Kyla said, "I'm amazed that we made it this far without any fatalities."
McKayla said, "Don't get used to it. I'm sure the fact that all four of us girls are still alive is an oversight that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse intends to correct."
Kyla said, "Not anytime soon I'm hoping."
Jordyn said, "Oh come on Kyla, don't you want to find out if you have what it takes to murder both Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord?"
Kyla said, "That's a question that I'm not in a rush to have answered."
Alexandra said, "It's safe to assume that Jordyn, Kyla and myself won't be in any danger of getting ourselves killed as long as McKayla is still alive."
McKayla said, "Oh sure, put me in the direct line of getting myself murdered first before the rest of us four girls gets the chance to die."
Alexandra faced McKayla before she said, "But if the first of us four girls is the first of us four girls to die, then she gets to be the cutest looking too."
McKayla said, "Yeah, sure, but I'll still be legally dead."
Jordyn said, "All four of us girls probably didn't have any hope of survival anyway."
Kyla said, "The optimism the Dandelion Girls have is overwhelming."
McKayla said, "You three girls will have to function without me for a while anyway because I'm stepping out."
Jordyn said, "And so it becomes, the first of us four girls gets the chance to die first."
McKayla said, "I'm sure it won't be anything like that."
Jordyn said, "I'm sure it will be everything like that."
Alexandra said, "I'm sure McKayla has a reason to step out."
McKayla said, "Nothing is happening in the Last Remaining Dandelion Girls Safehouse. ZPerhaps because there is still too many girls still alive which makes invading it pointless. So I'm going to make it easy for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to invade the Last Remaining Dandelion Girls Safehouse by hanging out at the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium to see if perhaps I'm going to get myself killed there instead."
Kyla said, "It will be harder for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to invade the Last Remaining Dandelion Girls Safehouse if us girls allows the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium to fall and defend this building instead. We don't have enough girls left alive to defend two buildings simultaneously without getting every single girl in the Dandelion girls wiped out one by one all the way down to zero."
McKayla said, "I'm going to risk my life leading an all girl assault to defend the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium and you three girls will risk your life helping me even if I have to die first before the rest of you three gets around to helping me."
Kyla said, "It's a mistake for you to die first. It will be impossible for skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to kill Alexandra, Jordyn and myself if you're still alive to help out."
McKayla said, "Sorry, but my mind is made up."
Jordyn said, "At least bring Alexandra along with you to help out."
McKayla said, "But then Extreme Universe Edition skunk Lord will have to knock Alexandra unconscious and keep her unconscious until he succeeds in killing me and then it will be easy for Kyla, Jordyn and Alexandra to be wiped out one by one all the way down to zero."
Alexandra said, "I'm coming along anyway and you can't stop me."
Kyla faced Alexandra before she said, "That a girl. You need to be forceful."
Jordyn said, "Kyla and I will remain in the Last Remaining Dandelion Safehouse until the two of us girls are forced to join the doomed all girl assault to prevent the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium from falling."
McKayla said, "Well, I'm off. Wish me luck."
The phone rang. Kyla answered the phone.
Kyla said, "It's for you Alexandra. Skunk Lord is on the other side of the telephone line."
Alexandra said, "That's not fair. I won't get to McKayla fast enough and then the delay with trying to hang up the prank call from Skunk Lord will make it easier for me to be knocked out and stayed knocked out until McKayla is legally dead forever."
Kyla said, "You must answer the prank call anyway."
Jordyn said, "I'll answer the prank call."
Kyla said, "Skunk Lord asked for Alexandra exclusively."
McKayla exited the Last Remaining Dandelion Safehouse without looking back. McKayla Maroney was feeling happy, calm and confident as she peddled her bike to the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. The sexually seductive nubile teenage girl thought she saw somebody following her close behind also on a bicycle. She stopped her bike to turn around and saw nobody. Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord wasn't sure how long he could possibly hide from the girl before she spotted him. Thankfully, the voluptuous teenage girl wasn't paying close attention and she continued to peddle her bike towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
McKayla got off her bicycle and she walked towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium with grace, dignity and ease. Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stumbled off his bicycle and crashed onto the floor in the clumsiest, most awkward manner possible. Thankfully, she didn't hear him as he fell off his bike like a clumsy moronic idiot.McKayla Maroney spun around when she heard Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's bike crash to the ground. Once again, Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and his bike was forced to hide when Mckayla checked out the source of the noise with intent to kill him if necessary.
McKayla didn't realize that she walked right past Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord twice before walking towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium satisfied that she wasn't being followed. Her inability to check in better detail could result in her death sooner than the doomed girl expected.
The way McKayla Maroney walked past him twice in a rude and dismissive manner made Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord want to kill her in a sado-massochistic manner in the earliest possible opportunity. The possibility of her being first humiliated sado-massochistic style before being killed as punishment made Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord want to masturbate, but he needs to kill the doomed nubile voluptuous girl first.
Eight year old Norah Flatley approached fourteen year old McKayla Moroney approached Mckayla and the two girls embraced each other warmly. Now there are two girls who needs to be murdered instead of just only one girl needing to be murdered.
Norah said, "Thank Goddess you're here Mckayla. I was worried that the Dandelion Women's Gymnastics Team was going to lose the next Gymnastics Competition if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse succeeds in killing you too."
Mckayla said, "It's going to take more than a few misogynistic jerks to kill me and keep me dead."
Norah said, "I'm going to get changed into my leotards. Care to join me?"
Mckayla said, "I think we're being followed and I need to take care of the creep first."
Norah said, "The only thing preventing me and two other eight year old girls from being killed inside an ice cream truck are two fourteen year old girls providing much needed protection. Don't let the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse defeat you first."
McKayla said, "I have no choice but to defeat our enemies before we both end up legally dead."
And so Mckayla Maroney walked alone towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's hiding place and forced him to attack to nubile sexually seductive fourteen year old teenage girl.
McKayla Maroney walked towards the bush that Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord was hiding in. The fully clothed girl pulled him from out from behind the bush and she kicked him twice before she punched him once. Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord wasn't affected as he kicked the girl to the ground in a broken defeated pose.
Mckayla stood up only to be punched twice, kicked once before being punched again. Mckayla fell backwards and she struggled to stand up again.
Mckayla's efforts to stand up was in vain as she was kicked five times causing her to fall back down in a broken, defeated pose.
Mckayla stood up only to fall backwards unconscious. The girl was still alive, but not able to cause a threat---At least for the time being.
The only way to kill McKayla Maroney is to wait until she's dressed in her leotards. Mckayla was still dressed in her street clothing. So she got to survive, while lying down defeated and unconscious.
Victoria Nguyen sat in the Dandelion Gymnasium with Alexandra Raisman and Norah Flatley. All three girls were dressed in their street clothing.
Victoria asked, "Where is McKayla? It will be easier for Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to kill Norah and I inside an ice cream truck if McKayla has already been defeated sado-massochistic style. One of us needs to find McKayla before she's defeated, bound and gagged."
Norah said, "Please don't ask me to do it? I'm only eight years old and I'm too young to die."
Victoria said, "I'm only eight years old too and I don't want to die."
Alexandra said, "It just happens that you need two fourteen year old girls hanging out with you two to prevent Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord from killing the two of you. One is defeated Sado-Massochistic style and now you're about to send out the other."
Norah said, "Then you better make sure that you're not defeated."
Alexandra Raisman stepped outside the Dandelion Gymnasium and she spotted Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.
Alexandra said, "You're trespassing."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord asked, "What are you going to do about it?"
Alexandra said, "I'm going to defeat you sado-Massochistic style."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Like this?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Alexandra. Alexandra Raisman fell backwards to the ground unconscious. The only way to kill Alexandra Raisman is to wait until she's dressed in her leotards. Alexandra was still dressed in her street clothing. So she got to survive, while lying down defeated and unconscious.
Norah Flatley, Alexis Vasquez and Victoria Nguyen entered the women's locker room. The three girls proceeded to slowly removed their street clothes and got dressed in their gymnastics leotards. The three girls entered the gymnastics gymnasium side by side in proud solidarity.
Norah said, "McKayla Maroney and Alexandra Raisman hasn't returned yet. Victoria needs to go out there and rescue the two of them."Victoria said, "Why are you forcing me to step outside alone and die when you tried to prevent McKayla from getting herself attacked."
Norah said, "I only pretended to be against McKayla attacking because it was the only way to get her to separate from the group and get herself defeated. I don't need to act that way with you Victoria."
Alexis said, "Please don't do this. We have a chance to escape justice without any fatalities. Don't blow it for the rest of the girls."
Norah said, "I'll do whatever it takes to be the last girl standing." Norah faced Victoria before she said, "Get out there or else I'll kill you myself."
Alexis faced Victoria and said, "You don't need to do this."
Victoria said, "It's ok, I'll do it."
Victoria took a deep breath as she walked outside the Dandelion Gymnasium. She walked towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord as he hid behind the bushes.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Climb inside the trash bag and everything will be fine."
Victoria asked, "Why would I climb inside the trash bag you stupid jerk?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord grabbed Victoria from behind and he dragged the helplessly struggling girl towards a nearby trash bag.
He shoved Victoria Nguyen inside the trash bag and he closed it up.
He attacked the trash bag with a baseball bat until the girl shoved inside the trash bag stopped moving. The trash bag was dragged inside a nearby ice cream truck. Victoria Nguyen is no longer alive. Victoria Nguyen is legally dead.
Alexis Vasquez faced Norah Flatley. Norah Flatley faced Alexis Vasquez.
Alexis said, "Don't tell me to check up on McKayla, Alexandra and Victoria. We both know how that is going to end up for me."
Norah said, "Only one of us two girls will be the last girl standing and that girl isn't going to be you."
Alexis said, "I'm not going to do it."
Norah said, "Watch out, you're about to be attacked from behind."
Alexis was grabbed from behind and she was dragged towards a nearby trash bag. Alexis struggled in futility to break free, but her doomed efforts was in vain.
Alexis broke free only to be punched in the stomach once and kicked twice. The girl fell face down on the gym mat as Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord walked towards the doomed eight year old girl with intent to murder her.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord dragged Alexis into the trash bag and closed it. He attacked the trash bag with a baseball bat until the dying girl inside the trash bag stopped moving.
Alexis Vasquez is no longer alive. Alexis Vasquez is legally dead.
Norah Flatley said, "Now that I made it possible for you to kill Victoria and Alexis, now it's time for you to allow me to escape justice so that I can be the last girl standing."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "You saw me kill two girls and you saw me knock two more girls unconscious. You must die before you tell any Dandelion Girls what you saw."
Norah said, "But I assumed that I would be the last girl standing."Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "You get to be the next girl to die instead."
Norah said, "It's not fair."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Letting you escape justice to live and fight another day isn't fair. Killing you right now is more than fair."
Norah said, "Is there any way I can convince you otherwise?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "There is no way you can convince me otherwise."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord kicked Norah and she tried to punch him in return. He dodged the blow only to punch her five times.
Norah tried to escape, only to be dragged backwards back into the gymnastics gymnasium.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord punched Norah twice and kicked her three times as she tried in futility to escape.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "Climb into the trash bag and I won't have to punch and kick you anymore."
Norah cried out, "Are you crazy? Why would I do a thing like that?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "Because that's the only way that I can properly kill you once and for all."
Norah tried to punch him and he dodged the blow. He punched Norah and she doubled over in pain as he dragged her towards the trash bag.
Norah kicked him and she scrambled towards freedom. He punched her and dragged her back towards the trash bag. She kicked him one more time before the trash bag was pulled over her body and she tumbled backwards into it.
Once Norah was inside the trash bag, he closed up the trash bag. Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord attacked the trash bag with a baseball bat until the girl inside the trash bag stopped moving and struggling.
Norah Flatley is no longer alive. Norah Flatley is legally dead. Two more trash bags with two more dead girls inside was dragged into the ice cream truck. Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord hid from sight once again.
Aliya Mustafina, Yelena Zambolodchikova and Svetlana Khorkina were fully clothed when they greeted each other outside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. Yelena (Or sometimes referred to as Elena) greeted Aliya warmly as the three girls talked urban nighttime landscape.
Aliya said, "It's nice seeing the two of you here tonight."
Svetlana said, "I actually had the night off, but too much Dandelion Girls have died that my presence has become necessary."
Aliya said, "Yeah, the whole Dandelion Girl operation is falling to pieces. It's nice to know that the two of you girls hasn't died yet."
Yelena said, "I only hope we can remain alive for a few hours longer."
Svetlana said, "We can only hope for the best."
Svetlana continued, "Yelena and I are going to get changed into our leotards. Are you joining us?"
Yelena said, "Please say yes, Svetlana and I could use your assistance."
Aliya said, "I'd like to help, but I need to check the parking lot for Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Murderers. The only way to defeat me from doing so is to knock my unconscious until the two of you are killed, but that isn't going to happen."
Svetlana said, "I'm expecting to see the sunrise this morning."
Yelena said, "We all are hoping to see the sunrise this morning. I'll see you in the ladies locker room. Our we could send Sandra Izbasa to check out the parking lot for intruders and you can practice gymnastics with Svetlana and I instead."
Aliya tightly hugged Yelena while Svetlana stood next to the two girls.
Aliya said, "It's tempting, but I need to check out the parking lot instead."
Aliya Mustafina watched as Yelena Zambolodchikova and Svetlana Khorkina entered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium before checking the parking lot for Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Murderers. The only way to defeat her is to knock her unconscious until Yelena and Svetlana is killed once and for all.
Aliya spotted Charlie Cheerleader and she punched him twice and he kicked the girl. She punched him twice before she kicked him. He punched her, she kicked him and he punched her again. He kicked her twice, she punched him and he kicked her three times.Aliya smiled as she punched him and he doubled over in pain. She punched him again and he doubled over in more so. Aliya dropped her guard as he started to stagger.
He kicked the girl and she fell face up to the ground. The girl tried to stand up and he kicked her to the ground again. She closed her eyes as she fell unconscious.
Charlie Cheerleader didn't have time to kill Aliya so he allowed the girl to live. So he walked away from the girl as she lay on the parking lot unconscious, but still alive. Charlie Cheerleader can't murder Aliya until Yelena and Svetlana is killed. Yelena and Svetlana is about to be killed sooner than either girl is ready to admit.
Amanda Borden wore her street clothing, but she doesn't get the chance to die in her street clothing. If the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse can't kill her while she's wearing her street clothing, then she must wear either a swimming suit or her leotards. And efforts to avoid wearing her swimming suit or her leotards must be defeated so that it will be easier to kill the girl. Amanda Borden had no idea that she was being followed by Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord. If she knew that she was being followed while wearing her street clothing, then she might succeed in killing Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord. That isn't allowed because tonight is the night that Amanda Borden will be both defeated and killed once and for all.
Amanda Borden walked closer towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord followed the doomed girl towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. The girl could easily have spun around and killed him, but she never did. Her failure to do so will be her last mistake that will result in her murder and death once and for all.Amanda Borden approached Shannon Miller who was also dressed in her street clothing.
Amanda said, "Oh, there you are. I was looking all over for you."
Shannon said, "I'm ready if you're ready."
Amanda said, "I'm ready to get started right now."
Shannon said, "I'm glad to hear that. Tonight will be a good night for us girls."
Shannon said, "Hold on, I think I see something. I'll check out that parking lot over there. It will only take a few seconds. Wait here until I return."
Amanda said, "We don't have time for that. We need to get started right now."
Amanda rested her left hand on her breasts as both she and Shannon entered the Women's Locker Room. Both girls were filmed by hidden camera changing from their street clothing, standing in their bras and panties before changing into their leotards.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord walked away from his hiding place in the parking lot and into the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. Dressed in their leotards, Amanda Borden, Dominique Dawes, Amy Chow, Jaycie Phelps, Shannon Miller, Kerri Strug and Dominique Moceanu walked towards his hiding place. It may be necessary to wipe out all seven girls one by one in order to remain hidden. Failure to do so will result in one or all seven of the girls sending for reinforcements. Wiping out all seven girls one by one is the only way to prevent reinforcements from being sent.
Dominique Moceanu looked at Shannon Miller with concern.
Dominique said, "It's amazing what great Wi-Fi you could get in this place. It's a shame I rarely get to use my smart phone in this place."
Shannon said, "You can always use your phone after practice."
Dominique said, "Yeah, I suppose you're right about that."
Dominique said, "The problem is that the Wi-Fi in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gym is better than the Wi-Fi at the Dandelion Hotel."Shannon said, "Such a shame the Dandelion Hotel is no longer a safety zone because too many of us girls has been wiped out one by one."
Dominique said, "Yeah, it's a shame that happened. At least, I'm not among the fatalities."
Kerri stood behind Dominique before she said, "Don't get too confident. It's still evening."
Dominique said, "It's still evening, but the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium hasn't fallen yet."
Dominique Dawes spotted Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and he kicked her to the floor. He punched Dominique Moceanu and she fell to the floor face up before rolling until she lay face down. He punched Kerri and she flew backwards to the ground. Amy Chow punched him and he kicked her to the floor. He punched Jaycie to the floor, he kicked Amanda to the floor before he punched Shannon to the floor. He looked at all seven girls as they lay scattered on the floor.
All seven girls lay scattered on the floor without moving.
Dominique Dawes stood up and she kicked him to the floor. He fell without moving. Dominique Dawes faced Kerri Strug, Amy Chow and Dominique Moceanu.
Dominique Dawes said, "We need to tie him up and lock him in the closet before he wakes up."
Amy said, "Screw that. We need to kill him."
Dominique Moceanu said, "It would be better if we set him free. Perhaps he won't feel the need to wipe us girls out if we don't try to kill him."
Kerri said, "It's too late for that. It may be necessary for us girls to kill him before it's too late."
Dominique Dawes said, "Don't look at me. I'm not going to attack him first."
Amy said, "You already attacked him first and failed."
Dominique Moceanu said, "We need to apologize to him before he kills us and we die permanently. It's not too late to do the right thing."
Shannon said, "It's too late for us girls to apologize. He'll keep attacking until he kills us."
Jaycie said, "And to think this evening started with so much promise."
Amy said, "This evening can still continue with promise."
Shannon said, "I sure hope you're right about that Amy."
Amanda said, "He's starting to wake up ladies. It may be necessary for us girls to attack him again."
Jaycie said, "Dominique Moceanu shall go first since she knows how to talk him out of wiping us out one by one until all seven of us girls are legally dead."
Dominique Moceanu said, "Sorry that us girls forced you to attack all seven of us girls until we're unconscious. We won't bother you again."
He punched Dominique Moceanu and she fell to the ground face down.
He said, "That's because all seven of you girls is about to die."
Kerri punched him twice and she kicked him. He kicked her twice and punched her twice causing her to fall face up. He punched Shannon and he kicked Jaycie causing both girls to fall face down next to each other. He punched Amy and she fell backwards. He punched Dominique Dawes and she fell face down.
Dominique Dawes stood up and he kicked her to the ground and she lay face up. Amanda stood up and he punched her. He kicked Shannon and he punched Jaycie causing all three girls to lie down face down. Dominique Moceanu stood up and he kicked her causing her to lie down face up. He kicked Amy causing her to lie down face down. Kerri was the only girl to failed to stand up.
Jaycie stood up and he kicked her causing her to lie down face up. He kicked Amanda, punched Dominique Dawes and punched Amy causing all three girls to lie down face down. He punched Shannon causing her to lie down face up. He punched Dominique Moceanu and punched Kerri causing both girls to fall face down.
Six of the seven girls stood up. He grabbed Shannon and pushed her backwards against Dominique Dawes, Amy, Amanda, Jaycie and Dominique Moceanu causing all six girls to fall down face up on top of each other in a pile of unconscious girls. Only Kerri failed to stand up.
Dominique Moceanu stood up and he kicked her face down to the ground. Shannon and Jaycie stood up and he kicked both girls with a single kick to the floor face down. Amy stood up and he kicked her to the floor face down. Dominique Dawes and Amanda stood up and he kicked both girls with the same kick to the floor. Only Kerri failed to stand up.
Seven girls lay face down on the floor without moving. Could this be it. Are all seven girls finally defeated and killed once and for all?
Amanda stood up and she punched him. He kicked her and she punched him in return.
Amanda punched him. She punched him again. She kicked him twice before punching him.
Amanda kicked him twice with a smile on her face.
He punched her and she knelt in pain before he kicked her twice.
Amanda tried to stand up and he kicked her.
Amanda stood up and she kicked him.
He kicked Amanda and she nearly fell.
He punched her and she winced in pain. The girl was starting to feel tired. She nearly fell face down without moving again. She isn't allowed to survive. Kill the girl now!
Amanda punched him before she kicked him twice. She punched him, kicked him twice before punching him five times.
Amanda punched him twice with a smile on her face. Kill the girl. Kill her now.
He grabbed the girl from behind and pushed her against the wall before kicking her.
Amanda recovered so he punched her twice before kicking her three times and punched her again. He kicked the girl two more times.
Amanda punched him and he kicked her twice. He kicked her again. She punched him and he punched her twice causing her to stagger.
Amanda kicked him.
Amanda kicked him again.
He grabbed the girl from behind and he shoved her against the wall before kicking her.
Amanda slid down the wall and onto the floor.
Amanda lay without moving as Dominique stood up. She kicked him.
Dominique punched him twice. She punched him again.
Dominique punched him before she kicked him.
He punched Dominique.
He punched the doomed girl two more times before kicking her.
Dominique Moceanu lay down on the floor face down.
Dominique Moceanu lay without moving as Dominique Dawes stood up. Dominique Dawes punched him twice before she kicked him.
Dominique Dawes kicked him again.
He kicked the girl and she fell face down.
He said, "Are you finished trying to kill me?"
Dominique Dawes said, "I haven't really started yet."
Dominique said, "We both know how this story is going to end. We both know that I'll be the girl who kills you. Let's just get it over with and let me kill you."
He replied, "You're feeling rather confident tonight."
Dominique said, "I have good reason to feel confident. You feel the need to wipe out all seven of us girls. But the killing spree will never happen. There is no way you will ever murder me."
He punched Dominique Dawes and she looked at him with a blank empty expression. She fell face down on the ground. The dying girl closed her eyes and she stopped breathing.Dominique Dawes is no longer alive. Dominique Dawes is legally dead.
Jaycie woke up and looked at Dominique Dawes legally dead corpse.
Jaycie said, "You're going to wish you never did that."
He punched Jaycie and she fell face first to the ground.
Jaycie tried to stand up and she fell face first to the floor a second time.
Jaycie Phelps lay without moving as Amy Chow stood up.
Amy said, "You're the sickest asshole I ever met. I'll feel better when you finally die."
He replied, "Then try to murder me. I dare you."
Amy said, "Don't worry, I have every intention of trying to kill you."
Amy punched him and he kicked her.Amy punched him and she kicked him seven times. She kicked him again. She punched him, he punched her, she punched him, he punched her, he kicked her and she punched him.
Amy kicked him twice, he punched her three times, she punched him, she kicked him five times and he punched her. He punched her again. He punched her three more times.
Amy fell face up. She struggled to her feet.
Amy punched him, he punched her, she punched him and she punched him five more times. He kicked her and she punched him twice. She punched him again before he punched her four times.
She punched him and he punched her five times.
He kicked Amy and she fell backwards.
Amy stood up and she punched him twice, she kicked him, he punched her, she punched him, he punched her, he kicked her, he punched her and she punched him.He kicked Amy and she fell backwards.
Amy closed her eyes and she stopped breathing. Amy Chow is no longer alive. Amy Chow is legally dead. He finally defeated and killed the girl.
Kerri stood up and she looked at the dead bodies of Dominique Dawes and Amy Chow.
Kerri said, "What the Hell happened to you. Why are you trying to kill us girls. What purpose are you trying to achieve? This is crazy. You shouldn't be doing this."
He replied, "I did it because I could get away with it."Kerri cried out, "That's hardly a proper reason."
He looked at the girl and he knew right then that he needed to kill her.
Kerri kicked him and he blocked the blow before punching her.
Kerri fell face up to the ground.
Kerri lay without moving as Shannon stood up.
Shannon said, "I guess it's my turn."
He replied, "It's your turn young lady."
Shannon said, "Then I shall dedicate my opportunity to kill you before your sick band of goons succeed in killing me. I shall do what no other girl succeeded in doing which was to kill you before you succeed in murdering me."
Shannon punched him. She blocked his blow and she punched him.
Shannon blocked his punched before she kicked him.
Shannon blocked his blow and she punched him. She punched him again. She punched him five times before she kicked him. She blocked his punch.
He punched Shannon and she fell backwards.
Shannon tried to stand up and he punched her causing her to fall backwards again.
Shannon lay without moving.
Five cute sexually seductive girls are unconscious. Two cute sexually seductive girls are legally dead. Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord celebrated by masturbating. McKayla Maroney grabbed him from behind and locked him up in a closet side by side with Shit For Brains Lad. The only way to rescue Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Shit For Brains Lad from being locked up inside the closet is to kill McKayla Maroney and any leotard clad teenage girl who chooses to follow her one by one all the way down to zero. No survival is allowed if Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and Shit For Brains Lad has any hope of escaping the closet that McKayla locked them both inside. For that reason alone, McKayla Maroney must die in a murder attack without delay.
McKayla Maroney smiled as she walked away from the locked closet. Time for the killing spree to begin until every Dandelion Girl inside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium has been murdered.
Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass wanted to use the toilet stall, but Gabrielle Douglass kept standing in the way talking on her cell phone. And every time Jeanine Heller tried to get Gabrielle to step aside, Gabrielle raised her hand as if to signal Mouse Lass to close her mouth and not to say anything. A yellow puddle started to form under Mouse Lass because she was denied use of the toilet.
Gabrielle said, "Oh Goddess, that's so gross. Such a pity that we're on the same side. Otherwise, I'd be kicking the crap out of you."
Mouse Lass said, "We're not on the same side."
Gabrielle said, "Everybody on the goddamn planet thinks we're on the same side and that's the important thing. So get your head in the game goddamn it. Start using the toilet stall instead of doing it on the floor."
Gabrielle managed to film the whole thing on her smart phone while talking on it simultaneously. Gabrielle posted the film of Mouse Lass relieving herself on the floor of the bathroom instead of inside the toilet stall on youtube and everybody on the planet saw it.Mouse Lass was supposed to make a speech about how Dandelion Girls Are Evil and Needs to Die. However, Gabrielle Douglass insisted that she's on the same side as Jeanine Heller aka Mouse Lass. As a result, Gabrielle Douglass made the speech about how Dandelion Girls Are Evil and Needs to Die instead of Mouse Lass making the speech. And after the speech, Gabrielle Douglass earned the salary from making the speech about how Dandelion Girls Are Evil and Needs to Die.
