Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Oh yeah, the producers and the writers for the televisions series has been hinting that somebody crucial to the recurring cast of characters for the television show Revenge stretching as far back as the first season will be getting killed in a permenent irreversable manner. The producers and the writers of the television show Revenge has been cagey about who the murdered victim is. And now we know. The fictional character named Satoshi Takeda (Played by Hiroyuki Sanada) from Season One, Episode Nine entitled Suspicion is dead. Satoshi Takeda was Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne Chinese born ninja mentor who was supposed to be helping her murder the entire Grayson family, but instead turned out to be a pawn of the Grayson family in manipulating Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorn into taking out minions of the Grayson Family that isn't performing up to par as the Grayson Family cleaner. And it's possible that Aiden was the killer who murdered Satoshi Takeda. Or something complicated along those lines. So let's all pause for a moment of silence for the death of the fictional character Satoshi Takeda who's brief nine episode recurring guest star tenure ended with his surprise death. What? You actually thought that a series regular cast member who's protected by the life and death prime directive was going to take the bullet instead? Come on, this is television. Nothing like that ever happens on television. It's only the recurring guest stars who gets bumped off. And now Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne needs to spend the entire third season trying to solve the mystery of the late Satoshi Takeda's Infinity Box before she can begin to kill off members of the Grayson Family. Always keep in mind that Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne solving the riddle of the Infinity Box is more important than actually starting the quest for revenge against the entire Grayson Family. To say that Amanda Clarke aka Emily Thorne has a nasty habit of procrastination is an understatement.
And as I'm lost in thought about television shows filled with make believe fictional characters that isn't connected to reality, here are some photos of Emily VanCamp hanging out with Joshua Bowman (Who plays Daniel Grayson aka the supposed to be first Grayson Family to drop dead) who's going steady with Emily VanCamp for real as well as fictionally.  It's must be rough on Joshua Bowman to be reminded that he's on a television show that requires him to be castrated and killed by his future wife Emily VanCamp and the television shows refuses to let him do anything about it except enjoy the humiliation (And get paid to do so too).


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