And this is where we shall begin with photos of Jennifer Aniston. One of Jennifer Aniston's biggest claim to fame is that she's the second generation Hollywood royalty daughter of professional super-villain soap opera actor John Aniston who played Martin Tourneur on the daytime soap opera SEARCH FOR TOMORROW and Victor Kiriakis on the daytime soap opera DAYS OF OUR LIVES. Jennifer Aniston also did a long string of romantic comedies plus the innovative ground breaking sitcom series FRIENDS. The impact that FRIENDS had on the sitcom industry is still being felt to this very moment.
As for me, I'm still unemployed. It's fun to watch movies and television shows as a distraction from the difficulties of life. Watching movies and television shows doesn't solve unemployment. I still need to fill out job application forms. Employment isn't going to magically appear from thin air just because I'm nice and deserve to be employed. I need to roll up my sleeves and keep filling out job application forms until I find employment again. Yes, it's possible for an unemployed person to become employed again. You need to have faith in yourself and you need to have faith in GOD. Good things happen to those who are pure in heart.