Just being born female automatically guarantees a death sentence."
Jo Dee Messina overheard the conversation and she joined the conversation. She said, "I can't believe that Gretchen is going to give up and let the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse kill her that easily. Of course it's possible to successfully kidnap Thug #5 without anymore fatalities. I don't have a plan yet, but us girls need to be confident. We can't let anymore Dandilion Girls die."
Jo Dee Messina looked behind her and she thought she saw Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3. The doomed sexually seductive was tempted to chase after all three of them and die in the process, but she didn't. The time for Jo Dee to die hasn't arrived yet.
Jo Dee knew that walking away from Kate and Gretchen would make it easier for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse murder her in a serial killing attack. However, part of the doomed girl foolishly thought she actually had a vague chance for survival.
Jo Dee Messina spotted Martina McBride from a distance and started to walk towards her. Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3 took turns stabbing Jo Dee between her breasts over and over until she fell face up into a puddle of her own blood. Jo Dee struggled to stand up before five more knife wounds from behind afflicted by Thug #2 ended such efforts. Jo Dee Messina is legally dead. Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3 scattered as Martina McBride approached Jo Dee Messina's legally dead corpse. Martina bent over Jo Dee Messina's legally dead corpse to check for a pulse and didn't find any. Martina frowned as she stood up once again.
Martina McBride spotted Thug #2 and knew that her life is in danger of being ended in a serial killing attack. Martina's only hope for survival involved reaching Kate Beckinsale and Gretchen Wilson without getting murdered in the effort. Martina hesitated as she looked behind her. Nothing. The doomed sexually seductive girl took a deep breath as she walked towards Kate Beckinsale and Gretchen Wilson. Martina McBride failed to realize that she too is doomed to die in a serial killing attack sooner than she would've preferred.
Martina McBride faced Gretchen Wilson when she reached the safety zone without getting murdered by serial killers.
Gretchen Wilson faced Martina McBride before saying, "Jo Dee Messina had a special cell phone that would've made it possible for Kate Beckinsale, you and myself to replace Winona Ryder, Sara Evans, Chloe Sevigny and the last two Dandilion Teenage Girl Guards as making the doomed voyage to the Secret Lair of Sarah McLachlan---The Supreme Commander of the Dandilion Girls. That special cell phone is in the pants pockets of Jo Dee Messina's legally dead corpse. I need you to bend over Jo Dee Messina, check the front and back pockets of her pants until you find that special cell phone without getting murdered in the process."
Martina said, "Please don't ask me to do that. I almost died the last time I bent over Jo Dee Messina's dead body. I'll be killed and fall dead on top of Jo Dee Messina's dead body if I bend over the corpse a second time."Gretchen said, "I'm sorry, but Kate Beckinsale, you and I will die one by one if the effort isn't made."
Martina said, "The three of us will die one by one if the effort is made, but I have no choice in the matter. I guess I'll need to risk my life once again."
Martina McBride rested her right hand on her voluptuous breasts as she walked away from Kate
Beckinsale, Gretchen Wilson and the safety zone. Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3 followed close behind with the intention of killing Martina in a serial killing attack. Martina reached the dead body of Jo Dee Messina. Martina bent over the dead body of Jo Dee Messina until her breasts was inches above the breasts of Jo Dee Messina's dead body and her vagina was inches above the vagina of Jo Dee Messina's dead body. Martina searched the front pockets of pants of Jo Dee Messina's dead body until she found the special cell phone.Martina's right hand held her up while her left hand was still inside the left front pockets of the pants of Jo Dee Messina's dead body grasping the special cell phone when it violently ended for her. Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3 took turns stabbing Martina McBride from behind until she died with blood dripping out of her mouth. Martina McBride looked at the asphalt with a blank expression before she lay dead with her left hand still inside the left front pockets of the pants of Jo Dee Messina. Martina McBride lay legally dead on top of the legally dead body of Jo Dee Messina breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.
Gretchen Wilson clearly isn't enthusiastic about it, but her feelings is irrelevant. Gretchen Wilson needs to die in a serial killing attack before Kate Beckinsale's chance to be murdered becomes a reality. And as she watched Martina McBride die from a distance, Gretchen Wilson's chance to die becomes closer and closer towards becoming a reality.
Gretchen Wilson looked at the dead bodies of Jo Dee Messina and Martina McBride and felt the urge to risk her life trying to get the special cell phone from the pile of two dead teenage girls. Yet, she was afraid that she too will die if the effort is made. And in that sense, Gretchen was conflicted.
Kate Beckinsale said, "The special cell phone only works when there are three Dandilion Girls and there is only two of us girls. The plan is a failure. Both of us girls better escape justice to live and fight another day before both of us ends up getting ourselves killed."
Gretchen Wilson said, "I don't want to die either, but I don't want to see the Girl Hating, Woman Killing Posse succeed either." Gretchen reached into the left front pocket of Kate and pulled out her cell phone. Gretchen said, "This is to make sure that you bend over my dead body to grab both your cell phone and the special cell phone if I fail and die."
And with that, Gretchen Wilson walked towards the dead bodies of Jo Dee Messina and Martina McBride in a doomed quest to grab the special cell phone which can only result in another murder. Gretchen Wilson didn't care that she was forcing her victimizers to make a victim of her.
Gretchen Wilson left the safety zone before she finally reached the dead bodies of Jo Dee Messina and Martina McBride.
Gretchen faced Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3 before she said, "I won't fall victim to a serial killing attack the same way that Jo Dee Messina and Martina McBride fell victim to a serial killing attack."
Thug #2 said, "I'm sorry you feel that way, but you still need to die."
Thug #1 said, "You can't be allowed to escape justice. You must die now."
Thug #3 said, "I'm in total agreement. It's time for you to be punished for your crimes. Killing you is the only acceptable punishment."
Gretchen replied, "Go ahead and try to kill me. I'll survive any challenge given to me."
Gretchen kicked Thug #3 to the ground before tossing Thug #2 against Thug #1 causing both guys to fall on top of each other.
Gretchen Wilson bent over the dead bodies of Martina McBride breasts on spine and vagina on rear end as Martina McBride lay dead on the dead body of Jo Dee Messina breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Gretchen Wilson reached into the front left pocket of the pants of Jo Dee Messina until her left hand was resting on top of the left of Martina McBride. Casino Killer #3 stabbed Gretchen from behind five times until the dying girl was bleeding uncontrollably into a puddle of blood.
Gretchen Wilson had no choice but to die on top of Martina McBride breasts on spine and vagina on rear end as Martina McBride lay dead on the dead body of Jo Dee Messina breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Gretchen Wilson is legally dead.
Kate Beckinsale is no longer in the safety zone. It stopped being a safety zone after Gretchen Wilson died. And with her cell phone in the front left pant pocket of Gretchen Wilson's dead body, it became necessary for Kate Beckinsale to risk her life trying to get both her cell phone and the special cell phone back into her possession.
Kate Beckinsale reached the dead body of Gretchen Wilson who died on top of Martina McBride breasts on spine and vagina on rear end as Martina McBride lay dead on the dead body of Jo Dee Messina breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Kate paused for a few seconds before she bent over the dead body of Gretchen Wilson.
Kate Beckinsale lay down on top of the dead body of Gretchen Wilson breasts on spine and vagina on rear end as Gretchen lay dead on top of Martina McBride breasts on spine and vagina on rear end as Martina McBride lay dead on the dead body of Jo Dee Messina breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Kate's left hand reached inside the front left pant pocket of Gretchen Wilson as Casino Killer #3 stabbed Kate Beckinsale from behind. Kate Beckinsale felt numb as she looked at her murderer with a blank empty expression. The sexually seductive girl was dying as Thug #1, Thug #2 and Thug #3 took turns stabbing her to death.
Kate Beckinsale closed her eyes and she died. Kate Beckinsale is legally dead. All of her plans has been defeated. And since girl deaths are permanent, she'll never threaten the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse ever again.
Thug #5 thought he was safe with all the Dandilion Girls visibly chasing after him with intention to kidnap him were murdered. So it was to his frustration when Kylie Minogue and her sister Dannii Minogue stood in front of him.
Kylie said, "Ok jerk, you're coming with us. We won't hurt you if you don't struggle. We will hurt you if you do struggle. Do you understand?"
Thug #5 said, "Don't force me to murder you both too."
Dannii said, "You fail to understand the situation you're in. You're the one who's going to be hurt."
Kylie faced her sister Danni before saying, "I'll stand in front of him while you tie his hands behind him. He can't kill us both one by one if he's bound and gagged while being incarcerated through kidnapping. He thinks he can kill us both if we both refuse to be incarcerated for our crimes by being bound and gagged while being kidnapped. He's the one who will suffer in bondage porn instead."
Dannii said, "Are you sure he won't try to murder me while I'm tying his hands behind his back?"
Kylie said, "He'll be stupid enough to try."
He kicked Kylie and she fell. Dannii punched him twice and he kicked her to the ground. Kylie stood up and he kicked her to the ground. Kylie and Dannii stood up. He kicked them both to the ground with the same kick. Both girls scrambled to the feet.Kylie punched him. He fell against Dannii and pushed her backwards to the ground. He grabbed Kylie's left arm and swung her to the ground. Kylie and Danni stood up. Both advanced towards him with intent to murder.
Kylie said, "Ok, you had your fun, but now it's time for you to be defeated. Ok Dannii, it's your turn. Let's see you shine."
Dannii took a deep breath as she walked behind Thug #5. So far, so good. No fatalities yet. She tried to grab both of his arms with significant resistance."
Dannii said, "Look, the more you struggle, the harder it's going to be."
Thug #5 replied, "Actually, the more I struggle, the easier it's going to be."
Thug #5 spun around and he stabbed Dannii Minogue between her breasts. Tears started to stream down Dannii's face as she started to feel ashamed for the crime of being alive and breathing---Ashamed of her sexuality. Dannii stumbled backwards as Thug #5 stabbed her between her breasts five more times. Blood dripping out of her knife wounds made a bigger mess on the asphalt below her as it got harder for her to stand up.
Dannii sputtered, "This can't be happening. I never been defeated in battle against a serial killer in a serial killing attack before."Thug #5 said, "There is a first time for everything."
Dannii Minogue fell face first to the ground and she died. Dannii Minogue is legally dead.
Thug #5 spun around to face Kylie Minogue. He said, "And now it's time for Kylie to die."
Kylie replied, "You're going to wish you never murdered my sister."
Thug #5 replied, "Don't worry, you're going to die in a serial killing attack too."
Kylie grabbed his arms from behind and he pushed her aside. Kylie stumbled backwards before she regained lost footing. She looked at him with determination not to get herself killed. However, the sexually seductive girl is doomed and she secretly knew it.
Kylie grabbed his arms yet again. He walked backwards until he slammed into a brick wall. He felt Kylie's voluptuous breasts pressed against his spine as a sharp metal rod left over from an unfinished construction project impaled Kylie Minogue without hurting Thug #5. He walked away from Kylie as she stood there dying from the impalement. He lovingly kissed the girl and he lovingly kissed her again. He no longer felt dizzy as Kylie Minogue slid to the ground legally dead.
Thug #5 walked away from Kylie Minogue's dead body before he nearly walked into Jennifer Connelly. Jennifer looked at her victimizer with a harsh disparaging expression.
Jennifer said, "Are you finished acting like a sexist jerk? I'm curious because some women out there would like to see you suffer for what you've done against all of those poor innocent women."
He replied, "I don't need to apologize for anything I've done."
Jennifer replied, "I'm sorry you feel that way."
He replied, "And I'm sorry that I'll be needing to kill you soon."
Thug #5 realized that he couldn't possibly triumph in battle against Jennifer Connelly so he ran with Jennifer Connelly in close pursuit. He picked a random door to a nearby building and he raced inside. He stumbled into the first unlocked door in the building and found himself inside Uma Thurman's apartment. He went from being forced to kill Jennifer Connelly on the sidewalks of the city outside to being forced to kill Uma Thurman inside her own apartment.
Uma Thurman looked at her murderer with a smile and said, "Sarah McLachlan told me that I'll be forced to kill you. I never realized that we'll be fighting against each other so soon."
Dandilion Girl #1 snuck behind him and he stabbed her between her breasts. Dandilion Girl #1 fell to the floor legally dead. Uma Thurman locked the door and forced him to murder her in order to leave the apartment and face Jennifer Connelly in mortal battle.
Dandilion Girl #2 stood next to Uma Thurman. He sliced open Dandilion Girl #2's throat and she fell to the floor legally dead. Thug #5 said, "Should we fist fight to the death or should we use knives against each other instead?"
Uma replied, "I have a different strategy instead."
Uma sat on a couch with a smile on her face as Dandilion Girl #3 walked towards Thug #5. Thug #5 strangled Dandilion Girl #3 until she lay down on the floor legally dead.
Thug #5 said, "I didn't enter this apartment to murder teenage girls. I entered this apartment to escape Jennifer Connelly so I wouldn't be forced to kill her. I ended up facing against you instead."
Uma said, "Even if you entrance into my apartment was an accident, it's an accident that will benefit me in the long run."
Dandilion Girl #4 and Dandilion Girl #5 approached Thug #5. Thug #5 kicked Dandilion Girl #5 in the stomach. Dandilion Girl #5 fell backwards into Dandilion Girl #4 rear end into vagina and spine into breasts. Both doomed sexusally seductive teenage girls fell to the floor face up rear end on vagina and spine on breasts before dying. Dandilion Girl #4 and Dandilion Girl #5 is legally dead.
Thug #5 said, "I would like to know what your strategy is."
Uma replied, "You'll find out what my strategy is soon enough."
Dandilion Girl #6 approached Thug #5 and he punched her in the stomach. Dandilion Girl #6 winced in pain before she lay down on the floor legally dead.
Thug #5 said, "Every single plan that Sarah McLachlan will be defeated with all the participating Dandilion Girls murdered. You're the latest plan being established by Sarah McLachlan. Therefore, you must die in order for everything that Sarah McLachlan set into motion to be defeated."
Uma replied, "Such bold promises will never see the light of day. That much I promise you."
Uma stood up and walked towards a table. She picked up a rose from the vase to sniff it while looking at Thug #5.
Uma said, "I brewed tea for all six of my girlfriends, but you murdered them all. I guess we'll be drinking tea instead."
Thug #5 said, "I'll be drinking tea alone because you are about to die soon."
Uma continued to hold the rose close to her nose while saying, "And yet you still refuse to attack and kill me. Perhaps you're falling in love with me."
Uma continued, "It's perfectly all right for you to fall in love with a teenage girl. I won't bite."
Thug #5 said, "I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to murder you."
Uma said, "Then try to kill me before I get to pour the tea."
Thug #5 said, "I can't kill you because you are so beautiful. You're right. I'm falling in love with you. Damn it, that's your plan."
Uma replied, "Getting you to fall in love with me so that I can kill you while making love to you is the plan I was hoping to use."
Thug #5 said, "I know I must kill you before you pour the tea so I can drink it alone, but you're too pretty for me to kill."
Uma said, "Then don't kill me and kiss me instead."
Thug #5 moved his hands towards her neck, but he held her right hand instead of strangling her. She smiled as her plan was starting to work.
Uma said, "That's it. Stop hating teenage girls and start falling in love with teenage girls instead."
Uma continued with a smile, "Ooops, too late. I'm pouring the tea and you didn't kill me. I win."
Thug #5 said, "It's a defeat I'm willing to live with."
Thug #5 said, "I shall pour the tea."
Uma said, "So that you can have the tea poisoned? I shall pour the tea instead."
Thug #5 said, "You'll poison the tea and I'll die instead of you."
Uma said, "It's sad that you still don't trust me, but you still are falling in love with me."
Thug rested his hand on the tea pot.
Uma said, "We need to decide who will pour the tea."
Thug #5 said, "I have an idea to decide who will pour the tea."
Uma replied, "How will you decide who will pour the tea?"
Thug #5 said, "If I succeed in killing you before you reach the kitchen, then I get to pour the tea. If you succeed in killing me before I reach the kitchen, then you get to pour the tea."
Uma said, "How am I supposed to drink tea if I'm legally dead?"
Thug #5 said, "You can't drink tea if you're dead."
Uma replied, "Yeah, that's what I thought."
Uma said, "We don't have to fight each other to the death. We can drink tea without attacking each other instead. You just told me that you're falling in love with me."
Thug #5 said, "But we can't decide who will pour the tea."
Uma said, "We can decide who will pour the tea without the use of violence."
Thug #5 said, "But I still need to kill you in order to defeat your evil plans."
Uma said, "My evil plans involve making you fall in love with me and it's working."
Thug #5 said, "Then my need to kill you is more urgent than I thought."
Uma said, "Then we shall race to the kitchen. If I kill you and reach the kitchen, then I get to pour the tea. If you kill me and reach the kitchen, then you pour the tea."
Thug #5 said, "We shall start the game right now."
Uma said, "We can have sex before racing to the kitchen."
Thug #5 said, "We'll have sex after we drink tea."
Uma asked, "What happens if I die before we can drink tea."
Thug #5 replied, "Then we won't have sex with each other and your evil plan will be defeated."
Uma stood in ready position. Thug #5 remained seated."Uma said, "We can't race to the kitchen if you're still seated."
Thug #5 said, "I'm giving you a head start."
Uma replied, "How kind of you."
Uma said, "Then I shall win and you shall lose."
Thug #5 stood up and he stabbed Uma between her breasts. Uma looked at her murderer with shock as he stabbed her between her breasts five more times. Her blood started to drip from the knife wounds into a puddle of blood on the floor.
Uma knew she was dying as he stabbed her between her breasts again. She asked, "Oh my Goddess, what are you doing?"
Thug #5 said, "I must kill you before you reach the kitchen. Only then will I be able to pour the pot of tea instead of you pouring the pot of tea."
Uma tried to race towards the kitchen. He stabbed her eight times in the back as she staggered towards the kitchen. The dying sexually seductive teenage girl started to drool blood as her life started to slip away in the serial killing attack.
The world got blurry and dark as tears flowed down her cheeks as he stabbed Uma from behind five more times. The dying teenage girl fell face first to the floor towards a second puddle of her blood.
Uma Thurman never got to pour the tea. She died face down on the floor in a second puddle of her blood instead. Uma Thurman is legally dead.
If Jennifer Connelly stayed away, she won't have to worry about being murdered in a serial killing attack. She instead entered Uma Thurman's apartment to see seven legally dead teenage girls.
Jennifer Connelly asked, "What have you done. You could get sent to death row for all these unnecessary killing and murdering of teenage girls."
Thug #5 said, "Then I must kill you before you telephone the police."
Thug #5 stabbed Jennifer Connelly between her breasts. Jennifer looked at the knife wound between her breasts as blood stained her sleeveless tee shirt.
Jennifer launched into an attack, but she only succeeded in running into his knife. The girl started to cry as she felt shame and misery for the crime of being born female. Jennifer said between sobs, "Why are you doing this? Why is it necessary for me to die."
Jennifer lovingly kissed him and he responded by stabbing her between her breasts five more times. Jennifer Connelly closed her eyes before she lay down on the floor legally dead. He walked over the legally dead bodies of Uma Thurman and Jennifer Connelly to drink a hot pot of tea alone.
The car made it's way through the dark streets as night continues it's grip across the city. The car made it's stop. Dido Armstrong was the first of four women to emerge from the car. The Liason watched as Dido stood outside the house where Thug #5 is drinking tea.
Dido replied, "We're too late. Uma Thurman and Jennifer Connelly are legally dead."
Carrie Rachel Brownstein emerged from the car before saying, "Then we'll have to kidnap Thug #5 ourselves before all four of us are also killed in a serial killing attack."Dido replied, "What's your suggestion? We just storm inside the building and attack Thug #5?"
Carrie Rachel replied, "That sounds like a very horrible idea. You attack and the rest of us girls stand guard outside the apartment building."
Mary Timony stepped outside of the car with a worried expression on her face. The doomed sexually seductive voluptuous girl was concerned.
Mary Timony replied, "It would be better if all four of us girls were to attack as a united group. That way we will succeed."
Carrie Rachel replied, "Three of us should stand outside in case there are Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse standing outside."
Mary replied, "That's a horrible idea. We'll get ourselves massacred one by one if we do that."
Carrie Rachel replied, "I'm sorry you feel that way because that's our plan and we're sticking to it."
Alison Sudol stepped outside the car. She too was concerned.
Alison replied, "I must protest Carrie Rachel's idea. The Dandilion Girls can't afford four more teenage girl casualties. We're already losing the battle against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. I don't want to be another battle field failure."