Mouse Lass said, "I was supposed to make the speech about how Dandelion Girls Are Evil and They needs to Die instead of you. I was supposed to earn a salary from making the speech about how Dandelion Girls Are Evil and Needs to Die instead of you."
Gabrielle said, "Look at me? What do you see? I see a girl who's on the same side as you are. So shut up and learn to live with it. The message is out and that's ought to be good enough for you. Goddamn it, some morons are so fucking thick in the head."
Gabrielle Douglass did a press conference to promote the speech she made about how Dandelion Girls Are Evil and They Needs to Die. And Gabrielle Douglass answered all the media questions in the same manner that Mouse Lass would've answered the questions. However, Gabrielle Douglass pocketed the cash from the speech and the press conference while Mouse Lass was forced to sweep the floor. And it took longer for Mouse Lass to sweep the floor because Gabrielle Douglass kept tossing garbage on the floor while talking on her smart phone simultaneously.
Gabrielle's eyes lit up when she spotted Maggie Nichols. Gabrielle ran towards Maggie with enthusiastic excitement. Mouse Lass followed Gabrielle only to trip over the broom and fell down the stairs because Gabrielle was better at campaigning against the Dandelion Girls than Mouse Lass was at campaigning against the Dandelion Girls. And Gabrielle was paid better for doing so too.
Gabrielle asked, "So how were you? It's been all of five hours since we last talked to each other."
Maggie said, "I was too busy looking at the youtube films that you recently posted about Mouse Lass. Oh my Goddess, I never laughed so hard."
Gabrielle said, "We shouldn't be so hard on Mouse Lass. I'm a professional in making speeches opposing the Dandelion Girls and get paid better for doing so. Mouse Lass has no idea how to make speeches opposing the Dandelion Girls and get paid worse for doing so. Mouse Lass will learn someday when she grows a brain."
Maggie said, "Mouse Lass won't grow a brain fast enough I'm afraid."
Maggie said, "But enough about Mouse Lass. How are you doing?"
Gabrielle said, "I got paid a shit load of money so I'm doing better. We need to celebrate me earning a shit load of money."
Maggie said, "I'm all in favor of that. Tell me the time and the place. I'll be there."
Gabrielle said, "I'm glad you're easy to get an agreement from."
Gabrielle said, "Some of the Dandelion Girls that I'm paid to oppose are so difficult to get a girls night out agreement out of."
Maggie said, "Most of those Dandelion Girls are legally dead."
Gabrielle said, "That's a bit disappointing."
Maggie said, "Sadly, Dandelion Girl deaths are permanent and can never be reversed. Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse deaths are temporary and can always be reversed when the Dandelion Girls who killed them pass away."
Gabrielle said, "That's so sexist and unfair. Somebody needs to change that."
Maggie Nichols thought she heard a sound. She separated from Gabrielle Douglass to investigate. Maggie rested her left hand on her breasts as she walked closer to the sound. Skunk Lord hid from sight when Maggie walked closer. Maggie had no idea how close she came to being stabbed to death by Skunk Lord. Maggie frowned as she walked off without a scratch.
Shannon Miller slowly took off her street clothes and she go dressed in her leotards just as slowly. She never got any attention from the Drama King. However, when Dominique Moceanu slowly got took off her street clothes and got dressed in her leotard just as slowly, she got a kiss from Drama King. And it wasn't out of jellousy that Shannon approached Drama King and Dominique Moceanu's surprise hookup.
Shannon said, "Pardon me sir, but the women's locker room are for women only."
Drama King said, "Sorry, I was going to leave anyway."
Dominque said, "Please don't go. I was starting to enjoy it."
Drama King said, "Perhaps I'll return."
Dominique said, "You better."
Drama King left the women's locker room. Dominiqe looked at Shannon sharply.
Dominique said, "Look at what you did. You chased away the Drama King."
Shannon said, "And perhaps it's a good thing that I've done so."
Jaycie Phelps, Amanda Borden and Shannon Miller spent hours practicing their gymnastics routine in the Dandilion Gymnastics Gymnasium. And after several hours of practicing their gymnastics routines, the three women were more than exhausted.
Jaycie said, "Shannon and I are going to change from our leotards into our street clothing to go nightclubbing. Do you want to come with us?"
Amanda said, "I'd love to, but I need to spend ninety more minutes on my gymnastics routine."
Shannon said, "You don't need to, but I understand. Still, Jaycie and I won't be able to enjoy our girls night out with only two girls instead of three."
Amanda said, "Don't worry because I'll join you two ninety minutes from now."
Jaycie said, "You better. Shannon and I are going to hold you to it."
And as Jaycie and Shannon walked towards the women's locker room, Amanda Borden started to work on her balance beam routine. And as she practiced on the balance beam, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad were trying to leave the Ice Skating Rink without using the front door, but by climbing down the roof top. But when they saw it was impossible, they found a hatch in the ceiling which lead straight to the Dandilion Gymnastics Gymnasium instead. However, the only way that Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad can climb down from the ceiling hatch to the floor of the Dandilion Gymnastics Gymnasium is to murder Amanda Borden in an act of unprovoked murder one against her.
And not knowing that she's about to die in a murder attack, Amanda Borden did a backwards flip into a handstand on the balance beam.
And she was so busy with her handstand on the balance beam, that Amanda failed to see Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad climbing down a rope from the ceiling hatch towards the floor of the Dandilion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Amanda Borden jumped off the balance beam and she started to work on the uneven bars. And it was while she was on the uneven bars that Skunk Lord fell off the rope and safely on the high beam portion of the uneven bars. However, the uneven bars can only support one person and there are two people. Somebody needs to die now. Skunk Lord stabbed Amanda Borden between her breasts and she fell off the uneven bars backwards face up.
Amanda Borden is legally dead. Skunk Lord leapt from the high bar portion of the uneven bars to the low bar portion of the uneven bars. And then he lowered himself to the floor.
Jaycie Phelps reentered the gymnasium.
Jaycie said, "Pardon me Amanda, but Shannon couldn't find the necklace she loaned to you in your locker. Do you still need the necklace? And if not, where did you misplace it?" There was no reply. And with a frown, Jaycie asked, "Hello Amanda, are you listening to me?"
Ice Skating Lad fell off his rope and he landed directly on top of Jaycie. Ice Skating Lad lay on top of Jaycie Phelps face down groin on rear end and chest on spine. Skunk Lord jumped on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine while Ice Skating Lad lay on Jayce Phelps groin on rear end and chest on spine. Skunk Lord stood up and he jumped on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine while Ice Skating Lad lay on Jayce Phelps groin on rear end and chest on spine. Skunk Lord stood up once again only to once again jump on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine while Ice Skating Lad lay on Jayce Phelps groin on rear end and chest on spine.
Jaycie Phelps died as Skunk Lord felt a powerful rush of emotion. Ice Skating Lad pushed Jaycie's dead body from under him as Skunk Lord lay on top of him. Jaycie Phelps is no longer alive. Jaycie is legally dead.
Shannon Miller used to occupy the women's locker room with Amanda Borden and Jaycie Phelps. Now only Shannon is still alive. She could've escaped justice, but she chose to stay and die in battle against her victimizers. And soon the women's locker room will be empty when all three girls are doomed to lie down on the ground dead.
Shannon Miller reenetered the gymnasium. She said, "Pardon me Amanda, but I can't find the necklace I loaned you anywhere. Do you know where you misplaced it?"
Shannon tripped and lay on the ground like a dead body. She slowly rose to her feet in a futile attempt to stay alive while a serial killing spree is taking away the lives of each and every Dandilion Girl one by one all the way down to zero.
Shannon saw Skunk Lord lying down on Ice Skating Lad. Shannon tripped over Jaycie Phelp's dead body and she lay face down on top of Skunk Lord vagina on rear end and breasts on spine as Skunk Lord lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine. Shannon pressed her vagina on Skunk Lord's rear end as she started to strangle him.
Ice Skating Lad pushed himself sideways and they all rolled to the left. Shannon Miller was no longer strangling Skunk Lord. She lay face up with Ice Skating Lad lying face up on top of her vagina on rear end and breasts on spine while Skunk Lord lay on Ice Skating Lad face up groin on rear end and chest on spine.
Shannon said, "Please don't do it."
Skunk Lord stood up and he jumped on Ice Skating Lad groin on groin and chest on chest while Shannon lay under Ice Skating Lad vagina on rear end and breasts on spine. Skunk Lord stood up and he once again jumped on Ice Skating Lad groin on groin and chest on chest while Shannon lay under Ice Skating Lad vagina on rear end and breasts on spine. Skunk Lord stood up and he once again jumped on Ice Skating Lad groin on groin and chest on chest while Shannon lay under Ice Skating Lad vagina on rear end and breasts on spine.
Shannon Miller was pushed away from being under Ice Skating Lad. The dying woman closed her eyes as she lay next to Jaycie Phelp's dead body in defeat.
Skunk Lord felt a powerful rush of emotion as Shannon Miller closed her eyes and she died. Shannon Miller is legally dead. Shannon Miller's dead body was pushed aside so that Skunk Lord can lie on top of Ice Skating Lad without female interruption. Shannon Miller needed to die so that Skunk Lord can lie on top of Ice Skating Lad without female interruption. Skunk Lord lay on top of Ice Skating Lad groin on groin and chest on chest as Kerri Strug snuck towards them both with intent to kill. She smiled as she was convinced that both men failed to see her.
Kerri whispered, "Now you'll see what the rage of a Dandilion Girl truly looks like."
Skunk Lord stretched out his left arm and he felt a woman's vagina resting on the upper part of his left arm. Kerri Strug tried to move closer towards Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad despite her vagina resting on Skunk Lord's outstretched arm. The voluptuous sexually seductive leotard clad girl fell head first towards Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad and ultimately fell on both men. To be more exact, Kerri Strug lay on Skunk Lord's rear end on rear end and spine on spine while Skunk Lord lay on Ice Skating Lad groin to groin and chest to chest. The dying girl released a groan before she was completely silent. Kerri's brief life was over before her life even got started.
And after being killed by a broken neck, Kerri Strug rolled off the two men in a crumpled heap nearby the dead bodies of Amanda Borden, Jaycie Phelps and Shannon Miller. Kerri Strug is no longer alive. Kerri Strug is legally dead.
Dominique Moceanu entered the gymnasium and she saw Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad on top of each other with four legally dead girls lying scattered nearby. Dominique frowned as she slowly walked closer to Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad as they continued to lie on top of each other. Being born a girl meant that simply by existing she posed a danger to skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad lying down on top of each other. And to make it easier to kill her, she advanced towards her victimizers with intent to murder them both.
Dominique took a deep breath as she walked closer towards Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad as they lay on top of each other. She wasn't seen. She was certain of it. However, she wouldn't dare jump on top of them. That's probably how the other four girls died. Dominique thought of a fool proof plan that was certain to murder both Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers.
Drama King was convinced that Dominique Moceanue would be glad to see him again---Especially since Shannon Miller is legally dead and not able to interrupt their next interaction. And so Drama King stood behind Dominique Moceanue without her knowing that he's in the gym.
With the aim of killing Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad and not knowing that Drama King was standing behind her, Dominique Moceanu came upon what she thought was a brilliant idea. However, the only way Drama King can lie down on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad would be to die and stay dead. You see, being born female tempted Drama King away from lying down on Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. And Drama King will be tempted and forced to lie down on top of Dominique if she isn't killed. And Drama King will be tempted and forced to lie down on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad if Dominique fails to kill them both. Drama King will lie down on top of somebody and an unprovoked murder will decide who he will lie down on top of.
Dominique Moceanu realized that Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad was directly under the balance beam, so if she walked the balance beam and jumped on top of them, then she'd have the chance to kill them both.
And so that's what Dominique Moceanu have chosen to do.
Drama King also jumped on the balance beam behind Dominique Moceanu.
When Dominique Moceanu realized what Drama King had done, it was way too late. She was doomed to die with her murder attack unrealized.
Yet she pushed forward with futile hopes that she might succeed in the impossible.
Yet the impossible simply wasn't possible for Dominique.
Drama King said, "Hello pretty Lady, remember me?"
Dominique said, "Get away you idiot, you're about to needlessly murder me."
Drama King said, "But I want to hug and kiss you from behind."
Dominique said, "You can do that later. I'm going to die if you do it now."
Drama King said, "But I can't wait for later."
Yet it was too late. It's almost time for Dominique Moceanu to die in a unprovoked murder attack. While trying to embrace her from behind and kiss her, Drama King accidently pushed Dominiuqe Moceanu off the balance beam and she landed on Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad head first and broke her neck.
Dominique Moceanu rolled off Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad legally dead. Drama King fell off the balance beam and he landed on Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest to spine while Skunk Lord lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on groin and chest on chest. Five legally dead girls lay scattered nearby the three men.
Dominique Moceanu is no longer alive. Dominique is legally dead.
Birgit Schweigert calmly and casually entered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium and she took a look around. Birgit spotted Drama King lying down on top of Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest to spine while Skunk Lord lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on groin and chest on chest. Birgit also spotted five dead girls scattered around Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. And with a chuckle, Birgit walked past Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad with a smirk on her face.
Birgit walked away from Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad as a few more girls slowly started to enter the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Elisabeth Seitz spotted Birgit Schweigert as the two women casually walked side by side. Both Birgit and Elizabeth were dressed in their street clothes. Both girls needs to die in their leotards.
Elizabeth walked towards Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad with a smirk before she too joined the growing gathering of girls inside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Elizabeth felt calm and at ease with herself. She wasn't worried nor was she distressed. She had no reason to feel that way. She foolishly was confident that she'll survive the night.
Naomi Van Dijik, Jessica Heinz, Ruby Van Dijik and Anja Brinker walked side by side into the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Naomi said, "So I thought I took the perfect selfie. I mean, I had close to fifteen rough drafts before I had this selfie that I truly enjoyed. Then this moron walked into the background of my selfie and ruined it."
Jessica said, "I hate it when that happens."
Anja asked, "What happened next?"
Naomi said, "I go the telephone call from McKayla Maroney requesting my presence. So now I'm stuck with this perfect selfie with this moron in the background on my smart phone."
Ruby said, "Naomi and I already agreed to beat the crap out of this geek once and for all."
Naomi said, "Something has to be done. Nobody ruins my selfie like that and lives to tell about it."
Anja said, "How many girls showed up to this in their gymnastics leotards and how many girls showed up to this in their street clothing and then had to change into their leotards? I know that all four of us girls will need to drop by the women's locker room."Naomi said, "Ruby and I will need to use the women's locker room right away. What about the rest of you girls?"
Jessica said, "Anja and I will need to check outside for a bit."
Anja said, "Jessica and I are going to find and beat the crap out of anybody who tries to show up and actually challenge us girls in a fight to the death."
Naomi van Dijik lost track of her sister Ruby van Dijik as she slowly walked towards the women's locker room. Naomi thought she heard somebody behind her. She turned around and found nobody. Naomi frowned before she walked closer towards the women's locker room. She hesitated when she realized that Ruby van Dijik has vanished. So instead of entering the women's locker room, Naomi entered the women's locker room instead.
Naomi breathed a sigh of relief as she spotted her sister Ruby and walked towards her. Naomi and Ruby hugged each other before walking towards the women's locker room.
Anja Brinker lost track of Jessica Heinz while exploring outside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium looking for Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse murderers to find and kill. What she found instead was Katja El-Halabi. Katja El-Halabi and Anja Brinker entered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Katja said, "I don't know why movie characters always enter a room full of homicidal maniacs without having their cell phone recharged. I always have my cell phone fully charged before entering any situation that has even one homicidal maniac in it. How many bars does your cell phone has?"
Anja said, "My cell phone is fully charged. Though I won't know who to call if Dandelion Girls keeps dying one by one."
Katja said, "You can always telephone me because I'm not legally dead yet."
Anja said, "Of course we're both assuming that I'm going to be attacked and legally killed before you are attacked and legally killed."
Katja said, "I'm actually hoping that both of us girls will survive tonight."
Anja said, "Ah yes, to be the last two girls standing. That would be fun."
Katja said, "Us two girls has what it takes to survive tonight. Trust me, I have a good feeling about where tonight is heading towards."
Cathi Grafeneder didn't hesitate before she entered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium while dressed in her street clothes. She walked over Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad and giggled at the sight of them. She walked past Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad without looking back nor attempting to mock their presence even further.
Cathi sat down and she pondered what her next move was going to be. She considered leaving the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium while she was still alive and well, but she eventually chose against it. And so she continued to sit down and calmly looked around her.
Cathi was able to survive the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse with remarkable ease. There was no reason for the girl to feel as if this time was the time for her to die. She assumed that if she managed to survive this long that she would continue to survive a bit longer.
Katharina Grüll and Eight Year Old Dandelion Girl #2 and Eight Year Old Dandelion Girl #3 approached Cathi.
Cathi asked Katharina, "Where have you been?"
Katharina replied, "Ice Cream Truck Driving Lad offered my girlfriends and I free ice cream. The free ice cream was delicious."
Cathi said, "If I told you once, I told you a billion times, never accept ice cream from a stranger. You'll never be able to function as the next generation of Dandelion Girls if you're murdered at the age of eight."
Katharina said, "I feel sleepy. I need to take a nap."
Cathi said, "Don't take a nap. You'll never wake up if you take a nap."
Katharina Grüll and Eight Year Old Dandelion Girl #2 and Eight Year Old Dandelion Girl #3 lay down on the floor and all three girls legally died. Cathi tried to wake up all three girls and failed in the effort.
Katharina Grüll and Eight Year Old Dandelion Girl #2 and Eight Year Old Dandelion Girl #3 were legally dead and that fact alone rattled Cathi Grafeneder. She sat down for a few minutes to recover from the shock of watching three eight year old girls legally die in front of her.
Cathi Grafeneder spotted Janina Jeworutzki and walked towards the girl.Cathi said, "I thought you wasn't going to show. I thought a narrow close call killed you once and for all? How did you manage to survive and escape?"
Janina said, "I survived the previous encounter by a very narrow margin. I don't care to repeat the close call." Janina spotted Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad before the doomed girl added, "I noticed that they already killed five additional girls. So there's still a chance for me to die."
Cathi said, "Both of us girls won't have to worry about getting murdered tonight."
Cathi said, "I'm going to take a look outside. Care to join me? We can patrol outside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium together."
Janina said, "I'm going to see what's going on with Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad."
Cathi said, "Good luck. Don't get yourself murdered."
Cathi Grafeneder walked away from Janina Jeworutzki. Janina walked towards Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. The girl took a deep breath as her left foot took one step closer towards her victimizers with calm indifference.
Janina Jeworutzki sat down on a chair inches away from Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. Drama King could've kicked the girl in the vagina and killed her, but she was dressed in her street clothing. So Janina got to live a bit longer.
Janina entered the women's locker room and slowly undressed without realizing that she was being filmed by hidden cameras. She redressed into her leotards. Janina took a deep breath before she exited the women's locker room and back into the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. Drama King and Skunk Lord was waiting for Janina as she exited the women's locker room. Drama King stabbed the nubile teenage girl between her breasts seconds after leaving the women's locker room.
Janina said, "You should at least wait for me to attack against the two of you before killing me off."Skunk Lord said, "You waited this long for the chance to die, why delay your demise any longer."
Janina said, "This isn't fair. I'm not supposed to die like this."
Drama King said, "Don't be sad young lady, look at it this way. Your failure is our gain."
Skunk Lord stabbed Janina between her breasts twice and Drama King stabbed Janina between her breasts once. Janina fell backwards against the nearest wall as she looked at her attackers with a blank and empty expression on her face. She left a trail of blood behind her as she slid against the wall and down towards the floor.
Janina tried to stand up, but her muscles won't respond. She tried to speak, but the life was leaving her body much too rapidly. Janina was dying and nothing was going to prevent her death.
Janina lay down on the floor face down. She watched with an empty expression as a puddle of blood started to form under her. Her left hand moved an inch. Skunk Lord stabbed the girl from behind ten times to make sure that she dies and stays dead.
Janina closed her eyes as she felt shame and humiliation. No longer benefitting from escape from a close call, now it's time for the girl to die.
Janina Jeworutzki is no longer alive. Janina is legally dead.
Cathi Grafeneder reentered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium and spotted Janina Jeworutzki's dead body. Cathi looked at Drama King and Skunk Lord without expression.
Cathi said, "You're going to wish you never did that."
Skunk Lord said, "I'll be forced to kill you if you try attacking me. Consider it a fair warning."
Cathi said, "Of course I'll try to kill you. The only way you can stop me from attacking you is to kill me. But I have backup to help me out."
Dandelion Girl #1 attacked Drama King while Dandelion Girl #2 attacked Skunk Lord. Ice Skating Lad punched Dandelion Girl #1 causing her to legally die. Ice Skating Lad kicked Dandelion Girl #2 causing her to legally die. Cathi smiled as she slipped away while all the confusion distracted her victimizers from killing the girl.
Cathi Grafeneder smiled as she escaped justice without getting murdered.
Lisa Straka and Anja Rheinbay watched Cathi's challenge against Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad from a distance. The doomed girls lay down on the floor while pressing their breasts and vagina on the ground as they spoke to each other.
Lisa said, "One of us girls is going to need to attack Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad and die in the process in order to help Cathi Grafender escape a murder attack against her."
Anja said, "Cathi managed to escape a murder attack without our help."
Lisa said, "I'll gather two girls and try to attack him anyway. Care to help out?"
Anja said, "I'll stay here and relax for a while."
Lisa said, "I wish you would reconsider. A four girl assault team is better than a three girl assault team. I might have a better chance for survival."
Anja said, "All the same, I'll just lie here and watch you from a safe distance before I'll jump in myself. Sorry, but I want to be an observer to your failure and death instead of a participant."
Lisa said, "Well, anyway, wish me luck."
Anja said, "Good luck."
After walking away from Anja Rheinbay, Lisa Straka approached Ruby van Dijik and her sister Naomi van Dijik.
Lisa said, "Good news ladies, I'm going to attack Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad and the two of you get to assist me in the murder attack."
Naomi said, "And what if your attack fails? I don't want my sister and I to end up dead."
Lisa said, "The two of you girls are going to die anyway. So we might as well attack now and get it over with. And if all three of us is wiped out and killed, then at least we tried."
Ruby said, "I'll do it if we get to outlive Cathi Grafeneder before it's our turn to get wiped out one by one by one all the way down to zero."
Lisa said, "Anja Rheinbay can't die until all three of us girls die so if we get wiped out after Cathi Granfeneder dies, then Anja Rheinbay still gets to outlive the three of us girls."
Naomi said, "That's a depressing thought."
Ruby said, "Then we better make sure that we don't get wiped out."
Lisa Straka, Ruby van Dijik and her sister Naomi van Dijik.entered the women's locker room and slowly undressed without realizing that they are being filmed by hidden camera. Ruby and Naomi got dressed in their leotards before Lisa can get dressed in her leotards. Ruby and Naomi exited the women's locker room and lost track of Lisa.
Ruby said, "Well, that's awkward. I guess we're now in danger of dying before Cathi and Lisa."
Naomi said, "Just because we're dressed in our leotards doesn't mean that we're instantly doomed to die. We can still kill off Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad."
Ruby said, "Try to keep in mind that Lisa can't die until we die. Also keep in mind that Anja can't die until Lisa dies. And now we're dressed in our leotards so our lives will soon be over."
Naomi said, "But we still get to outlive Cathi."
Ruby said, "We hope to outlive Cathi."
Naomi said, "I wish I knew where Lisa vanished to?"
Ruby said, "Hopefully the two of us won't die before we get to find out."
Naomi spun around and she faced Ice Skating Lad.
Naomi said, "It appears to be a lucky day for my sister Ruby and myself. I get to attack and kill Ice Skating Lad.
Ice Skating Lad said, "I don't want to wipe out a promising sister act one by one all the way down to zero, but I'll do so in self defense if needed."
Ruby said with a smile, "You'll never get the chance to murder my sister and I. But thanks for the concern. It was very touching that you're concerned about my safety."
Naomi faced Ruby and she asked, "Isn't it touching that Ice Skating Lad is worried about the possibility that he'll be forced to kill both of us girls. He actually wants us both to survive."Ruby said, "I also would prefer that both of us girls survive. Of course for that to happen, Ice Skating Lad has to give up and die. My sister and I would be more than happy to make that possible."
Ice Skating Lad said, "This is your last chance ladies. Don't force me to murder you."
Ice Skating Lad punched Ruby before he ran. Ruby doubled over in pain before she recovered. Ruby looked around her and she failed to see anybody.
And as Ruby van Dijik and her sister Naomi van Dijik explored outside the women's locker room to serve as leotard clad guards who need to die before Lisa can be attacked, Lisa Straka and Nina Pielen were still dressed in their street clothes inside the women's locker room. Well, Lisa is closer to being dressed in her leotard than Nina is."
Lisa said, "You might need to walk outside the locker room to check on Ruby and Naomi if there's no sign that either girl is still alive."
Nina said, "I don't want to risk my life in that manner."
Lisa said, "It's too late. I already drafted you."
Nina said, "I don't want to be drafted into this."
Lisa said, "Normally, I wouldn't be forcing you into this. But I already got Naomi van Dijik and her sister Ruby van Dijik risking their lives on my account. What happens when Naomi van Dijik and Ruby van Dijik are killed and it's my turn to be attacked. It's better if you're around to be my ace card in case it's needed."
Nina said, "And it's all fine until it's time for me to die because you can't die until I'm murdered."
Lisa said, "I'm not thinking along those lines. I'm thinking that a two girl assault might work better."
Nina said, "A two girl assault won't work better if Naomi van Dijik and Ruby van Dijik are killed and now it's our turn to be separated and killed."
Lisa said, "You can't keep thinking like a pessimist. Us girls won't survive if you keep looking at this situation in the wrong way."
Nina said, "I'm trying to think about this situation in the right way, but then another girl is killed and my confidence takes a nose dive again."
Naomi van Dijik lost track of her sister Ruby for a few minutes. Naomi unknowingly walked closer towards Ice Skating Lad's hiding place so killing her has become unavoidable.
Ice Skating Lad emerged from hiding and he punched Naomi twice before kicking her twice. Naomi fell to the ground. Naomi crawled to her hands and feet only to be kicked to the ground again.
Naomi rolled on her back and she fell unconscious. Ruby jumped on Ice Skating Lad from behind. Ruby pressed her voluptuous breasts on Ice Skating Lad as she attempted to strangle him from behind while grabbing him from behind in a surprise attack. Ice Skating Lad rammed into the wall backwards ten times. Ruby winced in pain, lost her grip before she slid to the floor. Ice Skating Lad picked up Ruby and punched her in the stomach five times before kicking her to the floor again.
