Thursday, January 17, 2013


I was sitting next to somebody while walking down the sidewalk.  The following conversation too place.
DUDE:  Wearing coats when it's cold outside is a form of sexual harassment and rape assault?
ME:  What happens if it's cold outside and the person is only wearing a coat to stay warm?
DUDE:  But I can't see what type of shirt the sexually harassing person is wearing if a coat is worn.  A man accused of being guilty of rape and sexual harassment must make their shirts seen at all times---Even when it's cold outside.  That's the price that must be paid for being an unconvicted sex crime offender.
ME:  That makes no sence.  A winter coat must be worn by everybody when it's cold outside.  The fact that a coat is worn by an unconvicted sex crime offender shouldn't result in the sex crime offender freezing without a Winter coat on Winter.
The Dude was obviously not listening to me, so I walked  ahead of him until he was a distant dot far behind me in the long sidewalk of life.  Of course, there's always the chance that the zipper was flimsy and broke off on it's own.  Yeah, it's possible for a coat's ability to zipper up and back down again may have been due to a flimsey easy to break off on it's own type of zipper.
And as I'm lost in thought about sex crime offenders freezing to death on a freezing cold Winter day without a Winter coat, here are some photos of film actress Ashley Greene.

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