Mary replied, "I agree with Alison. We need a better plan for attack."
Carrie Rachel replied, "I'll murder you both right now if you don't go along with it. The same goes for you Dido."
Dido replied with a sigh, "Ok, I'll go along with it, but I'll do so under protest."
Dido rested her left hand on her voluptuous breasts as she entered the apartment building. The other three girls failed to see the Liason following Dido. The Liason needs to kill Dido before she enters the apartment to ruin Thug #5's enjoyment of his tea. Dido smiled as her attempt to ruin Thug #5's enjoyment of his tea by forcing him to kill her to prevent her from kidnapping him.
Dido didn't see the Liason as he stabbed her from behind. Dido struggled to breath as she was stabbed from behind five more times. She spun around to face her murderer. He stabbed her between her breasts three more times.
Dido sputtered, "Why are you doing this? Do you realize that your defeat of my plans now permanently has you forever classified as a girl hating murderer?"
The Liason replied, "And yet I still have a need to murder you."
Dido sputtered, "There won't be any Dandilion Girls left alive at the rate you're going."
The Liason replied, "That's a price that I'm willing to pay.'
Dido fell face first to the floor in the hallway outside the apartment door. Dido closed her eyes and she died in a puddle of her blood. Dido is legally dead.
Carrie Rachel looked through the window of the captured and converted apartment and saw Thug #5 enjoying tea with Dido not able to ruin his tea enjoyment. Carrie Rachel rested her left hand on her voluptuous breasts as her plans started to fall apart by the serial killing attack.
Carrie Rachel said, "Ok Alison, you will invade the captured and converted apartment and ruin Thug #5's enjoyment of his tea by kidnapping him. Mary and I will stand guard outside the apartment."
Alison said, "All three of us should attack as a single unit."
Carrie Rachel replied, "I shall kill you if you don't cooperate Alison."
Alison replied, "Then you better kill me because my plan to ruin Thug #5's enjoyment of his tea by kidnapping him as a three girl unit is better."
Carrie Rachel said, "I'm sorry you feel that way."
Carrie Rachel stabbed Alison Sudol in the chest. Alison looked at her best friend with shock on her face. Alison is dying in a murder attack. Nothing will save her from dying forever and never rising from the grave. Dandilion Girl deaths are permanent and eternal.
Alison Sodul fell to the ground in a puddle of her blood as her breathing started to slow. She tried to rise to her feet only to be stabbed from behind by Carrie Rachel.
Carrie Rachel said, "That's the last time you ever disobey me Alison."
Alison Sudol closed her eyes and she died. Alison is legally dead.
Mary Timony cried out, "Dear Goddess, why did you murder Alison? She could've saved us both from being killed in a serial killing attack."
Carrie Rachel replied, "Dandilion Girls who refuses to obey me must be killed."Mary replied, "So now you're going to kill me if I don't ruin Thug #5's enjoyment of his tea by kidnapping him while you stand guard."
Carrie Rachel said, "I will do what I must to guarantee total obedience."
The Liason exited the apartment building and he stabbed Mary between her breasts. Mary looked at her murderer with a wounded expression as her blood soaked her shirt. The voluptuous sexually seductive teenage girl was dying and nothing can save her.
Mary said, "It's too late. It's too late for me. I'm dying."
The Liason said, "All teenage girl members of the Dandilion Girls must die. You're a teenage girl. You belong to the Dandilion Girls. Therefore, you must die."
The Liason stabbed Mary between her breasts five more times.
Mary fell to the ground face up. She tried to rise only to be stabbed between her breasts seven more times. Mary started to cry as her life slowly came to an end.
Mary Timony closed her eyes and she died. Mary Timony is legally dead.
The Liason stabbed Carrie Rachel Brownstein between her breasts five times. The voluptuous sexually seductive teenage girl was shocked as her life was coming to a violent end.
Carrie Rachel sputtered, "Think about what you're doing, You don't need to kill me. It's not too late. We can reach an agreement."
The Liason replied, "We will reach an agreement. I will murder you and you will die."
The Liason stabbed Carrie Rachel between her breasts ten more times. Her vision got blurry as too much of her blood stained her clothes and her life slowly started to slip away in a murder attack.
He stood before the dying girl strong and proud.
Carrie Rachel pleaded, "Please don't kill me. I promise to do better."
The Liason replied, "It's too late. I already started killing you and now I can't stop until you die."
The Liason stabbed Carrie Rachel between her breasts five more times."
Tears fell down Carrie Rachel's face as she fell face first to the ground. The Liason checked for a pulse and he stabbed her between her breasts when he found a pulse. Carrie Rachel closed her eyes and she stopped breathing. Her last minutes was filled with anguish and pain.
Carrie Rachel is no longer alive. Carrie Rachel is legally dead. The Liason entered the captured and converted apartment to enjoy tea with Thug #5 after four voluptuous sexually seductive girls were punished and killed one by one all the way down to zero.
Sarah Jessica Parker got out of her car and walked towards the sidewalk. She knew that way too much Dandilion Girls were getting murdered one by one, but she was still convinced that she'll survive the serial killing spree long enough to see the next morning. And with that thought in mind, the doomed voluptuous sexually seductive girl walked towards her destination.
Sarah Jessica paused as she thought about reentering her car, but chose to continue towards her destination despite her inner feeling telling her how doomed her quest was going to be. And after some more thought, she continued to walk down the sidewalk more determined than ever to reach her destination---Even if the end result will lead to her demise.She saw the Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty out of the corner of her eye, but she didn't allow that to discourage her. Sarah Jessica foolishly thought she had a chance to murder both Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty despite the fact that all girls who challenge the two of them always ends up legally dead in a serial killing attack.
Sarah Jessica Parker saw Sandra Bullock directly in front of her and she walked towards her friend. Now there are two Dandilion Girls for Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty to murder instead of just being one of them.
Sarah Jessica Parker looked at Sandra Bullock and said, "I got some friends following me. Will you please murder them please."
Sandra replied, "I shall do so with pleasure."
Dwayne Humpty punched Sandra in the stomach and the doomed sexually seductive voluptuous teenage girl doubled over in pain. Kim Gordon approached Dwayne Humpty in her path towards Sarah Jessica Parker. Now there are three Dandilion Girls to murder instead of just two.
Kim Gordon faced Sarah Jessica Parker and said, "Sandra is having trouble trying to murder Dwayne Humpty. That's a sight I don't want to see."
Sarah Jessica replied, "I agree. You should do something about that."
Kim replied, "You're right, something has to be done about that."
Sarah Jessica asked, "Do you need some help Sandra?"
Sandra said, "Don't worry about me. I shall murder those jerks or die trying."
Sandra winced in pain as Dwayne Humpty punched her in the stomach a second time. The doomed sexually seductive voluptuous teenage girl found it impossible to breath as her vision got dark after a third blow to her stomach. Tears streamed down her face as she felt shame and misery as she found herself falling face first to the ground.
Kim Gordon walked past Dwayne Humpty as Dwayne Dumpty walked behind the sexually seductive bleach blonde teenage cutie. Kim Gordon walked closer towards Sarah Jessica with confidence and a smile on her face. Kim fails to understand that Sarah Jessica will soon die and she too will join Sarah Jessica with an irreversible death scene.
Sarah Jessica sat down on a nearby table upon entering a clothing store. She smiled as Dwayne Dumpty sat down in front of her.
Sarah Jessica asked, "So you still believe that you are able to murder me?"
Dwayne Humpty stabbed Sarah Jessica as he stood behind her. Sarah Jessica looked at Dwayne Dumpty with a blank expression on her face as she was stabbed from behind a second time. The knife went near her spine, through most of her vital organs and out between her breasts. The girl winced in pain before she fell off her chair in a puddle of her own blood and miserable sadness. Sarah Jessica is no longer alive. Sarah Jessica is legally dead.
Dwayne Dumpty replied, "I'm confident that I'll be able to murder you."
Kim Gordon sat down on the chair nearby the chair that Sarah Jessica died while sitting on.
Kim said, "That's not a good thing to do. Sarah Jessica was a pleasant girl. She didn't deserve to die like that. You owe me an apology."
Dwayne Humpty stabbed Kim while standing behind her. Kim tried to speak, but too much blood was flooding in her throat and she started to choke on her own blood. Dwayne Humpty stabbed her from behind five more times before it became obvious that she was dying. Hopelessness overwhelmed Kim as death slowly overtook the doomed sexually desirable teenage girl.
Kim struggled to stay alive, but she found herself falling out of her chair against her wishes. She struggled to stand up, but her dying body betrayed such wishes. Kim struggled to keep her eyes open, but even that failed to cooperate as desired.
Kim tried to prevent herself from dying, but that was the last failure of her short existence. Kim Gordon died with tears streaming down her face. Kim Gordon is legally dead.
Sandra Bullock stood up.
Sandra said, "You still didn't murder me yet."
Dwayne Humpty punched Sandra in the stomach. Dwayne Dumpty stood up and he kicked the dying teenage girl in the stomach. Sandra found herself falling face down to the ground against her wishes. She tried to stand up, but she found herself crying as she slowly died in both misery and death.
Sandra Bollock took one last breath of life before she died. Sandra Bollock is legally dead.
Dwayne Humpty said, "Well the Dandilion Girls will be much closer to being wiped out 100% with those three girls dead."
Dwayne Dumpty replied, "We're closer towards our goal of having every single Dandilion Girl murdered, but we're not finished with our serial killing quest yet."
Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty wasn't aware of it yet, but another Dandilion Girl named Melissa Joan Hart was standing behind them both while hidden behind a tree. The cute desirable teenage girl smiled with her lipstick sparkling as she waited patiently for her chance to attack.
Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty still wasn't ware that the doomed sexually seductive blonde cutie was following them. She struggled not to save Sarah Jessica, Kim and Sandra from being murdered. Now soon it will be Melissa Joan's turn to be attacked and killed as well. Melissa Joan moved slightly away from the tree as she became more confident in her motions.
Melissa said in a soft whisper, "Those fools won't know what killed them."
Archery Guy snuck behind her as she snuck behind Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty. Archery Guy fired an arrow from behind and it slammed nearby her spine, through most of her vital organs and out between her breasts. Melessa Joan drooled blood as her throat started to choke her from excessive internal bleeding. Melissa Joan tried to speak, but she was too busy choking on the blood overflowing through her throat to make the effort. She tried to walk, but her legs refused to cooperate. Melissa Joan was dying and she knew it.
Archery Guy fired five more arrows from behind Melissa Joan. Tears flowed down her face as she fame to the realization that it was all over. She will soon be dead and the Dandilion Girls will no longer be able to make use of her services. When it looked as if she might survive after all, Archery Guy responded by firing one more arrow from behind her and it tore apart the internal organ that wasn't torn apart yet. And when that was done, Melissa Joan had no choice but to fall face down in a massive puddle of her blood. Dwayne Humpty and Dwayne Dumpty stepped aside as the sexually seductive teenage girl fell to the ground and started dying.
Melissa Joan Hart is no longer alive. Melissa Joan Hart is legally dead.
Archery Guy said, "You missed a Dandilion Girl."
Dwayne Humpty said, "I noticed. Thank you for killing her for me."
Dwayne Dumpty said, "That was a close one. Thank GOD that horrible woman was dead."
Sarah McLachlan spotted Captain Parakeet as he followed the doomed Supreme Commander of the Dandelion Girls into the supermarket. Sarah McLachlan knew that she was being followed, but she did nothing to attack her victimizer. Instead, she walked closer towards her destination as if she wasn't being followed at all.
Sarah McLachlan stood next to Deputy Supreme Commander of the Dandelion Girls Winona Ryder next to the bread aisle. The two sexually seductive girls knew that Captain Parakeet was nearby, but both girls refused to attack and get themselves killed in the process of attacking.Sarah said, "We're losing too much girls. We already lost the movie theater and all of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Thugs we thought we got rid of were released from the movie theater. We can't allow this type of sloppiness to continue."
Winona said, "Don't worry, the Dandelion Girls Gymnastics Club hasn't been wiped out all the way down to zero yet. There's still hope for victory as long as that hasn't happened yet."
Winona Ryder said, "I only hope that you don't kill me because of my constant failure to get rid of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Sarah McLachlan said, "I will be forced to kill you when Captain Parakeet enters the Secret Lair of the Dandelion Girls, Captain Parakeet tries and fails to kill you three times and you need to be punished for constantly failing by being killed by me so that only Chloe Sevigny, Sara Evans and myself are the last Dandelion Girls left alive and left to kill."
Winona Ryder said, "I promise that such a thing won't be made necessary. Captain Parakeet and the rest of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will soon fail and die."
Sarah McLachlan said, "I certainly hope so."
Captain Parakeet looked down the neckline of Winona Ryder's blouse to see her breasts as she bent over to tie her shoes. Once tying her shoes, Winona Ryder walked off leaving only Sarah McLachlan alone and being followed by her victimizer Captain Parakeet.
Captain Parakeet was so intent on following Sarah McLachlan with intention to kill her in the supermarket, that he lost track of Winona Ryder. He pretended to be a janitor taking out the trash as he followed Sarah McLachlan down a few more aisles.
Sarah McLachlan vanished from view as Sarah Cracknell grabbed Captain Parakeet from behind. Sarah Cracknell pressed her voluptuous breasts against Captain Parakeet's spine as she pressed her vagina on his rear end.
Sarah Cracknell said, "Ok asshole, we're going a different direction. Let's move it."
Captain Parakeet said, "There's a chance for you to escape, but don't force me to kill you now."
Sarah Cracknell said, "You're the biggest fool ever because I have no intention of dying today."
Sarah Cracknell continued to restrain his arms behind his back as she lead him from behind out of the supermarket. He kicked Dandelion Girl #1, Dandelion Girl #2 and Dandelion Girl #3 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead.
Sarah Cracknell said, "Cut that out. Those girls were nice and they don't deserve to die once and for all. You're the one who must be killed."
Captain Parakeet walked backwards into a nearby car causing Sarah Cracknell to be slammed backwards into the car as she restrained his arms behind his back. Sarah Cracknell continued to press her body against his breasts on spine and vagina on rear end when he slammed into the car backwards. Sarah Cracknell released her grip on him after being struck against the car backwards twice. He punched Sarah Cracknell ten times causing the doomed nubile sexually seductive girl to slid down to the parking lot asphalt in a doomed crumpled heap.
Sarah Cracknell tried to stand up, but she found herself closing her eyes and dying against her wishes instead. A tear rolled from her eyes as she died. Sarah Cracknell is no longer alive. Sarah Cracknell is legally dead.
Mariska Hargitay said, "Hey creep, what the hell is wrong with you. Didn't anybody tell you that it's rude for a guy to punch a girl."
Mariska Hargitay punched Captain Parakeet and he doubled over in pain. He punched Dandelion Girl #4 and Dandelion Girl #5 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Mariska twice. He punched Dandelion Girl #6 and Dandelion Girl #7 causing both girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Mariska and she doubled over in pain.
Mariska said, "I'm not going to die so easily if that's what you're hoping for."
Captain Parakeet punched Mariska and she doubled over in pain. Captain Parakeet punched Dandelion Girl #8, Dandelion Girl #9 and Dandelion Girl #10 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Mariska causing the doomed girl to fall to the ground in a crumpled heap and the doomed girl slowly started to die.
Captain Parakeet said, "I guess you were easier to kill than I thought."
Mariska said, "You have defeated me."
Mariska Hargitay closed her eyes and she died. Mariska Hargitay is legally dead.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus tried very hard to contain her disgust when Captain Clown Crusader and the Heroic Clown Posse asked her out on a date. Normally, she wouldn't even bother, but with the Dandilion Girls dwindling to almost non-existence, she had no choice. It was no secret that Captain Clown Crusader and the Heroic Clown Posse were employed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. So they clearly needed to die.
So Captain Clown Crusader, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and the entire Heroic Clown Posse got into the clown car (Which was bigger inside than outside). Again, Julia had to hide her disgust the entire clown car drive down to the Clown Nose Café for dinner and then back to the Heroic Clown Circus Tent Headquarters for an after party.
Captain Clown Crusader looked at Julia Louis-Dreyfus and he said, "Let's have sex."Julia looked at Captain Clown and she replied, "Ok, let's have sex."
And so Julia Louis-Dreyfus had sexual intercourse with Captain Clown Crusader.
Captain Clown Crusader tried to get interested in sexual intercourse with Julia, but he had trouble feeling enough sexual passion to get started. And so the sex proved disappointing and ended before it began. Not wanting to give up, Captain Clown Crusader tried again, but all he felt was dizzy spells as he slowly suffered a heart attack. Not able to get started with the sexual encounter, he pulled away from Julia and got dressed again.
Julia said, "Don't tell me that you're already giving up."
Captain Clown Crusader replied, "I'm sorry, but there's something wrong with the sex. It almost seems as if you're trying to kill me and I must kill you in return."
Julia replied, "Oh what a horrible thing to say. How can we be lovers when you talk to me like that. You need to apologize to me right this minute."
Kid Clown entered the area as Julia got dressed again. The writing was on the wall. She can't use sexual intercourse to murder Captain Clown Crusader. Not yet at any rate. Captain Clown Crusader walked into the kitchen and spotted a kitchen knife as Julia considered kidnapping and deprogramming Kid Clown. But Captain Clown Crusader lost his nerve the longer he looked at the kitchen knife with a feeling of disconnected apathy.
Julia replied, "Perhaps we'll try again later tonight. I'm going to get some fresh air."
Captain Clown Crusader realized that he may be forced to kill Julia Louise-Dreyfus now to prevent her from kidnapping Kid Clown and having him deprogrammed. However, she's so pretty that Captain Clown Crusader kept losing his nerve. And so Julia slowly drifted out of the door and he held on to the knife without making a move against her. Julia was seconds from completing her evil kidnapping and deprogramming scheme against Kid Clown if she isn't murdered now.
It's an established fact that Here Comes Gave Up a Really Great Promotion So He Can Be Shot by the SWAT Squad Instead Lad can't use sadomasochism to punish Reba McEntire for her crimes until both Ellie Goulding and Shakira Ripoll are punished for their crimes using sadomasochism. And after Here Comes Gave Up a Really Great Promotion So He Can Be Shot by the SWAT Squad Instead Lad punished Ellie Goulding and Shakira Ripoll for their crimes using sadomasochism, now he's free to use sadomasochism to punish Reba McEntire. Reba McEntire felt overwhelming doom overflow through her body as the young doomed girl got closer to her punishing death scene as her assigned murderer followed close behind.
Reba McEntire failed to see Here Comes Gave Up a Really Great Promotion So He Can Be Shot by the SWAT Squad Instead Lad as he followed close behind her. And when she realizes that she's being followed by a serial killer, it will be too late for the doomed sexually seductive girl. And Reba took a deep breath as she continued to walk through the night on a street where it will be difficult to find her dead body. And every second that goes by brings her closer to her death. She could die in a serial killing attack at anytime and the uncertainty unnerved the doomed sexually seductive girl.
Here Comes Gave Up a Really Great Promotion So He Can Be Shot by the SWAT Squad Instead Lad hid from sight as Reba spun around. Nothing. Taking a breath of relief, the doomed sexually seductive girl returned to the task of walking forward and he was free to follow her unnoticed until it's time to punish and kill the doomed sexually seductive girl using sadomasochism.
Reba spotted Julia Louis-Dreyfus holding the recently kidnapped Kid Clown in her arms. Reba said with a smile, "We got ourselves another hostage to hold along with Birthday Lad."
Julia replied, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse could always defeat our kidnapping efforts by wiping us out in a sadomasochistic serial killing attack, but I'm hopeful that us Dandelion Girls will have the upper hand. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve."
Julia bent over to adjust her shoe. It would've been easier to stab her to death if both Reba and Julia were dressed either in their leotards or their swimming suits. However, both doomed sexually seductive girls were fully dressed in their street clothes. They both get to escape justice without a scratch as a result. Julia stood up again after adjusting her shoe.
Julia said, "That damn shoe is so uncomfortable. Sometimes it's more comfortable to go barefoot."
Deputy Supreme Commander of the Dandelion Girls Winona Ryder was slightly rattled when she walked past all the legally dead Dandelion Girls left scattered up and down the alley, inside a few of the buildings, outside a few of the buildings and in the forest preserve and the various section of the city. She figured that a few Dandelion Girls would end up getting murdered. But she didn't realize that almost nearly seventy percent of the Dandelion Girls would end up getting wiped out.