Ice Skating Lad missed the chance to murder both sisters when he heard the sound of a door opening. Ice Skating Lad ran when he saw three girls walking towards him. Ruby van Dijik ran towards Naomi van Dijik. With both girls recovered, Ruby continued her doomed search for Ice Skating Lad with her sister Naomi close behind.
Julia Hänel, Jenny Brunner and Susann Herbst entered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium with Dandelion Girl #5. Dandelion Girl #5 tripped over the dead body of Kerri Strug and she legally died.
Jenny said, "Well that sucks. We already got ourselves another fatality."
Suann said, "I'm seriously going to hurt one of those geeks in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse if us girls keeps getting legally killed one by one like this. I'm getting sick and tired of always ending up on the losing side of this conflict."
Julia said, "Us girls won't have to worry about being on the losing side of this conflict if we actually knew what we were doing."
Jenny said, "There would be a lot more girls still alive and us girls would still be in possession of a lot more property if us girls knew what we were doing."
Suann said, "Us girls will lose control of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium if all three of us girls ends up getting legally killed."
Jenny said, "I'm not going to die anytime soon so you won't have to worry."
Suann said, "Speaking of which, one of us three girls needs to check outside the building to make sure the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse isn't outside the building as well as being inside the building. I guess it's Jenny Brunner's job to do that."
Jenny asked, "Why is it my job?"
Julia said, "Because I like tempting fate getting you legally killed so I can end up with a two girl team instead of a three girl team."
Jenny Brunner said, "You're going to regret saying that someday."
Julia said, "That day won't be today."
Suann said, "That day won't happen anytime soon. Us girls are going to defeat the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse once and for all. I have a good feeling about tonight."
Jenny Brunner separated from Julia Hänel and Susann Herbst as she walked outside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. The girl thought she heard somebody and she turned around. She chased the shadowy figure down a moon lit path before losing the shadowy figure in the darkness of night. Jenny groaned with disappointment as she lost the chance to kill a member of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
Jenny considered reentering the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium, but chose to explore outside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium in case the shadowy figure returns. The shadowy figure didn't return because the person who nearly killed Jenny chickened out at the last second. And having been given a chance to extend her life a few minutes longer, the doomed girl walked towards the entrance to the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Jenny Brunner reentered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium without realizing how close she came to getting legally killed if Charlie Cheerleader had the courage to kill the girl.
Katja Abel walked towards two of her closest friends. Kim Bui, Katja Abel and Marie-Sophie Hindermann walked side by side inside the Dandelion Gymnasium. Which of the three girls gets to die first. Find out as the killing spree continues.
Katja said, "It's so good seeing you again."
Kim said, "I almost didn't come."
Katja said, "I'm glad that you did come."
Marie-Sophie said, "Kim and I wasn't going to miss this for anything."
Katja said, "The more the merrier is what I always say."
Kim said, "Hold on ladies, I think I see something."
Marie-Sophie said, "I don't see anything."
Kim said, "I better check it out. Are you ladies coming."
Katja said, "I'm staying here."
Marie-Sophie said, "I was going to hang out with Katja for a bit longer. It would be better if you stuck around and we can make it a threesome."
Kim said, "I would love to, but there's something weird going on out there. I need to check it out."
Kim Bui walked away from Katja Abel and Marie-Sophie Hindermann as she walked towards what she thought was a Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse presence. She stood nearby Drama King's hiding place. If Kim walked sideways to the left a bit further, then Drama King would be forced to murder the girl in self defense. However, Kim didn't walk sideways to the left a bit, so she got to survive a bit longer.
Kim Bui look one last look around her and she walked away from Drama King's hiding place. Drama King moved his leg a bit causing Kim to look behind her again. Drama King barely had time to move his leg towards a place of hiding. Kim didn't see anything as she walked away from Drama King's hiding place. Drama King breathed a sigh or relief as he slowly came out of hiding.
Kim Bui looked behind her and spotted him. She smiled as she walked towards his direction.Kim said with a smile, "It appears to be my lucky day. I get to be the girl who murders you."
Drama King said, "You only wish you were lucky enough to kill me. I'll be the one who gets to kill you instead."
Kim punched him, tossed him against the wall before kicking him five times. Drama King crumpled to the ground. Kim kicked him twice when he tried to stand up.
Kim said with a smile, "You're not off to a good start."
Drama King stood up. Kim tried to punch him and he blocked the blow. He kicked Kim twice causing her to fall to the ground. Kim stood up only to be kicked twice and punched five times. Kim fell to the ground once again.
Kim stood up and she punched him twice. He punched her three times. He punched her twice before kicking her. Kim punched him ten times before kicking him. He kicked her, punched her twice and kicked her three times. Kim tossed him against the wall and he punched her before she could kick him. Kim fell to the ground for a third time.
Drama King was distracted by Sarah Voss and Anja Rheinbay. Kim kicked him from behind causing him to fall to the ground. Kim walked over Drama King before she vanished from sight.
Sarah Voss and Anja Rheinbay hugged each other breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. The micro sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine wasn't turned on so both girls got to survive what could've been death for both of them.
Sarah said, "Thank Goddess you wasn't killed."
Anja said, "Don't be too thankful yet. There is still a chance that both of us girls could end up killed."
Sarah said, "But it hasn't happened yet so be thankful for that much."
Anja Rheinbay and Sarah Vosss separated from each other before Anja hugged Sarah from behind breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. The micro sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine still wasn't turned on which meant that both girls got to survive what could've been a second chance for them both to die.Anja said, "We need to celebrate the sunrise with one hell of a breakfast meal."
Sarah said, "If both of us girls survive tonight, then I'm all in favor of that."
Anja said, "What are you talking about? Of course both of us girls will survive. How can both of us girls fail to survive."
Sarah said, "I sure hope I have your confidence. I keep having this bad feeling that our luck is about to run out and both of us girls is about to be murdered."
Anja said, "We can't enjoy the sunrise without first wiping out the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. So there will be some moments that could possibly lead to a possible loss of life. But we need to have confidence that there won't be any loss of life from this."
Sarah replied, "I sure hope your right about this. There are half a dozen things I could be doing instead of doing this."
Anja Rheinbay thought she saw Drama King slipping away and she walked towards him. Anja motioned Sarah to follow, but wasn't sure if Sarah was able to keep up with her. Drama King noticed that Anja was following him and realized that he may be forced to kill the girl if she continued to give pursuit against him.
He punched Anja and she punched him twice in return. He shoved Anja against the wall and punched her twice before kicking her to the floor. Anja stood up only to see him slip away before vanishing altogether. Anja frowned as she searched for Sarah Voss.
Alina Binder, Pia Pohl, Nicole Frit and Jessica Schiele entered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. The four girls stood side by side.
Nicole said, "So we skipped shopping at the Dandelion Shopping Mall so we can hang out here instead. What happens if the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium got wiped out just as easily as the Dandelion Shopping Mall got wiped out?"
Alina replied, "The Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium can't be wiped out one by one all the way down to zero without first killing off all four of us girls."
Pia said, "Us four girls could've saved the Dandelion Shopping Mall from getting wiped out all by ourselves. We could've been heroines to the Dandelion Shopping Mall."
Jessica said, "If you're correct about that, then we'll be heroines who saved the girls at the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium instead."
Jessica continued, "I think Pia should get suited up in her leotards and challenge the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to test out her theory. I'll follow if Pia gets herself killed."
Pia said, "I'll do it if either Alina or Nicole joins me."
Nicole said, "Alina and I should be the third and the fourth girl to attack."
Alina said, "That sounds like a good plan to me."
Pia said, "Easy for you to say. You're not the one who talked herself into being the first girl out of four girls to attack the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Jessica said, "What are you worried about? You told us that we'll be heroines who saves the girls at the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium from getting wiped out one by one all the way down to zero."
Pia said, "Well, I'm off to get suited up. Wish me luck."
Jessica replied, "Good luck lady, don't get yourself killed."
And so Pia Pohl walked towards the women's locker room to get changed into her leotards.
Pia was calm and confident as she walked towards the women's locker room. She didn't even bother to look behind her when she thought she heard suspicious noises behind her. She was confident that she could handle anything regardless. And with her hand on the door handle to the women's locker room, she did manage a quick look behind her. Nothing. And with a frown, Pia entered the women's locker room to get changed into her leotards.
Pia sat on the bench inside the women's locker room as she considered what her next move was going to be. Then she unlocked her locker inside the women's locker room. Alina Binder, Nicole Frit and Jessica Schiele can't die until Pia Pohl dies and Pia is about to die minutes from now. The doomed girl wasn't aware how close to dying she truly is.
Lisa-Katharina Hill, Susann Herbst, Joeline Möbius, Julia Hänel, Julia Hansen, Vivien Höllrigl and Jenny Brunner approached Ice Skating Lad. Ice Skating Lad walked backwards as all seven girls walked forward.
Jenny asked, "Where are you going? We only want to have a conversation with you."
Susann relied, "The coward wants to run away."
Jenny asked, "Why does the coward want to run away?"
Susann replied, "Because the coward knows that us girls have the edge needed to beat him up."
Lisa-Katharina said, "What's so wrong about beating up the coward. The coward deserves to get beaten up. I think we should beat up the coward."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Help me. Somebody. Anybody. All seven girls must die now before they succeed in killing me."
Joeline said, "I'm disappointed coward, I was hoping that you would be able to fight all seven of us girls at once. Don't let me down now that I told all six of my girlfriends what a tough challenge you were going to be."
Julia Hansen said, "You were right. It was a letdown."
Ice Skating Lad cried out, "Help me Drama King! Help me Skunk Lord! Right now would be a good time to rescue me by killing all seven of these girls."
Vivien said, "It doesn't look as if anybody is interested in rescuing you by killing all seven of us girls. What a shame. I guess you're not popular in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Julia Hänel said, "That's ok, us girls will keep you company."
Joeline Möbius, Vivien Höllrigl, Julia Hansen, Susann Herbst, Lisa-Katharina Hill, Julia Hänel and Jenny Brunner continued to walk forward while Ice Skating Lad continued to walk backwards.
Joeline asked, "Why call yourself Ice Skating Lad if you're not on an ice skating rink anymore."
Susann said, "The coward wants to show off how much he is out of his depth and out of his league."
Jenny said, "What a shame, I thought he was going to be the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse jerk who stuck around the longest. Nobody told me that he was going to be the first to die."
Ice Skating Lad cried out, "Help me! Help me! Help me! Somebody must kill all seven of these girls and rescue me before it's too late."
Lisa-Katharina asked, "Can we just kill him right now? I'm getting tired of his cowardliness."
Julia Hänel said, "All seven of us girls should attack at once."
Vivien said, "I feel bad that the coward is outnumbered seven against one. Perhaps only three out of seven should attack."
Julia Hansen said, "I have an idea, but I need Lisa Katharina and Jenny's help."
Lisa-Katharina said, "I'd be more than happy to help you."
Jenny said, "Count me in."
Ice Skating Lad cried out, "It will be too late if Drama King and Skunk Lord doesn't kill all seven of these girls and rescue me."
Joeline Möbius, Vivien Höllrigl, Susann Herbst and Julia Hänel stood off to the side as Julia Hansen, Lisa-Katharina Hill and Jenny Brunner walked closer towards Ice Skating Lad.
Julia Hansen said, "Time's up. Drama King and Skunk Lord had the chance to rescue you by killing all seven of us girls and they never did so."
Jenny said, "I'll be sure to attend your funeral----Assuming that they ever find your dead body. That's pretty much what you jerks do anytime a Dandelion Girl ends up murdered."
Lisa-Katharina said, "That's sounds like a good idea. We'll just leave the dead body lying exactly where it was murdered and never move the corpse."
Drama King grabbed Julia Hansen from behind and restrained her while Skunk Lord punched the girl. Julia Hansen winced in pain as she fell unconscious.
Susann Herbst, Joeline Mobius, Vivien Höllrigl and Jenny Brunner watched Julia Hansen fall unconscious before all four girls advanced towards Ice Skating Lad without knowing where Drama King and Skunk Lord is hiding.
Vivien said, "Julia Hansen better be alive."
Joeline said, "Julia Hansen is still alive."
Susann said, "What happened to Julia Hansen was a lucky shot. It won't happen again."
Jenny said, "I guess it's time for me to murder Ice Skating Lad. Nobody will defeat me barely in the nick of time. Ice Skating Lad is screwed."
Ice Skating Lad cried out, "Help me! There's still too many of them."
Skunk Lord punched Jenny, Jenny punched Drama King, Skunk Lord punched Jenny five times as Drama King kicked Jenny. Jenny crashed to the ground and she fell unconscious.
Julia Hänel and Joeline Mobius watched Jenny fall unconscious before the two girls advanced towards Ice Skating Lad as Drama King and Skunk Lord vanished from sight.Julia Hänel cried out, "Where did Drama King and Skunk Lord go. If you tell me, your death will be quick. If you don't tell me, your death will take much too long."
Ice Skating Lad replied, "I'll never tell evil wicked women such as the two of you."
Joeline said, "That's fine. Julia Hänel always preferred the long and gradual approach to killing sexist jerks such as yourself."
Julia Hänel said, "Time to say goodbye jerk."
Drama King kicked Julia Hänel, Julia Hänel punched Drama King, kicked Skunk Lord, punched Drama King, Skunk Lord punched Julia Hänel before Drama King punched and then kicked Julia Hänel. Julia Hänel fell forward before she fell unconscious.
Susann Herbst and Joeline Möbius watched as Julia Hänel fell unconscious.
Joeline said, "Perhaps we should escape while we still can."
Susann replied, "We're doing nothing of the sort. We're staying and we're fighting until all three of these sexist jerks are dead."
Joeline Mobius punched Drama King before Skunk Lord kicked her. Joeline kicked Skunk Lord before she punched him. Drama King punched Joeline. Joeline fell forward before she rolled to her stomach. The girl pressed her vagina and her breasts to the floor before she fell unconscious.
Susann Herbst punched Skunk Lord as Drama King punched and then kicked her. Susann kicked Drama King, punched Skunk Lord, punched Drama King before kicking Drama King. Drama King punched Susann, Susann punched Drama King, Susann punched Skunk Lord before Skunk Lord and Drama King took turns punching her ten times.
Susann Herbst grabbed Ice Skating Lad as Vivien Höllrigl prepared to kill him.
Vivien said, "Lights out asshole."
Susann said, "Nobody will prevent me from restraining you by knocking me unconscious."
Ice Skating Lad cried out, "It will be too late if these two girls isn't defeated soon."
Lisa-Katharina said, "I'll help Susann restrain Ice Skating Lad so that Vivien can kill him once and for all."
Susann cried out, "Watch out, you're about to be tossed into my direction."
Drama King grabbed Susann and pulled her away from Ice Skating Lad. Skunk Lord tossed Lisa-Katharina Hill against Susann Herbst causing both girls to fall unconscious on top of each other.
Vivien Höllrigl tried to escape. Ice Skating Lad grabbed the girl while Drama King and Skunk Lord took turns punching her ten times each. Vivien gave up before she fell to the floor.
Vivien fell unconscious. All seven girls started to stir as they lay unconscious. There wasn't any time left to kill all seven of them as Brigitta Ferner and Lisa Straka sat next to each other inside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. The need to kill Brigitta Ferner and Lisa Straka allowed Lisa-Katharina Hill, Susann Herbst, Joeline Möbius, Julia Hänel, Julia Hansen, Vivien Höllrigl and Jenny Brunner to survive a few minutes longer.
Brigitta looked at Lisa before saying, "You are planning to get changed into your leotards."
Lisa said, "Oh yes, I plan on doing so eventually, but not right away. I'll get changed into my leotards when you get changed into your leotards."
Brigitta said, "I have an idea, we can get changed into our leotards together."
Lisa said, "Or you can wait to see how long Anja Rheinbay, Naomi van Dijik, Ruby van Dijik and Nina Pielen survives against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse before you get changed into your leotards and then I'll get changed into my leotards if you end up getting killed too. Then it will be my turn to risk my life if Anja Rheinbay, Naomi van Dijik, Ruby van Dijik, Nina Pielen and yourself ends up getting murdered."
Brigitta said, "Anja Rheinbay won't let herself get killed until Sarah Voss dies either directly before or directly after her death. Assuming that Anja Rheinbay and Sarah Voss ever dies at all."Lisa said, "I won't even need to get changed into my leotards at all if Anja Rheinbay and Sarah Voss succeeds at all."
Brigitta said, "Let's hope that your right about that."
Cathi Grafeneder slowly undressed in the women's locker room before she slowly got herself dressed in a skin tight leotard. The girl had no idea that she was being filmed by a hidden camera. She heard footsteps enter the women's locker room. Cathi turned around to face Skunk Lord.
Cathi said, "We got ourselves a problem. I need to kill you and you need to die. That's a problem that we need to resolve right now."
Skunk Lord said, "I don't want to kill you."
Cathi said, "I don't want to kill you either, but we have no choice but to fight against each other to the death until one of us is legally dead."
Cathi said, "It's a shame that our interaction has to end in violence. We had some good times together. I'll always remember the moments we had together when I visit your tombstone."Skunk Lord said, "The good times you thought we had together was delusional. You were always luring me into a trap. You will always continue to lure me into a trap as long as you're alive."
Cathi said, "How can you dismiss all the good times we had together as a mistake? I could never view what we had together as a mistake. There has to be something wrong with you that you would think so horribly about me."
Cathi walked closer towards Skunk Lord. Skunk Lord walked backwards.
Skunk Lord said, "Get away from me lady."
Cathi said, "I can never walk away from you and you know it."
Skunk Lord punched Cathi. Cathi punched him twice, kicked him five times before tossing him against a wall. Cathi kicked him from behind ten times before punching him. Skunk Lord shoved Cathi to the floor and she stood up again.
Cathi punched him twice, he punched her, Cathi punched him once, he punched her once, Cathi kicked him and he punched her five times. He kicked Cathi before punching her.
Cathi punched him, he kicked her, Cathi punched him twice before she kicked him. He kicked her twice, punched her once and kicked her five times. He kicked her again.
Skunk Lord kicked Cathi and she doubled over in pain.
Cathi fell to the ground in a crumpled heap. She got double vision as she tried to stand up without her legs and arms collapsing under her.
Cathi stood up and Skunk Lord punched her twice before kicking her.
He slammed her backwards against a wall and kicked her five times. Cathi doubled over in pain before punched him twice and he blocked both blows. He punched her twice and she crashed to the floor in a crumpled heap. He kicked her as she tried to stand up.
Cathi tried to stand up and he kicked her to the floor. He kicked the girl five times when her left arm moved a micro inch.
Cathi pressed her vagina on the floor as she made one last effort to stand up with both arms. He kicked the girl in the breasts and she collapsed to the floor before closing her eyes. She tried to breathe, but her lungs won't cooperate. She tried to move her arms, but her arms felt as numb as her legs was starting to feel. Cathi closed her eyes as the doomed girl stopped breathing.
Cathi Grafeneder is no longer alive. Cathi is legally dead.
Yvonne Musik, Camilla Ermert and Birgit Schweigert was standing nearby when Skunk Lord exited the women's locker room. Skunk Lord might need to kill all three girls one by one if they continue to block his effort to exit the women's locker room. Which of the three girls gets to die first?
Camilla said, "What happened to my smart phone reception. I thought my smart phone reception would work in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium."
Birgit said, "The smart phone reception does work in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. There isn't anything wrong with this building. There is something wrong with your smart phone."
Yvonne said, "I told you to get your smart phone fixed."
Camilla said, "I don't need to get my smart phone fixed."
Yvonne said, "Go ahead and fool yourself into thinking that you don't need to get your smart phone fixed. Nobody else is going to believe you."Birgit said, "I don't believe you when you tell me that you don't need to get your smart phone fixed."
Yvonne said, "You see, Birgit believes me too."
Camilla said, "Oh sure, you two girls have your fun. I'll have the last laugh when I exit the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium alive and my smart phone has great reception again.
Yvonne said, "Hold on a second ladies, I hear somebody behind me."
Skunk Lord grabbed Yvonne Musik from behind and he tossed her against the wall. She tried to punch him, but he blocked the blow and kicked the girl twice and punched her twice. He kicked Camilla and she fell unconscious. He punched Birgit and she fell unconscious. Yvonne chased after Skunk Lord when he tried to escape from the girl.
Yvonne was gaining so he stopped running to face the girl. Skunk Lord punched Yvonne and she crashed to the floor unconscious. He walked over the unconscious girl towards freedom. Yvonne stirred as did Camilla and Birgit.
Jennifer Huniat and Anne Schmittlein stood alongside each other.
Jennifer said, "Where is Cathi Grafeneder? She was supposed to help us both with our gymnastics moves. I think you need to look for Cathi."
Anne asked, "Why should I look for Cathi? Why can't you look for Cathi?"
Jennifer replied, "Because one of us two girls needs to stay here in case Cathi shows up."
Anne said, "Then you look for Cathi and I'll wait for her here."
Jennifer said, "Look, you're going to need to get changed out of your street clothing and into your leotards. So you might as well look for Cathi while getting changed into your leotards."
Anne said, "Ok, I'll look for Cathi, but you're going to owe me a few favors."
Anne Schmittlein walked away from Jennifer Huniat in search of Cathi Grafeneder without realizing that Cathi is legally dead.
Anne entered the women's locker room and spotted the dead body of Cathi Grafeneder. Anne slowly removed her street clothing and slowly dressed herself into her gymnastics leotards without realizing that she was being filmed by a hidden camera. After being dressed in her leotards, Anne spun around to spot Skunk Lord who has entered the women's locker room with Ice Skating Lad.
Anne asked, "What are you two doing here?"
Ice Skating Lad said, "My friend and I were going to look through Cathi's purse."
Anne said, "You're not allowed to look through Cathi's purse."
Skunk Lord said, "My friend and I are going to look through Cathi's purse regardless of your feelings on the matter. What are you going to do about it?"
Anne said, "I'm going to kill you both."
Skunk Lord said, "Are you going to kill me like this?"Skunk Lord stabbed Anne between her breasts. Anne looked at Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad with a wounded glare in her eyes as the doomed girl started to stumble.
Anne found herself falling face first to the floor. She struggled to her hands and knees, but the effort took too much strength to maintain as more of her blood dripped to the floor into a puddle below her.
Anne sat down on the floor when her effort to stand up was much too difficult.
Taking a deep breathe, Anne tried to stand up only to fall face first to the floor a second time. She could spot Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad searching both Cathi's purse and her purse. Anne tried to speak out, but no sound came from her throat as it was filled up with blood. Anne drooled blood as she tried to stand up yet again.
Anne only managed to kneel on the floor, but was unable to stand up as more of her blood dripped to the floor. She refused to believe that she was dying even though that's exactly what was happening to the doomed girl.
Anne fell face first to the floor for the third and final time. Anne pressed her vagina and her breasts to the floor as her eyes closed. Anne stopped breathing as she gave up and finally died.
Anne Schmittlein is no longer alive. Anne is legally dead.
Jennifer Huniat entered the women's locker room and she looked directly at Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad with a severe expression on her face.
Jennifer said, "I'm going to pretend that I didn't see that."
Jennifer tried to exit the women's locker room only to have her path blocked by Ice Skating Lad.
Jennifer said, "Please step aside."
Ice Skating Lad replied, "I can't allow you to exit this room."
Jennifer said, "I don't think you have much choice in the matter."
Skunk Lord said, "If it's a matter of survival, then my Ice Skating Lad and I will need to murder you."
Jennifer said, "I was hoping that we would fight to the death a bit later on in the evening."Skunk Lord said, "We don't always get what we want."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Actually, girls like Jennifer never get what they want. Guys like us always get what we want."
Jennifer said, "Will you please listen to yourselves? You're sounding sick and out of control."
Skunk Lord said, "Actually, I've never been clearer in thought in my whole entire life."
Jennifer said, "Some girls in this building would like to differ."
Ice Skating Lad said, "All of the girls in this building is going to be wiped out one by one."
Jennifer punched Skunk Lord only to be kicked from behind by Ice Skating Lad. Jennifer punched Ice Skating Lad, she was punched by Skunk Lord, she was kicked by Ice Skating Lad, Jennifer punched Ice Skating Lad, Jennifer punched Skunk Lord only to have Ice Skating Lad punch her.
Jennifer punched Skunk Lord before kicking Ice Skating Lad. Ice Skating Lad fell backwards against Skunk Lord and they both fell backwards face up groin on rear end and chest on spine.
Jennifer tried to exit the building only to be grabbed from behind by Ice Skating Lad after he stood up and he tossed her against the wall before punching her. Jennifer punched Skunk Lord only to be punched by Ice Skating Lad.
Jennifer punched Ice Skating Lad and she kicked Skunk Lord twice. Skunk Lord punched Jennifer, Jennifer punched Ice Skating Lad, Jennifer kicked Skunk Lord and Skunk Lord punched Jennifer while Jennifer punched Ice Skating Lad.
Jennifer punched Ice Skating Lad and she was punched by Skunk Lord. Jennifer punched Skunk Lord and she was punched by Ice Skating Lad. Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad punched Jennifer before she punched Skunk Lord.
Skunk Lord punched Jennifer and she fell face first to the floor. Jennifer pressed her breasts and her vagina on the floor as Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad took turns kicking the girl as she lay face first on the floor.
Jennifer stood up and she kicked Ice Skating Lad before Skunk Lord punched the girl.
Skunk Lord punched Jennifer, Jennifer punched Skunk Lord before she kicked Ice Skating Lad before Skunk Lord punched the girl.
Jennifer kicked Ice Skating Lad and he fell to the floor yet again.
Skunk Lord punched Jennifer and she fell face first to the floor. Jennifer tried to stand up only to be kicked in the stomach by Skunk Lord. Jennifer tried to speak, but her body felt numb as she slowly gave up trying to stay alive against impossible odds. Jennifer fought to keep her eyes open, but she found herself stopping breathing as her eyes closed forever.
Jennifer Huniat is no longer alive. Jennifer is legally dead.
Selina Röhrl grabbed Ice Skating Lad from behind. The doomed girl pressed her breasts and her vagina on Ice Skating Lad as she held him hostage from behind.Selina said, "Tell me the best way to kill you or I'll kill your friend."
Skunk Lord said, "What difference if I cooperate. You're going to kill him anyway."
Selina strangled Ice Skating Lad and he collapsed. Selina punched Skunk Lord and he fell to the floor. Selina removed her street clothing and she slowly dressed herself in her skin tight leotards.
Selina said, "I wonder if Ice Skating Lad is still alive. I need to check for his pulse."
She bent over Ice Skating Lad to check for a pulse. Her voluptuous breasts brushed against Ice Skating Lad's left arm as she checked for his pulse.
