Wednesday, June 5, 2013


And so it's night again. Day has gone away, but will return a few hours from now. Right now, it's time for the moon and the stars to shine. Actually, the moon doesn't produce any light, but rather is illuminated mostly by the sun (Which itself is a star too).   And I know that it's hard to believe that the world is round, because it feels flat to me.  And I know it's hard to believe that the Earth revolves around the sun because it feels as if the Earth is the center of everything.  However, the truth is that Earth is the most ridiculously off center celestial body in the universe.  Earth isn't in the center of the solar system---The Sun is.  Earth isn't in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy---Something else nobody knows the existence of which is the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.  Us humans think of ourselves as being so great, yet we're dwarfed by a huge Universe that we don't even have the technology to properly travel across.  We can't even reach the next door neighbor planet Mars without getting sick and dying of intense radiation poisoning.  It's humbling how unimportant Earth really is in the grand design of the actual Universe and all the celestial bodies contained within.
And as I'm lost in thought under the moon and the stars, here are some photos of Tara Reid.

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