Monday, May 6, 2013


It's currently afternoon, but it's going to be evening soon.  It's daylight now, but the darkness of night will soon arrive.  I've eaten lunch a few hours ago, but soon I'll be eating dinner.  Time continues to move forward regardless of my state of preparation.  I brushed and gave a shampoo to both of  the pet dogs Furby the Furball and Elaina Baina.  I spent some time cleaning my bedroom in my Mom's house.  I'm not always the best student when learning to function without clutter.  Materialism can get the best of us.  And though I sometimes fall short of perfection, I'm always striving to be a better person.  I'm not perfect nor am I invincible.  And in the end, I'm just an ordinary human being trying to survive day by day to the best of his ability.
And as I'm lost in thought under the bright blue sky, here are some photos of Chloë Grace Moretz.

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