Ice Skating Lad stabbed Selina between her breasts as Skunk Lord slowly started to stir.
Selina fell to the floor and she rolled away from Ice Skating Lad before he stabbed her between her breasts ten more times.
Skunk Lord slowly started to wake up as Selina tried to stand up.
Selina said, "Please don't kill me. I'll pay you for the chance to stay alive."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Sorry, I must kill you before you attempt to kill Skunk Lord and myself."
Selina collapsed face first to the floor as it got harder for the dying girl to breathe. She tried to speak, but she only managed to drool blood instead. The world got dizzy as she found it difficult to breathe oxygen. Selina knew it was the end and she gave up to allow death to claim her.
Selina said, "You have defeated me."
Selina closed her eyes and she gave up trying to breathe.
Ice Skating Lad and Skunk Lord took turns stabbing Selina from behind when her left arm moved. Ice Skating Lad checked for a pulse and he found none.
Selina Röhrl is no longer alive. Selina is legally dead.
Birgit Schweigert and Shanna Poliakova stood in the way when Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad tried to exit the women's locker room. It might be necessary for Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad to murder Birgit Schweigert and Shanna Poliakova if both girls refuses to step aside. Birgit and Shanna had no idea that Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad were standing behind them both.
Birgit said, "Then out of nowhere, this jerk attacked and tried to kill me. And the funny thing was that I did nothing to provoke such anger."
Shanna said, "That's horrible. We need to do something about that."
Birgit said, "I'm doing something about it. I'm proving that it's possible for us girls to stand outside the women's locker room without being attacked and knocked unconscious."
Shanna said, "Good for you. That's proving how's boss around here."
Skunk Lord grabbed Birgit from behind, tossed her against the wall and kicked her twice before punching her into unconsciousness. Shanna tried to punch Ice Skating Lad and he blocked her blow. Ice Skating Lad kicked Shanna and she fell to the ground and then rolled down the floor five times before she legally died.
Skunk Lord said, "I guess it's impossible for Birgit to stand outside the women's locker room without being attacked and knocked unconscious."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Such a shame. We need to kill both of those two girls someday."
Edita Schaufler said, "I don't know what is wrong with you two creeps, but Birigit and Shanna isn't going to be dying today."
Ice Skating Lad said, "And you're the girl who is going to stop us."
Edita said, "I'm the girl who is going to stop you."
Skunk Lord said, "Then us guys will need to stop you first before you get to attack us both."
Edita said, "Go ahead and try you damn creeps."
Skunk Lord punched Edita before Ice Skating Lad kicked the girl five times. Edita doubled over in pain before she fell face first to the floor unconscious. Birgit, Shanna and Edita stirred as Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad walked over the girls towards a different direction.
Ruby van Dijik and Naomi van Dijik can't put their street clothing on until either all the Dandelion Girls inside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium gets wiped out or until all the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse inside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. However, the two girls were able to wear their street clothing over their leotards as they attempted to sneak out of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium without realizing that Lisa Straka can't die until both of them dies and both of them are about to die minutes from now.Ice Skating Lad approached the two girls. He smiled. Both of the doomed girls smiled.
Ice Skating Lad asked, "Where are the two of you girls going? We didn't finish our little dance."
Ruby said, "We can delay our fight to the death for another time."
Ice Skating Lad said, "There is no other time. Our fight to the death must happen now."
Naomi said, "Fine, but don't say we didn't warn you nor that we gave you a way out of this."
Ruby van Dijik and Naomi van Dijik removed their street clothing that they wore over their leotards as he patiently waited for both of the doomed girls to get ready for their fight to the death. Which of the two girls gets to die first and which of the two girls gets to die second.
Naomi van Dijik approached Ice Skating Lad and he punched her twice and kicked her three times. Naomi fell to the ground before standing back up. She punched him and he kicked her. Naomi punched him, he punched her, she kicked him and he punched her twice before kicking her.Ice Skating Lad shoved Naomi against the wall, punched her, threw her against the wall two more times before punching her three times and then kicking her. Naomi fell to the ground unconscious.
Ruby van Dijik approached Ice Skating Lad and she punched him twice before kicking him. She punched him ten more times, kicked him twice before punching him.
Ruby said, "Come on, try to attack me. Pretend that you have a chance in hell of killing me."
He punched Ruby twice before kicking the girl. Ruby fell to the ground unconscious next to her unconscious sister Naomi.
Ice Skating Lad said, "I have a better chance of killing you than you have."
Naomi van Dijik and Ruby van Dijik started to stir as Sarah Voss approached Ice Skating Lad.
Ice Skating Lad said, "Do you mind? I didn't get the chance to kill Naomi and Ruby yet."
Sarah replied, "And yet, I still have a need to cut in."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Fine, I'll try to kill you instead."
Sarah said, "Fine, if you think you can accomplish anything against me."
Sarah Voss punched him twice before kicking him. He kicked her, she punched him, he kicked her twice, punched her three times before kicking her. She punched him. He tried to punch her, but she blocked the blow. She punched him and he doubled over in pain.
Sarah said, "And now I got more than enough time for Naomi, Ruby and I to walk away without a scratch. Thanks for trying to kill the three of us girls and failing badly. Please try again."
Sarah Voss, Naomi van Dijik and Ruby van Dijik walked away from Ice Skating Lad as he lay on the floor still doubled over in pain. Ice Skating Lad stood up and he grabbed Sarah Voss from behind. He shoved Sarah Voss forward and she fell face first against Naomi van Dijik and Ruby van Dijik---Causing Naomi van Dijik and Ruby van Dijik to fall side by side face first and causing Sarah Voss to fall face first on to of Naomi and Ruby---left breast on Naomi's left shoulder blade, right breast on Ruby's right shoulder blade and vagina balancing on the rear end of both girls.
Kim Bui had no idea that she was being filmed when she slowly undressed from her street clothes before dressing in her leotard just as slowly. Now the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse can watch Kim Bui undress and then get dressed to their pornographic delight. Kim grabbed Ice Skating Lad from behind. Kim tried to strangle Ice Skating Lad from behind while pressing her breasts on his spine and her vagina on his rear end.
Ice Skating Lad tried to say while being strangled from behind by Kim, "Somebody save me and kill this girl right now before it's too late. I'm in distress and I can only be saved by somebody killing this girl before I end up dead."
Kim said with a sneer, "It's too late! Nobody will save you by killing me off. You're screwed."
Drama King grabbed Kim from behind and roughly tossed her to the ground. Drama King kicked Kim in the stomach as she tried to stand up. Drama King and Ice Skating Lad was so distracted by the sexiness of Jenny Brunner that Sarah Voss, Naomi van Dijik, Ruby van Dijik and Kim Bui was able to stand up and slip away without getting killed in the process.
Pia Tolle was still dressed in her street clothing as she checked out the uneven bars while walking over Amanda Borden's legally dead body. Pia tried not to think about the possibility that she could end up getting murdered at anytime without warning. Instead, she chose to inspect the uneven bars.
Pia walked away from the uneven bars without realizing that Skunk Lord was following the girl with intent to murder her once and for all. Yet, the doomed girl kept looking behind her every time that Skunk Lord was convinced he found the right opportunity to kill her. And in the end, no opportunity was the right opportunity to kill Pia because she kept looking behind her at the wrong moment.
Skunk Lord thought he saw Ice Skating Lad and he spun around to find out if it was Ice Skating Lad. When he returned his gaze to where Pia was, the girl have vanished altogether. So Pia managed to escape justice without even knowing it.
Vivien Höllrigl was dressed in her street clothing and Jenny Brunner had just changed into her leotards without realizing that she was being filmed while getting undressed and dressed. Vivien and Jenny walked across the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. Vivien sat on a chair while Jenny sat on the floor directly in front of Vivien. Vivien started to fiddle with Jenny's hair.
Vivian said, "Look at all these people. I guess there isn't going to be a huge pile of dead girl corpses in this building. The Dandelion Shopping Mall was a different story. There were too many dead girls in that building."
Jenny said, "There wasn't any dead girl corpses in the Dandelion Shopping Mall when the evening began and now there are nothing but dead girl corpses in that building now. There might be lots of Dandelion Girls alive and breathing, but that won't last long. The two of us girls may end up becoming the last girls standing."
Vivian said, "We're going to the last remaining Dandelion Safehouse if we manage to survive being in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. That much is certain."
Jenny said, "Let's hope that you're right about that."
Jenny thought she spotted Skunk Lord and she stood up to investigate. Skunk Lord might need to murder Jenny Brunner if she got to close to his hiding spot. Jenny stood only inches away from him without realizing it. Jenny turned around and she spotted Ice Skating Lad standing next to Drama King. Jenny punched Drama King before Ice Skating Lad kicked her. Jenny punched Drama King, Ice Skating Lad kicked her, Jenny punched Ice Skating Lad, punched Drama King twice and punched Ice Skating Lad once. Ice Skating Lad punched Jenny, Jenny kicked Ice Skating Lad, Drama King punched Jenny, Jenny kicked Ice Skating Lad before Ice Skating Lad punched Jenny. Skunk Lord punched Jenny, Jenny punched Ice Skating Lad, Ice Skating Lad punched Jenny, Jenny kicked Ice Skating Lad before Skunk Lord and Drama King punched Jenny five times each. Jenny kicked Ice Skating Lad before punching him.
Ice Skating Lad cried out, "Help me kill this girl before she kills me."
Drama King said, "I'm trying to kill her, but she won't die."
Skunk Lord said, "Hang in there, Drama King and I will get around to killing her before she endangers and kills you forever. Jenny must forever die right this second."
Jenny said, "Give it up guys, I'll never die fast enough for your friend to be saved. I'll keep attacking Ice Skating Lad over and over until either he dies or I die. But I'll never die so your friend is doomed. Sorry to break the bad news to you."
Drama King punched Jenny before Skunk Lord kicked her twice. Jenny doubled over in pain before she crumpled to the ground. Jenny started to stir which means that she's still alive.
Vivien Höllrigl approached Drama King and Skunk Lord and she kicked them both down with a single kick. Ice Skating Lad punched Vivien before kicking her to the ground. Vivien stood up at the same time that Drama King and Skunk Lord stood up. Vivien smiled. Drama King smiled. Skunk Lord smiled. Drama King and Skunk Lord punched Vivien simultaneously.
Vivien crumpled to the ground next to Jenny Brunner. Both girls lay unconscious, but still stirred. And before both girls could be killed, Conny Schütz, Tina Jentsch, Yvonne Musik and Katja Stieler walked past Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad was so distracted by the four girls that Vivien Höllrigl and Jenny Brunner woke up from unconsciousness and slipped away. Conny Schütz, Tina Jentsch, Yvonne Musik and Katja Stieler must die this second for allowing Vivien Höllrigl and Jenny Brunner to escape death so easily. Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad vanished from sight once again.
Conny said, "I thought I saw three guys in this area. This was where two girls nearly died."
Yvonne said, "If there were three guys in this area, they either vanished, they hid or they were never here at all."
Tina said, "Oh come on, don't tell me that I don't get to attack anybody belonging to the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. I didn't come all this way just to girl talk."
Katja said, "I'm afraid that girl talk is all we can do while we look for members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Conny said, "I have an idea. I go this way and the rest of you three girls go that way. We'll cover more ground that way.
Katja said, "Either that or Conny will get killed off faster if the rest of us four girls isn't standing so close to her."Yvonne said, "What makes you think that Conny will be the first of us four girls to be attacked. I always thought of myself as being the first of us four girls to be attacked."
Conny faced Yvonne before she said, "Oh yeah, you'll get yourself killed while I afflict the first three casualties ever afflicted against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Tina said, "I'm not in the mood for all talk, but no action. Let's look for those three Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse jerks first then we'll worry which of us four girls get to die first and which of us four girls gets to survive to see sunrise."
Conny said, "I'm off to look for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. Wish me luck."
Conny Schütz walked off from Tina Jentsch, Yvonne Musik and Katja Stieler without knowing if she's close to or further away from her chance to be killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse. Conny thought she saw Drama King bump against Ice Skating Lad groin on groin and chest on chest before comically hiding from sight. She walked towards the hiding place, but she didn't see anything. That was only because Drama King and Ice Skating Lad was forced to flee from their hiding lace before Conny could find it.
Conny spotted Ice Skating Lad and he punched her causing the girl to fall face up to the floor. Conny started to stir before she sat up again. Conny looked around her and failed to spot Ice Skating Lad. Conny frowned as she stood back up again.
Conny had no idea how close she was standing next to Ice Skating Lad. Ice Skating Lad kept needing to walk more and more sideways to avoid encountering the girl until he tripped and fell against Drama King groin against groin and chest against chest. Drama King pushed Ice Skating Lad off him and they both walked behind Conny without her knowing it.
Conny Schütz slowly undressed before she dressed herself in her skin tight leotard. The girl didn't know that she was being filmed by hidden camera the entire time she was undressing and dressing herself. She exited the women's locker room before spotted Drama King and Ice Skating Lad.Conny said, "At last, your flimsy attempts to avoid me as failed. Now it's time for both of you to die. Which one of you gets to die first."
Drama King said, "Don't force me to kill you too lady. Walk away and escape justice lady."
Conny said, "And miss out on the one thing I've been wishing for the entire evening. Yeah right, as if that's going to happen."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Don't say Drama King and I didn't warn you."
Conny said, "You two are the most delusional fools I've ever known."
Conny punched Drama King, Ice Skating Lad punched Conny, Conny punched Drama King before kicking Ice Skating Lad. Ice Skating Lad kicked Conny, Conny punched Drama King before Ice Skating Lad punched Conny before kicking her twice and punced her again. Conny punched Drama King before Ice Skating Lad punched Conny, Ice Skating Lad punched Conny before Conny retaliated by punching Ice Skating Lad.
Conny punched Drama King before she kicked Ice Skating Lad and punched Drama King. Drama King punched Conny, Conny punched Ice Skating Lad, Drama King kicked and then punched Conny before she punched Ice Skating Lad.
Ice Skating Lad said, "Hurry up and kill Conny before she murders me. This girl is crazy."
Drama King said, "I'm trying to kill Conny, but she won't die."
Conny said, "It's too late, Ice Skating Lad is doomed. You'll never kill me in time to save Ice Skating Lad. Say goodbye to your friend."
Conny strangled Ice Skating Lad much to the distress of Drama King who now has no choice but to kill the girl before it's too late."
Drama King stabbed Conny from behind and she slowly released her strangulation grip against Ice Skating Lad. Conny winced in pain as Drama King stabbed her from behind five more times. Conny stumbled before she was stabbed from behind two more times.
Conny advanced towards Ice Skating Lad before Drama King stabbed her from behind ten more times. Conny tried to say something, but she fell face first to the floor in a puddle of her blood instead. Drama King stabbed Conny when her left leg moved. A tear rolled from Conny's eye as the girl slowly closed her eyes and stopped breathing.
Conny Schütz is no longer alive. Conny is legally dead.
Tina Jentsch slowly undressed before a secretly hidden camera before she slowly dressed herself in a skintight leotard. The doomed girl exited the women's locker room to check on Conny Schütz. The doomed girl was walking closer and closer to Conny's dead body.
However, Drama King and Ice Skating Lad may beforced to allow Tina Jentsch because Ruby van Dijik and Naomi van Dijik is standing in the way. It may be necessary to either murder Ruby van Dijik and knock her sister Naomi van Dijik unconscious, murder Naomi van Dijik and knock her sister Ruby van Dijik unconscious or knock both girls unconscious. Ruby van Dijik and Naomi van Dijik walked past Drama King and Ice Skating Lad after they have finished murdering Conny Schütz. It may be necessary for Drama King and Ice Skating Lad to either kill Ruby van Dijik or kill Naomi van Dijik (Or possibly kill both sisters). Ruby looked at her sister Naomi without realizing that this might be the best chance for one of the two girls to be murdered.
Ruby said, "Oh look, here comes Pia Tolle. One of us girls might need to check out the uneven bars with the girl."
Naomi said, "It would be easier for Pia Tolle and yourself to survive a visit to the uneven bars if I came along to help out."
Ruby said, "It would be wonderful if you helped Pia Tolle and myself check out the uneven bars."
Ruby continued, "Your role would be crucial. It would be your job to make sure that Ice Skating Lad doesn't stab Pia Tolle and myself to death as Pia and myself tries to climb from the lower rung of the uneven bars to the highest rung of the uneven bars before Ice Skating Lad could climb from the lower run of the uneven bars to the highest rung of the uneven bars. The winner gets to survive the night."
Naomi said, "There is no way I will die seconds from now before Tina Jentsch. The only way to prevent me from saving Tina Jentsch from getting killed is for me to die right now. Then once I ruin the only chance to kill Tina Jentsch, then I'll ruin the only chance to kill Pia Tolle and yourself."
Ruby said, "Then we got ourselves a plan for attack. I sure hope that Ice Skating Lad doesn't ruin it for the two of us girls by killing you seconds from now."
Tina Jentsch is walking closer towards Ruby van Dijik, Naomi van Dijik and Ice Skating Lad. Naomi van Dijik must die once and for all immediately before Tina Jentsch arrives. Ice Skating Lad's need to kill Naomi van Dijik was ruined when Pia Tolle and Janine Woeste approached Ruby van Dijik and Naomi van Dijik. Ruby van Dijk, Pia Tolle, Naomi van Dijk, Janine Woeste stood alongside each other as they talked.
Pia faced Ruby before she said, "Janine and I need your help inspecting the uneven bars by climbing from the lower rung of the uneven bars to the highest rung of the uneven bars before Ice Skating Lad gets to climb from the lower rung of the uneven bar to the highest rung of the uneven bar."
Ruby faced Pia before she said, "I thought it was just you and I."
Pia faced Ruby before she said, "It will be just you and I if Janine dies before or after Naomi's death scene. However, Janine and Naomi isn't dead yet so it's a four girl team."
Janine said, "I think I see Drama King and Skunk Lord somewhere over there. I need to check it out. just to be on the safe side."
Naomi said, "I need to wait for Tina Jentsch to get here because there is something I need to tell her. The only way to prevent me from telling my message to Tina Jentsch and preventing her death is to kill me seconds from now so I can't make the trip to the uneven bars a four girl team."
Pia said, "Please don't ruin it for Ruby and myself. Us girls can't fall apart into death this quickly."
Janine said, "I'm sorry, but I really need to attack Drama King and Skunk Lord if they are hiding over there. We can't let those creeps run around loose."Naomi faced Janine and she said, "I need your help to give my message to Tina Jentsch. It will be hard for me to be attacked and killed before Tina Tentsch gets here if you're helping me out."
Ruby said, "Come on girls, we need to get to the uneven bars before it's too late."
Pia said, "I agree with Ruby. We can't afford to screw around and make it easy for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse wipe all four of us girls out one by one."
Janine Woeste said, "Don't worry ladies, it won't take long. I'll return to help make it a four girl team before you know it."
And so Janine Woeste walked away from Pia Tolle, Ruby van Dijik and her sister Naomi van Dijik without realizing that Janine is about to die seconds from now before it's time for Naomi van Dijik to die so that she can't interrupt Tina Tentsch's death so that Ruby van Dijik and Pia Tolle can die before they can climb from the lower rung of the uneven bars to the higher rung of the uneven bars before Ice Skating Lad can climb from the lower run of the uneven bars to the higher rung of the uneven bars. Janine Woeste walked closer towards where she believes that Skunk Lord and Drama King is hiding from her. Skunk Lord and Drama King may be forced to kill Janine Woeste to prevent their hiding place from being discovered.
Janine Woeste wasn't budging from her spot. And Janine kept walking sideways to the left more and more in such a manner that Skunk Lord's and Drama King's hiding place got smaller and smaller to such an extent that both of them were pressed against each other groin on groin and chest on chest closer and closer while wiggling in hopes of squirming towards an alternative exit that won't rely on killing Janine to either escape the original way or to kill Janine in order to make their hiding place bigger.
Janine looked at Dandelion Girl #5.
Dandelion Girl #5 said, "I thought you were having trouble getting to sleep."
Janine said, "I was having trouble getting to sleep. Not to worry, I'll sleep better tonight."
Dandelion Girl #5 said, "I got some sleeping pills in my purse. Let me know if you need some to help you sleep. I'm always willing to help you out."
Drama King fell backwards against Dandelion Girl #5---Rear end against her vagina and spine against her breasts. Dandelion Girl #5 released a defeated groan as she fell backwards face up and she closed her eyes before she legally died.
Janine looked at Drama King before she said, "I was having a conversation with that girl."
Drama King said, "And you also got to see that girl die too."
Janine said, "You will pay for doing that. It's time for you to die."
Janine punched Drama King before she kicked him. Drama King tried to punch the girl, but she blocked his blow. Janine punched Drama King, blocked Drama King's punch before she punched him three times before kicking him.Skunk Lord said, "I can't allow this to happen. I must kill Janine now before it's too late and she succeeds in killing Drama King."
Janine said, "You're too late. I'm about to kill Drama King with one last punch against him."
Skunk Lord stabbed Janine from behind and he stabbed her five more times before the doomed girl dropped to her knees. Janine tried to speak, but the dying girl was drooling blood as it got harder for her to breathe. She tried to apologize, but that made Skunk Lord stab her from behind five more times. The dying girl fell face first to the floor in a puddle of her blood.
Janine Woeste is no longer alive. Janine is legally dead.
Anja Rheinbay, Sarah Voss, Hannah Thives-Kurenbach and Sarah Sonnenschein walked closer to where Tina Jentsch, Ruby van Dijk, Pia Tolle and Naomi van Dijk. The four girl group will soon become an eight group if some fatalities isn't afflicted against Tina Jentsch, Ruby van Dijk, Pia Tolle and Naomi van Dijk.
Sarah looked at Hannah. Hannah looked at Sarah.
Sarah Voss said, "Hold on, I think I'm getting a call on my cell phone."
Anja said, "Your cell phone call can wait."
Sarah Voss replied, "The girl who's trying to give me a cell phone call will be legally dead if I wait too long. I don't want to be responsible for another girl's death because I didn't get there in time."
Hannah said, "The rest of us girls will be legally dead if you leave this gym and you were the only girl wo can save us all from getting wiped out one by one all the way down to zero."
Sarah Voss said, "That was a risk I was willing to take."
Sarah Sonnenschein said, "I can't believe that you didn't put your cell phone into your locker."
Sarah Voss said, "I'm going to answer my cell phone call regardless if your feelings."
Sarah Sonnenschein said, "Not without one of us three girls."
Hannah said, "The girl is right. You could end up getting yourself killed trying to answer the phone."
Anja said, "We need to be smart about this. We can't afford to see another girl get herself killed."
Ruby van Dijik looked at Pia Tolle and her sister Naomi van Dijik. The four girl team has become a three girl team. Naomi van Dijik must die before Tina Tentsch arrives for her death scene so that it will become a two girl team instead of a three girl team. However, Naomi van Dijik was such a cute sexually seductive girl, that Ice Skating Lad wasn't sure he had the willpower needed to punish and kill Naomi van Dijik once and for all.Naomi said, "Oh wow, here comes Joeline Mobius. We need to see how she's doing."
Ruby said, "We need to stay here with Pia Tolle."
Pia faced Ruby before she said, "We need to head towards the uneven bars before both of us are killed one by one. We can't delay this any longer."
Ruby said, "My sister could end up in trouble and get herself killed if I don't help her out."
Oh no, Ruby van Dijik's evil plan to save her sister from getting herself killed must be defeated. Nothing must prevent Ruby van Dijik from dying on the uneven bars before or after Pia Tolle dies on the uneven bars. But how will Ice Skating Lad defeat Ruby van Dijik's evil plan to prevent her sister Naomi's death scene without first killing Ruby van Dijik before she dies on the uneven bars before or after Pia Tolle dies on the uneven bars.
Ruby faced Pia before she said, "I'll tell you what. I'll help you out with the uneven bars if you help me escort my sister Naomi van Dijik to Joeline Mobius without dying in the process."
Pia said with a groan, "I'm going to regret this, but ok, I'll help you out."
Naomi said, "I don't need help."
Ruby said, "You're getting help anyway. Is that alright?"
Joeline Mobius looked at Naomi van Dijik, her sister Ruby van Dijik and Pia Tolle with concern.
Joeline said, "It appears as if Naomi wants to talk to me. I hope she doesn't get herself killed trying to reach me before Tina Jentsch manages to get here."
Oh no, Joeline is about to use Naomi in her evil plan to survive the killing spree long enough to see morning. Naomi van Dijik must die now.
Joeline placed her left hand on her breasts as Naomi walked closer towards her.
Joeline said, "Hey Naomi, I need to talk to you for a bit."
Naomi said, "I'll be right there."
Ruby said, "Not without my assistance."
Naomi said, "You need to risk your life helping out Pia Tolle instead."
Ruby said, "Please don't ask me not to escort you towards Joeline. You'll die in a serial killing attack without reaching Joeline if I'm not escorting you."Naomi said, "I'm sorry, but risking your life helping out Pia Tolle before Tina Jentsch gets here is much more important. Tina will die if all three of us girls are dead before Tina gets here."
Joeline said, "Hurry Naomi, I need to speak to you right now."
Joeline said, "I'm going to grab a posse of girls to surround Ice Skating Lad until either he dies or he wipes out the posse of girls and myself once and for all."
Ruby said, "Include me in the scheme if I'm still alive."
Ruby said, "You can't be serious about walking towards Joeline without me escorting you."
Naomi said, 'It's a risk that I need to take."
Naomi faced Ruby before she said, "Don't try to stop me because I already made up my mind."
Ruby said, "We're sisters. We do everything together. We should be interacting with Joeline together too."
Naomi said, "But you need to check out the uneven bars with Pia Tolle too. You can't help me interact with Joeline and help Pia Tolle with the uneven bars at the same time. You'll have to pick one or the other."
Ruby said with a groan, "I guess I'll have to help out Pia Tolle instead of helping you interact with Joeline. But I still think you won't die trying to reach Joeline if I'm standing there."
Naomi said, "But then you won't die trying to check the uneven bars with Pia Tolle if I'm standing there. I can't die trying and failing to reach Joeline if you're standing there. You have to pick one or the other. Sorry, but that's how it works."
Ruby said, "It doesn't have to work that way. We can break the rules."
Joeline Mobius said, "Come on ladies, I only need to talk to one of you."
Joeline fumed with impatience as her left hand brushed against her left leg as she impatiently waited for Naomi to approach her. He must defeat and kill Naomi van Dijik before she succeeds in doing so.
Joeline Mobius turned to face Marie Sophie Boggasch and Pauline Tratz who approached the girl.Joeline said, "Us girls will need an alternate plan in case Naomi van Dijik is murdered before she can reach the three of us."
Marie Sophie said, "Pauline and I can sacrifice our lives distracting Skunk Lord before he succeeds in killing you too."