Winona Ryder should've had the twenty-five percent of the Dandelion Girls left alive and escaped justice to live and fight another day. Instead, Winona Ryder chose to have the last remaining twenty-five percent of the Dandelion Girls attack and keep attacking until there are only seven Dandelion Girls left alive. And if Captain Parakeet didn't want Winona Ryder to be one of the seven last surviving Dandelion Girls, then Captain Parakeet needs to murder Winona Ryder.
Captain Parakeet lost his nerve. He watched from a distance as Winona Ryder walked off down the alley. Once again, an easy to kill teenage girl failed to appreciate how wonderful it is to get herself murdered once and for all.
Shit For Brains Lad entered an empty Warehouse while being chased by four teenage girls. He entered one of the closets in the Warehouse and closed the door. He accidently locked himself in. The closet door inside the Warehouse won't unlock until all four of the intruding teenage girls are attacked and killed one by one all the way down to zero. Alexis Knapp, Elizabeth Banks, Chrissie Fit and Brittany Snow walked down the alley and entered one of the nearby warehouses. The warehouse was empty except for the four teenage girls. All four girls had no idea that they were being followed by Pathetic Lad. Pathetic Lad can either kill Shit For Brains Lad and then lie down on top of all four teenage girls one by one groin on vagina and chest on breasts or he can kill all four teenage girls one by one and lie down on top of Shit For Brains Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine. The truth is that if the closet isn't unlocked, Shit For Brains Lad will die from a lack of food and water. Therefore, Pathetic Lad must kill all four girls one by one so he can rescue and lie down on Shit For Brains Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.
Brittany asked, "Are you sure the four of us girls was supposed to be going into this building?"
Alexis said, "I thought I saw Shit For Brains Lad enter this building. He's got to be in this building somewhere. All four of us girls need to search this building until we find and kill him or die trying."
Elizabeth said, "I'd rather not die trying."
Chrissie said, "None of us girls would rather die trying, but teenage Dandelion Girls keep getting killed anyway regardless."
Elizabeth said, "Perhaps he entered this room over there. I'm going to check it out."Brittany said, "I'll have another girl accompany you."
Elizabeth replied, "That's ok, I'll do it myself. But thanks for the offer."
Alexis said, "I don't mind helping out."
Chrissie said, "Three of us girls should explore this room and Elizabeth explore that room over there. Perhaps she'll have better luck unlocking the closet over there in that room over there."
Alexis asked, "Is Elizabeth any good in unlocking locked closet doors in that room over there?"
Elizabeth said, "I'm good at unlocking closet doors in that room over there."
Chrissie said, "Don't be afraid to call out if you need some help."
Elizabeth said, "I won't need any help."
Brittany said, "I'd feel better if Elizabeth didn't explore that room over there alone."
There's only one Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Murderer and four of us girls. And if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Murderer is stuck in the closet, then I should be able to unlock the closet door without getting myself killed in the process."
Brittany said, "Ok, but there are three of us girls in the other room if you need help."
Chrissie asked, "What happens if Elizabeth is strangled and therefore is unable to cry out for help."
Alexis said, "Then I'll attack the creep to avenge Elizabeth."
Elizabeth said, "That won't be necessary Alexis. I'll be fine. Trust me on this."
Elizabeth Banks entered the room over there. She walked towards the closet that Shit For Brains Lad is locked inside. Hurry up and kill Elizabeth before it's too late. Pathetic Lad entered the room over there through a different entrance without Elizabeth seeing him. Pathetic Lad strangled Elizabeth from behind. Elizabeth wasn't able to cry out for assistance because the strangulation grip preventing her from speaking and it prevented her from breathing.
Elizabeth Banks inability to breathe was much more damaging to the girl. She tried to pry Pathetic Lad's fingers from the strangulation grip against her neck. Her effort failed and the strangulation grip got tighter. Elizabeth's knees collapsed and she found herself collapsing into a sitting position. Pathetic Lad sat down in an effort to continue to strangle Elizabeth to death.
Elizabeth tried one last time to pry Pathetic Lad's fingers from his strangulation grip against her neck. And when she failed, Elizabeth felt tired and she lay down against her wishes. She closed her eyes against her wishes. She felt tired and died against her wishes. Pathetic Lad released his strangulation grip when it became obvious that he murdered the girl.
Elizabeth Banks is no longer alive. Elizabeth Banks is legally dead.
Alexis Knapp, Chrissie Fit and Brittany Snow has been reduced downwards to a trio as they explored every portion of the warehouse except for the room over there. The three teenage girls separated to explore every portion of the warehouse except for the room over there. Then all three teenage girls met each other again near one of the front entrances.
Alexis said, "Elizabeth has vanished. I'm going into that room over there to check it out."
Chrissie said, "We need to escape the building while we have the chance."
Brittany said, "We can't leave without Elizabeth. Alexis will search for the missing girl."
Alexis said, "Don't worry, I'll find Elizabeth or die trying. And if Elizabeth has been murdered, then I'll kill her murderer or die trying."
Chrissie said, "We really need to escape while there's still a chance for us girls to escape."
Brittany said, "I'll kill you Chrissie if you try to escape."
Chrissie said, "I'll be murdered if I stay here."
Brittany said, "Then you have no choice but to cooperate."
Alexis said, "Well, I'm off to either rescue or avenge Elizabeth. Wish me luck."
Brittany said, "Good luck Alexis. Don't get yourself killed."
Alexis said, "I'm not planning to get myself killed."
Chrissie said, "Brittany must go into that room over there if Alexis gets herself killed because I'm not budging. Pathetic Man won't try to reclaim this room by killing me once Alexis is killed while Brittany is in that room over there standing next to Alexis and Elizabeth's dead bodies ready to die because this room is the safety zone for us girls."
Alexis faced Chrissie and said, "Then you better not die and cause this safety zone to be reversed back to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Alexis Knapp walked towards that room over there. Pathetic Man must kill her in order to unlock the closet to rescue Shit For Brains Lad. Time for Alexis Knapp to die.
Pathetic Man punched Alexis. He punched Dandelion Girl #1 and she legally died. He kicked Alexis before he punched Dandelion Girl #2 causing her to legally die. Alexis punched Pathetic Man. He tried to punch her and she blocked the blow. He punched Dandelion Girl #3, kicked Dandelion Girl #4 and punched Dandelion Girl #5 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Alexis before kicking her twice.
Alexis punched him and he kicked her twice before punching her. He kicked Dandelion Girl #6, punched Dandelion Girl #7 causing her to fall backwards against Dandelion Girl #8, Dandelion Girl #9 and Dandelion Girl #10 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. Alexis punched him and he kicked her twice before punching her. He punched Alexis and she blocked the blow and she kicked him twice. He punched Alexis before kicking her.
He kicked Dandelion Girl #11 and she lay down legally dead. He punched Alexis. He kicked Dandelion Girl #12 before punching Dandelion Girl #13 and kicked Dandelion Girl #14 causing all three girls to lie down legally dead. Alexis punched him. He kicked Dandelion Girl #15 causing her to lie down legally dead. He punched Alexis five times before kicking her.
He punched Alexis. He kicked Dandelion Girl #16, punched Dandelion Girl #17, kicked Dandelion Girl #18, punched Dandelion Girl #19 and punched Dandelion Girl #20 causing all five girls to lie down legally dead. He kicked Alexis, punched Alexis, he kicked Alexis and punched her twice. Alexis punched him and he kicked her twice.
Alexis punched him and he kicked Dandelion Girl #21 causing her to legally die. Alexis punched him and he kicked Dandelion Girl #22 before punching Dandelion Girl #23 causing both girls to legally die. Alexis punched him and he kicked Dandelion Girl #24 causing her to legally die. Alexis punched him twice and he punched Dandelion Girl #25 and kicked Dandelion Girl #26 causing both girls to legally die. He punched Alexis and she doubled over in pain.
He punched Alexis. He kicked Alexis. He punched Alexis. He kicked Alexis. He punched Alexis and she doubled over in pain. Alexis found it hard to breathe as she found herself falling to the ground in a crumpled heap. She tried to stand up and he kicked her. Alexis closed her eyes before she died in defeat. He walked over the dead girl's corpse.
Alexis Knapp is no longer alive. Alexis is legally dead.
Time for Chrissie Fit to die.
Chrissie fit approached him with a smirk on her face. He punched Dandelion Girl #27, kicked Dandelion Girl #28, punched Dandelion Girl #29 and kicked Dandelion Girl #30 causing all four girls to lie down legally dead. He punched Chrissie and she doubled in in pain. Chrissie staggered as her breathing got more difficult to accomplish.
Chrissie looked at him blankly as she found herself falling face first to the floor. She stopped breathing as darkness filled her vision. Chrissie was dying and nothing can prevent her death.
Chrissie Fit is no longer alive. Chrissie is legally dead.
Brittany Snow has been reduced downwards to a single isolated woman as she explored every portion of the warehouse except for the room over there. Brittany Snow entered the room over there. She walked towards the closet that Shit For Brains Lad is locked inside. Hurry up and kill Brittany before it's too late. Pathetic Lad entered the room over there through a different entrance without Brittany Snow seeing him. Time for Brittany Snow to die.
Brittany punched Pathetic Lad. She kicked him twice and she punched him. Pathetic Lad tried to punch her and she blocked the blow before she punched him again.Pathetic Lad doubled over in pain as Brittany walked backwards. The girl has already started to lose interest. The girl was already started to walk away. The girl must die now before she walks away. One last chance to kill the girl.
Pathetic Lad punched Brittany. Brittany looked at Pathetic Lad with a wounded expression on her face before she fell face first to the ground. Brittany stopped breathing as she slowly started to die. The once lively and energetic girl stopped moving as death slowly claimed the doomed girl.
Brittany Snow is no longer alive. Brittany Snow is legally dead.
The closet swung open and Shit For Brains Lad was released. Pathetic Lad and Shit For Brains Lad hugged each other next to the dead bodies of a small cluster of legally dead girls.
Paris Jackson couldn't use her hotel room suite at the Dandelion Hotel because the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse took it over before it was burned to the ground due to a burned cake that was never taken out of the oven. So Paris removed her shirt to remove dirt stains on her blouse and pants in the women's bathroom sink of a nearby gas station. Paris wasn't sure how it got so bad, but she was certain that she would be able to turn it all around.
And so Paris stood in her bra and panties as she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. And when she was certain that the dirt stains was gone, Paris redressed herself in her blouse and slacks again. She knew it was dangerous to do so, but Paris Jackson exited the women's bathroom of the gas station anyway regardless.
Chloe Barach looked behind her as well as looking directly ahead of her. So far, so good. The coast was clear for the girl. And so she proceeded forward since she was convinced that it was safe for her to do so. She smiled for a tiny bit when she became convinced that she might actually survive long enough to see sunrise. And getting to see sunrise made her heart proud and happy.
Chloe thought she saw Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad so she backed off for a bit and hid. Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad walked right past Chloe without even knowing it. Again that was enough to produce a smile for Chloe as she held her breathe for a bit longer. She checked. Yup. Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad has vanished from sight. And knowing that she could die at any second without warning, she emerged from her hiding spot anyway and proceeded forward.Chloe Barach approached Emily Hahn and the two girls greeted each other warmly.
Chloe asked, "I lost track of the other girls. Have you seen any of them?"
Emily said, "I didn't see the other girls either. There could be a chance that the other girls are dead and we're the last of the all girl group left alive."
Chloe said, "Oh Goddess, I sure hope not. I'll take another look around just to be safe."
Emily said, "Don't take too long. We really shouldn't be out in the open like this. It's not safe for us two girls to take so many chances."
Emily said, "It's not safe for us two girls to risk our lives like this for such an extended length of time. We should never have left the Dandelion Movie Theater."
Chloe said, "The Dandelion Movie Theater was starting to fall under the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. It was safer for us girls to find an alternative building to operate from."
Emily said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse could easily kill us girls off one by one before we reach the alternative building to operate from."
Chloe said, "Hey, I have news for you. It won't matter where we go. Us two girls are going to die in a murder attack anyway if we didn't escape the Dandelion Movie Theater before the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse permanently took it over. At least this way, we're making a better choice."
Emily said, "I sure hope so."
Chloe Barach walked away from Emily Hahn before tripping over a brick and falling backwards towards a wooden flight of stairs and nearly banged her head. Chloe's left arm and left hand saved the girl from dying at the last second. Chloe took a few minutes to recover before she stood back up again. Chloe looked behind her at the wooden staircase she nearly died on before she walked forward in search for the other girls in her all girl group.
Chloe smiled again at her knack of escaping certain death time and time again. She was convinced that time wasn't running out for her. She was convinced that she wasn't about to be murdered. She was wrong. The girl is about to die.
Genevieve Knight "G" Hannelius aka G Hannelius finally located Landry Bender and the two girls embraced.
Genevieve said, "There you are. I was wondering where you vanished to. You promised that you'll help me out."
Landry said, "And I will help you out, but there's something that I need to do first."
Genevieve said, "Well hurry up because time is running out."
Genevieve said, "My ask will be so much easier if you're helping out."Landry said, "Don't worry, I'll be there. My task wont take long."
Landry walked away from Genevieve and right into a knife held by Tampon Man. Tampon Man stabbed Landry between her breasts five more times when it looked as if she would survive."
Landry said, "It's not possible. You killed me before I could perform my task."
Tampon Man said, "Then I got here just in time to stop and defeat you forever."
Landry said, "This isn't fair. I was supposed to see sunrise and the morning."
Tampon Man said, "I guess some girls wasn't supposed to be lucky today. Sorry."
Landry Bender stumbled forward before she fell to the ground and died. Landry Bender is no longer alive. Landry is legally dead.
Genevieve Knight "G" Hannelius aka G Hannelius escaped justice without a scratch. The effort to kill the girl continues to be unresolved.
Addisyn Wallace walked to the children's section of a nearby bookstore to look at children's books and a few stuffed animals. Addisyn picked up a stuffed animal when she spotted Broken Glass Champion wiggling face down and fully clothed on the floor in front of her. Addisyn knew that she should've made a run for it. She just stood there transfixed by the scene instead. And in doing so, she dropped the stuffed animal she was holding on the floor.
Addisyn said, "For the sake of Goddess, stop what you're doing before you murder me."
The Broken Glass Champion was unable to stop and Addisyn is about to die because of his inability to stop. And her refusal to escape when she had the chance to do so will be her last mistake.
Addisyn Wallace felt her knees buckle as Broken Glass Champion reached a masturbation orgasm. She fell face first to the floor as half of the stuffed animals fell off the shelf and directly on top of the girl. Addisyn stopped breathing as Broken Glass Champion reached a masturbation orgasm to feel an extreme rush of excitement. Addisyn stopped breathing and started dying. It took only a few more minutes for the girl to die permanently as he reached an extreme rush of excitement from his masturbation orgasm after lying face down on the floor face down.
Addisyn Wallace is no longer alive. Addisyn is legally dead.
Londyn Silzer was told that she needed to stand guard. Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad can't enter the empty deserted alley until the girl's effort to stand guard was defeated. The only way to defeat the girl is to kill her. So confronted the girl.
Londyn said, "What the hell do you want goddamn it!"
Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad said, "I want to do this."
Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad grabbed Londyn from behind and dragged her towards the Ice Cream Truck. Londyn struggled against the grip without success.
Londyn rammed her left elbow into Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad, but that didn't do much good. He dragged her into the ice cream truck and shoved a rag soaked in fast acting poison over her mouth. It was impossible for Londyn to breathe without breathing in the fast acting poison that the rag was soaked in which was the whole point for the violent attack against her.This wasn't the outcome that Londyn was counting on at the start of the day. This was the outcome that Londyn was forced to deal with now that it's evening. Londyn knew that she was dying and she knew that she had no hope for survival as her body started to shut down. Her body went numb as death was nearly afflicted against her. Londyn fought a losing cause to keep her eyes open as her breathing got harder and harder to accomplish.
Londyn had no choice but to close her eyes as she fell limp into Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad's grip against her. Her effort to guard the area against his intrusion failed with her death and murder. He lowered the dead girl to the floor and checked for a pulse. He found none.
Londyn Silzer is no longer alive. Londyn is legally dead.
Isabela Moner, Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Laura Haddock, and Jerrod Carmichael were promoting a film. And the promotion was going well without anybody realizing that it was originally supposed to be a film filled only with guys with no girl actors. Isabela and Laura were planning to separate and knock out of commission all the male actors one by one. The only way to prevent the two girls from doing so is to kill both of them starting by killing Laura and then killing Isabela.
Isabela looked at Laura. Laura looked at Isabela. The two girls knew what to do. Laura goes first and that's why she needs to die first. Isabela only gets involved if Laura dies with her task incomplete. It's necessary to kill Isabela if she tries to complete the task. Time for Laura and Isabela to violently die once and for all.Isabela looked at Mark with a smirk. Mark had no idea what Isabela was planning and only Ice Cream Truck Lad can do something about it.
But before Ice Cream Truck Lad could deliver Isabela her much needed murder attack, Laura got in the way. And that's why Laura needs to die before Isabela gets her death scene. Laura has no idea how close she's getting to a permanent death in a murder attack.
Laura didn't look behind her. Perhaps Laura should've looked behind her. It wouldn't really matter if Laura never looked behind her. Laura is going to die in a murder attack no matter what she did. Ice Cream Truck Lad remained hidden as both Isabela and Laura chatted with the gentlemen of the party while he stood alone unnoticed. And both Isabela and Laura either didn't notice him or they both pretended not to notice him. In other words, Ice Cream Truck Lad might as well be invisible because he was being treated as if he were invisible.
Isabela and Laura had the time of their lives talking to all of the Gentlemen. They were having so much fun that there was nothing for Ice Cream Truck Lad to do except to hide. And he can't hide forever. But in order to stop being hidden is to kill both Isabela and Laura. But both Isabela and Laura made it impossible for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to kill either of the two girls.Isabela and Laura walked away from the Gentlemen when they noticed Ice Cream Truck Lad.
Isabela said, "Do you want to kill that jerk first or should I kill that jerk first?"
Laura said with a smile, "I'll kill that jerk first. You attack and kill that jerk second if my life is ended prematurely in a murder attack."
Isabela said, "Kill that jerk and make sure he never returns ever again."
Laura replied, "Not to worry, I never lost a battle and I won't lose to that moron."
Isabela walked away from Laura and she walked towards a Second Little Boy.
The Second Little Boy played with his rubber ball and his right arm and right hand was extended as his rubber ball bounced away from him.
Isabela said, "Hold on a second, I'll get your rubber ball."
The Second Little Boy extended right arm and right hand struck Isabela in her vagina causing the girl to fall face first to the ground. The Second Little Boy found his rubber ball and walked beyond the unconscious girl and towards Laura.
Laura was chatting with the Gentlemen when she spotted the Second Little Boy playing with his rubber ball. Laura walked behind the Second Little Boy and she tripped over a chair that the Second Little Boy accidently overturned and she fell face first to the floor.
Laura recovered and she slowly stood up. The Second Little Boy vanished. She spotted Lame Lad instead. Laura chose to follow Lame Lad with intent to kill. The only way to defeat Laura is to kill her once and for all.
Laura hid as Lame Lad looked behind her. Laura waited until Lame Lad returned his gaze to what was in front of him. Laura emerged from her hiding place to follow Lame Lad as he walked forward.
Lame Lad walked forward. Laura pressed her voluptuous breasts against Lame Lad's spine as she wrapped her right arm around his throat to strangle him from behind. Lame Lad tried to fight against Laura, but his refusal to kill her made it possible for Laura to attack him first. And his life slowly slipped away to Laura's enjoyment.
Laura smiled as Lame Lad fell to the ground. She smiled further as she walked over him. She walked down the alley with enthusiasm. She felt invincible and untouchable.
The Second Little Boy tossed an oversized foam block against Laura's vagina causing the girl to fall face first to the floor a second time. This time, it took longer for Laura to stand up.
Laura slowly stood up. She slowly walked towards the Second Little Boy ignoring all else.
The Second Little Boy said, "Can I sit on your lap."
Laura figuring she can strangle the Second Little Boy from behind said, "Yeah, sure. Go ahead."
And so the Second Little Boy sat on her lap.
The way the Second Little Boy sat on her lap felt weird and unnatural. Laura found it hard to breathe as she slowly started to die. She tried to keep her eyes open, but it was getting harder.
