Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I never succeeded in learning musical notes.  Well, part of the blame falls on me.   I never took singing lessons when singing lessons was available.  I never took guitar playing lessons when guitar lessons was available.  I never took the time to learn to read musical notes.  Well, I never bothered to make the effort to start learning to read musical notes.  I guess I could manage to be an expert in reading musical notes if I made the effort, but no effort was made.  It's foolish of me to think of myself as the worlds greatest musician if I never took singing lessons seriously, never took guitar playing lessons seriously and never took the time to read musical notes.  Just like it's foolish for somebody to claim to be the worlds greatest politician if such a person never took the time to learn how to debate properly.  And at the age of forty-five, it may be too late to start a career in music (If such an option was ever realistic in the first place).  However, if somebody wants to hear me play the most basic songs off key while being sung off key, my non-existant guitar and myself will be available for karoke bars everywhere.  Or maybe, I'll just play air guitar at home, in private, a tiny bit longer.  Creative writing has always been my primary strength.
And as I'm lost in thought while thinking about philosophy, here are some photos of  Chloë Grace Moretz

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