Joeline said, "I don't want two more girl casualties in case Naomi van Dijik is killed before she can reach me. We need a plan that will allow all three of us girls to survive."
Pauline said, "That may not be possible for Marie Sophie and I to survive if Naomi is killed because then you'll be forced to escape with another one of your plans failing."
Marie Sohie said, "Hold on, I have an idea, but I'll need Pauline's assistance."
Pauline said, "Hold that thought, there's something that I need to check out first."
Pauline Tratz walked away from the other two girls until she stood isolated, but still close by. It's possible for Skunk Lord to murder Pauline before she rejoins the other two girls, but time is running out for Pauline to get her chance to die in a senseless murder attack.
Ruby van Dijik walked towards Pia Tolle. Skunk Lord might need to kill Ruby before she reaches and collaborates with Pia, but time is running out. Ruby took a deep breath as her life came dangerously close to ending in a violent murder attack against her.
And as Ruby van Dijik walked to the right side of the room, Naomi van Dijik walked towards the left side of the room. Naomi must die before she reaches Joeline Mobius and Marie Sophie Boggasch. Naomi took a deep breathe as she failed to realize that her short life is about to be senselessly ended in an unprovoked murder attack.
Skunk Lord followed Naomi van Dijik with intent to kill the girl. This could be it. This could be the moment in which Naomi van Dijik is senselessly murdered forever.
Skunk Lord grabbed Naomi from behind and he tried to strangle the girl. She rammed her left elbow into Skunk Lord's stomach. Naomi spun around to face Skunk Lord before punching him twice and then kicking him.
Naomi said, "Oh my GOD, you almost killed me. What the hell's wrong with you. Don't you enjoy hanging out with women anymore?"
Skunk Lord said, "My feelings about women is irrelevant because you still need to die."
Naomi said, "I was attacked before and I survived. I'll survive right now too."Skunk Lord said, "You were only able to survive because your sister Ruby was standing next to you and now she isn't. I must kill you before Ruby arrives to help you out."
Skunk Lord punched Naomi before he kicked her. Naomi tried to punch him and he blocked her blow. He kicked her and the girl fell to the floor.
Naomi stood up to face her victimizer.
Naomi said, "Yup, I'm still alive. I get to escape again."
Skunk Lord said, "I can't allow that to happen young lady. You must die now!"
Naomi tried to punch Skunk Lord and he blocked her blow. He punched the girl and she staggered.
Naomi tried to walk backwards. Skunk Lord walked forward before he punched her five times. She tried to punch him and he blocked her blow followed by a kick against the girl.Naomi tried to run away from Skunk Lord only to have Skunk Lord grab the girl around the waist and toss her to the ground before kicking her in the stomach five times. Naomi struggled to stand up only to be kicked to the floor yet again.
Naomi stood up and she faced him. He faced Naomi.
Naomi said, "So it's a fight to the death between the two of us. I should've known this moment was going to arrive sooner or later."
Skunk Lord said, "I tried to avoid this, but it got harder to avoid trying to kill you."
Naomi said, "You're going to wish that you tried harder to avoid attacking me."
Skunk Lord said, "My punches and kicks are connecting against you while you're punches and kicks are always successfully blocked."
Naomi said, "I'm off to a slow start, but trust me when I say that I will finish you off."
Skunk Lord said, "No assistance from your sister Ruby. It's just between you and I."
Naomi said, "I can live with it."
Skunk Lord said, "You won't be living with it much longer when I succeed in killing you."
Naomi punched Skunk Lord and she kicked him twice. Skunk Lord staggered as Naomi punched him give more times until he staggered against the wall. Naomi smiled as she kicked him again.
Naomi kicked Skunk Lord while he was pressed against the wall. He punched Naomi and she kicked him five more times. He continued to stagger in pain.
Naomi kicked him twice and punched him. He punched Naomi five times and she kicked him twice before she punched him. He punched Naomi ten times before kicking her.
Naomi struggled to breathe, but he didn't care. He punched her five times before kicking her. Naomi kicked him and he punched her five times. He punched her ten times as she staggered and struggled to breathe. She kicked him twice.
Naomi punched him twice and he kicked her once before punching her. Naomi tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before kicking her.
He grabbed Naomi from behind and he shoved her against the wall before kicking her from behind twice before tossing her against the wall five more times.
He kicked Naomi in the stomach and she punched him. He punched her five times and blocked another attempt from Naomi to punch him.
Naomi was about to kick him and he blocked her blow only to kick her to the floor.
Naomi stood up and attempted to kick him and he blocked the blow. He punched her twice before kicking her to the floor.
Naomi tried to stand up only to be kicked to the floor. He picked up the girl, punched her five times before kicking her to the floor.
Naomi stood up to face him. He smiled. She smiled. Naomi punched him twice before kicking him. Skunk Lord kicked her three times, she punched him twice and he punched her five times.
Naomi tried to kick him and he blocked her blow. He kicked her to the floor.
Naomi stood up to face him. He punched her five times before kicking her.
Skunk Lord kicked Naomi five times before punching her.
Skunk Lord punched Naomi five times before kicking her. He kicked her five times before punching her. Naomi tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before punching her twice.
Naomi said, "Please no more, one more blow like that and I'm going to die forever."
Skunk Lord said, "That's the whole idea young lady. Goodbye. Time for you to die."
Skunk Lord kicked Naomi five times before punching her. Skunk Lord punched Naomi five times before kicking her. Skunk Lord punched Naomi five times before kicking her five times. Naomi looked at him with a blank expression before she fell down motionless and prone on the floor. Naomi stopped breathing as death claimed the doomed teenage girl.
Naomi van Dijik is no longer alive. Naomi is legally dead.
Ruby van Dijik was noticeably shaken when she saw her sister Naomi lie down and die forever. Vivien Höllrigl, Suann Herbst, Lisa Straka welcomed a noticeably shaken up Ruby van Dijik as she approached the three girls.
Ruby said, "This isn't right. It's not possible for my sister Naomi to die forever like that."
Lisa said, "Just say the word and I'll help you avenge the death of your sister Naomi."
Vivien said, "Suann and I would like to help you out too, but Suann and I are heading in a different direction with our plans to challenge the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to a battle to the death."
Suann said, "Vivien and I are going to watch Lisa and Ruby avenge Naomi's death. The only way to prevent Lisa from joining forces with Lisa is to murder Ruby right now."
Ruby said, "Don't tell Skunk Lord the best way to kill me."
Suann said, "I'm not in the mood to die alongside Vivien if Ruby isn't going to die before she joins forces with Lisa to avenge Naomi's death."
Vivien said, "I'm not planning to die alongside Suann anyway."
Lisa said, "Wasn't Ruby supposed to die alongside Pia Tolle instead of dying alongside me."
Ruby said, "I'm not going to die alongside any girl right now."
Ruby van Dijik looked at Kristina Goryunova before saying, "Since I'm not going to die alongside Pia Tolle, would you like to help Lisa and I crush and murder Skunk Lord."
Kristina faced Ruby before she said, "I have a different death scene in mind, but I'll abandon it to help Lisa and you out instead."
Ruby said, "That's a girl, I knew I can rely on you."
Kristina faced Ruby before she said, "Here comes Skunk Lord, better hope he's not here to kill you before you can join forces with Lisa and myself. Better pray you don't die alongside Pia Tolle."
Ruby said, "I'm not going to die at all today."
Ruby claimed that she was going to survive tonight, but she knew better. If one van Dijik sister dies, then the other van Dijik Sister also must die. Ruby van Dijik pushed her luck too far and now it's time for her to die. Ruby faced Skunk Lord as he approached her with intent to kill the girl. This could be it. This could be the moment when Ruby van Dijik is defeated and killed forever.
Ruby took a deep breathe as she failed to realize that her short life is about to be senselessly ended in an unprovoked murder attack.Skunk Lord grabbed Ruby from behind and he tried to strangle the girl. She rammed her left elbow into Skunk Lord's stomach. Ruby spun around to face Skunk Lord before punching him twice and then kicking him.
Ruby said, "You will pay dearly for killing my sister Naomi."
Skunk Lord said, "Don't force me to murder you too young lady."
Ruby said, "It's too late, my need for vengeance makes it impossible for you to spare my life."
Ruby punched Skunk Lord and he kicked her. She kicked him twice and he punched her five times. Skunk Lord punched Ruby five times before she kicked him twice and she punched him once.Skunk Lord punched Ruby twice. She tried to punch him and he blocked her blow. He kicked her twice before punching her. He punched her twice before blocking her attempt to punch him.
Ruby kicked him twice and he fell backwards. Ruby smiled as she kicked him again.
Ruby kicked him and he blocked her attempt to kick him. He stood up and he punched her. Ruby punched him twice and he blocked her third attempt to punch him. He punched her three times causing her to double over in pain. He kicked her four times. Ruby punched him twice and he punched her once before she punched him again.
Ruby punched him. He kicked her twice before she punched him five times. He punched her sixth attempt to punch him before he kicked her twice. He punched her and she doubled over in pain.
Ruby said, "I need some assistance Pia."
Pia said, "I'm coming. I need to check my smart phone first."
Ruby said, "Forget the smart phone and help me before he murders me once and for all."
Pia Tolle checked her smart phone as he attempted to murder Ruby van Dijik. Ruby van Dijik must die before Pia Tolle reaches the doomed girl. He punched Ruby and she kicked him twice before she punched him. He kicked Ruby once and he punched her. Ruby doubled over in pain.
Ruby cried out, "Hurry up Pia, I'm dying here."
Pia replied, "I'm hurrying. I'm hurrying."
He punched Ruby and she kicked him. He punched Ruby and she punched him back. He punched Ruby before kicking her twice. Ruby doubled over in pain before he punched her again.
Ruby kicked him and he punched her. Ruby kicked him and he punched her. Ruby kicked him and he doubled over in pain. He punched her and she staggered towards one of the walls in pain.
He punched Ruby before kicking her. He punched Ruby and she kicked him. He punched Ruby five times, she kicked him, he punched her and she punched him in return. He punched her and she doubled over in pain before he kicked her.
Ruby tried to escape and he grabbed her left arm before tossing her against the wall and kicked her from behind twice before she staggered towards him. He punched the girl as she staggered towards him in visible pain. He kicked Ruby and she fell face up towards the ground.
Ruby tried to stand up and he kicked her. Ruby fell face first towards the ground.Ruby tried to stand up and he kicked her. Ruby fell face first to the ground.
Ruby stood up and she faced him. She tried to escape and he shoved her against one of the walls before he kicked her. Ruby punched him and he kicked her twice before punching her three times. She tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before kicking her five times and punched her three times causing her to stagger. He punched her again as she tried to escape.
Ruby smiled as she kicked him. She kicked him five times before he punched her twice.
He punched her five times. He tried to tie her hands behind her back and she kicked him. She released her hands from his attempts at bondage and she punched him. He punched her twice and she kicked him once before he punched her.
It was getting harder for Ruby to breathe as he punched her. She said, "Give me a chance to catch my breathe before you attack me again."
Skunk Lord replied, "Sorry lady, but you must die before Pia Tolle reaches you."
He punched the girl and she staggered in pain.
Ruby tried to escape, but he grabbed her right arm and tossed her against the wall before kicking her five times causing the girl to stagger.
Skunk Lord slammed Ruby against the wall. Each time to tossed her against the wall was even harsher than the last time he tossed her against the wall. He kicked her from behind five times before slamming her against the wall a few more times.
Ruby said, "Holy shit, I knew you were pissed off at me, but I had no idea you were this angry."
Skunk Lord said, "No offense lady, but you need to die and I can't delay your death any longer."
Ruby said, "You don't need to kill me. I'll pay you to keep me alive."
Skunk Lord said, "I was going to rob the contents of your purse once you are dead regardless what happens to you tonight. Killing you makes it easier for me to help myself to your purse."
Skunk Lord punched Ruby five times before kicking her. Ruby tried to punch him and he blocked the blow. He kicked her to the ground and she crumpled to the ground in defeat.
Ruby stood up. She looked at him with a smile. He looked at her with a smile. He tried to punch her and she blocked the blow. He kicked her and she collapsed in pain. Ruby slowly stood up again.
Ruby said, "You can't seem to succeed in killing me. I guess you don't want to see me die after all."
Skunk Lord said, "Give me a chance lady and you will die forever."
Ruby approached him and she tried to kiss him. He punched her in return. She tried to strangle him while kissing him at the same time. He punched her in the stomach causing her to collapse in pain.
Ruby tried to stand up and he kicked her to the floor. Ruby lay face down with her breasts and vagina pressed to the floor. She continued to press her vagina to the floor as she attempted to stand up. He kicked her lying down face first to the floor once again.
Ruby tried to kiss him as she attempted to strangle him. He punched her in the stomach causing her to collapse to the floor again. It took longer for her to stand up and she was clearly in the type of physical pain that's impossible to recover from.
Ruby kicked him. He punched her and she kicked him twice. He punched her twice and she kicked him three times. She kicked him again.
He tried to tie her hands behind her back and she kicked him before he can succeed. He punched her as punishment for not letting him tie her hands behind her back. He punched her five more times.
She punched him and he punched her twice before kicking her. He punched her five more times.
He kicked her and she staggered backwards and nearly fell face up.
He kicked Ruby and she fell backwards before she rolled face down on the ground. She pressed her vagina and her breasts to the ground as she found it difficult to stand up again.
Ruby slowly stood up and he punched her five times. He punched her again. She tried to punch him and he blocked her blow. He punched her five more times.
Ruby said, "I'll pay you to spare my life."
Skunk Lord said, "I'm going to take money from your purse after you die anyway."
He punched her and she doubled over in pain.
Ruby asked, "What can I give you that you need more than anything?"
He replied, "I want you to die and stay dead."
He punched her and she doubled over in pain.
He tried to punch Ruby and she blocked his blow. He smiled. She smiled.
Skunk Lord punched Ruby and she fell sideways to the ground before she lay face down on the ground prone and without moving.
Ruby stood up and he punched her. She punched him twice and he kicked her before punching her five times. He punched her again.
He kicked Ruby and she fell sideways to the ground. She rolled face down. Ruby pressed her vagina and her breasts to the ground as her eyes started to close. He kicked the girl as she lay.
Ruby sat up and he kicked her. Ruby lay down face up to the ground without moving.
Ruby stood up and he punched her twice, she punched him and he punched her five more times.
Ruby punched him twice, he punched her five times causing her to double over in pain.
Hurry up and kill Ruby van Dijik before Pia Tolle reaches her. Ruby must die now!
Ruby tried to escape, but he tackled the girl from behind. He lay on top of her as she lay face down groin on rear end and chest on spine. Ruby tried to squirm free of his grip against her.
Ruby squirmed free only to have him stand up and kicked her backwards to the ground. He kicked her backwards to the ground five more times each time she tried to stand up.Ruby tried to stand up only to have him kick her from behind causing her to fall face first to the floor in defeat. She tried to stand up only to kick her on the stomach causing her to collapse again.
Ruby staggered to her feet. He tried to punch her and she blocked his blow. She punched him. He kicked her causing her to double over in pain.
Ruby tried to escape only to have him kick her from behind causing her to fall face first to the floor. It took longer for the doomed girl to stand up again.
Ruby tried to kick him and he blocked her blow. He kicked her and she doubled over in pain.
He kicked her five times causing her to fall face first to the floor. He picked her up only to punch her face first to the floor again.
Ruby punched him and he doubled over in pain.
Ruby said, "And now it's time for me to reach the uneven bars."
Skunk Lord said, "I can't allow you to do it. I must kill you now."
Ruby said, "I can't allow you to succeed. I must sacrifice my life if necessary to defeat you."
Skunk Lord said, "Oh no, Ruby lost her grip with reality. I must kill her before she succeeds in her evil plot to reach the uneven bars."
Ruby said, "I shall be the first girl to defeat you."
Skunk Lord said, "You shall be the latest girl to die instead."
Ruby said, "I must reach Pia Tolle now before Skunk Lord succeeds in killing me."
Pia Tolle said, "Hurry up and assist me with the uneven bars. I'll be easy for Skunk Lord to kill if he first succeeds in killing you."
Skunk Lord said, "Ruby must die before she reaches Pia Tolle. No other option will be allowed. Pia Tolle must die after the permanent death of Ruby van Dijik."
Pia Tolle faced Sarah Voss.
Pia Tolle said, "I'll need your help once Ruby gets here. Make sure you isn't lured to your death before Ruby arrives to help us both out."
Sarah Voss faced Pia Tolle before she said, "I shall assist you in every way. The only way Skunk Lord can stop me from doing so is to kill me once Ruby dies and before you die."
Sarah Voss said, "Ruby reached the uneven bars before Pia Tolle and myself. I must get there before Ruby is killed once and for all. Don't push your luck until I get there Ruby. Skunk Lord is about to kill you once and for all."
Ruby faced Sarah Voss before she said, "I don't care. I must use the uneven bars now before Pia Tolle and yourself arrives."
Sarah Voss said, "Oh no, this is terrible. Ruby van Dijik is about to die."
Ruby van Dijik punched Skunk Lord. She kicked him before she punched him.
Ruby kicked him and he punched her twice causing the doomed girl to stagger.Ruby punched him. She smiled as she punched him again.
Ruby punched him five times. He staggered as she kicked him, punched him, kicked him, punched him before she punched him again.
Ruby punched him before she kicked him.
She punched him and he tried to punch her, but she blocked his blow. He punched her and she kicked him. He punched her again.
He punched her and she doubled over in pain. Ruby gasped for air and he responded by punching her while she looked like she was dying.
Ruby nearly fell and he punched her again.
Ruby fell backwards and he kicked her while she tried to stand up. She fell to the ground face first.
Ruby stood up and she kicked him.
Ruby punched him before she kicked him.
Ruby punched him and he fell.
Ruby said, "Now it's time for me to reach the uneven bars to join forces with Pia Tolle and Sarah Voss. The only way Skunk Lord can stop me from doing so is to murder me and he's close to death."
Skunk Lord said, "I can't allow this to happen. I must kill you now."
Too late. Ruby van Dijik has reached the uneven bars. She worked her way from the lower bar to the upper bar. He rammed against the uneven bars causing the girl to lose her grip.
Ruby van Dijik lost her grip and she fell off the high bar portion of the uneven bars and fell face first to the ground. Ruby van Dijik tried to stand up, but death was much too powerful. She tried to say something, but it was too late. She was dying. Ruby closed her eyes and she died. Ruby van Dijik is no longer alive. Ruby van Dijik is legally dead. Both of the van Dijik twin sister girls are now legally dead once and for all.
Pia Tolle watched helplessly as Ruby van Dijik died. Pia Tolle must die before she reaches Sarah Voss. Time for Pia Tolle to be murdered.
Pia punched him, he kicked her and she punched him.
Anja Brinker
Leonie Hörstensmeyer
Cagla Akyol, Kim Janas, Carinal Cröll
Cagla Akyol
Jasmin Weber
Katja Abel and Yvonne Musik
Gabi Weller and Katja Abel
Jana Straka
Suann Herbst and Joeline Mobius
Suann Herbst
Marie-Sophie Hindermann
Nina Pielen, Anja Brinker and Marie-Sophie Hindermann
Marie-Sophie Hindermann
Jana Fassbender
Vivien Höllrigl
Maike Roll, Désirée Baumert , BNN-Sportchef René Dankert and Katja Roll
Maike Roll
Cosma Schweikhardt
Katharina Müller
Finja Säfken
Sarah Reim, Catharina Lenz, Nathalie Wrecker and Louisa Mielke
Michelle Hopson and Annabelle Hölzer
Laura Hänel and Joeline Mobius
Melanie Ferber and Susann Herbst
Meike Fernbach
Melanie Ferber
Leonie Hörstensmeyer, Heike Gunne and Daria Bijak
Leonie Hörstensmeyer
Heike Gunne
Yvonne Musik and Heike Gunne
Yvonne MusikRamona Scherer
Heike Gunne, Leonie Hörstensmeyer, Jana Fassbender and Meike Fernbach
Jana FassbenderKatharina Müller
Stephanie Moorhouse, Jacqui Dunn, Sarah Lauren, Alexandra Croak and Allana Slater
Sarah Lauren, Stephanie Moorhouse, Jacqui Dunn, Alexandra Croak and Allana Slater
Allana Slater was already waiting when Birgit Schweigert, Annukka Almenoksa and Jana Komrskova entered the Dandelion Gymnastics and sat on a pile of gym mats while wearing their street clothing. Which of these four sexually seductive girls gets to be the first to die? Soon it will be time to learn the answer to that question as more girls die as the attack and die against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse one by one all the way down to zero.
Allana said, "It's so tough for me to take selfies. I often need to take more than one selfie because the first ten fail to be sufficient."
Jana said, "Yeah, I know what you mean. I rarely get the right selfie the first time around."
Birgit said, "I don't know what you girls are complaining of? I always take the right selfie the first time around. I could give the rest of you girls lessons on how to take the right selfie."
Annukka said, "Oh sure, rub it in why don't you."
Birgit said, "I fully intend to rub it in."
Allan dropped her smart phone and she bent over the gym mat while pressing her breasts and vagina on the gym mat while she reached to grab her smart phone. It's impossible for Allan to be attacked and killed while reaching for her smart phone because she was dressed in her street clothing. Birgit, Annukka and Jana being nearby also helped keep Allana alive.
Birgit said, "Do you need Annukka, Jana and I to step away from you while you keep dropping your smart phone like that."
Allana said, "I only need Birgit to step away for a little bit."
Birgit said, "It's because I take better selfies than you."
Jana said, "I doubt it's Allana's envy that you take better selfies than she does."
Annukka said, "I won't feel so bad about taking ten rough drafts of the same selfie before choosing the eleventh selfie as the finished copy if Birgit got herself killed."
Birgit said, "Thanks ladies, I feel so much better."
Allana Slater, Lisa Skinner, Jenny Smith, Jacqui Dunn, Brooke Walker and Trudy McIntosh
Allana Slater, Danielle Kelly, Stephanie Moorhouse and Monette Russo
Tatiana Zarhanava and Elena Zamolodchikova sat side by side each other. Both women were dressed in their street clothing.
Tatiana said, "So McKayla Maroney is gambling that an all girl assault against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse inside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium is going to work. I've spotted some dead girls scattered around us already."
Yelena said, "Yes, us girls are off to a shaky start, but I have confidence that things are going to improve for us girls. It can't possibly get any worse."
Tatiana said, "Yes, I suppose that there can't possibly be anything worse than us girls getting wiped out one by one all the way down to zero."
Yelena said, "Us girls can't allow those jerks to destroy our self confidence."
Tatiana said, "There is nothing those jerks can do to destroy my self confidence."Yelena said, "Well, I'm going to get changed into my leotards. Are you coming?"
Tatiana said, "I'm going to hang around here in my street clothing for a while."
Yelena said, "Try to keep in mind that all girls participating in the all girl assault against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse inside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium must be dressed in their gymnastics leotards. All Dandelion Girls who refuse to obey will be killed by their fellow Dandelion Girls for disobedience."
Tatiana said, "I'm going to get dressed in my leotards eventually, just not right away."
Yelena walked away as Tatiana sat on the floor looking at the gymnastics gymnasium around her. The doomed girl felt self confidence, but it won't last long when it gets to her turn to die.
Tatiana thought she saw Drama King and she nearly chased after him with intent or die in the process. However, Drama King vanished before she could stand up and she chose to sit back down again. Tatiana failed to see Drama King's hiding place as she sat only a few inches away from it.
Yelena Zamolodchikova slowly walked towards the girls locker room. She thought she was being followed and she turned around. Once again, Drama King was forced to hide just inches from a girl who he needs to kill barely in the nick of time. Satisfied that she doesn't see him, Yelena continued to walk towards the girls locker room to change clothes into her leotards.
Yelena Zamolodchikova approached Ekaterina Privalova. Both girls were dressed in their street clothes. Both girls are doomed to die one by one.Yelena said, "Yay, you're here. Us girls can't possibly lose against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse with you around."
Ekaterina said, "I sure hope that you're right. I don't want to die in battle in my leotards in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium."
Yelena said, "You don't have to worry about getting yourself killed. I have a good feeling about tonight. Us girls are going to succeed tonight."
Ekaterina asked, "Are you sure the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse is in this building. I see nobody except us girls."
Yelena said, "Well, if the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse never shows up, then us girls still has to practice our gymnastics."
Yelena said, "Well, I'm going to get changed into my leotards. Care to join me?"
Ekaterina said, "I'd love to, but I was going to take another look around outside."
Yelena said, "Well, good luck and good to see you here."
Yelena Zamolodchikova walked away from Ekaterina Privalova. Ekaterina walked towards the exit while Yelena walked towards the girls locker room.
Yelena still couldn't shake loose the feeling that she was being followed, but she never found anybody anytime she looked behind her. She walked closer towards the girls locker room with a frown on her face as the Drama King followed the doomed girl.
Yelena paused when she was only inches away from the girls locker room. She took one last look behind her to see nobody. Then she entered the girls locker room.
Yelena had no idea that she was being filmed by hidden camera as she slowly undressed before getting dressed in her leotards.
And once she was dressed in her leotards, Yelena Zamolodchikova was free to reenter the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium once again. Instead of reentering the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium, Yelena sat down on a bench inside the women's locker room while a street clothing dressed Joanna Skibko entered the women's locker room.
Yelena said, "I thought you were already legally dead."
Joanna said, "Actually, I've been able to keep myself alive up until this point. If I'm not legally dead yet, then I will be a few minutes from now if the all girl assault against the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse fails to gain momentum inside the Dandelion Women's Gymnastics Gymnasium. Sadly, the Dandelion Women's Gymnastics Gymnasium can't fall under Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse control until both of us girls are murdered."
Yelena said, "Yeah, I'm trying hard not to remember that fact."
Joanna said, "Sorry I brought it up."
Yelena said, "It's ok, I'll forgive you if you agree to attack and attempt to kill members of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse before it's my turn to attempt to attack, fail to attempt to attack and die in the process."
Joanna said, "That's a cheerful thought. Let's hope that neither of us girls ends up getting murdered."Yelena said, "I'm praying for that to happen every minute that I'm still alive and breathing. I'll wait for you to get changed."
Joanna said, "That's ok. You go on ahead. I'll need to hang out here for a few minutes longer after getting changed into my leotards."
Yelena said, "Good luck."
Joanna said, "Yeah, I'm going to need it."
Yelena Zamolodchikova exited the women's locker room leaving Joanna Skibko alone. Joanna tripped and she fell to the ground. The doomed, sexually adorable voluptuous girl lay like a dead body with her eyes closed until she sat down on the cement floor.