The Second Little Boy was finished and that felt even more unnatural for Laura. The Second Little Boy stood up and ran off. Laura fell off her chair and she lay face down on the ground.
Laura closed her eyes and she slowly stopped breathing. Laura lay still and unmoving as death claimed the doomed dying girl.
Laura Haddock is no longer alive. Laura is legally dead.
Isabela Moner stood up and walked past Laura's dead body. Isabela is still alive, but the need to murder the girl is much greater than before. Lame Lad tried to stand up only to be stabbed from behind by Isabela. Lame Lad fell face first to the ground a second time.
Isabella cried out, "And this time stay dead goddamn it."
Isabela walked past some important figures including former Vice President Al Gore and shook hands with the individual. They had a long conversation about climate change and the need to prevent the greenhouse effect and the erosion of the Ozone Layer. Isabela didn't have the courage to tell him that she was causing most of the destruction to the Ozone Layer in the first place.
Former Vice President Al Gore and Isabela posed for photos. Why not. She didn't see any problems with doing so. He didn't know the truth about the girl so what's the harm.
Isabela walked forward without a care in the world. Sooner or later, it will be necessary to kill the girl before it's too late.
Katie Silverman and Ashley Silverman approached Isabela Moner.
Katie asked, "Where is Laura Haddock?"
Isabela replied, "Laura has been murdered. It's just the three of us now."
Ashley said, "Not to worry, we can still attack those Girl Killing, Woman Hating jerks with just three girls. I have confidence in our ability to afflict serious damage."
Isabela said, "I certainly hope so. I'm tired of all these goddamn setbacks."
Katie said, "I'll attack those jerks first."
Isabela replied, "I should attack those jerks first. Katie will attack those jerks second and Ashley will attack those jerks third. Not to worry, I'll handle those fools all by myself."
Ashley said, "Good luck Isabela."
Isabela said, "Thanks. I'll need all the good luck and good fortune I could get."
Isabela walked towards former Vice President Al Gore to continue her conversation about climate change and the erosion of the Ozone Layer. She didn't tell him that the Dandelion Girls alone was responsible. To save the Ozone Layer from destruction from climate change, all of the Dandelion Girls needs to be wiped out one by one including Isabela. Isabela smiled as she played innocent.
Isabella walked away from former Vice President Al Gore to talk to other people in the room. She worked the room with smiles and charm. Everybody fell in love with the girl and that was the whole plan. To discredit the heroism of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse, the Dandelion Girls needs to be made heroines. Nobody needs to know the damage the Dandelion Girls has been causing.
Isabela smiled as she walked across the room without a care in the world.Shit For Brains Lad escaped from the closet only to look at Isabela face to face.
Isabela asked, "Where do you think you're going?"
Shit For Brains Lad said, "Sorry, I thought I was going to kill you.'
Isabela said, "I don't think so jerk."
Shit For Brains Lad said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."
Shit For Brains Lad locked himself into the closet voluntarily and stayed there until all of the girls attacking him was wiped out.
Isabela looked at the closet with a frown as she spun around and walked to another portion of the room. She pulled a cell phone from her purse. The cell phone contained a special computer program that only Isabela knew how to operate. To cancel the special cell phone computer program, the girl needs to be murdered.
Lame Lad woke up only to be kicked to the ground by Isabela. Dandelion Girl #1 walked forward only to be kicked to the ground and she legally died. Lame Lad punched Isabela, kicked Dandelion Girl #2 to death, punched Isabela, kicked Dandelion Girl #3 to death punched Dandelion Girl #4 to death, punched Isabela and kicked Dandelion Girl #5 to death.
Lame Lad punched Isabela, punched Dandelion Girl #6 to death, punched Isabela, kicked Dandelion Girl #7 to death, punched Dandelion Girl #8 to death, punched Dandelion Girl #9 to death, kicked Isabela, punched Dandelion Girl #10 and she fell backwards against Dandelion Girl #11. Dandelion Girl #10 and Dandelion Girl #11 fell to the ground before both girls legally died.
Lame lad punched Isabela, punched Dandelion Girl #12 to death, punched Isabela, punched Dandelion Girl #13 to death, punched Isabela, kicked Dandelion Girl #14 to death, kicked Dandelion Girl #15 to death before punching Isabela.
Lame Lad punched Dandelion Girl #16, kicked Dandelion Girl #17, kicked Dandelion Girl #18, punched Dandelion Girl #19 before kicking Dandelion Girl #20 killing all five girls. Lame Lad punched Isabela before kicking Dandelion Girl #21 to death. Isabela punched Lame Lad and he kicked her. Isabela punched him twice and he kicked Isabela before kicking Dandelion Girl #22 to death. Lame Lad kicked Isabela.
Lame Lad punched Dandelion Girl #23, kicked Dandelion Girl #24, kicked Dandelion Girl #25 and punched Dandelion Girl #26 killing all four girls. Isabela punched Lame Lad and he kicked her twice before she punched him. Lame Lad kicked Isabela.
Lame Lad kicked Isabela, kicked Dandelion Girl #27 to death, punched Dandelion Girl #28, punched Isabela, kicked Dandelion Girl #29, kicked Isabela and kicked Dandelion #28 to death, punched Dandelion Girl #29 to death, punched Dandelion Girl #30 to death. Isabela punched Lame Lad before he kicked her twice and punched her.
Isabela asked, "Why do you insist in opposing me. You already know that the Dandelion Girls will prevail in the end. The Dandelion Girls isn't accustomed to failure and you know it."
Lame Lad said, "I oppose you because it's necessary to oppose you."
Isabela punched Lame lad and he fell to the ground. Isabela smiled as she walked over her victimizer and towards the exit. The girl must die before she reaches the exit. But how will Isabela die once and for all if it's impossible to kill the girl.
The First Little Boy time traveled by masturbating right into the room. Isabela knew she had to escape before it's too late. She walked towards the First Little Boy instead.
Isabela cried out, "What the fuck? I killed you."
The First Little Boy said, "I time traveled from the period of time after you died to the final seconds of your life so that I could kill you. Myself from the past will be resurrected by Myself from the future after I refuel my time travel machine by masturbating. The only way to masturbate is to kill you once and for all.
Isabela said, "Go ahead. Kill me and masturbate so that you can resurrect yourself and refuel your time travel machine. I dare you."
The First Little Boy said, "Sorry lady, but you gave me no other choice but to murder you. Time for your crimes to be punished with an act of murder."
The First Little Boy From the Future lay down on the ground and he wiggled fully clothed next to the girl. The Time Travel Machine can only be refueled by masturbation and resurrecting the First Little Boy From the Past by killing Isabela. She must die before she escapes. Isabela walked towards the First Little Boy From the Future instead of escaping justice. The girl must die.
Isabela kicked the First Little Boy from the Past and he continued to lay face down on the ground while wiggling fully clothed. Watching the First Little Boy From the past masturbate made Isabela want to masturbate. But girl masturbation must be defeated at all cost. The only way to do so is to kill Isabela once and for all.
The First Little Boy continued to masturbate, but had trouble reaching masturbation orgasm while laying face down and wiggling fully clothed. Isabela stood nearby. The only way to reach masturbation orgasm is to kill Isabela simultaneously as the masturbation extreme burst of excitement produced by watching Isabela die once and for all. Isabela kicked the First Little Boy forcing him to kill the girl once and for all in self defence.
Isabela kicked him again. One more kick and she'll kill the First Little Boy From the Future. Isabela must die instead right now. Survival isn't allowed.
The First Little Boy said, "Lay down on the ground."
Isabela said, "Go screw yourself."
Isabela dropped her bracelet. She lay down on the ground face down while pressing her breasts and her vagina on the ground. The First Little Boy From the Future lay down on top of the girl face down while masturbating while wiggling fully clothed on top of the girl---Groin on rear end and chest on spine. Isabela felt weak and pale as the First Little Boy From the Future masturbated on her while wiggling fully clothed on top of her.
Isabela tried to plead for her life, but the First Little Boy From the Future won't listen.
Isabela found it hard to breath as her life slowly came to an end. The girl was dying in a murder attack and nothing will save her. Isabela felt pale and weak as she tried to crawl away to no avail.
The First Little Boy From the Future reached a masturbation Orgasm while wiggling on top of Isabela fully clothed---Groin on rear end and chest on spine. The time travel machine was refueled as the girl died. The First Little Boy From the past rose from the dead as Isabela slowly started to die.
First Little Boy From the Future said, "I came from a period of time after Isabela died."
First Little Boy From the Past said, "I came from a period of time before Isabela died."
Isabela said, "I've been defeated. Time for me to die."
Isabela Moner closed her eyes and she died. Isabela Moner is no longer alive. Isabela Moner is legally dead. First Little Boy From the Future got into his time machine and traveled two seconds into the future. First Little Boy From the Past became the First Little Boy From the Future to become the First Little Boy once again.
Avery Phillips walked past Ice Cream Truck Lad with a calm and confident expression on her face. The girl then started to giggle after she was certain that he was still walking north while she was still walking south and he was a few feet behind her. Avery wasn't sure if he was listening to her giggle and she wasn't all that interested in finding out. She kept walking south and was surprised when Ice Cream Truck chose not to attack her. Perhaps he was waiting for some other opportunity instead.
Avery Phillips walked towards Sammi Hanratty and Ryan Newman. Avery said with a frown, "I was wondering why Ice Cream Truck Lad never attacked me and now I know why. It was because I was walking towards both of you age appropriate girls the entire time."
Sammi said, "Sorry to disappoint you Avery, but Ryan and I isn't going anywhere. So I guess you're not going to get killed off by Ice Cream Truck Lad anytime soon."
Ryan said, "I'll bet you're excited that you get to survive tonight Avery. Sammi and I have all sorts of fun and exciting puzzles and games to play with you once we reach the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. I think it's the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium that we're heading towards."
Sammi said, "Yeah, it's the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium."
Avery said, "It sounds like a good plan. I only hope both of you age appropriate girls isn't wiped out one by one to leave me unsupervised."
Sammi said, "There is no way that Ryan and I are going to allow ourselves to be killed off one by one to leave you unsupervised long enough to get yourself killed. All three of us girls are sticking together for the long haul."
Ryan said, "You better believe it. Sammi, Avery and I will enjoy all sorts of fun puzzles and games once we reach the Dandelion Gymnastics Gym alive and well."
Avery said, "Let's play a game of hide and seek right now."
Sammi said, "Now Avery, that wouldn't be a good puzzle and game to play until we reach the Dandelion Gymnastics Gym."
Avery said, "I want to play hide and seek right now."
Ryan watched as Avery ran off and vanished in the maze-like alleyways that the girls were traveling down. Ryan looked at Sammi with a groan.
Ryan said, "Don't worry Sammi, I'll find the girl."
Sammi said, "I'll stay here in case Avery returns to this area looking for the two of us."
Ryan thought she spotted Avery. Avery spotted Ryan.
Avery said, "Catch me if you can because I'm the gingerbread girl."
Ryan said, "Come back here damn it."
It was too late. Avery vanished again.
Ryan ran down the alleys, she turned a corner and ran down another alley. Each alley started to look the same and Ryan started to wonder if she managed to get herself lost. She wouldn't let herself get discouraged and kept exploring the alleys regardless of the outcome.
Ryan thought she spotted Avery.
Ryan said, "Come back here. This isn't funny and you know it. You're in serious trouble young lady and there will be a lecture about this."
Avery said, "You have to catch me first."
Avery vanished again. Ryan took a deep breath before she chased after Avery again. She thought she spotted Avery, but was given the slip again. Ryan got closer towards catching Avery.
Tampon Man thought that Ryan was chasing after him when she was chasing after Avery. Instead of clearing up the confusion, he chose to kill the girl instead. Tampon Man punched Ryan once and the girl fell backwards to the ground face up. Ryan tried to stand up, but her dying body wouldn't let her. Ryan tried to keep her eyes open, but her eyes closed against her wishes as tears ran down her eyes. Ryan is dying and nothing will prevent her death.
Ryan Newman is no longer alive. Ryan is legally dead.
Avery Phillips lost track of Ryan. Now lost with two girl killing serial killers in the nearby vicinity, Avery tried to retrace her steps before she too ends up dead.
Piper Curda and Sammi Hanratty spotted Avery Phillips and grabbed the girl.
Piper said, "Don't give us a scare like that. You could've ended up dead."
Sammi asked, "Where is Ryan?"
Avery said, "I don't know where Ryan is. She could be legally dead."
Sammi said, "Don't run off again and force us two girls to endanger our lives too."
Piper said, "There is no way that Avery would be dumb enough to play hide and seek at a time like this a second time."
Sammi said, "I sure hope not. We can't afford to lose anymore girls trying to find her."
Avery said, "Playing hide and seek is fun. Let's do it again."
Piper said, "Don't play hide and seek again. Your game of hide and seek already got Ryan killed. Don't force either of us girls to endanger our lives trying to find you."
Avery said, "You worry too much. No more girl lives will be taken tonight. I want to play hide and seek. You have to run after me and catch me."
Avery ran off. Piper looked at Sammi with a frown on her face.
Piper said, "I guess it's your turn to find Avery."
Sammi said, "Yeah, I guess it is my turn. You keep watch here in case Avery returns to this spot hoping to find us both."
Piper said, "Don't worry. I'll stay right here."
Sammi ran after Avery with a determination to catch the girl. She nearly caught her only to have Avery vanish from sight at the last second.
Sammi said, "You have got to be joking me. Who does this at a night like this."
Sammi paused to catch her breath. She looked to the left of her. Nothing. She looked to the right of her. Nothing again. Sammi was starting to feel discouraged.
Sammi spotted Avery again. Avery ran faster than Sammi. Avery's speed was very frustrating to Sammi, but she chased after Avery anyway. Avery gave Sammi the slip once again.
Sammi cried out, "You're going to be in trouble if this continues."
Avery said, "Try to catch me."
Sammi said, "You better believe that I will catch you."
Avery ran off with Sammi in pursuit. Avery gave Sammi the slip. Sammi slammed her left hand against a trash can and knocked it over with frustration. Sammi kicked the overturned trash can.
Sammi ran down the alley in hopes of finding Avery. Nothing. Sammi became frustrated. She spun around once in search for the area. She found nothing. She chose an alley at random and ran down it hoping to find Avery through blind dumb luck.
Tampon Man thought that Sammi was chasing after him when Sammi was actually chasing after Avery. But that didn't matter. Tampon Man chose to attack and kill the girl anyway regardless. He kicked Sammi in the stomach. Sammi winced in pain before she fell face first to the ground. Sammi was dead before she hit the ground. Her eyes was already closed and she was already no longer breathing. Another girl has been killed by Tampon Man.
Sammi Hanratty is no longer alive. Sammi is legally dead.
Avery Phillips again lost track of another girl. Avery was slightly shaken, but she retraced her steps anyway. She successfully found her way again.
Piper Curda and Audrey Whitby spotted Avery Phillips.
Piper asked, "Where is Sammi?"
Avery said, "Somebody wasn't satisfied with just killing Ryan so he killed Sammi too."
Audrey said, "I know what you mean when you tell me that Avery is trouble."
Piper said, "I don't know what to do about her."
Piper said, "It doesn't matter. What does matter is that we located Avery. What matters is that we won't lose track of Avery again."
Audrey said, "I sure hope not. I don't want to chase after her if she runs off again."
Avery said, "Let's play hide and seek one more time."
Avery Phillips ran off again.
Piper said with a groan, "You had to open your mouth."
Audrey said, "I didn't know that she was going to say that after Ryan and Sammi ended up dead because of her antics."
Piper said, "It's your turn to find Avery."
Audrey said with a groan, "I was afraid that you would say that."
Avery looked behind her as she ran and said, "Come on Audrey, hurry up and catch me."
Audrey said as she ran, "I'm hurrying. You could try to slow down a bit so I can catch up."
Avery said as she ran, "It wouldn't be a game of hide and seek if I slowed down."
Avery Phillips vanished from sight again.
Audrey wasn't chasing after Tampon Man, but he thought that she was. Tampon Man had no idea that Audrey was chasing after Avery, but he chose to murder Audrey anyway. Tampon Man punched Audrey before he kicked her to the ground. The girl was dead before she hit the ground. Audrey fell face up against a trashcan before she rolled face first to the ground.
Audrey Whitby is no longer alive. Audrey is legally dead.
Avery stopped when she no longer heard footsteps behind her. She paused to regain her breath before retracing her steps towards the starting point failing to realize that she ran past Ice Cream Truck Lad once again without knowing it. Once again, Avery failed to realize how close she came towards getting herself attacked and killed.
Piper Curda and Paris Berelc was waiting for Avery Phillips when she returned.
Piper said with frustration, "Let me guess. You got Audrey murdered too."
Avery said, "It's not my fault that somebody out there is very efficient in killing girls."
Paris said, "You don't need to be playing a game of hide and seek if you know your games of hide and seek is getting girls killed."
Piper said, "Thank Goddess you showed up Paris. I was at wits end with that girl."
Paris said, "Don't worry. You and I will get Avery to the Dandelion Gymnastics Gym without anymore unprovoked girl deaths."
Piper said, "I sure hope that you're right about that."
Piper said, "Though I shouldn't doubt you. You've been right about everything else so far."
Paris said, "Damn right I'm right about everything else so far."
Avery said, "I want to play two more games of hide and seek and then I'm done. I'm serious about that. Ok everybody, let's go chase after me because it's hide and seek time."
Avery ran off and vanished again.
Piper said, "I guess you have to chase after Avery and I'll stay here in case she returns."
Paris said, "Don't worry, I'll make it quick."
Paris chased after Avery in yet another game of hide and seek.
Avery looked behind her and she didn't see anything. Confident with herself, she continued to run.
Paris ran faster and faster, but she lost track of Avery quickly. She didn't want to return to Piper with bad news of not being able to find Avery. So Paris continued her search without positive result. Paris was starting to get discouraged very quickly. Paris wasn't chasing after Tampon Man, she was chasing after Avery. However, Tampon Man's misperception was something that he refused to let go of despite not having proof to back it up. He punched Paris and she groaned in pain before her eyes closed while she was still standing up. The doomed girl was dead before she fell to the ground face first. Paris lay without moving nor was she breathing. The dead girl has been defeated.
Paris Berelc was no longer alive. Paris is legally dead.
Avery Phillips was no longer calm nor confident. She no longer felt like giggling. She ran like she never ran before towards Piper before it was too late.
Avery didn't reach Piper fast enough. Tampon Man reached Piper before Avery could reach Piper. Time for Piper to needlessly die once and for all.
Piper wasn't chasing after Tampon Man nor was she chasing after Avery. But Tampon Man thought she was after him without evidence. He chose to kill the girl anyway. He punched Piper, kicked her before punching her again. Piper stopped breathing and closed her eyes. She was dead before she fell to the ground face first. Piper lay motionless on the ground after she was violently defeated.
Piper Curda is no longer alive. Piper is legally dead.
Avery never succeeded in retracing her steps. She was so busy freaking out, that she completely lost her way. Avery turned around to face Ice Cream Truck Lad.
Ice Cream Truck Lad said, "Let's play a game of hide and seek. Ready or not, here I come."
Avery ran like she never ran before.
Avery ran like she never ran before. She thought she lost track of Ice Cream Truck Lad. It turned out that he was close and nearly about to grab her at any second.
Run Avery. Run. Run. Run. Run like you never ran before. Ice Cream Truck Lad is gaining and she'll die when he gains on her. Keep running Avery. Run. Run. Run.
Avery paused to catch her breath when she thought she lost track of Ice Cream Truck Lad.
Ice Cream Truck Lad needed time to locate Avery once again. Her decision to pause to catch her breath made it possible for Ice Cream Truck Lad to find her again.
Ice Cream Truck Lad nearly grabbed Avery, but she ran through a pipe that only she could fit inside. He was forced to run alongside the pipe instead.
Avery exited the pipe and she ran directly into Ice Cream Truck Lad. Avery sharply turned left and ran like she never ran before.
Avery no longer enjoyed playing hide and seek. Ice Cream Truck Lad wanted to play hide and seek anyway regardless of her feelings. So she ran like she never ran before. Run Avery. Run. Run. Run. Run like you never ran before.
Avery was about to successfully escape justice. Ice Cream Truck Lad needs to run faster if he has any hope of killing the girl.
Avery ran closer towards a brick wall. She ran farther away from Ice Cream Truck Lad. She saw a rope dangling from the top of the brick wall. She saw an escape that she needed to use.
Run Avery. Run. Run. Run. The chance to escape and survive is nearly here. Run damn it. Run.
