Monday, June 3, 2013


Shay Mitchell never missed a chance to bully the Bullied girl in the locker room of the indoor swimming pool.  And today was no different.  It didn't matter what pain Shay Mitchell caused the Bullied girl that she bullied mercilessly.  Shay never asked for the name of the Bullied Girl that she kept bullying so harshly that the Bullied Girl started to suffer from post tramatic stress disorder.  And when it looked as if the Bullied Girl might actually get asked out on a date, Shay Mitchell insisted on ruining whatever happiness that moment might bring.  And Shay did so with a smile on her face and a dance in her step.
 Please don't bully me anymore," Said the Bullied Girl.
Shay replied, "I'll do whatever I damn please."
The Bullied Girl said, "I know that I'm not as athletic as you are, but I can still hurt you where it counts the most."
Shay said, "I honestly don't think that you could do anything beyond being arrested by the SWAT squad, getting kicked out of the house or getting committed to a lunatic asylum."
 That was the last mistake Shay Mitchell will ever make.  The Bullied Girl just snapped like a twig and started to attack Shay Mitchell in the scariest sort of manner.  But hey, look at it this way, somebody might reward the Bullied Girl with a film deal as a reward for attacking Shay Mitchell in such a horrific manner.
 The Bullied Girl never checked for a pulse.  She faked compassion and horrified anguish like everybody else in the indoor swimming pool area was doing.  And the Bullied Girl danced with joy in private.  Shay Michell isn't going to bully her anymore.
And the Bullied Girl walked home with the knowledge that her day was starting to get better.
Meanwhile, at Lucy Kate Hale's house, there was an electricity blackout.  Troian Bellisario looked at her cell phone as she tried to telephone the electric company.  She talked to a representative of the electric company for a few minutes.  She hung up and looked at Ashley Benson to her right and Lucy Kate Hale to her left. 
Lucy Kate asked, "So what's going on?"
Troian said, "There's nothing wrong with the electricity company."
Ashley said, "So somebody cut the electricity to this house?"
 Troian said, "It looks like it.  Or perhaps there's something wrong with the circuit breakers."
Ashley said, "I should check the circuit breaker."
Lucy Kate said, "Hey, this is my house.  I should check the circuit breakers."
The electricity went back on.  There was a knock on the door.  Ashley Benson walked towards the door while Lucy Kate checked the circuit breakers while Troian bent over to pick up her bracelette that fell off her wrist.  Lucy Kate returned to face Troian. 
Lucy Kate said, "There's nothing wrong with the circuit breakers."
Ashley returne carrying a bird cage with a Creepy Looking Bird inside.  Lucy Kate Hale, Ashley Benson and Troian Bellisario (The half Caucasian and half African-American daughter of legendary television show producer Donald Bellisario (The father is Caucasian and the mother is African) looked at a Creepy Looking Bird that the Bullied Girl left on the doorstep of Lucy Kate Hale's house.
Lucy asked, "What the fuck are we going to do with that Creepy Looking Bird?"
Troian replied, "We should keep the creature."
Ashley said, "Are you crazy?  Why should we keep that Creepy Looking Bird.  That bird looks as if it's about to go homicidal against the three of us."  Ashley picked up the bird cage as she walked towards Troian and Lucy Kate.  Ashley said, "I think we should cook the bird into a form of pie and serve the dead bird pie to the Bullied Girl.  We'll watch the Bullied Girl dissolve into tears when she learns what we did to her pet bird."
Troian said, "That's a pretty good idea.  We should kill that bird and bake it in a pie."
Lucy Kate asked, "Do we know how to cook a dead bird into a pie."
Troian said, "There should be instructions and recipe on the Internet.  We'll just search for the necessary information on google."
And so Ashley opened the bird cage to prepare to kill it.  The Creepy Looking Bird escaped from the cage.  Ashley folded her arms across her chest as she looked at Troian standing to the left of her and then Lucy Kate who stood to the right of her.  Both Troian and Lucy Kate also had their arms folded across their chest too.  All three girls were both frustrated and exasperated.  They wasn't accustomed to having such rotten bad luck suddenly happening to her.  It's as if the Creepy Looking Bird was planning and anticipating the cage to be opened.  But could the Creepy Looking Bird survive all three girls attacking it one by one?
Troian said, "Great.  Now what should we do."
Lucy Kate said, "We must find that Creepy Looking Bird and kill it and hope it doesn't kill all three of us first."
Ashley said, "I didn't think that Creepy Looking Bird would fly out of it's cage that quickly."
Lucy Kate said, "That's ok, that Creepy Looking Bird will be dead sooner rather than later."
Troian looked to her right and saw the Creepy Looking Bird fly to the room to the right of the kitchen of Lucy Kate's house.  And not checking to see of the other two girls were following, she proceeded to chase the Creepy Looking Bird with intent of killing it, cooking it and serving it to the Bullied Girl as her meal.  The Creepy Looking Bird continued to fly frantically as Troian chased after it with a very sharp knife and a smirk on her face.  Her lipstick sparkled in the daylight.  Troian cornered the Creepy Looking Bird and was about to plunge her knife to kill it with happiness and glee.  The Creepy Looking Bird wasn't sure if it could escape Troian's clever deathtrap against it.
As she carried the cage in her left hand, Ashley Benson raced back to the living room with Lucy Hale standing to Ashley's left.  Ashley placed the cage on a nearby table.  The Creepy Looking Bird flew back into it's cage.  Troian stood with her back turned to the Creepy Looking Bird as she faced Lucy Kate standing to her left and Ashley standing to her right.
Troian said, "Well, that' settles that problem.  We showed that damn bird who's boss around here."
Lucy Kate, "I hate to spoil your optimism, but that damn bird is still alive."
Ashley said, "I'll kill that damn bird if Troian isn't able to do it."
Troian said, "Oh no, I'll kill that damn bird all right."
Lucy said, "Pardon me ladies, but did anybody close the bird cage."
Ashley said, "I didn't close the bird cage."
Troian said, "I didn't close the bird cage either.  Is it important to close the bird cage if we're only going to kill the bird?"
The Creepy Looking Bird flew out of it's cage with the aim of aiming it's sharp bird beak directly at the back of Troian's neck.  Failure to succeed could give Troian the chance to kill it.
This story will be continued tomorrow....

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