Joanna sat on the floor and she looked around her. Nobody. Joanna slowly stood up and she slowly removed her clothing without realizing that she was being filmed by hidden camera.
Joanna slowly dressed into her leotards. Joanna was about to exit the women's locker room until she spun around to face Skunk Lord.
Skunk Lord said, "It's not necessary for you to die. I'll pretend not to see you and I'll give you the chance to escape justice without getting murdered."
Joanna said, "Unfortunately for you, I reject the offer."
Joanna punched Skunk Lord twice before kicking him. Skunk Lord stabbed Joanna between her breasts. Joanna yelped in pain before she fell face down to the ground in a crumpled heap in a growing puddle of her blood. Joanna closed her eyes and this time her death was for real.
Joanna Skibko is no longer alive. Joanna is legally dead.
Unaware that Joanna Skibko is legally dead, Yelena Zamolodchikova approached Allana Slater.
Yelena said, "You might want to check the women's locker room to make sure that Joanna is still alive. Don't force me to kill you if you refuse to do so."
Allana said, "Then you'll have to kill me because I'm not going to do so."
Yelena said, "Be careful with your next words. I won't hesitate to kill you if you keep refusing to do as I request from you."
Allana said, "I'll tell you what. We'll wait for three more girls to vanish before you force me to enter the women's locker room and run the risk of getting myself killed."
Yelena said, "I shall force you to follow through with our agreement or else I shall truly murder you for disobedience if you don't agree to run the risk of getting yourself murdered."
Allana said, "I don't like it, but I'll agree to do so."
Olga Azarkevich wore her athletic jacket over her leotards as she exited the women's locker room and she walked towards the Dandelion Gymnasium. Olga was having a good day and she was having an incredible stroke of good luck. However, her good fortune is about to run out as her death got closer and closer. Soon it will be time for Olga to legally die once and for all.
Olga thought she heard male sounding footsteps behind her. She didn't dare to look behind her, but she didn't dare to walk forward without first checking behind her.Olga took a deep breath as she spun around to find nobody standing behind her. Olga took a sigh of relief as she spun around to walk forward now that she was satisfied that she was in no danger of getting herself murdered.
Olga removed her athletic jacket and lay it on the floor as she continued to walk forward. The doomed girl will never get the chance to put her athletic jacket back on as her death gets closer and closer. Nothing will save Olga from being murdered tonight.
Olga heard male footsteps behind her. Frustrated by the male footsteps to make themselves known, the doomed girl spun around to look behind her a second time. Once again, there was nothing. Olga spun around to walk further once again satisfied with the illusion that she won't die tonight.
The Drama King didn't need to hide as Olga walked forward. Olga sort of knew that she was being followed, but she didn't know that it was the Drama King who was following her.
Because if Olga knew that Drama King was following her, then she would be forced to fight Drama King to the death. Then Drama King would have no choice but to murder Olga.
But Olga still didn't know the name of the male footsteps who was following her. She only knew that there was male sounding footsteps following her and that was it. For that reason alone, she got to survive a bit longer, but Olga is still doomed to die.
Olga walked towards the pommel horse. She smiled as her left hand nearly touched the pommel horse. Olga had no idea why she was so excited by the sight of the pommel horse and she'll die violently before she gets to learn the answer why.
Olga was about to practice gymnastics on the pommel horse.
Olga nearly lifted herself on top of the pommel horse, but she lost her nerve at the last second.
Olga chose not to practice on the pommel horse. She chose instead to walk away from the pommel horse. The doomed girl had no idea how close she came to dying. The doomed girl will still have her chance to die, but it will occur a bit longer than expected.
Drama King lost track of Olga Azarkevich and he walked towards Svetlana Khorkina instead.
Svetlana arrived to an empty women's locker room after everybody else born female in the women's locker room died.
She removed her street clothing slowly without realizing that there was a hidden camera recording the doomed girl undressing to her bra and panties. Svetlana dressed into her leotard just as slowly. Svetlana Khorkina sat on a bench nearby her locker in the women's locker room. She lost track how long she has done so. She was thinking about a disorganized array of topics. But she never gave much organized thought into her thought process. What she should've thought about was her that girls always die in battle against the Girl Killing, Women Hating Posse. Svetlana is born a girl. Therefore, Svetlana always ends up dead in battle against the Girl Killing, Women Hating Posse. And the women's locker room will be empty once again when she too dies.
Svetlana exited the women's locker room to encounter Yelena Zamolodchikova. Svetlana looked at the dead bodies scattered nearby with a frown.
Svetlana said, "There are only five of us girls legally dead. I can live with only five casualties."
Yelena said, "Don't get too comfortable. The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse won't rest until every single girl working for the Dandelion Gymnastics Club is lying down on the floor legally dead. That also includes the two of us girls."
Svetlana said, "That may be true, but there's still hope for survival as long as the two of us girls are still alive."
Svetlana said, "I have plans for tomorrow that I would love to show to the world. The only way to stop me from activing my plans is to kill me. None of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse dares to kill me. I'm much too important."Yelena said, "I can say the same thing about me, but there's no doubt that I too will be killed."
Svetlana Khorkina turned to Elena Anoshina who has joined the conversation.
Svetlana said, "What do you think? Does the fact that I'm crucial to the Dandelion Gymnastics Club guarantees that I'm doomed to die or does the fact that I'm crucial to the Dandelion Gymnastics Club guarantees that I'll survive."
Elena said, "I don't think that any of us girls would even be here if there was no hope for survival."
Svetlana said, "There we go. A woman out of my own heart."
Svetlana said, "I know for a fact that Elena Anoshina has a long and productive future with the Dandelion Gymnastics Club."
Elena faced Svetlana before she said, "I agree that no harm will come to me as long as you're alive and I'm counting on you being alive for a very long time. I understand Carly Patterson needs your help with something."
Svetlana said, "The only way the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse can prevent me from assisting and keeping alive Carly Patterson is to kill me. That won't happen tonight." Svetlana started to panic before she relaxed and added, "I thought it was a lethal sneak attack behind me. It's only Elena."
Elena Anoshina spun around and she faced and nearly punched to death Maria Kriuchkova.
Elena said, "You shouldn't scare Svetlana like that."
Maria said, "It wasn't intentional. I was simply trying to find out how you girls are doing."
Elena said, "I feel better now that you're here."
Maria said, "You know how it goes. No harm will come to you as long as I'm alive. Harm will come to you when I'm killed."
Elena said, "So you walk behind me and nearly caused me to kill you by accident in self defense. Thankfully, I stopped myself before I could kill you by accident."
Maria said, "Us girls needs to stick together. We can't attack and nearly kill each other off like that."
Elena said, "I agree. Well, I can't die until you die and I didn't kill you by accident so hat means that I'm not going to die anytime soon."
Svetlana said, "You girls are pathetic. I'm going to search for Carly Patterson. I hope nobody succeeds in killing me because Carly Patterson can't die until I die."
Svetlana Khorkina walked away from Yelena Zamolodchikova, Elena Anoshina and Maria Kriuchkova. Svetlana Khorkina walked towards Andreea Raducan, Sabina Cojocar and Verona Van De Leur. Dandelion Girl #3 and Dandelion Girl #4 stood between Andreea Raducan, Svetlana Khorkina, Sabina Cojocar and Verona Van De Leur.
Svetlana spotted Drama King and she turned to face Dandelion Girl #1 and Dandelion Girl #2.
Svetlana said, "Drama King is still alive. See if you can do something to correct that error."
Dandelion Girl #3 said, "You can count on me to kill Drama King."
Dandelion Girl #4 said, "I will never let you down Svetlana."
Dandelion Girl #3 approached Drama King and he punched the doomed girl causing her to lie down legally dead. Dandelion Girl #4 tripped over the dead body of Dandelion Girl #3 causing her to fall face down to the floor before she too legally died. Drama King vanished from sight.
Sabrina said, "Drama King is enjoying his ability to wipe us girls out one by one much too easily."
Verona said, "Why don't you attack Drama King if you have a better plan to kill him."
Sabrina said, "I was hoping that Svetlana will be the first of us four girls to attack Drama King."
Andreea said, "Oh yeah sure, that's a likely excuse."
Sabrina said, "It's true. I'd rather be the second of us four girls to die just like Verona would like to be the fourth and final of us four girls to die."
Svetlana said, "It would be better if none of us girls were to be the next to die."
Verona said, "Something tells me that such a thing isn't going to happen."
Svetlana said, "All four of us girls surviving without anymore fatalities could be possible if we don't make it so easy for Drama King to kill us girls off."
Sabrina said, "It would be easy for us four girls not to get wiped out one by one if Svetlana doesn't wander off and get herself killed. It would be easy for us girls not to get wiped out if I wasn't forced to die trying to find Svetlana's dead body."
Andreea said, "That still leaves two out of four girls still alive."
Verona said, "Sabrina's concern isn't going to happen because Svetlana isn't going to wander off nor is she going to get herself killed."
Svetlana said, "Actually, I'm going to walk off, but I'm not going to get killed. You see, I have a will to survive that will crush the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse forever."Svetlana Khorkina walked away from Andreea Raducan, Sabina Cojocar and Verona Van De Leur as she walked towards an isolated portion of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium where it will be harder for any girl to prevent Svetlana from getting herself killed.
Drama King walked behind Svetlana Khorkina with intent to murder her. Svetlana's inability to see Drama King could become her biggest mistake as her doom got closer and closer.
Svetlana dropped her bracelet and she bent over to pick it up. Drama King was tempted to rest his left hand on her rear end and push her to the ground. Only then would she die and make it possible for Carly Patterson to die now that Svetlana isn't around to prevent Carly's death.
Svetlana picked up the bracelet and she stood straight up. Svetlana heard the sound of male footsteps. The girl spun around to face Drama King.
Svetlana said, "So you think you'll become my murderer."
Drama King said, "I already know that I'll become your murderer."
Drama King punched Svetlana Khorkina in the stomach causing the girl to fall backwards to the ground. Drama King failed to check the doomed girl's pulse. Had he checked Svetlana's pulse, he would've known that Svetlana was still alive as she kept her eyes closed until he was gone.
Svetlana Khokina stood up and she walked towards the Women's Locker Room. She sat on the bench in the Women's Locker Room before deciding to reenter the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. The doomed girl still needs to find Carly Patterson even if finding the girl will lead to Svetlana's premature demise.
Svetlana walked out of the women's locker room....
...Before she realized that Carly Patterson has also emerged from the same women's locker room.
Carly Patterson and Svetlana Khorkina emerged from the women's locker room and into the
Dandilion Gym. Both women saw Drama King lying on top of Skunk Lord who lay on top of Ice Skating Lad. Svetlana stood behind Carly as both women continued to giggle.
Svetlana said, "You start to wonder what their sexual orientation happens to be if this is taken seriously. Is this what happens when cash vouchers and home schooling are used instead of public schools? If so, I hope it never happens in this town."
Carly said, "I don't know what their sexual orientation is, but five Dandilion Girls are dead because of those creeps. We need to kill them before they end up killing us."
Svetlana jumped onto the balance beam and she bent over in a kneeling pose while still on the balance beam. Svetlana faced Carly as she said, "There's three of them and there's two of us. The Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse outnumbers us both three to two. Are you sure we can still kill all three of them."
Carly said, "I don't like the odds either, but we'll both die if we don't make the efforts."
Carly was facing Drama King lying on top of Skunk Lord lying on top of Ice Skating Lad, but she wasn't paying attention to any of them. Svetlana had her back turned to Drama King lying on top of Skunk Lord lying on top of Ice Skating Lad. Drama King needed a drink from the water fountain. He tried to help himself up by holding on to the balance beam, he felt a woman's rear end and unknowingly pushed Svetlana Khorkina face forward off the balance beam and nearly fell on top of Carly Patterson. Svetlana Khorkina fell face first to the floor.
Svetlana rolled on her back with a dazed expression on her face.
Svetlana tried to stand up again.
Svetlana lay back down again.
The world got darker and darker as Svetlana closed her eyes. She failed to stand up a second time.
Svetlana Khorkina is no longer alive. Svetlana is legally dead.
Carly Patterson looked at Drama King as Skunk Lord lay on top of Ice Skating Lad. If Drama King doesn't kill Carly Patterson, she's going to lie down on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad instead of Drama King and she'll end up kill them both. If Carly Patterson doesn't kill Drama King, he's going to lie down on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad without girl interruption. Somebody is going to end up lying down on Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad and Carly isn't allowed to do that.
Realizing that she's outnumbered, Carly Patterson thought about escaping justice to live and fight another day. However, the only way she can do so is to walk over Skunk Lord lying on top of Ice Skating Lad without falling on top of them instead of Drama King. Drama King has only one chance to kill her to prevent her from doing so.
Carly said, "You have no idea how much trouble you are in."
Drama King said, "You're the one who's going to be punished in a murder attack young lady."
Carly said, "Keep saying that and someday you'll believe it."
Carly looked at Drama King. Drama King looked at Carly.
Carly ran towards Drama King with intent to kill him. Drama King grabbed her and tossed her aside with remarkable ease.
Carly landed on the floor with a thud and she lay face down. The world got darker and darker as Carly closed her eyes. She failed to rise to her feet a first time.
Carly Patterson is no longer alive. Carly is legally dead.
Drama King tripped and fell on top of Skunk Lord who lay on top of Ice Skating Lad. Seven legally dead Dandilion Girls dressed in skin tight leotards lay scattered on the floor without moving as this was going on. The women's locker room was empty because all of the girls inside the women's locker room are now legally dead forever.
Polina Miller was dressed in her street clothing as she entered the Lobby of the Dandelion Gymnasium. The doomed girl casually entered the Women's Locker Room of the Dandelion Gymnasium. Polina failed to realize that she was being filmed by a hidden camera as she slowly removed her clothing and stood for an extensive period of time in her bra and panties.
Polina Miller eventually dressed in her leotards and she entered the Dandelion Gymnasium. Polina practiced on the uneven bars when Olga Azarkevich approached her.Polina said, "Hey lady, what's up?"
Olga said, "You're still practicing despite seeing seven dead girls scattered around this gymnasium?"
Polina said, "I refuse to leave for the same reason that you refuse to leave."
Olga said, "Which means that none of us girls are leaving until the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse kills us both."
Polina said, "Nobody killed either of us two girls yet so there's hope for survival."
Olga said, "Then I better head towards Anna Pavlova so that it would be easier for you to be murdered by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Polina said, "I don't mind talking to you further."
Olga said, "Not to worry, I'll check up on you after seeing how Anna is doing."
Olga Azarkevich walked towards Anna Pavlova.
Anna looked at Olga and she said, "You're just in time. I'm going to practice my pommel horse skills. The first girl to do the pommel horse and die in the process wins the game. The second girl to do the pommel horse and survive loses the game. I shall go first."
Olga said, "I shall watch from a safe distance."
Olga said, "Good luck Anna."
Anna said, "The way that Drama King keeps looking at me is all the proof I need that I will die first and win the game by getting myself killed while you witness my death."
Olga said, "You're feeling optimistic today."
Drama King was tempted to kick Anna Pavlova in her vagina and her breasts, but he lost his nerve because the doomed girl was so beautiful to look at. And as Anna did her pommel horse routine, it became obvious that she was going to complete her pommel horse routine without dying and lose the game she's having with Olga.
And with her pommel horse routine finished and the doomed girl still alive, Anna slowly lowered herself to the ground. Again, Drama King missed his chance to kill the girl because she was to cute and beautiful to murder.
Anna said, "I survived and lost. It's your turn."
Olga jumped on the pommel horse as the Drama King walked towards her.
Drama King said, "The pommel horse is only for men."
Olga said, "Get away. You're about to kill me and I'm not ready to die."
Drama King said, "I'm sorry, but girls isn't allowed to use the pommel horse. That's only for guys."
Drama King pulled Olga off the pommel horse and she fell to the ground into a crumpled heap. Olga tried to stand up, but her body went numb and it got harder for her to breathe. Olga failed to complete her pommel horse routine and she died because of it. Olga got to win the game by dying first and forcing Anna to die second.
Olga Azarkevich is no longer alive. Olga is legally dead.
Anna Pavlova smiled with happiness as she escaped justice.
Polina Miller rested after working on the uneven bars. Olga promised to hang out with her after talking to Anna Pavlova. Polina saw Anna walking alone and no sight of Olga Azarkevich. Polina started to suspect the worse, but she refused to leave the Dandelion Gymnasium.
Drama King needs to kill Anna Pavlova, but Polina Miller was standing in the way. For that reason alone, Polina must die now. Polina had no idea she was being followed as she searched in futuility for any sign of Olga Azarkevich. Polina heard male footsteps behind her and she turned around. Drama King hid as she searched for him. Satisfied that she wasn't being followed, she continued her futile search for her friend Olga Azarkevich without realizing that Olga is now legally dead.Drama King walked behind Polina and he held a knife towards the doomed girl. Polina didn't look behind her and that was her last mistake before she gets the chance to die.
Drama King stabbed Polina Miller from behind. Polina tried to squirm free from his grip, but he refused to let go as he stabbed her from behind five more times.
Polina said, "Please don't kill me. I promise not to give you anymore grief."
Drama King said, "It's too late. You're already dying. I already defeated you."
Polina said, "It's not fair. I'm too young to die so senselessly."
Drama King said, "I don't care because you still need to die."
Polina Miller gave up trying to stay alive and she fell face first to the floor in a crumpled heap. Polina closed her eyes as death claimed the doomed girl. Polina stopped breathing and she died.
Polina Miller is no longer alive. Polina Miller is legally dead.
Maria Kriuchkova lost track of all of her girlfriends and she chose to rest before starting her search. Maria stood in the way of his quest to kill Anna Pavlova. For that reason alone, Maria needs to die. If any girl choses to help Maria escape death, then she too needs to die alongside Maria. And so begins the last seconds of Maria Kriuchkova's life.
Maria stretched as she considered standing up and begin her search for her missing girlfriends. However, Maria is standing in the way of his quest to kill Anna Pavlova so she needs to die if she continues to rest. Maria's quest to find her missing girlfriends will also stand in the way of his quest to kill Anna Pavlova so the doomed girl will die no matter what she does. And so begins the last seconds of Maria Kriuchkova's life.Maria stood up and she chose to find her missing girlfriends. He stood behind her and will continue to stand behind her until he kill her. Maria had no idea that her victimizer is standing behind her. And she'll continue not knowing until it's too late and she's about to die. And so begins the last seconds of Maria Kriuchkova's life.
Drama King walked behind Maria with intent to have her stabbed to death from behind. Maria looked behind er and ruined his effort to murder her. He was forced to hide as Maria continued looking behind her until she was satisfied that she wasn't being followed by her murderer. The doomed girl was still being followed by her murderer. Her failure to realize that she's being followed by her murderer will be her last mistake ever. And so begins the last seconds of Maria Kriuchkova's life.
Yelena Zamolodchikova looked at Maria Kriuchkova.
Yelena said, "I thought that I saw him nearby.
Maria replied, "Not to worry, Drama King is going to die. That much is guaranteed."
Yelena replied, "You better kill him. If you fail to kill him, then I'll be forced to kill you as punishment for failure to destroy our mutual enemy."
Maria replied, "You won't have to worry. I have an idea that will work."
Yelena replied, "That a girl. I knew I can always depend on you."
Maria Kriuchkova approached him and he kicked her. She punched him and he kicked her twice before punching the girl.
He punched Maria, she kicked him, he punched Maria, he punched her twice and he kicked her twice before punching her. Maria started to wobble before he punched her ten times before kicking her.Maria kicked him and he punched her twice before he kicked her. He kicked her again.
He kicked Maria and she fell backwards and lay there without moving.
Maria stood up and he punched her five times. He punched her again.
Maria fell backwards and she slowly stood up. The girl was dying and she knew it.
Maria finally stood up and she kicked him.
He kicked her twice and watched as she fell face first to the floor without moving.
Elena Anoshina wasn't that far away from Maria Kriuchkova. Maria didn't have to walk far if she wanted to risk getting killed getting in the way of his goal to kill Anna Pavlova by searching for her girlfriends. Elena Anoshina was resting not that far away. Elena considered standing up and searching for Maria before Maria completes her search for Elena. By doing so, Elena too was in the way of his goal to murder Anna Pavlova. For that reason alone, Elena Anoshina too needs to die. And so begins the last seconds of Elena Anoshina's life. Will she die before or after Maria Kriuchkova's death.
Elena Anoshina walked forward without knowing that she was nearby the Drama King. Drama King was also standing behind Elena as well as standing behind the girlfriend that Elena was searching for. Elena paused before she walked forward without realizing that she put her life in mortal danger. And so begins the last seconds of Elena Anoshina's life. Will she die before or after Maria Kriuchkova's death.
Elena thought she heard something and she spun around. Nothing. Elena frowned as she walked past Drama King's hiding place without knowing it. Drama King would've been forced to kill Elena if she walked past his hiding place and then discovered it, but she failed to do so. And so begins the last seconds of Elena Anoshina's life. Will she die before or after Maria Kriuchkova's death.
Elena stood directly in front of his hiding place. The only way he could exit would by to rest his left hand on her rear end and gently push her forward so he could exit. He punched her in the stomach before she could respond. After doubling over in pain, Elena recovered before she responded by kicking him and he punched her twice before kicking her. She kicked him twice, he punched her, she punched him twice, kicked him one and punched him three times before he punched her. He punched her. He punched her five times before kicking her and she kicked him twice before she punched him.He kicked her twice, she punched him, he punched her and she kicked him six times before punching him. She punched him twice, he punched her five times, she kicked him, he punched her, he kicked her, she punched him, he kicked her, she punched him and he punched her twice.
Elena asked, "What the fuck is your problem. There's no way you can claim self defense. You're the jerk who attacked me first."
He replied, "Every single girl working for the Dandelion Girls must be murdered. You belong to the Dandelion Girls. Therefore, you must be murdered."
Elena said, "You're an ill person. You need help."
He punched Elena and she fell face first to the floor.
He replied, "I need to murder you more than I need psychiatric therapy."
Elena tried to stand up, but she collapsed and stopped moving.
Aleksandra Shevtchenko approached him.
Aleksandra said, "Hello kind sir, how are you doing."
He punched her in the stomach causing her to double over in pain.
He replied, "I was doing great until you showed up."
Aleksandra recovered before she punched him, he punched her and she kicked him before he punched her twice. She punched him, he punched her, she kicked him, he kicked her before he punched her twice and he punched her again.
She punched him and he kicked her, she punched him and he kicked her before punching her twice. Aleksandra tried to recover and he punched her before she could recover from the blow.
Aleksandra kicked him and she kicked him again. He kicked her twice and she fell backwards to the ground before falling unconscious.
He checked for a pulse on Aleksandra and found a pulse on the doomed girl. Elena grabbed him from behind and pressed her voluptuous breasts on his spine as she tried to strangle him from behind. He kicked her as she stood behind him strangling her with his left arm. He broke free from her strangulation grip before kicking her to the floor.
Aleksandra Shevtchenko and Elena Anoshina stood on either side of him. He has only seconds away from the need to kill both girls.
Elena punched him from directly upfront while Aleksandra kicked him from behind.
Aleksandra punched him behind while Elena kicked him from up front. He tried to punch Elena and she defeated him with a kick. Maria Kriuchkova tried to kick him and she accidently kicked Aleksandra instead. Aleksandra tried to punch him and she punched Maria instead. Drama King was the only one of the four who wasn't attacked by a lethal death blow of some sort.
Elena threw a punch and he dodged her blow causing her to punch Aleksandra. Aleksandra tried to kick him and he dodged her blow causing her to kick Elena. Aleksandra punched Maria by accident. Maria tried to punch him and she punched Aleksandra and Elena by accident. Elena punched both Aleksandra and Maria instead of punching him by accident. All three girls slowly started to die.
Elena fell to the ground and she violently died. He punched Aleksandra causing her to fall to the ground. Aleksandra stopped moving and she stopped breathing. He punched Maria and she slowly fell to the ground. Elena stood up and he kicked her to the ground which caused the doomed girl to die once and for all.
Aleksandra Shevtchenko, Maria Kriuchkova and Elena Anoshina are no longer alive. Aleksandra, Maria and Elena are legally dead. He checked for a pulse on all three girls and all three girls are legally died. He celebrated by masturbating fully clothed three times.
Alona Kvasha, Tatiana Yarosh, Natalia Sirobaba and Irina Yarotska walked side by side into the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. All four girls looked at a group of legally dead Dandelion Girls lying scattered across the floor.
Alona said, "Oh damn, us girls are going to have one of those evenings."
Irina said, "It would be a mistake for us girls to change into our leotards."
Natalia said, "It would be a mistake for us girls not to change into our leotards."
Alona said, "Us girls are going to change into our leotards. I want to kill those jerks for murdering all of those innocent girls lying dead over there."
Tatiana said, I was afraid you would say that."
Alona said, "Us girls isn't doing this alone. We clearly have backup. Us girls still have those four jerks outnumbered by a huge margin."
Tatiana said, "What happens if all of us girls ends up getting wiped out one by one all the way down to zero. Outnumbering our murders will be pointless if we all get wiped out anyway."
Alona said, "Us girls won't succeed with an attitude like that."
Irina said, "Those dead girls probably felt the same way before they ended up getting killed."
Natalia said, "Then us girls needs to prove that it's possible for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse to fail and we're the perfect girls to do so."
Olga Roschupkina, Yulia Tarasenka and Tatsiana Zarhanava sat on the floor resting without a care in the world as the saw more girls entering the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Tatsiana said, "And to think that soon all of those girls will be lying down on the ground legally dead. Which of those newly arrived girls gets to die first?"
Olga said, "Hopefully, some other girl except for me."
Yulia said, "Oh come on, you can give a better answer than that. Every single girl in the room is thinking the same thing and then they end up legally dead.
Olga said, "I'm sticking to my assessment and that would be it."
Yulia said, "Well, I'm not going to be sitting around pondering life, the universe and everything. I'm getting changed into my leotards to prepare for the unavoidable moment in which I too get to be attacked. With luck, I'll survive longer than you will darling Olga."
Olga said, "Good luck Yulia. Try not to get yourself killed."
Tatsiana said, "I'm joining Yulia in the women's locker room to change into my leotards. I'm gambling that the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse will attack and try to kill me first before they attempt to attack and kill Yulia."
Yulia said, "That will never happen."
Yulia Tarasenka and Tatsiana Zarhanava entered the women's locker room as they slowly changed from their street clothing and into their leotards. Both girls fail to realize that they are being videotaped by a hidden camera as they changed from their street clothing and into their leotards. Now that both girls tempted the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse with their sexuality, they now must die to prevent their sexual tempting from being completed. Will Yulia Tarasenka die before Tatsiana Zarhanava? Find out as the adventures of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse continues with more girls getting themselves killed.