Avery reached the brick wall and she climbed the rope three-fourths of the way up the brick wall. Her hands was slippery. Her hands lost grip. Avery fell from the brick wall backwards face up to the ground. Avery closed her eyes as death came to claim the girl. Avery lay motionless as she stopped breathing. Ice Cream Truck Lad reached Avery and she was already defeated and killed.
Avery Phillips is no longer alive. Avery is legally dead.
Ruby Rose Turner, Nadia Turner, Francesca Capaldi and Jillian Shea Spaeder walked side by side across the parking lot without realizing that the four girls were being followed.
Jillian said, "All I know is that Brittany Snow and her team of girls has failed and now all of them are legally dead. It's up to us girls to prove to Winona Ryder that we can handle the challenge."
Francesca said, "And I believe that we could accomplish a great deal more if we split up."
Ruby said, "I agree with Jillian. It's a mistake to split up. It's already proven that splitting up is always the last thing us girls should be doing."
Nadia said, "You should ignore my sister Ruby. She has no idea what she's talking about."
Ruby said, "I know what I'm talking about."
Francesca Capaldi stood next to Jillian Shea Spaeder, Nadia Turner and Ruby Rose Turner. She frowned as she looked at Jillian and Ruby.Ruby said, "I guess it's two girls in favor and two girls against. We're stuck in a deadlock."
Francesca said, "It's not a deadlock if I dare the Turner Sisters to walk off towards the Ice Cream Truck without getting themselves killed. Then it's one girl in favor and one girl against."
Jillian said, "It's still a deadlock you dumbass."
Nadia said, "Ruby and I would love to walk off alone towards the Ice Cream Truck."
Ruby said, "I never agreed to such a thing."
Nadia said, "Yes you did. You just didn't know it yet."
Nadia grabbed Ruby's hand and dragged her off towards the Ice Cream Truck.
Ruby cried out, "What the Hell are you doing?"
Nadia said, "Francesca gave us both a challenge. We can't allow chicken out when the challenge has been given. Not when there's a chance that us girls can actually kill these jerks."
Ruby said, "Please don't do this to me. I'm not in the mood."
Nadia said, "It's too late. Your committed."
Nadia thought she saw a bracelet on the ground. She bent over to pick it up and placed it on her wrist. When she stood up, her sister Ruby has vanished. Nadia frowned as she went looking for her sister before she got killed inside the Ice Cream Truck.
Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad followed Nadia as she walked forward in search of her sister Ruby.
Nadia never looked behind her. Perhaps she should've, but her failure to do so could lead to her premature death. Hurry up and kill Nadia before she locates her sister Ruby. Nadia is still alive and time is running on the chance to kill her.
Nadia walked into a drug store. She purchased a bottle of soda. She opened the soda and started to drink some of it. She ended up spilling the soda pop all over her blouse and pants.
Yeah in was inconvenient, but she had to go through with attacking and trying to kill the Ice Cream Truck Lad until either she killed him or he was forced to kill her.
She removed her blouse only to spill soda pop all over her white colored slacks. She walked forward towards the Ice Cream Truck. She was forced to remove her slacks too.
If Nadia had any doubts about trying to kill him, she lost those doubts when she walked closer to the Ice Cream Truck. How he's forced to kill her in self defense because of her growing determination.
Ice Cream Truck Lad followed Nadia close behind. He's getting closer towards killing her.
Ruby grabbed Ice Cream Truck Lad from behind and pushed him against the wall and kicked him. Nadia walked off and vanished into the night. Ice Cream Truck Lad also vanished. Ruby frowned as she looked in futility for either her sister Nadia or her murderer Ice Cream Truck Lad. She found neither. She continued her search anyway. The only way to prevent Ruby from searching is to kill the girl before it's too late.
Ruby thought she located her sister Nadia. Ruby must die before she succeeds in doing so.
Ruby missed the chance to locate her sister Nadia by only a few seconds.
Ruby was nowhere near close to being killed by Ice Cream Truck Lad also.
Ruby wasn't discouraged. She walked forward despite her doubts that doing so was ever going to work. It doesn't matter. Ruby still needs to die.
Ruby finally located Ice Cream Truck Lad and she walked towards him.
Ruby punched Ice Cream Truck Lad before kicking him. Ice Cream Truck Lad kicked Ruby face down into a patch of mud before vanishing again.
Ruby lay in the mud without moving for only a few seconds before standing back up again.
Ruby looked down and realized that both her pants and blouse was covered with mud.
Ruby walked towards Ice Cream Truck Lad's hiding place. He may be forced to kill her if she walked too closely. Ruby is walking much too closely.
Ruby walked closer.
Ruby walked even closer.
Ruby paused before walking back towards the patch of mud that she fell face first into.
Ruby realized that she'll need a change of clothing.
There was only one thing to do until she got a change of clothing. She chose to tough it out.
After being forced to reluctantly remove her mud covered clothing, Ruby Turner brightened when she spotted her sister. Dressed in a two piece swim suit under her clothing, Ruby ran towards her sister Nadia with excitement. However, that could prove ruinous for Ice Cream Truck Lad if he now has to attack and kill two girls in self defense instead of attacking and killing one girl in self defense. How will he kill two girls in self defense. Ruby ran towards her sister anyway.
Nadia Turner walked towards her sister Ruby Turner. The two girls hugged each other as the walked into the Ice Cream Truck. Ice Cream Truck Lad grabbed Nadia from behind while Broken Glass Champion grabbed Ruby from behind. Ice Cream Truck Lad shoved a rag soaked in fast acting poison over Nadia's mouth while Broken Glass Champion shoved a rag soaked in fast acting poison over Ruby's mouth. Nadia died first while Ruby sank to the ground and she died second. Soon, both Turner Sisters are dead.
Nadia Turner and Ruby Rose Turner are legally dead.
Jillian Shea Spaeder lost track of Nadia and her sister Ruby. And if she was smart, she would've escaped while she had the chance. However, she didn't escape. And soon her only chance to escape would've been ruined instantly. Because this is the night that Jillian Shea Spaeder is killed in a murderous attack against her.
Jillian spotted Broken Glass Champion as he walked away from the Ice Cream Truck Lad. And against her better judgement, Jillian followed the Broken Glass Champion. Broken Glass Champion may be forced to kill Jillian if she continued to follow him with intent to kill or die making the effort.Jillian heard her cell phone ringing and she tried to shut it off.
He spun around just as Jillian finally got her cell phone shut off. Jillian hid as Ice Cream Truck Lad looked around him. He didn't see anybody. He frowned as he walked closer towards the girl's hiding place and nearly succeeded in killing her. He didn't see her and failed to kill her. He walked forward with Jillian following close behind.
Jillian smiled as he walked forward and failed to identify and murder her. She must die now before it's too late and he failed to find her.
Jillian's phone rang again and she struggled to shut the phone off. This time it was harder for the girl to shut off her cell phone. She was forced to hide as he looked around her. This time he walked closer towards the doomed girl's hiding place. He wiggled on the wall nearby her hiding place and nearly caused her to crumble. He thought he saw something and walked towards the image he saw ahead of him in the isolated alley. Jillian breathed a sigh of relief as she survived another near fatal attack against her.
He walked towards two Eight Year Old Girls playing with a rubber ball. He wiggled on the wall until both girls crumbled nearby the rubber ball. Both Eight Year Old Girls slowly died as he felt an extreme rush of excitement as he masturbated fully clothed nearby both Eight Year Old Girls causing both of them to die.
Jillian frowned as she followed close behind. He walked over the dead bodies of two Eight Year Old Girls and walked down the alley. Jillian walked over the dead bodies of two Eight Year Old Girls. A Nine Year Old Girl following Jillian tripped over the dead bodies of two Eight Year Old Girls and fell face first to the floor and legally died.
Again Jillian refused to escape when she had the chance to do so. He didn't see Jillian and his failure to spot her could lead to his death. The only way to save himself from death is to kill Jillian before she kills him off instead.
Ice Cream Truck Lad grabbed Jillian from behind and placed a gag over her mouth.
Ice Cream Truck Lad tied up Jillian and lay her on the ground.
Ice Cream Truck Lad walked on as Jillian struggled from the ropes that was binding her. She'll need to die if punishing her by incarceration by kidnapping fails to work.
Jillian was almost free from the ropes that was binding her.
Jillian ripped a huge gash in her blouse as she wiggled free of the ropes that was binding her.
Jillian attacked Ice Cream Truck Lad with a wooden bat and he fell face first to the ground. She struck him with a baseball bat two more times. He failed to kill Jillian and now she's attacking him with a baseball bat as punishment for his failure to kill her.
Jillian watched as Ice Cream Truck Lad bled out and died. However, Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse death's are temporary while Dandelion Girl deaths is permanent. The only way to resurrect Ice Cream Truck Lad is to kill Jillian Shea Spaeder. Yeah, Jillian had an appealing appearance, but that is inconsequential. In order to save Ice Cream Truck Lad is to kill Jillian forever. The girl is doomed to die any second from now.
Broken Glass Champion approached four seven year old girls, two eight year old girls and four nine year old girls. He tossed a bedsheet on top of all ten girls causing them to fall to the ground as he wiggled fully clothed on the side of a wall. He experienced an increased rush of excitement as all ten girls legally died. Jillian walked closer towards Broken Glass Champion without him seeing her.
He can't kill Jillian if he can't see her. He can't see Jillian so she's about to kill him. He can defeat her evil scheme by murdering her. Time for Jillian to die.
He looked at ten dead girls lying on the floor with Jillian standing behind him. And without seeing the girl, he wiggled fully clothed on the side of a wall. Jillian's knees buckled and this time her death can't be saved. She's about to die and nothing can prevent her death.
He experienced a rush of excitement as Jillian sank to her knees and looked at him blankly.
Jillian was about to fall forward. She slipped on a piece of plastic nearby a trash can which caused her to slip and fall face first.
Jillian tried to stand up, but was unable to do so.
Jillian made one last effort to stand up.
Jillian's blouse fell off revealing her bikini top. He wiggled on the wall a second time until he experienced another rush of positive emotion. Jillian's world went dark as she stopped breathing before she fell forward and then died.
Jillian Shea Spaeder is no longer alive. Jillian is legally dead.
Abigail Pniowsky, Yvonne Strahovski and Anna Pniowsky entered a portion of the alley situated near a chain link fence around three of the four sides of the dead end alley. Yvonne was confused as she took a look around her.
Yvonne said, "Londyn Silzer was supposed to be standing guard right around here?"
Abigail said, "I told you that Londyn wasn't answering her cell phone."
Anna said, "I don't see Londyn anywhere."
Abigail said, "We walked past an ice cream truck on the way over here. Somehow, I get the feeling that Anna and I wasn't supposed to walk past the ice cream truck without entering inside it."
Yvonne said, "We can't allow ourselves to get distracted ladies. Too many Dandelion Girls has been getting wiped out one by one and we can't allow ourselves to be the next to die."Abigail said, "Our plan to survive this evening is doomed if there isn't a girl standing guard in this area. Unless the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has already snuck into this Dandelion Girl controlled area and is starting to kill Dandelion Girls one by one."
Anna said, "I think I see something. Yvonne needs to check it out."
Yvonne said, "I'd rather stay here with you two instead."
Abigail said, "Yvonne is right. Anna and I won't be tempted to walk past the ice cream truck a second time and run the risk of getting grabbed if Yvonne is still alive to accompany us both."
Abigail said, "Thankfully, even if harms comes to Yvonne, I'll never come to any harm as long as my sister Anna is around to accompany me."
Anna said, "Let's hope your good luck keeps up because I'm not willing to die anytime soon to make it easier for you to die."
Anna said, "Julia Scarlett Dan should check out that weird presence over there."
Julia said, "It would be better if there were four girls instead of three girls, but I'll check it out anyway. I only hope that I don't start regretting it."
Anna said, "Hurry back and tell us what's going on over there."
Julia said, "I'll try to hurry back. Wish me luck ladies."
Julia walked away from Yvonne, Abigail and Anna as she started to walk towards the weird presence. She thought she saw something behind her. She spun around to see nothing. Julia frowned as she walked further down the deserted Dandelion Girl controlled portion of the alley towards the weird unknown presence.
Julia saw a remote control device that locks the Ice Cream Truck forever lying in the middle of the street in the deserted Dandelion Girl controlled alley. Julia bent over to pick it up. Tampon Man now must kill Julia in order to regain control of the remote control device or else it will be over for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. Time for Julia to die.
Tampon Man stabbed Julia from behind. Julia started to gargle blood as she was stabbed from behind five more times. Julia dropped the remote control device onto the street and it broke into several unfixable pieces. Julia dropped to her knees before she was stabbed from device two more times. Julia tried to say something, but her throat was filled with too much blood as she was stabbed from behind once again.
Julia found herself falling face first to the ground and she fought in futility to keep her eyes open. She found it hard to breathe as her eyes closed against her wishes. Julia stopped breathing as her life came to an end. She lay face down without moving nor breathing
Julia Scarlett Dan is no longer alive. Julia is legally dead.
Abigail said, "Julia hasn't returned. Anna must check out that alley over there to see if Julia needs any help."
Abigail said, "I'm worried about Julia and I'm worried that some harm has come to her."
Anna said, "I don't want to risk my life checking to see if Julia is still alive."
Anna said, "I'll do it if there is no other option available."
Yvonne said, "That's ok. I'll do it instead. You two girls stay here. I'll check on Julia."
Yvonne walked away from Abigail and Anna and towards the spot where Julia was murdered. Yvonne walked towards Julia's dead body and now she knows that Tampon Man is nearby. Yvonne must die so that Abigail and Anna will have no idea that their lives is about to end in a murder attack.
Tampon Man strangled Yvonne from behind. She tried to pull away, but the strangulation grip was much too tight. She tried to ram her left elbow into Tampon Man's stomach, but her elbow attack wasn't any good against her attacker. Yvonne tried to breathe, but the strangulation grip was much too tight and Yvonne was on the verge of getting herself murdered. Yvonne must die now to make sure that Abigail and Anna has no idea that their lives is about to end in a murder attack.
Yvonne made one last attempt to ram her left elbow into Tampon Man's stomach. Her failed attempt at self defense only made the strangulation grip against her even tighter. Yvonne dropped to her knees as the strangulation grip against her continued. Tampon Man dropped to his knees in response. Goldfish Lad dropped to his knees behind Tampon Man. If Tampon Man releases his strangulation grip, then Yvonne must lie down face down with Tampon Man on top of her groin on rear end and chest on spine which will force Goldfish Lad to die from strangulation. The only way to prevent that would be for Yvonne to die from strangulation so that Tampon Man can lie down alongside her with Goldfish Lad on top of him groin on rear end and chest on spine. Time for Yvonne to die once and for all.
Yvonne tried one last time to ram her left elbow into Tampon Man's chest. Her eyes closed when her attempt failed. She fell face first to the ground and she died. Tampon Man lay next to Yvonne's dead body with Goldfish Lad lying on top of him groin on rear end and chest on spine.
Yvonne Strahovski is no longer alive. Yvonne is legally dead.
Abigail Pniowsky looked at her sister Anna Pniowsky. Both girls are about to be murdered.
Abigail said, "Julia and Yvonne isn't coming back. Both of them are legally dead. We need to retaliate by entering the Ice Cream Truck and gaining control of the vehicle. The only way to stop the two of us girls is to kill both of us girls."
Abigail said, "I shall stand guard while you enter the Ice Cream Truck to gain control over it."
Anna said, "I don't know about the plan. We can't drive the Ice Cream Truck. So what good will gaining control over it will do."
Anna said, "I like your enthusiasm, but I'm worried that your scheme is going to get both of us girls murdered one by one."
Abigail said, "I'm determined to regain control over everything that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse has control over. Us girls will regain all that was taken from us and destroyed. Then we'll hire new girls to replace the girls who has been permanently killed."
Abigail said, "The only way my scheme will fail is for both of us to die one by one starting with you. But you won't fail and die like Julia and Yvonne failed and died."
Anna said, "I hope you're right about this."
Anna said, "Normally, you're never wrong about this, but I'm starting to wonder if your ambition is going to get both of us girls murdered."
Abigail said, "I'll enter the Ice Cream Truck to gain control over it while you stand guard."
Abigail said, "I'd rather that I'm the girl standing guard instead though."
Anna said, "It would be easier if both of us girls escaped justice to fight another day instead."
Anna said, "I have a bad feeling that both of us girls will die if we don't escape right now."
Abigail said, "You worry too much."
Abigail said, "Hey, you trust me right? Then trust what I'm saying. My plan is foolproof."Anna said, "I sure hope you're right about this. It would be easier if we escaped justice, but I'll do what you ask me to do instead. I only hope that I don't regret this."
And so Abigail and her sister Anna walked towards the Ice Cream Truck. Abigail stood guard while Anna walked inside.
There was nobody but two dead girls inside the Ice Cream Truck. Anna is about to become the third dead girl lying down inside the Ice Cream Truck. Anna is about to be murdered. Time for Anna to die once and for all.
Anna didn't see behind her as Ice Cream Truck snuck into the Ice Cream Truck Lad. Anna opened one of the mini freezers and she found an ice cream cone. She spun around to face Ice Cream Truck Lad with a smirk on her face.
Anna said, "It looks as if your run of good fortune is about to end."
Ice Cream Truck Lad said, "I'll give you the chance to attack first if that's your opinion."
Anna punched Ice Cream Truck Lad and he fell down without moving. Anna smiled as she unwrapped an ice cream bar from the Ice Cream Truck freezer. Anna celebrated her victory by taking a bite from the ice cream bar.
Anna didn't realize until it was too late that the ice cream bar was laced with fast acting poison. Anna dropped to her knees as Ice Cream Truck Lad slowly stood up. He nearly fell over and held on to Anna for support. He ended up pushing Anna to the ground in order for him to stand up.
Getting poisoned by the fast acting poison in the ice cream bar plus getting pushed to the ground in order for Ice Cream Truck Lad to stand up was too much for Anna. She closed her eyes as the dying girl slowly started to die.
Anna tried to say something, but she slowly started to die instead. She closed her eyes and stopped breathing much to the delight of the Ice Cream Truck Lad. Another Dandelion Girl has been defeated and killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
Anna Pniowsky is no longer alive. Anna is legally dead.
Abigail Pniowsky stood guard outside the Ice Cream Truck. The doomed girl needs to be lured into the Ice Cream Truck and killed before it's too late. Time for Abigail Pniowsky to die.
Abigail waited for her sister Anna to exit the Ice Cream Truck. And when her sister Anna failed to exit, it became necessary for Abigail to enter the Ice Cream Truck to rescue her sister.
Abigail entered the Ice Cream Truck to find her sister Anna lying on the ground legally dead. Abigail spun around to face the Ice Cream Truck Lad.
Abigail said, "You killed my sister. She's dead forever and she's never returning to life. I must kill you to avenge my sister or die trying."
Ice Cream Truck Lad said, "Don't force me to kill you."
Abigail said, "Too late jerk."
Ice Cream Truck Lad grabbed a rag that was soaked in fast acting poison and pressed it to Abigail's mouth. Abigail breathed in the poisoned fumes from the rag soaked in fast acting poison. Abigail tried to escape, but Ice Cream Truck Lad tightly restrained the doomed girl as he pressed the rag soaked in fast acting poison over her mouth. Abigail was unable to escape and she's dying.
Abigail gave up fighting and her eyes closed. The doomed girl stopped breathing and she was dead before her corpse fell to the floor. Both Pniowsky Sisters has been defeated and killed.
Abigail Pniowsky is no longer alive. Abigail is legally dead.
Paris Jackson walked from the gas station and towards a network of alleys in search for the other girls. She wasn't sure where the other girls were hiding, but she was confident that she would find them. Paris thought she heard male footsteps behind her. She looked around and failed to see anything. She frowned as she continued to investigate the portion of the alley that was behind her.
Paris Jackson didn't find anything. Perhaps the wind blew something down the alley. Yeah, that could be it. Yeah, that had to be it. Confident that she knew the answer, she continued to walk forward without any thought as to what was going on behind her.Yet Paris Jackson kept having this nagging thought that she was being followed. But she couldn't be followed because she already looked behind her. Unless, somebody was hiding. But she thought she already checked out all the possible hiding places. So after a brief pause, she continued to walk forward down the alley.
Paris finally found the girls that she was looking for. So she walked away from the possible source of the sound behind her and she walked towards the girls in front of her.
