Sunday, May 5, 2013


It's almost midnight Gentle Reader.  I'm just counting down the hour, minutes and seconds before midnight truly strikes.  Once again, the Gentle Reader and I are close to the period of time that lies between late at night and early morning.  It's the portion of early morning when most people are asleep and the world seems to be resting (Except for New York City which never goes to sleep unless it's being attacked by a hurricane).  And with no hurricanes, tornados or tropical storms in the nearby future, the world appears to be calm and at peace.  The world will wake up again when the clock moves closer towards the middle portion of the morning hours.  But until that happens, the world appears to be resting and everything appears to be at peace. 
And as I'm lost in thought under the moon and the stars, here are some photos of Winona Ryder.

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