A leotard clad Tatsiana Zarhanava wasn't looking where she walked directly into Skunk Lord pressing her breasts on his chest and her vagina on his groin. He smiled. She smiled.
Tatsiana said, "Hello, I was looking for my friend Yulia. Have you seen her?"
He replied, "I didn't see nor did I kill her yet. I have encountered you instead."
Her breasts were still pressed on his chest and her vagina was still pressed on his groin before he stabbed her from behind.
Tatsiana winced in pain as she slowly slid down his body until she lay on the floor next to his feet in a crumpled defeated pose. She tried to stand up only to crash face down to the ground again. The girl stopped breathing before she died.
Tatsiana Zarhanava is no longer alive. Tatsiana is legally dead.
Yulia Tarasenka lost track of of Tatsiana Zarhanava as she walked towards Olga Roschupkina. Olga Roschupkina was still dressed in her street clothing as she sat nearby Yelena Zamolodchikova, Yulia Tarasenka and Alana Slater. Yulia Tarasenka was already dressed in her leotard and was ready for her death scene while Olga Roschupkina was still lagging behind the other three girls who were already dressed in their leotards and ready to be murdered in a serial killing attack as a result.
Olga said, "That was quick Yulia. I guess it's not time for you to be killed. Were is Tatsiana?"
Yulia replied, "I don't know. I thought Tatsiana was with you."
Olga said, "You'll need to risk your life trying to find Tatsiana. Let's hope Tatsiana doesn't get herself killed before you can find her."
Yulia said, "Let's hope I don't get myself killed before I could reach her."
Yelena said, "You two girls are depressing to hang out with."
Alana said, "Easy for you to say Elena. You probably will end up being the last of us four girls to get herself killed."
Yelena said, "Olga may become the first of us four girls to die if she ends up getting killed while getting herself changed inside the women's locker room. She's still in her street clothing."
Olga said, "I'm not legally dead yet. I'm standing right here."
Yulia said, "But if Olga gets herself killed getting changed in the women's locker room before Tatsiana gets herself killed trying to find me than she's cuter than all three of us girls combined. If Olga gets herself killed getting changed in the women's locker room before I get myself killed trying to find Tatsiana then she's cuter than all three of us girls combined."
Olga said, "Hey, I'm still sitting here. Stop acting as if I'm already legally dead."
Alana said, "Will Olga already be lying on the floor legally dead when Elena and I find a stupid reason to split up and get ourselves killed."
Olga said, "Hey ladies, I can take a hint. I'm going to get myself changed in the women's locker room. You better prey that I don't get myself killed before Yulia Tarasenka and Tatsiana Zarhanava gets themselves a much deserved death scene."
Yulia said, "Hey, that's not nice."
Olga said, "It won't matter if all four of us girls are doomed to die no matter what."
Yelena Zamolodchikova and Alana Slater walked off. Yulia Tarasenka sat down in front of Olga Roschupkina. The two women faced each other.
Yulia Tarasenka said, "Look, you're going to need to get dressed in your leotards sooner or later. You might as well do it now. I'll tell you what. I'll stand guard as you change into your leotards. The only way you can be killed in the women's locker room is if my efforts to guard you is ruined when I'm murdered first."
Olga groaned before she said, "I guess you're right. Let's get going."
Yulia said, "Unless you want to sit here and talk for a bit longer."
Olga said, "Let's ok, I need to get changed into my leotards."
And so Yulia stood guard as Olga slowly changed into her leotards without realizing that she was being filmed on camera as she slowly stripped to her bra and panties and then slowly slipped into her leotards. Yulia faced Olga as she exited the women's locker room."
Yulia said, "Are you ready?"
Olga said, "Oh damn, I thought I was ready. There was something I need to get from my purse first. Then I'll be ready."
Yulia said, "Then hurry up then."
Olga said, "Don't worry, I'll be quick."
Yulia said, "I'll stand guard to prevent him from killing you in the women's locker room."
Olga said, "You don't need to risk your life doing so."
Yulia said, "I insist on it."
Olga returned to the women's locker room. Yulia spun around and she spotted Skunk Lord walking towards her. Yulia frowned as he walked closer.
Yulia said, "You can't enter the women's locker room. I forbid you from doing so."
He stabbed Yulia between her breasts. Yulia tried to punch him and he stabbed her between her breasts five more times. Yulia started to drool blood as he stabbed her again.
Yulia almost fell face first to the ground. He stabbed her between her breasts again.
Yulia said, "This isn't right. I wasn't supposed to be murdered so easily."
He replied, "I'm not worried. Your death makes my life easier."
Yulia fell face first to the ground when the multiple knife wounds made it impossible for her to stand up. The girl was dying and nothing will prevent her death.
Yulia looked at the ground and saw a puddle of blood dripping out of her knife wound. She tried to say something, but ended up closing her eyes instead as she stopped breathing.
Yulia Tarasenka is no longer alive. Yulia is legally dead.
Olga Roschupkina is inside the women's locker room. She was unaware that Yulia Tarasenka is legally dead. Skunk Lord entered the women's locker room to murder Olga.
Olga's back was turned to her victimizer. She didn't see him, but he saw her. He was about to stab and kill the girl from behind. Hurry up and kill the girl before she spots Skunk Lord.
Alona Kvasha entered the women's locker room and she encountered Olga Roschupkina.
Alona said, "There you are. I've been looking all over for you."
Olga said, "I'm ready for anything."
Alona said, "That's good because we're looking too many girls in murder attacks. I'm going to need you to help turn things around."
Alona said, "I'll kill you for disobedience if you try to back out now."
Olga said, "Not to worry, I'm not going to back away from this."
Alona Kvasha walked past Skunk Lord's hiding place and she exited the women's locker room. She took a deep breath, paused and turned around. She walked towards Skunk Lord's hiding place. She paused again before exiting the women's locker room.
Alona Kvasha had no idea how close she came to getting herself murdered. Not to worry. The girl will be murdered sooner or later. Skunk Lord followed Alona out of the Girls Locker Room. If the girl failed to notice him following her, she gets to survive. If the girl notices him following her, then she needs to die. Alona noticed him following her so she needs to die!
Skunk Lord didn't wan't to murder Alona because she was so pretty. But he didn't want the girl to murder him either. And the girl was looking as if she was planning to murder him. So it made no difference how pretty she was because Alona is about to be murdered.Yelena Zamolodchikova and Alana Slater walked off. Yulia Tarasenka sat down in front of Olga Roschupkina. The two women faced each other.
Yulia Tarasenka said, "Look, you're going to need to get dressed in your leotards sooner or later. You might as well do it now. I'll tell you what. I'll stand guard as you change into your leotards. The only way you can be killed in the women's locker room is if my efforts to guard you is ruined when I'm murdered first."
Olga groaned before she said, "I guess you're right. Let's get going."
Yulia said, "Unless you want to sit here and talk for a bit longer."
Olga said, "Let's ok, I need to get changed into my leotards."
And so Yulia stood guard as Olga slowly changed into her leotards without realizing that she was being filmed on camera as she slowly stripped to her bra and panties and then slowly slipped into her leotards. Yulia faced Olga as she exited the women's locker room."
Yulia said, "Are you ready?"
Olga said, "Oh damn, I thought I was ready. There was something I need to get from my purse first. Then I'll be ready."
Yulia said, "Then hurry up then."
Olga said, "Don't worry, I'll be quick."
Yulia said, "I'll stand guard to prevent him from killing you in the women's locker room."
Olga said, "You don't need to risk your life doing so."
Yulia said, "I insist on it."
Olga returned to the women's locker room. Yulia spun around and she spotted Skunk Lord walking towards her. Yulia frowned as he walked closer.
Yulia said, "You can't enter the women's locker room. I forbid you from doing so."
He stabbed Yulia between her breasts. Yulia tried to punch him and he stabbed her between her breasts five more times. Yulia started to drool blood as he stabbed her again.
Yulia almost fell face first to the ground. He stabbed her between her breasts again.
Yulia said, "This isn't right. I wasn't supposed to be murdered so easily."
He replied, "I'm not worried. Your death makes my life easier."
Yulia fell face first to the ground when the multiple knife wounds made it impossible for her to stand up. The girl was dying and nothing will prevent her death.
Yulia looked at the ground and saw a puddle of blood dripping out of her knife wound. She tried to say something, but ended up closing her eyes instead as she stopped breathing.
Yulia Tarasenka is no longer alive. Yulia is legally dead.
Olga Roschupkina is inside the women's locker room. She was unaware that Yulia Tarasenka is legally dead. Skunk Lord entered the women's locker room to murder Olga.
Olga's back was turned to her victimizer. She didn't see him, but he saw her. He was about to stab and kill the girl from behind. Hurry up and kill the girl before she spots Skunk Lord.
Alona Kvasha entered the women's locker room and she encountered Olga Roschupkina.
Alona said, "There you are. I've been looking all over for you."
Olga said, "I'm ready for anything."
Alona said, "That's good because we're looking too many girls in murder attacks. I'm going to need you to help turn things around."
Alona said, "I'll kill you for disobedience if you try to back out now."
Olga said, "Not to worry, I'm not going to back away from this."
Alona Kvasha walked past Skunk Lord's hiding place and she exited the women's locker room. She took a deep breath, paused and turned around. She walked towards Skunk Lord's hiding place. She paused again before exiting the women's locker room.
Alona Kvasha had no idea how close she came to getting herself murdered. Not to worry. The girl will be murdered sooner or later. Skunk Lord followed Alona out of the Girls Locker Room. If the girl failed to notice him following her, she gets to survive. If the girl notices him following her, then she needs to die. Alona noticed him following her so she needs to die!
She walked forward with him following the girl close behind. She looked behind herself and then she continued to walk forward. He braced for the girl attacking him at any moment. He braced himself for the need to murder her sooner rather than later. The girl continued to walk forward. It's almost as if she didn't want to die after all.
Alona spun around to face him. He smiled. She smiled in return. He sent a death ray laser beam from his laser beam wrist watch into her vagina. Alona winced as she doubled over in pain. The girl looked like she was about ready to collapse dead.
Alona continued to double over in pain as he sent two more death ray laser beams from his laser beam wrist watch into her vagina. Alona wasn't looking so well. She looked like she was about to die any second now.
Alona recovered and she stood up straight again.
Alona said, "That death ray laser beam wrist watch isn't working out for you after all. You might need to find a different way to kill me."
Skunk Lord replied, "I simply need to attack you a few more times before you finally die."
He sent a death ray laser beam from his laser beam wrist watch into her vagina two more times. Alona doubled over in pain and it looked as if the girl will finally die.
Alona stood up straight again.
Alona said, "You tried to kill me and you failed. You won't get the chance to kill me again."
He sent a death ray laser beam from his laser beam wrist watch into her vagina ten more times. Alona looked at her murderer blankly before she finally lay down on the ground. Alona tried to stand up, but the dying girl wasn't able to. She slowly stopped breathing as the doomed girl finally passed away. He needed to kill Alona and he finally got the chance to do so. Alona will soon be legally dead. She lay motionless on the ground as she stopped breathing. It was as if he were looking at a lifeless husk of a shell that once was an active and lively girl. That lifeless husk of a shell will never return to life ever again. Alona is dead.Alona Kvasha is no longer alive. Alona Kvasha is legally dead.
Allana Slater just stood there and she watched as her best friend forever Alona Kvasha legally died. Skunk Lord looked at Allana. Allana looked at Skunk Lord.
Allana said, "Hey buddy, we're still buddies right. Look, I didn't see anything. I'll just walk away and no harm will come to me."
Skunk Lord replied, "And then you'll tell all of your girlfriends who didn't die yet that I'm running loose killing girls. Sorry lady, but you need to die before you get the chance to escape. Sorry that your death has to come when you're still in high school. Some girls never get the chance to see their eighteenth birthday. You are among those girls who got to die before their eighteenth birthday."
Allana Slater and Birgit Schweigert stood nearby each other. Both girls needs to die violently. Which of the two girls gets to die first.
Allana asked, "Should I attack or should you attack. One of us girls needs to attack right now before it's too late and all of us girls winds up dead.
Birgit said, "You should have the honors of attacking him next."
Allana said, "Alright, if that's your opinion. I just thought that you would have a stronger motivation to attempt to kill him before me."
Birgit said, "Oh look, here comes Yelena. She'll decide which of us two girls gets to attack next."
Alana said, "Oh yeah, Yelena always has the right answers."
Birgit Schweigert looked at Drama King. Drama King looked at Birgit Schweigert. He knew that he must murder the girl sooner or later. However, efforts to murder the girl kept getting frustrated.
Birgit smirked as she walked past him. She gets to live a few more minutes. But the need to kill the girl remain. How does he succeed in killing her once and for all? Read on to find out.
Elena Zamolodchikova and Allana Slater stood next to each other.
Yelena said, "We're loosing too many girls. You need to attack and keep attacking until he dies. There's no way I'd be asking you to do this if I didn't have confidence in your skill in killing our enemies. And right now, Drama King is our deadliest enemy who must die now."
Alana said, "Not to worry, I shall kill him where other girls have failed to kill him."
Yelena said, "Don't back out of this. Keep attacking until either he dies or you die. This is it. This is your final battle against him. Make it count for something."
Alana said, "You don't have to worry about a thing. He's going to cry in pain when I'm finally finished with the creep. You have my promise on that."
Allana Slater completely lost track of Yelena Zamolodchikova. And perhaps that's her biggest mistake that will soon lead to her long awaited punishing demise in a much needed murder attack.
He punched Alana and she punched him twice before she kicked him.
He said, "You're a cute girl It's a shame that you're forcing me to kill you."
Alana said, "Don't flatter yourself. You'll never get close to killing me so I have nothing to lose from forcing you to kill once and for all."
Alana punched him twice and he kicked her twice before punching her. Alana winced in pain as he kicked her twice, she punched him and he kicked her, she kicked him, he punched her and she kicked him before he tossed her against the wall and then kicked her from behind.
Alana said, "Damn it, I never thought you were that determined to kill me before. I changed my mind. Let me escape and I'll forget that we tried to kill each other."
Drama King said, "No deal, it's necessary for me to kill you now."
He tried to punch Alana and she blocked the blow before she punched him.
Allana punched Drama King and she kicked him to the floor. Skunk Lord approached the girl with intent to murder her.
Allana said with a smile, "You finally want to dance with me."
Skunk Lord said, "Somebody needs to kill you. I guess I'll need to be that person who finally murders you once and for all."
Allana said, "Go ahead and kill me. I dare you. If you don't kill me within five seconds, then your buddy Drama King dies and you won't be able to make out with him.
Drama King said, "Help. I'm a boy in distress. Hurry up and kill Allana before she kills me."
Drama King lay on the floor as Allana bent over him. She strangled him with a smile on her face. Drama King is a boy in distress. The only way for Allana to continue living is if Drama King dies. The only way for Drama King to continue living is if Allana is killed before she succeeds in murdering Drama King. Skunk Lord can only save Drama King by killing Allana before she succeeds in strangling him to death. Skunk Lord sent a death ray laser beam from his laser beam wrist watch at Allana's breasts. Allana continued to strangle Drama King. Skunk Lord can only make out with Drama King after he succeeds in killing Allana. Allana has no interest in making out with either Skunk Lord or Drama King. She'll keep trying to strangle Drama King until she dies. Hurry up and kill Allana before it's too late. Skunk Lord sent a death ray laser beam from his laser beam wrist watch at Allana's breasts, but the girl continued to strangle Drama King.
Skunk Lord looked at Drama King and he was inviting enough to make out with. Skunk Lord looked at Allana and he saw a girl who needs to die before it's too late. Allana continued to strangle Drama King as Skunk Lord sent a death ray laser beam to her breasts.Allana was starting to weaken. Don't slack off. Kill her before it's too late.
Skunk Lord watched as Allana dropped her strangulation attack against Drama King. Skunk Lord kicked Allana and watched as she fell backwards to the ground. Allana stopped breathing and she passed away as Skunk Lord raced towards Drama King. Allana legally died as Drama King started to make out with Skunk Lord next to a lifeless cluster of legally dead girls lying next to each other.
Allana Slater is no longer alive. Allana Slater is legally dead.
Birgit Schweigert cried out, "Oh no, you don't get to kill Allana and Alona like that. This murder spree of yours has gone to far. Somebody has to stop you. And the only way I can stop you is to murder you."
Skunk Lord said, "Please, not you too. Don't force me to drive the entire Female Gender to extinction by also killing you too."
Drama King said, "Help! Save me! You can only save me by killing Birgit and making it impossible for the girl to be resurrected."
Skunk Lord said, "But the entire Female Gender will be brought closer towards extinction if I'm forced to kill Birgit."
Birgit said, "Both of you boys are going to die. You can't stop me from doing so by killing me."
Birgit kicked Drama King and she punched him. Skunk Lord looked at Drama King and saw somebody to make out with. Skunk Lord looked at Birgit and saw comptetition who needs to die before she kills Drama King. Birgit is the key to preventing the entire Female Gender from becoming extinct. Killing Birgit makes the extinction of the entire Female Gender impossible to prevent. Hurry up and kill Birgit before it's too late.Skunk Lord said, "I can't kill Birgit. She's too pretty for me to kill."
Drama King said, "Birgit is the key to preventing the World Without Women. The World Without Women can only happen when the entire Female Gender is driven to extinction beyond any hope of revival. Making out with me in the World Without Women can never happen as long as Birgit continues to live."
Birgit said, "Ignore Drama King and make out with me. Help me kill Drama King."
Skunk Lord was tempted by Birgit's beauty. She smiled. He smiled. She kicked Drama King with a smile on her face.
Skunk Lord lovingly kissed Birgit. Birgit lovingly kissed him back. Drama King slumped over on his side. Only Skunk Lord can save him by making out with him. Skunk Lord lovingly kissed Birgit and he felt shame for betraying Drama King by making out with his cometition. The only way to stop his competition is to kill her. Birgit smiled as she lovingly kissed him and he caved in to her beauty. It was a deceptive beauty that can only be stopped by killing her.Birgit kicked Drama King before she lovingly kissed Skunk Lord. Skunk Lord fondled Birgit's breasts before she sent a death ray laser beam from his laser beam wrist watch at her breasts. Birgit winced in pain as she looked at her murderer blankly.
Birgit had one last chance to attack and kill Drama King before she dies. Skunk Lord must kill Birgit before she attacks Drama King again.
Skunk Lord sent a death ray laser beam into Birgit's vagina. Birgit fell face first to the floor as Skunk Lord came racing towards Drama King. Skunk Lord and Drama King made out with each other as Birgit slowly crawled to her feet. Watch out! Birgit still needs to die!
Skunk Lord kicked Birgit in the stomach and she fell backwards before she passed away. Birgit closed her eyes and she stopped breathing. A girl who was once lively and energetic now lay motionless on the floor lifelessly. A crucial key to preventing the extinction of the entire Female Gender has been murdered. Now all hope to prevent the extinction of women everywhere has been destroyed forever. And Skunk Lord was forced to do so because he needed to kill Birgit in self defence before it's too late.
Birgit Schweigert is no longer alive. Birgit is legally dead.
Olga Roschupkina walked towards Emma Williams as she entered the women's locker room.
Olga said, "I need your help for something."
Emma said, "I'm at your disposal. Tell me what I need to do and it's done."
Emma said, "Hold on a second, my throat is parched. Let me first get a drink from the water fountain. Don't worry, I'll be right back."
Olga said, "You better. I'm holding you to it."
Emma walked out of the women's locker room. He followed the girl out of the locker room. He stabbed Emma from behind. He stabbed her from behind five more times.
Olga said, "I need your help for something."
Emma said, "I'm at your disposal. Tell me what I need to do and it's done."
Emma said, "Hold on a second, my throat is parched. Let me first get a drink from the water fountain. Don't worry, I'll be right back."
Olga said, "You better. I'm holding you to it."
Emma walked out of the women's locker room. He followed the girl out of the locker room. He stabbed Emma from behind. He stabbed her from behind five more times.

Emma sank to her knees. She tried to say something, but her throat was filled with blood as he stabbed her from behind. Emma was having a tough time preventing her eyes from closing. She knew that once she closed her eyes, she's dead and she stays dead forever.
Emma found the strength to stand up.
Emma said, "I'm still alive asshole."
He replied, "Not for long young lady."
He stabbed Emma from behind one last time. The girl fell face first to the ground before she closed her eyes and she stopped breathing. The girl stopped moving. The girl is dead.
Emma Williams is no longer alive. Emma is legally dead.
Olga Roschupkina became frustrated that girls who were supposed to help her kept vanishing. So she was relieved when Natalia Sirobaba and Natalia Sirenko entered the women's locker room. Both girls slowly stripped to the bras and panties before slowly slipping into the leotards while being recorded by hidden camera.
Olga said, "Thank Goddess you're here. I need help and girls who were supposed to help me kept vanishing. I need your help right away."
Natalia Sirobaba said, "You got it. What do you need done."
Natalia Sirenko said, "I'll be more than happy to help you out."
Skunk Lord tossed a knife towards Natalia Sirenko. The knife was plunged into her back causing the girl to fall face down to the floor dead. Olga checked for a pulse and found none.
Natalia Sirenko is no longer alive. Natalia is legally dead. Skunk Lord vanished from sight.
Olga Roschupkina faced Natalia Sirobaba.
Olga said, "Our special task can wait. You need to kill that jerk now."
Olga said, "I'm not going to allow Skunk Lord the chance to run around and ruin all my plans. He's going to die now. The only way he can stop us is to kill us both and that's not going to happen tonight. Both of us girls isn't going to die tonight if I have anything to say about it."
Natalia Sirobaba said, "Don't worry Olga, I know we're he's hiding. I'm going to kill him personally myself. We got him cornered. He dies now."
Natalia Sirobaba walked towards his hiding place. He emerged from his hiding place and he stabbed Natalia Sirobaba between her breasts. Natalia winced in pain as she staggered towards his direction. She was about to say something, but no words came out. He stabbed her between her breasts five more times when she didn't die right away.
Natalia fell face first to the ground and she stopped breathing as death claimed the girl. He checked for a pulse and he fond none. Natalia has been defeated.
Natalia Sirobaba is no longer alive. Natalia is legally dead.
Olga Roschupkina watched another girl fall dead in front of her. Olga walked towards him and it was no longer possible for him to allow the girl to escape. Olga dies now.
Olga punched him and he kicked her twice before punching her. He punched her again.
He punched Olga twice, slammed her against the wall and kicked her before punching her twice. He punched her again. Olga punched him and he kicked her twice.
Olga tried to punch him and he blocked her blow. He punched her twice.
He punched Olga again. He punched her five times. Olga tried to punch him and he blocked her blow. He kicked her, punched her five times and kicked her again.
He punched her five times before kicking her.
Olga staggered and it got harder for her to breathe. He punched her five times.
He punched Olga twice. He kicked her. Olga tried to apologize and he kicked her. Olga tried to punch him and he blocked her blow. He kicked her twice.
He kicked her and Olga looked at her murderer with a blank expression on her face.
Olga sank to her knees and it got hard for her to breathe.
Olga didn't lie down to die. She knelt in her knees looking at him blankly.
He kicked Olga and she fell backwards and she died.
Olga Roschupkina is no longer alive. Olga is legally dead.
Irina Yarotska punched him, he kicked her and she punched him. Drama King punched Irina twice and she kicked him twice. He punched Irina, kicked her, she punched him, he punched her, she punched him, he punched her twice before kicking her to the floor.
Irina stood up and he punched her, she punched him and he punched her to the floor. She stood up and he kicked her to the floor.
Irina stood up.
Irina said, "I'm not giving up. I can't afford to give up."
He replied, "It won't do you any good. I'm going to kill you one way or another."
Irina said, "That day won't be today."
He kicked her to the floor and she lay without moving.
Irina stood up and Drama King kicked her twice, she punched him, he punched her, she punched him and he kicked her to the floor. She lay on the floor without moving.
Irina stood up and he kicked her five times. Irina looked at him with a blank expression on her face before she lay down face up. Irina stopped breathing and she died.
Irina Yarotska is no longer alive. Irina is legally dead.
Tatiana Yarosh approached Drama King.
Tatiana said, "It's me turn to attack you."
He replied, "Good luck with your death scene."
Tatiana said, "I'm not planning to die anytime soon. However, you're about to die right now."
He punched Tatiana and she looked at him blankly. He punched her and she punched him and he kicked her five times.
Taitana stopped breathing as she fell face first to the floor and she stopped moving. He checked for a pulse and he found none.
Tatiana Yarosh is no longer alive. Tatiana is legally dead.
Annabelle Hölzer walked forward. Drama King stood in the way. She tried to walk around him and he shifted position to stand in the way.
Annabelle said, "Get the fuck out of my way."
He replied, "You'll need to attack to kill me first. Then I'll stand out of the way."
Annabelle said, "Find, have it your way. Don't say I didn't warn you."
Annabelle kicked and he blocked her attack. He punched her twice before kicking her. She tried to punch him and he blocked her blow. He punched her five times.
Annabelle looked at him blankly as the dying girl started to stagger.
Annabelle said, "This can't be happening. You killed me. You defeated me."
He replied, "It was bound to happen young lady."
Annabelle fell forward in defeat as the dying girl was no longer able to stand up. She lay down in defeat as death slowly started to claim the doomed sexually seductive girl.
Annabelle Hölzer closed her eyes and she died. Annabelle is legally dead.
Katharina Müller, Antonia Lupa and Bianca Heimann stood alongside each other.
Katharina said, "I dare either one of you two girls to attack him next."
Bianca said, "I'm not going to attack him until Antonia attacks him first."
Antonia said, "I'm not going to attack him until Bianca attacks him."
Katharina said, "Well, some girl needs to kick the shit out of that jerk."
Antonia said, "I'd rather be a spectator instead."
Katherina said, "You two girls isn't much fun."
Antonia said, "It's better to be not much fun, but still alive than it be lots of fun and legally dead."
Bianca said, "I agree with that assessment one hundred percent. Why don't you attack him if you feel so strongly about it. Show us girls how it's done."
Katharina said, "Perhaps I'll do it eventually."
Bianca said, "Yeah, that's what I thought."
Melanie Ferber, Heike Gunne and Linnea Schöpfs stood side by side alongside each other. All three girls needs to die one by one until all three girls are legally dead.
Melanie said, "One of us three girls needs to avenge Tatiana Yarosh's death."
Heike said, "Don't look at me. I don't have a death with to get myself killed right now."
Linnea said, "All three of us girls are going to be attacked sooner or later. Why not get it over with."
Heike said, "Ok, I'll attack first, but the rest of you two girls needs to choose which of you two remaining girls gets to be second and which of you two remaining girls gets to be third."
Linnea said, "That won't be necessary because you'll kill him all by yourself."