Malina Weissman stood in front of Paris Jackson. The two girls greeted each other.
Malina asked, "Where are the other girls?"
Paris replied, "You were the only girl I was able to find."
Malina said, "That isn't right. There has to be more girls in this alley besides the two of us."
Paris said, "I wish I knew the answer. We didn't search this alley closely enough."
Malina sighed with frustration. This hasn't been a good night for her.
Malina Weissman looked at Stella Allen who rejoined the two girls.
Malina said, "Paris didn't see any other girls. What about you?"
Stella said, "I didn't see anything. There was a sound behind us. Perhaps it's a girl."
Stella said, "I'll check out the sound behind us if Paris won't check out the sound behind us."
Paris replied, "You two girls hang on. I'll check out the sound. You two stay here. Don't split up looking for me if I don't return. If I don't return, then I'm probably legally dead."
And so Paris Jackson walked back towards the source of the sound behind her that she walked away from. And she checked out all the possible hiding places yet again.
Paris figured out that the sound couldn't have come from a girl. A Dandelion Girl won't hide from another Dandelion Girl if there were safety in numbers. So Paris figured that the sound either was something blowing down the alley or a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Murderer.
Paris Jackson stood in front of Tampon Man's hiding place. And if Paris checked a bit closer than she already had done so, then Tampon Man would be forced to kill Paris in order to keep his hiding place secret. Sadly however, Paris never checked closely, so she got to survive instead.
Paris Jackson walked towards Malina Weissman.
Paris said, "I don't know what you're so worried about. I didn't see anything. There are no Dandelion Girls hiding behind us. A Dandelion Girl won't hide from another Dandelion Girl."
Malina said, "Perhaps you didn't look closely enough."
Paris said, "I looked closely both times damn it."
Malina Weissman looked at Stella Allen.
Malina said, "I guess you'll have to go looking for Joy Kate Lawson. I thought I saw her hide from the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse behind us."
Setlla said, "I'll risk my life looking for Joy if I'm needed to do so."
Stella continued, "I was hoping that an age appropriate girl could search for Joy instead of me."
Paris looked at Malina and Stella with a groan. Paris said, "You two girls are cruising for a bruising."
Stella said, "Perhaps that's possible, but thankfully, it can't happen as long as you're alive."
Paris said, "You two girls better start hoping that I don't die soon."
Paris Jackson walked down the alley until she was out of Malina and Stella's eyesight. Even further from Malina and Stella's eyesight than before. Paris dropped her bracelet. With a frown, she bent over to find her bracelet knowing that she's in a perfect position to be stabbed to death permanently.Paris slipped on a piece of glass and she fell face down on the ground and lay without moving for a few minutes. She slowly started to stir as her eyes opened again. Paris recovered as she located her bracelet. She placed her bracelet on before she stood up again. She looked around the alley in even more detail than previously. She still didn't find anything.
Paris Jackson stood in front of Tampon Man's hiding place. And if Paris checked a bit closer than she already had done so, then Tampon Man would be forced to kill Paris in order to keep his hiding place secret. Sadly however, Paris never checked closely, so she got to survive instead.
Paris Jackson walked towards Malina Weissman.
Paris said, "Are you girls trying to get me killed on purpose. I checked twice and I didn't see anything both times. Will that be enough to convince you that Joy Kate Lawson nor the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is nowhere to be found."Malina said, "I'm still not convinced. I'll need you to check one more time."
Paris said, "That's too bad because I'm not going to check one more time."
Malina Weissman looked at Stella Allen.
Malina said, "I guess you lost the bet. That means we get to be complete and utter brats and make life impossible for anybody---Especially for Paris."
Stella said, "I guess you won the bet which means we can't be nice and cooperative to anybody---Especially to Paris. Such a pity."
Stella said, "Such a pity. And things was going so nicely for Paris up until this point."
Paris said, "You can't do this to me. If I check a third time, I'll be attacked and murdered. If you two girls start misbehaving, then I'll be killed by Sarah McLachlan for incompetence. I'll be attacked and killed regardless of my actions one way or the other."
Stella said, "Some girls doesn't have much luck when it comes to survival."
Paris said with a groan, "Ok, I'll check one more time, but that's it. I won't check the alley behind us out a fourth time."
Paris Jackson walked down the alley until she was out of Malina and Stella's eyesight. It was the furthest from Malina and Stella's eyesight than before. Paris Jackson stood in front of Tampon Man's hiding place. And if Paris checked a bit closer than she already had done so, then Tampon Man would be forced to kill Paris in order to keep his hiding place secret. Sadly however, Paris never checked closely, so she got to survive instead.
Paris paused. She walked towards Tampon Man's hiding place and stood even closer to him without knowing it. Paris dropped her bracelet. With a frown, she bent over to find her bracelet knowing that she's in a perfect position to be stabbed to death permanently.
Paris slipped on a piece of glass and she fell face down on the ground and lay without moving for a few minutes. She slowly started to stir as her eyes opened again. Paris recovered as she located her bracelet. She placed her bracelet on before she stood up again. Tampon Man stabbed Paris from behind. He stabbed her from behind three more times before the dying girl crashed to the ground face down in a puddle of her blood.
The bracelet rolled from Paris' fingers as she struggled to breathe. She tried to utter an apology, but she got stabbed from behind instead. Paris made one last attempt to grab her bracelet, but she was stabbed from behind instead.
Paris closed her eyes and she stopped breathing. She won't need to check this section of the alley a fourth time because the third attempt to kill the girl was a successful attempt to kill the girl.
Paris Jackson is no longer alive. Paris Jackson is legally dead.
Malina Weissman waited for Paris Jackson to return. Paris Jackson never returned. Malina saw an ice cream truck and she was tempted to enter the ice cream truck. Paris Jackson is legally dead so there's nothing to prevent Malina from entering the ice cream truck.
Malina Weissman looked at Stella Allen.
Malina said, "One of us girls needs to check out the ice cream truck to make sure it's safe to grab free ice cream from the ice cream truck."
Stella said, "Please don't ask me to do it before you check it out."
Malina said, "Hey, somebody needs to be outside the ice cream truck to serve as the lookout."
Stella asked, "Why can't I stand outside the ice cream truck to serve as the lookout."
Malina replied, "Because being the lookout is my job."
Stella asked with a groan, "Paris Jackson died before she could find Joy Kate Lawson. One of us two girls needs to find Joy Kate Lawson."
Stella replied, "Never mind, I found her."
Joy replied, "Sorry it took so long for me to get here. What happened to Paris Jackson?"
Stella replied, "Paris Jackson is legally dead."
Joy said, "That's not good. Now it's just the three of us left alive."
Joy said, "Oh damn, Paris died on top of my favorite earrings. I need to go over there to get them. Then I'll be able to help out you two girls."
Malina said, "You can't get your favorite earrings now. You just got here. Stella and I will fail and die one by one if you're also killed."
Joy said, "I'm not going anywhere without my favorite lucky earrings. I never failed and died as long as I wore my favorite lucky earrings."
Malina faced Stella before she said, "Can you please try to talk some common sense into Joy?"Stella said, "I gave up trying to talk some common sense into Joy a long time ago."
Stella said, "I'd be more than willing to accompany Joy when she tries to get her lucky earrings from nearby Paris Jackson's dead body."
Joy said, "My favorite lucky earrings was below Paris's dead body directly under her vagina."
Stella said, "Sorry, but you'll never get your favorite lucky earrings back without first dying."
Joy said, "That's a risk that I'll need to take."
Joy said, "Perhaps it's punishment for being a brat that I'm the first of us three girls to endanger her life like that."
Malina said, "Stella was supposed to endanger her life next before you. That way, the three of us girls actually had a chance for survival. Stella and I are doomed if Joy is the next girl to die."
Malina said, "There's still hope if Stella can talk some common sense into Joy's thick skull."
Stella said, "I've been trying, but Joy never listens to a thing I try to tell her. If she's going to risk getting killed like that, then there's nothing us two girls can do except watch her die needlessly."
Stella said, "Please reconsider Joy, you could always get a different set of earrings."
Joy said, "I don't want a different set of earrings. I want my favorite lucky earrings."
Joy said, "I'm sorry if I sound rather stubborn, but my mind is made up. I'm not about to change my mind for anything anytime soon."
Malina said, "Joy shouldn't be allowed to go looking for her lucky earrings alone. Either Stella or myself should accompany her."
Malina said, "Stella should accompany Joy to make sure she doesn't get herself killed."Stella said, "Suppose I'm standing next to that Ice Cream Truck and the only way to kill me inside the Ice Cream Truck is for Joy to be murdered inside the Ice Cream Truck first?"
Stella said, "I'm not trying to sound selfish, but you're setting two of us girls to die rather easily by doing so. Then there's nothing to stop the last of us three girls from getting herself killed inside the Ice Cream Truck. Oh no, it's much easier if Joy stays here where it's much safer."
Joy said, "I don't really feel safe without my lucky earrings. Malina should threaten to kill Stella if she doesn't accompany me."
Stella said, "I'm going to get myself murdered if I accompany Joy without Malina."
Joy said, "I'm sorry Stella, but my mind is made up. You better live with it."
Joy said, "I'd feel better if Malina threatens to kill Stella if she doesn't accompany me. If Malina needs me to be accompanied by a girl, let it be Stella."
Malina said, "Ok, that's the way it should be. Stella will accompany Joy as she searches for her lucky earrings and Stella will be killed by me if she returns alone without Joy."
Malina said, "And if Joy dies inside the Ice Cream Truck, then Stella must fight against her attackers until either she dies or she succeeds in killing them."
Stella said, "That's a harsh thing to say Malina."
Stella looked at Joy with a groan before she said, "Ok Joy, let's get this over with."
Joy said with a smile, "I knew that I could succeed in persuading you."
And so Joy and Stella walked away from Malina towards the sight where Joy lost her earrings.
Joy bent down and searched the alley in detail for her earrings as Stella stood nearby. Both girls had no idea that the Ice Cream Truck was parked nearby. One of the two girls is about to die inside the Ice Cream Truck sooner than she was expecting.
Malina stripped over a brick and she fell face first to the ground. Malina lay unmoving face down on the ground for a few minutes. Malina slowly recovered as she slowly started to stand up. The girl moaned in pain as she slowly scrambled to her feet again.
Malina was standing alone without the benefit of safety in numbers. However, Malina was nowhere near the Ice Cream Truck. She can't be lured into the Ice Cream Truck to be killed as long as Joy and Stella is standing in the way. Therefore, Malina can't be killed until Joy and Stella are killed first. And so, Malina was alone and killable, but there was no direct path to killing her. And that thought alone frustrated Ice Cream Truck Lad.
Malina considered joining Joy and Stella, but she hesitated. Malina eventually chose to stay where she's at and returned to her previous spot in the alley. Malina spun all the way around to make sure she isn't being followed by Ice Cream Truck Lad. It isn't time for Malina to die yet.Stella thought she saw Broken Glass Champion and she considered following him. On one hand, following Broken Glass Champion would leave Joy vulnerable to a serial killing attack. However, Stella would be considered a heroine if she killed Broken Glass Champion once and for all.
Stella wasn't sure if she made the right decision, but she chose to follow a shadowy figure she assumed was Broken Glass Champion. Stella must be lured into the Ice Cream Truck and killed before she succeeds in catching up to Broken Glass Champion.
Joy bent over in the alley looking for her lucky earrings without realizing that Stella has vanished. Ice Cream Truck Lad must rescue Broken Glass Champion by killing Stella in the Ice Cream Truck before she catches and kills Broken Glass Champion. However, Joy is in the way. Therefore, Joy needs to die first. The way that Joy was bent over looking for her lucky earrings makes her easy to be the first of three girls to be killed.
Ice Cream Truck Lad grabbed Joy as she was bent over looking for her lucky earrings. Ice Cream Truck Lad covered Joy's mouth with a rag soaked in fast acting poison as he picked her up from the ground. Ice Cream Truck Lad carried Joy towards the Ice Cream Truck. Joy tried to escape, but Ice Cream Truck's grip against her was much too strong. Soon it was impossible for Joy to move a muscle because the poison soaked rag pressed on her mouth was killing her much too effectively.
Joy tried to apologize, but it was much too late. The doomed girl closed her eyes and she slowly stopped breathing. Soon, the dead girl was limp as she was gripped firmly and held above ground by the Ice Cream Truck Lad. Ice Cream Truck Lad lowered the dead girl to the Ice Cream Truck floor before he walked over her dead body.
Joy Kate Lawson is no longer alive. Joy Kate Lawson is legally dead.
Ice Cream Truck Lad and Broken Glass Champion needs to kill Malina Weissman, but Stella Allen was in the way. Therefore, Stella needs to die first before Malina can be killed. Malina had no idea she was about to be killed when she lost track of Stella and had no idea how to find her. Malina was starting to get worried and for good reason too.
Malina considered walking towards Stella, but she chose against it. Her refusal to reinforce Stella could turn out to be her biggest mistake as her doom got closer and closer.
Stella continued to chase after the Broken Glass Champion. Stella must die before Malina decides to reinforce Stella's pursuit of the Broken Glass Champion. But now could Stella be lured to die inside the Ice Cream Truck when she's nowhere near the vehicle.
Stella quickened her pace as she got closer towards the Broken Glass Champion. The Broken Glass Champion has no idea that he's about to be killed by Stella. How can Broken Glass Champion succeed in killing Stella if he has no idea that she's pursuing him.
Malina lost track of both Stella and the Broken Glass Champion before realizing that Joy is now legally dead. Malina started to get worried that her plan is falling apart. Malina started to worry that her inability to get her plan back on track could lead to her murder and death.
Malina looked around her. Malina looked for Stella in hopes of reinforcing the doomed girl. Stella must die now before Malina succeeds in having her reinforced. Malina is getting closer to finding Stella's current location.
Stella got closer and closer towards her goal of attacking and killing Broken Glass Champion. She must die before Malina gets around to reinforcing Stella's goal of attacking and killing Broken Glass Champion. Stella smiled as she quickened her pace faster.
Stella got close enough that her fingertips nearly succeeded in grabbing the Broken Glass Champion in a strangulation grip. Stella must die now before she succeeds.
Malina finally located Stella and she walked towards her friend. Stella must die before Malina succeeds in reaching her. Survival is no longer an option for Stella. Malina started to smile as her plan to wipe out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse finally started to fall into place. Malina must not succeed. Malina must die now.
Malina walked faster in hopes that her evil effort to prevent Stella doesn't get defeated. Ice Cream Truck Lad grabbed Stella from behind. He placed a rag soaked in fast acting poison over Stella's mouth as he dragged her towards the Ice Cream Truck and further away from the Broken Glass Champion. Stella slowly started to die as her evil scheme started to fall apart.
Stella tried to fight against Ice Cream Truck Lad as his grip against her got tighter. He pulled her backwards deeper into the Ice Cream Truck. He closed the door as the rag soaked in fast acting poison was pressed to her mouth with forceful energy. Stella's world got darker as her muscles became numb. She made one last attempt to wriggle free before she dies.
Stella gave up fighting as she was lowered to the ground. The rag soaked in fast acting poison was removed from her mouth as it got harder for the dying girl to breath.
Stella stopped moving. Stella stopped breathing. Shella lay there unmoving and she died.
Stella Allen is no longer alive. Stella is legally dead.
Malina Weissman lost track of the Broken Glass Champion. Malina lost track of Stella. Fearing the worst that Stella is legally dead, Malina considered her next option. Malina doesn't have any more options. Malina is about to be murdered.
Malina paused as she looked around her. Nothing. She wasn't able to see anything. She took a deep breath as she looked around her a second time. One wrong move and she could end up getting attacked and murdered. However, allowing Malina to survive will give her a second chance to attack and kill Broken Glass Champion. Malina must be attacked and killed before she succeeds in doing so. But how will Ice Cream Truck succeed in killing the girl.
Broken Glass Champion tried to strangle Malina and she punched him twice before kicking him. She kicked him two more times before running as fast as she could.
Malina kept running until she was out of breath. She stopped in front of an ice cream truck. She considered running away from the ice cream truck. She chose instead to walk towards it.Malina didn't know why she was walking towards the ice cream truck. She tried to talk herself out of it, but she found herself walking towards it anyway.
Malina entered the ice cream truck. Ice Cream Truck Lad entered the ice cream truck. Ice Cream Truck Lad grabbed Malina from behind.
Ice Cream Truck Lad shoved a rag soaked in fast acting poison over Malina's mouth. Malina tried to squirm free without success. Her body slowly started to go limp as the fast acting poison soaked rag continued to be shoved over her mouth.
Malina kept telling herself that she once she closed her eyes, she won't be able to open her eyes again. She found herself unable to breathe as she slowly stopped breathing. The poison soaked rag was removed from Malina's mouth as the grip against her was released. Malina found herself falling to the floor of the ice cream truck as death claimed the doomed girl.
Malina Weissman is no longer alive. Malina is legally dead.
Emily Hahn, Beatrice Miller and Isabella Acres ran down an empty abandoned alley side by side until the three girls were certain that nobody was following.
Emily Hahn said, "Broken Glass Champion isn't following us. We're safe. At least for the time being. I don't know how much longer we can continue to escape Broken Glass Champion before he finally succeeds in killing all three of us."
Isabella Acres replied, "We can't keep running for our lives. We need to take a stand to defend ourselves. We can't just sit there and wait for some maniac to pick us off one by one."
Emily Hahn replied, "I don't have any ideas on how to murder Broken Glass Champion. What about the two of you girls?"
Ice Cream Truck Lad grabbed Emily Hahn from behind and placed a fast acting poison soaked rag over her mouth. Emily Hahn struggled in futility as she was helplessly dragged backwards towards the Ice Cream Truck Lad's ice cream truck.
Beatrice Miller said, "Holy shit, we must run for our lives before Ice Cream Truck Lad murders us too the same way he's murdering Emily Hahn."
Isabella Acres said, "We can't just leave Emily Hahn behind to die."
Beatrice Miller didn't respond. She grabbed Isabella's left hand and pulled her behind as she ran down the abandoned alley and towards temporary safety.
Emily Hahn tried to escape, but the rag soaked in fast acting poison was too powerful for her to escape. Emily felt her body going limp as she was dragged into the ice cream truck and laid on the floor. Ice Cream Truck Lad stood there and watched as Emily tried to stand up only to crash back to the floor helplessly defeated and dying.
Emily Hahn is no longer alive. Emily Hahn is legally dead.
Beatrice Miller turned around to notice that both Ice Cream Truck Lad and his ice cream truck has vanished from sight.
Beatrice Miller said, "Where did he vanish to? He'll murder us both too if we accidently walked towards his direction."
Isabella Acres replied, "I have no idea. Your guess is as good as mine. Ice Cream Truck Lad could be anywhere in this abandoned alley."
Beatrice said, "Let's pick an direction at random and pray that it's the correct direction to take."
Isabella said, "I'll stay here where it's safe and you go forward. If you get killed by a serial killer, then it's the wrong direction for me to escape towards."Beatrice said, "It's so much easier and safer if we escape down a random direction together."
Isabella said, "Ice Cream Truck Lad has vanished from this general direction and that's good enough for me. Go down that direction alone. If you don't get yourself killed, then I'll join you. If you get yourself killed, then I'm staying right here."
Beatrice said, "Suppose Ice Cream Truck Lad is directly in front of us and Broken Glass Champion is standing behind you waiting for me to die so I can't save you from being killed from behind."
Isabella Acres said, "We escaped from Broken Glass Champion and he isn't a threat to us both anymore. We only need to escape from being murdered by Ice Cream Truck Lad."
Beatrice Miller said, "Why don't you walk forward down the abandoned alley to make sure that Ice Cream Truck Lad isn't lurking ahead of us while I pray that Broken Glass Champion isn't waiting to kill me from behind."
Isabella Acres said, "It's better if you walk forward down the abandoned alley to make sure that Ice Cream Truck Lad isn't ahead of us. I'll take my chances that Broken Glass Champion isn't behind me waiting to make a kill."Beatrice said, "Ok, fine, I'll walk forward down the abandoned alley to make sure that Ice Cream Truck Lad isn't standing ahead of us, but I won't enjoy doing so."
Isabella replied, "I can live with your frustration if it keeps me alive a little bit further."
Beatrice said, "That's a cold thing to say."
Isabella said, "Good luck Beatrice, don't get yourself murdered."
Beatrice said, "Oh yeah, I'll send you a postcard when I succeed in killing Ice Cream Truck Lad."