Heike said, "I wish I had your pessimism."
Melanie said, "Your pessimism is going to doom all three of us girls."
Heike said, "Not escaping when we had a chance is going to doom all three of us girls."
Heike Gunne walked in his direction, but the voluptuous sexually seductive girl failed to find him. There's no doubt that Drama King will be forced to kill Heike if she manages to find him.
Heike said, "Where are you? Come out. Come out. Come out wherever you are."
Drama King prayed that Heike won't walk forward to force him to kill her. Heike walked forward and he may be forced to kill her.
Heike looked at Camilla Ermert. Heike stood in front of him to the right. Camilla stood in front of him to the left. Both girls needs to be killed, but one of the two girls dies now.
Katja Stieler stood behind him. Katja looked at both Heike and Camilla. Drama King spun around and he punched Katja Stieler. Katja Stieler punched him twice and he kicked her. He punched her again. He kicked her and she punched him and he kicked her again. He spun around to punch Camilla twice before spinning around to kick Katja Stieler.
He punched Katja Stieler before kicking her. Katja Stieler punched him twice before he kicked the girl to the ground. Katja Stieler rolled twice before she stopped moving.
Camilla punched him twice and he punched her, she punched him three times and he kicked her before punching her. He punched her again. She punched him, he punched her twice and she punched him five times. He kicked the girl to her knees.
Camilla stood up before she punched him before kicking him and then she punched him again. He kicked the girl and she stood up only to be kicked to the ground again. She stood up and she punched him twice before kicking him. She punched him. She punched him again. She punched twice and she kicked and he punched her in return.
He punched Camilla and she fell face first to the ground. She pressed her breasts and her vagina to the ground before she stopped moving.
Camilla stood up and she punched Drama King causing him to fall. Camilla raced to Katja Stieler.
Camilla asked, "Are you ok?"
Katja Stieler said, "I'll survive, no thanks to that jerk."
Camilla helped Katja Stieler to her feet and the two girls hugged each other tightly---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.
The micro sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine was briefly turned on. Sandra and Yelena ended up kissing each other. The powerful surge of emotion from Yelena kissing Sandra caused both girls to start dying from their own weapon backfired against them both. Katja Stieler slipped out of Camilla's grip and she fell face up to the ground dead. Camilla fell face first on top of Katja Stieler's dead body---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.
Katja Stieler and Camilla Ermert are legally dead.
Alina Binder was dressed in her leotards when she attacked. She punched him. She punched him again. He staggered as she punched him fifteen times. He was about to collapse and she kicked him twice with a wide smile on her face.
Ice Skating Lad said, "Stand back Drama King, I'll handle the girl."
Alina said, "I seriously doubt it, but go ahead anyway."
Alina kicked Ice Skating Lad and he fell. Alina kicked him two more times and he rolled over on in stomach in noticeable pain. Alina smirked as she kicked him a few more times relentlessly. She kicked him five times. Ice Skating Lad tried to stand up and she punched him twice before kicking him back down to the ground.
Ice Skating Lad stood up and he kicked Alina to the ground. She fell face up and lay still and unmoving for a few minutes. She smirked and she stood up.
Alina replied with another smirk, "Sorry asshole, but now it's my turn."
Alina stood up and she kicked Ice Skating Lad to the ground. He fell and stopped moving.
Drama King cried out, "Stop, you're killing him."
Alina said, "And yet, I don't seem to care."
Drama King faced Alina. Drama King said, "You're going to wish you never did that."
Alina said, "Go on and die you jerk. You deserve to die for what you did to us girls."
He replied, "I'm sorry young lady, but you're the one who is about to die."
He kicked Alina and she fell backwards face up and she stopped moving. Alina tried to stand up, but her dying body won't let her. She closed her eyes and stopped breathing. Alina died.
Alina Binder is no longer alive. Alina is legally dead.
Drama King helped Ice Skating Lad to his feet.
Ice Skating Lad said, "Thanks for killing that girl for me. She was difficult to murder."
Drama King said, "Hey, we're in this together."
Michele Hopson punched Ice Skating Lad to the floor before she said, "Actually, you two are in this separately. Sorry to break the news to you in this manner."
Drama King moved to help Ice Skating Lad to his feet again, but Michele stood in the way.
Ice Skating Lad said, "Don't worry about me, just kill her."
Drama King said, "I need to find out if you're alright."
Michele said, "You'll never find out if he's alright as long as I'm alive."
Ice Skating Lad tried to stand up and Michele kicked him to the ground. Drama King tried to punch Michele and she blocked the blow before she punched him twice. Michele kicked Drama King and punched him. Ice Skating Lad tried to stand up and she punched him to the ground again.
Drama King kicked Michele and she fell face up to the ground clearing the way for Drama King to check on Ice Skating Lad.
Michele stood up again and once again stood between Drama King and Ice Skating Lad. Michele punched Drama King, he kicked her, she punched him, she kicked him, he punched her, she punched him twice before kicking him three times and he punched her.
Michele punched Drama King twice before she kicked him to the floor face down.
Ice Skating Lad stood up and he kicked Michele. Michele looked at Ice Skating Lad with a blank expression before she lay face up to the ground.
Michele tried to stand up, but her dying body won't let her. A tear fell from her eyes as she slowly stopped breathing altogether. Michele was dying and nothing can prevent her death.
Michele Hopson is no longer alive. Michele is legally dead.
Ice Skating Lad accidently fell on top of Drama King face down groin on rear end and chest on spine. Two girls watched as both of their murderers felt an extreme rush of emotion.
Drama King helped Ice Skating Lad to his feet.
Ice Skating Lad said, "Thanks for killing that girl for me. She was difficult to murder."
Drama King said, "Hey, we're in this together."
Michele Hopson punched Ice Skating Lad to the floor before she said, "Actually, you two are in this separately. Sorry to break the news to you in this manner."
Drama King moved to help Ice Skating Lad to his feet again, but Michele stood in the way.
Ice Skating Lad said, "Don't worry about me, just kill her."
Drama King said, "I need to find out if you're alright."
Michele said, "You'll never find out if he's alright as long as I'm alive."
Ice Skating Lad tried to stand up and Michele kicked him to the ground. Drama King tried to punch Michele and she blocked the blow before she punched him twice. Michele kicked Drama King and punched him. Ice Skating Lad tried to stand up and she punched him to the ground again.
Drama King kicked Michele and she fell face up to the ground clearing the way for Drama King to check on Ice Skating Lad.
Michele stood up again and once again stood between Drama King and Ice Skating Lad. Michele punched Drama King, he kicked her, she punched him, she kicked him, he punched her, she punched him twice before kicking him three times and he punched her.
Michele punched Drama King twice before she kicked him to the floor face down.
Ice Skating Lad stood up and he kicked Michele. Michele looked at Ice Skating Lad with a blank expression before she lay face up to the ground.
Michele tried to stand up, but her dying body won't let her. A tear fell from her eyes as she slowly stopped breathing altogether. Michele was dying and nothing can prevent her death.
Michele Hopson is no longer alive. Michele is legally dead.
Ice Skating Lad accidently fell on top of Drama King face down groin on rear end and chest on spine. Two girls watched as both of their murderers felt an extreme rush of emotion.
Catharina Lenz and Lisa Straka stood next to each other.
Catharina asked, "Do you want to attack him next?"
Lisa replied, "I don't want to attack him next. You attack him next."
Catharina said, "I don't want to attack him either."
Lisa said, "One of us girls needs to attack him first and one of us girls needs to attack him second."
Catharina said, "Yeah, that's what worries me."
Lisa said, "Perhaps the two of us girls will wait for a while."
Catharina said, "Yeah, that would be a good idea."
Jessica Schiele said, "Well, if you two girls won't attack him, then perhaps I'll attack him instead."
Jessica took Lisa's favorite bracelet and she took Catharina's favorite bracelet too.
Lisa said, "Hey, give me back my jewelry."
Jessica said, "You'll have to retrieve your jewelry from my dead body or die trying if I'm killed."
Catharina said, "Please don't do this to us two girls."
Jessica said, "It's too late. Both of your favorite bracelet are on my wrist. If I'm killed, then you'll need to risk your lives getting your favorite bracelets back."
And off Jessica walked towards her guaranteed murder and death scene.
Jessica Schiele looked at Drama King and Ice Skating Lad as both of them stood up to face the girl. Drama King looked at Jessica. Jessica smiled. Drama King smiled before Ice Skating Lad punched the girl twice and kicked her once. Jessica punched Drama King, Ice Skating Lad kicked her, she punched Drama King, kicked Ice Skating Lad, Drama King punched her and she punched Ice Skating Lad before punching Drama King.
Drama King punched Jessica, she punched Drama King, kicked Ice Skating Lad, punched Drama King and blocked Ice Skating Lad's attempt to punch her. Ice Skating Lad punched her, Drama King punched her, Jessica punched Drama King, Jessica punched Ice Skating Lad before Drama King punched her five times and kicked her once. Ice Skating Lad punched Jessica and she kicked him twice before punching Drama King five times. Drama King punched Jessica before she kicked him.
Jessica punched Drama King, kicked Ice Skating Lad and she punched Drama King before Ice Skating Lad kicked her twice and punched her once. Jessica punched Drama King and Ice Skating Lad kicked her. Jessica punched Drama King and she tried to punch Ice Skating Lad, but he blocked her attack. He punched her twice and kicked her. Ice Skating Lad blocked her attempt to punch him and he kicked her twice.
Jessica fell face first to the ground and she pressed her breasts and vagina on the floor. She tried to stand up, but she no longer had the strength to stand up without slipping back down again.
Jessica was only able to roll over on her back as she slowly continued to die. Drama King and Ice Skating Lad hugged each other as the girl was finally defeated and killed. Jessica stopped breathing before she died altogether.
Jessica Schiele is no longer alive. Jessica is legally dead.
And after Jessica died, then it was Catharina's turn to be attacked and killed. And when Catharina is killed, then it's Lisa's turn to get herself killed. But now, it's time for Catharina to die.
Heike Gunne, Leonie Hörstensmeyer and Anja Brinker stood next to each other. All three girls must die now. Which of the three girls gets to die first?
Heike said, "I guess it's my turn next."
Anja said, "Unless you want me to go first."
Heike said, "It's best if you keep Leonie company."
Leonie said, "I don't mind keeping Heike company."
Anja said, "One of us three girls needs to attack him. I'm going if Heike isn't going to do it."
Heike said, "Don't worry, I'll do it."
Leonie said, "It's better if all three of us girls attack all at once."
Heike said, "You have no need to risk your life. I'll kill him easily."
Leonie said, "You hear that Drama King? Heike is about to kill you."
Anja said, "Perhaps he doesn't understand."
Leonie said, "Oh he understands."
Heike said, "I'm of to kill the jerk."
Heike Gunne walked towards Drama King. He smiled. She smiled. He punched Heike and she kicked him twice before he punched her. He punched her. He punched her twice, she kicked him, she kicked him, she kicked him before she punched him. She punched him seven times before kicking him with a smirk on her face.
Yelena Zamolodchikova and Anna Pavlova...
Sandra Izbasa... the three girls watched Drama King lie down on Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest on spine while Skunk Lord lay down on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine. All three girls giggled as the three guys lay down on top of each other.
Sandra said, "The three Dandilion Girls and the three Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse Serial Killers are evenly matched three to three. One of the three girls must attack alone in order for the guys to outnumber the girls. However, Anna Pavlova is a difficult girl to lure into a failed isolated murder attempt turned fatality."
Anna Pavlova said, "Don't tell him how to kill us. We might have a chance to kill him."
Yelena said, "I certainly hope so. I'm still a teenage girl and I'm too young and too innocent to die."
Anna and Yelena removed their street clothes and they stood in their underwear. They dressed in skin tight leotards right there in the gym. Drama King took Anna's bracelet and he jumped back on top of Skunk Lord.
Anna said, "Hey, what's the big idea. I love that bracelet."
Drama King said, "You must attack and try to kill me alone in order to get it back. I'll destroy the bracelet if Sandra or Yelena helps you out."
Sandra cried out, "Don't do it Anna. It's going to get you murdered."
Anna said, "I can't allow him to take away my favorite bracelet."
Yelena said, "Dear Goddess, another innocent girl is about to die."
Anna walked towards Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad all by herself. Now it's three guys against one girl instead of three guys against three girls. Not it's easy to kill her.Anna bent over next to Drama King without lying down on top of him. She grabbed her bracelet and she walked towards the other girls with a smug smirk on her face.
Anna was about to put her bracelet on when she looked back at Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. She frowned.
Sandra said, "What are you doing? You won. Let's get out of here before he kills you off and leaves Yelena and I vulnerable to a murder attack. They can't kill us girls as long as it's three girls against three girls."
Yelena said, "Don't tell them how to kill us. Are you nuts?"
Anna said, "I should teach them the pleasures of having a girl lying down on top of them."
Anna sat down on a chair and she looked at Drama King lying down on top of Skunk Lord lying down on top of Ice Skating Lad. She didn't rejoin Sandra and Yelena. She didn't attack Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad either. She just sat there and planned her next move.
Anna said, "I need to rest for a few seconds before I join Sandra and Yelena. I hope the Drama King doesn't attack and kill me while I'm resting."
Drama King was so preoccupied with the rush of extreme emotion he got from lying down on top of Skunk Lord who lay down on top of Ice Skating Lad that he wasn't paying attention to what his left foot was doing. He kicked Anna in her vagina as she sat down on a chair. Anna released a groan as she started to black out. She fell off her chair. She found herself on her hands and knees.
Anna found herself lying down on the ground. She tried to stand up. Drama King accidently kicked her in the breasts area and she fell to the ground a second time.
Anna Pavlova closed her eyes and she died. Anna Pavlova is legally dead.
Sandra looked at her murderer with concern. Then with a little bit more confidence, she had a brilliant scheme to kill Drama Lad so that she could lie down on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad and confuse them to death with her feminine wiles.
Drama King didn't want to kill Sandra, but she was making it impossible for him to keep her alive because her feminine beauty was distracting his efforts to lie down on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. And in the end, killing the attractive and likeable Sandra was the only solution.Yet, Sandra left no opening needed to kill her. She was proud and strong in her efforts to advance towards the three Girl Killing, Woman Hating Serial Killers with intent to murder them all.
Sandra looked at Drama King as he tried to stand up, but he was experiencing a rush of strong emotion while lying and wiggling on Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. And if he doesn't kill Sandra, she certainly will kill him. And if Drama King kills her, he'll miss out on the rush of strong emotion he got while lying and wiggling on Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad.
Yelena Zamolodchikova stood to the right of Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. Sandra stood to the left of Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. It was an ambush. If Sandra is killed, then Yelena will be free to kill all three of them. If Yelena is killed, then Sandra will be free to kill all three of them. Yelena and Sandra must be killed simultaneously---But how?
Yelena gave no opening that would let Drama King murder her. Yelena gave no opening that would make it easy to kill Sandra and herself simultaneously. Yelena stood proud and strong as victory was more than certain.
And how Yelena sexually tempted him. Drama King can't kill Yelena because he felt a strong rush of emotion while lying down and wiggling on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. However, he can't allow her to survive either because she's about to kill all three of them.
Yelena said, "You're stuck in a nasty predicament. How will you survive this ordeal?"
Drama King said, "Give me a hint on the best way to kill you."
Yelena asked,"Why would I do a thing like that?"
Sandra said, "I have a the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine in my purse. Since Drama King is close to powerful surge of emotion while lying down and wiggling on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad and can't kill us until that powerful surge of emotion is complete, let's use it to kill all three of them."
Yelena said, "Suppose Drama King tries to get us both in a lesbian pose and kills us before the powerful surge of emotion from lying down on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad is complete. Then both of us are dead and the women's locker room is empty again."
Sandra said, "That's a risk the two of us has to take."Drama King is close to a powerful surge of emotion from lying down and wiggling on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. Yelena and Sandra must die before the powerful surge of emotion from lying down and wiggling on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad is complete. No trace of living feminine wiles must be alive when the powerful surge of emotion from lying down and wiggling on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad is complete. Yelena advance as Sandra pulled out the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine from her purse. Now that the two girls told him how to kill them both, he needs Yelena to walk close enough to perform the killing blow.
Yelena was walking closer to Drama King then Sandra. Therefore, the killing blow must be afflicted against Yelena. Yelena smiled as she walked closer.
Sandra turned on the micro sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine. He used his left foot to press against Yelena's rear end and kicked her towards Sandra. Sandra and Yelena ended up kissing each other. The powerful surge of emotion from Yelena kissing Sandra caused both girls to start dying from their own weapon backfired against them both.
Sandra was the second of the three girls to fall to the ground in defeat. Drama King is close to a powerful surge of emotion---only ten seconds left and both girls must die by the fifth second so that no trace of feminine wiles will be present for the powerful surge of emotion from lying down on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. Sandra obeyed with the requirement when she lay down on the ground and closed her eyes. Sandra Izbasa is legally dead. She lay legally dead face up.
Yelena was the third of the three girls to start dying. She tried to avoid falling down on top of Sandra's dead body vagina on vagina and breasts on breasts. The effort was a lost cause.
Yelena fell to her hands and knees. She tried to stand up, but the powerful surge of emotion from kissing Sandra amplified by the micro sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine was making that impossible. Yelena was dying and she'll never live long enough to see Drama King's powerful surge of emotion from lying down and wiggling on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad.
Yelena fell face down on top of Sandra's dead body breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina. Yelena found it hard to breath as death overtook her.
Yelena tried to stand up one last time, but her arms and legs felt numb. She felt the urge to masturbate, but she found the world going dark seconds before orgasm. The doomed girl's need for masturbation gratification will never be realized. Watching it happen caused Drama King experience a surge of positive emotion as he lay on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad.
It was over. Yelena Zamolodchikova is legally dead. She lay dead on top of Sandra's legally dead body. Drama King felt three separate surges of positive emotion as he lay on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. No feminine wiles were left alive to serve as an interruption. Though the while the ultimate goal was to empty out the women's locker room by killing all the nubile sexually seductive girls inside the women's locker room, there were still some cute sexy voluptuous girls left alive inside the women's locker room. Another girl must die now!
McKayla Maroney was among those girls and she paused for a selfie while she was dressed in leggings and a tee shirt. Keep in mind that she can only die while wearing leotards and undressing and redressing in her leotards will be necessary. McKayla never noticed the hidden camera in the women's locker room as she calmly stood nearby her locker. She was trying to contemplate what her next move will be as her doom slowly came near.

Anna Myzdrikova was just as doomed as McKayla Maroney, but Anna was already dressed in her skin tight leotards. Anna Myzdrikova approached McKayla with a calm and confident expression on her face. Anna wouldn't be so calm and confident if she knew the doom that was awaiting the cute and voluptuous sexually seductive girl.
Anna asked, "Valentina and I are about to practice our gymnastics routines. I thought you were already prepared to join us."
McKayla said, "I will join you. I'm just finishing my texting."
Anna said, "Please hurry. I want you to be there when I finally murder the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse once and for all."
Anna Myzdikova exited the women's locker room calmly before looking directly at Drama King as he slowly stood up. He felt the urge to lovingly kiss her. He found himself punching her in the stomach instead. Anna doubled over in pain.Anna asked, "Why jump to the conclusion that I was about to attack and kill you? Perhaps I was here to practice gymnastics instead."
Drama King said, "I don't want to kill you because you're so cute and sexy. However, I must kill you before you succeed in killing me."
Anna punched Drama King and he fell. She approached him and kicked her foe.
Anna said, "I guess you saw right through me. I guess foreplay is over. We're skipping straight to the fight to the death portion of our time together."
Drama King said, "You should've escaped justice while you had the chance."
Drama King stood up and he punched Anna. She tried to retaliate with a punch, but he dodged the blow. Drama King punched Anna five more times before kicking her three times.
Anna punched Drama King and he fell to the ground. She smiled as Skunk Lord slowly stood up.
Anna punched Skunk Lord five times before kicking him. Skunk Lord fell to the ground as Ice Skating Lad slowly stood up.
Anna said, "One last creep to attack and then I'm done."
Anna watched as Ice Skating Lad tried to climb a rope to the ceiling. She ran towards the vaulting horse and she launched herself in the air.
Anna flew upwards towards the rope while still upside down. Her left hand grabbed the rope. However, the rope can only support either one guy or one girl, but never both. One must die now before the rope breaks.
Ice Skating Lad pried Anna's left hand and her fingers from the rope. Anna fell face upwards to the ground and she slammed on the gym mat with a thud.
Anna Myzdrikova closed her eyes and she died. Drama King and Skunk Lord returned to life seconds after Anna died. Anna Myzdrikova is no longer alive. The doomed cute sexually seductive girl is legally dead. Ice Skating Lad climbed down from the rope.
Valentina Holenkova emerged from the women's locker room. She looked at Drama King. Valentina kicked him four times before punching him once.
Valentina said, "That's for all those innocent girls who didn't need to die. I thought you wanted to improve and become a better person. I guess you're not interested in truly getting started."
Drama King said, "What you think I should become and what I'll truly become are two different things. I can't expect you to understand."
Drama King tried to punch Valentina and she blocked his blow. She punched him twice and kicked him three times before punching him again. Her attempt to strangle him resulted in Drama King punching her five times causing her to double over in pain.Valentina said, "That's for all those innocent girls who didn't need to die. I thought you wanted to improve and become a better person. I guess you're not interested in truly getting started."
Drama King said, "What you think I should become and what I'll truly become are two different things. I can't expect you to understand."
Valentina said, "I actually felt that you jerk."
Drama King said, "That's good. Than I'm getting closer to killing you."
Drama King punched Valentina and she responded by kicking him. She tried to punch him and he blocked the blow. He punched her and she doubled over in pain.
Drama King punched Valentina. He punched her five more times before kicking her. She smiled as she stood up and punched him.
He kicked her in the stomach and she fell to the ground and lay there without moving. It took a while for Valentina to stand up. She frowned as she tried to punch him, but he blocked the blow.
Drama King kicked Valentina and she fell to the ground and lay there without moving. It took longer for the girl to climb to her feet and approach her foe with intent to kill or die in the process.
Valentina punched Drama King twice and kicked him once. Drama King fell to the ground without moving. Skunk Lord kicked Valentina and she fell to the ground without moving. Valentina stood up and she punched Skunk Lord. Skunk Lord kicked her twice and she kicked him back in return.
Valentina said, "You may be good at killing girls, but you'll never get to murder me."
Skunk Lord replied, "Then I should hope that somebody else succeeds in killing you."
Skunk Lord kicked Valentina and she lay without moving. She slowly climbed to her feet with a wobble and she punched him twice before kicking him. Skunk Lord fell without moving.
Ice Skating Lad ran towards the rope connecting to the ceiling and he started to climb it again.
Valentina cried out, "What the fuck? Not again. Fine, let's play that game if that's what you want. This time you will die."
Valentina walked towards the uneven bars which was placed next to the rope. She grabbed the lower bars and swung herself to the upper bars with the intention of grabbing the rope with her right hand.
Ice Skating Lad fell from the rope and onto the upper bar of the uneven bars. The upper bar of the uneven bars can only support either only one girl or one guy, but never both. Somebody needs to die now! Ice Skating Lad stabbed Valentina between her breasts. Valentina looked at her attacker with a blank expression before she fell face first to the gym mat and died.
Valentina Holenkova is no longer alive. Valentina Holenkova is legally dead. Drama King and Skunk Lord returned to life and stood up the exact second that Valentina died.
McKayla Maroney stepped out of the women's locker room still dressed in leggings and a tee shirt.
McKayla Maroney said, "It's just the three of you guys and myself. I'm the last girl alive and breathing inside the women's locker room. The second you kill me off is the moment that the women's locker room becomes empty and deserted."
Drama King said, "Then we shouldn't waste anytime. I'm ready if you're ready."
Skunk Lord said, "I'm sorry you're still alive young lady. I'll let you attack Drama King first before I tangle with you."
Ice Skating Lad said, "I killed the previous two ladies and I'll be happy to murder this young lady too. Maybe I should attack her first."
McKayla said, "Let me get ready first."
McKayla slowly removed her leggings before removing her tee shirt. The doomed nubile sexually seductive girl wore only her skin tight leotard and nothing else.
McKayla said, "Which one of you guys wants to attack and try to murder me first."
Drama King said, "That would be me."
McKayla said, "Of course because you're the one who looks the scariest."
Drama King tried to hug McKayla and she responded by shoving him aside. Drama King tried to hug her a second time and she shoved him aside with greater enthusiasm.Drama King tried to hug her a third time and she walked backwards with a frown on her face.
Drama King said, "Damn it girl, let me hug you."
McKayla replied, "Go to Hell jerk."
McKayla punched Drama King and he doubled over in pain. She punched him twice, kicked him before punching him again. Drama King kicked her and she punched him twice in retaliation.
Drama King punched her and she doubled over n pain. McKayla tried to punch him and he dodged the blow. Drama King punched her before kicking her twice. McKayla doubled over in pain.
McKayla kicked Drama King and he fell to the ground without moving. She smiled as she advanced towards Skunk Lord.
McKayla said, "You shouldn't consider this a confidence booster."
Skunk Lord replied, "I must try to murder you anyway young lady."
McKayla kicked Skunk Lord and he fell to the ground without moving. McKayla turned her attention towards Ice Skating Lad.
McKayla said, "It's your turn asshole."
Ice Skating Lad replied, "Once again, it's my turn to murder a third girl."
Ice Skating Lad tried to climb a rope towards the ceiling.
McKayla said with a frown, "Really, you're going to try that again. Oh all right. Let's do it."
McKayla ran towards the vaulting horse.
And with a leap, she flew towards the vaulting horse."
And with a great push...
...McKayla Moroney flew into the air and towards the rope that Ice Skating Lad was trying to climb up in a failed attempt to escape her.
McKayla Moroney grabbed the rope. However, the rope can only hold one girl or one guy, but not both. One of them must die now! McKayla punched Ice Skating Lad with her left fist while holding on to the rope with her right fist. Ice Skating Lad kicked her in retaliation.
Ice Skating Lad kicked McKayla in the stomach five more times and she lost her grip. McKayla fell backwards towards the gym mat.
McKayla slammed backwards into the gym mate and she closed her eyes and stopped breathing. She tried to stand up, but her body was numb and the world was getting dark. Tears fell from her eyes as she slowly died.
McKayla Maroney is no longer alive. McKayla Maroney is legally dead.
The women's locker room once again was empty. Thirteen sexually seductive Dandilion Girls dressed in skin tight leotards lay scattered legally dead as Drama King felt a powerful surge of emotion from lying down and wiggling on top of Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad. All thirteen intruding Dandilion Girls were legally dead five seconds before the powerful rush of emotion and never had the chance to witness the event.
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