Isabella said, "I doubt you will survive much longer, but I'll wait for your postcard anyway."
Beatrice Miller turned away from Isabella Acres and she walked forward down the abandoned alley.
Beatrice walked forward a few more feet before she heard a noise to the left of her. She spun around and failed to see anything.
Beatrice took a deep breath before she walked forward a few more feet forward. Ice Cream Truck Lad grabbed her from the left and placed a quick acting poison soaked rag over her mouth. Beatrice struggled in vain as she was pulled towards the left towards the ice cream truck. Beatrice tried to escape, but the poison fumes from the fast acting poison soaked rag was much too lethal and damaging. She felt her body go limp as she was helplessly dragged towards the ice cream truck.
The door to the ice cream truck was opened and Beatrice was roughly tossed inside. Beatrice tried to stand up, but her poison destroyed body refused to cooperate. Darkness overwhelmed her sight and her vision grew darker as death overtook the doomed girl.
Beatrice Miller is no longer alive. Beatrice Miller is legally dead.
Isabella Acres stayed where she stood. She lost track of Beatrice Miller and noticed that nobody returned back to her. Ice Cream Truck Lad and his ice cream truck vanished from sight.
Isabella was tempted to walk forward, but she chose to stay put instead.
Isabella heard a noise behind her. She spun around and failed to see anything. With a frown, she explored the area behind her in detail without finding anything.
Isabella Acres didn't find anything. She spun around to face the portion of the alley that Beatrice Miller was murdered in. Isabella stayed put as she thought about what her next move was going to be. Isabella couldn't think of anything except staying put.
Isabella furtively stepped forward. She paused and looked behind her a second time. She failed to see anything. McKenzie Foy, Willow Shields and Chloe Barach approached Isabella Acres.
McKenzie Foy asked, "Where is Emily Hahn and Beatrice Miller?"
Isabella replied, "Emily Hahn and Beatrice Miller as been murdered by Ice Cream Truck Lad."
McKenzie replied, "That wasn't the outcome that I was hoping for."
McKenzie said, "Well, the good news is that there is four of us girls verses Broken Glass Champion and Ice Cream Truck Lad. The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will surely fall apart as long as us girls maintain our advantage."Willow said, "I would feel better about our chances for survival if Emily Hahn and Beatrice Miller were still alive."
McKenzie said, "But nobody killed either of us girls so that's the important thing."
Willow said, "Hey Chloe, go down that alley over there and check to see if the coast is clear."
Chloe replied, "You got it Willow."
Chloe walked away from Isabella Acres, McKenzie Foy and Willow Shields before she turned a corner. She discovered where the Ice Cream Truck was parked. Chloe took a deep breath as she slowly entered the Ice Cream Truck and a male presence slammed the door shut behind her. Ice Cream Truck Lad shoved a poison soaked rag over Chloe's mouth as the doomed girl was roughly restrained from behind.
Chloe tried to escape, but the manner in which Ice Cream Truck Lad restrained her made it impossible for her to escape.
Meanwhile, Isabella faced McKenzie and Willow.
Isabella said, "Willow may have sent Chloe to her death. Now it's Chloe verses Ice Cream Truck Lad while it's the three of us girls verses Broken Glass Champion. One of you two girls must go out there and try to rescue Chloe before she dies."
Isabella continued, "We should face the fact that Broken Glass Champion won't show himself to attack me as long as the two of you girls are still alive."
McKenzie said, "The three of us girls should attack and kill Broken Glass Champion before killing Ice Cream Truck Lad. That's the correct way to solve the problem."
Chloe was still stuck inside the Ice Cream Truck. The doomed girl tried to escape, but Ice Cream Truck restrained her from behind while pressing a poison soaked rag over her mouth. Chloe's knees buckled and she found herself dropping to her knees before falling face first to the floor. Ice Cream Truck Lad knelt over her while still pressing a rag soaked in poison over her mouth. The world got darker as the doomed girl stopped breathing with tears streaming down her face.Chloe Barach is no longer alive. Chloe Barach is legally dead.
Willow replied, "I agree with McKenzie. It's safe to assume that Chloe is legally dead so now it's just the three of us girls verses Broken Glass Champion and Ice Cream Truck Lad. One more murder and the victims will equal the victimizer and us girls won't outnumber the victimizers anymore."
Willow said, "We can't afford to make anymore careless mistakes."
Isabella said, "Chloe is my friend as well as being your friend. One of us girls must rescue her from being violently attacked."
Isabella said, "We owe it to our best buddy Chloe to make the effort."
McKenzie replied, "Are you crazy. We're making it easier to kill us off one by one."
Willow replied, "I agree. We need to be smart about this."
McKenzie said, "I stand with Willow. We're not budging in case Broken Glass Champion tries to attack Isabella from behind. Willow and I can save Isabella in the nick of time."
Willow replied, "It's a safe plan to use. Us girls will survive much longer if we do it this way."
Isabella said, "You owe be a favor Willow. You must obey if I call a favor. The favor that I'm calling is that you must rescue Chloe from getting herself killed."
Willow said, "Please don't send me out there to attack Ice Cream Truck Lad alone. I'll be murdered by Ice Cream Truck Lad. I won't be able to save you from being attacked and killed from behind by Broken Glass Champion."
Isabella said, "Chloe is our friend and we must attempt to rescue her."
McKenzie said, "Don't do it Willow. You'll be murdered if you go out there alone."
Isabella said, "Willow has no choice but to go out there alone. I called a favor and she must obey once a favor is called."
McKenzie said, "This isn't fair. Broken Glass Champion and Ice Cream Truck Lad is wiping us girls out one by one much too easily."
Willow replied, "I'm still alive and breathing. There is still hope for survival for us girls as long as I'm still alive and breathing."
Willow Shields separated from Isabella Acres and McKenzie Foy as she walked down the same path down the abandoned alley that Chloe Barach took Willow saw the Ice Cream Truck as she walked towards the vehicle.
Isabella replied, "Now it's just you and I McKenzie. Only one of us is allowed to be attacked from behind by Broken Glass Champion. The other must be killed by the Ice Cream Truck Lad. Which girl gets to have which death scene."
McKenzie said, "You shouldn't be enjoying our unavoidable doom this much."
Isabella said, "The only enjoyment I'm getting from this is that I get to be the last girl standing before the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse kills me off too."
Willow entered the Ice Cream Truck to see a pile of dead girls inside the Ice Cream Truck. Ice Cream Truck Lad entered the Ice Cream Truck and tried to grab Willow from behind. Willow punched her victimizer. Ice Cream Truck doubled over in pain as the victim punched him two more times as he waited for an opening to murder the girl."
Willow punched her victimizer two more times before the victim paused for a few minutes. The doomed girl is about to make a very big mistake that will lead to her death.
Isabella replied, "Being the last girl standing has no cash or any other prize. And the chance to have bragging rights to being the last girl standing is painfully brief before I too must die. But still, it's the sort of thing that doomed girls aspire towards anyway."
McKenzie said, "But there was hope for survival and now that hope is gone with one of us girls dead and another one of us girls about to die."
Isabella replied, "There was never any hope for survival if one of us girls is dead and another one of us girls is about to die."
McKenzie said, "Say what you will. You won't get me to walk off alone to die in a murder attack."
Ice Cream Truck Lad lay on the floor without moving. Willow crawled over his unmoving body to check for a pulse.
Willow's left hand rested on Ice Cream Truck Lad's neck to check for a pulse while she continued to crawl over her unmoving victimizer. The doomed girl is about to make a very big mistake that will lead to her death.
Isabella said, "You claim that I will never get you to walk off to your doom alone, but you already know that your demise is already unavoidable."
Isabella replied, "I'm more honest about it than other girls."
McKenzie said, "That's the difference between the two of us. I still have a brain in my skull and I already know what will happen if we go in two different directions. Both of us will die if that happens and we both know it."
Ice Cream Truck Lad lay face down as Willow crawled over him to check a pulse. Broken Glass Champion grabbed Willow from behind and shoved a poison soaked rag over her mouth. Willow struggled to free herself, but her effort was in vain. Willow's breathing became shallow and her muscles became numb as Ice Cream Truck Lad crawled away from her.
Willow Shields fell backwards to the floor and closed her eyes. Willow is no longer alive. Willow is legally dead. Ice Cream Truck Lad hugged Broken Glass Champion as they walked over the dead body of Willow Shields.
Isabella said, "You claim to be better than me. I have a way that you can prove to me how great you are in comparison to me. Attack and kill Ice Cream Truck Lad alone without me."
McKenzie said, "You can't order me to do that. I'll be killed if that happens."
Isabella said, "Then it's agreed. I'm better than you are."
McKenzie said, "It won't work. You and I need to work together."
Isabella said, "Broken Glass Champion can't attack me from behind and kill me if you're still alive. You must die first before I can be killed."
Ice Cream Truck Lad grabbed McKenzie from behind. A poison soaked rag was shoved over McKenzie's mouth as the doomed girl was dragged away from Isabella Acres.
Isabella Acres looked behind her and didn't see Broken Glass Champion. She frowned as she stayed put alone in an abandoned alley without any girls left to help her out.
McKenzie was dragged from behind by the Ice Cream Truck Lad as a poison soaked rag was pressed against her mouth. McKenzie tried to escape, but her muscles became numb as it got harder for the doomed girl to breath.
Isabella thought about escaping, but it's too late. Isabella is about to be murdered.
McKenzie was finally dragged into the Ice Cream Truck from behind by the Ice Cream Truck Lad. McKenzie was roughly dropped to the floor. McKenzie tried to stand up, but her dying body refused to respond.
Isabella decided to make an attempt to escape from the alley. Isabella must die now to prevent that from happening.
McKenzie Foy is no longer alive. McKenzie Foy is legally dead.
Isabella Acres decided to run away from the abandoned alley towards safety. Broken Glass Champion attacked Isabella from behind. He grabbed the doomed girl from behind and shoved a poison soaked rag over Isabella's mouth.
Isabella rammed her right elbow into Broken Glass Champion and he was briefly lost his grip. However, he recaptured Isabella from behind before she could make her escape.
Isabella tried to speak, but the rag soaked in poison muffled any attempt to make conversation. It wouldn't have made any difference. Broken glass Champion dragged Isabella from behind towards the Ice Cream Truck.Isabella made one last effort to escape before being dragged from behind towards the Ice Cream Truck by the Broken Glass Champion. Tears ran down her face as her body became numb and it got harder for the dying girl to keep her eyes open.
Broken Glass Champion roughly dropped Isabella to the floor. Isabella crashed to the floor and lay unmoving while waiting for death to claim her.
Isabella Acres is no longer alive. Isabella Acres is legally dead.
Lo Bosworth walked alongside Francesca Capaldi nearby the area where the ice cream truck is located. Lo said, "Sorry I'm late girls. But the babysitter is finally here." Lo paused before she added, "I could've swore that there were six girls somewhere around here."
Francesca walked towards the ice cream truck, but Lo stopped her.
Lo said, "Don't go near the ice cream truck. It's very dangerous."
Francesca said, "There are six dead girls inside the ice cream truck. Sterling Jerins, Claire Geare and I need to be lured into the ice cream truck one by one too."
Lo said, "That's not necessary. No girl will enter the ice cream truck as long as I'm alive."
Francesca said, "The problem with having Lo hanging around us girls is that she is age appropriate, she needs to die first, she can't die inside the ice cream truck and she needs to die some other way."
Lo said, "It isn't necessary for any of us girls to die."
Sterling said, "Oh look, there is Tampon Man. Lo needs to save us three girls by killing him so she can continue to be a good babysitter and prevent the three of us girls from getting killed inside the ice cream truck one by one."Claire said, "Then again, Lo doesn't have the ability to save all three of us girls from getting killed inside the ice cream truck by attacking and killing Tampon Man."
Sterling said, "I bet that Lo doesn't have what it takes to kill Tampon Man for us."
Lo said, "I have what it takes to kill Tampon Man."
Claire said, "Then prove it and keep attacking until either he dies or you die."
Lo said, "I'll show you girls how to defeat a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Lo Bosworth walked towards Tampon Man with a smile on her face."
Tampon Man said, "You're age appropriate. You're interrupting an important ice cream truck operation because of your presence. Therefore, you must die first and you must die now."
Lo said, "I'm not going anywhere except to your goddamn grave."
Lo punched Tampon Man and he doubled over in pain. Lo kicked him and punched him twice. Tampon Man doubled over in pain as Lo kicked him before shoving him against the wall.
Tampon Man said, "Tell me the best way to kill you."
Lo said, "Screw you. I'm doing nothing of the kind."
Lo punched Tampon Man five times before kicking him. Tampon Man doubled over in pain as he started to crumble under the girl's attack.
Lo punched Tampon Man five times, kicked him against the wall before punching him against the wall and watched as he fell to the ground. Lo smiled as she punched him as he struggled to stand up.
Claire said, "I'm about to go into the ice cream truck. I can't do so until Lo Bosworth dies."
Lo said, "I told you once, I told you a million times, you're not going into the ice cream truck."
Lo was so distracted by Claire, that she didn't see Tampon Man as he stabbed her from behind. Lo started to drool blood as she started to stumble with a lifeless expression on her face. Lo fell face first as the doomed girl started to die.
Claire said, "I'm about to enter the ice cream truck two minutes from now, but I can't do it until Lo dies one minute from now."
Lo said, "Don't do it. You're giving the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse the chance to kill me."
Claire said, "Sorry, but one of us two girls must die now and you're not age appropriate so you must die first. That's the way it is."
Tampon Man stabbed Lo from behind and the girl fell to the ground face down in a puddle of blood.
Lo Bosworth is no longer alive. Lo is legally dead.
Sterling Jerins looked at Claire Geare with a stern expression.
Sterling said, "You didn't need to say that."
Claire said, "But it's true. I need to be the first of us three girls to die."
Sterling said, "I guess us girls has no choice now that Lo Bosworth is legally dead.
Sterling said, "I only wish you thought this through carefully before dooming Lo to get herself killed. Where is Tampon Man? I thought he was here a second ago."
Claire said, "I'll enter the ice cream truck to find out."
Francesca Capaldi said, "Oh damn, here comes our second babysitter."
Genevieve said, "Sorry I'm late. Where's Lo Bosworth? There's supposed to be six other girls standing here? What's going on here."
Francesca said, "You need to fight against Tampon Man to find out."
Genevieve asked, "Who's going to babysit you girls and prevent you girls from entering the ice cream truck and dying one by one. There needs to be an age appropriate girl around to stop you from dying one by one. Don't force me to face Tampon Man and run the risk of getting myself killed."
Claire, Sterling and I can't die one by one until both age appropriate girls are legally dead."Genevieve said, "Then perhaps that's a good thing that I'm not dead yet."
Francesca said, "Don't steel Genevieve's purse. Don't lure her to die at the hands of Tampon Man."
Tampon Man said, "I must steel Genevieve's purse."
Genevieve said, "I'll kill you if you try to steal my purse."
Tampon Man stole Genevieve's purse and she chased after him with intent to kill. Genevieve punched him and kicked him and he doubled over in pain. He tried to punch her and she blocked the blow with a smile on her face.
Genevieve said, "Oh come on, you can try harder than that. I'm hardly breaking a sweat against you."
Tampon Man tried to punch Genevieve and she blocked the blow. She punched him and he doubled over in pain. She kicked him twice before punching him.
Claire said, "I'm about to enter the ice cream truck ten minutes from now which means that all age appropriate girls must be legally dead nine minutes from now."
Genevieve said, "Stop saying that. Saying that doomed Lo to die and now it's about to doom me to die too."
Claire said, "It's true. You must die nine minutes from now and I must die ten minutes from now. No age appropriate girls is allowed to be alive when I enter the ice cream truck to die."
Genevieve was so distracted by Claire's outburst that Tampon Man stabbed Genevieve from behind.
Claire said, "You must die eight minutes from now so that I can enter the ice cream truck to die nine minutes from now."
Genevieve said, "I was winning. I was close to defeating him. Now your outburst will doom me to die. Stop saying that so I can have a chance for survival."
Tampon Man stabbed Genevieve from behind five more times and Genevieve started to drool blood as it got harder for the dying girl to breathe.
Genevieve tried to punch Tampon Man and he stabbed her between her breasts. Genevieve sank to her knees as she looked at her victimizer with a blank expression as it got hard for her to breathe.
Genevieve tried to stand up only to be stabbed between her breasts ten more times.
Claire said, "You must die within five minutes so that no age appropriate girl can stop me from entering the ice cream truck to die six minutes from now."
Genevieve said, "It's not fair. Claire is distracting me."
Tampon Man said, "It doesn't matter. You still need to die."
Tampon Man stabbed Genevieve between her breasts seven more times and watched as she lay down on the floor face up. The girl's breathing started to slow down as a puddle of blood started to form from the dying girl.
Tampon Man checked for a pulse before stabbing the dying girl between her breasts. Genevieve tried to say something, but was unable to form any words.
Tears rolled from Genevieve's eyes as she felt shame and humiliation as her eyes started to close. The dying girl gave up and she stopped breathing as death claimed the doomed girl.
Claire Geare said, "Time for me to enter the ice cream truck now that all age appropriate babysitters are all now legally dead."
Claire Geare took a deep breathe before she entered the ice cream truck to face Ice Cream Truck Lad and Broken Glass Champion. Claire smiled. Ice Cream Truck Lad smiled. Broken Glass Champion smiled. Time for Claire to violently die in a murder attack.
Ice Cream Truck Lad said, "Which one of us do you want to have as a murderer."
Claire said, "I don't want either of you as my murderer. Consider this an ambush."
Eight Year Old Dandelion Girl stood behind Ice Cream Truck Lad and Broken Glass Champion.
Claire said, "I thought ahead and found a clever way to kill you both with an ambush."
Broken Glass Champion said, "You are a clever girl Both your friend and yourself deserve refreshments from the ice cream truck."
Claire said, "That's so cool. Thanks."
Eight Year Old Dandelion Girl said, "I go first."
Eight Year Old Dandelion Girl drank from a milkshake to discover it was laced with quick acting poison. Eight Year Old Dandelion Girl lay down on the floor legally dead. Claire drank from the milkshake to discover that it was laced with quick acting poison. Claire fell face first to the floor as it got harder for the dying girl to breathe. Claire pressed her body to the floor as her eyes started to close and her breathing slowed to non-existence.
Claire Geare is no longer alive. Claire is legally dead.
Sterling Jerins looked at Francesca Capaldi with a harsh glare.
Sterling said, "So now it's down to only the two of us. Which of us gets to enter the ice cream truck first and who gets to enter the ice cream truck second."
Sterling looked at the ice cream truck behind her. She knew that she was about to die, but she didn't know when or how. Doom overwhelmed the girl as she faced Francesca
Sterling said, "Please don't tell me that I have to go into the ice cream truck next."Francesca said, "You borrowed Claire's lucky necklace so now you must enter the ice cream truck to retrieve your lucky necklace."
Francesca said, "Naturally, I tried to talk you out of it, but you were determined to risk your life anyway. Such a pity. You had such potential."
Sterling said, "I'm not dead yet and you could always go first before it's my turn."
Sterling said, "I don't mind watching while you enter the ice cream truck to die."
Francesca said, "I don't need to risk my life getting your lucky necklace from Claire's neck, but you need to do so."
Francesca said, "I don't need to die on top of Claire trying to get your lucky necklace back, but you need to die that way."
Sterling said, "Please don't ask me to die like that."
Sterling said, "I have so much potential left to fulfill and I'd rather watch you enter the ice cream truck to die instead."
Francesca said, "I don't need to die on top of Claire, but that's your doomed fate. Sorry, but my death takes me in a different direction."
Francesca said, "I want bragging right about being the last girl to die and I won't accomplish that. But I will get to die after your death scene."
Sterling said, "I don't want to die before you. I don't want either of us two girls to die."
Sterling said, "I know that there is nothing to prevent us girls from entering the ice cream truck to die, but there has to be a better way for us two girls to die."
Francesca said, "We can try to escape justice without entering the ice cream truck."
Francesca said, "We will escape justice after you get your lucky necklace back from Claire's dead body. You will need to crawl on top of Claire and run the risk of dying on top of her and then we'll escape justice if you escape the ice cream truck without getting yourself killed."
Sterling said, "You know that no girl enters the ice cream truck and lives to tell about it."
Sterling said, "We need to escape justice without entering the ice cream truck."
Francesca said, "Escape justice on your own because I'm staying here."
Francesca said, "I'm sure your fast enough to outrace Ice Cream Truck Lad and Broken Glass Champion before they drag you into the ice cream truck to die."
Sterling said, "It will be easier for me to outrace Ice Cream Truck Lad and Broken Glass Champion if the two of us are working together to survive the murder attacks."
Emmy Perry approached Francesca Capaldi.
Emmy asked, "What are you two girls talking about."
Francesca said, "I'm trying to get Sterling to die before I get to die."
Emmy said, "That's a depressing thing to talk about."
Francesca faced Emmy before she said, "You clearly need to die before Sterling's death and my death. Sorry, but you entered the wrong place at the wrong time."
Emmy said, "Excuse me, but who said anything about me getting killed."
Emmy said, "I don't mind if Francesca dies so that Sterling and I get to escape justice."
Sterling said, "That's a great idea. Emmy and I should escape justice and leave Francesca behind."
Sterling said, "I don't mind if Francesca is forced to die instead of Emmy and myself."
Francesca said, "Clearly Ice Cream Truck and Broken Glass Champion needs to lure Sterling into the ice cream truck to die before she escape justice with Emmy."
Francesca said, "Sterling can only be killed on top of Claire's dead body trying and failing to get her necklace back. What's the best way to kill Emmy inside the ice cream truck before she escapes."
Emmy said, "There isn't a best way to kill me because I'm not going to die."
Emmy said, "Come on Sterling, we must escape justice before you're lured into the ice cream truck to try and fail to get your necklace back from Claire's dead body."
Sterling said, "I'm sure we can accomplish a clean and successful escape attempt."
Sterling said, "There is nothing anybody can say that will lure me into the ice cream truck to die."
Francesca said, "There is hope for immunity from getting killed if Sterling enters the ice cream truck, crawls on top of Claire, gets her necklace back and leaves the ice cream truck without dying."
Francesca said, "Then Emmy and I will escape with Sterling with only Sterling getting to enter the ice cream truck."
Emmy said, "Don't listen to Francesca. Once an age appropriate babysitter dies, there is nothing to prevent all three of us from being lured into the ice cream truck to die one by one. When one of us three girls dies, the other two of us girls needs to die too."
Emmy said, "Don't force me to enter the ice cream truck to avenge the death of Sterling and getting myself killed in the process."
Sterling said, "Hey ladies, I'm still alive and I'm not planning to die anytime soon."
Sterling said, "So sorry to disappoint expectations, but I'm not entering the ice cream truck nor am I going to be fooled by the false promise of immunity."Francesca said, "Fine, escape justice without knowing if immunity from getting killed is possible."
Francesca said, "I don't want to hold you back if you want to make the biggest mistake of your life."
Emmy said, "Sorry Francesca, but entering the ice cream truck and getting killed in the process would be a far bigger mistake."
Emmy said, "Let's escape justice now before it's too late."
Sterling said, "I'm about to escape justice. Last chance to lure me into the ice cream truck to die."
Sterling said, "On the other hand, I need to have my necklace back since Claire's dead and she won't need the necklace anymore."
Francesca said, "I knew you would make the right decision Sterling."
Francesca said, "Now enter the ice cream truck before you change your mind."
Emmy said, "Don't defeat my attempt to escape justice without a scratch. I nearly got to survive."
Emmy said, "Please don't tell me that you're going to doom my escape attempt by entering the ice cream truck to die once and for all."
Sterling said, "Francesca is right. I need to risk my life trying to get my necklace back from Claire's dead body before I escape with Emmy."
Sterling said, "Wish me luck ladies."
Francesca said, "Good luck Sterling. Don't die too quickly."
Francesca said, "It will be impossible for Emmy and I to escape if you die quickly and allow Emmy to be lured into the ice cream truck to die and doom my escape in the process."
Sterling said, "It's bound to fall apart for all three of us girls sooner or later."
Sterling took a deep breathe and she walked towards the ice cream truck. The doomed girl entered the ice cream truck and walked towards the dead body of Claire Geare. Sterling frowned as she bent over Claire's dead body to remove her necklace from the neck of Claire's dead body.
The only way for Sterling to do so is the lie down on to of Claire's dead body breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Sterling did so. Ice Cream Truck Lad placed a rag soaked in quick acting poison over Sterling's mouth. Sterling tried to breathe, but the quick acting poison was shutting her body down as the dying girl found it impossible to breathe.
Sterling tried to keep her eyes open, but found it impossible to do so. Tears rolled down her eyes before she closed her eyes. Sterling tried to say something, but she was forced to allow darkness to overwhelm her. The doomed girl stopped breathing as the end finally came to the dying girl.
Sterling Jerins is no longer alive. Sterling is legally dead.
Emmy Perry looked at Francesca Capaldi.
Emmy said, "Now it's necessary for me to be murdered before you get to die."
Emmy said, "There is still a chance for the two of us girls to escape. Let's hope that Ice Cream Truck Lad and Broken Glass Champion doesn't ruin our escape attempt by killing me once and for all."
Francesca said, "Trust me when I say I get to pleasure from watching Sterling and you die."
Francesca cried out, "Watch out Emmy, you're about to be grabbed from behind and killed."
Emmy said, "I don't see anybody."
Broken Glass Champion grabbed Emmy from behind and placed a rag soaked in quick acting poison over her mouth. Emmy struggled against her murderer as she was dragged from behind towards the ice cream truck for her chance to be murdered."
Emmy struggled against her victimizer as she was dragged into the ice cream truck and the vehicle doors was locked shut. Broken Glass Champion felt the dying girl's pulse as he continued to hold a rag soaked in quick acting poison over her mouth waiting for Emmy to die.Emmy tried to escape her murder attack, but her muscles started to feel numb as it got harder for the dying girl to breathe. She tried to say something, but that made the rag soaked in quick acting poison to be pressed on her mouth more aggressively. In the end, Emmy was forced to give up when it became obvious that she had no hope for escaping nor surviving. Emmy is about to die.
Emmy Perry is no longer alive. Emmy is legally dead.
Francesca Capaldi is all alone as she considered her next move. The doomed girl is running out of options as death came closer towards claiming her. Francesca took a deep breath as she attempted to escape from her victimizers. Her efforts to escape her doom will be in vain and futility.
Francesca ran and she ran until she no longer saw the ice cream truck. Then the girl paused. Claire is legally dead. Sterling is also legally dead. Francesca loved Sterling's necklace that Claire borrowed and now she can claim the necklace as her own. Then it was decided. Francesca turned around and she ran towards the ice cream truck for her chance to die once and for all.
Francesca entered the ice cream truck. She lay down on top of Sterling's dead body breasts on spine and vagina on rear end while Sterling lay dead on top of Clair breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. Francesca tried to remove the necklace from Claire's neck only to have a rag soaked in quick acting poison shoved over Francesca's mouth. Francesca tried to shove the poison soaked rag away from her mouth and failed to do so.The necklace fell from Francesca's left hand as the poison rag soaked in quick acting poison was shoved over her mouth more aggressively. Broken Glass Champion checked Francesca's pulse as he shoved the rag soaked in quick acting poison over her mouth with a smile on his face. Francesca tried to apologize, but it was too late. The doomed girl was dying.
Francesca gave up her struggle as her eyes closed. Her body felt numb as she stopped breathing. She knew that was doomed to die, but she had no idea that her death was going to happen so soon. And it was now too late. Death was only seconds away.
Francesca Capaldi is no longer alive. Francesca is legally dead.
Payden Kershner was lost in the maze of alleys, but she finally found the location. She frowned when she realized that she was the only girl present. Payden's hair spun around when she turned to hear the approach of female sounding footsteps approaching her.
Payden said, "At least I'm not the only girl standing here."
Payden said, "The question becomes how long will our alliance last before one of us girls are killed? Please don't let it be me."Joelle Better said, "Well, I don't want to be the next girl to die either. What makes you think that I would rather die instead of you?"
Joelle said, "Us two girls better start thinking of a better plan instead of dying one by one."
Payden said, "I can't think of anything better except for dying one by one."
Payden said, "And something tells me that you're destined to be the next girl to die."
Joelle said, "Perhaps we should enter the ice cream truck together. That way us two girls will have a better chance for survival."
Joelle said, "You might think that it would be better if I entered the ice cream truck alone, but I'd feel better if you were in the ice cream truck with me."
Payden said, "You would feel better if I watched you die?"
Payden said, "You are mistaken if I want to enter the ice cream truck with you to watch you die."
Joelle said, "You could stand guard inside the ice cream truck while I search around it."
Joelle said, "The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse can't fight the two of us together."
Payden said, "Suppose I'm knocked unconscious inside the ice cream truck while you're searching around the ice cream truck."
Payden said, "Then the two of us girls are doomed anyway."
Joelle said, "Then you better pray that nothing of the sort happens."
Joelle said, "Come on, let's enter the ice cream truck together. What do we have to lose."
Payden said, "The only thing us girls has to lose is our lives."
Payden said, "Since us girls are going to die anyway, I might as well join you inside the ice cream truck and stand guard inside the ice cream truck while you look around the vehicle."
Joelle said, "That a girl, I knew you would come around to my reasoning."
Joelle said, "We better get started before you change your mind."
Payden said, "I'm already about to change my mind about this plan. I have a bad feeling that both of us girls is about to die."
Payden said, "I know I shouldn't be so pessimistic, but I can't stop feeling that I'm doomed."
Joelle said, "Us girls won't succeed if we're always pessimistic. Come on, let's get moving."
Joelle walked first without looking behind her to see if Payden was following her.
Joelle asked, "Are you still with me?"
Payden said, "I'm still here. I'm still alive."
Payden said, "I don't see the ice cream truck."
Joelle said, "I see the ice cream truck. Let's get moving. We're almost there."
Joelle reached the ice cream truck first. Her hand was on the door handle to the ice cream truck.
Joelle said, "Hurry up, I'm almost inside the ice cream truck. I'll enter the ice cream truck without you if you don't hurry up."
Payden said, "Be patient. I'm almost there."
Payden said, "For a girl who doesn't want to die, you're in such a hurry to enter the ice cream truck for your chance to have your life endangered."
Joelle said, "I won't die if us girls work together."
Joelle said, "Come on, walk faster. I'm already opening the door to the ice cream truck."
Payden said, "Then enter without me if you want to enter the ice cream truck so badly."
Payden said, "I'm almost there if you insist on entering the ice cream truck with me."
Joelle said, "You're too slow. I'm entering without you."
Joelle entered the ice cream truck. Payden followed her inside the ice cream truck. They found dead girls, but they don't see their victimizers.
Joelle said, "I guess we get to explore this ice cream truck without opposition."
Payden said, "Then we better hurry before our victimizers return."
Payden said, "Are you sure you don't need my help in searching the ice cream truck?"
Joelle said, "I need you to stand guard without getting yourself knocked unconscious. Only with you being knocked unconscious will my plan fail and I'll be doomed to die."
Joelle said, "Watch out Payden, Somebody is standing behind you ready to knock you out."
Payden said, "I don't see anybody. Are you sure our victimizers have returned to kill us both?"
Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad knocked Payden Kershner unconscious from behind her. Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad grabbed Joelle from behind and pressed a rag soaked in fast acting poison over the doomed girl's mouth. Joelle tried to escape from her victimizer without success.
Joelle tried to ram her left elbow into her victimizer, but Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad wouldn't budge. The rag soaked in fast acting poison was pressed on Joelle's mouth more aggressively. Joelle felt her muscles going numb as the doomed girl gave up fighting and started to welcome her death. Her head fell backwards against her victimizer with her death seconds away.
Joelle closed her eyes as her legs buckled. Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad removed the rag soaked in fast acting poison from her mouth and allowed the dying girl to fall to the ground in a crumpled heap.
Joelle Better is no longer alive. Joelle Better is legally dead.
Payden Kershner woke up only to see Joelle Better lying on the ground dead. Payden quietly tried to crawl away from the ice cream truck without getting herself murdered.
Payden tripped over a dead girl and she fell to the ground a second time. Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad heard the sound and he walked closer towards Payden. Payden tried to punch her victimizer as she escaped from the ice cream truck.
Payden stood outside the ice cream truck. She was about to run towards an isolated alley and survive, when she was tempted to return to the ice cream truck. She started to run towards the isolated alley, but she paused in mid-run and stopped herself altogether.
Payden spun around to look at the ice cream truck. She walked towards the ice cream truck.
Payden's left hand opened the door to the ice cream truck and she entered the vehicle.
Broken Glass Champion said, "The girl has returned. Hurry up and kill her."
Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad said, "I won't let her escape a second time."
Payden said, "You will never succeed in killing me."
Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad grabbed Payden from behind and pressed a rag soaked in fast acting poison over her mouth. Payden tried to squirm free, but her victimizer's grip against her was much too strong. It got harder for Payden to squirm free as her muscles started to feel numb. The doomed girl started to cry when she realized that she was about to be murdered. Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad released his grip on the dying girl as her eyes closed one last time. Payden fell to the ground as she allowed darkness and death consume her. Payden stopped moving and she stopped breathing as she lay face down and unmoving on the ground nearby Joelle's dead body.
Payden Kershner is no longer alive. Payden is legally dead.
Gail Soltys looked behind her to make sure that she wasn't unaccompanied. And she was satisfied when she was accompanied.
Gail said, "Hurry up. For Goddess sake, just hurry. Lo Bosworth and may have failed to escort their charges to a place of safety, but I'll be damned if I'll make the same mistake."
Gail was noticeably agitated as she impatiently waited for her friends to catch up.
Gail Soltys looked behind her at Madison Wolfe and her sister Meghan Wolfe as the two girls finally caught up to her.Gail said, "It's about time."
Madison said, "I'm hungry. Let's grab something at the ice cream truck."
Meghan cried out, "Are you crazy? That's the first place the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will be hiding for the chance to kill us girls."
Gail said, "Meghan is right. We'll need to steer clear of the ice cream truck if we're going to survive tonight long enough to see the morning."
Madison said, "Here she comes. I was wondering when she's going to catch up with us."
Isabella Crovetti Cramp approached the small group of girls. Isabella said, "I'm tempted to grab something at the ice cream truck. Madison and I will be walking past the ice cream truck within the next two minutes. I hope something horrible doesn't happen that prevents Madison and I from escaping the ice cream truck death scene."
Meghan said, "That isn't going to happen as long as I'm standing here."
Isabella said, "I'm fine with that."
Isabella said, "I'm so glad for such a comforting thought. I guess I'll go elsewhere for my ice cream. II won't be getting my ice cream from that ice cream truck becau
se I'm about to walk right past it two minutes from now. Nothing is being done to change that and I'm fine with that."
Gail said, "You won't miss the ice cream truck because I have lots of fun activities planned when we finally reach the building of safety."
Gail said, "Some people claim that the Dandelion Girls isn't going to have any safety zones left when ninety percent of the Dandelion Girls are wiped out and their safety zones are taken over by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. But I doubt that will happen."Madison said, "It better not happen. Us girls worked too hard setting this up only to have it all wrecked overnight by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Meghan said, "We better pick up the pace if we're going to reach the place of safety before one of us girls ends up getting murdered."
Madison cried out, "Watch out Meghan, somebody is standing behind you."
Meghan said, "I don't see anybody. Oh shit, there he is."
Tampon Man fired an arrow between Meghan's breasts. The dying girl gasped in pain as she dropped to her knees while drooling blood. She tried to say something, but her throat was full of blood and her muscles was slowly going numb. A tear rolled down Meghan's left eye when she realized that she's slowly about to die.
Meghan dropped to her knees as she tried to beg for mercy, but her throat was full of blood and she was drooling too much blood for words to form. She nearly choked from all the blood flooding into her throat. She felt tired, but she knew that she'll never wake up again if she closed her eyes. Yet the urge to lie down was impossible for the dying girl to resist.
Meghan lay down face up as her eyes slowly started to close. The dying girl stopped breathing as death finally claimed the doomed girl.
Meghan Wolfe is no longer alive. Meghan Wolfe is legally dead.
Madison Wolfe said, "Shit, we better get moving before more girls die before we escape from the ice cream truck. One more minute to go before the effort to escape death inside the ice cream truck is defeated once and for all."
Madison said, "Thankfully, it's just the three of us instead of just being the two of us. I feel the urge to avenge the death of my sister Meghan by entering the ice cream truck."
Isabella said, "Resist the urge to enter the ice cream truck. We have one more minute left before we succeed in escaping the ice cream truck. I hope nothing horrible happens to defeat our plans for escape and survival."
Isabella said, "Watch out Gail, you're about to be murdered."
Tampon Man stabbed Gail from behind and the doomed girl slowly started to die.
Gail said, "Just run ladies, don't worry about me. Run to the place of safety while the victimizers are distracted by the need to end my life."
Tampon Man stabbed Gail from behind five more times before the girl started to stagger. She tried to apologize, but she was attacked from behind in a knife attack before she could form the words. She staggered some more as the girl nearly fell face first to the ground.
Gail said, "I guess I'm not going to make it to the place of safety."
Tampon Man said, "There was never a place of safety for you girls."
Gail said, "I'm starting to realize that."
Tampon Man said, "Better late than never."
Gail fell face first to the floor and the dying girl closed her eyes. Gail stopped breathing. Gail lay unmoving and lifeless on the ground as death claimed the doomed girl.
Gail Soltys is no longer alive. Gail is legally dead.
Madison said, "To heck with escaping to the place of safety. I'm entering the ice cream truck to avenge the death of my sister Meghan."
Madison said, "Don't try to talk me out of it. I can't be persuaded."
Isabella said, "Don't enter the ice cream truck and get yourself murdered. We nearly escaped from the ice cream truck. Thirty minutes before my escape attempt succeeds. Your escape attempt is about to fall apart and you can't let that happen."
Isabella said, "Don't force me to be the last girl standing."
Madison said, "I'm not going to die anytime soon."
Madison said, "I'm just going to enter that ice cream truck for a few seconds. That's all I need to ensure victory for all of us girls."
Isabella said, "Don't let those psychos lure you into the ice cream truck to die. You're only seconds away from escaping the ice cream truck."
Isabella said, "Oh no, it's too late. You're about to be lured into the ice cream truck to die."
Madison said, "No girl has to worry about getting killed if she has a good plan."
Madison Wolfe walked towards the ice cream truck. She quickened her pace as the doomed girl got closer and closer to the place where she's about to be murdered. Madison was only inches away from the ice cream truck.
Madison finally reached the ice cream truck. Madison entered the ice cream truck. She saw dead girls lying on the floor inside the ice cream truck between mini ice cream freezers. She looked around and didn't see anybody except for herself. She considered exiting the ice cream truck.
Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad placed a rag soaked in fast acting poison over Madison's mouth. Madison rammed her elbow causing Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad to double over in pain. Madison tried to escape from the ice cream truck.
Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad stood up and grabbed Madison from behind. He placed a rag soaked in fast acting poison over her mouth. This time, it was difficult for her to squirm free. She rammed her left elbow against Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad without success.
Madison tried to squirm free as she slowly started to feel tired from the fast acting poison soaked rag that was shoved over her mouth. Her efforts to squirm free got weaker and weaker as her ability to escape became more and more impossible to accomplish. The doomed girl was dying and she knew it. And soon, Madison will be legally dead.
Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad released his grip on Madison. Madison fell to the ground and her eyes slowly started to close. She stopped breathing as her left hand moved upwards. Soon the girl lay lifeless and unmoving as she finally died.
Madison Wolfe is no longer alive. Madison is legally dead.
Isabella's attempt to walk past the ice cream truck without being lured into it was defeated. Isabella slowly walked towards the ice cream truck. She opened the door to realize that she was too late. Madison was already dead and now it's her turn to be attacked.
Isabella faced Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad and she said, "Look, I'm sorry about all the horrible things I said about you. I never thought you would get this annoyed by what I said."
Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad said, "Kill her now before she escapes."
Isabella asked, "What the heck are you talking about?"
Broken Glass Champion grabbed Isabella from behind and he shoved a fast acting poison soaked rag over her mouth. Isabella tried to squirm free, but she too was unable to escape. It took Isabella a much shorter time before she was dropped to the floor unmoving and having trouble breathing. She tried to say something, but the fast acting poison prevented that by making her so groggy that she could only think about closing her eyes. Isabella closed her eyes and she stopped breathing.
Isabella forced herself to breathe, but she eventually gave up and allowed death to claim her. And then it was over. Isabella has finally been murdered."
Isabella Crovetti Cramp is no longer alive. Isabella is legally dead.

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